I'm watching The Sopranos for the first time and I just can't watch when Tony Soprano is on screen.

I'm watching The Sopranos for the first time and I just can't watch when Tony Soprano is on screen. He's a moron. How can anyone admire him? He's a stupid fat idiot. Or is that the whole point of the show? Watching a pathetic fat man? For six seasons?

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  1. 8 months ago

    >I'm watching The Sopranos for the first time and I just can't watch when Tony Soprano is on screen
    So, 95% of the show? It's a character study, why are you even watching this? You sound mildly moronic.

    • 8 months ago

      >You sound mildly moronic.
      this, but minus the mildly

    • 8 months ago

      >its a character study
      No, you absolute pretentious homosexual. It's a mob show. A literal entertainment slop. The video essayists on youtube doing these in-depth character studies in a shitty mob tv show, completely missing the point that way is the pinnacle of short sighted dunning kruger stupidity.

      • 8 months ago


        I'm watching The Sopranos for the first time and I just can't watch when Tony Soprano is on screen. He's a moron. How can anyone admire him? He's a stupid fat idiot. Or is that the whole point of the show? Watching a pathetic fat man? For six seasons?

        Madone! I'm thinking filtered, Ton?

        • 8 months ago

          You do realize that normal people filter out slop like Sloprannos out of their life because it's shit? You aren't smart for liking it, quite the opposite actually.

      • 8 months ago

        What do you consider good?

        • 8 months ago

          The Wire
          Better Call Saul

          • 8 months ago

            imitations of the soprano in many ways

          • 8 months ago

            go back

          • 8 months ago

            >I'm watching The Sopranos
            Why? It's shit worshipped by morons

            Those are just as garbage as Sopranos

            • 8 months ago

              >Those are just as garbage as Sopranos
              And what do you consider good?

              • 8 months ago

                ignore him, its the same guy who gaddon posts, makes jazz and MC threads 18 hours a day

                my IQ is in the 150s and I dropped out of high school
                every dumb frick moron that was there graduated and most probably went to college

                college is for midwits exclusively

            • 8 months ago

              >Why? It's shit worshipped by morons
              because it has some of the best writting and acting ever put to screen and the filmmaking is not only impeccable but it still holds up as the high water mark for television 25 years later

          • 8 months ago

            Both worth than the sopranos. I'm not going to argue against sopranos being low grade entertainment but cmon homosexual. CMON this has to be bait you cannot be this much of a moron.

          • 8 months ago

            >shits on sopranos
            >lists better call saul

        • 8 months ago

          Do you really want me to go off? Blade Runner 2049 has the most indepth character study on most facets of human nature I've ever seen. Not to mention it's only a few hours long. It achieves the same goals as the Sopranos, besides romanticizing mob life, in every single facet. Every single spectrum of emotion is showcased thoroughly, not to mention the very same social commentary on the societal structures they inhabit.

          • 8 months ago


            • 8 months ago

              I'm not surprised that in a fughetaboutit thread where fat millenial abominations can't put two and two together. Can't wait for some sperg to make a crossover analysis video essay when you finally get the similarities in both of these universes since human nature is the same and you even if you might think "well these are just different things apples and oranges bro". They're not. If you want to watch a character study on violence, with an emphasis on a range of moral qualities and behaviors then you don't need to binge watch six seasons to get it. So for all intents and purposes, just admit you're just here to shitpost paulie memes and numb your brain like a dummy, instead of pretending you're doing a character study.

              • 8 months ago


              • 8 months ago

                Anon you just replied that entire furious wall of text to an empty post.. you alright man?

              • 8 months ago

                >writes an unhinged essay at you

              • 8 months ago

                Kek yep:

                I am talking about Blade Runner 2049. Although the original has it's rightful place and also has plenty of themes that went over your head.

                This duality is an integral part of both of these works. Human nature does not change. it doesn't matter if it's a sci-fi film or a mob tv series. If you genuinely cannot understand basic themes, don't speak about "character studies". At the core level the movie raises questions about the morality of replicants, blurring the line between human and artificial life. The show challenges viewers' perceptions of morality as it follows a mob family involved in criminal activities. The list goes on.

                I meant to reply to my previous post up above. I'm alright, it's just funny to me that you genuinely think there's absolutely no similarity between both the characters or these two pieces of media. While Blade Runner and Sopranos belong to different mediums and genres, they share thematic and narrative elements that make them intriguing subjects for comparison and analysis.

                forget about the almonds, this is straight up activated autism and holy cow is it profound (he’s profoundly autistic I mean, what he’s saying is the opposite of profound. Most of it’s unremarkable and just pretty gay)

              • 8 months ago

                It's called passion. Something none of you fat fricks will ever amount to. You spend all of your time watching six seasons of a show and you don't even know what you're watching. No wonder there's a massive supply and demand for video essays about absolutely nothing but death of an author.

