If you were in charge of the prequels, how would you have handled it? What would you change or add?

If you were in charge of the prequels, how would you have handled it? What would you change or add?

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  1. 8 months ago

    Anakin is a teenager
    Obi wan and Qui Gonn are combined into one character, a Jedi who loses his padawan and takes Anakin as his new apprentice
    The clone wars begin at the end of the first movie, rather than at the end of the next one. Anakin grows up fighting in the war.

    Regular trade disputes escalating into a galactic conflict, gungans, the pod race... all of that can stay really. The following two movies would be so different from then on I that can't even begin to imagine them.

    • 8 months ago

      I feel the same way, to add what you said

      >darth maul was a really cool design, shame he died so early but count dooku is a really great addition
      >tone down the gungans
      >add more scenes where anakin excels at piloting
      >remove mitichlorians completely

      Not sure what else I would do. There's so much content that sometimes I feel it would be better suited for a tv show format

    • 8 months ago

      Hayden is Anakin in all 3 movies. And dial down the schizo lightsaber choreography

      Qui Gonn knew how to stay on the light side of the force without always obeying the Jedi order and without contradicting himself. QG's death was the last hope of anyone teaching Anakin the Force without him destroying everything

    • 8 months ago

      >Anakin is a teenager

      this. flashback for a scene or two but we don't need 8 year old Anakin

    • 8 months ago

      Hayden should've been Anakin since ep 1. It would've given him more time to grow into his acting role and improve his performance in episode 2. Jarjar is okay to exist but needs his screentime cut to 20%, replace his time with scenes of obi wan and anakin building rapport or something

  2. 8 months ago


  3. 8 months ago

    Nothing they were perfect as is

    • 8 months ago

      this. the only thing i would have added is i would have made every movie a three part series so the pt would have 9 been movies

  4. 8 months ago

    I would have rewritten pretty much all the dialogue in episode 1 and 2. Besides that I wouldn’t touch a thing. The only bad thing about those movies are the atrocious dialogue and that’s because George has always been terrible with writing dialogue.

    • 8 months ago

      >George has always been terrible with writing dialogue.
      I always wondered what his deal was, then I started dating a girl who really likes classical theater so I've seen probably a hundred by now. I remember hearing lucas say he models his dialogue in a similar way and now that I have the ear for it I can't unhear it. Doesn't make it any less shit in movie form, but at least I know what he was going for now.

      • 8 months ago

        Immersing oneself in any sort of culture beyond 80's American blockbusters and their descendants (essentially just modern Hollywood in general) reveals that Lucas had a method for everything. It doesn't bother me that people dislike his execution, but it does bother me that 99% of critiques about his films are essentially just "yeah Lucas is dumb," with the critic completely failing to grasp or grapple with any of the creative decisions.

      • 8 months ago

        That is actually part of the reason the prequels are so special, but whatevs.

        • 8 months ago

          I don't really mind the clunky dialogue with Anakin. I mean, he was a slave raised in a monastic, celibate warrior monk order of course he is bound to have a hard time conveying his feelings and act generally awkward

  5. 8 months ago

    I would have changed nothing. I would have sat down and listen to what the prequels had to say, and that's what nobody else did.

  6. 8 months ago

    Drop most of #1

    Drop "destiny"; Anakin is just some skilled guy in the clone wars

    Write actual good dialogue and use actual sets

    Have Darth Maul kill Qui Gon and survive & be a recurring bad that kicks everyones ass until the last one

  7. 8 months ago

    I wouldn't have made them at all. That said, I'd have scrapped Qui-Gon, wouldn't have introduced the wanky nonsensical prophecy, and I'd have centered the story more on the war to justify Anakin's obsession with power and control.

    • 8 months ago

      I think qui gon was good, he feels totally different from the jedi order and obi wan. Fans still talk about him for a reason but yeah scrap the prophecy thing. I feel the clones should have been introduced earlier like end of episode I or begining episode II

  8. 8 months ago

    I would simply not make them
    If compelled at gunpoint to make them, I would set them 100,000 years in the past and feature nothing recognizable from the rest of Star Wars besides maybe the name of a planet or two
    If it has to still be about Anakin turning into Darth Vader then I guess I'd do the same thing as George Lucas besides using more practical effects and also making the clones the enemy during the Clone Wars, not the side Obi Wan fought on

