

A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

Black Rifle Cuck Company, Conservative Humor Shirt $21.68

A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 months ago

    Imagine if you guys just started some kinda image dump thread where you posted whatever stupid picture came across your Twitter feed or whatever that you wanted to shove in everyone's eyeballs instead of making a new thread for it every time

    • 2 months ago

      A dedicated Twitter thread? That'd be much worse

  2. 2 months ago
  3. 2 months ago

    Imagine if the artist drew the brap alt that I KNOW they were thinking about doing

  4. 2 months ago

    RIP Fuze

    • 2 months ago

      Tha hood lost a real one

    • 2 months ago

      Doesn't he only draw overpriced YCH comms now?

      • 2 months ago

        he's not drawing anything anymore he's leaving by the end of the month

        • 2 months ago

          Just read his discord posts. Damn, I wonder what fetishes he is talking about. Nothing he draws seem bad enough to have this sort of reaction to.

          • 2 months ago

            what did he say? i don't have a discord

            • 2 months ago

              TLDR: he hates most of his art and who he is as a person. Regrets most of the fetishes he drew and wishes he never drew them. Doesn't say what these fetishes are. He is going to delete his FA at the end of April. He is taking a break from art. He is still going to draw stuff but not for a while.

              • 2 months ago

                It's DeviantArt that's getting nuked. Haven't seen anything about FurAffinity or any other sites he posts on, but probably would save anything you want to keep just in case.

              • 2 months ago

                Checking the DA page I saw the first ever pic in that gallery is some Sins Venials fanart. This either means absolutely anything to 90% of people or it explains everything for the 10% who knows what this is.

              • 2 months ago

                That is a shame I liked his artstyle, sure it was more simplistic that other artist, but I rather see some dynamism and creativity that the same stiff anime look other artist had. Atleast Fuze always added personality to what he drew

              • 2 months ago

                NTA but he's still gonna be around on FA and whatnot and he has his Discord. He's just bailing out of DA because DA fricking sucks ass and is increasingly unsalvageable on every level.

              • 2 months ago

                How do you even use discord?

              • 2 months ago

                It's just multimedia IRC.

              • 2 months ago

                Discord is like an IRC type program, though it can also be opened in a browser. I'm an idiot who has only ever used it and Steam, but these days it is basically the replacement for stuff like Skype or other instant messaging tools and a go-to IM program.
                You can add individuals as friends and talk with them via text, voice, and video, and you can also join servers where you can do that sort of thing. Fuze has posted links to his personal Discord server on his DA.

                A Discord server can have a limited point(s) of entry (e.g. a link with an invite you post or pass around, which eventually expires, or invites to other Discord users directly) and in this way who actually gets let into a server can be a matter of the owner's/mods' discretion. Inside of a Discord server one can make channels where discussion is dedicated to a certain topic or where something like voice chat is enabled automatically. Servers and users ping (you) when you get a new message from them, but servers can be muted. Moderation of course wildly varies.

                Depending on an individual user's settings, sometimes you can message them immediately without needing to add them as friends, while others will have their settings such that you need them to approve your friend request before you can talk with them one-on-one directly.

                Discord is infamous for producing very insular servers and communities where all kinds of stupid shit happens. I find Discord to be good for talking directly to my friends and so forth but generally only lurk in the servers I am in.

              • 2 months ago

                Thanks for the explanation

              • 2 months ago

                No problem. Just be careful, again, Discord servers for some shit are completely unusable. Fuze's hasn't been but again, I almost solely lurk on servers and join very few because Discord servers are so often such shit. It can depend on the subject and who's in them, but you get the idea I hope.

              • 2 months ago

                That's honestly understandable
                I hope he draws what makes him feel good about himself in the future

          • 2 months ago

            His "worse" stuff isn't even in DA

        • 2 months ago

          Shit, really? Man I hope he doesn't nuke his gallery at least

          • 2 months ago

            Nope, it's all getting wiped (from DA at least; unsure about anywhere else).

          • 2 months ago

            He's nuking it by the end of the month (which seems counter-productive, he could've just left without saying anything)

            • 2 months ago

              He's doing it out of protest for how unsalvageably shitty DA has become (can't blame him).

              • 2 months ago

                deviantart shilling some random ai guy to everyone's feeds with a video about how much money he made should've been everyone's cue to exit

              • 2 months ago

                What are the alternatives?

