If you were in charge of rebooting the Marvel/DC comics universe how would you lead this reboot

If you were in charge of rebooting the Marvel/DC comics universe how would you lead this reboot
no answers about cleaning house/ getting rid of sjw characters or complaining about sjws in general actually use your brain and creativity for once

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  1. 2 years ago

    Sorry, DC. I wont give you an idea!

  2. 2 years ago

    Age Babs back up to where she was originally with a doctorate and time in Congress, so she can act as a proper mentor to other Batgirls and other girl heroes.

    • 2 years ago

      Great idea

      I have some general guidelines that I think could work across both franchises.
      First and most importantly, establish a timeline and world for the stories to take place in concurrently. Each comic should feel strong enough to stand up on their own while also rife with crossover potential.
      Clearly establish characters' motives, abilities, and character arcs beforehand. More variety of body types for characters of all genders. Making characters attractive or memorable isn't just looks, it's also their personalities. What makes these people worth caring about?
      No multiverse shit. Pulling in things from other continuities just makes a big headache for everyone. Make it upfront and clear that THESE are the new stories that matter.
      When it comes to political topics, a lot of us don't notice that comics are being political at all until they make a noticeable stance on something we'd personally disagree on. Therefore, I'd want the politics of the world the comics take place in to be firmly established at the start without being overbearing. How does the world impact the characters, and vice versa? It's important not just for worldbuilding, but also for dictating the direction of the stories.
      Also, just for fun. Sexy swimsuit pinup comics in the summer. Not just sexy women. Sexy men too.

      Good idea

      I think a fresh start is needed, and with that I mean the entire genre.
      Stop with the same designs, same stories and especially the costumes. Stop with the capes, masks and skintight bodysuits. That alone would make people creative enough to create new scenarios with these characters.
      And especially, stop with regular crossovers. They should be a big event where one character meets the other, it shouldn't be a regular thing.

      Dogshit idea

      First of all, discard everything. Most of all the anal fans, writers and readers alike that have stagnated the experience by scalating things to ridiculous proportions, or complaining about the same old stories for 30 years straight. Superheroes are for kids, keep them for kids and let the fanbase renew itself.

      Comics have been for teens/older readers for longer that they've been for kids now

      Reboot DC and split the world up into three different continuities representing Batman WonderWoman and Superman. Street level characters with in one, magic/fantasy in another, and space cosmic characters in the third.

      Bad idea

      Jesus Cinemaphile glad none of you homosexual ever made it in the industry

      • 2 years ago

        Shared universe is cancer

    • 2 years ago

      This except the exact opposite, make Babs the youngest member in the Bat-Family, just cause I think it'd be funny.

  3. 2 years ago

    I have some general guidelines that I think could work across both franchises.
    First and most importantly, establish a timeline and world for the stories to take place in concurrently. Each comic should feel strong enough to stand up on their own while also rife with crossover potential.
    Clearly establish characters' motives, abilities, and character arcs beforehand. More variety of body types for characters of all genders. Making characters attractive or memorable isn't just looks, it's also their personalities. What makes these people worth caring about?
    No multiverse shit. Pulling in things from other continuities just makes a big headache for everyone. Make it upfront and clear that THESE are the new stories that matter.
    When it comes to political topics, a lot of us don't notice that comics are being political at all until they make a noticeable stance on something we'd personally disagree on. Therefore, I'd want the politics of the world the comics take place in to be firmly established at the start without being overbearing. How does the world impact the characters, and vice versa? It's important not just for worldbuilding, but also for dictating the direction of the stories.
    Also, just for fun. Sexy swimsuit pinup comics in the summer. Not just sexy women. Sexy men too.

  4. 2 years ago

    Why is Starfire dressed as batgirl?

    • 2 years ago

      Halloween! And she wants Dick back!

  5. 2 years ago

    I think a fresh start is needed, and with that I mean the entire genre.
    Stop with the same designs, same stories and especially the costumes. Stop with the capes, masks and skintight bodysuits. That alone would make people creative enough to create new scenarios with these characters.
    And especially, stop with regular crossovers. They should be a big event where one character meets the other, it shouldn't be a regular thing.

    • 2 years ago

      Lol, no. That just means more not-Batman or not-Spider-Man. Probably you get more Black Batman or Iron Hearth than good chararcters!

