In retrospect. Can we admit Parasite was a mid movie?

In retrospect. Can we admit Parasite was a mid movie?

A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

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A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 4 months ago

    He didn't deserve it. Why didn't his supposed friend, that b***h IU, use her massive influence to save him?

    • 4 months ago

      They were only face friends not real friends incel

      • 4 months ago

        Wtf is a face friend

        • 4 months ago

          >he doesn’t have a face friend

          Fetch up, dudelinger

          A face friend is a person you use for social media clout to show you’re friendly but you do not actually care about each other. Everyone has one.

        • 4 months ago

          When you watch interviews for a new movie and the actors are all laughing and giggling together making you think they are best buds or something, then the movie ends end they each never talk to one another ever again, except for maybe a social media photo of "hey we happen to both be invited to this event, crazy right?".

      • 4 months ago
    • 4 months ago

      I find some jap girls hot but once they smile their faces morph into some grotesque thing that doesn't resemble what i found hot at all. Why are they like this?

  2. 4 months ago

    Its a fricking classic, if it filters you then thats your problem.

    • 4 months ago

      >Its a fricking classic

    • 4 months ago

      >movie from 2019

    • 4 months ago

      not a classic but it is certified kino

  3. 4 months ago

    Koreans are mid people in general, if not subpar. Check out this video about Asia from 1931.

    (starts at 5:00)

    • 4 months ago

      damn that small pipi emoji really wrecked south korean guys

      im pretty sure it was started by femminist groups that got organized through twitter back when the lunatics were in charge before Musk

      • 4 months ago

        Why do the women make dun of their own men

  4. 4 months ago

    >get accused of smoking weed
    >media harrasses you until you have a nice day

    Why’d they cancel him over drugs?

    • 4 months ago

      It was more than weed. He got blackmailed by a madam who gave him ketamine lmao

      • 4 months ago

        K is pretty based but I personally prefer PCP when it comes to dissociatives, though it gets a bad rep for some reason. Probably because of all the black people who are on video fighting cops and shit on it because they couldn't mentally handle the experience. PCP is fine for whites and asians though. Like I wouldn't trust a black person on a heavy dose of LSD either but you can get 20,000 white people on acid together at a festival an not have real problems happen.

        • 4 months ago

          What's a pleasant experience of PCP like? all i ever hear about are dudes ripping their own dicks off and whipping police officers with them, so I've always wondered why people ever got interested in PCP lol

          • 4 months ago

            My friend took PCP years ago. He never went mad and killed himself or punched through a window or anything. So maybe it’s to do with dosage or individual reactions.

            He described it to me as kind of like seeing yourself in third person. He said he felt like Claude from GTA III. walked around his neighborhood in a t-shirt and shorts for about two hours in freezing weather just looking at stuff. He didn't feel violent. But did feel very paranoid. Said it was weird. Not at all like LSD. (I haven’t taken LSD or PCP so can’t tell you the difference)

            • 4 months ago

              >He described it to me as kind of like seeing yourself in third person
              HOLY FRICK, this explains why Black folk always go crazy on PCP. once they start dissociating, they don't recognize their body as themselves and think "ayo imma make dat homie do some wild shit." then when they get shot by the cops they're like, "oh damn dat other homie was actually me lol"

    • 4 months ago

      nah it was getting caught cheating on his wife and getting blackmailed. Korea seems like a shithole for men anyway.

    • 4 months ago

      >smoke a joint

      What's going on in South Korea?
      They have k-pop, they have some good directors.
      Sometimes you hear about their low birth rates or that their politicians are in cults.
      It's not like Japan where it's easy to learn about their society.

      Because drugs are incredibly destructive to society

  5. 4 months ago

    >smoke a joint

    What's going on in South Korea?
    They have k-pop, they have some good directors.
    Sometimes you hear about their low birth rates or that their politicians are in cults.
    It's not like Japan where it's easy to learn about their society.

    • 4 months ago

      >get accused of smoking weed
      >media harrasses you until you have a nice day

      Why’d they cancel him over drugs?

      They don't want them doing those type of drugs.

