imperialism in cartoons,is it worth to watch?

imperialism in cartoons,is it worth to watch?

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  1. 2 years ago


  2. 2 years ago

    i want a show where collonialism is pertrayed as nuanced or positive, but that aint happening until such thing as "cretive freedom" will appear in "free" america
    You can hate on anime all you want but their system is so superior its makes western animation industry look like cavemen 95% of the time, (100% if we talking americans)

    • 2 years ago

      >collonialism is pertrayed as nuanced or positive

      • 2 years ago

        because i love europe and asia and hate everyone else

    • 2 years ago

      >i want a show where collonialism is pertrayed as nuanced or positive,
      But it was NOT.

      • 2 years ago

        It was. The colonialist made the various primitives have a much higher standard of living, gave them technology, a superior culture, education. More to the point, they brought rule of law instead of rule by king or what have you.

        • 2 years ago

          So Superior culture and you think they wanted to give them a higher standard of life? Christianity does Translate to a higher standard.

          • 2 years ago

            "Kill the Indian, Save the Man" IN OUR TIME

            >Youtube videos
            Opinion discarded there is nothing worthwhile on Youtube.

            they gave them the infrastructure needed to more efficiently extract the natural resources from the countries they colonized, no more. You're not generous for buying your slaves better quality tools to work your fields with

            Oh yes, let's just sweep the fact that the British built schools that people could attend? Or proper medical care instead of witch doctors? Or a railroad infrastructure that is used by both the colonizers and colonized? Or the fact that instead of having petty kings that are entirely arbitrary in their rule were replaced by soulless bureaucrats and plutocrats who at least followed the letter of the law, which is always a better option.

            • 2 years ago
            • 2 years ago

              They built schools where thousands of native children "mysteriously" died and buried them in secret in the basement.

              The railroad infrastructure was for the British to more easily exploit the land, come on.

              The British also had stupid ass petty kings and the bureaucrats constantly broke the law to line their pockets.

              • 2 years ago

                I don't think he wants you to break his Illusions that anyone had more upward Mobility than european monarchy at the time when the Colonials and Noble man was taking over from old people who manage to live a long time Being able to advise what to do next.

              • 2 years ago

                >what is high infant mortality back then

              • 2 years ago

                Something Europeans had long before the Modern Age and I'm still did in the age of colonialism . Also infant mentality will not be killing hundreds of thousands of children in boarding schools at the age of 10 and not be having them the berry in the basement without Graves and never informed the family about the children dying or have out the native peoples being forced to bury your there dead friends.

              • 2 years ago

                A) I am okay with the sacrifice of individual children in exchange for the prosperity of the entire population.

                B) Yes AND it was also used by the natives to transport themselves around. Just because it does one thing doesn't mean it can't do other things.

                C) But there was legal recourse to it. You could at least have the semblance of justice rather than outright having a bunch of savages beat your face in for questioning the elder.

                I don't think he wants you to break his Illusions that anyone had more upward Mobility than european monarchy at the time when the Colonials and Noble man was taking over from old people who manage to live a long time Being able to advise what to do next.


                Something Europeans had long before the Modern Age and I'm still did in the age of colonialism . Also infant mentality will not be killing hundreds of thousands of children in boarding schools at the age of 10 and not be having them the berry in the basement without Graves and never informed the family about the children dying or have out the native peoples being forced to bury your there dead friends.

                Nobody killed "hundreds of thousands," the Native American populations were never that big in the first place.

                Scientific standard of what the Stone Age is an excuse to you? Also, have you seen the Inca and Aztecs?

                Yes, they couldn't even figure out a wheel. A wheel! You just roll a log down a hill!

                1 gunpowder changes things on absolute lot kill you said they didn't go pass the Stone Age and Daniel Cohn it and arbitrary line When someone tells it's a scientific standard of time not a human development level.Also conveniently ignoring the affect European diseases had on destroying the Aztecs ( which Europeans one notch even trying to at this point)And calling. Empire stone age is comical. saying they were bad or defective is not counting your get you a damn what definitely non-tribal but large-scale Empire.

                So you're literally proving his point. They were shit because they couldn't compete. There's no fairness in the world, no justice. The strong make the rules. The Aztecs were a bloody empire that raided other people for slaves, because they were the strongest kid on the block. Then the Europeans came in and kicked their asses up and down the curb because they were stronger. That's the only "rule" that exists sociologically speaking. All other rules are derived from it.

