I'm not saying that Dune is perfect or anything, but after watching Dunc 2 I can honestly say star wars is fricked.

I'm not saying that Dune is perfect or anything, but after watching Dunc 2 I can honestly say star wars is fricked. Like look at this shit they have been shitting out since 10 years and thinking that some morons actually were excited for it.

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  1. 3 months ago

    the OT wouldnt even wipe its ass with dunc tho

    • 3 months ago

      But there will only be ONE more Dune. And the 2 so far aren't massive or anything. So, this is nonsense.

      Sorry bro but it's just not exciting enough for the masses, too slow for the majority of normies.

      T. Worried Disney execs

  2. 3 months ago

    But there will only be ONE more Dune. And the 2 so far aren't massive or anything. So, this is nonsense.

    • 3 months ago

      They are testing the waters obviously. Next project will be an adaption of the shitty prequel novels (the ones about the houses, not the jihad ones), which will stay true to the style of the movies but be a bit more mainstream-oriented in a Game of Thrones kinda way. That shit could be a huge success.

      • 3 months ago

        Doubt it. I think they will first do the novels up to God Emperor, and then they'll do the prequels as tv series

    • 3 months ago

      There will be only another Villeneuve Dune, but if Dune 3 is a success too they will for sure hire a new director and milk the franchise until it's dead.
      Yes, one day we will see God Emperor of Dune Part 1 on an imax screen

  3. 3 months ago

    I personally hope that Star Wars turns out to be a timeflop that kids in 10 years will mock and kids in 20 year won't even remember.

    • 3 months ago

      Rewatched the original star wars last year and it really makes me wonder how this kicked off an entire geek subculture, it's an extremely cheesy space opera that would get ridiculed if it released today

      • 3 months ago

        Imagine showing the first Micheal bay transformers to a 70s audience. Their minds would be blown and they'd form a religion around it

  4. 3 months ago

    Sorry bro but it's just not exciting enough for the masses, too slow for the majority of normies.

    • 3 months ago

      Dude it just made half a billion dollars, and they haven't even released it yet on streaming and bluray.

    • 3 months ago

      I saw in theaters last night. Theater was packed, all seats sold out except for that one really stupid row right in front of the sxreen

      • 3 months ago

        IMAX always booked.

        • 3 months ago

          Got curious, this is the closest IMAX to me. Is it really worth it? I heard Dolby was better.

          • 3 months ago

            You will at any rate receive enough cinema to make the ticket price feel worth it, even if you think the story is a bit eh in the end

          • 3 months ago

            Depends on the location and how much the staff give a shit.
            My local ima used to be awesome then they sliced the room in 2 and converted the bigger half into a Dolby

        • 3 months ago

          Got curious, this is the closest IMAX to me. Is it really worth it? I heard Dolby was better.

          Why do they even have that front row

          • 3 months ago

            So you can see their beautiful faces up close.

          • 3 months ago

            there will always be a front row, everyone will avoid it so you just put some ridiculously close seats even closer to the screen and people will fill the old row

  5. 3 months ago

    Dunc is a fricking horrible story.
    Frank Herbert was a child abuser.

    • 3 months ago

      Yeahh... not gonna watch that one, sweaty

    • 3 months ago

      Stefan Molyenueughex is a israelite

      • 3 months ago


  6. 3 months ago

    zoomers are so desperate and transparent to have "their thing"

    • 3 months ago

      >zoomer thing
      What kind of gorilla Black person ape are you?

      • 3 months ago

        if you've read the book you'd know Villeneuve's adaptation is dogshit, the only people who like it are zoomers who are DESPERATE to have their own cultural things

        • 3 months ago

          I read the book and liked both DUNC movies. I thought they conveyed the plot and struggles of the characters exceptionally. Yes I also watched Lynch's Dune, it's irredeemable trash.

          • 3 months ago

            >Lynch version closely follows the books
            >Dunc changes A LOT from the book

            I like both but you're wrong.