      • 4 months ago

        NTA: Their country, their rules

        • 4 months ago

          Except they

          >drug tested him and found no evidence he took drugs (they even tested him like six different ways, blood, piss, hair etc)
          >broke protocol and leaked his name to the press
          >kept investigating long after it was obvious he either didn’t take drugs or there was no meaningful evidence he did other than one woman claiming he took illegal pills (he said they were sleeping pills)
          >meanwhile there’s well documented evidence of the Korean police not bothering to investigate at all when the person has power (brother of the DA of Korea got accused of taking drugs by his wife. They didn’t test him until 3 months later and only tested his urine)

          Seems obvious they wanted a notch on their record. Busting a celebrity is useful because they’re famous but without power.

          The main officer in charge of the case got a promotion now btw

          I do not like drug use but this kind of police force and laws always end up getting used arbitrarily and without justice.

          • 4 months ago

            Seeing how much power cults have in Korea, I wonder if he pissed off the wrong people and got framed

            • 4 months ago

              Check who the woman that accused him was. She or someone she knows could be in some cult and had a grudge

        • 4 months ago

          Wrong, this shit was an abuse of power and mishandled from start to finish. I can agree with strict drug laws if there’s fairness and justness, along with results, but literally none of that applies to this situation.

          • 4 months ago

            It’s funny how Korea has somehow made the Japanese police look competent here

            Japanese police suck hard. People unfamiliar seem to assume they’re great because Japan is peaceful and the 99% conviction rate stat

    • 4 months ago

      >what's going on in South Korea
      Insane workaholics combined with Christianity

      • 4 months ago

        Basically what [...] said, weird fusion of the worst aspects of East and West (not saying Christianity is bad but it seems like over there it's basically a racketeering thing).
        You have a couple of families (Samsung etc) de facto ruling the country and working people to death, plus a weird gender war thing, so their birth rate isn't just bad, it's dooming.

        The moonies are still very powerful over there (you might recall that Shinzo Abe was assassinated because of his moonie ties, so the cult has influence even beyond Korea). My impression is that the Unification Church absorbs a lot of the spirituality that would be directed towards more traditional forms of Christianity and pulls the entire religion in their direction. Between them and the Goddesses cult and who knows what other groups that haven't been publicized yet, it seems the entire country is fricked by cults. I guess that when your country is run by a blatant conspiracy of powerful families, your religion is organized likewise to control you even further.

    • 4 months ago

      Basically what

      >what's going on in South Korea
      Insane workaholics combined with Christianity

      said, weird fusion of the worst aspects of East and West (not saying Christianity is bad but it seems like over there it's basically a racketeering thing).
      You have a couple of families (Samsung etc) de facto ruling the country and working people to death, plus a weird gender war thing, so their birth rate isn't just bad, it's dooming.

    • 4 months ago

      Korea is the most soulless country in Asia (China is less soulless just because it’s nationalistic)

      Why? My guess is because they have no real culture. They exist solely as copies of Chinese and Japanese culture. Have always been colonies of one power or another. And even post invasion “independence” were not able to transition into a stable country like Japan

      They’re feudalist capitalist. The entire country’s economy is in a handful of Chaebol’s, meaning family owned business conglomerate. Who are so powerful they can run over people and get off with a fine and keep their license.

      The whole “saving face” and “social class” ideas are so heavily ingrained it makes normal life unbearable.

      It’s why they have such an insane bullying problem too. I legit did not believe it watching tv shows from Korea because the bullies were acting worse than those Stephen king bullies who stab people and carve names into their belly. But it’s true. They have insanely horrific bullying with torture and rape etc. nobody cares until they become famous, at which point it’s popular to “out” a celebrity for being a bully back in school. Even though this is almost always “they said mean things”. Because it’s hard to become an actor people will hire if you’re a psycho sadist

      • 4 months ago

        sK has more culture than half of Europe, Canada, the US and Australia

    • 4 months ago

      sk culture is primarily forced conformity, bullying and hyper-competition in education, careers, social class, etc. sk is also decades into an intense anti-feminist backlash, politicians win or lose elections with their stances on feminist policies. its actually sort of scary since america is just starting the same backlash. noone is having kids in korea because why the frick would you in that hell hole

      its a shame too. these flawless funbags are rotting in the dirt somewhere. too many hot young korean women lost due to their broken culture

      • 4 months ago

        The moonies are still very powerful over there (you might recall that Shinzo Abe was assassinated because of his moonie ties, so the cult has influence even beyond Korea). My impression is that the Unification Church absorbs a lot of the spirituality that would be directed towards more traditional forms of Christianity and pulls the entire religion in their direction. Between them and the Goddesses cult and who knows what other groups that haven't been publicized yet, it seems the entire country is fricked by cults. I guess that when your country is run by a blatant conspiracy of powerful families, your religion is organized likewise to control you even further.