    • 2 years ago

      you’re fricking gay

  6. 2 years ago

    First of all, discard everything. Most of all the anal fans, writers and readers alike that have stagnated the experience by scalating things to ridiculous proportions, or complaining about the same old stories for 30 years straight. Superheroes are for kids, keep them for kids and let the fanbase renew itself.

  7. 2 years ago

    Eat shit op, I clean house and get rid of the SJWs

    • 2 years ago

      You lack imagination and creativity

      • 2 years ago

        So do the SJWs, otherwise we wouldn't be in the current state we're in now.

  8. 2 years ago

    Reboot DC and split the world up into three different continuities representing Batman WonderWoman and Superman. Street level characters with in one, magic/fantasy in another, and space cosmic characters in the third.

  9. 2 years ago

    First order of business would be establishing a simple mandate: no rehashing of old stories. If we're going to reboot, at least some of the characters should be taken in new directions. A lot more than 'some characters' should go in a new direction but change too many characters(even if those changes are necessary) will alienate folk.

    Use the reboot as a way to undo controversial choices from the previous era and start the characters from there. Examples below:

    Marvel- Peter Parker is married to MJ and has a daughter.

    DC- I'm not even sure where to begin here, there are a bunch of controversial decisions that could be undone and used as a starting point for retooled characters: Judas Contract, Jon getting aged up (though I would probably keep teen/ young adult Jon and bring bacj Cir El to be his Supergirl),etc...

  10. 2 years ago

    hire the benes', dobsons', naucks, and the balents of the world and add as much cheesecake as 'legally' possible.
    keep the year that i'm rebooting consistent. plan out the entire year, no discrepancies. keep the current sjw/lgtbqxyz but not put them in the forefront with constant 'im XXX hear me roar!!'. no political or current social problems. these are comic books and will only deal with the fantastical. Create stories about fantasy, space, sci-fi.

    more than likely after the year my 'reboot' will be rebooted, thus make sure the entire year is self contained with all arcs finishing and giving resolutions to all main characters in whatever personal crisis they have or overarching story line. Make sure that it can easily collected in 8 to 12 volumes.

    have huge bikini issue (same with thanksgiving, christmas, and 4th of july).

    also no incentive, foil, fold out, etc. covers. also frick 'body positivity' fatness.

    • 2 years ago

      Comics have ways been political and have always used political and current events as basis for stories

      • 2 years ago

        >Comics have ways been political

        Wonder if you'd keep using that same line if 99% of comics were written by unironic Neo-Nazis.

        • 2 years ago

          What the frick does this even mean? It changes nothing about the history of comics always being political

    • 2 years ago

      >no political or current social problems. these are comic books and will only deal with the fantastical.
      Hear that Siegal! You're on notice!

      • 2 years ago

        Is Siegal black

  11. 2 years ago

    start with a hawkman/hawkgirl run. bring back the reincarnation origin and have stories throughout the eras. If you need more to support it, use heroes in space and on other planets. Do this until you know EXACTLY what the modern world is going to be like. Then the world is your oyster.

  12. 2 years ago

    My only complaint with reboots (though this mostly applies to marvel). Is that people and higher ups are gonna want them to be as close to the movies as possible.

  13. 2 years ago

    Shut down all twatter accounts. Fire all blacktivist, feminist and lgbtpedo supporting writers and artists. Kill off all the blacktivist, feminist and lgbtpedo characters. Hire manga writers and artists. Done.

    • 2 years ago

      Boring response from a boring poster

  14. 2 years ago

    Marvel, not sure

    DC, easy:
    make a "precise enough" timeline for past characters(ie: JSA)
    plan the timeline of the first two(at least) years of stories. Make sure everybody is on-board on who-is-where-and-when(I'd probably make a company-use wikia forcing the authors to check it and keep it updated with every character they use)

    start the line with "Adjective" titles:
    Action Comics, Detective Comics, Sensational Comics, Showcase, etc

    The "Name" titles(Superman, Batman, etc) would start two months after the reboot.

    Reason: surprise the readers with Action Comics staring the Man of Tomorrow, Booster Gold and Detective Comics with the World's Greatest Detective, Blue Beetle

    Basically Michael got too much back in time and stole Superman's first big fight, unwittingly taking his place as Metropolis' Best(also, now Superman looks up to him as a "senior hero")

    This snowballed, and in short time we end up with Superman looking up to Booster-senpai, Beetle taking the attention of most lunatics in Gotham leaving Bruce able to stay a "urban legend" of sort for a while, Luthor not really hating Superman(but being utterly baffled by Booster) and many other small and going-to-be-larger changes.