              • 2 months ago


              • 2 months ago


              • 2 months ago

                There are any, DA was about posting art, other sites just can't do that

              • 2 months ago

                Newgrounds is probably the best bet. Won't get you noticed as it's very much just artists and animators among other artists and animators, but it's good as a gallery site. Or at least it was until they forced everything to display as webp. Frickin morons. You can still download as png or jpg or whatever if the image is below a certain size, or if you just manually change the image's url extension, but a stupid all the same.

                Twitter is unfortunately still king for outreach. Sucks as a gallery, especially after a recent change concerning NSFW tagged images in the media tab, but it still commands the most traffic for your average artist/audience combination. Unfortunately.
                Bluesky is a Twitter alternative but good luck getting noticed there.
                I've heard people whisper about Cohost but it feels like a Pillowfort situation where a select few artists are hyping it up, but very few people follow them to the site itself.
                I have seen a weird number of people try to hype of Sheezyart's return, but like with Pillowfort, I'd wait and see if it's even worth the time. Would rather stick with NG than hope it kicks off as a big thing.
                Tumblr these days is actually kind of fine if you're not doing strict pornography. It has some softened ruled about nudity but I wouldn't chance it too much.

                In a nutshell: The artist-site landscape sucks.

              • 2 months ago

                Newgrounds, Tumblr if you don't post flat out porn.
                There's also twatter, but that site is literally the Devil incarnate.
                Anything other site just goes unnoticed.

                newgrounds is now just twitter 2.0, filled with moronic puritan children

              • 2 months ago

                I think people are giving Newgrounds too much flak for WEBP even though, as you said, you can change the URL and still get the original resolution of an image just fine. I find that a better alternative in contrast to other websites like DeviantArt that give artists an optional download button which (under certain circumstances) accidentally leaves the compressed version of an image as the last version standing.

                newgrounds is now just twitter 2.0, filled with moronic puritan children

                Userbase seems to be varied nowadays. You can notice it quite well on the review section for Sillypoo's National Women's Day animation "CYBERGIRLZ".

                Fricking hell, this board still thinks Funkin'grounds is a viable alternative. Don't get me started.

                and Fulp just sucked off Nintendo wiener just a couple weeks ago while exempting their old guards because they're still shilling his site.

                homosexual. What was Tom Fulp supposed to do? He's stated in the very thread where he announced the Nintendo DMCA that he doesn't have money to hire a lawyer and go to court over this. Is he supposed to dip into Supporter funds meant for prize money and site hosting? Or was he supposed to suck Ninjamuffin's wiener for some of that Kickstarter money? If he takes out venture capital, the possibility of gutting the website entirely of NSFW increases ten fold and he'll be forced by shareholders to implement Web 3.0 bullshit like data collection or AI to try and make it profitable.

                Newgrounds sucks for a number of reasons (nepotism mainly), but I think it could be way worse.

              • 2 months ago

                He was betweeen a rock and a hard place

              • 2 months ago

                >He was betweeen a wiener and a hard place

              • 2 months ago

                >too much flak for WEBP
                No. Frick webp.
                >you can change the URL
                Should not have to do that and 99% of users aren't going to out of ignorance or indifference.

              • 2 months ago

                Alright, well, frick you.

                >and 99% of users aren't going to out of ignorance or indifference.
                Alright, fair. You can get a slightly less uncompressed version of PNGs from Twitter by opening it in a new tab and changing the URL from "small" to "orig" and the download button on DeviantArt is only available if you're logged into an account, but that doesn't stop users from downloading the compressed preview image anyways. Cinemaphile has also started to compress images for mobile users. I've seen it in fatgay threads on Cinemaphile where the images being posted have filenames that literally say "fullview" or "m" at the end of them that let you know it's a compressed version.

                Along with art websites, it would appear that the competency of internet users has also gone down the toilet. Most are likely using a mobile device with app versions of websites that really restrict what you're able to do online and that sucks.

              • 2 months ago

                Smartphones really were a mistake.

              • 2 months ago

                You're telling me. Apple tried breaking all browser apps on iOS over a month ago to force people into exclusively using the app store.

                On Newgrounds, when you click an image to see its full resolution, right click it -> open image in new tab -> click the URL address bar -> find "webp" in url -> replace it with "png"
                You can even remove all the bullshit after it (usually something like "?f1234etc") and it'll work fine
                Simple as that.