        Korea is the most soulless country in Asia (China is less soulless just because it’s nationalistic)

        Why? My guess is because they have no real culture. They exist solely as copies of Chinese and Japanese culture. Have always been colonies of one power or another. And even post invasion “independence” were not able to transition into a stable country like Japan

        They’re feudalist capitalist. The entire country’s economy is in a handful of Chaebol’s, meaning family owned business conglomerate. Who are so powerful they can run over people and get off with a fine and keep their license.

        The whole “saving face” and “social class” ideas are so heavily ingrained it makes normal life unbearable.

        It’s why they have such an insane bullying problem too. I legit did not believe it watching tv shows from Korea because the bullies were acting worse than those Stephen king bullies who stab people and carve names into their belly. But it’s true. They have insanely horrific bullying with torture and rape etc. nobody cares until they become famous, at which point it’s popular to “out” a celebrity for being a bully back in school. Even though this is almost always “they said mean things”. Because it’s hard to become an actor people will hire if you’re a psycho sadist


        How do we save south Korea from the matriarchy and the chaebols?

        • 4 months ago

          remove america

          • 4 months ago

            Basically the same answer to saving every country in the world.

      • 4 months ago

        Yeah I hate people complaining about “bawd shaming” but the amount of abuse she got over this sexy dress is insane. 1960’s American celebrities were as provocative

        • 4 months ago

          she wasn't bawd shamed she killed herself because she was a high class escort. She killed herself because the guy she was fricking was only using her and her shit career never took off.

          A lot of these korean suicides are from people cheating and getting caught.

        • 4 months ago

          Her breasts look like if a 12 year old boy wanted to pretend to be a girl and taped 10 pound turkey's on his chest and got into a dress, even 90s celebrities were more modest than her.

          >smoke a joint

          What's going on in South Korea?
          They have k-pop, they have some good directors.
          Sometimes you hear about their low birth rates or that their politicians are in cults.
          It's not like Japan where it's easy to learn about their society.

          Women are fricking crazy in Korea. They seriously see themselves as a Matriarchy. On occasion men have been able to revolt and overthrow the woman leader but its hard to get a true mans man into any power. My old Korean ex GF treated me like a servant and expected to be worshipped and she was always right and the pants in the relationship eventually I had to scare the shit out of her and then I changed my phone number and moved away.

          • 4 months ago

            I want to get a gf like that

    • 4 months ago

      In retrospect. Can we admit Parasite was a mid movie?

      Seoul is like a large vacation resort in Mexico. Inside the gates is fine but outside everything is controlled by gangs and religious cults.

      The president and a large part of the government are a part of these pseudo Christian cults. Japan had the same issue but has cracked down on it heavily the past 10 years.

      Media blackouts on anything that is not Korean makeup, North Korea, or hot chicks.

      The country despite what you are shown(only Seoul) is incredibly poor.

      Honestly he could have been murdered by the police for ruining Korea's image.

      • 4 months ago

        Japanese cults did stuff like the sarin subway attacks. What the frick are these cults doing? Sitting around huffing their farts and making money?

        • 4 months ago

          Running the country

          • 4 months ago

            are there any good kdramas about this or inspired by it?

    • 4 months ago

      Korea is the most soulless country in Asia (China is less soulless just because it’s nationalistic)

      Why? My guess is because they have no real culture. They exist solely as copies of Chinese and Japanese culture. Have always been colonies of one power or another. And even post invasion “independence” were not able to transition into a stable country like Japan

      They’re feudalist capitalist. The entire country’s economy is in a handful of Chaebol’s, meaning family owned business conglomerate. Who are so powerful they can run over people and get off with a fine and keep their license.

      The whole “saving face” and “social class” ideas are so heavily ingrained it makes normal life unbearable.

