If you were in charge of invading Pandora how would you do it?

If you were in charge of invading Pandora how would you do it?
>genetically engineer a virus that kills all the na'vi
>Or a bunch of robotically controlled drones that recognize and kill them
>nuke all their stupid magic trees from space so they can't communicate
>make a giant sunshade in front of the sun to freeze the planet and kill everyone
>poison the atmosphere
Basically, you have to make it harder to surviv on the surface. Humans in suits are far tougher than naked na'vi, who don't have the technology to build masks or suits. Almost anything would be more effective than going down to the surface and fighting them man to man. With all the na'vi dead you can exploit the planet at your leisure.

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  1. 7 months ago

    >Have orbit superiority
    >Not just bombardment from orbit
    >Have air superiority
    >Not just bombing from high altitude
    >Can gentically capture another species to perfection
    >Not releasing a genetic nerve agent
    >Can TRANSFER fricking consciousness to other bodies
    >Not using mind control on the blue cat people
    Were they moronic?

    • 7 months ago

      What you moronic Americans don't get is that bombing an area does nothing but give your enemy a billion hiding places to snipe your dumb ass from cover.
      This is why you took excessive losses in WW2 and why rice farmers and camel riders can rack up 500 gi kills with 100 year old rifles

      • 7 months ago

        Cat people don’t have rifles

      • 7 months ago

        >why yes, my entire knowledge of modern warfare comes from Arma, how could you tell?

        • 7 months ago

          Read a book muttoid
          Your generals pissed lives away with dumb daylight raids against concealed AA positions. In every modern war.

          • 7 months ago

            Your contention is that since WWII America has suffered casualties at a rate of 500:1 D/K because bombing produces cover for snipers to use?

      • 7 months ago

        Our WW2 campaign in Europe was extremely efficient.

        • 7 months ago

          You literally came in when the fight was over then called yourselves heroes.

          • 7 months ago

            Are you kidding? England was little more than a US military base in 1943-45. The bulk of the offensive came from american industry and military divisions.

            • 7 months ago

              >The bulk of the offensive came from american industry
              yeah in the hands of soviet peasants

      • 7 months ago

        >This is why you took excessive losses in WW2
        >407,300 American military deaths from all causes
        Pick one moron, more mutts died in their civil war over property more than the first two world wars

      • 7 months ago

        *laughs in thermonuke*

      • 7 months ago

        >If you bomb their concrete buildings with windows, your enemies win!
        >t. Hitler or something
        Damn, everyone in WW2 sucked ass at war then.

    • 7 months ago

      >>Have orbit superiority
      never heard of this.
      sounds awesome

  2. 7 months ago

    full on assault with cool robot suits

  3. 7 months ago

    I wouldn’t invade at all. I would listen to what they had to say and that’s what no one did.

    • 7 months ago

      I listened to what they had to say and it was hippie bullshit.

      I like the genetically targeted poison, does the least harm to the rest of the planet.

  4. 7 months ago

    just carpet bomb the whole planet and throw in some zyklon b grenades
    also capture some prime 3 meters tall na'vi pussy

    • 7 months ago

      >zyklon b grenades
      why would you use such an ineffective agent as a grenade? you'd be better going with some tabun gas grenades.

      • 7 months ago

        >why would you use such an ineffective agent as a grenade?

        What is hydrogen cyanide an "ineffective agent" of exactly because it is an extremely lethal toxin and we're talking about chemical weapons here you shiteating moron.

        • 7 months ago

          It was designed for eliminating pests in closed spaces in a non persisting fashion so it could be cleared out efficiently to use the targeted space again soon. Useless in outside air that is why they developed nerve gasses like Tabun, Sarin etc. Even then it isn't really that good only useful in surprise situations which is why we haven't seen chemical warfare used except in isolated incidents.

  5. 7 months ago

    genetically engineer a virus and stage an accidental (intentional) lab leak, then tax the na'avi for a gene therapy cure that causes infertility

  6. 7 months ago

    for me, the action is the juice, im going in

  7. 7 months ago

    find a small island on the planet and fortify it into a giant base

    navi dont have ships nor space flight so they cant lay a siege to it

    perform mining and offshore operations near or on the island

    ggez dont even have to deal with navi at that point

  8. 7 months ago

    >>make a giant sunshade in front of the sun to freeze the planet and kill everyone
    They don't need a particuarly large one, the humans are easily capable of making such a device given the ships they can make.
    Just freeze the planet for 5-10 years, 99% of all navi will be dead along with most planet and animal life, then you can remove the sun shade and let the planet warm back up. It won't be immediate, but you could use a solar mirror to jump start the process.
    Humans are much more suited to cold weather than navi are, we won't have a problem hunting them down and exterminating the last of the freaks

  9. 7 months ago

    why do whites always have mass murder on their minds?

