In light of the Thunderbolts/Fantastic Four casting discourse, here's a recap of all actors who turned down Marvel roles, or were actually cast b...

In light of the Thunderbolts/Fantastic Four casting discourse, here's a recap of all actors who turned down Marvel roles, or were actually cast but later dropped out.

Iron Man
>Rachel McAdams turned down Pepper Potts.

The Incredible Hulk
>Mark Ruffalo turned down Bruce Banner due to scheduling conflicts.

Iron Man 2
>Emily Blunt was cast as Black Widow, but dropped out due to scheduling conflicts.

>Stuart Townsend was cast as Fandral, but later got fired after showing up drunk to set and assaulting a crew member.
>Mel Gibson turned down Odin.

Captain America: The First Avenger
>John Krasinski was the top choice for Steve Rogers but backed out during the audition process.
>Keira Knightley turned down Peggy Carter.

The Avengers
>Jensen Ackles turned down Hawkeye.

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  1. 3 months ago

    Iron Man 3
    >Jude Law turned down Aldrich Killian due to scheduling conflicts
    >Jessica Chastain was cast as Maya Hansen, but dropped out due to scheduling conflicts.

    Thor: The Dark World
    >Benedict Cumberbatch turned down Malekith. Mads Mikkelsen was cast, but dropped out due to scheduling conflicts.

    Captain America: The Winter Soldier
    >Alec Baldwin turned down Alexander Pierce.

    Guardians of the Galaxy
    >Amanda Seyfried turned down Gamora.
    >Jason Momoa turned down Drax.

    Avengers: Age of Ultron
    >Vincent Cassel turned down Baron Strucker.

    >Jessica Chastain turned down Hope Van Dyne.
    >Patrick Wilson was cast as Darren Cross, but dropped out due to scheduling conflicts.

  2. 3 months ago

    >John Krasinski was the top choice for Steve Rogers but backed out during the audition process
    >Jensen Ackles turned down Hawkeye
    It would have been kino.

  3. 3 months ago

    Doctor Strange
    >Joaquin Phoenix and Ryan Gosling turned down Doctor Strange
    >Benedict Cumberbatch temporarily turned it down due to scheduling conflicts.

    Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2
    >Matthew McConaughey turned down Ego.

    Spider-Man: Homecoming
    >Michael Shannon turned down the Vulture.
    >Michael Keaton temporarily turned it down due to scheduling conflicts.

    Thor: Ragnarok
    >Charlize Theron turned down Hela.

    Black Panther
    >Amandla Stenberg turned down Shuri.
    >John Boyega turned down W’Kabi.

    Captain Marvel
    >DeWanda Wise was cast as Maria Rambeau, but dropped out due to scheduling conflicts.
    >Keanu Reeves turned down Yon-Rogg.

    Spider-Man: Far From Home
    >Matt Damon turned down Mysterio.

    • 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      >John Boyega turned down W’Kabi
      horseshit, that homie needs work

    • 3 months ago

      The Goose could have been dr strange???

      • 3 months ago

        These casting summaries lack real details. Gooseman has been actively working with Marvel for almost a decade now. Goose wants to be in capeshit. The thing is, they can never agree on a project that's right for him.

        So they kept kicking the can down the street. And now I think all actors are weary of capeshit roles. Another thing I read, is that at one point, Marvel was just like "frick it" and straight up asked him what character he wanted to play and they'd make the damn film. Goose said, "Ghost Rider". And they're like, "yeah, we're not gonna do that." KWAB

        • 3 months ago

          I can see him as Ghost Rider

          • 3 months ago

            I mean hell, "The Fall Guy" is just a step away from capeshit. I think the problem is that Marvel sees Ghost Rider as a C-Tier character. If they're gonna get Goose on board, they want him to be a bigger name.

            He should be cast as a multiverse variant of iron man

            See, that's pretty viable. Secret Wars is gonna be two films shot back to back. Nice little quick paycheck for Goose.

            • 3 months ago

              But if that's the character he wants to play, he has the potential to make a c-tier character A like RDJ did with Ironman. The goose has the acting chops to do it. Just needs to be written well. Which, at this point, is low probability it would be. But it could help steer the ship in the right direction if they get a good writer/director

              • 3 months ago

                I agree with what you're saying. But at the same time, I can't see normies accepting Ghost Rider in the same tier as Captain America or Iron Man. Hell, even Doctor Strange has a tenuous grasp on the fandom.

