I'm confuse is the Isom comic an answer to Superman being woke?

I'm confuse is the Isom comic an answer to Superman being woke? Did the decades of him being a nice guy who is alert to racial or social discrimination and injustice made people this angry?

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  1. 2 years ago

    Superman is gay. Isom isn't. Simple as.

  2. 2 years ago

    The fundamental difference is that you can talk about Superman without once mentioning wokeness.
    Example1 : I like the episode of Superman the Animated series where Brianiac goes back in time to kill a young Clark only to get blasted by Pa and Ma Kent with shotguns. Killing the kents off in different continuities is a bad idea because it prevents moments like this. Discuss.
    Example 2: I like that one issue of Man of Tomorrow where Superman holds the world for Atlas and the rest of the DC universe fills in for him. It provides a good insight into how he inspires other capes. Discuss.
    Example 3: I forget the exact issue number, but there's this one comic where what is essentially the Iron Giant shows up. Does anyone have that issue number?
    Example 4: Superman's theme should always be a march. Preferably one with trumpets. To that end, I think the theme from the Zack Snyder movies is garbage, and in fact Captain America: The First Avenger, has a theme that fits Superman better. Discuss.
    Now let's do that for Isom. Oh wait we can't because Isom only exists out of spite. Try talking about him without mentioning wokeness, or the libs, or sjws. You can't do it.

    • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        Example 5: The thing that makes Superman special is that he actually means this shit, 100%, without sarcasm.
        Because he just thinks everyone should do their best according to their abilities.

      • 2 years ago

        What is that thing on the left

        • 2 years ago

          your average leftist

      • 2 years ago

        I hate people with handlebar mustaches, they make me angry.

    • 2 years ago

      >Oh wait we can't because Isom only exists out of spite. Try talking about him without mentioning wokeness, or the libs, or sjws. You can't do it.

      Already been done. Nothing about the comic is about politics. That's all you projecting.

      • 2 years ago

        Nobody is feeding this guy these sums simply because his comic looks promising. I say that as someone who has kickstarter comics on his shelves.

      • 2 years ago

        No, YOU try doing it. Don't just demand people add to clickbait revenue, you fricking shill.

        • 2 years ago

          Shut the frick up and crawl back to twitter you troony homosexual. Just admit that you hate a BIPOC leaving the D plantation.

          • 2 years ago

            Thanks for proving my point.

          • 2 years ago

            >you hate a BIPOC leaving the D plantation.
            Imagine being this much of a Social Justice Warrior.

      • 2 years ago

        Rippa and everybody who talk about this comic see it as an epic moment that own the libs. His book have more meta conversations surrounding it than actual discussion about the comic story, setting and characters.

        • 2 years ago

          >an epic moment that own the libs
          How so? It's a paltry amount of money in the grand scheme of comic-making.
          Do you think this is going to open the floodgates for $100 comics? Do you think it's going to negatively affect the sales of Batman? Hmm?

        • 2 years ago

          And if he's spending this much time doing youtube videos to troll people, how does he have hours left in the day to hone his craft as a comics writer?

          • 2 years ago

            The actual comic is secondary to The CAUSE.

            • 2 years ago

              Preaching to the choir my dude.
              Except I'd argue it's not even of secondary relevance. Money laundering is probably the secondary goal.

        • 2 years ago

          now post the screencaps with twitter trannies calling him the hard R

        • 2 years ago

          that is the fate of all "anti-woke" media about "no politics". it's just an avenue to vent about how mad they are about the culture war that has taken over their mental capacity.

          • 2 years ago

            And are still losing. Because their "leaders" only really want to sell them some shit.

        • 2 years ago

          I wonder.
          Has any lefty crowdfunded something and spent a video per day bragging about how he triggered and defeated his political opponent?

          • 2 years ago

            no because the overall public has no interest in lefty garbage and the only reason why they got their way on the big 2 is because increasing their ESG scores to get investments from Blackrock is more important than selling a product.

            • 2 years ago

              We have a bunch of successful woke Webtoons and we also have lefty YouTubers who made woke books.

              • 2 years ago

                That's not crowdfunding, dumbass

              • 2 years ago

                that looks like a father molesting his ftm daughter

              • 2 years ago

                webtoons doesn't match their narrative so don't bring it up

              • 2 years ago

                >mere exceptions

                If they aired that "Superman vs the KKK" radio serial from eighty years ago today, it would be called woke.

                No it wouldn't. We all know your schizo angle you're trying to push, don't bother.

          • 2 years ago

            Leftist shit talks about how they owned le bigots all the time.

          • 2 years ago

            No, because unlike Ripper, they never actually have.

        • 2 years ago

          >His book have more meta conversations surrounding it than actual discussion about the comic story, setting and characters.
          This is probably my biggest problem with his marketing attempt but to be fair he just started his campaign like 3 days ago. I assume he is gonna give more info as we get closer to launch.

          • 2 years ago

            Or it will be lame like that comixgate guys book. Don't remeber the name but the art was shit and there was a assassin who drives around in a ice cream truck. I don't want right wing propaganda comics. That's why I'll stick with manga.

        • 2 years ago

          >His book have more meta conversations surrounding it than actual discussion about the comic story, setting and characters.
          and that's because YOU can't keep your politics out of it. Not him, you, it's you who is obsessed with propaganda. Because anything that isn't sucking commie dick 24/7 is worse than hitler in your deluded HRT fried mind.