                Some may upload their work as a "jpg" for whatever reason, so if png doesn't work, you can also try that, or even possibly "jpeg"
                Not ALL uploads will be automatically changed to webp, especially smaller images, but a ton are, and it's a pain.

                >Not ALL uploads will be automatically changed to webp, especially smaller images, but a ton are, and it's a pain.
                Actually, you know what's interesting? Newgrounds initially allowed art posts to only have one image per upload, and because of this, they were able have images in their original format and at full resolution.

                One of the most requested features for the Art Portal was multi-image hosting, and Newgrounds implemented it with three different gallery options and a number of different features, BUT the trade-off was that preview/fullview images needed to be converted into WEBP to minimize load times in user feeds and published submission pages. The feature was at odds with actual feasibility and ease of user experience.

              • 2 months ago

                Interesting thing about the multi-image upload. If you use Gallery mode, then the first image you click to expand will typically display as its intended filetype (png, jpg etc.) rather than webp. But, scrolling to the next image with the on-screen arrows will then display that new image, and even the original, as webp. But if you close out of the full-resolution view, move the focus to another image in that same upload's Gallery, and repeat the process, it happens again: That initial image is the correct file type, while others you scroll to are webp.

                This only works with the Gallery view. Inline or Strip doesn't do this. Though, as usual, it's not ALL uploads that work this way, but I've tested enough to say that probably 95% of uploads with Gallery mode will do this file type juggling frickery.

                I'd understand displaying thumbnails, or the "preview" as webp. Absolutely, go nuts. Don't give a frick. But when I want the full resolution, I want it as its intended file type. And worse, it's clearly on the servers, otherwise changing the URL wouldn't work, so this only HURTS Newgrounds by duplicating the file. Even if webp is a lighter format, it's still unnecessary additional load on the servers, on a site that is funded by users. That's gonna incur costs down the line. It's terribly inefficient and short sighted.
                Worse still, it's potentially DANGEROUS. Not a week after they added the multi image hosting (and consequently the webp formatting) there was a huge security vulnerability found in the webp format. Webp, while technically over a decade old, has only recently barely entered widespread use, and this comes with vulnerabilities that image formats like png or jpg ironed out ages ago.

              • 2 months ago

                WOW, and here I thought I had all the systems figured out. Newgrounds' heart is in the right place but its systems for art seem to be all over the place. I wonder if all these weird complications are a consequence of maintaining a website for over 29 years.

                >there was a huge security vulnerability found in the webp format.
                Bro, you gotta' sauce me the frick up. This sounds like spectacularly unfortunate timing.

              • 2 months ago

                Should be able to find what I'm referring to just googling "webp vulnerability." Articles from early October last year will be what you're looking for.

                Long story short: The webp library had a vulnerability that allowed for zero click RCE, among other things. If your non-updated phone, browser or other program so much as loaded the specially crafted image, it would commence the attack.

                Luckily, it seemed like it was remarkably difficult to craft these webps, and how it attacked was at least somewhat dependent on which program was used and how it loaded and stored the webp, so it wasn't exactly Wannacry levels of "oh shit," hence why you probably weren't aware of it. Also luckily, it only affected a particular line of webp libraries, so very old programs weren't affected, and newer programs that are still updated were (hopefully) updated to the latest library that didn't have the vulnerability.
                If I recall, it was discovered because an it was found that an Israeli spyware vendor used the vulnerability to spy on various gov't officials' iphones, but I forget the specifics of that story.

                This is likely only one of many vulnerabilities that will be found as time goes on and the image format gains more traction. As storage becomes cheaper and internet (generally) becomes faster and more reliable, webp's niche as a lighter image format is less and less important, but sites, corporations, and Google specifically (the yucks who MADE the format) keep pushing for it. Due to the infancy of its use, it hasn't gone through the wringer like other image formats, so I fear for what will be found in the future.

              • 2 months ago

                Thanks for the info. I respect you for typing all this out and giving me something interesting to read in a thread that was initially about fetish art.

              • 2 months ago

                >Should not have to do that and 99% of users aren't going to out of ignorance or indifference.
                I can attest I'm ignorant and don't know how to do this.