                Ghost Rider is a non-starter.

              • 3 months ago

                >Hell, even Doctor Strange has a tenuous grasp on the fandom.

                wtf are you on about, normies love Strange

              • 3 months ago

                >Ghost Rider is a leather clad flaming skeleton who rides a motorcycle with wheels of fire and whips homies with a chain
                >anon believes this won't be cool as frick to 10 year olds eveywhere

        • 3 months ago

          He should be cast as a multiverse variant of iron man

        • 3 months ago

          >i ghost ride

        • 3 months ago

          They are making a Ghost Rider film, though.

          • 3 months ago

            Right after they finish Blade, right?

            • 3 months ago

              It is what it is.

              • 3 months ago

                I don't think so. I was shocked to hear filming began on "Wonder Man". But it made me realize that Disney is still committed to "easy and fast" products. So those will still get done.

                Blade? New Avengers? Ghost Rider? Too much hassle. Secret Wars is gonna be a hard cut off point. And those films you're waiting on, won't ever happen. #FullReboot

              • 3 months ago

                >raceswapped Wonder Man

          • 3 months ago

            Right after they finish Blade, right?

            Captain America: Brave New World and Thunderbolts are both in development hell so I wouldn't have much faith in any of that other stuff when these are meant to be their next big hitter "new status quo" films. Captain America had an Israeli superhero (Sabra) who they cut as well as a kinda-Trump analogue in Thunderbolt Ross (Red Hulk now played by Harrison Ford) which they've apparently changed.. Thunderbolts has had so many actors dropped out and concepts change too who knows where it'll end up.

            It is amazing how much Marvel has dropped the ball. Also: even if you *like* a character, their sequel movie will take YEARS to come out, when the character is far less relevant and probably won't have anything to do with the previous one.
            >Dr Strange (2016), Multiverse of Madness (2022), six year wait.
            >Romance is ended. Baron Mordo arc is ignored. Introduces newer more poorly received heroes. Reliant on a gimmick.
            There is no reason to be invested in any of this shit when you have to wait through years of "literally whos" and development hell.

            • 3 months ago

              The best part is that Feige thinks the solution is to make capeshit fans wait even LONGER for their fix.

              I don't care if it takes 4 years to make Agatha Coven of Chaos. It's still gonna be shit.

              • 3 months ago

                People disagree with me on this a lot but I think the "gimmick" of shared universe/team-up sustained the MCU far more than anything else. Stinkers like Iron Man 2 and Thor: The Dark World especially didn't tarnish the brand because there was still the hope for more. And that crescendoed and now, who cares? It has gone off in too many directions. Phase 1-3, the WHOLE Infinity War arc from Iron Man to Endgame has LESS screentime than Phase 4 (2021-22).

            • 3 months ago

              >Thunderbolts in development hell
              It's literally filming right now.

              >Captain America had an Israeli superhero (Sabra) who they cut
              She hasn't been cut.

              >Trump analogue in Thunderbolt Ross (Red Hulk now played by Harrison Ford) which they've apparently changed
              He was never a Trump analogue.

              Why are you trying to sound so knowledgeable of this when you clearly don't know much, if at all?

              • 3 months ago

                >It's literally filming right now.
                They recasted a bunch of characters and changed focus/plot several times.
                >She hasn't been cut.
                Her role was massively reduced and now she's more or less an intelligence aset that helps, rather than being a full superhero. Hence, her role was cut.
                >He was never a Trump analogue.
                Part of the original plot involves him gaining power as the President. This was changed for specific reasons.
                >Why are you trying to sound so knowledgeable of this when you clearly don't know much, if at all?
                You clearly know frick all about any of this development.

              • 3 months ago

                It's true, Red Hulk was going to be a parody of Trump. They would even have a segment of late-night shows in which they make fun of him.

