If you had the chance to go back in time, have full creative control over the Thor movies, what would you do?

If you had the chance to go back in time, have full creative control over the Thor movies, what would you do? As a whole the series as it is never found the right mix between fantasy/scifi, and our protagonist perpetually became more of an oaf. In fact the best thing you can really say about the franchise is that it had some cool visuals

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  1. 2 years ago

    >and our protagonist perpetually became more of an oaf.
    I can see you clearly care more about pushing a narrative you heard from your favorite youtuber rather than looking at what happens in the actual movies.
    Thor becomes smarter and more of a team player/strategist throughout the three movies.
    >inb4 but muh fat Thor
    First of all, not a Thor movie. Second, his entire fricking family and home got slaughtered. Sorry for not being able to magically pick himself back up together after that.

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      For a guy thousands of years old, he's sort of an idiot. That and Valkyrie was frequently shown to be more competent

      • 2 years ago

        >That and Valkyrie was frequently shown to be more competent
        someone just watched rightwing youtube reviews instead of the movies or is projecting real hard

    • 2 years ago

      All that rage, yikes. I guess the shilling isn't going well, it must be frustrating for you. Job security is a hell of a thing to lose.

  2. 2 years ago

    More of whatever Thor was in Infinity War, fricking awesome.

    • 2 years ago

      Make it Conan in space

      • 2 years ago

        Marvel's Thor isn't guttural, crude and barbaric

  3. 2 years ago

    How about not having him go through the same fricking arc 4 times in a row.

    • 2 years ago

      Seriously how many fricking times can this guy go on a quest to find himself?

  4. 2 years ago

    No Aaron adaption.
    No Jane Foster.
    No Heimdall's kid.
    No Waititi.
    No Thompson.

  5. 2 years ago

    I would take the Branagh approach, but make it more accurate to the comics.

    As Thor would be turned into Donald Blake and slowly regain his memory of Thor. Loki would go full evil and never look back after he does so. Jane would be a nurse and no a physicist. Thor 2 would be more like his arc in EMH along merged with the Tales of Asgard movie. No race swaps. The Warriors Three would be more heavily featured and Volstagg's fatsuit would be fatter. Amora and Skurge would working under Loki to overthrow Odin and Help would be Loki's daughter who is neutral but finds herself fighting everyone. Surtur would be important too. The people of Asgard would speak in a dialect that mimics Shakespeare's dialogue. Thor would be clean-shaven and wear his helmet. He would have a love triangle between Jane and Sif.

    • 2 years ago

      >Thor would be clean-shaven and wear his helmet
      I don't understand why they don't do the first part when he shaves when he's not doing the part IRL.

    • 2 years ago

      I like this. But to be honest there's little about the first film I would change.

    • 2 years ago

      I wish we had gotten him as Donald Blake.

      • 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      Exactly how it should have been done. So simple.

  6. 2 years ago

    I would make a clear distinction between pre exile Thor and post exile Thor. Pre exile Thor would have destroyed the entire planet and race of the Ice Giants in a rage, and from there was cast to earth to learn humility where he would live as a blue collar construction worker who didn't remember who he was. He would then learn how to be the defender and protector of humanity and the earth from there.

    • 2 years ago

      The first movie would obviously be the Wrecking Crew, then Thor in Hel with the Executioner in a Mad Max style movie with goat drawn chariots, then the third movie would be Beta Ray Bill and Thor against Surtur

  7. 2 years ago

    I would not make it and kill Feige thus ending woke capeshit

  8. 2 years ago

    >If you had the chance to go back in time, have full creative control over the Thor movies, what would you do?
    Not let that stupid homosexual cut his hair.

  9. 2 years ago

    Black Heimdall was the start of everything wrong, so I'd start by taking out whoever made that casting decision. Also Taika

  10. 2 years ago

    I'd probably just skip Thor entirely and add in Ant Man and Wasp from day one instead.

    • 2 years ago

      >Ant Man
      which one

      • 2 years ago

        I don't know. I kind of want to know what Edgar Wright's movie would've ended up like but at the same time a more Hank centric story would be more comics accurate. Maybe do Hank as the phase one movie, and then his after credit's scene is Scott breaking in to steal the suit? Then Ant Man 2 would be one of Hank's old villain's resurfacing.
        I do like the Hank/Scott dynamic. It's very Batman Beyond.

  11. 2 years ago

    I'd deliberately bungle them even worse, to make the Mouse lose money.