          • 2 years ago

            Okay, so tell me what you like about it without mentioning commies, troons, or sjws.

            • 2 years ago

              Isom, or his name Avery, tried being a hero when he was younger. It sounds like it was pretty short lived though so I doubt he's going to be some well known hero in that world. He quits and lives in Texas for awhile on a ranch before his sister contacts him. One of his childhood friends had been getting mixed up in some bad shit, and it brings Isom back to where he grew up. His friend becoming a cold blooded gangster.

              The relationship sounds like it might be similar to Walking Tall, where the hero and the antagonist have a big history together but after a long absence the friend became a ruthless and corporatized piece of crap.

              • 2 years ago


              • 2 years ago

                Probably going to be a case of that friend doing dirty work for a corporation. Essentially selling his soul with the excuse of having it hard on the streets. Think everything bad about Cyberpunk Corpos. At least that's the route I'm guessing he'll go with it.

              • 2 years ago

                How the frick do you do dystopian megacorps apolitically?

              • 2 years ago

                >How the frick do you do dystopian megacorps apolitically?
                Brought to you by Carl's Jr.

            • 2 years ago

              I like seeing independent artists being able to gain a foothold in the industry, I also enjoy some of the modern designs even if they are a bit cliche. I just wish I knew anything about the book other than the business portion of it and pre-reaction to its existence.

              Reminds me of [pic related] and how I wish that it actually went somewhere instead of making some vague moralistic arguments on a comic page and never presented a coherent story.

          • 2 years ago

            All pro-Rippa posters do is whine about wokeism, how DC/Marvel is owned, how anyone who thinks differently is a racist against le epic black man, how you’re a hypocrite if you don’t support him because he’s black, etc.

            You can’t even contain it into a single thread. Or actually about the comic itself, because there’s next to nothing to talk about. So you just wage culture war and spam. And then play the victim.

            • 2 years ago

              >you don't need new, original black characters. you have black characters at home
              >the black characters at home:

              • 2 years ago

                Way yo ignore all the other points uh?

        • 2 years ago

          I'm pretty sure if people didn't go as far as to banned any talks of his comic on sites like Reddit or Twitter autist seething over it, there would even be this amount of "meta conversations"

          • 2 years ago


          • 2 years ago

            >I'm pretty sure if people didn't go as far as to banned any talks of his comic on sites like Reddit or Twitter autist seething over it, there would even be this amount of "meta conversations"
            Honestly yeah, that's most likely the direct cause of it spiking in purchases like it did. The Streisand effect is a b***h.

          • 2 years ago

            Probably not, given that the rippaverse subreddit is almost entirely meta conversations.
            In fact, a lot of the memes I'm seeing in the threads there are the same as OP pics here...Curious.

            • 2 years ago

              You mean the subreddit that was made after the banning? I might as well assume the that subreddit probably won't even exist if it wasn't for the banning

              • 2 years ago

                They have a place to talk about it and it's still nothing about memes and how shitty leftists are. Barely any constructive criticism or positive discussion about the book. If anything they've proven why they were banned in the first place; comics boards are for talking about comics, not how much you hate transgenders.
                You just don't realize that because we don't have moderation here.

              • 2 years ago


              • 2 years ago

                >Barely any constructive criticism or positive discussion about the book.
                What is there to talk about? The book hasn't even come out and more info has yet to be released since it just started.
                >not how much you hate transgenders.
                Now you're just being moronic.

              • 2 years ago

                >What is there to talk about? The book hasn't even come out and more info has yet to be released since it just started.
                So it needs 6 threads a day, but there's nothing to talk about?

              • 2 years ago


              • 2 years ago

                homie, there are like 20 coom threads on a hourly basis, talking about the same 4 subjects. I ignore them just like anything else I don't care for. No one is forcing you to partake in these threads, take your autism somewhere else.

              • 2 years ago

                Coom threads are still more constructive than this shit.

              • 2 years ago

                Lmao. Unless they post about any source they get the pics from, frick no they ain't "constructive"

              • 2 years ago
              • 2 years ago

                You mean Cinemaphile drops by. /misc/ this, /misc/ that. You can even ctrl+F for "chud" as well. Ironically enough you're putting on your klan hoods by throwing a b***h fit over Isom.

                >2 million dollars for a comic that hasn't even published a single issue yet
                if all it takes is promising "anti woke" comics for you morons to throw this much money at nothing, then you deserve to have your hobby be driven into the fricking ground.

                But it's already driven into the ground.

                No, it doesn't. A comic that simply doesn't bring up woke topics is much different than one that specifically mocks them.

                Also this.

              • 2 years ago

                Funnily enough there is a thread on the /misc/ archives about rippaverse and it was weirdly more accepting and less racist than the screeching wokesters in Cinemaphile. I went in there expecting nothing but shitting on Eric.

              • 2 years ago

                Are you seriously new? Posting like 5 threads on Cinemaphile has been the norm for a long time, lol.

              • 2 years ago

                >Now you're just being moronic.
                No, I'm just looking at


                >Isom #1 already made more money than any Superman book.
                Supertrannies on suicide watch.

                Shut the frick up and crawl back to twitter you troony homosexual. Just admit that you hate a BIPOC leaving the D plantation.

              • 2 years ago

                So Superman finally converted his followers into LGBTQ+ apologists.

              • 2 years ago

                Anon are you really that mad that Superman, the guy that doesn't really hate *anybody*, doesn't hate the gays?

