if you think about it there kinda a shit line up for a team, especially as the biggest superhero team out of all the super hero teams.

if you think about it there kinda a shit line up for a team, especially as the biggest superhero team out of all the super hero teams. you got one dude who's really strong, a woman who's really strong, another dude who's really strong only he can swim good too, a dude without powers who's got a computers, a computer, a fast dude, and a dude who can make whatever he wants out of hard light. only flash and green lantern have interesting powers. the rest are eh. and i have no idea why hawkman was ever a part of the founding members since he's again just another strong dude who can fly. boring! marvel's avengers is also kind boring. you have a strong dude, a strong dude with a shield, a strong dude with a hammer, and dude who doesn't even power just a cool suit.

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  1. 11 months ago

    Irony much?

    • 11 months ago

      what do you mean?

  2. 11 months ago

    Hawkman is a founding member of the Justice Society, not the Justice League. The missing founding member of the League is Martian Manhunter.

    • 11 months ago

      And btw the issue with the JLA is that conceptually it's not a team book; it's a crossover one. Every member had their own book and did their own thing, and editorial decided to put them all together for a big event, then it stuck.

      • 11 months ago

        >editorial decided to put them all together for a big event, then it stuck.
        This isn’t remotely true. Why do people say things like this?

        • 11 months ago

          It's literally the point of the JLA, to have all those heroes you've read about doing shit together. The concept diluted due to the shared world idea growing over time but that's the gist of it

          • 11 months ago

            You said they were mashed together for an event. That is flatly untrue. Stop talking about comics history you fricking newbie.

            >She isn't the best at anything besides magical lore
            she is the third, zatanna and mister fate surpass her in that field.

            I didn’t say she was best at anything besides being a woman and I would never say she was magical because she wasn’t until fairly recently when Jack writers decided Greek myths are magic.

            Also there’s no reason to mention zatanna or fate. They aren’t in the original 7 or the new 52 O7. His name is doctor fate by the way.

  3. 11 months ago

    It's a solid lineup but they have no magic but Shazam was put on the team a little later. Most anons have a problem with Cyborg replacing J'onn but he was on the Authority team and already took on the team by himself. My problem with Cyborg was that they didn't give him anything to do while making him more and more powerful. He hasn't been on the team in almost a decade and anons are still acting like he's still on it.

  4. 11 months ago

    DC as a universe really suffers from the combination of its age and the fact that they have latched onto these ancient IP as their defining brand image, thus they can never be allowed to die.
    The simple fact of the matter is that these 80+ year old superheros may have been new and original ideas when they were created, but that was a fricking century ago. Shit has moved on. There are much more interesting powers, more interesting character setups, more interesting stories to be told than this relic of a bygone age that DC has become. Even the idea of heroes being masked vigilantes is an extension of fricking lone gunman cowboy radio shows, Lone Ranger type stuff, which is a cultural context that NO ONE still reading comics has any connection to. The MCU dropped the very idea of secret identities for pretty much everyone but Spiderman and nothing of value was lost.

    There are so, so many more varied and interesting powers to build stories around than 'I punch good' or 'I shoot [insert color] energy beams, here is 5 pages of backstory about how these are supposedly very special but in practice they do the same thing as everyone else's energy beams'. Shonen Manga comes up with more interesting powersets than that in dime a dozen manga that *are not even good*.

    • 11 months ago

      Nobody wants to read your shitty OCs. Marvel and DC sell better than indies because of this.

      Why live in fantasy land?

  5. 11 months ago

    If you think about it, Wonder Woman is the most useless member of the league.
    >She's not the smartest.
    >not the best with technology.
    >not the strongest
    >It's not the fastest.
    >not the best swimmer.
    >It's not the most versatile.
    >not the best detective.
    >She is almost useless in space and at sea.
    >doesn't know anything about magic.

    and anyone can use greek weapons, it also doesn't help that she always chooses the more violent option.

    • 11 months ago

      >it also doesn't help that she always chooses the more violent option
      Ironic if you consider her IRL origins.

    • 11 months ago

      >It's not the most versatile.
      As a fighter she is. She has strength and speed and considered the best fighter on any team.
      >doesn't know anything about magic.
      She knows more than the league combined. She knows all of Greek mythology and various other things about magic. She also has resistance to some magic.

    • 11 months ago

      She isn't the best at anything besides magical lore, but she is easily second best at most things. She can play backup to any other team member in their chosen field and still be good enough to keep up.

      • 11 months ago

        >but she is easily second best at most things.
        Not really. Superman is second fastest, Martian manhunter or green lantern have the second most “strength”, Superman is second smartest, aquaman owns everyone on 70 percent of the planet.

        She’s the best at being a women, that’s it.

      • 11 months ago

        >but she is easily second best at most things.
        Not really. Superman is second fastest, Martian manhunter or green lantern have the second most “strength”, Superman is second smartest, aquaman owns everyone on 70 percent of the planet.

        She’s the best at being a women, that’s it.

        >She isn't the best at anything besides magical lore
        she is the third, zatanna and mister fate surpass her in that field.

    • 11 months ago

      > it also doesn't help that she always chooses the more violent option.
      Only because writers are dumb. She’s supposed to strive for peace first

  6. 11 months ago

    Tried too hard m8, especially trying to include companywars and East vs west on the same post

  7. 11 months ago

    I think you're just coming at it from the wrong perspective. Any superhero team is gonna have repetitive power sets on a the most basic level with shit like strength or invincibility. What makes the league interesting is that the characters have thematic and narrative similarities to play off of.
    >Barry and Hal are essentially both cops
    >J'onn and Batman are detectives
    >Arthur and Diana are both royalty balancing their allegiances to their civilizations and the promise to be a do gooder to the world at large.
    >J'onn and Clark are lost sons from dead worlds
    I always liked these connection the characters have and think they can and have lead to fun stories and good charcter moments.

    • 11 months ago

      I might say Barry is more of a detective than a cop but like Martian Manhunter it depends how they’re treating him. But I agree overall.

      • 11 months ago

        Yeah I wanted to simplify it but I'm general I believe more writers should focus on superheroes day jobs.

        • 11 months ago

          I agree in principal but it also has the possibility of being even worse with modern writers. They’re so busying destroying cities like younger brothers around a lego set that they don’t have much time for SOL so when they do write it we end up with twitterisms and “how do you do fellow kids” moments or people turning “the X-men have a cookout” sequences which were like 4 pages tops into entire issues meant to pad out the back end of a trade as an epilogue after the issue 5/6 arc finale.

          Like rather than tell a story about Barry or J’onn actually solving a murder in the DCU theyd almost always instead gravitate toward making some real world cop allegory story about how cops are bad. Or how just because trump won and “truth was under attack!” or something , anytime Lois or Clark being a journalist was brought up they had to get all snide with it it was never just to use the job to further or introduce a plot or have a character moment.

          Orlando, who’s work I’m usually lukewarm on, with Martian manhunter is one of the only runs on a JL character recently that felt like it used the trappings of the job and his coworkers as a great baseline for the mini. It was more concerned with the characters in their own world than drawing parallels with our own which is I think the exception and yet what I long for from most books.

          • 11 months ago

            Spot on post, anon. Modern writers make even the easiest lay ups impossible. I too love that Orlando mini.

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