              • 2 years ago

                Shit, natives even did this to each other. They didn't have some sort of special insight into a better way of life. They were human as anyone else. They were just too weak in the long run. It's not just the story of human civilization, but the story of life.

              • 2 years ago

                Oh yeah, absolutely. "Man has killed man from the beginning of time, and each new frontier has brought new ways and new places to die. Why should the future be different?"

              • 2 years ago

                Its not a surprise that people in the west are merely the product of the ideological civil religion known as the Enlightenment. Franky most of it results in a delusional bubble, 'based' not in reality.

              • 2 years ago

                Yeah, I suppose that you're going to tell me that worshipping a israelite on a stick is better, right, dumbass? PROTIP: if you need an external locus of control, you're not really a person.

              • 2 years ago

                Every culture is based on some transcendent ideal that relates to some metaphysical reality. Many ancient religions were based on the idea of sacrifice, like animal/human sacrifice, as one such example. Such is a reality addressed by maistre. I afraid ad hominem will not disprove what is said in the image.

              • 2 years ago

                Okay, but Maistre isn't the end-all-be-all, y'know?

                >“I have gained this by philosophy; I do without being ordered what some are constrained to do by their fear of the law." -Aristotle

                If you need a sky daddy to punish you if you've been bad, then you're not really acting as a moral agent - you're an evil person who only acts good out of fear of punishment, whereas I strive to do good because I CHOOSE to do so.

                So other than the Belgian, what's wrong with it? The German brings order, the Brit gives the man booze and salvation and takes the wealth they create (capitalism), and the Frenchman fricks the natives.

                checked and based,our ancestors did nothing wrong.Black folk and chinks stay mad

                Racist redneck morons really rouse my rile. Please frick off and stay fricked off, I want nothing to do with your moronic ideology. They are people like you and I, but need the light of civilization brought to them.

              • 2 years ago

                >So other than the Belgian, what's wrong with it?
                >having to frick a Frenchman

              • 2 years ago

                I was gonna type a witty comeback about how I'd frick some sexy French woman, but there are none. I'd frick Kate Beckinsale or Elizabeth Hurley though, when they were younger, although that doesn't have anything to do with the French.

              • 2 years ago


              • 2 years ago

                agreed with you. It is worth pointing out this mass compassion thing is literally only 100 years old, never really been tried anywhere else on earth.

        • 2 years ago

          So Superior culture and you think they wanted to give them a higher standard of life? Christianity does Translate to a higher standard.

          i want a show where collonialism is pertrayed as nuanced or positive, but that aint happening until such thing as "cretive freedom" will appear in "free" america
          You can hate on anime all you want but their system is so superior its makes western animation industry look like cavemen 95% of the time, (100% if we talking americans)

          "Kill the Indian, Save the Man" IN OUR TIME

          • 2 years ago

            >homogenisation and cultural exchange is bad
            >indians must always smoke

            >noble savage culture good
            >modernising industrial euro culture bad
            Shouldn't the complaint be this is the American military classes mucking about with the disadvantage native classes to justify their jobs, and not "muh racism"? I wouldn't want white children sent to these boarding schools just so this one general doesn't need to get a job.

            • 2 years ago

              >homogenisation and cultural exchange is bad
              None of that happened.

              >indians must always smoke
              Smoking wasn't talked about.
              >noble savage culture good
              Being savage not talked about.
              >modernising industrial euro culture bad
              Nobody said there was any problem with European industrialism.

              • 2 years ago

                Anon the entire perspective of the video is founded upon modern hangups.
                Extra Credits is well known for claiming playing a WWII German soldier, in a video game, makes you a Nazi.
                >Smoking wasn't talked about
                Tell me what image related is then.
                >Nobody said there was any problem with European industrialism.
                Yeah you're right, they had to reduce Europeanism to Christianity in a country full of heretics Europe rejected.

              • 2 years ago

                You had to make a meme about them doing something one time in order to say they are bad? Also forcing somebody to converge with no understanding of their own culture at gunpoint is bad despite what you think of it symbolize in them And you think Turning them into generations of alcoholic people who are messed up for life has them happier than they would have been living in the tribes or integrated International way into the industrialized world?Do schools were humongous mistake from the beginning and are going to match them up for generations and they only ended in our lifetime yes they got legitimate reasons to complain.