    The reboot would start just a few weeks after Booster's big entrance, which would be narrated in Action Comics #2
    with Detective Comics #2 narrating how Beetle came to become a deputized police officer of Gotham, basically Adam West's Batman
    The Superman and Batman titles would narrate their origins in backup features in their first issue, pending larger retelling down the line if necessary.
    Relative full freedom to authors with any character but utter KIBOSH on reusing the biggest stories like Killing Joke.

    oh, and the lead of Sensational Comics would be a anti-heroic Doctor Psycho, fighting female criminal and psychopaths(mostly Wondy's classic fem-enemies)

    • 2 years ago

      I like this direction, we need more anthologies/try-out titles.

      >oh, and the lead of Sensational Comics would be a anti-heroic Doctor Psycho, fighting female criminal and psychopaths(mostly Wondy's classic fem-enemies)

      Now that would be fun to see. Gonna have to tread lightly with Blue Snowman, but it would be good to see all the 40s rogues back.

      • 2 years ago

        Psycho wants to be misogynistic, but Doctor Poison is trying to gas a city hall so him stopping hey is seen as heroic.

        Blue Snowman is just a regular woman in a snowman themed power suit for thieving purposes. She likes manly men.

  15. 2 years ago

    Make porn of Yara and Punchline.

  16. 2 years ago

    >no answers that would actually solve the fricking problem

    Well how about you go frick yourself then. Any "how to save Marvel/DC" plan that doesn't start with firing 90% of their staff is doomed to fail.

  17. 2 years ago

    Mostly the same, but I would mandate that characters must slowly age over time, and can never be de-aged or brought back from the dead. All deaths are permanent.

  18. 2 years ago

    Ultimate universe but characters age in real time.

  19. 2 years ago

    > [Spoiler/]no answers about cleaning house[/spoiler]
    Anything anyone suggests would not work with this stipulation in place.

  20. 2 years ago

    No ongoing titles, every book will be a limited series where the creative team pitches the story and once approved gets a set number of issues similar to seasons of tv shows. As part of the pitch the writer must include certain specific details such as other characters they want to use, any major characters they intend to kill, and a brief summary of what the end of the series will be like to include any major status quo changes. Editors will be responsible for reviewing these details to ensure they don't conflict with any other ideas being approved for other books.

    • 2 years ago

      Not a business guy but this honestly seeme like a good idea

      • 2 years ago

        If nothing else my thought was just that this would prevent drawn out meandering storylines that never go anywhere or shit the bed because they have to end their run on 2 issues' notice and reset the status quo for the next guy. I also think the lack of ongoing titles would prevent the dumb cycle of relaunching with a new number 1 every few months and going back to legacy numbers all the time that alienates new readers. Though to help prevent confusion you'd probably also need to include something like publication date displayed prominently on covers along with issue numbers to make it clear when a book takes place (honestly think they should be doing this anyway due to the constant relaunches I mentioned)

  21. 2 years ago

    Women shit horribly

    • 2 years ago
  22. 2 years ago


  23. 2 years ago

    At least spend 2 years planning out a 10 year plan of how the universe is gonna go than a big event comics to mark the 10 year celebration, after that you let everyone with a legitimately good idea (determined by a group of competent editors) tell their story.
    That of course being the dream scenario.
    I would have maybe 3 main titles in Marvel's Case
    >Fantastic Four
    >the X-Men
    In DC's Case
    >Action Comics/Superman
    >Detective Comics/Batman
    >All-Star Comics/Wonder Woman
    And in the backup of those you introduce the rest of the universe until you spin off into other different comics

  24. 2 years ago

    I’d clean house and get rid of all the SJW writers who have been ruining western comics
    >Hurr use creativity for once
    No. Nothing anybody says will succeed without cleaning house you moronic man child.

  25. 2 years ago

    >Clean the house
    >Get rid of SJW
    There, easy fix.