    • 7 months ago

      everyone needs a hobby

    • 7 months ago

      because they know how to get shit done

    • 7 months ago

      Movers and Shakers baby

    • 7 months ago

      we're constantly expanding our operation so we can feed more non-whites, if anything you should be happy about this, once Pandora is bulldozed it'll be a row of fast food chains and government subsidized housing.

    • 7 months ago

      You're ugly and genuinely revolting to look at.

      • 7 months ago
    • 7 months ago

      Faustian spirit

    • 7 months ago

      its so we can feel guilty about it 300 years later and import Black folk in mass for no reason

    • 7 months ago

      dont act like you dont, a desire to kill the other inherent to humanity and the whites current morality of mercy, temperance and individual judgement from a higher power is what allowed you to live as long as you do. if that dies, so will you.

    • 7 months ago

      because it's the most effective problem solving method

    • 7 months ago

      I'd like to introduce you to a few small places called Africa, South America, the Middle East, and Asia

    • 7 months ago

      We're just that good at it

    • 7 months ago

      Dey dun seezon dey food

  10. 7 months ago

    Send them free computers and access to an imageboard where I spam racemixing threads such as Navi women are made for big human wiener.

  11. 7 months ago

    Convert the atmosphere into what's found on Earth. Have a fleet of atmospheric recyclers mounted on high-altitude blimps, high up enough the na'vi can't reach them on their stupid dragon things.

  12. 7 months ago

    Realistically you wouldn't need to genocide the na'vi. The technological gap is so large you could use non-lethal means to herd them into reservations if they insist on being violent. You could easily wipe out their crops and game and turn everywhere except the reservations into unliveable, barren deserts. You could make the reservations a paradise for them and offer them the opportunity to live alongside and with humans and give them access to our civilization if they wanted to. It would be up to them.

    • 7 months ago

      >herd them into reservations
      yeah, because that's worked out great on earth. All that would result in is bleeding hearts pissing and moaning endlessly about how evil we where for what we did for them, and how they deserve reparations, and college funds, and to run casinos on there land. We would be better off to just do the unpleasant thing, wipe them out and be done with it once and for all.

      • 7 months ago

        I would go to the Na’vi casino and hit on the dealers.

      • 7 months ago

        ngl Navi space casino sounds pretty cool

    • 7 months ago

      The Navi actually have superior genetic engineering since their whole planet is an organic supercomputer

    • 7 months ago

      >navi proceeds to open up casinos

  13. 7 months ago

    >If you were in charge of invading Pandora how would you do it?
    it's a whole planet (or moon I forget), just settle and mind your own business. you can wipe the smurfs out 200 years later

  14. 7 months ago

    The technology of the humans in Avatar is absurd. That they can grow navi in vats, from the bottom-up, complete with engineering them to look like humans, and to be able to pilot them around like puppets, etc., shows that they have such complete and total knowledge of the navi that they could trivially create a virus that instantly killed any of them exposed to it. And then just spray it around where they live to wipe them all out.

    It's incredible how stupid these movies are, there's almost not a single premise introduced as part of the world building that DOESN'T let the humans effortlessly eradicate all the navi.

    • 7 months ago

      Is this a meme? The corporation was held in check by earth laws and shareholders that forbade wiping out the Navi. What’s the point of genociding them if you’re just going to lose all the profits and go to jail?

      • 7 months ago

        so then this guy

        find a small island on the planet and fortify it into a giant base

        navi dont have ships nor space flight so they cant lay a siege to it

        perform mining and offshore operations near or on the island

        ggez dont even have to deal with navi at that point

        had the right idea after all

        • 7 months ago

          Gotta say godzilla aces the arrogant nazi officer look

  15. 7 months ago

    But then I wouldn't have a ham fisted western expansion/Vietnam mash up.

  16. 7 months ago

    there is literally zero reason to mine pandora for minerals just to being back to earth. if I were an executive or whatever for the corporation that's funding these expeditions to pandora, they would literally be one way trips.
    >get to pandora
    >transfer into a cloned navi body
    >intergrate into society/completely start over
    >try to build eco friendly cities and just be at peace
    >completely and totally leave earth behind
    >once my navi body gets old, clone a new one and become immortal

    there. is. zero. incentive for anyone to go back to earth.