  12. 2 years ago

    Here we go

    Movie 1
    >The initial setup is similar. Thor’s actions with the Frost Giants causes Odin to interfere, which leads him to banishing Thor.
    >When Thor gets to earth, he’s crippled and weak. He still maintains an arrogant attitude at first, but is beaten down by a group of thugs who Thor manages to fend off with his skills, but still is injured.
    >Thor is found on the street by paramedic Jane Foster, and the group of thugs are arrested by the police.
    >Thor realizes that no one believes him, but he convinces Jane to take him to find Mjolnir. However, when he finds it, he fails to lift it. SHIELD takes Thor into custody, convinced that he knows something about the hammer.
    >Meanwhile, it turns out Loki purposefully encouraged Thor to fight the Frost Giants, and is planning to take over once Odin goes into odinsleep mode. Loki isn’t a Frost Giant, just tired of being considered the family weakling and overlooked for not being as strong as Thor.
    >Loki realized that Thor is alive, and steals an ancient artifact that can empower an object that will make that person super strong.
    >Loki gives the artifact to the thugs from earlier, and they choose their weapons based on previously being construction workers. Enter the Wrecking Crew.
    >Sif and the Warriors Three figure out Loki’s plan and go to earth to find Thor.
    >The Wrecking Crew breaks into SHIELD’s base and starts killing everyone there. Sif and the Warriors Three put up a fight, but it isn’t enough, and the Crew takes them down. Hawkeye still gets his cameo by leading them away from civilian personnel, but is ordered to retreat.
    >Thor, crippled and weak, confronts the Crew, and is willing to die to give the surviving agents (and Jane) time to flee.
    >This makes Thor again worthy, and his power is restored. Thor has a massive showdown with the Wrecking Crew, and managed to win.
    >Thor confronts Loki, who reveals his pure hatred for Thor, then escapes through the rainbow bridge.

    • 2 years ago

      Movie would end with Thor confessing his love for Jane, then going home.

      Movie 2 would be about Ulik and the Trolls breaking Loki out of Asgardian prison after Avengers 1. Ulik convinces Loki to use his magic to resurrect Mangog, a being made of billions of souls that were spayed by previous Asgardian soldiers. Ulik pledges his loyalty to Mangog, but Loki tries to control him instead, and is all but killed. Loki manages to escape, and hoping his enemies kill each other, warns Thor. Thor and his friends fight to stop Mangog from destroying Asgard, but Mangog overpowers them all and drains Odin’s energy. Eventually Loki joins and apparently sacrifices himself to leave an opening for Thor, who destroys Mangog and imprisons Ulik. I would have Ulik as a member of the Masters of Evil in Avengers 2 (with Zemo, Firepower, Abomination, Crossbones, and Swordsman)

      Movie 3 would be all about the coming of Surtur. Surtur’s coming means Ragnarok has arrived, and Surtur has awakened to make sure it happens. Surtur has his fire demons capture Loki, who he makes into his general and increases his power.
      Loki and the fire demons overtake Asgard, and Thor is sent to earth by Odin to save him. Thor meets with SHIELD to try and go back, but earth becomes a target of the demons as well. Eventually Loki decides that he wants to rule Asgard, not destroy it, and joins Thor. Odin, Thor, and Loki all join together with the Warriors Three and Sif to fight off Surtur. Sherry is immortal, but they manage to trick Surtur into being stuck in the Rainbow Bridge. But to ensure his defeat, they destroy the bridge and all ties to the other worlds.

    • 2 years ago

      Movie 4 would have Thor kidnapped by the High Evolutionary, and kept on Transia with other alien species that are used in experiments to advance his New Men. There he meets Beta Ray Bill, a creature who at first thinks Thor is working with HE, then allies with him to escape. HE is very unfeeling and cold, but his only goal is to advance his creations. Mongoose, one of his top New-Men, plans to overthrow him.
      Eventually by using Bill and Thor’s DNA, HE creates Man Beast, a creature of unparalleled strength. Mongoose sabotages the part of the experiment where HE would rewrite Man Beast’s brainwaves, and it goes on a rampage and damages HE.
      >Thor saves HE, and fights off Man-Beast while Bill fights Mongoose. Thor is no match for Man-Beast and begins to lose the fight, but the New-Men join and help Thor after seeing him save their “father”. Once Man-Beast is defeated, Bill manages to wield Mjolnir and take out Mongoose.
      >HE, owing Thor his life, agrees to never abduct another creature again. Thor returns to Asgard, and Bill decides to stay with his new friend (as his planet is destroyed).

      • 2 years ago

        You're over complicating it. It should just be Thor in exile finding himself and fighting the Wrecking Crew, then Thor being thrown into Hel and fighting his way out, then Thor teaming up with Beta Ray Bill and going into space. Simple as.