  9. 8 months ago

    First order of business is not have the Jedi order be as big as it is. If this is only some 30 years before ANH, which establishes they were a religion that fell off so long ago they're considered myth, then there needs to be way less than the 100k or so seen all throughout the trilogy. It's even worse that you expect viewers to honestly believe that only two Jedi max survived Order 66. I love the purge scenes but you can't tell me that out of the entire lot only Obi-Wan and Yoda managed to come out of that okay.
    >b-b-but muh comics! muh games!
    By Lucas' own admission all of those things came secondary to the films. And according to Lucas' six films Obi-Wan and Yoda were the last ones standing, because that's the only way the prequels line up with the OT.
    Second thing that needs fixing is Anakin. He's perfectly fine in ep1, and in most of his scenes across 2 and 3 he's great. But you can never shake that feeling that he's two seconds away from dropping to his knees and crying. Most of episode 2 is him whining, and half of episode 3 is him coping and seething. He even goes full school shooter in 3, cutting down kids like he got friendzoned hard. In the OT, Obi-Wan talks about him as if he was Chadimus Prime and a good friend, but when you watch their scenes together past episode one their relationship is clearly rocky at best. Most of the time they don't get along. Anakin can still fall in with Palpatine's plans and the rise of the empire, but he needs more charisma. I'm not saying make him a smartass like TCW did, but some of that b***h shit needs to be relaxed.

    • 8 months ago

      >a religion that fell off so long ago they're considered myth, then there needs to be way less than the 100k or so seen all throughout the trilogy.
      To be fair, in a galaxy with tens of thousands of earth-population level planets, a few of which are couriscant sized, 100k is a drop in the bucket and could easily fly under the radar. Even on earth alone that would be 1/80,000 people, so in the star wars universe it's probably like 1/1,000,000,000 sentient beings.

    • 8 months ago

      >a religion that fell off so long ago they're considered myth, then there needs to be way less than the 100k or so seen all throughout the trilogy.
      To be fair, in a galaxy with tens of thousands of earth-population level planets, a few of which are couriscant sized, 100k is a drop in the bucket and could easily fly under the radar. Even on earth alone that would be 1/80,000 people, so in the star wars universe it's probably like 1/1,000,000,000 sentient beings.

      the tpm visual guide said it was only about 10k at the time that movie takes place, and i assume there are a lot fewer by the time rots starts what with the war and all
      most of the galaxy, especially in the bumfrick nowhere places the ot takes place in, having never seen any jedi is pretty believable

  10. 8 months ago

    Get rid of Jar-Jar, keep Darth Maul alive. Basically redo the entirety of RotS.

  11. 8 months ago

    I’d go through with Darth Jar Jar.

  12. 8 months ago

    Nothing cause my girl likes episode 2 a lot and I find that endearing

  13. 8 months ago

    Wouldn't change anything. I'd watch them on their own terms. Which is what nobody else did

    • 8 months ago

      Make episode 2 less about Bobba Fett and tattoine shit. Everyone and his grandma knows the only memorable parts of that movie are Anakin's mom dying, Yoda vs Dooku and I h8 sand. The movie seriously needs more scenes without dumb padding. Could've used more preface scenes for RotS but noooo they had shill the cartoon.

      Fricking hell man she's a keeper

  14. 8 months ago

    >Drop Jar Jar
    >Drop midichlorians
    >Drop the prophecy
    >Have Anakin be 16-18
    >Have Qui-Gon still disobey the order and train him after Obi-wan
    >Have Anakin watch Qui-Gon die and assist in killing Maul (frick Clone Wars)
    >This Anakin starts his fall and it continues more subtly and slowly throughout Ep 2, more than just the sand people massacre
    >Ep 2's Obi-wan Kenobi, Jedi Knight and Intergalactic Private Investigator unraveling a galactic wide conspiracy is still a kino idea just executed poorly, so it can stay just needs tightened up
    >Clone wars start in the 3rd act of Ep 2
    >Ep 3 is fine for the most part, just have Anakin dealing more with his internal conflict as he's pretty much fallen at this point and Padme and the pending birth of his children is all that's keeping him grounded
    >Of course the much needed several passes of script editing