    • 7 months ago

      literal immigrant mentality. Are you european by any chance?

      • 7 months ago

        unfortunately, the only way to fix earth would be to conquer it and exert your will, but people will rebel and it'll result in endless war. better to start over fresh and make peace with people who are already at peace.

    • 7 months ago

      That's what Avatar 2 and I guess the next movies are about. They forcefully settled on somebody else's land, and the settlement's borders are heavily guarded from any invasion

    • 7 months ago

      That's what Avatar 2 and I guess the next movies are about. They forcefully settled on somebody else's land, and the settlement's borders are heavily guarded from any invasion

      They cannot "transfer" themselves to a cloned body. They either control it with the Avatar pod or have a completely new cloned being. Clone Quaritch is not original Quaritch. And there was never any way he was going to be. So anyone you send to Pandora isn't going to be immortal by growing new bodies, but maybe by drinking whale brain juice. Jake is literally the only human to actually have their soul and consciousness successfully transferred, and that is specifically due to Eywa. They tried to do it with Grace but her human body gave out too soon and her soul was transferred into the Avatar's womb to become Kiri. You're not gonna force Eywa to do your bidding transferring people's souls, especially not if you start genociding all the Na'vi and animal/plant life on Pandora. In reality, the humans would have been FAR more interested in understanding and communicating with this planetwide lifeform with unusual abilities, and not just rolling their eyes and mocking Grace and her team.

    • 7 months ago

      next generation human come and genocide you for being a traitor you are.

  17. 7 months ago

    introduce currency, banking, and high interest loans

  18. 7 months ago

    If I was in charge of invading Pandora? What would I do?

    I'll tell you what I'd do, I'd storm the forest, gun down every man in sight but keep the women alive as sex slaves and while the worker bees get to work terraforming the planet I will single handedly take every single blue smooth pussy I see, I'd grab neytiri by the braid and slam her face into the dirt beneath my feat, then tear her loincloth off and spread open her stinky unwashed blue butthole and take a good old big wiff, as my pleasure sensors begin to burst with ecstasy and it becomes too much to bear I'd rip out my wiener and tear open her pretty little blue navi pussy until she bleeds like it was her first period, thick and heavy, blood juices mixed in with my precum and her blue cat pussy juices, i'd choke her out with one hand while slapping her ass with my other, eventually she would pass out from the fear and shock of this alien man taking her from behind, as soon as she loses conciousness i'd hold her nose, forcing her to wake up out of breath and then just as she opens up her mouth to get air I'd shove my wiener down it and cum down her throat, my dick would be pulsating as thick, gooey, strong ropes are ejaculated into her warm slimy blue throat, then I'd shoot her in the face when I was done with her, have some coffee and move on to the next blue bawd.

    • 7 months ago

      Most sane Avatar poster

    • 7 months ago

      This doesn't make any sense, Naavi are like twice the size of humans.
      Female Naavi would basically have horse sized pussies. You're not going to make any of them bleed any time soon.

      • 7 months ago

        he's a big guy

    • 7 months ago

      >slam her face into the dirt beneath my feat,
      >take a good old big wiff,
      Then you would choke to death on the air you moron.

  19. 7 months ago

    technology was turning humanity into useless fat Wall-E blobs. The leaders wanted to save humans; and give them meaning, purpose, and challenges that they could face. Hence, the manufactured energy crisis, and the objective to go get unobtanium.

    The human population is only dropping as we develop technologically, and energy is becoming more plentiful as green-tech, nuclear-tech, and oil/gas-tech become more advanced. Earth's energy crisis was fabricated. the inefficiency of the war against Pandora was on purpose. Because it was a jobs' program. You don't hire 100,000 men to dig trenches, and give them excavators; if the goal is employment, you give them shovels.

