Imagine fricking over your 100th anniversary because you wanted to be woke and experiment instead of creating a Frozen/Tangled style of movie which wou...

Imagine fricking over your 100th anniversary because you wanted to be woke and experiment instead of creating a Frozen/Tangled style of movie which would have been so easy for Disney.

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  1. 5 months ago

    >instead of creating a Frozen/Tangled style of movie
    Anon, this IS a Frozen/Tangled style of movie

    • 5 months ago

      >No princess MC
      >No romance with a boy
      >Bad guy actually makes sense
      >Zero pretty white girl protags

      This is pretty far from a Frozen/Tangled.

    • 5 months ago

      Only /misc/ cares about the protagonist being black, but the lack of good songs and romance is really what killed the movie. A movie about magic and wishing, it should be a lot more whimsical than what we got. People can overlook everything if they'd nailed at least one of those two.

      • 5 months ago

        This, the "woke" elements, of which there wasn't very much of, wasn't the actual problems with the movie. It was obviously rushed out and needed more work, and better music and a love interest would have made the movie much more appealing for Disney's usual audience. For example, they could have had the star character be a cute shapeshifting boy that young girls would crush on who could serve as the main character's love interest, but instead they went for the very generic Luma rip off.

        • 5 months ago

          >they could have had the star character be a cute shapeshifting boy that young girls would crush on
          or a cute shapeshifting girl that young lesbians would crush on

          • 5 months ago

            Why would disney endorse domestic abuse?

          • 5 months ago

            >cute shapeshifting girl that young lesbians would crush on
            Like Nimona? Her movie is already forgotten kek.

          • 5 months ago

            What sense is there in pandering to a small fraction of the population vs the vast majority?

        • 5 months ago

          Only /misc/ cares about the protagonist being black, but the lack of good songs and romance is really what killed the movie. A movie about magic and wishing, it should be a lot more whimsical than what we got. People can overlook everything if they'd nailed at least one of those two.

          Partially disagree. The movie wouldn't have been saved with a white ayisha, but it was a full spectrum failure. Terrible decisions all over the place. I'd put the plot problems above lack of songs and romance, although that's bad as well.

          In fact, that they failed everywhere BUT at being woke, and in a boring, low risk corporate way makes me think that they prioritized that.

          • 5 months ago

            I'd argue it did a pretty bad job at being woke as well. Outside of the existence of brown people, and maybe a cripple girl, it had hardly any progressive elements. Which makes sense when you realise woke people aren't impressed with the movie either. You had earlier designs of the main character where she had vastly more interesting outfits inspired by different cultures, but they ended up giving her a generic looking purple dress that we'd have already seen before on white princesses like Rapunzel. So she didn't even stand out that much from a diverse standpoint.

            • 5 months ago

              I think just slapping moorish spain on the label and getting some of the arcitecture right, and throwing in a revolution against the king was enough of a push there.

              But it wasn't bad enough at that the way it was bad with bad songs, and bad lighting that made everything look plastic, and whatever the FRICK they were thinking with that oil shit.

            • 5 months ago

              Story being about the MC getting what they want and being validated for it, without having to learn what they need, is a typical woke mentality
              it's not about diversity, diversity is a cover for narcissists

              • 5 months ago

                >Story being about the MC getting what they want and being validated for it, without having to learn what they need, is a typical woke mentality
                Is it really? It just seems like you are looking at bad writing that would have been bad if it stared a straight white guy and saying "Well this is woke because I say it is".
                You can try to argue that "woke" people are the only ones who make this writing mistake but I strongly doubt that is the case. There have been plenty of dumb, poorly written white characters just as there have been well written minorities. If all you do is complain that it's woke you aren't addressing the actual problem which is the bad writing.

          • 5 months ago

            Woke elements are WHY parts of the film failed.

            The main villain was originally going to be the King AND Queen, having a married couple being a pair of villains would have been novel... except some consultation focus group director decided that it would be more feminist and progressive if the movie ended with a girlboss Queen ruling, even though it made little sense and dramatically made each character worse.