              • 2 years ago

                Superman can love gays as much as he likes. I don't care.

                If you want to read gay comics about dudes cum swapping then do it, but don't expect me to.

              • 2 years ago

                He loves the traditional American way. That's why conservatism fails. They conserve nothing. They just chase Dems left. Gays are considered normal because trannies are fricking nuts.

              • 2 years ago

                >He loves the traditional American way.
                You mean "Life liberty and the pursuit of happiness?" Which part about that is he not encouraging?

              • 2 years ago

                The race marxists are pro-abortion murder fetishists
                Race marxists do no believe in rights as they believe that everything is a power game ala kid-toucher Michel Foucault
                >Pursuit of happiness
                All race marxist want to pursue is ever increasing hedonism until they are able to usher in their dictatorship of the proletariat which will "somehow" lead to utopia(this is what leftist actually believe)

              • 2 years ago

                >3 troony post out of the 76 replies
                >"tHiS sUbJeCt Is AlWaYs AbOuT hAtiNg TrAnNiEs"
                Fricking kek, you must either be an actual troony or have sensitivity of one

            • 2 years ago

              We are talking in terms of the amount of "meta conversations" being made. I have no doubt there would be that discourse even if Reddit wasn't retared, but there really wouldn't be as much as we having now.

          • 2 years ago

            There was meta conversation before the ban.

            You mean the subreddit that was made after the banning? I might as well assume the that subreddit probably won't even exist if it wasn't for the banning

            It was made 2 months ago.

        • 2 years ago

          >His book have more meta conversations surrounding it than actual discussion about the comic story, setting and characters.
          Are you stupid? The Campaign just started a week ago, and he already dropped a trailer on what Isom and the Rippaverse will entail so far. The only reason why there's so many discussions is because of two main reasons
          A) Campaign managed to exceed the goal of 100K and in one day hit over 1M (Currently at 2M)
          B) People who are complaining that this is only about politics, comicsgate, right wing bs propaganda (despite nothing point to that so far)
          Plus he has dropped video's updating his fans on the campaign, updating the site, and letting his fans know that he's pumping all his time into this shit so be on the look out for new youtube channel, reddit, etc...

          I've seen more people complaining about the possibility of politics to the point of unironically wanting to be justified for their theories

          >2 million dollars for a comic that hasn't even published a single issue yet
          if all it takes is promising "anti woke" comics for you morons to throw this much money at nothing, then you deserve to have your hobby be driven into the fricking ground.

          No you idiot, people are putting their money into something they think has promise or value. The whole narrative about anti-woke is from those who are obsessed with owning "the left", which brings up a worry of mine that Rippa might be doing this genuinely cause he wants to, but is going to attract the wrong crowd.

          He already acknowledged that a lot of people from comicsgate supported him even though he has nothing to do with that BS and while this victory lap may be good on him, this will just show people who are obsessed with owning the left confirmation bias

          • 2 years ago

            >despite nothing point to that so far
            The main character has a Christian cross in his character design and his old friend own a mega corporation. Also rippa focus on the anti woke aspect of his comic. If Miles didn't exist and he was a white guy name Ben he wouldn't have made this comic out of spite.

            • 2 years ago

              The cross seems to be getting different amounts of emphasis depending on the art which, politics aside, makes me wonder. Shouldn't there be an editor to keep the art consistent? Because in other pics of the character I'm pretty sure the cross wasn't silver like that.
              I sure hope someone got fired for that blunder.

            • 2 years ago

              >The main character has a Christian cross in his character design and his old friend own a mega corporation.
              You're basing this off of images and a trailer, why not actually wait for the first issue to come out before you make your wild accusations?
              >Also rippa focus on the anti woke aspect of his comic.
              All he said is that this won't be like the shit he criticizes from Marvel and DC, ranging from socio-political messages to convoluted multiverses and retcon, you're just hyper focusing on certain parts and blowing them up
              >If Miles didn't exist and he was a white guy name Ben he wouldn't have made this comic out of spite.
              Why do you assume he's doing this out of spite and not something he's been pondering over? He said it himself that he's invested a shit ton into this project and that it isn't some little side shit to pass time. Again you're just drumming up fake shit to point at the comic

              • 2 years ago

                >Why do you assume he's doing this out of spite and not something he's been pondering over?
                Because his audience is spiteful, his videos are spiteful, and if his comic ends up spiteful there are no consequences to him because his audience is spiteful. Where is the impetus to not be spiteful?

              • 2 years ago

                >but the fans!
                Is this the final cope yet?

              • 2 years ago

                It's a question, not a cope.
                If Issue 1 turns out to be a libertarian circlejerk about the evil commie leftist corporations, are his fans going to stage a boycott on the grounds that he promised to be apolitical, or are they going to buy issue 2?
                If the answer is the latter, then there's nothing preventing him from going down the same road as every other antisjw comic book writer other than "he promised on a youtube video" and others have made that promise before.

              • 2 years ago

                >It's a question, not a cope.
                It's very much a cope because you were never asking that question in good faith in the first place. You already know the impetus. If he doesn't deliver then the sales drop off on issue #2.

              • 2 years ago

                >You already know the impetus.
                If I do then
                >If he doesn't deliver then the sales drop off on issue #2.
                That means this isn't true. It doesn't logically follow.