    • 7 months ago

      >Because it was a jobs' program. You don't hire 100,000 men to dig trenches, and give them excavators; if the goal is employment, you give them shovels.
      kek ok Milton Friedman

  20. 7 months ago
  21. 7 months ago

    Introduce cocaine and heroin into their community

  22. 7 months ago

    >genetically engineer a virus that kills all the na'vi
    >Or a bunch of robotically controlled drones that recognize and kill them
    EYWA blocks both of those options

    >nuke all their stupid magic trees from space so they can't communicate
    >make a giant sunshade in front of the sun to freeze the planet and kill everyone
    >poison the atmosphere
    the RDA wants to colonize the planet, ya know

    • 7 months ago

      >EYWA blocks both of those options

    • 7 months ago

      “Eywa” is clearly a genetically engineered collective consciousness or subtle hivemind. Sic the bioengineer corps on them. There’s clearly work done on genetic cloning and the idea of controlling consciousness through the Avatar program. Either do a psionic attack to cripple those connected to the network or jam the connection so they loose cohesion or push our own influence through the network to cause the ecosystem to be slaved to our own purposes.

  23. 7 months ago

    >If you were in charge of invading Pandora how would you do it?

    • 7 months ago

      somone paid money to se their favourite sci-fi autism character do a george floyd on the blue cat film from 2009

      • 7 months ago

        40ksisters do that kind of thing. they are special, unique children.

      • 7 months ago

        40ksisters do that kind of thing. they are special, unique children.

        yooooo keep my hobbies name out ya damn mouff

  24. 7 months ago

    they might try killing the blue people

  25. 7 months ago

    Frick Bliggers

  26. 7 months ago

    Na'vi, Pandora, Eywa, tulkun, the flora and fauna are not for hurting in any way.

  27. 7 months ago

    >find all the hair trees
    >nuke all their saved data

    >drop nerve gas on every fricking tribe

    >use ai drones to find the survivors and drop cluster munitions and thermobombarics on every survivor

    >nerve gas if they're hiding in Vietnam tunnels

  28. 7 months ago

    >obtanium is actuallly almost impossible to obtain

  29. 7 months ago

    Alter the planet's orbit to an uninhabitable zone.
    Let them all die.
    Mine dead planet with robots.

  30. 7 months ago

    Just purge the whole planet from orbit, 40k style

    • 7 months ago

      I've never seen the first bit of 40K media, and I fricking hate it just from the way I see people on here talk about it. It's Mary Sue fiction based on the scribblings of an edgy 13-year-old.

      • 7 months ago

        yes it's terrible never get involved in it save yourself!!!!

  31. 7 months ago

    The idea that you would send a bunch of ground troops to destroy a fricking tree was moronic in the 50's, much less in whatever future this takes place in. They should never have even seen a human when they attacked.

  32. 7 months ago

    I would seduce the queen and plap her all day and night, our people would follow

  33. 7 months ago

    All they want is material resources, right? Why not just indiscriminate orbital bombardment until there's nothing left? Seems like the obvious choice

  34. 7 months ago

    Ally with a minor Navi tribe that's been oppressed by the treeBlack folk. Divide and conquer just like 99% of historical culture clashes.

  35. 7 months ago

    They didn't stick their pharmacists on them with hyper palatable foods and mind altering addictive drugs. Then once they're too fat to do cool outdoor stuff you hit them with media entertainment. they did try the school thing, but they didn't have enough time to create who/whom divide and conquer based on class/sex/ethnic differences and championing the lower as a way to keep the whole group in check. The truth is that natives have no built up immunity to the vices of modernity and are EXTRA susceptible to the stuff. In a decade they'd have all of the blue kids turned into fat addicts who hate their parents being such a burden that all the navi end up begging for sky people gibs. Then you make the lower level employees feel human guilt for turning the blue cats to the worst vices of humanity use that to keep them in check too so you can tighten control at the top for yourself and keep any up-starts from getting your spot and negative attention away from yourself.

  36. 7 months ago

    >>nuke all their stupid magic trees from space so they can't communicate
    >>make a giant sunshade in front of the sun to freeze the planet and kill everyone
    It's true they were just interested in the planet for minerals no other reason.
    I also don't see why they couldn't extract the minerals with minimal environmental effects, including closing up the mine once they are done. I mean they have space travel should have some better mining tech.

  37. 7 months ago

    Poisoning the atmosphere is the most evil, like SIsko did to that Maquis planet.

    • 7 months ago

      i CAN live with it

  38. 7 months ago

    Poisoning the atmosphere just means making it breathable for humans. It's a win/win.

  39. 7 months ago

    I would send them busloads of refugees to weaken them

  40. 7 months ago

    >all these rude things

  41. 7 months ago
    The Archivist

    put gags on the littlest ones

  42. 7 months ago

    Put up floating billboards advertising BHC to the navi women. First just have dudes on it. But over time make them more risque. After a year have the advertisements show satisfied navi women with human men. Keep this up while slowly integrating men into the area. After twenty some years the navi will not have any children, and spacefaring men will be banging blue space cats while navi guys watch.