              • 3 months ago

                I read about that. All that shit better have been taken out. Fricking c**ts. I HATE when any movie tries to push real life shit in a fantasy movie. And then do it to shit on half the Country. Dragging through the streets for these types is sourly needed

              • 3 months ago

                They hired a director with little experience for the film and gave him free rein. It is assumed that Adam makey confronted the director in front of the entire crew on occasion about the script.The entire plot of the movie was very tumultuous with the captain chasing down this Trump parody and then assembling a new group of diverse avengers like shang chi and that deaf girl

              • 3 months ago

                >They hired a director with little experience for the film and gave him free rein.
                Marvel don't give directors free reign. They often hire lesser known directors (plenty of exceptions noted) because these people are hungrier but also because this is a showrunner/producer model. The Marvels director outright talked about how she didn't direct like half the scenes because all the CGI and action scenes are done by other people. It isn't so much "free reign" but, they stretch themselves out so much not understanding what the left hand is doing compared to the right. Not justifying it, but Disney+ pressures was what really fricked them up. Too many shows. TFATWS plot was changed because of COVID then Wandavision was rushed more and the show writers and Dr Strange writers didn't really create a coherent story between them.

              • 3 months ago

                Well, if that's the case, then I'll take the side of the mravels director. Now I understand why she left directing before finishing the film.

              • 3 months ago

                She outright said it isn't my movie but a Feige/Marvel movie. I think this is a general shift in TV and movies. TVs went from writers at their core to showrunners and movies went to producer-led models. All this shit because they don't want creative people anywhere near this stuff because those people cost too much money. Yet when Multiverse of Madness came out their marketing was fricking lying about it being a "a true-Raimi film and a horror" when it clearly wasn't. They literally lie about their films being more creative than they are.

              • 3 months ago

                Yes I agree. I think that's what Dennis Villanueva was referring to when he said he hated dialogue.He doesn't hate dialogue but rather a type of television dialogue written for movies.Marvel was designed by TV people like Joss Whedon and James Gunn (I'm not sure if Gunn has worked on TV but his style makes me think of that)They are show runners who make the leap to the big screen and we have their consequences.Even now they brought that woman from the show the bear to write the fantastic four movie.It's strange why years ago it was unthinkable for TV writers to make films unless they were very good and even worse high-budget films.Those in charge of Hollywood scripts were generally career novelists and playwrights.

              • 3 months ago

                >Those in charge of Hollywood scripts were generally career novelists and playwrights.
                I remember listening to Rod Serling talk about some Twilight Zone writers in such majestic fashion, that they were playwrights, true journeymen writers who enjoyed their craft.

                I remember a few years ago reading about this superhero TV show called Arrow which ran for like ten seasons. It started out like Gossip Girl meets superhero, then the second season was a bit better and then boom, third season went to shit. Romance fan fic tumblr style plotlines. I read from a showrunner that they literally got interns to write some episodes. Interns.

                Much has been made about the recent strikes with AI at the forefront. But the 2007-08 strike really was a point at which they decided they wanted to go cheap when it came to a lot of this stuff. Marvel has a history of bringing in lesser known, sometimes indie directors. Like a director will do two projects then boom get a Marvel one.

              • 3 months ago

                Yes, the first seasons of arrow are very good. The third season focuses on Desdstrock, it seems to me, and the fourth on Ras al Gul.I've never seen Gossip Girl but I think Arrow is more inspired by Nolan's Batman.

              • 3 months ago

                Season 1:
                >drama bullshit is so bad (like other CW teen shows or gossip girl)
                >combined with Mike Grell style brutal Green Arrow
                >therefore cognitive dissonance
                >succeeding just because of a few things
                Season 2:
                >built the hype train
                >introduced superheroics
                >little less drama bullshit and more fun
                Season 3:
                >full on love triangle bullshit drama
                >ignored previous character development
                >felicity character was awful
                Felicity went from "minor side character who is quirky and will appear a few times only" to "full on fan favourite quirky main character" to "wish fullfillment for all those girls". The writing was awful.

              • 3 months ago

                Yes I listen you. Arrow's b***hes were the best on the cw. This girl gave me a boner every time she was on screen.

              • 3 months ago

                She was hot. Apparently the actress was too wild though and that is why she wasn't in it as much.

              • 3 months ago

                What? Did she frick Amell?I heard he was a victim of bullying

              • 3 months ago

                Alcoholism, drugs, partying. Allegedly a big bawd too.

                She ruined that show. The mumbling actress was terrible & her emotionally abusing Arrow was just as bad

                100% the problem with modern writing. Terrible actress given too much of a role and then audience feedback informing her role.

              • 3 months ago

                Did she frick everyone in the arrowerso including Cisco? I didn't know she was Brian de Palma's daughter

              • 3 months ago


              • 3 months ago

                Isn't that guy a homosexual or something? Same with the other speedy boy.