          • 2 years ago

            >B) People who are complaining that this is only about politics, comicsgate, right wing bs propaganda (despite nothing point to that so far)
            The fact that there's no other discussion surrounding it points to that. You're just blaming "them" for it.
            Despite the fact that, as

            There was meta conversation before the ban.
            It was made 2 months ago.

            pointed out, Rippaverse fans were the ones obsessed with one upping the liberals well before anyone on this board, or indeed anywhere, had even heard of it.

            • 2 years ago

              >The fact that there's no other discussion surrounding it points to that.
              That's not even true though. There were two big threads genuinely discussing the news of the Rippaverse without all this talk about owning the libs or right wing conspiracy. You can find this in tbharchive if you really wanted instead of just assuming it's only Cinemaphilelmbr
              Despite the fact that, as

              There was meta conversation before the ban.
              It was made 2 months ago.

              pointed out, Rippaverse fans were the ones obsessed with one upping the liberals well before anyone on this board, or indeed anywhere, had even heard of it.
              So by your logic people who complain about Gay Jon or the Trans Amazonian are legit fans and not just people with an agenda or trolls? Your proof of this is a fricking reddit post with two comments, realize this please. You're acting as if this type of content doesn't attract people with agendas or just simple trolls

              • 2 years ago

                >There were two big threads genuinely discussing the news of the Rippaverse
                Lol, what's the point of lying?

              • 2 years ago

                Why would I lie about something that's easily findable? If you don't have an actual point just say that? You can drum up fake things or complaints but don't act as if these are based in truth.
                Go be a dumbass who's secretly into /misc/ shit somewhere else anon or spend your time Ctrl+F

                Can someone tell me where to pirate this thing?

                IIRC you gotta wait for shit to be sent in August (not sure what date exactly) but give it a week in August and check RCO or tbh for anything

              • 2 years ago

                Oh, okay. Thanks anon. All this over an unreleased comic is kind of of surprising.

              • 2 years ago

                Glad to see another civil person in this thread. You couldn't be more correct that it's surprising, never would I expect people from Cinemaphile to act like the people they despise or critique. If I'm being frank, while I'm genuinely interested read this, I doubt the storytime thread won't be pruned by reports on how /misc/ infested it is, but here's to hopping.

              • 2 years ago

                So these threads are meant to prove a point?

              • 2 years ago

                Lol at that
                >It's not trannies/SJW we hate, it's the bad and mediocre writing we're hating!
                Then proceeds to make mediocre and bad comics like Rippaverse and Kamen america. Like no lack of self-awereness

              • 2 years ago

                >Then proceeds to make mediocre and bad comics like Rippaverse
                It's not even out yet you sperg.

              • 2 years ago

                You really think it's going to be good? Just because some black guy made it? Lol

              • 2 years ago

                Lol, like I said before you can spend your time filing through these threads. Just because you find a few comments doesn't mean that this is a whole political discussion. For example, It'd be stupid for people to assume that based on all the outrage from certain DC fans about Gay Jon Kent and being unironic homophobic, it means that all these new fans are like that or the people who hate Jon are incels and homophobic, but please drum up shit to complain about with your obsession of SJW things and pol shit

              • 2 years ago

                The subreddit for rippa is about how much the hate the left. No Superman forum or subreddit is about how much they hate gays.

              • 2 years ago

                >Doesn't count because it's devastating to my argument.

              • 2 years ago

                I didn't say this to you (or maybe I did, if so I'll just repeat it):
                1. Rippa's content will attract both genuine fans and people interested in this project, and trolls, racists, misogynists, homophobics, or people with an agenda. I mean you see it here (even if you take Rippa out).
                2.People will use Anime, Comic Actors/Actresses, Comic book issues, fricking Religion to make it about SJWs, Wokeskulls, "the left". How does DBZ own trans people and sjw marvel comics? How does Brie Larson prove that Marvel is trying to push leftist agenda to brainwash people and emasculate men? Where do you get this shit from?

                >No Superman forum or subreddit is about how much they hate gays.
                Well for starters, Reddit would just lock, deleted, or ban people who do that shit off rip. Secondly, you can't really compare a guy and his content to Superman the character, like it'd make if you compared this to any other indie company or person making their own shit.

                >Doesn't count because it's devastating to my argument.

                I mean it doesn't really destroy anything lol. This is the equivalent of some asking a question that can be easily refutable or explained. But sure, my points are getting dismantled

              • 2 years ago

                >1. Rippa's content will attract both genuine fans
                Any day now I'm sure.

          • 2 years ago

            >and letting his fans know that he's pumping all his time into this shit
            Well that's a lie given how much of his time he's pumping into reactionary videos

            Rippa and everybody who talk about this comic see it as an epic moment that own the libs. His book have more meta conversations surrounding it than actual discussion about the comic story, setting and characters.

            • 2 years ago

              Yes, he has a youtube channel that he's had for awhile and has maintained consistent uploads on. That consistency is one of the big reasons people are buying his comic.

              • 2 years ago

                So he's a youtuber first and a comic book writer second.

              • 2 years ago

                >So he's a youtuber first and a comic book writer second.
                I doubt it, his passion seems to truly be in comic books. The YouTube was an avenue to build his name, fan count and income he could invest towards his real passion.

              • 2 years ago

                >I doubt it, his passion seems to truly be in comic books.
                My passion is in comic books. So I have wordpad open and am writing a comic book and learning to draw. I'm not making youtube videos about how shitty Miles Morales is.