  43. 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago

      Got a body like the crypt keeper. You for real?

    • 7 months ago

      why are there zoomers on pandora

      • 7 months ago

        Hrs somehow more homierdly than the rest of the blue space Black folk

  44. 7 months ago

    Let me get this straight :
    >Earth wants the precious metal
    >but also want to study the apes
    >the biggest and cheapest to process metal deposit is under an ape tribe
    >that ape tribe won't move, ever
    Then just extract another deposit ? If that metal is only made in pandora, it should be absolutely everywhere. Talk with the natives, make friends, and just rape the earth a continent away. This is the easiest plan by far, compared to making ape clones and a city of robots.

    • 7 months ago

      >Talk with the natives, make friends
      That's literally what the entire first movie is about kek. They've been trying to talk with them for years and years with no real success, so the Avatars were supposed to help them become more integrated with the Na'vi and find out what they really desired. It was Quaritch who decided to start pushing more towards violence even telling Selfridge he'd do it without violence to trick him into giving the go ahead, then of course using any provocation to open fire. They could move to some other ore deposit, but it'd be a lot of money, time, and effort, and they got into thinking "why are we letting these primitives dictate this? THEY can move." It's also pretty obvious that the large deposits of Unobtanium are what created and powers Eywa. The largest amounts are under Hometree and the Na'vi's sacred areas, which are all areas they are drawn to specifically due to the presence of Eywa.

      • 7 months ago

        I'm pointing out that the whole clone program is a complete waste of resources and time. Just move 100km like the other guy said and extract the metal. There is no need for this convoluted mess of a plan when you control the whole planet. They could have their cake (indigenous culture program) and eat it too (metal) without losing time and money with a diplomatic clone program.
        Are you saying that all metal ore are under an ape tree or something ?

    • 7 months ago

      It is everywhere
      they say inn the first movie they blow the frick out off the natives just because it's the biggest deposit in 200km radius
      imagine driving 4.5 light years and not going additional 200km and losing countless billions,maybe trillions in consequence

      • 7 months ago

        WTF is a kilometer?!

  45. 7 months ago

    Take a page from our own history and have the egg heads conjure up some kind of disease that specifically targets the navii or their fricking tree. If we can create perfect avatars and mind transfer, I don't see how a simple thing as a pathogeon.
    Also just throw some wolfram rods on to the tree from orbit could have worked just as well

  46. 7 months ago

    >Introduce capitalism and socialism
    >Introduce genre and race politics
    >Watch them destroy themselves

  47. 7 months ago

    >Strategic strikes from space on high population area to destroy their civilization and culture
    >Start landing humans on areas that are wide and open while being monitored via satellite to avoid the survivors launching a sneak attack from the jungle
    >Send scouts out into areas with suspected survivors to confirm their existence, if they’re there then use agent orange on all plant live to smoke them out from the jungles
    >Drop propaganda outlets from the skies telling them that if they surrender they’ll be moved to a colony somewhere else on Pandora where they’ll be allowed to live (instantly kill them once they get there though)

  48. 7 months ago

    >Find the largest village on the planet, and level it from orbit
    >Inform the rest of the Navi that it was just a demonstration, and that the weapons used to do it are far from the reach of the bows and arrows, and the second one of those monkeys so much as bares their fangs at a human, we level the next biggest village, and we'll just keep working our way down with each offense.

  49. 7 months ago

    Get them accustomed to alcohol and give them disease ridden blankets when they want to get comfy

  50. 7 months ago

    If Pandora has large deposits of unobtainium, it stands to reason so do other bodies in the system. Unless its some sort of anomaly, there should be belts upon belts rich with unobtainium, so I would just take it from those.

  51. 7 months ago

    The last 3 sound too scorched earth given that they probably want to install some colonies on it.

    • 7 months ago

      As of 2, humanity has shifted their priorities to reloaction, iirc. I haven't seen it in almost a year, but I think that's what the robo droids are doing toward the beginning, building a settlement or something.

  52. 7 months ago

    Cultural Colonialism. Introduce the population to the temptations of the modern world. They’ll leave the trees of their own volition. Then we can exterminate the hold outs and partisans.

  53. 7 months ago

    >If you were in charge of invading Pandora how would you do it?
    id get corporations to sponsor it, and give the Navi coke and ipads and xboxes, and slowly destroy their culture and turn them into americans with propaganda news run by Navi shills

  54. 7 months ago

    Spanish method. Sexo them out of existence.