  13. 2 years ago

    I like Thor 1 as is except replace the casket of ancient winters with something else. Maybe get rid of Natalie Portman and Kat Dennings can be Jane. Make the Warriors 3 more prominent so that audiences like them, remember them, and want to see them.

    Thor 2 should be a movie about a comic accurate Malekith and involve the casket of ancient winters more thoroughly (thor-oughly). Maybe include the Aether somewhere to include Jane, maybe as a way to include her helping Thor in the final battle. possibly the catalyst for her cancer later.

    Thor 3 would largely include a lot of the same character arc stuff. Odin dying, "Asgard is where the people stand" "Are you the god of hammers?" shit like that, but instead of Hela, use the Enchantress and a faithful Executioner. Use the Planet Hulk stuff to introduce Beta Ray Bill maybe?

    Thor 4 should be Gorr releasing the Mangog and the 2 working together to kill all gods. I primarily like the Jane stuff when she first appears in the real movie, just treat their romance and the weight of her cancer seriously and it should be fine.

  14. 2 years ago

    Three words, three Oscars - Miles Morales Thor

  15. 2 years ago

    I would include Charlize Theron as Enchantress while it was still possible to have a powerful, blonde, sexy woman embrace her femininity and sexualised rape powers on screen

  16. 2 years ago

    Keep Thor (2011) basically the same but less plasticy outfit for Thor & a longer fight with the Destroyer.

    Thor 2 is Thor taking Jane on a cosmic tour to document the 9 realms & have Malekith stalking them as they go for revenge. Show longer flashbacks to Bor & Malekith's war in the past. Give Malekith a much more faithful design. Have Sif & the Warriors 3 on a quest to find the either to keep Malekith from getting it. No Kat Dennings or any of the crappy earth bound humor.

  17. 2 years ago


    > Opens with Loki ruling Asgard, we get to see some inter workings & his political manipulations. Some narration from him, he is at peace feeling this is his redemption. Valkyrie is the only person suspicious of fake Odin. Loki is good friends with Skurge who was Bor's executioner but has since renounced killing.
    > Loki discovers a sub vault beneath Odin's treasure room that is guarded by another Destroyer who will not even allow Odin to pass. He tries to let it go but his curiosity & mischief craving side gets the better of him and he sneaks in and discovers a magically imprisoned Hela. Loki demands to know who she is and she shows him flashbacks of her & Odin's conquest. She switches to show him Odin on earth in Norway where Loki left him. She connects their minds & Loki realizes Odin is dying, Odin says he forgives him for both the past and what is about to be unleashed because of him before dying. The magic imprisoning Hela fades out of existence.
    > Hela easily takes out the Destroyer & slaughters the royal guards.
    > Skurge has the chance to use the Frost Giant's cube against Hela but he can't bring himself to do it & surrenders.
    > Switch to Thor & the Warriors 3 bonding during a raid on Sakaar believing that the Grandmaster might know who is seeking the Infinity Stones.
    > The Grandmaster traps them in the arena, disables Mjolnir & unleashes the Hulk upon them.
    > It ends basically in a tie between Thor & Hulk.
    > Loki & Himedall use the Bifrost to transport them to Asgard.

    See next part...

    • 2 years ago

      It's extremely homosexual and boring to just remix the already done stories, come up with your own

    • 2 years ago


      > Thor & Hulk both injured from their fight take on Hela immediately & get decimated. Mjolnir is destroyed. But everyone manages to escape Hela's grasp besides Himedall who Hela blinds but keeps alive to keep the Bifrost working.
      > They hook up with Valkyrie who we get flashbacks to her facing Hela before and also her first meeting Odin & getting entrusted to be a Valkyrie & ferry the dead to Valhalla/Hel (taken straight from secret avengers #14).
      > Fed up with Asgard's unwillingness to be enslaved Hela unleashes her Zombie army to slaughter the entire kingdom.
      > Thor, Hulk, Valkyrie, The Warriors 3 & Loki lead a massive army of the remaining Asgardians against Hela & her zombies, Lord of the rings/Aquaman style.
      > The general armies seem evenly matched but Hela is kicking Thor & his immediate team's asses until Thor goes full lightning god.
      > Loki sneaks back into the Vault after freeing Skurge, Skurge dies guns blazing to save Loki and buy him time to unleash Surtur with the eternal flame.
      > While Hela & Surtur are battling. Thor gets everyone onto a large ancient space ship that was a gift from Odin to Frigga.
      > Thor returns alone to face Hela & Surtur in the ruins of Asgard and he summons a monumental cosmic storm and destroys all of Asgard and both the villains with the lorn bolt.
      > The Asgardian ship picks up Thor and things leave off like they did in the actual film leading into Infinity War as we got it

      • 2 years ago

        For real, what would want to see entirely outside of the scope of the MCU?