              • 2 years ago

                >My passion is in comic books. So I have wordpad open and am writing a comic book and learning to draw.
                >I'm not making youtube videos about how shitty Miles Morales is.
                You're free to make the money to fund your passion in whatever way you're able. He was able to use YouTube to earn enough money to invest in his passion.

              • 2 years ago

                You have to put your name out there and build trust with an audience.

                Marketing and PR are huge business aspects, that's why all (big) companies have a marketing department.

              • 2 years ago

                >You have to put your name out there and build trust with an audience.
                So I need to make a bunch of videos about how I hate the libs and then bait and switch and say my comics totally won't be about that.

              • 2 years ago

                The fact that you got this:
                > I need to make a bunch of videos about how I hate the libs and then bait and switch
                Out of this statement:
                >You have to put your name out there and build trust with an audience.
                Only shows that you're blinded by your own lack of success and bitterness. You fail to observe what others do right to succeed and instead complain that it wasn't you and that you were more deserving.

              • 2 years ago

                Hey Anon, you mind posting some of your roughs in the WOYA thread?

              • 2 years ago

                I've been considering that but I do enough drawgayging for Cinemaphile that you'd know who I was pretty immediately and I actually *want* to be apolitical in my business dealings, and that means preserving my anonymity extra hard in these threads.

            • 2 years ago

              For starters, all these "videos"
              are just clipped from his long stream where he talks about shit. He gave an update talking about cutting back on streaming to focus more on this project because despite the big rev from fans and supporters this is still a big risk. All the shit you see on his channel are from his streams

              >I doubt it, his passion seems to truly be in comic books.
              My passion is in comic books. So I have wordpad open and am writing a comic book and learning to draw. I'm not making youtube videos about how shitty Miles Morales is.

              Well I mean you said it? He's a YouTuber first and a comic fan secondly. Most of vids about comics are essentially, him critiquing shit about Marvel, DC, Image, etc...
              >I'm not making youtube videos about how shitty Miles Morales is.
              I can almost guarantee that you like most of us here, occasionally join convos (even in good faith) discuss about things flawed about DC and Marvel. But I mean hey, he unironically couldn't trust others to do these things so he built it himself

              • 2 years ago

                >are just clipped from his long stream where he talks about shit.
                That makes it worse not better. Shouldn't he be at work instead of streaming? Unless streaming is his work, in which case he's not a comic book creator, he's a streamer.
                Like, I'm reading Radiant Black in another tab and it's about an aspiring novelist that has writers block and spends his time driving for Uber. He's not actually a novelist. He's an uber driver.

              • 2 years ago

                >Shouldn't he be at work instead of streaming?
                >Unless streaming is his work, in which case he's not a comic book creator, he's a streamer.
                >Like, I'm reading Radiant Black in another tab
                Woah woah hold on there. Aren't you wasting time with that? Shouldn't you be getting to work instead of reading for fun? What are you lazy or something? Also holy shit you sound white as frick.

              • 2 years ago

                >Aren't you wasting time with that?
                I'm counting it as research since I was told my script has a similar scene in it and I want the context to make sure I'm not being too derivative.
                >Also holy shit you sound white as frick
                I'm actually black. Guess you guys aren't as not racist as you claim.

              • 2 years ago

                >I'm counting it as research
                No, no. You're reading for fun and that's not allowed. Get back to work.
                >I'm actually black.
                You talk white af, and you're trying to keep another black man down. I'm going to doubt you on that claim bro.

              • 2 years ago

                >. You're reading for fun and that's not allowed.
                I wish. It's not very fun yet.
                >You talk white af,
                What does that even mean?

              • 2 years ago

                Your concern about what he should be doing and when. Trying to preach about how to be successful while you haven't gotten any success yourself. It's usually an overlooked white writer/artist that gets pissy in that kinda situation like you just did.

              • 2 years ago

                >. Trying to preach about how to be successful while you haven't gotten any success yourself.
                I'm not making million dollar culture wars money but I have been published before.

              • 2 years ago

                >I'm not making million dollar culture wars money but I have been published before.
                This is why you're not going to actually learn and gain any real success. You're still blinded by your bitterness. I can get published tomorrow if I wanted, I can call a poetry book company and pay a few bucks and bam I'm a published writer. But am I making a living off it doing that? Am I successful? Hell nah. And I'm not even defining success by a million dollars, success is as simple as being able to financially sustain yourself doing what you love.

                Take notes from how he grew a social following, maintained consistency and marketed himself. Apply it to your own work, legit just stop being bitter and get on that grind while hype has more attention on independent creators.

              • 2 years ago

                >success is as simple as being able to financially sustain yourself doing what you love.
                Making youtube videos about how marxists are the devil.

              • 2 years ago

                Don't take the advice out of spite then, that's fine too.