  55. 7 months ago

    I'd have listened to the scientists claiming there was a greater treasure there than the unobtainium. I also would not have pretended I was in the military fighting a war like Quaritch the LARPer was.

  56. 7 months ago

    upload porn to Eywa

  57. 7 months ago

    gigachad matthew lillard

  58. 7 months ago

    Create the country of Israel on Pandora

    • 7 months ago

      Isreal moves in
      50 years later the nazi are opressed and trying to fight back
      RDA sees Jake Sully in a refugee camp full of children and BLOWS HIM UP

      Liberals on earth are outraged
      Chuds bring out the doxing truck.

    • 7 months ago

      Isreal moves in
      50 years later the nazi are opressed and trying to fight back
      RDA sees Jake Sully in a refugee camp full of children and BLOWS HIM UP

      Liberals on earth are outraged
      Chuds bring out the doxing truck.

      I thought that's what this scene was alluding to visually:

      That's what Avatar 2 and I guess the next movies are about. They forcefully settled on somebody else's land, and the settlement's borders are heavily guarded from any invasion

      Quaritch standing in front of a giant star of david with blue white blue coloring

  59. 7 months ago


  60. 7 months ago

    literally just drop heavy rocks from space it’s so easy

  61. 7 months ago

    Jungles of Pandora are really wet so using fire to clear large amounts of jungle wouldn't be viable, and killing all of the natives and wildlife would also be nearly impossible considering how dense the jungles are. Also biological agents probably wouldn't work considering how genetically diverse and isolated the native populations are, with different tribes being separated by very large distances and having little contact with each other, diseases and viruses would spread slowly. I think the most effective way would be to fort-hop.
    >drop on the planet, establish a foothold like they had in the movie
    >mine everything in the area
    >find another area to mine
    >establish a new fort in that area
    the natives basically have no way of successfully attacking the human forces while on the defensive. They lose their only equalizer; the element of surprise.

  62. 7 months ago

    I find it hard to believe that the humans had perfected interstellar travel but didn't have anything more sophisticated than ground troops to wipe out life on a tiny moon.

    • 7 months ago

      RDA is a company. Wiping out the Navi? Big outrage on X, very bad for share prices, please understand.

  63. 7 months ago

    Just use some spaceships thrusters over they're most populated area and use some thousands of drone with thermic camera and guns for the survivors

  64. 7 months ago
  65. 7 months ago

    Buy all their TV stations and promote feminism for a decade or two

  66. 7 months ago

    feed them Gordon Ramsey's tv dinners

    • 7 months ago

      Turn them into Gordon Ramsay TV dinners.

  67. 7 months ago

    imagine if avatar 5 was a shot for shot remake of schindler's list. holy shit kino

  68. 7 months ago

    Using any of the good ideas would make Avatar rated R.

  69. 7 months ago

    >capture asteroids and haul them towards impacting pandora
    >it would take an asteroid 60 miles (96 kilometers) wide to totally wipe out life on Earth so probably only need like half that size for Pandora
    >wait for impact and watch the show
    >if one asteroid is not sufficient try again

    that should cheaply and easily get rid of the hostile Biosphere or cripple it so much that it would take many decades to recover.
    Land near the impact zone should be cleared enough to build factories there.
    and that takes us to step 2 to clear these oceans
    >create a chemical industry and redirect all byproducts into the open waters
    >this should kill the useless fish in there

    • 7 months ago

      an alternative to this plan could also be this:
      >haul small asteroid into orbit and let it impact
      >sacrifice some humans on the ground and some Navi too to make it seem like its not a false flag
      >tell them that an even bigger asteroid is on the way and to stop it you need to mine the unobtanium

      then drag this psyop out for as long as possible and let the natives do all the work while making them think they are saving their shitty planet.
      Like Humans could easily trick these blue monkeys into working for free.

      • 7 months ago

        you could also introduce a new faction and larp as aliens.
        >butcher some Navi with some high tech lasers and rods from god and stuff or go down to them and chop them up with machetes and murder them in really gruesome ways
        >tell Navi that Humans are fighting these radical muslim "aliens" but we need Unobtanium to stop them from nuking the Navi
        >Navi work for free now

        • 7 months ago

          >genetically modify parasites, plants, insects and bacteria to destroy the local fauna
          >release them on pandora
          >wait til it becomes a problem for the Navi
          >offer them Glyphosate the only thing that can kill the modified species
          >Navi have to pay in Unobtanium
          >watch them work for free

  70. 7 months ago

    Bomb the tree
    Bomb the tree
    >Yeah but what about
    Bomb. The. Tree.