              • 3 months ago


                I never got a handle in Emily Bett Rickards, but Katie and Willa are two of the biggest bawds in Hollywood

              • 3 months ago

                Is she also a bawd like Willa?

              • 3 months ago

                She ruined that show. The mumbling actress was terrible & her emotionally abusing Arrow was just as bad

              • 3 months ago

                i have watched arrow season 1 at least 6 times and the second twice two and a half times. you're absolutely wrong.

              • 3 months ago

                I watched along with the threads back in the day. Season 1 was enjoyable somewhat but flawed. It did focus a bit too much on the drama. Season 2 added the superheroics and was more fun. The problem with trying to be darker in season 1 was it conflicted majorly with what the soap opera storyline was doing. Where as season 2 didn't have that problem. Season 3 really went to shit. Occasionally it was alright and watchable in later seasons.

              • 3 months ago

                >It started out like Gossip Girl meets superhero, then the second season was a bit better
                it objectively wasnt. arrow season 1 was a carefully constructed season that clearly required extensive planning. they did not have the time to plan season 2. afterwards it was just soap trash.

              • 3 months ago

                You're conflating two points. I never said season 1 wasn't "planned". I did say that soap opera drama was a major part of it which weakened it. The season 3+ drama was even worse because by that point it wasn't soap opera but it was fanfic tumblr style drama.

              • 3 months ago

                >required extensive planning
                Nothing in those kinds of tv shows is planned. Felicity was only going to be in a few episodes of season 1, but seasons were often split in half and they changed the character to be more prominent after her reception.

              • 3 months ago

                They hired a director with little experience for the film and gave him free rein. It is assumed that Adam makey confronted the director in front of the entire crew on occasion about the script.The entire plot of the movie was very tumultuous with the captain chasing down this Trump parody and then assembling a new group of diverse avengers like shang chi and that deaf girl

                >Unironically peddling info from that clearly fake Cinemaphile plot leak specifically designed to rile you homosexuals up

                The absolute state.

              • 3 months ago

                >They recasted a bunch of characters and changed focus/plot several times.
                They've recast two characters, one of which is literally a tertiary comic relief, and the plot hasn't changed since this entered production.

                >Her role was massively reduced and now she's more or less an intelligence aset that helps, rather than being a full superhero.
                No, it wasn't, and she was always a CIA agent in the script, not a full superhero.

                >Part of the original plot involves him gaining power as the President.
                He is already President when the movie begins, because Dermot Mulroney went full moron over the Skrulls as seen in Secret Invasion.

                >You clearly know frick all about any of this development.
                You're the one spewing easily disprovable bullshit.

              • 3 months ago

                They pushed back the release dates of everything over a year and you're acting like nothing happened. Why did they change the dates then? Answer that.
                >They've recast two characters, one of which is literally a tertiary comic relief,
                The scheduling conflicts arose from pushing back the movie due to Marvel changing its plans and changing the plot because of its recent troubles.
                >and the plot hasn't changed since this entered production.
                Yeah no shit, what a dumb statement. The myriad of changes happened before, hence why Marvel changed the scheduling.
                >No, it wasn't, and she was always a CIA agent in the script, not a full superhero.
                Originally she had a bigger role that was changed and she wasn't a CIA agent.
                >He is already President when the movie begins
                And he sort to gain more power via his plot.
                >You're the one spewing easily disprovable bullshit.
                How does that Marvel dick taste, anon? You're acting like everything is fine when they completely changed their usual movie scheduling and pushed back production and entered into a bunch of changes. Why did they make those changes though? Because everything is fine? Seriously anon, you're being ridiculous.

              • 3 months ago

                >Why did they change the dates then? Answer that.
                Captain America 4 is getting reshot. It's just the motives you present for why it's happening are plain wrong. Thunderbolts was due to the strikes.

                >The scheduling conflicts arose from pushing back the movie due to Marvel changing its plans and changing the plot because of its recent troubles.
                Present a single source claiming they changed the plot. Go on, I dare you. No, rewrites don't mean the plot changed.

                >Originally she had a bigger role that was changed and she wasn't a CIA agent.
                She's been reported as a CIA agent right from the start.

                >You're acting like everything is fine when they completely changed their usual movie scheduling and pushed back production and entered into a bunch of changes.
                I'm just saying the facts you're laying down are wrong. They're down the creek, but not for the reasons you believe or want others to believe it is.

                Case in point

                >Unironically peddling info from that clearly fake Cinemaphile plot leak specifically designed to rile you homosexuals up

                The absolute state.