              • 2 years ago

                Marx was literally a devil worshiper who hated Black folk and raped his maid sooooo

              • 2 years ago

                >Shouldn't he be at work instead of streaming?
                I'm glad you said this anon. To be clear I'm not a fan of Eric , I just found this interesting and kept up with the updates. As far as I know:
                1. He's bought a warehouse and a bunch of materials to create the comics
                2. He created his comic company and found a group of people (which some of them are actually somewhat known for doing work in Marvel or DC) to help build this
                3. He's done the Campaign
                4. Not sure but I think he tried to create a subreddit but that was banned, he's making a YouTube channel for Rippaverse stuff only
                5. He's actually "taking down" his stream setup and replacing it for his "headquarters" to focus on comics
                6. He's given updates and fixes on his website (simple shit like crashes or buttons not working properly or tracking your orders)
                7. Just the general fact that he's working on shit without telling us so we don't really know how far he is in this project
                >Radiant Black
                Heard about this on YouTube, gonna check it out. Well he can be to things at once, it's not like driving for others and writing your stories conflict with each other? He can be a comic creator and a streamer, it just depends on what he's focusing on right

              • 2 years ago

                >Heard about this on YouTube, gonna check it out.
                I'm a couple issues in and it's basically Spider-man meets power rangers so far so if you like that stuff you might want to read it but I'm kind of burnt out on Peter Parker types so I'm actually reading it to make sure I avoid the archetype.

              • 2 years ago

                >Spider-man meets power rangers
                Funny enough the YT short basically described as a thing people who enjoy PR should read. GL on trying to build a unique character then

              • 2 years ago

                >I can almost guarantee that you like most of us here, occasionally join convos (even in good faith) discuss about things flawed about DC and Marvel.
                While true, I'm willing to bet I have a much wider breadth of books on my shelf than July seems to according to what people like you are relaying to me. Apparently the guy doesn't even read manga or many other indies? Because if he's pushing
                >MY comics won't have retcons! It'll be a neat continuity!
                as a selling point that speaks to an ignorance of the medium as a whole that I cannot reasonably put any faith in and would advise others not to either.

              • 2 years ago

                >I'm willing to bet I have a much wider breadth of books on my shelf than July seems to according to what people like you are relaying to me.
                I mean sure, but we really have no way of testing how much of a true comic book fan he really is?
                >MY comics won't have retcons! It'll be a neat continuity!
                Funny enough, he did actually say there will be a few retcons and big events but nothing on the scale of DC or Marvel.
                >as a selling point
                Well his main supporters are people that don't like a lot of shit in Marvel and DC and are willing to put their money else where. It'd make sense to establish some things to get them on your side. Though the medium is a mess today there's some hope, apparently due to the success of Invincible and The Boys, Amazon will bring on another comic book adaptation

          • 2 years ago

            >Campaign managed to exceed the goal of 100K and in one day hit over 1M (Currently at 2M)

            And this is a valid reason to flood the board with like nine different threads about the same subject? Motherfricker, how young are you? Is this the first time you ever saw an anti-woke crowdsourcing effort? This is not new, there’s been multiple similar campaigns in the past.

          • 2 years ago

            >people are putting their money into something they think has promise or value

            Comicsgate campaigns are literally just about supporting something to own da libs and given how this guy’s entire youtube content relies on constantly b***hing about wokeness, you have to be as naive as a three year old to think the support for this project is just blind innocent belief in “value” or “promise”.

        • 2 years ago

          good, I hate the libs

    • 2 years ago

      Show me in the synopsis where any of those things are mentioned.

      • 2 years ago

        Exactly anon. Isom is a big nothingburger with nothing going for it other than some headcanon that it's going to beat the gays.

        • 2 years ago

          >it's going to beat the gays.
          Meanwhile the gays beat Superman.

        • 2 years ago

          >missing my point
          Show me where it mentions sjw's, the libs, or whatever other bs you said.

          • 2 years ago

            So you're saying there's nothing to discuss but the synopsis? How come we're not even doing that?

            • 2 years ago

              >moving the goalposts

            • 2 years ago

              My brother in Christ, you brought up "owning the libs"

            • 2 years ago

              There are attempts:

              Isom, or his name Avery, tried being a hero when he was younger. It sounds like it was pretty short lived though so I doubt he's going to be some well known hero in that world. He quits and lives in Texas for awhile on a ranch before his sister contacts him. One of his childhood friends had been getting mixed up in some bad shit, and it brings Isom back to where he grew up. His friend becoming a cold blooded gangster.

              The relationship sounds like it might be similar to Walking Tall, where the hero and the antagonist have a big history together but after a long absence the friend became a ruthless and corporatized piece of crap.

              Probably going to be a case of that friend doing dirty work for a corporation. Essentially selling his soul with the excuse of having it hard on the streets. Think everything bad about Cyberpunk Corpos. At least that's the route I'm guessing he'll go with it.

              But then people get pissy and bring it leaveitics.

              How the frick do you do dystopian megacorps apolitically?

              • 2 years ago

                Because maybe plots bien from political things have political topics in them

    • 2 years ago

      >The fundamental difference is that you can talk about Superman without once mentioning wokeness.

      chief attributes of current year superman
      1: is a gay
      2: takes wiener in his mouth and his ass
      3: is the son of the original superman, who was also anally raped
      4: acts gay
      5: exists solely to unnaturally tie existing american mythology with homosexuality

      • 2 years ago

        They should make superman israeli already. Krypton/crypto.

  3. 2 years ago

    The answer to woke is more diversity in comics? 1.7million! Fricking conservatives. You conserve nothing. Gays are a vocal part of the republican party now.

    • 2 years ago

      >The answer to woke is more diversity in comics?
      Stop being upset that a black guy is writing his own original black character. This is the "diversity" and "representation" you offer:

      • 2 years ago

        >Thor once got so butthurt that Tony scribbled on Mjolnir with a sharpie that he gave everyone Tony's private phone number as a petty revenge
        >meanwhile Miles Thorales covered Mjolnir with ugly graffiti

      • 2 years ago

        What happened to Mjolnir...?