      It’s why they have such an insane bullying problem too. I legit did not believe it watching tv shows from Korea because the bullies were acting worse than those Stephen king bullies who stab people and carve names into their belly. But it’s true. They have insanely horrific bullying with torture and rape etc. nobody cares until they become famous, at which point it’s popular to “out” a celebrity for being a bully back in school. Even though this is almost always “they said mean things”. Because it’s hard to become an actor people will hire if you’re a psycho sadist

      people forget that even as recent as the 50s, Korea was a massively impoverished shithole to the point that we were sending large amounts of humanitarian aid and mission trips to help them out. Then starting after the Korean War their economy was capitulated into being a "First World" nation, mostly due to American pseudo-colonial "investments" similar to how we took over the Japanese economy following WWII. So suddenly a nation of peasants had money to throw around without a culture to understand it, and what you get is a garish copy of the American culture they saw as "wealth" with a thin veneer of Koreanface over it. Korea is much like modern day China in being a country whose economic base is peasants who now have money, but unlike China they don't have a venerated past from which to draw cultural memories. All they have is the present, and all they can do is endlessly exaggerate its features because it's the only way they can experience cultural "development" at all. And of course the result is societal suicide, with some of the worst birthrates in the world as feminism continues to increase without end.

    • 4 months ago

      Others have covered much of the more openly known issues but one of the biggest most notorious scandals that is still covered up is that the prior government was run by a literal coven of black magic satanic witches.

    • 4 months ago

      They were always an irrelevant country that got artificially broken up and used as a proxy war for ideology. They're interested in GDP and money and "soft power" through marketable shit like kpop but they don't really seem interested in showing off or preserving any actual heritage or culture like Japan at least portends to want to.

      Seoul is like a large vacation resort in Mexico. Inside the gates is fine but outside everything is controlled by gangs and religious cults.

      The president and a large part of the government are a part of these pseudo Christian cults. Japan had the same issue but has cracked down on it heavily the past 10 years.

      Media blackouts on anything that is not Korean makeup, North Korea, or hot chicks.

      The country despite what you are shown(only Seoul) is incredibly poor.

      Honestly he could have been murdered by the police for ruining Korea's image.

      The weird Asian cults aren't explicitly a Christian thing either. In China you had them with shit like Pure Land Buddhism, the White Lotus Society, and Chinese Manichaeism (which you could argue is an off-shoot of Christianity but in a really, REALLY heretical weird way to the point where it's unrecognizable), all of which are rumored to have their legacy in Chinese organized crime to this day.

      Outside of the different schools of Buddhism Asians just don't really monitor their own spiritual practices with any sort of orthodoxy or authority like Christians and Muslims do. I guess you can see how that leads to a lot of weird anything-goes shit.

      • 4 months ago

        >They're interested in GDP and money and "soft power" through marketable shit like kpop but they don't really seem interested in showing off or preserving any actual heritage or culture like Japan at least portends to want to.
        Other anons mentioned this before, but Korea doesn't have much of a distinct culture. It was ruled over by either China or Japan for its entire history. I do think their soft power being influenced by the west, as kpop and Korean movies heavily are as compared to Japan, ended up working out for the best as I think Korean soft power is more palatable to larger parts of the world and thus ended up more successful.

        • 4 months ago

          >Korean soft power is more palatable to larger parts of the world and thus ended up more successful.
          There's a specific term for how they consciously engineered all of this, and it honestly gives off creepy vibes. It feels like some kind of weird Scientology shit.

          • 4 months ago

            The one thing Korea has as its own unique cultural trait is to turn everything into a fricked up cult designed to generate money and suicides.

            • 4 months ago

              Korea has a huge scamming problem that rivals China and India

        • 4 months ago

          >doesn't have much of a distinct culture
          ok chang. Neither does chinkistan and was ruled over stepp rapists for much of its different constructs. Koreans at least have a military record going back centuries fighting off nipp invasion attempts against overwhelming odds. Unlike china which is always invaded and smacked around

          • 4 months ago

            Seething Kim or just an uneducated mutt seething at China?


            China saved Korea's ass from Japan twice. Tang saving Silla from Japan and later Ming saving Joseon from Japan. Korea absolutely never could've won against these overwhelming odds. In fact they were getting brutally raped by the Japanese before the Chinese decided to intervene. In the Imjin wars Japan took down their capitals and practically conquered the peninsula before the Chinese decided to kick them out.

            Then the Soviets saved Korea from Japs in their Manchukuo invasion. This is why the communists in Korea were stronger than the few southern Zainichi remnants before the US intervention.

            >chinkistan and was ruled over stepp rapists for much of its different constructs
            >china which is always invaded and smacked around
            The foreign dynasties of Yuan and Qing ruled over the entire Korean peninsula for the same amount of time. The actual heartland of China was also much less conquered or influenced by nomads than the Koreans. Did you know that past Korean kingdoms like Goguryeo stretched over Manchuria? All of that got finally and forever lost when Ming practically bought the ravaged Jurchen (which became Manchus). Jurchen and Khitan and Mohe and Mongols also raped and conquered the then territory of Korea much harder then they ever incurred into China.