              • 8 months ago

                >Something none of you fat fricks will ever amount to
                I literally direct commercials for a living and a short film that recently won an award

                you don’t know enough words to do this wannabe quentin shtick


          • 8 months ago

            >Blade Runner 2049 has the most indepth character study on most facets of human nature

          • 8 months ago

            >besides romanticizing mob life
            so you didn't even watch it got it

            • 8 months ago

              Soprano viewers romanticize mob life due to the consumer effect. It's not hard to understand. Listen, I get it I'm in the wrong crowd. The bottom line is that 99% of you people genuinely have no clue about anything. You sit and watch these video essays about muh study, muh subtle nuances but sit you down in front of 20 minutes of Blade Runner, an actual overarching study of human nature and the dystopian socium we live in, you'll just be lost. Completely braindead, in fact so much that it will never even occur to you that the nature of evil, the moral dilemmas, the need for violence, among many other themes within the human psyche is just the same. You just want to sniff your own farts watching fat guys being all important like a parasocial relationship because none of you have any power in your own life.

              • 8 months ago

                >prattles on in breaking bad tier homosexualry that I'm not reading ugh I know I'm just not

              • 8 months ago

                >Blade Runner
                Can you please pick a better example?

                No. You are simply too stupid. I'm sorry for you but that's just the dunning kruger effect in action into posting. I knew exactly how this is going to unravel the moment I challenged Soprano viewers' perception on what it is they're actually watching. None of you even watch this show, not fully, that's why all of these video essays are unbelievably popular. Here, let me give you concrete arguments maybe there's some hope for you to put two and two together.

                In blade runner, the film delves into existential questions about the nature of existence and purpose. Tony Soprano's existential crisis is a recurring theme in the series, as he grapples with his own life choices. K's journey revolves around his quest for identity and self-discovery, he struggles to maintain his identity as an authoritative figure in a ruthless world, just like Tony, whose struggle with his identity and introspective moments are central to the series. The movie explores ethical dilemmas every man deals with, regardless of artificiality. The series raises ethical questions as viewers are asked to empathize with the very same morally ambiguous and complex characters(within the limitations of the show). The film touches and leaves a massive gap on the lack of family relations, the theme of familial connections, particularly in the case of replicants searching for their origins. The family unit is absolutely integral to the complete degradation of the society they inhabit. Meanwhile in the Sopranos, family dynamics are at the heart of the series, focusing on Tony's relationships with his wife, children, and his criminal "family." We see Tony see the very same degradation in his own family structure, creating the proto-synthesis of the eventual future that Blade Runner holds for everyone. Both the movie and the series go to great lengths to separate the contrast between the protagonist's life and the suburban american dream in the case of Sopranos.

              • 8 months ago

                blade runner 2049 is a marvel movie in terms of depth and themes

              • 8 months ago

                don't forget about the overlit, terribly photographed excuse for cinematography and surface level writting and directing
                shit was a C- at best

              • 8 months ago

                The cinematography was extremely complex and difficult not only to shoot but also to light. There are several interviews you can watch about it. The film continues to create a visually immersive and aesthetically rich dystopian world, contributing to the atmospheric and thought-provoking experience. This part, is entirely subjective to the viewer, if you don't like it that's fine. We are discussing the characters and themes, which are not open to interpretation.

                Kek yep: [...] forget about the almonds, this is straight up activated autism and holy cow is it profound (he’s profoundly autistic I mean, what he’s saying is the opposite of profound. Most of it’s unremarkable and just pretty gay)

                It's called intelligence. Learn to formulate an argument.

              • 8 months ago

                >was extremely complex and difficult
                that doesn't make it good
                it looks flat, dull and doesn't fit the world at all because deakins is a total hack and denis looks like a blind moron because he is

              • 8 months ago

                I do not understand your sentence, please speak english. Your feelings or emotional assessment is irrelevant, that's only point #5 in my previous post. If you feel the movie is "flat" "dull" that's your problem, the characters and themes are well-executed.

                >Something none of you fat fricks will ever amount to
                I literally direct commercials for a living and a short film that recently won an award

                Advertisers are absolute subhuman parasites and your lot is even worse than the youtube video essayists in terms of worth or value. It's unsurprising you are genuinely incapable of understanding art, meaning or anything true or worthwhile of any kind with your broken consumerist brain.

                You are genuinely stupid. None of your claims are true. Read below. Just for you, I will unload an entire transcript about it.

                Let's break down this absolute ignorant statement into a list
                1. The movie delves into profound philosophical questions, particularly those related to the nature of humanity and the moral implications of creating and controlling artificial life. The film raises questions about identity, morality, and the essence of what it means to be human. It challenges viewers to think deeply about these existential and ethical dilemmas.
                2. It presents a morally complex and morally ambiguous world. It portrays both the humanity of replicants and the inhumanity of some humans, blurring the lines between good and evil. This moral ambiguity prompts viewers to question their own ethical values and judgments. Particularly surrounding the birth of replicants. It raises questions about the rights and autonomy of artificial beings and the ethical implications of their existence, which prompts viewers to engage with ethical and philosophical discussions.
                3. The film delves into existential questions about the self, identity, and purpose. Characters, particularly K, grapple with profound questions about who they are and what it means to have a soul. The existential crisis of the characters adds layers of depth to the narrative.
                4. The film presents well-developed characters with intricate motivations. K's journey of self-discovery and moral evolution is central to the narrative, and this character development adds depth to the story. His emotional journey resonates with viewers similarly to Tony. Both are iconic, memorable characters people relate to.
                5. Ultimately the film evokes strong emotions and a sense of longing, loneliness, and empathy. It explores the human desire for connection, even in a world that seems cold and detached, making it a deeply human story.