            Why do you think they shoehorned in the Seven Dwarfs for Ayisha's dull as bricks friends? Because they wanted to shove in as many points of representation as possible instead of focus on making compelling side characters.

        • 5 months ago

          >This, the "woke" elements, of which there wasn't very much of, wasn't the actual problems with the movie
          You may not think woke themes are the problem, but woke policy implemented at the company is directly related to the shoddy quality. In fact, people who think Disney is doing woke cynically are completely off base. They are sincere about it.
          Also, you can't discount woke themes affecting the movie when even foreign audiences are noticing it. >


          • 5 months ago

            >you can't discount woke themes affecting the movie when even foreign audiences are noticing it
            Only one of the ten points brought up there were anything 'woke' related.
            People blaming "woke" for the film's failure is just inaccurate. If that was a reason it failed (somehow?) it's maybe 5% of the pie.

          • 5 months ago

            The majority of those highlighted quotes don't have anything to do with woke content though?
            >but woke policy implemented at the company is directly related to the shoddy quality.
            It's just bad company policy, not woke. This movie's problems came largely from being very rushed out for the 100 year anniversary while a writer's strike was going on while the entertainment industry was recovering from covid. Hiring less brown people wouldn't have solved this issue.

            • 5 months ago

              >The majority of those highlighted quotes don't have anything to do with woke content though?
              That's just a selection of reviews. And did you miss the part about "political correctness" being brought up?
              >It's just bad company policy, not woke.
              Not all bad policy is woke, but all woke policy is bad. Any policy that pulls a company away from meritocracy will result in poorer performance and brain drains, and cause a distraction and a climate of uncertainty and silence for everyone else.

              • 5 months ago

                >Not all bad policy is woke, but all woke policy is bad.
                This just seems like your personal bias in play. Especially when "woke" is poorly defined and can be selectively applied to only when progressive policies don't do well. You can argue that hiring someone because they are brown instead of their talent is "woke", but isn't it also woke to be against someone who is talented not being hired because they are brown? The problem isn't whether its helping brown people or not, it's that the talented people aren't being hired. Which itself, isn't any more a woke ideal than it is a racist "chud" one either.

              • 5 months ago

                Any policy that deals with "equity" is woke and objectively is shit, because you're not hiring the best people for the job.

              • 5 months ago

                >but isn't it also woke to be against someone who is talented not being hired because they are brown?
                that's color blindness and wokies speak against it because you are supposed to notice struggling people of color
                which is why Blacks from rich families should be assumed to be struggling just like the average blacks, and have better access to universities than Asians.

              • 5 months ago

                No, color blindness is bad in the wokie's eyes because in the instance of a talented brown person not being hired by a racist the racist can just say "Oh, I don't see color, I just didn't hire him for other reasons (:". Which isn't helpful for actually solving problems. As long as racists exist, color blindness can't really work because the fact people are different races does come into play in their lives and you can't just ignore it. It's dumb, but I can kind of see the left's reasoning here even if they go too far in the opposite direction. So to call out a racist for not hiring skilled minorities or women because of them being minorities or women is anti nepotism and also woke. Which shows the problem isn't the progressive ideals, it's the actual practices.

              • 5 months ago

                I like how you ignore the reference to the actual Supreme Court case that invalidates half of your tirade.
                The other half is invalidated by the free market. Jim Crow laws had to be enforced laws because racism and losing potentially good employees and/or clients isn't an optimal business strategy.

              • 5 months ago

                >This just seems like your personal bias in play
                It's just math. Even if we look at the most innocuous implementation of woke policy - hiring quotas based on race, gender, politics, any other sort of affiliation - it necessarily shrinks the total talent pool the company is hiring from.

          • 5 months ago

            >people who think Disney is doing woke cynically are completely off base. They are sincere about it.
            I just got into this conversation, and I believe you're correct.

            I think it's fair to say that it's sincere but they're still REALLY uneducated about what they're trying to say. They're people who want to avoid any conflict and think so long as they make the protagonist black, that you can keep preaching white American ideologies and that'll make it ok.