            • 3 months ago

              Did you reply to the wrong person? Oh well I’ll reply anyway. Lynch’s Dune felt like a cash grab. Wooden unemotional characters, incoherent pacing with plot holes and resulting from book deviation Lynch just made up his own nonsensical story skipping to random chapters in the book out of order. The hilariously bad “sound guns” were just the icing on top.
              DUNC was the adaptation I was always waiting for. It accurately captured the fears and ambitions of the characters that I felt while reading it. The acting was good, only thing that disappointed me is that they made baron harkonnen snoke-tier and the amerimutt casting.
              The scene where Paul learns how to ride a sand worm had better acting, cinematography, emotion, and soul than Lynch’s Dune in its entirety.

              • 3 months ago

                No, I replied to the right person. Villeneuve cut way too much out of part 2, it was a huge disappointment. Part 1 was great but he dropped the ball on part 2 unless you're just in in for "muh worms".

              • 3 months ago

                I kinda disagree. What would you have wanted to see in the movie?
                Also tbh I think Villeneuve is just going to take a left turn for the third Dune, he will probably barely stick to the plot (as you can already see in the ending of Dune 2: why tf is Paul waging war against the houses? Why are they not concerned about him blowing up all the spice deposits? I can only imagine that Villeneuve is going to take a left turn on the source material)

              • 3 months ago

                >What would you have wanted to see in the movie?
                The Spacing Guild. They didn't even need to show the Navigators and at this point I don't think he's going to show them.

                Alia as an actual character and not just a fetus especially for her scene when she cries because of how everyone reacts to her, it shows her humanity.

                Jessica and Paul when they both drink the water, I wanted to see more of the visions that they see under the influence, it's a huge moment and it felt rushed.

                The ending itself was way too rushed, it's the greatest moment in the book and it felt like he was just getting it out of the way. He didn't even explain the plan about using the atomics on the shield wall, he just says "You guys come in this way, you guys come in here".

                Rabbans death was also pathetically quick and Gurneys "This is for my friends" line still makes me laugh.

                Count Fenring being cut entirely.

                No Thufir at all, I wanted to see his hatred for the Harkonnens and his sacrifice at the end.

                Pauls reaction to Chani at the end, not even telling her that he will still be with her and instead just leaves with Irulan. The ending overall sucked.

                There wasn't enough back and forward treachery between the Baron and Feyd either, they just made Feyd into a dumb psychopath.

                I'm sure there's more but that's all I can think off of the top of my head.

              • 3 months ago

                Lynch's version was heavily cut, and those morons destroyed the cut content. iirc it was supposed to be 3.5 hours long.

          • 3 months ago

            You're a bad person with bad opinions

        • 3 months ago

          Have you read dune? Dunc is not flawless but it's serviceable. I'd like to see your idea of faithful dune adaptation that's 90% inner monologues and exposition

          • 3 months ago

            It would make sense only as a tv series of twenty 90 minutes-episodes, and that would probably cover only up to the end of Messiah

          • 3 months ago

            No zendya or race/gender swaps of characters
            Sticking to the actual story instead of angry Chani. Litteraly that easy

    • 3 months ago

      Can't people just enjoy a movie

    • 3 months ago

      not just zoomers. tons of annoying millennial nerds are excited to finally have the chance to drop references.

      there's a nerd pop culture void right now. all the old franchises are dead and every attempt to fill the void keeps failing. the millennials hate feeling old and irrelevant so they're latching onto this and pushing it hard

  7. 3 months ago

    >muh mediaslop ip console wars
    have sex moron

  8. 3 months ago

    Was "religion bad" this prominent in the book too?

    • 3 months ago

      Even more so. It's the whole point of Dune Messiah.