                Let's keep going shall we, I have a ready made assessment of some of the themes well-prepared just for this occasion. I will repeat this once again so there's no misunderstanding here.
                1. A central theme of the series is the question of what it means to be human. Both films explore the humanity of replicants, artificial beings created by humans, and the blurred line between humans and replicants. The series suggests that humanity is not solely defined by biology but also by emotions, memories, and experiences.
                2. The characters in the series, especially K in Blade Runner 2049, grapple with issues of identity, morality, purpose, life itself. They seek to understand who they are and where they fit in a world that often devalues or oppresses them. This theme encourages viewers to reflect on the importance of self-awareness and self-acceptance.

              • 8 months ago

                3. Blade Runner explores moral ambiguity and the complexity of moral choices. Characters are often faced with difficult decisions that challenge traditional notions of good and evil. The series encourages viewers to question their own moral judgments and consider the broader context of a character's choices.
                4. 2049 specifically introduces themes related to environmental degradation and the consequences of human actions on the planet. It highlights the potential dystopian future that could result from unchecked technological advancement and environmental neglect.
                5. Both films emphasize the importance of relationships and empathy. Characters seek connection and emotional bonds in a world that often seems cold and detached. This theme underscores the significance of empathy and human connection in a technologically advanced society. Characters in the series are often on a quest for truth, whether it's uncovering secrets about their own identities or seeking answers to larger mysteries. This quest for truth underscores the human desire for knowledge and understanding. The last film suggests that change is inevitable, and it is often driven by the pursuit of knowledge, self-discovery, and progress. It challenges the notion of stagnation and the fear of change. Similar to how you pieces of excrement are stagnating here because you fear everything in your lives, even reading a post is enough to make you so afraid of challenging your preconceived notions, on everything.

                Point #5 by the way is the real reason why most people here subconsciouly gravitate towards this movie and the memes behind it. We all want to connect. Too bad most of you spend all of your time here with no authenticity, just like everyone else. A cycle of nihilistic bitterness, anger and hate predicated on who can get the fastest dopamine with the least amount of effort regardless of how truly stupid and hollow the person posting it is.

              • 8 months ago

                >Both films emphasize the importance of relationships
                Really? Cutting out Deckard's wife, his only human connection, makes it seem like the movie doesn't emphasize relationships. In the movie he has no relationship with anyone.
                >Blade Runner explores moral ambiguity and the complexity of moral choices
                And it shouldn't. In Do Androids Dream morality is very clearcut, the right thing to do is never in question.
                >2049 specifically introduces themes related to environmental degradation and the consequences of human actions on the planet
                The first one was supposed to be post-nuclear war on a dying Earth. It was supposed to have a focus on animal husbandry as a show of morality because of the mass extinctions from the nukes. Blade Runner is empty emotionless trash. The entire movie as meaningless as it's title stolen from a different book which is why it doesn't fit

              • 8 months ago

                In that post I am speaking about 2049. Not the original. I'm glad you brought up the book and I'm surprised someone has read it actually, genuinely didn't expect it. However, if you recall the book it presents moral ambiguity, with characters making choices that challenge traditional notions of good and evil. For example, Deckard's actions are morally complex, and he grapples with the ethical implications of his job constantly. If he didn't question, he wouldn't have gotten involved in anything. His moral ambiguity sets the stage for the entire film.
                No. The first movie was supposed to question humanity vs artificiality. The film questions what it means to be human and how to distinguish between humans and replicants, who are bioengineered beings designed to resemble humans. Moral ambiguity, particularly through the actions of Deckard, tasked with hunting down rogue replicants. His actions raise ethical questions about the treatment of replicants and the line between right and wrong. The theme of constant existentialism, with characters struggling with their own existence and the fleeting nature of life. The replicants, particularly Roy, confronts questions of mortality and the meaning of life. The loss of empathy in a advancing tech age and blur between reality and artificiality as well, in the novel it explores the erosion of empathy in a desensitized society. That's how the empathy test and Mercerism religion become central elements in the novel's moral and thematic landscape. The post nuclear war on a dying Earth presents a bleak vision of a future marked by advanced technology, environmental degradation, and corporate control, which raises questions about the consequences of unchecked technological progress but ultimately it is simply the stage for which to bring out these discussion points in storytelling, nothing more.

              • 8 months ago

                >It's unsurprising you are genuinely incapable of understanding art,
                i make more in a month than you have in the last 10 years combined

              • 8 months ago

                All the "points" you are making a more intelligent person would say as reasons these movies are SHIT
                >Both films explore the humanity of replicant
                Yes, that's bad.

              • 8 months ago

                >Learn to formulate an argument.
                I’m not arguing with you but holy shit even just glancing at the pleb tier essay you’ve turned this thread into has given me AIDS. You owe OP an apology if he’s even still here after your little sperg out.

