In another timeline. Marvel Extended Universe

In another timeline

Marvel Extended Universe

>Marvel's movie deal had an expiration process instead of perpetuity clause, so they got all their characters after Spider-man 3
>Paramount bought Marvel and started developing movies based on them
>The first Ironman was a Green Lantern esque bomb
>Plans get reshuffled and they instead recruit Zack Snyder to direct a Spider-man reboot, and mandate it's as serious as possible after how silly the dance off from 3 was.
>In the film, Uncle Ben doesn't teach Peter the meaning of power and responsibility, but instead learn restrain and looking out for yourself, while the villain was Morlun trying to kill Spider-man because of his ties to the Spider totem
>Spidey and Morlun have a gruesome battle and Spidey thinks he kills Morlun and cries
>The film was divisive and disappointed at the box office
>They announce a sequel titled Wolverine v. Spider-man: Eve of Avenging
>Wolverine is the only X-men around after the others were slaughtered by an out of control Dark Phoenix, which had to kill
>He hates Spider-man for not being as miserable as he was when he killed someone and wants to kill him, while Norman Osborne, who's younger and quippier than Spidey, wants to kill Spider-man because of his irrational fear of Spiders so cultivates a search to reviving Morlun the spider killer while contracting Wolverine to kill Spider-man
>Wolverine and Spider-man fight until Wolverine has Spider-man pined and before Wolvie can kill him Spidey says "save red, you're letting him kill red." Wolverine shouts "why did you say that color!?" until Aunt May comes and says "it's his lovers hair color" and then they become allies.

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  1. 6 months ago

    >Wolverine goes to save Mary Jane held captive by The Beetle, and people praise it for being the first truly brutal Wolverine on screen, calling Jackman a pansy
    >They then fight an extended battle against a resurrected Morlun who won't die unless Morlun Spider-man dies, which he does
    >Oh, and Carol is there
    >Wolverine and Carol (Captain Marvel), then form the Avengers and search for Hulk, Thor, and Vision as they prepare for Thanos invasion
    >Norman goes to jail and is given corn rows

  2. 6 months ago

    Oh, and there's a Thunderbolts movie with, where the team, featuring Zemo and Mystique must stop a crisis connected with Scarlet Witch going berserk

    >Many pitches and ideas are thrown around, including doing a female Heroes For Hire because everyone loved Blackcat in Thunderbolts, a ton of X-men spin off like Deadpool, Cable, and X-23, and everyone complaining about X fatigue, and even a solo Sabertooth movie explaining who he is

    >Carol also get s a movie where it's set in the 90s and it's a love story between her and Marvell, and every loves Carol and she becomes a hit

    >The Avengers movie comes out and flops spectacularly, with complaints about how boring the Infinity Stone hunt is, and how shitty Ronan is as a villain

    • 6 months ago

      >Ezra Miller as Quicksilver
      >Quicksilver wants to go back in time to prevent Scarlet Witch's death in the Thunderbolts movie, and prevents it
      >Timeline is changed and Tobey Maguire is Spider-Man instead of whoever is Spider-Man in the Marvel Extended Universe

      • 6 months ago

        >instead of whoever is Spider-Man in the Marvel Extended Universe
        Asher Angel

      • 6 months ago

        Also Iron Man gets played by Tom Cruise

        • 6 months ago

          and the 2022 one by Johnny Depp

  3. 6 months ago

    DC Cinematic Universe
    >After the unbridled bomb of Batman and Robin, Warner sold off the rights to certain characters, thinking comic book movies would never be a thing, those included Batman, Superman
    >A decade later, Warner and DC form the DC Studios, where in which Kevin Feige(A huge DC comics reader as a kid) pitches Green Lantern as the first of a bold and daring cinematic universe
    >Green Lantern, starring James Marsden goes on to become a surprise hit, especially for Marsden's epic performance, however comic fans were not pleased to see Sinestro wasted like he was.

  4. 6 months ago

    >They make plans for more movies, such as an introspective immigrant film starring Martian Manhunter, a Wonder Woman film, as well as Aquaman. Each do modestly at the box office.

    >They then prep a Justice League film that explodes at the box office. The plot is centered on Ares returning from Wonder Woman working with Darkseid, using the help of the Parademons.

  5. 6 months ago

    Aquaman loses to Iron Man. Batman loses to Steve. Superman stomps Thor. Wonder Woman beheads Hulk.
    Then it's Superman and Wonder Woman vs Iron Man and Cap, which ends in a slaughter for DC.

    • 6 months ago


      • 6 months ago

        But true.

    • 6 months ago

      you mean that ends in slaughter on marvel by DC or the opposite?

      • 6 months ago

        Marvel gets slaughtered by DC.

        • 6 months ago


        • 6 months ago

          Marvel has lower mids, but higher highs.

          Legion could literally destroy DC Earth and all its heroes with but a thought.

          • 6 months ago

            and Superman fullbloodlust not bound by "I'm always holding back" could destroy the Marvel multiverse with an attosecond of a thought

    • 6 months ago

      MCU Cap would beat DCEU Batman and MCU Thor would wreck DCEU Superman.

  6. 6 months ago

    Also a movie where Deadpool is directed by the guy from Hungover

  7. 6 months ago

    I do not give a shit about the Ayer cut of Deadpool.

    • 6 months ago

      not even Deadpool (played by Gerard Butler)

  8. 6 months ago

    In all seriousness, things mostly worked out for the best as they did, that we got a lot more than just endless Spider-Man and X-Men movies. But I'm past caring about Marvel "getting the rights back" to things or even wanting a shared universe where everyone interacts. I just want to see the characters I like have their own stories, not have to set up or feed into something unrelated, and the same with DC.

  9. 6 months ago

    I am not reading your fanfic.

    • 6 months ago

      You already did

      • 6 months ago

        Oh frick

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