    • 3 months ago

      Yes, pretty much the entire Golden Path is about making humans immune to prescience, while making them so repelled by religious/charismatic figures that they will never fall for another one for the rest of human history.
      Personally I think it's kinda bullshit, life under Leto II would be considered ideal by 99.99% of humanity (it is basically an improvement on all fronts of our current life)

      • 3 months ago

        Caught it earlier today. Chani was dogshit and the emperor was weak but I liked everything else.

        They don't go into the fine details tax policy for Leto II but I gather it wasn't very good. That was one of Frank's big flaws, he didn't sell Paul or Leto II's rule being so bad. Hell, you just get told during a conversation of him and Stilgar "Oh yeah I killed like a gajillion more than hitler".

        Was "religion bad" this prominent in the book too?

        Felt more cult of personality is bad, and I don't remember anyone being a zoomer brat screeching about outsiders white people enslaving them with conspiracies.

        Was DUNC a big IP before denis started adapting it? Seems like it's just had a couple of videogames, a hated movie and a cheap tv show and it's been around for about as long as star wars

        It was like some of those older media that greatly shaped successive media (Like Elric or Conan - yeah Conan is popular but he's not LOTR popular, and his influence is more potent than his immediate adoration and I say that as a huge conan fan) but itself wasn't adored and fawned over by rank and file masses. Lemme put it this way - every kids cartoon having a sand worm or spice must flow easter egg was something most millennials/zoomers would know by secondhand rather than from having read Dune.

        • 3 months ago

          >They don't go into the fine details tax policy for Leto II but I gather it wasn't very good
          Basicslly the only limitations these people have is that they cannot commit crimes and they cannot travel to other planets. They can still explore their own planet, food and medicines is provided to them, and socially they can do whatever the hell they want (as long as they don't slander the God Emperor). It's basically the life of 99.99% of people on Planet Earth right now, but you don't have to worry about starving and getting sick, and you can travel as much as you want.
          >Hell, you just get told during a conversation of him and Stilgar "Oh yeah I killed like a gajillion more than hitler".
          That's Paul, he has to kill 61 billion people to establish his reign. If I remember correctly Leto II killed only rebels during his reign, and for the most part he could squash rebellions before they got big (which minimized the casualties). Moneo too says that he is not bloodthirsty (although by the time of GE he sometimes go berserk on nearby people, but only when, from time to time, the worm takes control of his mind).

          • 3 months ago

            nothing personnel

  9. 3 months ago

    It took TWO Duncs for you to realize that?

  10. 3 months ago

    Is he right?

    • 3 months ago

      He didn't realize star wars was shit until he watched dunc?

  11. 3 months ago

    Was DUNC a big IP before denis started adapting it? Seems like it's just had a couple of videogames, a hated movie and a cheap tv show and it's been around for about as long as star wars

    • 3 months ago

      it's big in the literary sci-fi scene but kind of divisive, half think Dune is a masterpiece and the other half think Dune is nonsense

    • 3 months ago

      Dune was always a bit too out there to make it with mainstream audiences, but generally pretty well known.

    • 3 months ago

      It was very famous among scifi readers, and pretty much unknown by everyone else, especially after the 90s

    • 3 months ago

      My understanding is the first book was a big hit in the 60s and some kind of hippie/counter-culture icon similar to LOTR. It's also one of the few sci-fi novels actually recognized by the academia.
      I'd say it's famous outside sci-fi nerd circles, in the sense that most people who read books at all have at least heard about it.

  12. 3 months ago

    I guess Frank blindly trusts the mainstream media

  13. 3 months ago

    Does the DUNC universe leave room for sidestories like Mando or Andor?

    • 3 months ago

      In theory yes, but you would not have a whole lot of pre-established elements to work with besides the general backdrop. The Dunciverse just takes too long and goes through entirely different ages of humankind.

  14. 3 months ago

    So part 2 ends where the first book ends?

  15. 3 months ago

    Herbert says don't always trust your leaders but isn't what Paul does the least deadly outcome?