              • 8 months ago

                >blade runner, the film delves into existential questions about the nature of existence and purpose.
                No, it fricking doesn't. It cut out all the themes in favor of pew pew action movie bullshit. Themes would be too "boring" for the kind of idiots that movie was made by and for

                >Why? It's shit worshipped by morons
                because it has some of the best writting and acting ever put to screen and the filmmaking is not only impeccable but it still holds up as the high water mark for television 25 years later

                >it has some of the best writting and acting ever put to screen
                Hahaha, that's what I mean. You're dumb as shit

              • 8 months ago

                You are genuinely stupid. None of your claims are true. Read below. Just for you, I will unload an entire transcript about it.

                blade runner 2049 is a marvel movie in terms of depth and themes

                Let's break down this absolute ignorant statement into a list
                1. The movie delves into profound philosophical questions, particularly those related to the nature of humanity and the moral implications of creating and controlling artificial life. The film raises questions about identity, morality, and the essence of what it means to be human. It challenges viewers to think deeply about these existential and ethical dilemmas.
                2. It presents a morally complex and morally ambiguous world. It portrays both the humanity of replicants and the inhumanity of some humans, blurring the lines between good and evil. This moral ambiguity prompts viewers to question their own ethical values and judgments. Particularly surrounding the birth of replicants. It raises questions about the rights and autonomy of artificial beings and the ethical implications of their existence, which prompts viewers to engage with ethical and philosophical discussions.
                3. The film delves into existential questions about the self, identity, and purpose. Characters, particularly K, grapple with profound questions about who they are and what it means to have a soul. The existential crisis of the characters adds layers of depth to the narrative.
                4. The film presents well-developed characters with intricate motivations. K's journey of self-discovery and moral evolution is central to the narrative, and this character development adds depth to the story. His emotional journey resonates with viewers similarly to Tony. Both are iconic, memorable characters people relate to.
                5. Ultimately the film evokes strong emotions and a sense of longing, loneliness, and empathy. It explores the human desire for connection, even in a world that seems cold and detached, making it a deeply human story.

              • 8 months ago

                Ohhh, you mean the shitty sequel starring the homosexual. No, I don't watch movies starring gays
                Didn't finish the first one because it was empty emotionless shite with scenes no one involved with the movie understood the point of so they ended up meaningless and stupid. And most of the important characters aren't in the movie
                >It portrays both the humanity of replicants and the inhumanity of some humans
                That's why it is bad. Androids are inhuman psychotic monsters with no care for not only other life but their own lives. That's something Deckard particularly hates about them, they don't fight, they just give up when cornered. This is something the movie got horrendously wrong.
                Androids represent what a man could become if he doesn't properly understand and experience his natural emotions. It is not supposed to be an "a robot learns to love" story
                >The film presents well-developed characters with intricate motivations
                Deckard has no motivation

              • 8 months ago

                First of all, they're called Replicants. Not androids. There is a very definite distinction. Second, the androids, referred to as "replicants," are depicted as complex beings, and their characterization is more nuanced than simply being "inhuman psychotic monsters."
                1. Replicants, despite being artificial, exhibit complex and human-like emotions. They experience love, fear, anger, and sadness. The film suggests that their emotional capacity blurs the line between human and non-human. They are designed with a limited lifespan, which is a central source of their motivation. They seek to extend their lives and are driven by a desire to exist, similar to how humans fear death.
                2. Some replicants in the film do engage in morally questionable actions, but these actions are often driven by a desire for self-preservation or a search for meaning in their short lives. These actions reflect the moral ambiguity of the world they inhabit.
                3. It challenges it's viewers to empathize with the replicants, particularly through the character of Roy Batty. His famous "Tears in rain" monologue showcases his humanity and the tragedy of his existence. It is genuinely subhuman to not be able to comprehend any of this.

                All the "points" you are making a more intelligent person would say as reasons these movies are SHIT
                >Both films explore the humanity of replicant
                Yes, that's bad.


                Wtf is this post lololol what a moron

                Once again, learn to form a cohesive comprehensive argument about the media you are discussing before engaging in it.

                >It's unsurprising you are genuinely incapable of understanding art,
                i make more in a month than you have in the last 10 years combined

                I sincerely doubt it. I trade $NQ and $ES for a living, 5 contracts are worth more than your yearly. I don't need to film dildos for a living like you do. This is my real passion and hobby by the way. You don't even have a soul. A replicant has more in common with souls than what you do for the world. Leave the thread and the discussion to people that haven't sold out, parasite.

              • 8 months ago

                >First of all, they're called Replicants
                I refuse to use that word. They are androids or in slang "andys"
                >their characterization is more nuanced than simply being "inhuman psychotic monsters."
                Yes, again, these idiotic changes the movie made are why it is bad. Roy Baty is not a tortured philosopher, he is a paranoid psychotic
                >Replicants, despite being artificial, exhibit complex and human-like emotions. They experience love, fear, anger, and sadness.
                No, they don't. They cut a spider apart to see if it could walk with less legs
                >The film suggests that their emotional capacity blurs the line between human and non-human
                Yes, we agree. It is a bad movie
                >They are designed with a limited lifespan
                No, that's a flaw they're working to overcome. They "couldn't figure out the problem of cell division", whatever that means.
                Again every point you are making are reasons why this movie is SHIT. If you weren't so fricking illiterate you'd agree
                >Some replicants in the film do engage in morally questionable actions, but these actions are often driven by a desire for self-preservation or a search for meaning in their short lives
                Because they cut out truly reprehensible things like cutting apart the spider and being unable to understand how this could effect a man emotionally
                >It challenges it's viewers to empathize with the replicants, particularly through the character of Roy Batty
                Yes, and it shouldn't. It totally completely twists the story into completely moronic nonsense.