                You're using a painfully fake Cinemaphile leak as evidence of what the Captain America 4 plot looked like.

              • 3 months ago

                >Captain America 4 is getting reshot. It's just the motives you present for why it's happening are plain wrong.
                Why then? Why is it getting reshot? Why do you avoid the question?
                >Thunderbolts was due to the strikes.
                Yes that is part of it but it was also partly because of Marvels business decisions.
                >Present a single source claiming they changed the plot. Go on, I dare you. No, rewrites don't mean the plot changed.
                Because you've provided sources this entire time too? You know as well as I do that whatever I post you'll deny it.
                >She's been reported as a CIA agent right from the start.
                Originally she was part of Israeli intelligence but a liason to the CIA. Liason.
                >I'm just saying the facts you're laying down are wrong. They're down the creek, but not for the reasons you believe or want others to believe it is.
                And all you're offering is tertiary defenses. Why?
                >Case in point
                >You're using a painfully fake Cinemaphile leak as evidence of what the Captain America 4 plot looked like.
                I read leaked script notes from social media, not Cinemaphile, from a leaker who has been right in the past.

              • 3 months ago

                >Why then? Why is it getting reshot?
                Plot issues. But nothing to do with Sabra being a full-blown superhero or Red Hulk being Donald Trump.

                >You know as well as I do that whatever I post you'll deny it.
                I accept your concession.

                >Originally she was part of Israeli intelligence but a liason to the CIA. Liason.
                Backtracking already? You said she was a superhero.

                >I read leaked script notes from social media, not Cinemaphile, from a leaker who has been right in the past.
                Sure you did. I don't suppose you can present these leaked script notes for some convenient reason.

              • 3 months ago

                >You said she was a superhero.
                Yes she was, later in the film, but earlier on she was a CIA liason. Which is what you're getting confused about. LIASON, find the definition.
                >Plot issues. But nothing to do with Sabra being a full-blown superhero or Red Hulk being Donald Trump.
                Which plot issues then? Since you refuse to elaborate. Sabra was originally part of a new Avengers team and Red Hulk did have allusions to Trump.
                >I accept your concession.
                Oh so you're one of those autists. People who post that are of the highest autistic homosexualry. Notice how you posted no sources?
                >Sure you did. I don't suppose you can present these leaked script notes for some convenient reason.
                Why would I? You've already begun your autistic spiral of accepting "concessions". Notice how you get so vague about "plot issues" and rescheduling. Bullshit marketing speak.

              • 3 months ago

                >Which plot issues then?

                What was reported was the plot was simply a boring, investigation-heavy thriller who landed flat because the twist was "the Leader did it" and everyone already knows he's the villain.

                But I will admit I'm wrong if you present these leaked script notes. I will apologize and everything. Prove me wrong, I'm waiting.

              • 3 months ago

                Marvel are spending 100 mil+ on reshoots and doing 60-90 days of reshooting, enough to re-film the whole movie. The plot problems must be far worse than your speculating.

              • 3 months ago

                >What was reported was the plot was simply a boring, investigation-heavy thriller who landed flat because the twist was "the Leader did it" and everyone already knows he's the villain.
                The test screenings were reportedly disastrous, which suggests it is far worse than "boring"

                I'm sure those leaked scripts notes anon has will show us all that went wrong.

              • 3 months ago

                >What was reported was the plot was simply a boring, investigation-heavy thriller who landed flat because the twist was "the Leader did it" and everyone already knows he's the villain.
                The test screenings were reportedly disastrous, which suggests it is far worse than "boring"

              • 3 months ago

                >I'm just saying the facts you're laying down are wrong.
                You're just acting like your bullshit facts are anymore correct. It smells of defending the MCU problems. Why do huge reshoots? That isn't normal.

              • 3 months ago

                through deception she wages war

              • 3 months ago

                Cpatain America was literally scheduled to come out this year May 3, 2024, then changed to July 26, 2024 and then finally to February 14, 2025. Thunderbolts was scheduled for July 26, 2024 and then changed to May 2, 2025.

                There is only ONE big MCU film out this year, Deadpool 3. Because Marvel had a panic over their schedule and recent problems and BOTH films have been radically changed.

                Do you think they massively shift around release dates like that for nothing? You're Google search away from seeing the problems that have occured.