              • 2 months ago

                On Newgrounds, when you click an image to see its full resolution, right click it -> open image in new tab -> click the URL address bar -> find "webp" in url -> replace it with "png"
                You can even remove all the bullshit after it (usually something like "?f1234etc") and it'll work fine
                Simple as that.

                Some may upload their work as a "jpg" for whatever reason, so if png doesn't work, you can also try that, or even possibly "jpeg"
                Not ALL uploads will be automatically changed to webp, especially smaller images, but a ton are, and it's a pain.

              • 2 months ago

                >homosexual. What was Tom Fulp supposed to do?
                Gonna play that fricking card, huh?
                If the money is so important, go ahead and purge that Ankha tiktok animation if Daddy Nintendo of Americrap is going to cut your balls over Nintendo smut OR if the conservatives are using KIDZ LOOKING AT MUH ANIMAL CROSSING PRONZ to push for more state bans on adult content.

                If you're going to sucker off your oldgay cabal, nobody ever needs to bother going on your decaying site.

              • 2 months ago

                Newgrounds, Tumblr if you don't post flat out porn.
                There's also twatter, but that site is literally the Devil incarnate.
                Anything other site just goes unnoticed.

              • 2 months ago

                Newgrounds, twitter if you want to have a nice day, slowly tanking, Itaku is good but often ignored.

              • 2 months ago

                Newgrounds at least has a gallery page, with Twitter you better hope the artist doesn't use the twitter as social too or you'll have to scavenge though pages and pages of memes, photos and stuff to find the art. Both sites have dogshit search engines though. But I think the defining factor is whatever or not the artist is organized and tags their art accordingly.

                Unfortunately after DA API rework it doesn't allow to download originals if there is no download button anymore (save for when originals still can be maximized to the original size in case of some pictures), but it still can download entire gallery (still better to use your account during download).

                First time I heard of this thing is it a program or a site?

              • 2 months ago

                Twitter (except not for long because Musk is changing it so you have to pay to sign up and to post/like things)

              • 2 months ago

                Speaking of AI art, something is really bothering me is how stuffed everything is getting with that stuff, sites should add AI as a tag or something because now a days that is like half of what they spam in my feed.

              • 2 months ago

                They make more money off of AI garbage than they do off of genuine expression.

              • 2 months ago

                I just hate how fricked up the DA search engine is that it picks up EVERYTHING that even remotely resembles your search terms no matter the spelling or context.

              • 2 months ago

                They have an option to supress ai art but that implies the morons uploading their slop bothering to check a single box that says it's ai art, if they don't do it it won't get filtered.

      • 2 months ago

        He seen to be erasing his presense online

        • 2 months ago

          No, that's not the case at all. Basically, what set the wheels in motion was dA cracking down on AR content and pretty much all MHA content involving TG content [whether that was by filter or mass-reporting is still up in the air]. MentalCrash was banned from Patreon and that accelerated the 'Discord is the main hub for content' trend.

          A number of tf artists who left dA and tried to make it on Twitter also opted for the 'Discord is their hub' model [Redflare500 and Wrenzephyr are major examples of this]. Some of the servers are hugboxy while others are either 'common areas' for certain kinks or centered on the main artist.

          Who do you think will be/has the potential to be the next Da-Fuze? (as in someone who will draw the most random porn possible without a care)

          Currently, there's no one. MentalCrash is, by attention and reputation, the biggest current TF artist and Fuze was having a renaissance of attention thanks to the shirt flip trend. Mk III or the 'girls into bugs' artist might fill the 'shock' factor in Fuze's absence.

          >inb4 someone pokes me on Discord asking if I posted in the thread

          • 2 months ago

            Not just TF, all the other stuff like gas,weight gain,muscle growth,inflation,futanari,TG,hypno,e-girl,etcetera. I can't think of someone who draws as many fetishes as Fuze did

          • 2 months ago

            Discord servers being "the future" just really rubs me the wrong way. Like, you gotta join a secret club to see a guy's art? Shits lame.

            • 2 months ago

              This is a great point, I don't think DIscord will ever be the future for any artist, you need to first know about the secret club, then get an invitation to said secret club. How the hell is an artist suppose to get their art to the average pervert? This will only create echo chambers where the most vocal will double down in their most hardcore behavior because they don't have any average joes to worry about.