              • 8 months ago

                They are replicants. It's irrelevant what you call them.
                Are we now discussing the book vs movie? Because that is a completely separate subject matter and I genuinely love this book. We'd have to sit here all night replying to each other and I have a plane to catch soon.
                Each replicant is subject to unique deviation. Pris, the replicant that demonstrates this act of cruelty serves a very specific purpose to show that deviation. None of the replicants are exactly the same. This only underscores the ruthlessness of the replicants. Pris's action is intended to demonstrate to Sebastian that she is willing to commit an act of cruelty and violence to prove her humanity. The scene adds to the moral ambiguity of the film by highlighting the question of whether replicants can possess humanity, empathy, or cruelty and you took the bait completely without paying attention to the rest of the narrative.
                The act of torturing a living creature underscores the inhumanity of the replicants in that scenario. It serves as a chilling reminder of their artificial nature and the ruthlessness they are capable of. However, and this is crucial, Replicants, like humans, have individual personalities and traits. Some replicants may be compassionate, empathetic, and kind, while others may exhibit cruelty or aggression. Their behavior is influenced by their experiences and circumstances.

              • 8 months ago

                I think I should remind you this thread is about the sopranos dude……….

              • 8 months ago

                >They are replicants.
                They are androids
                >Are we now discussing the book vs movie?
                I didn't finish the first 20 minutes of the movie because it was shit and didn't get it. Deckard has no wife, it has the owl and it was meaningless, the bearskin rug question happened but didn't get to the point, the b***h playing Rachel looks 40 when is described "too young almost childish". I stopped watching. Have heard it only gets worse.
                >I genuinely love this book.
                Then how the hell do you like this movie?
                >None of the replicants are exactly the same
                Another problem with the movie. Rachel and Pris ARE exactly the same. That's why he asks for her help. In the movie there is no reason for them to meet up
                >Some [androids] may be compassionate, empathetic, and kind
                Except that is never shown to be possible

              • 8 months ago

                The films in the Blade Runner series explore the moral and ethical questions surrounding the treatment of replicants. The question of what makes someone "human" or "inhuman" is central to the narrative, and the films challenge viewers to consider the complexity of replicant characters. They are developed with depth and complexity. Their motivations and actions vary, and they undergo personal growth and change throughout the story.
                Look at the structure behind my post and yours, there is a very clear power gap and dictionary capacity at the very least. Before calling someone else illiterate, learn to string two sentences together, to spell properly and speak in a cohesive manner.
                Your fundamental misunderstanding of the very basic themes of both the movies and the book in such a vulgar, insincere and genuinely faux pedantic manner is becoming incredibly predictable, especially the more you start to use ad homs that I am genuinely losing my interest already.

                >Learn to formulate an argument.
                I’m not arguing with you but holy shit even just glancing at the pleb tier essay you’ve turned this thread into has given me AIDS. You owe OP an apology if he’s even still here after your little sperg out.

                >They are replicants.
                They are androids
                >Are we now discussing the book vs movie?
                I didn't finish the first 20 minutes of the movie because it was shit and didn't get it. Deckard has no wife, it has the owl and it was meaningless, the bearskin rug question happened but didn't get to the point, the b***h playing Rachel looks 40 when is described "too young almost childish". I stopped watching. Have heard it only gets worse.
                >I genuinely love this book.
                Then how the hell do you like this movie?
                >None of the replicants are exactly the same
                Another problem with the movie. Rachel and Pris ARE exactly the same. That's why he asks for her help. In the movie there is no reason for them to meet up
                >Some [androids] may be compassionate, empathetic, and kind
                Except that is never shown to be possible

                You are incapable of proper enunciation, let alone reading comprehension. None of the arguments you have made have been neither compelling nor intelligent in any capacity. I genuinely grow bored of responding to your stupidity. Rachel is not Pris, be quiet. Next time, make sure you finish the media before becoming incredibly opinionated about something.

                The androids being human-like is predictive programming for the coming of AI. They want you to intellectualize moronic topics like these so you stay on the paths of thought ~~*they*~~ want. This is not a real philosophical dilemma or whatever you want to frame it as. A machine cannot be alive, it can only simulate it convincingly at best.
                It will never be alive because the soul comes to humans only, and only through the mother, not through some artificial means, and never to a machine. A machine cannot be connected to God. It's not human. There's no moral dilemma in turning it off.
                That's why Blade Runner is "good", because you need to empathize with this bullshit. If you didn't, you wouldn't romanticize this "Literally me" garbage and mythologize the male atomization that the movie represents, therefore actualizing it into your own life, which definitely has an effect if you embrace it into your mindset.
                That's why Hollywood produces both movies like this, that are "good", and at the same time just a bunch actual shit that just takes something old and good and nigrifies it, making people seethe. Both serve the same purpose, the demolition of civilization. The enslavement of you. None of the people that call shitty modern movies flops get it. It's not about money, ~~*they*~~ have all the money, they print the money, the money flows to them. If it was about money, you'd think they would have noticed the Black person-feminist version of things they've been putting out doesn't work, yet they've been doing this shit for a solid decade now.
                It's a Bolshevik tactic. It's about making you see that they can take a shit on you and you can't do anything about it, until you break and stop resisting, and embrace Big Brother.

