I'm sensing strong fedora vibes from this series

Why are British people all nihilistic atheist logical positivists who want to kill themselves? Why can't they be less cynical about religion and spirituality?

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  1. 2 months ago

    >Why are British people all nihilistic atheist logical positivists who want to kill themselves?
    I guess the show wanted to be accurate in its portrayal of the Bri'ish.
    >Why can't they be less cynical about religion and spirituality?
    Wallowing in sin is tempting.

  2. 2 months ago

    god I hate this piece of shit so much
    i want the 8 hours of my life back

  3. 2 months ago

    >Why can't they be less cynical about religion and spirituality?
    Because it's impossible to go back to believing nonsense

    • 2 months ago

      Reddit is down the hall and to the left

      • 2 months ago

        I would usually ignore shit like this but im hungover so..
        Im not

        >Why can't they be less cynical about religion and spirituality?
        Because it's impossible to go back to believing nonsense

        , but he has a point. You are just weak willed to accept the fact that there is nothing..no god or divinity, just monkey that made up shit after eating too many fermented fruits/mushrooms or whatever drug state that made him look up at the sky and say "There is my answer". Fricking monkey brain..
        The whole concept of a god or heaven doesnt make any logical sens ..
        Also the reddit gimmick is crap, i've been here since 2007 and saw all the influx of morons coming from 9gag and redddit to other shit sticks

        I have this book and didnt want to read it or watch the show because muh chinese propaganda, but now im going to give it a shot.

        • 2 months ago

          >Also the reddit gimmick is crap, i've been here since 2007
          lmao we have a post2006 newhomosexual right here, guys. go back to Myspace, fricking tourist.

          • 2 months ago

            mate, if you've been here since 2007 and haven't move on then you're a fricking loser lmao. get off the computer and go to a retirement home, geezer.

            You idiots think you are going to leave?! Fricking children..
            Dont get your hopes tooo high losers..

            • 2 months ago

              literally most people leave. only losers stay and post shit like "hey, guys, i've been here since 1500BC, guys, respect me because i've wasted more of my life here than you, guys. my opinion matters, i swear!"
              people grow out of Cinemaphile and other social media eventually. you're just in arrested development like a homosexual.

            • 2 months ago

              when are we finally euthanazing oldgays? they're already getting senile

        • 2 months ago

          mate, if you've been here since 2007 and haven't move on then you're a fricking loser lmao. get off the computer and go to a retirement home, geezer.

        • 2 months ago

          >You are just weak willed to accept the fact that there is nothing..no god or divinity, just monkey that made up shit after eating too many fermented fruits/mushrooms or whatever drug state that made him look up at the sky and say "There is my answer"

          You don't know any of that for certain. You believe it to be true. What makes you think your chosen faith is superior to anyone else's chosen faith? I'll tell you -- It comes from something within you, some traumatic or dramatic life's experience, that on a subconscious level makes you need to feel like you are superior to others. You are quite likely just a nobody whom the world doesn't notice and whose life's work doesn't add anything to the world. You have never achieved anything of any substance and so you feel a need to use your faith as a blunt weapon to bludgeon others whose faith differs than yours. Had you been an accomplished and fully formed adult, you would respect your faith and recognize that other people may have life's experiences that have opened doors to a different path towards a faith different than yours.

          Most people sense the presence of a spiritual realm all around them every single day. For whatever reason, you do not. Imagine someone who is color blind to yellow. Most people see yellow and acknowledge the existence of yellow. The color blind person does not have the ability to sense yellow and therefore cannot be made to believe that yellow exists. Now imagine how silly and ignorant the color blind person sounds when he calls other people fools for thinking that they can see yellow. The people who can sense yellow feel sorry for the person who cannot, and feel pity that they are missing out on so much beauty in the world. You are deity blind, my friend, and we will pray for you that you might someday sense God's grace which fills the world all around us every day.

      • 2 months ago

        when was Cinemaphile ever a fricking church meetup you delusional trend chasing conservative wannabe

        • 2 months ago

          Cinemaphile is whatever the frick i want it to be. if i want to say "Black person" and how much I want to frick femboys, and then proceed preach the gospel, i'll do it. and your old-ass can't stop me, grandpa.

  4. 2 months ago

    The books have mostly Chinese characters and the question "Do you believe in god" is asked probably 20 times throughout the series with varying answers and explanations of spirituality

  5. 2 months ago

    He was a cancer patient in a great deal of pain.
    You DO know that the way we deal with those people these days is to leave them alone with a clicker that will let themselves OD on morphine, right? It's functionally the same without it technically being euthanasia.

  6. 2 months ago

    you guys have been spamming this word so much lately
    seethe because people don't believe your bedtime story

    • 2 months ago

      Oxford and Cambridge university presses publish books by anti-natalist philosophers - people who argue that it is better to never have been born at all, that non-being trumps being.

      • 2 months ago

        so? they also publish books about scholastic philosophy and theological thought, you goddamned moron

        • 2 months ago

          yeah, all of those mayor academic publishing houses are actually pretty varied with what they publish. wish they weren't such pussies and published nazi schizo kino like Savitri Devi and Miguel Serrano, though

          • 2 months ago

            neither of those people are intellectuals with anything worthwhile to say, they publish works that merit being read, not pamphlets written by morons
            political alignment has absolutely nothing to do with it

            • 2 months ago

              and David Benatar is worth reading and not a moron because...?