  26. 2 years ago

    Marvel, time is current day
    >Peter Parker is back to being a teenage dork, he's a major dweeb, and MJ thinks he's an incel until he stands up to Flash Thompson and kicks his ass, and the rest of the Spiders are wiped outside of Noir and 2099, Kraven becomes the main villain rather than Green Goblin, Peter frequently hangs out with Miss Marvel (Kamala Khan), and developes romantic feelings for her without knowing that she's a superhero, love triangle between them and MJ
    >Fantastic Four stay as the old team without kids or Namor cuckage, they become a monster of the week series with lots of science fiction elements (Jonny Quest without the kids)
    >XMen basically follows XMen evolution, outside from having Rogue be a bit more stereotypically southern (depressed cowboy like Johnny Cash), plus Jubilee replaces Boom Boom, Magneto shows up late in the game, is old as balls and follows the old school holocaust victim concept, but he aged in real time (but can still move through a suit of armor and his abilities), "God Loves, Man Kills" is the later main storyline where onslaught is forced a la dragon ball potara because the boss sentinel is basically ultron without Hank Pym doing it
    >The Punisher also aged in real time (experimental steroids keep him going, but are slowly killing him), and I hire Garth Ennis and give him mostly free creative liberty, with the one restriction being that he isn't allowed to shit on Daredevil
    >Iron Fist and Luke Cage go on what are basically blacksploitation style groovy 70s adventures, where it's a sort of Green Hornet and Kato situation where Luke Cage is the invulnerable detective and Iron Fist kicks the shit outta people
    >Daredevil is Catholic Batman (we just rip off Frank Miller, no need to mess with what works)
    >Moon Knight is a cannibal, and his books are basically 80s anime ova ultraviolence, and frequently teams up with Punisher before Frank caps him in the last issue, (Billy Butcher logic) and Moon Knight stays dead

    • 2 years ago

      >Captain America was murdered by the CIA after WWII (stays dead), and his stories are mostly gritty "war bad" blood and mud tales
      >Bucky Barnes IV becomes a villain and tries to wipe America off the face of the earth as vengeance, and he gets capped by the Punisher in the oval office
      >Iron Man used to be a millionaire playboy but is now a dirt poor mechanic after a lawsuit, who uses his know how to protect lower income rural Americans from rich people trying to exploit them (he moved to Eastern Kentucky and slowly learns to respect country folks), he's still a major alchoholic
      >Miss Marvel (Captain Marvel doesn't exist and nothing of value was lost) is a skateboarding brown tomboy who accidentally gets her powers from a meteorite and spends most of her crimefighting stopping little petty thefts, until she witnesses a mobster rape a political leader's daughter. She teams up with Punisher in a 6 part series called "Innocense Lost", where she slowly becomes jaded, depressed, and almost takes her own life, after seeing how fricking evil the people are that Frank deals with (remember the human trafficking ring or the rapist parents from Punisher MAX), she decides that while she's at it, she might as well help Frank, but he dismisses her, knocks her out, and brings her back to her parents. She finds a letter on her pillow "I do what I do, because I couldn't live with anybody else having to do it." She quits superheroing and builds homes for the homeless like Jimmy Carter.
      >Barracuda gets his own book, (of course Ennis writes it) duh, but is more focused on being Moon Knights villain, rather than The Punisher's
      >Dr. Strange is a college dropout stoner loser, before crashing into a divine mystic on his skateboard, and helping him home. This mystic sees something in him, and promises him room, board, and "some good fricking kush" if Strange will take magic lessons with him. It's basically a late 90s early 2000s stoner comedy with super heroes

      • 2 years ago

        >She Hulk gets her own book series that is a mix between courtroom drama, sexy (yet not coomer) comedy, and superhero shenanigans. Imagine the Byrne run meets Jon Grisham. She dates Daredevil for a brief while.
        >The Hulk is as previously conceptualized, but with a much higher emphasis on a dr. Jekyll and mr. hyde story with the Hulk being basically Broly meets xenomorph (one of the big crossovers is taking a pissed off hulk down while everybody, including Hulk is in a base in the Marianas trench)
        >Ant Man is a tribal indian dude from the Amazon who's powers are magical, not science based. His stories are basically those old jungle adventure stories from the golden age, but with a lot of trippy artwork and jojo-style bullshit powers fights

        Fun side bits:
        >Daredevil and Nightcrawler attend the same Church
        >Dr. Strange and Miss Marvel play a game of skate, but the tricks get to "moon gravity tony hawk's PS" levels of nuts
        >Barracuda used to be Childhood Friends with Bishop
        >Susan Storm has belt-length hair
        >Captain America saved Magneto from the camps
        >Wolverine collects records and likes listening to Jazz with Thing
        >Ant Man has heard of the American superheroes, but thinks their costumes are stupid, as he runs through the jungle in a loincloth and black/red bodypaint
        >Iron Fist really likes strawberry milkshakes

      • 2 years ago

        >Dr. Strange is a college dropout stoner loser, before crashing into a divine mystic on his skateboard, and helping him home. This mystic sees something in him, and promises him room, board, and "some good fricking kush" if Strange will take magic lessons with him. It's basically a late 90s early 2000s stoner comedy with super heroes

        This I would actually read. Even Alan Moore saw a drug subtext in Strange, so it would make sense to take it to it's logical conclusion.