              • 3 months ago

                The previous plots have literally been leaked.
                >Thunderbolts involved the dead Celestial from Eternals.
                >Captain America had Ross gain power and become Red Hulk. Also a new Avengers team.

            • 3 months ago

              >Israeli superhero (Sabra) who they cut

              They didn't cut her unfortunately. They probably added more of her nappy ugly ass in the reshoots

  4. 3 months ago

    >>Mark Ruffalo turned down Bruce Banner due to scheduling conflicts.
    Thank God we dodged that bullet

  5. 3 months ago

    Black Widow
    >Emma Watson and Saoirse Ronan turned down Yelena Belova.
    >Alec Baldwin turned down Red Guardian.

    Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings
    >Donnie Yen turned down Wenwu.
    >Jessica Henwick turned down Xialing.

    >Millie Bobby Brown turned down Sprite.

    Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness
    >Jeff Bridges was cast as Iron Monger, but dropped out due to COVID.
    >Daniel Craig was cast as Balder the Brave, but dropped out due to COVID.

    Thor: Love and Thunder
    >Ryan Gosling turned down Gorr.

    Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3
    >Lady Gaga turned down Lylla.

    • 3 months ago

      >Emma Watson
      Thank god. That would have been terrible

      • 3 months ago

        Maybe but better than Fatpig Pugh

      • 3 months ago

        it was terrible

    • 3 months ago

      >>Emma Watson and Saoirse Ronan turned down Yelena Belova.
      Saoirse Ronan: Understandable.
      Emma Watson: Bullshit.

    • 3 months ago

      >Saoirse Ronan
      Saoirse also tried to go for the roll of Scarlet Witch and lost out.

      Doctor Strange
      >Joaquin Phoenix and Ryan Gosling turned down Doctor Strange
      >Benedict Cumberbatch temporarily turned it down due to scheduling conflicts.

      Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2
      >Matthew McConaughey turned down Ego.

      Spider-Man: Homecoming
      >Michael Shannon turned down the Vulture.
      >Michael Keaton temporarily turned it down due to scheduling conflicts.

      Thor: Ragnarok
      >Charlize Theron turned down Hela.

      Black Panther
      >Amandla Stenberg turned down Shuri.
      >John Boyega turned down W’Kabi.

      Captain Marvel
      >DeWanda Wise was cast as Maria Rambeau, but dropped out due to scheduling conflicts.
      >Keanu Reeves turned down Yon-Rogg.

      Spider-Man: Far From Home
      >Matt Damon turned down Mysterio.

      >Spider-Man: Far From Home
      Timothée Chalamet went for Peter Parker, lost out to Tom, was told by Leonardo DiCaprio to not bother with superhero stuff partly on the advice of his friend Tobey Maguire whose career didn't go anywhere much post Spider-Man. Tom Holland not desperately wants to be relevant and most of his non-Spider-Man career has been received poorly. While Timothée is doing better.

      • 3 months ago

        >Tom Holland not desperately

      • 3 months ago

        >Tobey Maguire whose career didn't go anywhere much post Spider-Man.

        Because he's a c**t who can't pick projects, not because he did Spider-Man. He did four failed Oscar baits post-Spidey: Brothers, The Great Gatsby, Pawn Sacrifice and Babylon.

        • 3 months ago

          >Because he's a c**t who can't pick projects, not because he did Spider-Man.
          Bit of column A, a bit of column B. Yes he is a c**t and picked some stinkers of projects. But yes, superhero stuff can change your image and make you harder to cast.

          • 3 months ago

            Maybe in the past, but not during Tobey's time. Hugh Jackman had no problem making a nice career for himself out of Wolverine.

            • 3 months ago

              Sure there are exceptions to any rules, part of that also depends on the actor and which character they are playing. Hugh Jackman got to be a badass. Tom Holland though has been struggling with his non-MCU roles.

              • 3 months ago

                Tom Holland is cursed with looking like a teenage boy. I watched him in Devil All the Time and while his performance was solid, I just couldn't buy him as the big, stoic-but-kind older brother he was portraying. if he could actually grow a beard that might help, but what makes him absolutely perfect for a young Spider-Man is unfortunately what will hold him back in the rest of his career.

    • 3 months ago

      >>Jeff Bridges was cast as Iron Monger, but dropped out due to COVID.
      would have been kino

  6. 3 months ago

    have a nice day you worthless manchild

    • 3 months ago
  7. 3 months ago

    good for those who turned down MCU roles
    literally nobody who's had a main role in the MCU has any sort of career outside of it

    • 3 months ago

      I have literally never seen Mark Ruffalo in anything but capeshit. What's the biggest non capeshit thing he ever starred in?