  15. 8 months ago

    >obliterate TPM entirely, no chosen one bullshit either

    >AOTC is the one that stays largely the same, except a name change
    >trade federation politics bullshit is explained in the opening crawl
    >Sifo Dyas was Anakin's first master who instilled a rebellious nature in him but went missing
    >film begins with Sifo Dyas turning up dead, which in turn begins Obi-Wan's investigation into the cloning facilities
    >Padme is also targeted for assassination in the same way which suggests a larger conspiracy
    >Anakin is appointed as her guardian, also to prevent him from interfering with Obi-Wan's investigation
    >less romantic bullshit, no Tatooine, no Tuskens, add in a couple instances of Anakin protecting Padme from other assassination attempts
    >much like the original AOTC, Obi-Wan's search leads him to Kamino and then Geonosis
    >he discovers that his missing former Master Dooku is behind the trade federation blockades, assassinations, and is trying to assemble a Seperatist coalition
    >more time spent with Dooku pretending to be a good guy and trying to win over Obi-Wan talking about the Sith secretly being in control of the Republic
    >Dooku fools Obi-Wan into believing he killed Sifo Dyas to prevent the Republic from gaining an army and was trying to martyr Padme for her belief in demilitarisation
    >Obi-Wan doesn't believe it the sith have returned but eventually deduces that Dooku is a sith apprentice and is arrested
    >Anakin and Padme come to rescue him and are arrested also
    >arena shit happens but only jedi come to rescue them and take part in the battle
    >Anakin and Obi-Wan still duel Dooku, no Yoda fight, Obi-Wan instead forces Dooku into retreat after Anakin loses his arm rushing into fight him
    >the jedi take heavy losses and decide that they aren't suited for open warfare with the Seperatists, and with Obi-Wan's conclusion that the clones were not corrupted, the Republic approves their integration into their army despite Padme's protests in the senate

  16. 8 months ago

    >Dooku meets with his master in the end, revealed to be the kindly Chancellor Palpatine, and it's revealed that he kidnapped and killed Sifo Dyas and the clones were created at his request instead
    >Sifo Dyas receives a funeral and Anakin becomes Obi-Wan's apprentice so he can finish his training

    >2nd film is early-mid days of the clone wars, focuses on Obi-Wan and Anakin struggling to connect and work together
    >Anakin navigates his secret relationship with Padme and his darker tendencies begin to show with his ruthlessness in battle
    >ends with Palp's kidnapping and rescue, Anakin executes Dooku on his own accord for which he is chastised by the Jedi Council but seen as a hero by the Republic at large
    >Padme is angry with Anakin and thinks they should not be together which only feeds his aggression (they are not married in this version)
    >Palpatine realises Anakin would make a great apprentice

  17. 8 months ago

    >third film begins with Padme trying to bring an end to the war through peace talks as Seps are on the back foot after losing Dooku
    >Anakin and Padme reconcile and spend the night together but he is sent away on another campaign
    >some months later, Padme is assassinated and Anakin returns to Coruscant, it comes out that she was pregnant with twins but Palps' covers it up by saying they died
    >they originally suspect the Seperatists but as the film continues, Palpatine convinces Anakin that the Jedi are behind it, while the Jedi begin to suspect Palpatine, with both saying the other wishes for the war to continue so they can make a power grab
    >Obi-Wan still spends the film hunting down Grievous, Padme's supposed assassin
    >Anakin is requested to be Palpatine's bodyguard, no council or master bullshit
    >goes down similarly to ROTS with the jedi confronting Palpatine and Anakin turning, but he is more motivated by his hate over Padme's death than loyalty to Palps
    >Anakin agrees to be Palp's apprentice to protect himself from the Jedi as well as Order 66
    >also like ROTS, Anakin is sent to kill the Sep leadership but doesn't know Palps was behind it all yet
    >Obi-Wan returns to the temple where he meets with Yoda and they learn that Anakin is now Vader and has gone to Mustafar
    >Obi-Wan goes to confront Anakin on Mustafar, same as the original film
    >Yoda goes to confront Palps who reveals that Anakin's children are alive and will be raised as his apprentices
    >they do battle (force only), but Yoda chooses to spare Palps so he can rescue the children instead
    >Anakin becomes the OT Vader, Palps tells him that he was really behind everything and Vader rages, but Palps shocks him into submission and mindbreaks him into believing he is to blame for enabling Palps' rise to power
    >Yoda and Obi-Wan split up the children and go into exile, like the original

  18. 8 months ago

    >I would have made JJ Abrams direct the prequels and Lucas direct.. people to their seats

    • 8 months ago

      Reminder these gays actually liked the sequels. Any further opinions of them should be discarded

      • 8 months ago

        It was a different group back then. Then, they were younger and angry. Now, they’re old and complacent. I mean, Mike is even starting to dress as a grandpa, with the embarrassing shorts and all that. That initial energy is gone.