  71. 7 months ago

    drop rocks from space

  72. 7 months ago

    operation linebacker III

  73. 7 months ago

    >poison the atmosphere
    this but make it so Humans can breathe it, it'd be a double win

  74. 7 months ago

    >establish a small trading post
    >manned by 80% kind, thoughtful, honest germans
    >and 20% israelites

    They na’vi have no J-dar. They’ll be completely unable to distinguish between their sweet gentile neighbors and he insidious parasites that dwell among them. Wait a century and they’ll have no culture and negative birth rates.

  75. 7 months ago

    Engineer permanent winter by blocking sunlight and then deceive them, tricking them into doing what we want on the basis that it's a means to appease whatever deity they believe is responsible for the dark times.

  76. 7 months ago

    just do what they did

  77. 7 months ago

    >negotiate agreements with the locals not to harm or change their way of life and say you just want to explore and study the planet
    >instead of immediately clear cutting, start establishing fortified outposts at strategic locations and tell any curious locals they're research stations and fill them with civilians as well as soldiers
    >continue this steady construction of fortified positions around Navi heavy areas and begin tentative resource extraction operations
    >if the Navi react tell them it's just research and that you promise not to do anymore mining
    >establish more civilian majority outposts deeper in Navi territory with way fewer defenses, increase mining
    >either the Navi attack the civilians and give you cassus belli, or you instigate a response by using black ops teams to start killing Navi
    >as soon as some civilians are slaughtered, send representatives to the Navi demanding those responsible be handed over as well as demanding the warriors turn in their weapons and the Navi themselves begin registering with the human government including human bases established directly in Navi villages
    >the Navi either accept and get put on reserves or they rebel in which case you send a few token forces out at first, let them take heavy casualties, declare the Navi a hostile race, and have Earth's government declare war so you can attack the Navi as you see fit with superior weaponry
    >tell your soldiers the planet is a free fire zone, enforce a media black out, run propaganda campaigns to make the NPCs side with you like making up atrocities like the Navi busting into settler's homes and raping daughters in front of families and beheading 40 human babies
    >after enough have been culled offer peace, out the survivors in reserves, colonize the planet with human losers you don't have to worry about when you "decolonize" after taking everything of value, and start strip mining it

  78. 7 months ago

    Tbh I'd just make the mine underground so as not to disturb the Navi. Much easier to protect your miners when they're underground.

    It's not realistic that they'd make an open cut mine for a deposit that deep anyway.

  79. 7 months ago

    >genetically engineer a virus that kills all the na'vi

  80. 7 months ago

    obviously the problem from the beginning was that they sent a bunch of jarhead morons when the diplomatic-but-big-stick route was WORKING. if they had just continued to introduce human culture, technology, and philosophy to the na'vi, they would have created an interspecial synthesis at some point. they were already extremely close - seeing as shitloads of na'vi grew up to still remember english and grasp certain human abstractions and concepts.

    they frick around? you gun down the hostiles mercilessly. but from the get-go it should have been 60-70% scientists, xenobiologists, anthropologists, general research and development teams, etc, and like 30-40% militarized security. no shit the fricking natives aren't gonna want to treat with you, even after telling them your planet is dying, when you show up to their planet with nothing but smog producing war machines, guns, and buzz-cut homosexuals looking to kill. i mean holy frick, is EVERYONE just pure evil except for the generic token cast of "egg head good guy scientists"???? literally not a single moment of hesitation or remorse from fricking anybody about anything. it's ridiculous and one of the biggest problems with avatar.

    • 7 months ago

      I think that's why those movies sell but don't stick. You can smell the manichean bullshit, so you don't take it seriously.
      Moving the goalpost from unobtainium to whales was also a terrible decision, proof that the writers aren't building something solid.