              • 2 years ago

                >Do schools were humongous mistake from the beginning
                Maybe school would have helped your illiteracy.

              • 2 years ago

                I went to normal school where they do not find it acceptable to physically beat or sexually assaulting you and if they did commit such an act people would have punished them and stopped it.

          • 2 years ago

            If they didn't want their shit taken maybe they should've advanced past the stone age.

            • 2 years ago

              You don't even know what you're talking about. The Stone Age was a time in prehistoric history not a standard of human development. it's like saying why did they not advance past the ice age.

              • 2 years ago

                Excuses excuses. Maybe if Chief Wipes-With-Squirrel had something more impressive than a sharp piece of flint you wouldn't be here going A BLOO BLOO BLOOOOOOOOOOO about it.

              • 2 years ago

                Scientific standard of what the Stone Age is an excuse to you? Also, have you seen the Inca and Aztecs?

              • 2 years ago

                Scientific? There is nothing scientific about an arbitrary socio-historical category.
                >Also, have you seen the Inca and Aztecs?
                No, because one of them was a dying civilization easily divided and conquered by what amounted to a handful of European bandits and the other was one of history's few morally evil civilizations, so despised by everyone that forming a coalition against them was child's play. Oh, and they thought obsidian was impressive tech.

              • 2 years ago

                1 gunpowder changes things on absolute lot kill you said they didn't go pass the Stone Age and Daniel Cohn it and arbitrary line When someone tells it's a scientific standard of time not a human development level.Also conveniently ignoring the affect European diseases had on destroying the Aztecs ( which Europeans one notch even trying to at this point)And calling. Empire stone age is comical. saying they were bad or defective is not counting your get you a damn what definitely non-tribal but large-scale Empire.

              • 2 years ago

                I'm going to try and address your point through the mald
                >muh gunpowder
                Not a relevant factor in the destruction of the Inca or the Aztec, certainly more so in the defeat of North American natives. But...what's your point? 'They should've tried actually advancing' was what I said, so...are you agreeing with me?

                >a bunch of gibberish semantics about the Stone Age quip
                Does not change the fact that American native civilizations were technologically millennia behind Europeans (or even Asians). Nor that their primary tools were still stone.

                >muh diseases
                Goes both ways. European invaders had no more context for American diseases than natives did European ones. And no better understanding, either. Proper germ theory didn't exist until halfway through the 19th century.

        • 2 years ago

          they gave them the infrastructure needed to more efficiently extract the natural resources from the countries they colonized, no more. You're not generous for buying your slaves better quality tools to work your fields with

          • 2 years ago

            >they gave them the infrastructure needed to more efficiently extract the natural resources from the countries they colonized, no more.
            What do you think infrastructure is for? Joy riding?
            Take away this colonial infrastructure and these countries would be 100% subsistence economies today rather.

            • 2 years ago

              You think they did that so they could function on their own no it's been proven one day it was design things to not be functional so they can take advantage of them even when they are not there anymore.

              • 2 years ago

                I'm sorry, you don't speak English very well. "it was proven one day it was design things" is not a proper part of an English sentence. I know what you're trying to say, but this is an English-speaking board, so it would behoove you to learn the language before you try to communicate with the rest of the user-base. I am not a native English speaker and I have managed to learn, after all.

              • 2 years ago

                Christ your English is awful.
                >take advantage of them in post-colonial times
                That's called real life. Countries always bend other countries over backwards to do shit.
                China's done it to Sri Lanka despite there never being a Chinese Raj.
                The US is constantly trying to do it to European countries.
                France will murder anyone trying to out fish or farm them.
                Everyone does it to everyone else.
                Big whoop. Git gud or remain a backwater at the mercy of the people with economies.

                >What do you think infrastructure is for? Joy riding?
                some infrastructure exists to make life more pleasant for people, yes. At least it does in countries where your government doesn't treat everyone like a worker drone

                Careful anon, now you're blaming post-colonial governments for their problems.

            • 2 years ago

              >What do you think infrastructure is for? Joy riding?
              some infrastructure exists to make life more pleasant for people, yes. At least it does in countries where your government doesn't treat everyone like a worker drone

        • 2 years ago

          >The colonialist made the various primitives have a much higher standard of living, gave them technology, a superior culture, education
          Why is that a good thing exactly?