      • 5 months ago

        It also really just comes off as a hollow, corporate, made-by-committee product for the purpose of adverstising their other products with all the forced references and trying to make Disney's film catalog into some kind of shared universe which is just stupid.
        That poster with the girl literally cringing next to the title like she just saw the RT score has got to be one of the worst advertisements I've ever seen, they really thought *that* would make people want to see their movie?

      • 5 months ago

        >Only /misc/ cares about the protagonist being black
        Frick off homosexual. Black people make up less than 13 percent of the population they need to stop acting like they’re a majority.

        • 5 months ago

          >Black people make up less than 13 percent of the population they need to stop acting like they’re a majority.

          • 5 months ago

            Holy irony Batman I can’t believe you posted this toward anyone but this homosexual:

            >Not all bad policy is woke, but all woke policy is bad.
            This just seems like your personal bias in play. Especially when "woke" is poorly defined and can be selectively applied to only when progressive policies don't do well. You can argue that hiring someone because they are brown instead of their talent is "woke", but isn't it also woke to be against someone who is talented not being hired because they are brown? The problem isn't whether its helping brown people or not, it's that the talented people aren't being hired. Which itself, isn't any more a woke ideal than it is a racist "chud" one either.

            • 5 months ago

              The messages were posted 30 seconds apart. It didn't load until I posted mine.

      • 5 months ago

        >Only /misc/ cares about the protagonist being black
        Keep telling yourself that

    • 5 months ago

      They didn't even have some beautiful romance shit where the male/female lead sing to each other
      They just confused people by putting in "At All Costs" which sounds like someone accidentally put the wrong song over the scene

      I still don't know who this movie was made for, it feels like it was made by aliens

    • 5 months ago

      It's not.

    • 5 months ago

      >Anon, this IS a Frozen/Tangled style of movie

      Fanartists do a better job at imitating that style than nuDisney.

  2. 5 months ago

    I can't believe girl power movies aren't fresh after the 100th iteration

    • 5 months ago

      >Unlike most other princesses, this one is not a damsel in distress

    • 5 months ago

      It's the same with everything else. Themes have been subverted so much and so often than doing something classical would be a more shocking twist.

      • 5 months ago

        I would be INCREDIBLY shocked if a film of a generic white knight male protagonist against a comically evil villain came out today.

    • 5 months ago

      It's the same with everything else. Themes have been subverted so much and so often than doing something classical would be a more shocking twist.

      It's this weird mentality that what WAS subversive once upon a time should always remain subversive even after it's become commonplace

      • 5 months ago

        I'm not aware of that many stories about princesses with trade qualifications.

        • 5 months ago

          sarcastic homosexual

          • 5 months ago

            You probably shouldn't post here if you're that triggered by a post that wasn't even aggressive, you stupid pathetic shitc**t.

            • 5 months ago

              sarcastic twitterhomosexual

  3. 5 months ago

    Imagine Disney making a good, interesting, and original film. You can't, because that's basically impossible by design.

  4. 5 months ago

    >wanted to be woke and experiment
    They should've experimented by firing their animators and using AI for everything.
    That would be the best 100th anniversary ever.

  5. 5 months ago

    >make a princess movie
    >give her a hot boyfriend
    It's that fricking easy. Why is Disney so moronic. People would be slurping up this slop as long as she had a pretty boy by her side

  6. 5 months ago

    There's nothing "woke" about the movie.
    There is 0 woke themes.
    If you think the mere existence of a single black character is 'woke' you are beyond saving.
    Hell, even if it was "woke", one of the BIGGEST grossing movie was a female-directed, pro-feminism story that virtually every conservative pundit hated.
    This narrative that Wish failed because of "wokeness" is complete horseshit.
    It failed because it was boring, generic, and a giant waste of their '100th anniversary' movie slot.