                There's a million things morons like you don't even know about, the wealthiest banker families in the world, the committee of 300 etc, don't insult my intelligence by claiming I'm out here to push for pro AI sentiment. All I wanted to say is that all of these characters feel pain and loneliness and struggle, in a world where the ability to connect is eroding. If you actually paid attention to anything I've said, you'd realize that and have a discussion instead of acting like animals.

                decent b8

                I was not baiting. At any point.

                homie u keep saying video essays like we're watching them. i don't watch video essays about this show bruh unlike u, u seem to be the expert in them

                I don't watch video essays. The social media algo is pushing them.

              • 8 months ago

                >the very basic themes of both the movie
                I maintain it doesn't have any. It is empty popcorn trash
                >Rachel is not Pris,
                Yes. In the movie they aren't but they should be played by the same actress. Pris even introduces herself as "Rachel Rosen" showing she recognizes they're the same(though I'm sure she doesn't in the movie because it wouldn't make sense). In the book they're the same model. That's why he asks for her help retiring Pris. Why do they even meet up in the movie?
                >Look at the structure behind my post and yours,
                Gimme a fricking break I'm phoneposting to ban evade

              • 8 months ago

                >If you actually paid attention to anything I've said
                Yeah I read none of your actual points cause you sound like you're at your first semester at uni and you think you're very smart. I do like how you can't help but belittle everyone you reply to before posting your little walls of text though. No, I was more posting for everyone else, not you.

              • 8 months ago

                Since you think this trash is "deep": what is Deckard's motivation?

              • 8 months ago

                >Once again, learn to form a cohesive comprehensive argument about the media you are discussing before engaging in it.
                Bruh I'm loving all this bait this is some high-tier shit

              • 8 months ago

                this reads like a high school essay. Tony's existential crisis is about his inability to change his behaviour (or so he sees it) and his inability to break the cycle of emotional abuse

              • 8 months ago

                Wrong. Tony chooses not to change his behavior. K, a replicant, experiencing the same turmoils of human nature, does. That is the beauty of it. If you stopped acting like animals, you'd realize that there really is no difference. Because Toney, K, me, you... we are all
                REAL HUMAN BEAN

                I think I should remind you this thread is about the sopranos dude……….

                Very well, I have to catch a plane anyway so I'll leave you in your mafioso thread.

              • 8 months ago

                >Very well, I have to catch a plane anyway so I'll leave you in your mafioso thread.
                >proceeds to spam the board with jazz threads and MC content

              • 8 months ago

                >Blade Runner
                Can you please pick a better example?

              • 8 months ago

                >down in front of 20 minutes of Blade Runner,
                I couldn't finish the first 15 minutes. It is so fricking bad and empty
                >an actual overarching study of human nature
                What? Blade Runner is vapid and emotionless. Deckard has no motivation

              • 8 months ago

                I am talking about Blade Runner 2049. Although the original has it's rightful place and also has plenty of themes that went over your head.

                No. You are simply too stupid. I'm sorry for you but that's just the dunning kruger effect in action into posting. I knew exactly how this is going to unravel the moment I challenged Soprano viewers' perception on what it is they're actually watching. None of you even watch this show, not fully, that's why all of these video essays are unbelievably popular. Here, let me give you concrete arguments maybe there's some hope for you to put two and two together.

                In blade runner, the film delves into existential questions about the nature of existence and purpose. Tony Soprano's existential crisis is a recurring theme in the series, as he grapples with his own life choices. K's journey revolves around his quest for identity and self-discovery, he struggles to maintain his identity as an authoritative figure in a ruthless world, just like Tony, whose struggle with his identity and introspective moments are central to the series. The movie explores ethical dilemmas every man deals with, regardless of artificiality. The series raises ethical questions as viewers are asked to empathize with the very same morally ambiguous and complex characters(within the limitations of the show). The film touches and leaves a massive gap on the lack of family relations, the theme of familial connections, particularly in the case of replicants searching for their origins. The family unit is absolutely integral to the complete degradation of the society they inhabit. Meanwhile in the Sopranos, family dynamics are at the heart of the series, focusing on Tony's relationships with his wife, children, and his criminal "family." We see Tony see the very same degradation in his own family structure, creating the proto-synthesis of the eventual future that Blade Runner holds for everyone. Both the movie and the series go to great lengths to separate the contrast between the protagonist's life and the suburban american dream in the case of Sopranos.

                This duality is an integral part of both of these works. Human nature does not change. it doesn't matter if it's a sci-fi film or a mob tv series. If you genuinely cannot understand basic themes, don't speak about "character studies". At the core level the movie raises questions about the morality of replicants, blurring the line between human and artificial life. The show challenges viewers' perceptions of morality as it follows a mob family involved in criminal activities. The list goes on.

                Anon you just replied that entire furious wall of text to an empty post.. you alright man?

                I meant to reply to my previous post up above. I'm alright, it's just funny to me that you genuinely think there's absolutely no similarity between both the characters or these two pieces of media. While Blade Runner and Sopranos belong to different mediums and genres, they share thematic and narrative elements that make them intriguing subjects for comparison and analysis.

              • 8 months ago

                >I only saw less than 15 minutes but I understand the film and everything within it
                Lmao at zoomer arrogance and adhd
                What makes zoomers so arrogant despite

              • 8 months ago

                homie u keep saying video essays like we're watching them. i don't watch video essays about this show bruh unlike u, u seem to be the expert in them

              • 8 months ago

                You sound like a gay

              • 8 months ago

                Is one too

              • 8 months ago

                You sound like a gay

                and his shits all moronic lmao

          • 8 months ago


          • 8 months ago

            Wtf is this post lololol what a moron

          • 8 months ago

            decent b8

            • 8 months ago

              Just keep reading, shit gets good.