      • 3 months ago

        Zodiac and a movie about two lesbian mothers. Ahhh and that romantic movie with Ben Afleck's ex-wife

      • 3 months ago

        Zodiac and a movie about two lesbian mothers. Ahhh and that romantic movie with Ben Afleck's ex-wife

        He was in Collateral, homosexuals.

        • 3 months ago

          ok boomer

      • 3 months ago

        Shutter Island?

    • 3 months ago

      Except for Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, Scarlett Johansson, Mark Ruffalo, Benedict Cumberbatch, Chris Pratt, Elizabeth Olsen, Bautista, Michael B. Jordan, etc.

      • 3 months ago

        literally zero movies or big roles outside of the MCU

        • 3 months ago

          Chris Evans, Benedict Chombambau and Elizabeth Olsen are hiring the wall. Batista can continue playing angry muscle guys but nothing more

      • 3 months ago

        Chris Evans, Benedict Chombambau and Elizabeth Olsen are hiring the wall. Batista can continue playing angry muscle guys but nothing more

  8. 3 months ago

    >Giancarlo Esposito turned down Classic Loki.

    >Hailee Steinfeld temporarily turned down Kate Bishop due to scheduling conflicts.

    >Allison Brie turned down She-Hulk.

    Secret Invasion
    >Carmen Ejogo was cast as Priscilla Fury, but dropped out due to scheduling conflicts.

    • 3 months ago

      >Hailee Steinfeld temporarily turned down Kate Bishop due to scheduling conflicts.
      That was a close call too. Apple had exclusivity and wouldn't let her do the show (wasn't a scheduling issue). But due to COVID or some kind of production issue, they hadn't used Hailee for an X amount of weeks and that was a loophole in her contract that allowed her to do other projects on top of Dickenson.

      Suck our dick apple!

  9. 3 months ago

    Is capeshit actually on the verge of death or is that mostly coping?

    • 3 months ago

      Mostly coping. The Marvels was Marvel's first true bomb but Deadpool is tracking great, DCEU cratered because WB announced it literally didn't matter anymore but there's a lot of hype for Gunn's new DCU.

      • 3 months ago



    • 3 months ago

      They are purposely killing it for some homosexual reason. Can't have escapism! Gotta ruin all the good things because reasons. Everything you slightly enjoyed needs to be destroyed. I hope they get lynched in the streets.

      • 3 months ago

        Yes goy that's it never grow up just drink your corn syrup and watch the CGI

    • 3 months ago

      Almost all of their core fans have lost interest and its mostly teens and millennial manchildren who watch their movies now

  10. 3 months ago

    >John Krasinski was the top choice for Steve Rogers

    • 3 months ago

      his nose is far too bulbous for an action hero. big ears too

  11. 3 months ago

    How many of these people do you think regretted their decision?

    • 3 months ago

      we could play "What If...?" all day, but I ain't the frickin Watcher. half of these casting considerations were never even viable. most are actors that the studios wanted for the roles. and most had other obligations already.
      it's like saying
      >"Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt were offered the part, but it went to Bradley Cooper"
      if fricking Bradley Cooper is the best you can do, Cruise and Pitt were never gonna do your film

      • 3 months ago

        >we could play "What If...?" all day, but I ain't the frickin Watcher

  12. 3 months ago

    >>John Krasinski was the top choice for Steve Rogers but backed out during the audition process.
    That shitter would have had those dumbo ears caught in a tripwire

    • 3 months ago

      You are exaggerated. The guy was born for the role

      • 3 months ago

        Forgot he also has that bulbous drunkard nose as well.

        Maybe if they renamed him "Shit Genes Steve" it would work

  13. 3 months ago

    >mel gibson could have been odin
    This is the most cursed timeline

  14. 3 months ago

    Seyfried turned down Gamora.
    man what a waste, instead we gotthe flat pancake faced gamora

  15. 3 months ago

    >Stuart Townsend was cast as Fandral, but later got fired after showing up drunk to set and assaulting a crew member.
    Ouch fired for a second time lmao. He's never gotten over the Aragorn thing.

  16. 3 months ago

    Knightley turned down Peggy Carter.
    I'm sad now.

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