  18. 2 years ago

    The first three Thor movies will focus on Thor Loki and Odin.
    Thor 1 will largely be the same but add in some more Jack Kirby aesthetic.

    Thor 2 and 3 will be Walt Simonson's Surtur saga/in general.

    Thor 2 is the biggest head scarcher for me, but it will focus on Asgard characters. Siff, The Warriors Three, etc, and Beta Ray Bill. Enchantress and Skurge may be the main villains, though it is basically there to make Skurge's death have a little more weight to it in 3.

    Thor 3 is Surtur proper leading to pic related.

    Thor 4 is... basically JMS' run.

  19. 2 years ago

    Post Endgame had Boseman not died...

    Thor & Black Panther
    > Directed by the Russo Brothers
    > Similar in tone to the previous Russo brothers Mcu movies.
    > Thor is back in shape, keeps the Endgame viking beard but shaves his head like Ragnarok/IW.
    > Wakanda extends a invitation to the Asgardian refugees to trade technology & resources in a effort to help build up the Asgardian's new settlement from the mere fishing town we saw in Endgame.
    > Valkyrie works with Nakia to aid surrounding African countries and witnesses the grim reality of earthly slavery compared to the more glamorized version of it she participated in on Sakaar & begins feeling deep guilt.
    > African &/or Egyptian Gods take offense to Foreign deities being in Africa and wage war on both Wakanda & the visiting Asgardians.

  20. 2 years ago

    None of you are recognizing the main problems in Thors character in Marvel. He needs to have a clear and definitive transition between his life when he became unworthy and when he became worthy again. He needs to have a clear brutal and cruel moment as a God and he needs to be punished for it by living as a human.

    It's clear to me that Thor needs to be exiled and live as an average construction worker and fight the Wrecking Crew to ignite his memory, then be thrown into Hel, and then be thrown into space with Beta Ray Bill

    • 2 years ago

      jesus, this'd be what, the fifth time he's been exiled from Asgard?

      • 2 years ago

        That's the key aspect of Thor. That's his version of being a vigilante that's at odds with the police for Batman. He's a vigilante for earth against Asgard

      • 2 years ago

        He needs to be exiled for something serious like destroying an entire planet and race in his rage

        • 2 years ago

          I reckon it would be too out of character of him to do that as presented by you. Maybe he fights someone powerful so long and hard he wipes out an entire solar system, not caring about collateral damage after a while, which is anathema to the things he's supposed to have learned about precious mortal life against boisterous calamities. Or something. IDK I don't think this can be written smoothly into his continuity, we had enough consecutive "this hot new fad will change Thor forever in ways nothing ever before has!!!" bullshit between Aaron and Cates

          That's the key aspect of Thor. That's his version of being a vigilante that's at odds with the police for Batman. He's a vigilante for earth against Asgard

          That's only a half accurate assessment; he's often at odds with Odin himself for not being a good prince, or because Odin sometimes behaves like a neurotic douchebag

          • 2 years ago

            No, you truly don't get it. Thor NEEDS to have a terrible and cruel moment in order to justify his exile and the worthiness enchantment on his hammer, and he needs to be completely different in those two before and after personas

            • 2 years ago

              Thor isn't capable of that. He's not Elric of Melniboné or the God-Emperor of Mankind. And you know some awful writer would retcon it so Mephisto or whomever he pleases was actually mind controlling/influencing Thor all along!

              • 2 years ago

                He doesn't have to be, he just has to he a cruel warlord and then redeem himself by defending humanity

      • 2 years ago

        The exile is literally his origin story, his spiderbite or dead parents

        • 2 years ago

          that has very little to do with the content of my post

          • 2 years ago

            It has everything to do with your post. Thors exile is the core of his character

            • 2 years ago

              Thor's initial exile. Redoing the origin story of a character repeatedly throughout their lifespan is a baffling notion. Imagine if Uncle Ben was revived 4 times and killed 4 times. This principle is especially true for someone like Thor, for whom centuries are years.

              He doesn't have to be, he just has to he a cruel warlord and then redeem himself by defending humanity

              I'll have to disagree with you once again. Seems like too vast a leap in his character, but if Marvel has a Crisis type event and revamps the setting, I'd be open to something like that. But only if he's a ginger!

  21. 2 years ago

    >make Thor 2 good
    >tease Necrosword early

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