I'm confused. Did the genie make Aladdin a Prince or not? Or just give him a Prince like facade.

I'm confused. Did the genie make Aladdin a Prince or not? Or just give him a Prince like facade. He never said "genie I wish I was kind of like a Prince but if I get found out to really be a street rat I'm not really a Prince." Sounds like Aladdin got frickin hustled. Also between them didn't they have like 7 wishes left at the end?

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  1. 12 months ago

    He did, but he never asked for a kingdom, which would have been a whole lot more work that Aladdin didn't actually want so he made him the prince of thieves instead.

  2. 12 months ago

    This was 500 B.C. or sometime like that. You had no way to know if a random somebody showing up actually WAS the prince of someplace or not. There wasn't exactly the Yellow Pages available to look everybody up. When Ali showed up claiming to be a prince, with dozens of people following him and tossing gold on the ground like rose petals, it's a good assumption that he's telling the truth.
    To be more direct, Genie did not magic up an entire new realm from nothing for Aladdin to become the prince of.

    It wasn't a wish. None of what Aladdin asked for was a wish, outside the first two he directly mentioned and the third at the end of the movie. Genie is free to do what magic he wants while outside the lamp, and was willing to use his magic powers to help out Aladdin before the third wish was made. Given that Genie apparently gets stuck back inside the lamp once the third wish was granted, it gives him a reason to toss magic around in order to stay outside.

    Note that Aladdin could've actually wished to be a prince, like Genie mentioned at the end of the movie. Genie's magic probably would've actually made him a prince of a kingdom (not clear if a new kingdom or just becoming prince of an existing one) but that wish was not made.

    >Also between them didn't they have like 7 wishes left at the end?
    Between who?
    Aladdin got 3 wishes. Jafar got 3 wishes. That's the deal. Both used up all three wishes, meaning that there were a total of 6 wishes granted. Genie was free to use his magic for other stuff, though, so more magic happened than just granting those six wishes.

    • 12 months ago

      No Jasmine and the Sultan were right there with 3 wishes each.

    • 12 months ago

      If he could have done it at the end then WHY DIDN'T HE DO IT IN THE FIRST PLACE

      • 12 months ago

        He says he could make him a prince "again", and Aladdin says he has to stop pretending to be something he's not.

        • 12 months ago

          That explains Aladdin choosing to free genie instead of becoming a Prince again (which Jsamine could have easily done for him with one of her 3 wishes) but not WHYBHE DIDN'T DO IT PROPERLY IN THE FIRST PLACE

      • 12 months ago

        It wasn't a wish, it wasn't as strong. It was just Genie making Aladdin appear to be a prince (and helping with gold and stuff by his magic) and Jafar was able to use his own magic to take it away.
        Presumably, the wish version would be stronger. Not that Jafar was there to interfere again.

        No Jasmine and the Sultan were right there with 3 wishes each.

        You get wishes by rubbing the lamp. Jasmine and the Sultan didn't rub the lamp, so no wishes for them. And once the Genie was free, he wasn't handing out wishes anymore.

        • 12 months ago

          >Presumably, the wish version would be stronger.
          Is this actually in the movie? Where did the idea of genies having special "wish granting" powers instead of using their existing powers to grant wishes originally come from?

          • 12 months ago

            Well, there is the fact that Genie was able to create an even more powerful genie (with powers he does not have) as a result of a wish. Given that Genie has some pretty strict rules like "cannot kill anyone" and "cannot make anyone fall in love", being able to produce another genie with those powers probably isn't part of his normal genie power set.

            • 12 months ago

              Jafar didn't kill anyone as a genie or make anyone fall in love... which he could've arguably done as a sorcerer instead.

              Also, if Aladdin's father is the King of Thieves, Al is already technically a Prince before his wish. Not necessarily a standard Arabian one with land and subjects, but a Prince all the same.

  3. 12 months ago

    Could the genie retroactively change his bloodline? I don't remember him showing that kind of omnipotence. He changed things into other things or summoned up objects and so on.

    • 12 months ago

      Jafar was rearranging the planets seconds after becoming a genie so, probably.

    • 12 months ago

      Genie did more or less the same thing when Jafar wished to become sultan. He just gave him Jasmin's dad's clothes and took over the palace.
      Basically a waste of a wish since Jafar could have done that himself with his second wish.

      I would imagine genies can't do things like change the timeline because they could accidentally erase people which technically breaks the first rule.
      If they could, someone could just circumvent the no-murder rule by just wishing their foe was never born.

  4. 12 months ago

    and why did he transform into Groucho Marx? Geez what a unrealistic film

    • 12 months ago

      Ikr, like what happened to his entire entourage? Were they even real to began with?

  5. 12 months ago

    It doesn't matter cause he'll always be a dirty street rat.

    • 12 months ago

      Frick off Jafar.

  6. 12 months ago

    The implication always seemed to be that he just gave him the appearance of a prince as far as his entrance into Agrabah was concerned, with all the wealth and human capital that would require. I don't think he rewrote his family tree or conjured up a kingdom in a distant land he could rule over, the whole thing's just a front so he can bang Jasmine anyway so that's all he needed, and you can handwave that as the genie knowing that's all he really wanted

  7. 12 months ago

    Well the third movie revealed that he was a prince in the first place, so Genie just gave him the gettup

  8. 12 months ago

    The genie is a nice guy, and if he likes you he isn't going to frick you over if he can help it. He does seem to have a fair bit of leeway when it comes to this stuff, considering the whole drowning rescue thing. He probably realized that spawning an entire country out of nowhere would just give Aladdin a bunch of problems that are unnecessary for his true goal of getting with Jasmine. So he likely assessed the situation and decided a makeover was sufficient to accomplish that goal. Plus given how sloppy Disney is with royal titles and the like, marrying Jasmine probably legally made him a prince anyway.

  9. 12 months ago

    >Did the genie make Aladdin a Prince or not?
    Genie made Aladdin's dad the King of Thieves which made him the Prince of Thieves, but offscreen. At the end of the movie Aladdin does become Prince of Agrabah so it happened but just slowly.

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