>implying an superpowered demigod would have insecurity issues

>implying an superpowered demigod would have insecurity issues
this is so stupid, Alan Moore did a better "superhero deconstruction" work with Watchmen
when absolute power is handed to you, your character doesn't become weaker, you lose your humanity

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  1. 4 months ago

    well duh. what is sarcastic irony, dummy.

    and here you felt your post sounded "smart".

  2. 4 months ago

    Powerful people like Elon Musk and Putin clearly have insecurity issues.

    • 4 months ago

      They're both autistic though, and have no superpowers.

      well duh. what is sarcastic irony, dummy.

      and here you felt your post sounded "smart".

      give superman's powers to the lowest of incels and I guarantee you his insecurities would fade within a fortnight
      the human brain cannot comprehend such power and soon enough any self-imposed limitations would disappear

      read Watchmen, in the first days Dr. Manhattan was a cuck, then had multiple affairs and 30 years after his power up he began to detach from humanity

      Homelander being insecure and bullied around by big corps and swayed by public opinion makes no sense

      You realize even Alan Moore did the whole superpowered demigod with insecurity issues in his Miracleman run, right?

      read above

      insecurity stems from failure and powerlessness, in a "realitic setting" like the Boys or Watchmen there's no one to challenge them

      • 4 months ago

        Insecurity in the powerful stems from the realization that money can't buy you respect or admiration. Elon Musk can't buy his way into being thought of as cool. Homelander can't punch his way into being loved.

        • 4 months ago

          >Homelander can't punch his way into being loved.
          he quite literally can
          wouldnt even break a sweat

          • 4 months ago

            Literally all of Homelanders problems can be solved by violence. There was absolutely no reason for him not to just slap around his kids mum until she'd piss herself in fear over even thinking of displeasing him, not reason not to just lazer all of the Boys, Edgar, Maeve or Starlight as well as anyone developing more compound V. He'd have been left with his kid and his gf in Stormfront and it would have been totally in character and made every bit of sense.

            • 4 months ago

              No because he wants to be perceived as a hero and savior.

              being a sociopathic serial killer might scare people into obeying him, and that’s what he does in private, but he wants to keep that good guy public persona

              • 4 months ago

                He could have done all of that in private. People in the show are incredibly dumb about never being in public when they threaten him.

            • 4 months ago


              No because he wants to be perceived as a hero and savior.

              being a sociopathic serial killer might scare people into obeying him, and that’s what he does in private, but he wants to keep that good guy public persona

              >No because he wants to be perceived as a hero and savior.
              doesnt matter, he would eventually be percieved as a hero and savior
              its just a question of how many people die first
              lets jump to the extreme and say only 100 people are left on earth

              we're basically back in the middle ages and he's worshipped as a hero god and savior

              you're just a moron

              Spoken like a true autist. Can you punch your way into a triple digit iq too ? You fricking moron

              Spoken like a true autist. Can you punch your way into a triple digit iq too ?
              me? am i homelander? what?
              you dumb sub saharan Black person iq frick, even if i had one iq i couldnt punch my way up to two, im not a superhero

              HOMELANDER IS

          • 4 months ago

            Spoken like a true autist. Can you punch your way into a triple digit iq too ? You fricking moron

        • 4 months ago

          best post. If Homelander had supreme knowledge and intelligence, his insecurities might fade like Dr Manhattan.

          He appears to have high intelligence, but he's certainly not omniscient.

          There's way more to life than just surviving. If you're indestructible, you start worrying about everything else that isn't just surviving. You worry about your purpose, the comfort of friendship, love, ethics.

          Homelander is lost in a world where EVERYBODY treats him like a nuclear bomb that's about to go off because that's what he is and it creates this feedback mechanism that keeps him insane. He's got a human psyche and it's not faring well because how could it?

          • 4 months ago

            >EVERYBODY treats him like a nuclear bomb
            But they don't. The show says that but it doesn't happen. Literally everyone that knows him beyond his public persona should agree with everything he says, give him everything he wants and be pissing themselves in fear if he so much as looks at them the wrong way.