  19. 8 months ago

    Physical sets instead of greenscreen BS.
    Episodes 2 and 3 are shot on film instead of lousy digital cameras.
    No midichlorians or Jar Jar.
    Hayden is Anakin all the way through.
    Make General Grievous not stupid-looking.
    Anakin didn't build C3PO.
    Better climactic duel in ATOC. Yoda does not fight until Episode 3.
    Anakin is actually seduced by the Dark Side, like Obi-Wan says in the OT, instead of being tricked into it by Palpatine by simply telling him- without evidence- that he can save Padme.
    A Mandalorian can be the origin of the clones, but it can't be Boba Fett's father.
    Anakin lets the younglings go and only kills the fully-trained Jedi. There's no coming back to the light after you kill kids.
    Tone down the Anakin-Obi-Wan showdown by removing the OTT video game-type stuff.
    Yoda vs. Sheev is a Force battle only, not a saber duel.

    • 8 months ago

      >Physical sets instead of greenscreen BS.

      you homosexuals still going on about this? every movie has been green screen for the last 30 years but somehow you autists only take it out on Star Wars and Lucas

      • 8 months ago

        Wrong. We take it out on every last one of them. This just happens to be a Star Wars thread.

      • 8 months ago

        i distinctly remember george on tv hailing that ep 1 is like 95%+ cg. and this was years after he ruined the original trilogy with all those unnecessary changes and additions with equally shit cg. he's a homosexual

        • 8 months ago

          >george on tv hailing that ep 1 is like 95%+ cg
          You know that for the time that was a technological marvel, right?

          • 8 months ago

            No it wasn’t. It was lazy then just as it is now.

          • 8 months ago

            No it wasn't, and ep 2/3 aged like milk, they looked like total dogshit even in their day

      • 8 months ago
  20. 8 months ago

    no cg

  21. 8 months ago

    Roll Ep 1 and 2 into one movie. Major changes required, obviously, but the important highlights:
    Anakin is a good kid.
    He is taken under Obi-Wan's wing under unusual circumstances.
    Anakin still galls in love with Padme, and disobeys the Jedi by marrying her.
    Subtle political maneuverings bring the galaxy to war around the same time.

    Episode 3 becomes the second movie in the trilogy, mostly unchanged except for some stuff at the end to fit the next part...

    Third movie is about the real establishment of the Empire. Palpatine creates a thriving and efficient order. But Separatist remnants, civil protests, and surviving Jedi crop up everywhere but are disorganized. Anakin hunts them down and becomes increasingly hateful towards them for how much they obstruct the emerging order that Palpatine has built. Obi-Wan and Yoda at first try to be heroes but are forced to accept that the Empire has won, and their only hope is to hide in the fringes of the galaxy until they can nurture the next generation of Jedi in secret.

  22. 8 months ago

    1 ep - Phantom Menace + Attack on Clones in one movie, but Anakin 18 years old, less padme romance
    2 ep - CLONE WARS. Epic battles and politic
    3 ep - Revenge of the Sith - was perfect.

  23. 8 months ago

    >making them even more of a mess by leaving shit like this in


    • 8 months ago

      >see friend/ally executed in cold blood right in front of them
      >start making quips and do a literal moustache twirl signal
      Holy shit. Before any of you prequelgays say "IT WASN'T IN THE MOVIE" the fact Lucas wrote, directed, and shot that scene at all proves he's a complete moron. Frick, he even had it edited with most of the FX in place meaning it was a c**t hair away from being in the film. Unbelievably bad.

      • 8 months ago

        >Anakin: That was a bad...
        >Obiwan: ...mistake
        >[literally do hand signals to one another and debate tactics while the enemies just stand and watch]
        Frick. So unbelievably bad.

  24. 8 months ago

    Director: JJ Abrams
    Writer: Chris Terrio and David Goyer
    Producer: Me and JJ Abrams
    >Christian Bale as Anakin
    >Brad Pitt as Obi Wan
    >Maggie Gyllenhaal as Padma
    >Gon Jin isn't a character
    >Darth Maul is voiced by Morgan Freeman and the over arching villain

  25. 8 months ago

    Child Anakin was a mistake, just start at the AOTC point

    • 8 months ago

      I feel the phantom menace could have worked as a prequel of the prequels and attack of the clones be 2 movies

  26. 8 months ago

    I wouldn't change a single thing. I would listen to what they had to say, and that's what no one did

  27. 8 months ago

    make anakin gay black and a really obnoxious sjw there i fixed it for ya

  28. 8 months ago

    Padmé in frequent and extended scenes of nudity.

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