          • 8 months ago

            either really good b8, underaged, or moronic and unaware. If this is b8, i commend you.

          • 8 months ago

            literally me, italian > literally me, cyberpunkcel
            sorry I don't make the rules, it is what it is anonji

          • 8 months ago

            >rating villememe, at all, ever

      • 8 months ago

        It is a character study you fricking moron. Jesus christ youre dense

      • 8 months ago
      • 8 months ago

        We collected pennies for you in grade school, did you get them?

    • 8 months ago

      I will also take the bait for the sake of the zoomers who haven't seen it but the mob stuff is very minor

  2. 8 months ago

    anon can't into actual character flaws, go back to watching friends

    • 8 months ago

      OP can't handle the Joey scenes

  3. 8 months ago

    Tony is the smartest character. Hes got iq of 136.

  4. 8 months ago

    he's no gabagootz, he has an IQ of 130, he had it tested

    • 8 months ago

      > Couldn't even finish college
      > But somehow he's a genius!
      Yeah, sure

      • 8 months ago

        Geniuses drop out of schools and collage, its a common occurance.

        • 8 months ago

          smart enough to realize college was a scam before he was in too deep

          Dropped out to become... a scumbag and beat the money out of prostitutes? Living the dream.

          • 8 months ago

            Yeah and he's quite successful at it

            • 8 months ago

              He literally goes to a therapist and cries in her office and then confesses his love to her and tries to kiss her like a pathetic fat boy. I'm sure he still continues to sob in bed.

              • 8 months ago

                there's no stigmata these days

          • 8 months ago

            lmao @ this cope.
            Enjoy your cubicle and years of debt, Mr. College degree.

            • 8 months ago

              WFH buddy boy. Thank god for covid.

              • 8 months ago

                imagine the smell

          • 8 months ago

            Multimillionaire, all the hooars he wants and can have people killed if they bug him.

            Living the Life.

        • 8 months ago

          no they dont it just seems like that because those make good stories so people tell them a lot

          • 8 months ago

            my IQ is in the 150s and I dropped out of high school
            every dumb frick moron that was there graduated and most probably went to college

            • 8 months ago

              >he still thinks IQ is an accurate representation of intelligence

      • 8 months ago

        all right, that's enough

      • 8 months ago

        smart enough to realize college was a scam before he was in too deep

      • 8 months ago

        he's literally me, except I've got a full head of hair and athletic physique at age 35.

      • 8 months ago


      • 8 months ago

        >education = intelligence
        Colleges, especially in the modern era, are a glorified day care and obedience training. I'm sure colleges have given fricking animals honorary degrees.

        • 8 months ago

          Spoken like someone who has had little to no education.

          I got a degree in engineering, guess what I learned? Engineering. I walked in a fat racist moron and left a slightly fatter racist moron but now I know how airplanes work.

  5. 8 months ago

    How can he be a moron? He understands Freud, he's got that semester and a half at Seton Hall.

    • 8 months ago

      Never had the makings of a varsity athlete

  6. 8 months ago

    he's handsome af

  7. 8 months ago

    Criminals are literally moronic anon. You figured it out. All the mob bosses irl weren’t smart business men. They were typically serial killers hired as enforcers and assassins who killed the people who hired them eventually. They do nothing and have no knowledge or involvement of operations irl. Anyone that entered a room with them gave them money out of fear. “Protection” That’s how it really worked

    • 8 months ago

      The actual smart people were the businessmen who associated with the mob but weren't directly involved, like Hesh.

  8. 8 months ago

    Go play with your dragon dildos, this clearly isn't your show.

  9. 8 months ago

    Just stick with it, if you aren't hooked by season 2 drop it

  10. 8 months ago

    You just reveal your own ignorance

  11. 8 months ago

    You are right, gangster worship was overdone in holywood and this show didn't bring anything new to the table. I dropped the show as soon as s1 ended.

  12. 8 months ago

    Tony is kind of a dick but it makes the show more tragic and funny.

  13. 8 months ago

    you don’t know enough words to do this wannabe quentin shtick

  14. 8 months ago

    I admire Sil because he's a competent consigliere and Pauly for his pure ability to survive despite being the maniac that he is. Tony and Chrissy were degenerate psychos

    • 8 months ago

      >Tony and Chrissy were degenerate psychos
      I just laughed myself to tears when Tony decided that he would make a fictitious boss of his uncle and be the real boss himself. And in the next episode, they had to work things out because of it. moron is so dumb that he came up with a proposal to make his uncle the boss, because others convinced him that the real boss would not be his uncle, but him. And Tony bought it.

    • 8 months ago

      Paulie was arguably the most evil guy on the show. He even betrays other gang members and even has the Judas metaphor when he guys the box of scissors.

      • 8 months ago


      • 8 months ago

        hell yeah I loved him too

  15. 8 months ago

    Why didn't he just become a Twitch streamer? He would make more money without having to worry about the feds.