          • 2 years ago

            Because otherwise, it would be cruel to them. They would lead shorter, more brutish lives, at the whims of their shitty leaders, incapable of self-examination, and so on. Look at what's happening to all the shitty countries where the natives are back in power. They're a fricking travesty and they were a travesty before they were civilized. Only the Europeans developed a concept of "equal before the law," or "humanism," or "the scientific method."

            Don't get me wrong - I'm not saying that the European way of life is great. There's a lot that's shitty and dumb, but it's better than being a loincloth wearing savage, eating bananas off a tree, not working a day in your life, and having to constantly fight for survival and deal with the whims of some moronic elder.

            • 2 years ago

              >Don't get me wrong - I'm not saying that the European way of life is great. There's a lot that's shitty and dumb, but it's better than being a loincloth wearing savage, eating bananas off a tree, not working a day in your life, and having to constantly fight for survival and deal with the whims of some moronic elder.
              The stereotype about anyone who's not European is strong in this one.All so you do know when the Europeans were colonizing the Americas they had kings and queens who were more wildly in the status quo and you can move on the native peoples of the Americas?

              • 2 years ago

                >they had kings and queens who were more wildly in the status quo and you can move on the native peoples of the Americas?

              • 2 years ago

                I'm sorry, I can't understand what you're saying in your broken English. Yes, the Europeans had kings. However, those kings were balanced by their Parliament (or equivalent), or to the shareholders (when we talk about people like the East India Company). Besides, we had rule of law, where it was applied equally (at least on paper). The savages instead did not. They ha a system of autocratic elders who would do whatever the frick they wanted and if you didn't like it, you either just toughened up, or would murder them, perpetuating an endless cycle of dumb pointless violence that only stopped when the colonists came and said "No, your way of life is dumb and moronic and pointless."

              • 2 years ago

                The colonies did not fix the native peoples of the Americas they broke every treaty they signed with them they constantly use them against each other and they deliberately mess them up in order to say was saving you just ignore that we just did this damage to you in the first place. also most of the Europeans had nobility religious Croce and other such types who had unfair advantages made into the law. Case in point the millionaires in France did not have to pay taxes while the peasants did.

              • 2 years ago

                >hey ha a system of autocratic elders who would do whatever the frick they wanted and if you didn't like it
                which ones? you can't just say the savages, there were all sorts of different systems of leadership and organisation across the pre-colonial world

              • 2 years ago

                I'm mostly talking about Africa and India. Africa has a system of tribal elders, while India had a slew of petty kings.

                The colonies did not fix the native peoples of the Americas they broke every treaty they signed with them they constantly use them against each other and they deliberately mess them up in order to say was saving you just ignore that we just did this damage to you in the first place. also most of the Europeans had nobility religious Croce and other such types who had unfair advantages made into the law. Case in point the millionaires in France did not have to pay taxes while the peasants did.

                And yet, other than during the actual wars, the quality of life, as well as the lifespan of every Native American went up dramatically as a consequence of being ruled over by colonists.

                I have no idea what you're trying to say in the other half of your sentence.

              • 2 years ago

                >I'm mostly talking about Africa and India. Africa has a system of tribal elders, while India had a slew of petty kings.
                the idea that hundreds of different cultural groups spanning two continents all used the exact same societal structure and political system is the sort of thing that should be obviously wrong as soon as you try to claim it.

              • 2 years ago

                Okay, well, the burden of proof is on you. Go ahead and indicate to me that during the Age of Imperialism that there were native-run governments in Africa that weren't essentially tribal councils of elders, or that India wasn't a fractured mess ruled by various kings.

                I should say a statistically significant one. If you're going to find me two, don't bother, since that's the exception and not the rule.

                It's actually the fact that there were no large scale political entities in Africa or India that the invasions were so successful. Divide et impera works really well with small tribes that hate each other. Coincidentally, it's also the reason why Black Pride is nonsense. The various African tribes hated each other's guts and would go to war frequently.

              • 2 years ago

                Go see

              • 2 years ago

                this isn't a formal debate, I don't owe you shit, I'm just begging you to read a history book

              • 2 years ago

                Ah, so you're just talking out of your ass. No problem.