            As for Korean standalone culture - it doesn't exist. The flag of Korea is Taijitu but twisted and discolored. A Chinese symbol. Koreans larp and wewuz Confucius but he has nothing to do with them. Hangul is also a product of reforms. Hanja was used throughout Korean history, which are just Chinese letters. Same with pagoda/architecture and Hanbok. It's just Hanfu from a specific era. And Korean surnames? Lee, Park, Kim? Japanese reform. Koreans took the concept of surnames because Japanese colonizers forced them to do so.

            I like Korean history and modern media. But wewuzing isn't the hill you want to die on.

      • 4 months ago

        >irrelevant country
        korea has more soft power then you have changs. Even arguably more reach then neighboring high profile nipps. its why you cant stop seething about either of them

    • 4 months ago

      isn't South Korea just one giant samsung corporation ?

      • 4 months ago

        There's also Hyundai.

  6. 4 months ago

    >junkie actor ODs
    woah thats crazy

    • 4 months ago

      He didn't, he lit up a charcoal briquette in his car to commit suicide from CO

  7. 4 months ago

    >mom found the meth sock
    it's over

  8. 4 months ago

    It really was. Parasite is one of those movies that is pretty good, but then when everything else is shit it looks great in comparison. It has a compelling storyline, but outside of that there is nothing that stands out as fantastic. Script, acting, directing etc were all serviceable, but given the hype the movie received I was expecting more. Out of all the Oscar nominations, it was the best however.

  9. 4 months ago

    >capital named SOVL
    >most soulless country on earth

    • 4 months ago

      >acts in a movie by Bong Joon-Ho
      >smoke a Bong with some Ho

  10. 4 months ago

    It’s very good filmmaking with a good but somewhat pulpy script and amazing bug acting (which is 6/10 American or Brit acting). 8.5/10

  11. 4 months ago

    My Mister mogs Parasite

    • 4 months ago

      We get it you have a thing for that korean actress. I have a thing for a certain actors(s) but I don't spam them.

    • 4 months ago

      My Liberation Notes mogs my mister

  12. 4 months ago

    post some lee sunkyun kino

    • 4 months ago

      Any other movie posters that predicted the future?

    • 4 months ago

      >a masterclass in throat squeezing
      I've seen some JAV that fit that description but not any k-kino.

    • 4 months ago

      you just posted his best movie better than dogshit parasite.

    • 4 months ago

      you just posted his best movie better than dogshit parasite.

      frick me its that guy? One of my fav korean actors aside from that aging pretty boy that played in tons of stuff. Like that head caretaker of the guards in Squid game

  13. 4 months ago


    • 4 months ago

      nothings changed though

  14. 4 months ago

    Do we know what the drug was meant to be? He said he took sleeping pills so presumably they must be what, Ket?

    Why did she lie? Did he break up with her or refuse to bang her or something?

    • 4 months ago

      ketamine is harmless. even that friends guy didnt die from ketamine. he died from getting shitfaced in a hot tub which already has killed thousands and then he took ketamine on top of that. if drugs were guns, ketamine would be a super soaker

      • 4 months ago

        Euros are lucky, they seem to let k cheap and easy. It’s a very inconsistently popular drug in burger land and in my darknet days I ordered overseas.
        >tfw you can never go back to 25 bucks a gram South African K deals ever again

  15. 4 months ago
    • 4 months ago

      Taehyun is based

    • 4 months ago

      Taehyun is based


    • 4 months ago

      what's the show name ? ep ?

      • 4 months ago

        It’s a movie

        • 4 months ago

          it's not, Girl Forest (for rest), episode 5 I think

  16. 4 months ago

    How did he kill himself in his parked car? Unless they explain the method I am assuming he was murdered

    After all. How many people commit suicide in their car that doesn’t involve using the car like driving into the ocean? People kill themselves are home or a hotel or jump off buildings

    • 4 months ago


      He didn't, he lit up a charcoal briquette in his car to commit suicide from CO

    • 4 months ago

      i don't know the story, but carbon monoxide poisoning in your car is one of the most common tropes for suicide

      • 4 months ago

        Modern cars (as in since the 80’s) are incapable of killing you with the classic method of redirecting your exhaust to your inside to breathe it in

        He didn't, he lit up a charcoal briquette in his car to commit suicide from CO

        I am familiar with this method of suicide. But are cars airtight enough for this to work? I have only heard of Koreans doing this in buildings

        Especially odd because C02 rises. And would surely then exit the ventilation system?