  16. 8 months ago

    for me?
    it's furio

    • 8 months ago

      >that scene when he punches out the Asian woman

  17. 8 months ago

    The androids being human-like is predictive programming for the coming of AI. They want you to intellectualize moronic topics like these so you stay on the paths of thought ~~*they*~~ want. This is not a real philosophical dilemma or whatever you want to frame it as. A machine cannot be alive, it can only simulate it convincingly at best.
    It will never be alive because the soul comes to humans only, and only through the mother, not through some artificial means, and never to a machine. A machine cannot be connected to God. It's not human. There's no moral dilemma in turning it off.
    That's why Blade Runner is "good", because you need to empathize with this bullshit. If you didn't, you wouldn't romanticize this "Literally me" garbage and mythologize the male atomization that the movie represents, therefore actualizing it into your own life, which definitely has an effect if you embrace it into your mindset.
    That's why Hollywood produces both movies like this, that are "good", and at the same time just a bunch actual shit that just takes something old and good and nigrifies it, making people seethe. Both serve the same purpose, the demolition of civilization. The enslavement of you. None of the people that call shitty modern movies flops get it. It's not about money, ~~*they*~~ have all the money, they print the money, the money flows to them. If it was about money, you'd think they would have noticed the Black person-feminist version of things they've been putting out doesn't work, yet they've been doing this shit for a solid decade now.
    It's a Bolshevik tactic. It's about making you see that they can take a shit on you and you can't do anything about it, until you break and stop resisting, and embrace Big Brother.

    • 8 months ago

      Holy fricking ‘tism, chill out

      • 8 months ago

        I'm just saying, this movie is shit whether you want to go off about muh themes or just limit yourself to surface level stuff.

        The Sopranos or the Wire?

        Which has the least Black folks in it? That one.

    • 8 months ago

      what a truly stupid post holyshit lmao, my man you realize the entire thread is hilarious more cause of you than anyone

      • 8 months ago

        Desperate samegayging. You're a good goy who knows how to open wide and take his slop.

    • 8 months ago

      This guy is 100% right
      Only intelligent post in this thread

  18. 8 months ago

    The Sopranos or the Wire?

  19. 8 months ago

    for me, I turned it off when they started tossing "The Sopranos" calling cards on their fallen enemies

    • 8 months ago

      >it's another the guys get together to rehearse for their upcoming 'the sopranos' concert event episode

  20. 8 months ago

    >It's a beach episode.

    • 8 months ago

      damn chrissy looks like THAT?!

  21. 8 months ago

    Hi Timmy. Not every character in a TV show has to be likeable. The sporanos isn't a childrens show for 4 year olds. Some of the characters are bad people. Just like real life.

    Hope this helps.

    • 8 months ago

      >Some of the characters are bad people
      the irony is they were very honorable and kind people compared to the awful normies around them

    • 8 months ago

      Tony's not a bad man. He's pathetic and emotionally unstable like his uncle and mother.

    • 8 months ago

      >all of the characters are bad people, it is a bad "show"

      • 8 months ago

        all of the characters rock and it's fun to watch with my gf and she likes to play with my hair while we watch it

        • 8 months ago

          How many dicks did she suck before she "became your gf"?

        • 8 months ago

          I want a gf to watch shows with so bad bros

          • 8 months ago

            have you tried being handsome and charming?

            • 8 months ago

              I'll get gf and show the lot of you

  22. 8 months ago

    I like Tony Soprano because he reminds me of a mafia version of DSP.

  23. 8 months ago

    I like Rocko's Modern Life

  24. 8 months ago

    ey Tone wheres the "real meat" at? All Chrissy brought is this "bug shit" "satanic"

  25. 8 months ago

    Yeah that's the point.

  26. 8 months ago

    Bladerunner anon, you still here?

    • 8 months ago

      Aw I think he left, too bad, genuinely hilarious thread

      • 8 months ago

        Best thread I've seen in a while.

      • 8 months ago

        because its true you can put Tony in any setting

        • 8 months ago

          Am I supposed to believe that crime bosses are so comical? Frick this show. I knew some of them. There's nothing good about them. They act like the worst kind of scum. Their families are miserable, their wives are often beaten. Their life is cocaine, prostitutes, murder. They wouldn't mind cutting off your fingers. I knew a guy who literally poured acid in one poor guy's face because he owed a debt or something. And he didn't care. And another guy beat up his son's babysitter because he thought she wasn't looking after his son properly (poor woman was innocent, she just got in the way). They're buttholes.

        • 8 months ago

          You're right, I love these they're hilarious.

  27. 8 months ago

    I miss him like you wouldn't believe. I wish he was my father.

  28. 8 months ago

    >literally so fatphobic he can’t watch a show

    • 8 months ago

      Nobody likes fat people.

  29. 8 months ago

    This thread holy frick. Double digit IQ anon just REALLY wanted to talk about Blade Runner I guess. I dare anyone braver than I to actually read those posts kek

    • 8 months ago

      >holy frick
      >Double digit IQ

      • 8 months ago

        Oh hey you’re back. Not as talkative this time around

  30. 8 months ago

    down with the SNOOZEBLANDOS!

  31. 8 months ago

    Mad Men will make your head explode.

  32. 8 months ago


  33. 8 months ago

    That's the point of the show. I can't imagine watching this in 2023. Just Tony and Carmela screaming lies at each other

  34. 8 months ago

    >sopranos filtering and making reddit 2049 viewers seethe still in 2023

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