    • 5 months ago

      >one of the BIGGEST grossing movie was a female-directed, pro-feminism story
      That's a bad example, memes (and 80% of female audience) carried that movie, not woke.
      I mean, Oppenheimer made almost a billion, and no one in their right mind would think that thing would make that much, let alone Barbie.
      Even if woke was the reason why Barbie made a billion then why is it that most movies with that fail? 1 woke movie out of 100 with meme power won't convince anyone.
      You still need a good movie regardless of wokeness, and most woke movies care more about the message, brainwashing than quality.

      • 5 months ago

        Woke doesn't "Carry" movies, but it doesn't condemn them either. Vast majority of people are variations of the "I just want to grill" meme and don't really care if there are gay or brown people in their movies, but also aren't actively going to movies for those things either.
        Lots of movies are failing at the moment because lots of movies are bad. Hollywood is running low on good ideas and movie theatres took a big hit from covid, no people are less likely to go to movies, so only the most interesting looking ones people bother to go to the theatre for. The passing grade for a movie to be successful has increased.

        • 5 months ago

          >Vast majority of people are variations of the "I just want to grill" meme and don't really care if there are gay or brown people in their movies
          I'm not a Burguerman but I heard that up to 50% of that country would never watch a movie like this.

          • 5 months ago

            But they would watch a movie like Moana? They have pretty much the same level of wokeness in it, having a female brown main character. The difference is that Moana at least looked fun with catchy music while Wish didn't have that going for it.

            • 5 months ago

              Moana also had a much more attractive and unique design, Asha looks like a re-skin of Rapunzel with an ugly dress.

          • 5 months ago

            Overblown, and missing context. America has no problem watching will smith movies, or black panther. That doesn't mean that they'll go for Will Smith playing george washington. But Hamilton the musical made a bunch of money. Gayness is a harder sell. No pun intended.

            That said, the supply of black gay shit is far greater than the demand.

            But they would watch a movie like Moana? They have pretty much the same level of wokeness in it, having a female brown main character. The difference is that Moana at least looked fun with catchy music while Wish didn't have that going for it.

            Not at all. And especially not from the ad campaign level. Wish was percieved to be a girl power, white guy bad movie about a fricking revolution. Moana was percieved to be a girl power adventure, that had the goddam Rock as a doofus superhero.

            They are not remotely percieved in the same class.

            >/misc/ actually was somewhat positive about the barbie movie
            Are you for real?
            /misc/ of all fricking places??

            Kens song captured the idea of men feeling alienated and not having a role in the world better than, well anything from hollywood in memory.

    • 5 months ago

      >BIGGEST grossing movie was a female-directed, pro-feminism
      The marvels made another billion?
      It's the same thing, 3 girlbosses, female director.
      How about that harley quinn + birds movie?

    • 5 months ago

      >when it's about the dangers of radical feminism

    • 5 months ago

      >and a giant waste of their '100th anniversary' movie slot.
      why couldn't Mickey get a full feature film for the 100th anniversary?

      • 5 months ago

        Disney is too scared to use Mickey because if it bombs it will hurt the brand

    • 5 months ago

      /misc/ actually was somewhat positive about the barbie movie. Particularly Ken.

      • 5 months ago

        >/misc/ actually was somewhat positive about the barbie movie
        Are you for real?
        /misc/ of all fricking places??

    • 5 months ago

      But Wish did have a woke messaging: everyone should have their wish granted and anyone who doesn't grant all wishes is evil
      This is basically the equity over equality ideology. This is one of the reasons the movie failed, the messaging was so bad.

      • 5 months ago

        But what about the guy whose wish it is to kill all gay people?

        • 5 months ago

          That was granted. Or did you see any in the movie?

      • 5 months ago

        I thought the message was people should work hard to make their wish come true.

        • 5 months ago

          If it was just about hard work then what's the point of overthrowing magnifico? They could have worked hard anyways.

          Jesus this shit doesn't make sense.

        • 5 months ago

          >I thought the message was people should work hard to make their wish come true.

          And yet the movie ends with Asha as a fairy godmother and her grandpa composing "When you wish upon a star"...

    • 5 months ago

      Barbie's message as a feminist movie clashes hard with its world building.