  27. 2 years ago

    I'm gonna focus on DC because it's what I know best.
    1. NO SLIDING TIMESCALE. Reason? It confuses casuals, and even when it's explained to them, it takes a lot of getting used to. Which leads directly into---
    2. Characters are divided into eras specifically, with the originals being placed in the time of the Golden Age as period pieces all the way to the modern day with the current legacies as the stars. This will require some further explanation as to why:
    a. It forces the actions of the original characters to trickle down and effect the world and it's legacies in the long-term.
    b. It prevents cross-over outside specific events or storylines (Flash learning to time-travel, Green Lantern Corp and the discovery of the Starheart, more than one Kryptonian being active at a time, etc.)
    c. Characters that were made to exist within certain time periods don't have to deal with the power creep that comes with later-stage heroes, and those that die in that time period remain dead instead of the forced immortality explanation the JSA had (exceptions being Hawkman reincarnations or alien physiology)
    3. Start with Action Comics and Detective Comics as the landmark books. Reintroduce characters in one-and-done stories or short issues that lead into next issue (which would be bi-monthly), acting as anthologies.
    4. Expand into solo titles after 2-3 months after the major character's story arcs in Action/Detective are over, and reintroduce Fun Comics as a subsequent anthology for characters unable to fit into the Action/Detective books. The anthologies will remain in print if characters that are unable to hold solo/team books don't, well, sell. Integrating Shonen Jump's voting system but using a digital-first voting model instead of mail-in to show interest.
    5. Current Day books start with #1s and come out every month, but with larger page counts than the stories in the anthologies.
    6. No events until 1-2 years post launch.

  28. 2 years ago

    Cleaning out house, seriously getting rid of sjw nonsense, lowering the cost of comics to 1$ per issue, setting up news booths where we could directly sell comics, expanding the lcs's with more promotions and cutting down on tittles, also focusing on long unbroken runs with maybe 2 events per year. And get every legend ever to come back and contract them to stay and do the story they wanna tell. And very strong editorial that wont allow any mistakes to happen and very strong art correction team just to do a final sweep of all art that will ever be printed.

  29. 2 years ago

    And taking disney out of the equation, just buy it from their eventual bankruptcy.

  30. 2 years ago

    Cut shared universe, Put all the poplular characters into manga-style almanac

  31. 2 years ago

    Why is there only one suggestion to lower the cost, that's like the number one problem, no one is paying 5 bucks a pop for a mediocre floppy. even an amazing one is not worth that much, even if its an all star team.

  32. 2 years ago

    i'd focus mainly on rebooting x-men right before bendis. absolutely no O5 comics of their own, they just go back to their own timeline, then start over from there without fricking bendis

    nightcrawler wouldn't die, he'd go in to a coma that he wouldn't come out of for a long time and when he comes out of it, actually have that conversation with cyclops about uncanny x-force

    bishop wouldn't actually burn south america in a timeline, but i'd write so he saw a version of himself doing that and realize that shit is insane and writers only did it to make cyclops right and make beast wrong

    bring back the sentinel that became self aware after genosha but only in a vicarious way because it probably would never want to go back to earth. beast would probably want to contact it and assure it that they can work together to make sure that doesn't happen again, and find a refugee planet for mutants and homeless people to live in peace together far out in space,with guest appearances of beta ray bill and silver surfer. bring back some villains from outer space, maybe ROM

    reform avengers to allow some mutants to join different avengers teams and do joint operations.

    progress planet earth in 616 to a type 1 planet with plans to become type 2 (on the kardashev scale).

    give deathlok some serious upgrades. a captured dark beast would assigned by S.H.I.E.L.D. to him

    make midnight sons the flagship series for magic in the marvel universe, that would also do outer space journeys. roster would be dr strange, morbius, blade, moon knight, daredevil, cloak and dagger, the ghost of Druid

    instead of beast being turned in to what he is now, have him be toughened up by joining the punisher and dejectedly deal with the grim reality of killing in the name of justice. it would definitely have a lot of philosophical argument about punisher having it easy because he's a lone wolf and not dealing with groups/teams of people

    dark beast would still exist, not murdered by magik.

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