            • 2 months ago

              Until the social media climate changes, people are yearning for limited audience they can cater to whenever they want.

          • 2 months ago

            I know what my hero academia is but what is AR?

            • 2 months ago

              Age regression.

              Discord servers being "the future" just really rubs me the wrong way. Like, you gotta join a secret club to see a guy's art? Shits lame.

              Covid lockdown boredom made the majority of tf 'community' interactions happen on vaguely connected servers. Then politics more or less killed the 'general servers' in favor of individual artist ones.

              • 2 months ago

                Man DA kind of forgot the meaning of the word Deviant, if is cracking down those fetishes. I kind of get it age stuff is kind on the iffy side whatever it goes up or down. I don't understand the TG stuff that is normie shit compared to the more vicious stuff.

              • 2 months ago

                >cracking down those fetishes
                That's kind of been overblown if you asked me. Take it from me who still actively uses DA (don't laugh), after the initial scare wore off and a handful of artists jumped ship... things just carried on as normal. The site is still as deviant and as autistic as ever. Perhaps more so now that AI spam is a thing and unlike Pixiv you can't check a box to hide all of that crap.

                What really sent DeviantArt into a downward spiral was eclipse. That horrendous fricking update robbed the site of a lot of its charm and usability, especially when it comes to searching. Dear God, I cannot express enough in words how harder it is to find specific things after eclipse came along. The new meta as far as I'm concerned is just to dive in and out of people's favorites to find new shit. New -good- shit, that is.

              • 2 months ago

                >Man DA kind of forgot the meaning of the word Deviant, if is cracking down those fetishes
                The name has been meaningless for decades. The titular deviancy was "desktop personalization and software reskins."

    • 2 months ago

      I discovered Da-Fuze in 2011, I think. Time flies.

      • 2 months ago

        Weirdly enough I don't remember when I discovered Da-Fuze. But judging by the early fanart I've see he gravitated around the same circles of webcomic I read as a lad so I probably ended in his gallery though them. I feel kind of old but at the same time him nucking his DA feels like piece of internet is disappearing.

    • 2 months ago


      • 2 months ago

        Fuze actually does draw farts. Maybe that's the fetish he's ashamed of.

        • 2 months ago

          brap is so mainstream, i don't think much people feel down about drawing it and posting it online.
          same with anal jelly, but that's another tale.

        • 2 months ago

          Maybe is the diaper stuff.

        • 2 months ago

          It's not that

    • 2 months ago

      Da-Fuze is dead?

      • 2 months ago

        No, he's just closing his DA and taking a break because DA is going down the fricking drain and he's not happy with some of what he's drawn. He is still drawing and will be keeping his FA up, and he has a Discord server.

      • 2 months ago


    • 2 months ago

      Damn... his art wasn't great, but it was always there when I needed something really weird to jerk off to.

      • 2 months ago

        Kinda weird that I only care about his vanilla stuff. I guess busty characters are enough for me.

        • 2 months ago

          What vanilla stuff?

          • 2 months ago

            Stuff like

            Alright, Cinemaphile, post your favorite Fuze pics. At least blue board friendly ones.

    • 2 months ago

      I get wanting to take a break or drawing other stuff, what i don't get is why erasing his gallery. If the site decides to nuke it that is their choice, but he shouldn't preemptively erase all that work.

  5. 2 months ago

    any comics or cartoons featuring butt expansion?

  6. 2 months ago

    brb importing his discord art to kemeno

    • 2 months ago

      or maybe not, I'm not sure if the importer is working atm so here's the unupdated link:

  7. 2 months ago


    • 2 months ago

      For the Honor of Graybutt

  8. 2 months ago

    And he was just starting to actually make good art, too. I wouldn't mind seeing him try something more long-form and not so 2010.

  9. 2 months ago

    As a lifelong degenerate, I'm genuinely gonna miss Fuze since he was always one of my favorite fetish artists. Dude seemed to draw everything and anything. Is there a complete archive of his art somewhere?

    • 2 months ago


    • 2 months ago

      Ehentai has an archive of his stuff from before 2021.

    • 2 months ago

      Da-Fuze drew a lot of stuff many of which I considered gross, but a lot more that was both interesting and creative. That is something that fuze always had creativity in how to present an idea, like the shirt lift tf stuff or the bodyswaps where the characters became exagerated versions of each other. While other artist became samey fuze always had something weird waiting in store.