  81. 7 months ago

    the truth is that the humans were far too lenient and forgiving in dealing with the Navi, should've just burned them all down instead of going for diplomacy

  82. 7 months ago

    Step 1: create money.
    Step 2: Introduce competing religion claiming to have the “real truth.”
    Step 3: Tell one sect of Na’vi the other Na’vi are less than and want part of their cookie.
    Step 4: Promote feminism.
    >But it’s a matriarchal society!
    Promote feminism anyway. Watch birth rates plummet.
    Step 5: Import humans, and instill, via Avatar rabbinical relations, that to close doors on innocent migrants is un-Na’vi, that the Na’vi need to do more to love thy neighbor. To turn the other blue cheek, as it were.
    Step 6: Give them the internet, booze, weed, cell phones, israeliteelry, and tattoos. Tell them to be different by conforming to be different.
    Step 7: Tell opposing faction, now ultra-buttoned up and uptight, that the tattooed ones are going against the will of AhWey.
    Step 8: Laws and Politics. We can fix the other guys; just vote me into office.
    Step 9: Form the first Pandoran bank.
    Step 3,589: First human is elected as President. Hailed as a victory. Immediately starts importing more humans.
    Step 3,590: opposing Na’Vi candidate runs for office in diametric opposition to the other guy. Promises to make Pandora great again. Really they’re paid by the same ~~*bosses*~~ back in Earth. Pledges to increase support of Unobtanium to Israel too.

    Step 3,591: Profit.

  83. 7 months ago

    I would promote racemixi- OHWAIT

  84. 7 months ago

    Burn away the atmosphere with nukes. Now I can have all the rocks I want.

  85. 7 months ago

    Given those options, I guess a bio-weapon that doesn't harm humans. The trees should be valuable for study and while the primary focus isn't colonization, it would still be preferable to leave the planet habitable.

    • 7 months ago

      >it would still be preferable to leave the planet habitable

      Why? All they want are the rocks.

      • 7 months ago

        Because it's easier to harvest rocks from a habitable planet. Also, keeping more planets habitable for human colonization is obviously a superior long term plan.

        • 7 months ago

          >Because it's easier to harvest rocks from a habitable planet

          How? Men in spaceships operate mining machinery? Humans couldn't survive in the atmosphere anyway, just get rid of it.

          • 7 months ago

            Because it's easier to do things on a planet you can fricking breathe on

            • 7 months ago

              Which they couldn't do anyway. Did you even watch the movie?

              • 7 months ago

                No, I didn't.

              • 7 months ago

                Well I only saw like 45 minutes of it but humans die if they breathe the air.

          • 7 months ago

            er, can't

      • 7 months ago

        You sound like a black guy with no foresight

  86. 7 months ago

    report the avatarhomosexual

  87. 7 months ago

    >Firstly I'd make up a story of them killing a comically large number of my kin, let's say 6 million or so
    >I'd use their collective guilt over this to convince them to give me an area of land on Pandora. This becomes my base of operations.
    >I'd slowly seed their political, judicial and entertainment systems with avatars
    >I'd use these positions to convince them to be less religious
    >I'd convince them to be less unified
    >I'd tell them not to train or to aspire to be greater, we'd tell them they were just fine the way they are
    >I'd convince them that sexual procreation is silly and they should have sex with whatever they wanted instead, then flood them with pornography that encourages degeneracy
    >I'd get them addicted to drugs and harmful food additives
    >I'd make standing up for yourself illegal unless you were human. In fact I'd make it illegal to criticise humans in any way shape or form
    >I'd introduce usary to bleed them slowly of their unobtanium and crush their morale. Destroy the social contract
    >I'd encourage them to invite dangerous animals to live with them and to treat them as equals
    >I'd encourage those dangerous animals to hate and envy the na'vi, and the more concessions the navi make the more I'd tell the animals to hate them

    All of this combined would leave them a broken species that we humans could just leech off of for the rest of time

  88. 7 months ago

    Awful thread.

  89. 7 months ago

    >genetically engineer a virus

    what science fiction nonsense, no one would ever do that and you're anti-semitic for saying they would!

  90. 7 months ago

    >Replace toxic atmosphere with human breathable atmosphere
    Navi do a George Floyd while humans do a Derek Chauvin

  91. 7 months ago

    I think it would be pretty easy to just threaten to nuke their spirit trees if they don't comply.

    I mean what are they gonna do against a ballistic missile dropped from orbit? After 2 or 3 trees the message would be understood.

  92. 7 months ago

    I'd slowly confine them to a small section of pandora by stealing back the land (rightfully ours btw), piss them off and allow them to attack, then call them all terrorists and justify bombing them until it's nothing more than a parking lot. I'd be a hero.

  93. 7 months ago

    Just tunnel under them, the dumb blue fricks won't even notice it lol
    Play some rap to distract them above ground maybe

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