    • 5 months ago

      I think it's pretty reasonable to make the argument that Wish is about young people's feelings being more important than adults' wisdom. That's woke.

    • 5 months ago

      The Barbie movie was hard carried by marketing and Ken.
      Disney made a mediocre movie for their 100th year anni when people expected something impressive for the end of the year.

      • 5 months ago

        Barbie was also a better musical than Wish amusingly enough

    • 5 months ago

      I thought the Barbie movie was about Ken.

    • 5 months ago

      Barbie cheated with the casting

    • 5 months ago

      Way to ignore that everyones favorite aspect of the Barbie movie (particularly women) was Ken, a man, discovery and abusing the “patriarchy”

      • 5 months ago

        The fact that I've heard literally zero discussion about the titular Barbie herself says a lot about how much Ken dominated the discussion surrounding that movie

      • 5 months ago

        People posting Hyperborea edits of the same three shots of Ken =/= actually watching and enjoying the movie. I went in to the movie expecting to be laughing at Ryan Gosling but ended up enjoying the actual Barbie story much more, and I'm certain that's the same case for most viewers.

    • 5 months ago

      >If you think the mere existence of a single black character is 'woke' you are beyond saving.

      The existence of anyone or anything that isn't me is woke.

      Why won't everyone just be meeeeeeeeeee?

  7. 5 months ago

    >We could have had this instead

    • 5 months ago

      >When Starboy kneels in front of her with the sword

      Incredibly based, anon

    • 5 months ago

      >video with beautiful color, elegant ballroom dancing in mid fricking air
      >magical as FRICK
      >the summary under the video
      >evil mom, evil dad
      >that love story
      >that ending
      Jesus Christ we could have had it all

    • 5 months ago

      You finished it! Nice job anon. Super cute, I think audiences would have loved this in a film. I like that you used the demo version of the costs. My favorite part was where Asha knighted Star Boy.

  8. 5 months ago

    Guys, Woke is really a dumb word to describe this movie, cause it's not.

    It still is built on the concept of a monarch or ONE leader being able to control and keep the majority of civilians happy. Magnifico is a god like leader for this villiage, and while it's "woke" to say that a POC or a woman would make a better leader, at the end of the movie, they still are ruled by ONE leader, the Queen who is already in power. They didn't say democracy was the better solution to the problem, they just switched the power structure from a man to a woman, but otherwise still saying that it's OK to have a monarch leadership.

    TLDR: Monarchs still rule at the end of the day. Democracy isn't established. Asha isn't the new ruler.

    • 5 months ago

      The only woke element is that the friend that betrays the group is the only white guy of the group.

      I think the rest of the woke was probably reigned in by executive meddling, but this movie still is woke in the sense that the DEI hires that were tasked to write this are the reason why it's so shit.

      • 5 months ago

        >The only woke element is that the friend that betrays the group is the only white guy of the group.
        There was two white guys though, the skinny blond one and the broader redhead/brunette.

      • 5 months ago

        It seems like a lot of the producers/writers also worked on Raya, which was another movie that felt like it was written by aliens and has no heart in it. How the hell do these people get work at Disney? Will they stop getting tasked to do this shit now?

        • 5 months ago

          Raya is shitty because they wanted to have a story about forgiveness, but the character's actions DO NOT deserve it. She back stabbed her friend and she was still going to do it.

          You think they had hopped this movie would make peace in the middle east or something???

          • 5 months ago

            The question is do the writers not notice that their story makes no sense, or are they too stupid to realize it makes no sense.

            • 5 months ago

              So based on the story that they had their children be test audiences for the film, I imagine this is how it goes:

              >They have a plot from star to finish that makes sense.
              >Morals and goals that they intend to put in the film
              >They get their kids to watch the cartoons through out the project to get feedback
              >any time the kids act negatively to a scene, they cut it
              >The plot doesn't make sense because the kids suggested they add something stupid
              >it make their kids laugh, it stays in
              >final product is like reading the entire Sunday comics as if they connect into one bit story.