        • 4 months ago


        • 4 months ago

          >Homelander can't punch his way into being loved.
          Non sequitur. Homelander is loved for what he is and represents. He is both feared and loved.
          If we're really going deep into philosophical bullshit, then unconditional love does not in fact exist, which makes Homelander's insecurities even more so ridiculous.

    • 4 months ago

      They’re the helpers of people behind the scenes. They’re on the outer rings

  3. 4 months ago

    You realize even Alan Moore did the whole superpowered demigod with insecurity issues in his Miracleman run, right?

  4. 4 months ago

    Alan Moore and Garth Ennis both deserve the rope. Why do these weirdo homosexuals with a chip on their shoulder about American pop culture always come from the British Isles? It's fine if you think superheroes are "childish" but in that case go write some actual down-to-earth drama instead of "WHAT IF SUPERMAN WAS A NAZI"

    • 4 months ago

      Garth Ennis also “came out” as a bisexual they/them as a 50 year old man a few years ago as if he wasn’t already an insufferable tool

      • 4 months ago

        think that was morrison, the other scot

        • 4 months ago

          Garth Ennis also “came out” as a bisexual they/them as a 50 year old man a few years ago as if he wasn’t already an insufferable tool

          yeah. definately morrison. tho he was crossdressing and going to clubs in yhe 90s. so no surprise.
          also, isnt ennis Irish?

          • 4 months ago

            he is, my bad

    • 4 months ago

      Watchmen is a cool story. He is fair in his treatment of characters. It's a critique and a celebration of super hero stories at the same time. Watch the awesome movie

  5. 4 months ago

    People with tremendous power in real life tend to be the most thin-skinned. Why wouldn't it be true superheroes?

    • 4 months ago

      In real life there is no such thing as truly independent tremendous power. It all hinges on other people. Super powers don't.

  6. 4 months ago

    Watchmen is the inferior Alan Moore superhero deconstruction

  7. 4 months ago

    He is just on incredibly high strength steroids.

  8. 4 months ago

    you forget Americans will consume anything they can chew

  9. 4 months ago

    He's a metaphor for the modern white man.

  10. 4 months ago

    It's "lol superheroes are morons and my Mary Sue oc donut steals are the bestest evar and look at how edgy I am" rewritten into what passes for media satire in current year, I wouldn't expect too much.

  11. 4 months ago

    The boys is what the Watchmen would have been if it was written by an edgy 13 years old while the Watchmen was written by an actual writer and brought to images by real artists. By the way the Watchmen movie is awesome and an excellent adaptation

  12. 4 months ago

    Homelander is an allegory for what happens to some people who are raised into fame and power. Its not an actual criticism of superheroes as a concept like what Moore was doing.

  13. 4 months ago

    As much as people like to shit on the comic, his character made a lot more sense there. For starters he wasn’t as omnipresent as he is in the TV series, and the big twist in the comic was that Black Noir was actually a modified clone of Homelander programmed with the single imperative to kill him if he ever stepped badly enough out of line. Despite being a complete and utter piece of shit, Homelander never actually did anything bad enough to activate Black Noir’s programming and so Black Noir took it upon himself to push Homelander over the edge and finally have a reason to kill him: all the truly awful things Homelander seemingly did like eating a baby, raping Butcher’s wife, etc was actually Black Noir. Homelander is an insecure mess because he doesn’t understand why he “can’t do the things I can do”, and has no memory of the murders and other atrocities actually committed by Black Noir.

  14. 4 months ago

    >Alan Moore

    • 4 months ago

      Even if you don't like him or his works, Watchmen is light years ahead of The Boys. The premise is similar, so the comparison is warranted.

  15. 4 months ago

    In the comics, he doesn't really have any emotional issues beyond being an arrogant prick, until Black Noir starts fricking with his head.

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