                Go see

                I do not recognize anything on Youtube as a valid source, especially with no description, or context. There is nothing of value on Youtube as a platform, other than music and funny Internet videos.

              • 2 years ago

                >And yet, other than during the actual wars, the quality of life, as well as the lifespan of every Native American went up dramatically as a consequence of being ruled over by colonists.

                Would you like to go to the boarding school and see how being sexually assaulted and beating on a regular basis is somehow a better quality of life?

                "Kill the Indian, Save the Man" IN OUR TIME

              • 2 years ago

                I mean. It's bad that it happens, but would I sacrifice some sexual assault in exchange for access to modern medicine, economic opportunities, better education? Sure. And I'm in favor of corporeal punishment so the beatings aren't a big deal whatsoever. Just don't be a b***h. Alternatively, don't do things that will result in a beating.

              • 2 years ago

                >And I'm in favor of corporeal punishment so the beatings aren't a big deal whatsoever.
                You think any of those beatings were anywhere near justified by or based on logical reasoning? And they did not gain this magical Economic Opportunity you think they managed to get they were basically use as disposable meet..It was massive human rights abuses on a large-scale get messed them up for Generations.Those kids would have been much better in their own homes and learning about their cultures and peoples instead of being turned into alcoholic non-functioning people like any normal person would have in such an environment .

              • 2 years ago

                Not at all. Before the Europeans came, every day was a struggle for them because they were not a settled, organized society.

                Look, I'm not saying that colonialism was entirely free of fault. Obviously some individuals either fall through the cracks, or rebel, and they are hurt and punished, very often cruelly, to send a message. But for the savages as a whole, being colonized improved their quality of life for the whole tremendously. Due to laws, medicine, economics, trade, and so on. So yes, some individuals get fricked (literally and figuratively), but the social group thrives and benefits.

              • 2 years ago
              • 2 years ago

                Are you illiterate? Why are you posting Youtube videos? I'm not going to watch them. Nothing on Youtube is independent research. It's regurgitating existing sources. Find me a white paper that deals with it, and I will gladly read it. Videos on Youtube are biased, do not present the whole picture, and generally of poor quality compared to peer-reviewed literature. They operate on the principle of "What is popular and eye-catching."

        • 2 years ago

          checked and based,our ancestors did nothing wrong.Black folk and chinks stay mad

    • 2 years ago

      Name one anime where where collonialism is pertrayed as nuanced or positive?

    • 2 years ago

      Here's the thing. Were there colonies that were good for the native population and didn't genocide or enslave them? Yes.
      Was that the norm? Not at all.

    • 2 years ago

      That's not a question.

      >i want a show where collonialism is pertrayed as nuanced or positive
      It's positive for the exploiters (usually business owners and landlords), not the exploited. Though people are deathly afraid of admitting this and instead want to tell us how imperialism brought black people to Europe.
      >You can hate on anime all you want but their system is so superior its makes western animation industry look like cavemen 95% of the time, (100% if we talking americans)
      Ah yes, shovelface jailbait moeblob. I sure do love it when my characters are modelled after the greys dissected at Roswell, except they all have neon hair and beach episodes.

    • 2 years ago

      Yes. 90 percent of all natives just went to go take a vacation and relax. Those who stayed are living LUXURIOUS lifestyles let me tell you.

  3. 2 years ago

    There's been literally zero Cinemaphile related discussion in this entire thread so far

    • 2 years ago

      What about this?

  4. 2 years ago

    lets be real here, even with Sozin's comet, Pheonix King Ozai could not beat Pheonix King Anaerion

    • 2 years ago

      He could kill him with Lightning.
      Dragon Armour only works against actual flame.

  5. 2 years ago

    Avatar is pretty overrated. A generation of millennial kids made it what it isn't like the other popular fake anime, Teen Titans.

    That said, it has some good porn.

  6. 2 years ago

    >itt whining brown "people" and liberal crytards
    You've never gone through colonization in your life except by offering your rump. Get over it.

  7. 2 years ago

    So what do you guys think about this post, the replies to it, and the anon's attempts to defend themselves?

    • 2 years ago


  8. 2 years ago

    Hate how 90% of empires in fiction are based on either rome or nazi germany. Give me a persia expy damn it!

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