I'll admit it, this was kinda funny.

I'll admit it, this was kinda funny.

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It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      Outsiders comic that came out today.

  2. 5 months ago

    It was hilarious. The book is great.

  3. 5 months ago

    Infinitely quotable.

    • 5 months ago

      Oh for the love of - is this chip fricking ruining the potential of the Last Knight?

      • 5 months ago

        No. Read the issue. It's unrelated.
        He has this big metafictional rant on how DC's overreliance on Batman is ruining the company and making it impossible to tell non-Batman related stories. Made more poignant since this book itself is Planetary with all the Wildstorm characters carved out to make space for the Batman franchise.

        • 5 months ago

          I know that it isn't intended to be like that, but this has so much "It's not a phase, dad, I wish I was adopted!" energy behind that

        • 5 months ago

          I appreciate that it both shat on Batman (and by extension this book's entire existence) as well as the Batfamily while also weirdly enough not completely shitting on Batman as a whole. That being said I'd rather just read the REAL Planetary again instead of the Planetary we have at home

          • 5 months ago

            I do think there comes a point where it becomes clear the writer is far more interested in dissecting the cultural impact of a fictional character rather than anything related to the character themselves, and that usually comes at the point where characters are screaming about the meta-narrative in an unironic fashion

            • 5 months ago

              Comics exist to troll readers now. They simply don’t care anymore.

          • 5 months ago


            If they wanted to do a new Planetary, it would make more sense for them to reskin it with JLI not Batman's D-List family members.

            Max Lord, Booster Gold, Blue Beetle, Fire, Ice, Guy Gardner, Power Girl, Elongated Man, Sue Dibney, and maybe toss in Jason Todd (since he has multiverse experience via Countdown) could be a decent Planetary book.

            • 5 months ago

              If they wanted to pick the character with the most multiverse experience they'd use Donna Troy.

              >man wasn't the original planetary so great that this very series can only be a pale imitation shackled by branded characters.
              Obviously yes but the self-aware fatalism rubs me the wrong way knowing such readings are themselves trite and overplayed out.

              Did you read the comic or just the panels posted in the thread?

              • 5 months ago

                I read the first issue.

          • 5 months ago

            I do think there comes a point where it becomes clear the writer is far more interested in dissecting the cultural impact of a fictional character rather than anything related to the character themselves, and that usually comes at the point where characters are screaming about the meta-narrative in an unironic fashion

            >man wasn't the original planetary so great that this very series can only be a pale imitation shackled by branded characters.
            Obviously yes but the self-aware fatalism rubs me the wrong way knowing such readings are themselves trite and overplayed out.

          • 5 months ago

            Still feels forced this many other Batmen would job so easily to Rock & Roll Batman- I mean, Duke swinging his bat axe at them, and the payoff would be better if he demonstrably outsmarted them. The solution to batwank isn't making him/them into batnoob so Cooler Batman™ can cut through them like chaff: that's one of the problems BMWL has.

            • 5 months ago

              You're missing the point, since OP censored out Duke you loose a lot of the lines he had after the reveal. The point was that Dark Duke was more or less screaming about how everything is Batman and how Batman is dragging everyone down turning them into Batman before being KOed by Batwoman and then Luke is given a pep talk from Adam West Batman

              • 5 months ago

                >since OP censored out Duke you loose a lot of the lines he had after the reveal
                >...Duke? ...Duke Thomas?
                >Duke, it's me.
                Yeah, the lines I blacked out where super relevant to the plot. Super critical. Completely changes the interpretation of the scene.

        • 5 months ago

          Wait this is a plantery?

          • 5 months ago

            Planetary a comic series by Warren Ellis that is a spin off of Stormwatch and The Authority comics. It's arguably Ellis's one and only almost universally liked book

            • 5 months ago

              >It's arguably Ellis's one and only almost universally liked book

              • 5 months ago

                Planetary a comic series by Warren Ellis that is a spin off of Stormwatch and The Authority comics. It's arguably Ellis's one and only almost universally liked book


              • 5 months ago

                Transmet doesn't hold up as well. It's got too much of the stereotypical Warren Ellis needlessly offensive shock-value stuff in it, especially in the earlier years.
                It's like rereading Crooked Little Vein and getting to the macroherpetophilia group jerk-off session or the guys who inject saline into their scrotum as a kink. You can tell when there was no one around to tell Ellis to rub one out and tone it down.

            • 5 months ago

              I know the book but are the pics I’m seeing from a newer planetary?

              • 5 months ago

                Yeah thanks to OP I checked it out and it's pretty much discount Planetary frick Luke Fox even spends the first issue wearing a white suit like discount Elijah Snow. Hell they even have a Drummer

              • 5 months ago

                DC's Batman group skinned Planetary, shoved Luke Fox and Kate Kane into it like a used suit, and called it the Outsiders. It wears its inspirations on its sleeves. It's the only good Batman comic from the last three months.

              • 5 months ago

                Sounds like shit though

            • 5 months ago

              his og run on stormwatch isn't universally liked?

          • 5 months ago

            Planetary a comic series by Warren Ellis that is a spin off of Stormwatch and The Authority comics. It's arguably Ellis's one and only almost universally liked book

            i think he means the issue where someone keeps switching realities in gotham and theres like 4 different versions of batman from different eras

        • 5 months ago

          lmao you had to censor Duke Thomas, it's not even that one but the Dark Multiverse Duke

          • 5 months ago

            I wanted the thread conversation to be about what he was saying not the "OMG DUKE ITS ME LUKE" awkwardness in the last few panels.

            • 5 months ago

              To be fair, what this Duke is saying is absolute gibberish to anyone that isn't looking at this meta-textually

              • 5 months ago

                The entire issue reads like a drug-addled fever dream if you're not looking at it meta-textually. It's the only interesting book in the Batman group.

              • 5 months ago

                Eh, Ive seen too many writers try and be "clever" to be impressed with this surface-level stuff, but I won't deny that compared to the rest of the Bat lineup this is still stands out at the top

              • 5 months ago

                It's only Batman because it has Batwoman and Batwing, and no one cares about those two, isn't this Planetary?

              • 5 months ago

                Eh, Ive seen too many writers try and be "clever" to be impressed with this surface-level stuff, but I won't deny that compared to the rest of the Bat lineup this is still stands out at the top

                It's only Batman because it has Batwoman and Batwing, and no one cares about those two, isn't this Planetary?

                My thoughts pretty much. I have zero interest in Kate Kane or Luke Fox, and even less in the new "Drummer", but I appreciate that it seems to at least be trying something. Trying to call back an era when comics were actually good. I wouldn't call it a success yet or anything, but y'know, at least it's trying.

                >isn't this Planetary?
                It's trying to be. It's an imitation of course, Warren Ellis isn't involved and I don't think any of the original characters are either.

    • 5 months ago

      No. Read the issue. It's unrelated.
      He has this big metafictional rant on how DC's overreliance on Batman is ruining the company and making it impossible to tell non-Batman related stories. Made more poignant since this book itself is Planetary with all the Wildstorm characters carved out to make space for the Batman franchise.

      What's the actual context here? Why is Dark Multiverse Duke fighting all these Batmen? Who are those Batmen? Are they even real? Or just some clever metaphor?

      • 5 months ago

        >Why is Dark Multiverse Duke fighting all these Batmen
        Because he hate batman

        • 5 months ago

          And what about the Batmen? Who are they and where are they?

  4. 5 months ago

    Merging WildStorm into DC was a bad idea.

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