              • 5 months ago
          • 5 months ago

            The butch character that the movie centers around forgiving actually does worse shit than most Disney villains
            >Gets main character's father killed
            >Unleashes plague on the world
            >Kills the comic relief mascot in front of the hero
            >Only helps after she realizes that she's completely out of options, everyone's dead, she's about to die next

            • 5 months ago

              seriously, i was so fricking baffled. i understand the theme of finding a happy medium between blind trust and distrusing everyone, but that b***h had the chance to do the right thing over and over and over and never fricking took it until it was literally the only thing she could

      • 5 months ago

        >the friend that betrays the group is the only white guy of the group.
        Don't you love that the white guy basically becomes a proud boy for no fricking reason because his POC friends always made fun of him and HE has to apologies for becoming a fascist for a little bit, and they FORGIVE HIM???

        I CERTAINLY LOVE being a fascist apologist, don't you???

        I don't know how to make the sarcasm any more obvious but I can't believe that they thought doing this was a good idea.

  9. 5 months ago

    be quite already

  10. 5 months ago

    This is half the reason we're in this mess.

  11. 5 months ago

    Wish is so mediocre and forgettable that most gays ITT prefer to talk about a different movie.

    • 5 months ago

      Not much to talk about. There's no character growth, no arcs, no intrigue or subtexts. It's the most mid movie to have ever existed.

      • 5 months ago

        >It's the most mid movie to have ever existed
        That's Onward.
        Mediocre movies like Wish, Ruby Gillman or The Good Dinosaur at least they will be remembered for what they could have been and were not, but Onward is so boring and bland that most people don't even remember it exists and was made by Disney-Pixar, let alone its story, characters, music or original premise. There are direct-to-video films that are more memorable than Onward. Hell, the film is so forgettable that the last time it had a genuine thread on Cinemaphile was almost 3 years ago (the last thread it had in general was a bad /misc/bait that didn't even get 30 replies).

        • 5 months ago

          >searching by title instead of OP post

  12. 5 months ago

    We should have gotten another classic Disney Princess film. Tangled is literally the only modern one.

  13. 5 months ago

    I like historical films. In a couple of years, aisha and her people will be kick off from spain. The queen and the remainder of the populace will be burned for practicing witchcraft.

  14. 5 months ago

    They should have just turned "Once Upon A Studio" into a full length movie, a lot of people would eat up a Disney crossover event and it would have very likely surpassed Barbie/Mario in the box office

    • 5 months ago

      They just recicled one of their oldest songs and it was so much more wholesome than anything Wish had to offer. Why can't they have THAT team make their movies?

      • 5 months ago

        It probably would have been hell for the animators and taken six years to make but it's Disney's 100th anniversary so the effort should have been worth it.

        • 5 months ago

          Maybe old Disney, when reputation mattered to them. They're perfectly fine with producing goyslop to collect easy investor bucks.

    • 5 months ago

      they should've, movies nowdays need to be "events you can't miss" to get people in thee seats and what better than "mega disney crossover for the centennial anniversary"?

    • 5 months ago

      Or they could have done a crossover between Tangled and Frozen. Even if it had a shitty story people would have gone crazy.

  15. 5 months ago

    >Imagine fricking over your 100th anniversary because you wanted to be woke and experiment
    literally wrong

    • 5 months ago

      How is he wrong?

  16. 5 months ago

    Do you think Disney shit themselves when they saw the Mario Bros. movie beat them to the punch of “cute star sidekick?”

  17. 5 months ago

    How was Wish experiemental? It's just a fricking shader on a regular boring ass CGI era Disney movie.

  18. 5 months ago

    Why are you reading inside the magic?

  19. 5 months ago
    • 5 months ago

      Kek, nobody can convince me they didn't intentionaly do that in "Once Upon A Studio"

    • 5 months ago

      They cannot animate an entire film like this now. Think about that. This wasn't even one of their best looking films and even this is beyond them now.

  20. 5 months ago

    Whole division is headed by the woman that did Frozen. Shit current condition is her fault.

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