              • 2 months ago

                because he uses philosophy (at least what gay anglos consider philosophy) to lay out his arguments

              • 2 months ago

                the other guys as well. moreover, they aren't too different to all the post-medieval continental philosophers that people blow-off even though their entire arguments are either question begging or straw men with the occasional accurate observation about something.

  7. 2 months ago

    Why is the main character a Black? Also I thought these guys were supposed to be good at adapting stuff. This show sucked ass whilst the book was great

    • 2 months ago

      The main character is an asian woman?

      • 2 months ago

        luo ji is gonna get his turn as the protagonist, don't worry

        • 2 months ago

          I mean yes, of course, but Saul isn't "the main character"
          Jin, Auggie and him are the main trio of characters along with Wade and Da Shi, with Saul having the least stuff in the first season before having more later.

        • 2 months ago

          luo ji and officer shi are my favorite characters from the book, the show does shi really well. I still think the book conveys the ideas a lot better but the show's fun to watch. Got me rereading the book, at least. Regardless, I hope we get some of the cool scenes from the series depicted on-screen, that being pretty much anything from The Dark Forest and Death's End.

          • 2 months ago

            >get some of the cool scenes
            >anything from dark forest
            Ah yes, i want to watch the Black sit in a house and drink poisoned wine, then order da shi to kidnap a girl he thought up and she instantly falls in love with him and had a perfect relationship.
            Or the scene where they create a machine that makes you believe anything you read and they ban it right away. So cool.
            The book has 1 cool scene and thats when chinkman assassinates the dudes in space pushing humanity towards a "better future"

    • 2 months ago

      >I thought these guys were supposed to be good at adapting stuff
      when did you heard this, was it opposite day?

      • 2 months ago

        They were very good at adapting things, people hate their stuff from when they ran out of source material to adapt and had to make up original content

        • 2 months ago

          and it shows in the netflix adaptation - all of the scenes that are direct from the book (the cultural revolution stuff, the slice and dice of the boat) are really well done and carry weight. all of the ones they had to whip to explain these british losers suck dick. and the ones that are actually adapted basically are as good as they are close to the source material. this isn't to praise lui cixin's writing - far from it, its pretty dry and when it is descriptive its almost laughable at times. but he understood how to build tension in a story and set a scene, something these two yahoos STILL haven't figured out

    • 2 months ago

      The Black person will be an important character in second season. In the book he's a chinaman

  8. 2 months ago
    Dr. John Smith

    Stupid boring book by a chink
    Lame ass Netflix adaptation, boring as frick, I dislike all the cast
    3 suck wiener problem

  9. 2 months ago

    this adaptation sucks ass just watch the tencent one or read the books (which are pretty fast reads tbh)

  10. 2 months ago

    the acting in this show is so fricking bad
    i hate every character

  11. 2 months ago

    People told me Dark Forest was the best in the series but im mostly done with it, im a bit into "year 200 crisis era" chapter and have yet to care about a single plotpoint.
    I loved the first book the way wong slowly figured stuff out and a lot of scientific stuff was explained via analogy.
    Lou Jis romance thing was so fricking bad i wanted to drop the book right there.

    • 2 months ago

      lol wait till you get to the third, it's much, much, MUCH worse and it all revolves around an infuriatingly dumb female MC
      it also has one of the worst endings ever in a sci-fi series
      not to mention that the whole series go from hard sci-fi to questionable sci-fi to literal fantasy sci-fi slop
      i recommend just reading the summary on wikipedia for each book, you won't be missing much

      • 2 months ago

        After this 1 i dont think im going to do the third. I might get just as much info from reading a wiki.
        Just got Roadside Picnic so im going to do that and then finally watch Stalker.

    • 2 months ago

      you're at the point where it starts getting good, and yeah the lou ji romance is such obvious self insert cringe

  12. 2 months ago

    >read the books
    >hear this is coming out
    >know it will be shit
    at least i didn't get tricked into watching it. would have been much better about the pseudo-science convoluted plot. just make a cool invasion series, with more grounded scientific elements.

    • 2 months ago

      >read first book
      >slightly convoluted start, but ok
      >omnious creeping feeling as the alien civilization plotline takes shape
      >throw all that down the drain for the heckin "QUANTUM PHEESEECKS XDD" shit
      >add 1000 pointless pov characters
      >le stronk womyn
      >moronic ending
      should have stopped reading when i felt it going off track. wasted 3 days on these shitty books.

    • 2 months ago

      I watched the first episode just to see how bad it was and was amazed at just how much they changed for no reason what so ever.
      >badguys instantly know the countdown is in main girls eyes (no camera picture developing scene which starts off the intrigue of the book)
      >they all know the chick that killed herself, her name is no longer Dong and shes hapa so obviously wade's
      >""v suit" is just a helmet and its a secret game, not just something you type a url and get into
      >the "universe flickers" for everyone without needing the microwave glasses
      >yu wenjia sacrificed herself for the journo and wasn't set up (a huge part of her start to hating humanity)
      I could keep going, i dont think theres a single thing thats the same besides the very first scene and Da Shi being a cop

  13. 2 months ago

    This show simply does not work without a Chinese cast. Asiastic, hateful autism is a central pillar of the books.

  14. 2 months ago

    wtf are y'all baskin about again
    touch grass - to the ones being bothered by nihilism
    touch dick - to the ones who defend only nihilism
    guys who dont apply to none of the above
    keep going kings

  15. 2 months ago

    >Why are British people all nihilistic atheist logical positivists who want to kill themselves?
    All of these characters are supposed to be Chinese, and this is an apt description of the modern Chinese.

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