      Da-Fuze is dead?

      Well in the sense that he is nuking his gallery and disheartening from the internet. I respect he doesn't want to do some stuff anymore and wants a break but I think erasing his main gallery is a little too much.

      • 2 months ago

        huh never thought of muscle bimbo

  10. 2 months ago

    Why is the blatant fetish thread allowed to stay up?

  11. 2 months ago

    Unfortunately after DA API rework it doesn't allow to download originals if there is no download button anymore (save for when originals still can be maximized to the original size in case of some pictures), but it still can download entire gallery (still better to use your account during download).

  12. 2 months ago

    Alright, Cinemaphile, post your favorite Fuze pics. At least blue board friendly ones.

    • 2 months ago

      I miss Bubblegum, lads. Fuze's Dark Elf was a babe, as well.
      One of my favorite pics though was the sequence where Bubblegum entered a burger eating contest and won. His older WG pics were top notch.

      • 2 months ago

        >Forgot to save any Empress pics

    • 2 months ago

      The Slime Trap series.

    • 2 months ago

      I liked the Ben 10 stuff I also like how he drew those massive Sphinx

    • 2 months ago
    • 2 months ago

      A few years back I drew some stuff weird assimilation transformation stuff that became a flavor of the day before the threads got nuked, a highlight of those threads was da-fuze drawing some characters getting assimilated. It was a "sempai noticed me" moment for me


    • 2 months ago

      I really like pic related, both for imagining an alien character like another alien as well as the orange looking good here.

      • 2 months ago

        made for super namekian dick

    • 2 months ago

      My favorites are the dcshg brap pics

    • 2 months ago

      Mabel turning into a stuck up woman, notice this is also an EEnE reference

    • 2 months ago

      I enjoyed his Azula Ethno-State stuff.

      • 2 months ago
        • 2 months ago
  13. 2 months ago

    Can't believe he's going to delete his DeviantArt account but I understand why.

  14. 2 months ago

    Fricking hell, this board still thinks Funkin'grounds is a viable alternative. Don't get me started.

    and Fulp just sucked off Nintendo wiener just a couple weeks ago while exempting their old guards because they're still shilling his site.

    • 2 months ago

      Can you explain every word you just said? what the frick is funkin? and who the frick is fulp?

      • 2 months ago

        Lurk moar.

      • 2 months ago

        hi newbie

      • 2 months ago

        friday night funkin is a game that's really popular with children made by someone that's friends with newground's owner (tom fulp) since it includes a bunch of references to old shit from newgrounds children have decided to make it their personal dumping ground for gay porn of friday night funkin

        • 2 months ago

          Oh I see so this game kind of brought the younger crowd to newground along with all the shit they bring with them. Has the site gone woke?

          • 2 months ago

            Not necessarily, they're very anti revisionism and censorship but its current userbase is definitely... something

            • 2 months ago

              I don't really check the site outside of what can I find/play, something that I really hate the is the search engine, you can't search for two things because the site thinks you are looking for pics for both subjects instead of single pics that include both subjects

  15. 2 months ago

    So is this gonna be one of those scraping the internet of my art nukes or just a personal gallery nuke?

    • 2 months ago

      Just the DA gallery...which has most of his art and was the one site he updated the most, so yeah a big chuck.

  16. 2 months ago

    This looks like there's a fart edit by the artist

  17. 2 months ago

    Who do you think will be/has the potential to be the next Da-Fuze? (as in someone who will draw the most random porn possible without a care)

  18. 2 months ago

    I'm fairly certain I got my fmg fetish from Da-Fuze, is not the quality of the pic but the content of the idea

  19. 2 months ago

    I hate modern internet so much

    • 2 months ago

      And I hate you!

      • 2 months ago

        No you don't, I'm just a couple of sentences on an anonymous image board. What you hate is something else vaguely related to my comment.

  20. 2 months ago


    I've had people trace over my drawings and figured the best thing to do is just ignore it, I don't get the approach to this it seems like people will just reupload his art more

  21. 2 months ago


    He says the thieves are doing it under the guise of archiving and saving his art. I say if he didn't said he was erasing his account in the first place people wouldn't be trying to put his art in other places on the site.

    Not saying he doesn't have the right to complain about this, but what did he expect if he also said nobody would be able to access his gallery?

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