        • 2 years ago

          Progressive writing happened

        • 2 years ago

          >What happened to Mjolnir...?
          Parties in Asgard be wildin' fr fr no cap.

      • 2 years ago

        I dont read comics with blacks. I'll stick with Manga. Enjoy your cape n' ape shit.

    • 2 years ago
  4. 2 years ago

    Seethe harder.

    Isom #1 already made more money than any Superman book. They're not even comparable.

    • 2 years ago

      Isom is a flying bricks that was born and raised in a farm the looks like the kent.

    • 2 years ago

      >Isom #1 already made more money than any Superman book.
      Supertrannies on suicide watch.

    • 2 years ago

      A single issue of action comics 1 will sell for more than his entire run

      • 2 years ago

        Highest selling AC#1 sold for 3 million.

        Isom #1 is up to 2.2 million in just 4 days.

        It's only a matter of time.

        • 2 years ago

          I didn't know this Rippa before the shill threads, but I honestly hope he makes 10s of millions of chud bux. Then goes off and marries his white boyfriend or something.

        • 2 years ago

          >Highest selling AC#1 sold for 3 million.
          At a auction? No shit. I'd be surprised if it didn't sell for more than a million. A better comparison is the amount of people buying AC compared to the ones who pre-ordered it.

  5. 2 years ago

    It's an answer to Chudlings having mommy-monies and a willingness to throw it away for "social justice-ings".

  6. 2 years ago

    I don't know. I really hope that Isom isn't an Uncle Ruckus or pre reboot Icon type character.

  7. 2 years ago

    >Did the decades of him being a nice guy who is alert to racial or social discrimination and injustice made people this angry?
    moronic baizuo narrative. You always pretend you're simply being virtuous when really you are self righteous pieces of shit. Frick off you 99 IQ liar.

  8. 2 years ago

    "Noooo, there are too much wokings, too many black replacements! I will stuff monies into this black man's pockets to fix this!"

    • 2 years ago

      >Replace already establish characters with all new black replacements or outright race swap characters.
      I can't believe you hate this. The only possible explanation is you're racist.
      >Black man's creates his own original characters who happen to be black and makes over $2,000,000 for his own original comic

    • 2 years ago

      It's an answer to Chudlings having mommy-monies and a willingness to throw it away for "social justice-ings".

      The answer to woke is more diversity in comics? 1.7million! Fricking conservatives. You conserve nothing. Gays are a vocal part of the republican party now.


      I'm confuse is the Isom comic an answer to Superman being woke? Did the decades of him being a nice guy who is alert to racial or social discrimination and injustice made people this angry?

      The fundamental difference is that you can talk about Superman without once mentioning wokeness.
      Example1 : I like the episode of Superman the Animated series where Brianiac goes back in time to kill a young Clark only to get blasted by Pa and Ma Kent with shotguns. Killing the kents off in different continuities is a bad idea because it prevents moments like this. Discuss.
      Example 2: I like that one issue of Man of Tomorrow where Superman holds the world for Atlas and the rest of the DC universe fills in for him. It provides a good insight into how he inspires other capes. Discuss.
      Example 3: I forget the exact issue number, but there's this one comic where what is essentially the Iron Giant shows up. Does anyone have that issue number?
      Example 4: Superman's theme should always be a march. Preferably one with trumpets. To that end, I think the theme from the Zack Snyder movies is garbage, and in fact Captain America: The First Avenger, has a theme that fits Superman better. Discuss.
      Now let's do that for Isom. Oh wait we can't because Isom only exists out of spite. Try talking about him without mentioning wokeness, or the libs, or sjws. You can't do it.

      >this dishonesty
      Why are you like this? Why begin with assumptions, strawmen, and false premises?

  9. 2 years ago

    Hopefully Caitlyn Jenner catches word of this and starts her own $100 comic for the chud market. She used to be quite the athlete-hero.

    • 2 years ago

      And hopefully you'll go back to buying $5 dollar floppies telling you how bad white people are. That'll show then mean old Chuds a thing or two.

      • 2 years ago

        No one on Cinemaphile buys floppies. But do continue trying to find outrage over this guy selling his fabulously marked up comic. If it will keep up your antics I can pretend to be really upset.

        • 2 years ago

          NTA but I buy floppies on occasion.
          Most recently it was Last Ronin.

        • 2 years ago

          >find outrage
          I'm looking at you right now.

        • 2 years ago


  10. 2 years ago

    >Cinemaphileumblr White liberals are upset us Blacks no longer your uncle toms
    Such as many cases.

  11. 2 years ago

    I don't see why y'all shilling that shit here
    We don't buy comics nor do we talk about them

  12. 2 years ago
  13. 2 years ago

    >2 million dollars for a comic that hasn't even published a single issue yet
    if all it takes is promising "anti woke" comics for you morons to throw this much money at nothing, then you deserve to have your hobby be driven into the fricking ground.

    • 2 years ago

      non-woke ≠ anti-woke

      • 2 years ago

        the point still remains the same.

        • 2 years ago

          No, it doesn't. A comic that simply doesn't bring up woke topics is much different than one that specifically mocks them.

          • 2 years ago

            it remains the same because you're still drooling mongoloids who gave 2 million dollars for a product you know nothing about. All you have is a synopsis of the story and 3 preview pages with some mediocre art. They didn't even have the gall to give the first issue out for free to back up their claims because they're so sure you're mindless consumers that they could dangle keys in front of your faces and you'd clap like and hand over your wallets.