    • 3 months ago

      Maybe but I still wouldn't trust him

    • 3 months ago

      Yes, but Paul's and Leto II's whole plan is to educate humanity so that they'll never fall for another charismatic leader. It's like drinking poison to build up immunity to it.

      • 3 months ago

        I thought they wanted to prevent extinction?

        • 3 months ago

          Paul says it at times, but I think it's bullshit. According to Leto II one of the goals of the Golden Path is to make humans immune to prescience, liberating them from determinism. But if their future cannot be predicted, then you can't know either wether the Golden Path will lead them to extinction after their liberation.

    • 3 months ago

      I realized recently it's a bit of that dreaded media literacy bullshit insofar as what we're told thematically is complicated by what we know (or assume to know) 4th wall wise. One way to look at it is the universe wouldn't be in the state it is before Paul has to fix it if they hadn't become decadent and reliant on worship and veneration of religion and monarchs/houses. So yes, hero worship is a problem but in light of the bigger problems it's the necessary solution. I like that Paul struggled with it (because he had a sense of self beforehand, so he had human dreams and wishes) while Leto II was just throw-me-in-chief because as an abomination Leto II didn't get to exist before a conglomerated council of his ancestors (including paul) showed up in his consciousness.

      there will always be a front row, everyone will avoid it so you just put some ridiculously close seats even closer to the screen and people will fill the old row

      I was wondering if an Israeli dub of Dunc 2 would change the name of Feyadkin to gibborim or something israeli, because Feyadeen has a bit of a association over there for them with Palestinians.

      Why is chani the final shot of the film?

      Someone I was talking to said she's shifting to become the protagonist, and that's my concern with Messiah. Also that people think a protagonist has to be the good guy.

      Paul says it at times, but I think it's bullshit. According to Leto II one of the goals of the Golden Path is to make humans immune to prescience, liberating them from determinism. But if their future cannot be predicted, then you can't know either wether the Golden Path will lead them to extinction after their liberation.

      Scattering spreads humanity out so far that even if you cannot predict their future you can predict that they're going to be far and varied enough to not all get Ixianed.com is what I figure. Yeah, there's a chance the invisible will still die but there's a greater chance they'll survive whatever threats there are by being spread out and immune to prescience.

      • 3 months ago

        >she's shifting to become the protagonist
        Jfc this makes sense. Please no.

        • 3 months ago

          Now you see why I will parrot endlessly my fear of Dune Messiah. Chani dies in childbirth - there's no way they are going to do her like that in current year. So that's already a major deviation. Right now I think at 'best' we'll get the hokey dumb ass version of Paul returns to her living out in the desert like a proper Fremen (instead of walking into the desert to die). At worst I expect she'll kill Paul. But Denny choosing to stop at Messiah set off alarm bells in my head to deviate drastically from the way it's set up as otherwise you get the 'cliffhanger' of Paul/Chani dead and his kids born and being sterwarded by Alia et al. Which'll just beg for a sequel that he does not want to do.

          He's also a pussy not to do children of dune because it's easy to do and it completes the Paul arc. Yeah I get not wanting to do giant worm god but children of dune is not at all hard, and I do not get people being intimidated by it.

          • 3 months ago

            The movie will end with Paul dead and Chani and Irulan having a knife fight while they rode Sandworms, Irulan will control them using the Voice.

  16. 3 months ago

    Why is chani the final shot of the film?

  17. 3 months ago

    I liked Dunc but find it ridiculous that it's considered a billion dollar box office hit when it was a by the numbers movie that played it very safe and still had a bunch of cringe/woke modern stuff. It would be nothing more than a decent sci-fi flick in the 80s/90s, today it's a year defining epic blockbuster just because it stuck to basic storytelling and characters. I honestly believe an average 30-50 year-old moviegoer could be hired as a consultant for any wannabe blockbuster and their input would be priceless, given how detached the entire industry has become.

  18. 3 months ago

    All I know is that Lea Seydoux is getting hotter as she gets older and I fricking love it.

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