            >His book have more meta conversations surrounding it than actual discussion about the comic story, setting and characters.
            Are you stupid? The Campaign just started a week ago, and he already dropped a trailer on what Isom and the Rippaverse will entail so far. The only reason why there's so many discussions is because of two main reasons
            A) Campaign managed to exceed the goal of 100K and in one day hit over 1M (Currently at 2M)
            B) People who are complaining that this is only about politics, comicsgate, right wing bs propaganda (despite nothing point to that so far)
            Plus he has dropped video's updating his fans on the campaign, updating the site, and letting his fans know that he's pumping all his time into this shit so be on the look out for new youtube channel, reddit, etc...

            I've seen more people complaining about the possibility of politics to the point of unironically wanting to be justified for their theories
            No you idiot, people are putting their money into something they think has promise or value. The whole narrative about anti-woke is from those who are obsessed with owning "the left", which brings up a worry of mine that Rippa might be doing this genuinely cause he wants to, but is going to attract the wrong crowd.

            He already acknowledged that a lot of people from comicsgate supported him even though he has nothing to do with that BS and while this victory lap may be good on him, this will just show people who are obsessed with owning the left confirmation bias

            >people are putting their money into something they think has promise or value
            and they should be laughed at. i don't care how good the product looks or how much value you think it has. crowdfunding has proven to be more risk than reward for backers. especially when it's some literal who and a company that nobody knew about until last week.

            • 2 years ago

              >They didn't even have the gall to give the first issue out for free

            • 2 years ago

              >crowdfunding has proven to be more risk than reward for backers.
              Except it's not a crowdfunding campaign. He put the money in himself upfront to get stock printed. The products are already done, either on the way from the printers or already in the warehouse. Fulfillment begins in a couple weeks here at the beginning of next month. If you're asking why it looks like a kickstarter/igg, it's because he liked the transparency that kind of setup showed with regards to customer/backer # and $ amount.

              • 2 years ago

                Even worse. People are still giving money to a product they know nothing about. All because they heard buzzwords they like to hear. Swindled into paying for a finished comic issue to be printed before they can even read it.

              • 2 years ago

                >Swindled into paying for a finished comic issue to be printed
                The production cycle is done moron. He put his own money down upfront to get stock printed before ever going live with the campaign page.

            • 2 years ago

              Even worse. People are still giving money to a product they know nothing about. All because they heard buzzwords they like to hear. Swindled into paying for a finished comic issue to be printed before they can even read it.

              >are just clipped from his long stream where he talks about shit.
              That makes it worse not better. Shouldn't he be at work instead of streaming? Unless streaming is his work, in which case he's not a comic book creator, he's a streamer.
              Like, I'm reading Radiant Black in another tab and it's about an aspiring novelist that has writers block and spends his time driving for Uber. He's not actually a novelist. He's an uber driver.

              Lol at that
              >It's not trannies/SJW we hate, it's the bad and mediocre writing we're hating!
              Then proceeds to make mediocre and bad comics like Rippaverse and Kamen america. Like no lack of self-awereness

              >success is as simple as being able to financially sustain yourself doing what you love.
              Making youtube videos about how marxists are the devil.

              Man you guys are mad

              • 2 years ago

                They made a webtoons thread to cope about how "wokeism totally isn't killing comics". Rippaverse is driving them nutty.

    • 2 years ago

      1. Cope
      2. Seethe
      3. Dilate
      We're winning.

    • 2 years ago

      Its NFT shit all over again

      • 2 years ago

        There's nothing more villainous than crypto bros

  14. 2 years ago

    If they aired that "Superman vs the KKK" radio serial from eighty years ago today, it would be called woke.

    • 2 years ago

      >mere exceptions

      No it wouldn't. We all know your schizo angle you're trying to push, don't bother.

      It got released in comic form a couple years ago and was called woke.
      In between the Klan apologists going "why are we even talking about this in current year?"

  15. 2 years ago

    Oh no, Rippa's already closing in on DC's popularity

  16. 2 years ago

    This is your reminder that the natural end point of "political correctness is just being nice" is governments turning a blind eye to muslim paedophile gangs because they're scared of being called racist.
    That is the world your "alertness to discrimination" has built.

  17. 2 years ago

    Can someone tell me where to pirate this thing?

  18. 2 years ago

    do they say homie in the comic and talk about how gang issues are completely fricking blacks over?

  19. 2 years ago

    >Cinemaphile seething over Rippa

  20. 2 years ago

    I like superheroes who weren't ass raped.

  21. 2 years ago
  22. 2 years ago

    just make a superman general

  23. 2 years ago

    Can we just kill all amerimutts they can't help but make literally everything about their "culture war" I don't care about the political leanings it's just so exhausting it makes you frickers look unhinged

  24. 2 years ago

    > The virgin Superman
    > Goes to pride parades and supports his homosexual son
    > The Chad Isom
    > Wonders why pride parades even exist because he knows taking dicks up your ass is anything to feel pride over.
    That is the difference.

    • 2 years ago

      >Wonders why pride parades even exist because he knows taking dicks up your ass is anything to feel pride over.
      Because it makes snowflakes seethe

      • 2 years ago

        >getting monkeypox to own the chuds
        I'm thinkin' based

  25. 2 years ago

    Leftists are really malding that a guy clips out a couple videos mocking their seethe.

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