        • 4 months ago

          That's carbon dioxide. They are killing themselves with carbon monoxide. Carbon monoxide doesn't trigger a suffocation response, they don't feel desoerate for air.

    • 4 months ago
      A foreigner actor in hong kong just killed himself the same way

  17. 4 months ago

    Wait a minute, in the movie PARASITE. The rich couple speculate the driver is picking up drugged up girls to frick in their car. They only fired him.

    I guess the average Korean is worse than their evil rich

  18. 4 months ago

    Memories of Murder is one of my favorite movies

  19. 4 months ago

    Memories of my ass in your dick

  20. 4 months ago


  21. 4 months ago

    >do drugs
    >career is over
    this is the one thing we should copy from them

  22. 4 months ago

    I blame the Korean studios and management companies

    >all the companies he had scheduled to work on their shows and movies along with his talent agency sued him for “breach of contract”

    What fricking contract should let you sue somebody for having unproven allegations against them?

    Since he didn’t get convicted. This means they could and probably would have won even if they dropped the case. The breach was to do with some bullshit about “public image” not any hard facts.

    So he’d be financially crippled and have no real opportunity for rewarding roles.

  23. 4 months ago

    nice to see Cinemaphile has gotten to the point where nobody tells zoomers to frick off anymore

  24. 4 months ago

    What’s the social or historical reason behind drugs being treated as such a serious crime in East Asian countries?

    It’s always shit like drug dealers being executed in China and the Phillipines. Possession getting you 20 years in Korea and Japan etc

    I refuse to believe it’s because of the historical myth of the opium wars and they’re all traumatised by opium (opium was openly legal in Europe for literally hundreds of years… yet their societies were not devastated by it? They did not feel the need to crack down on drugs the same manner?)

    • 4 months ago

      China got BTFO'd by the British in the opium wars and was so butthurt that they cracked down on all drug use in their country so their population would never get dependent on foreign narcotics again. Korea and the rest of East Asia just copy China and followed suit

      • 4 months ago

        But almost all of chinas neighbors dislike China. Why copy them.

  25. 4 months ago

    >the point of the movie is that poor people are evil

  26. 4 months ago


  27. 4 months ago

    The way that Hollywood often works is that they'll reward a director for consistently good work even if the movie being rewarded isn't his best work.
    Also the gays that work in Hollywood love Communism.

    • 4 months ago

      What’s this gotta do with Parasite

      • 4 months ago

        Bong won the award for Memories of Murder.

  28. 4 months ago


  29. 4 months ago

    it came out when nothing good was in movie theaters

  30. 4 months ago

    When the only demographics that think a universally acclaimed film is bad are alt-right shithead pleb morons on Cinemaphile and the most casual normie plebs, it's clear that it's you morons that are in the wrong. Your taste is an algorithm and it's the most plebeian algorithm a pleb can have.

  31. 4 months ago

    the year just begun and there is already a bunch of south korean suicides.

  32. 4 months ago


  33. 4 months ago

    Unironically how are you supposed to tell them apart?

  34. 4 months ago

    It’s mid AT BEST. Cinematography/sound/acting all top notch. Story was horrible with many plot holes.

  35. 4 months ago

    Literally and without question every single asian film thats not about karate or men in giant rubber monster suits is pure crap
    >but ...le anime
    gay shit
    He just aped western style

  36. 4 months ago

    Dunno. Never saw it. Never will

  37. 4 months ago

    It turns out the real parasite were the friends we made along the way

  38. 4 months ago

    I don't watch Marxist slop.

  39. 4 months ago

    parasite, the favourite, shape of water, heck poor things
    all these films with comptent shots and weak progressive stories

  40. 4 months ago

    I'm watching Happiness after you guys recommended it. Do homeowners in Korea really look down that much on renters? Why?

    • 4 months ago

      pls respond

      • 4 months ago

        No one has ever recommend that show anon, you must be mistaken
        I had the displeasure to watch it because I like the main actress, but as the show is going on you can her getting totally flabbergasted as to what the frick is this about and why is she even here to begin with
        Watch literally anything else than this trainwreck

        • 4 months ago

          what's so bad about it? the only thing that really bothered me was when she was stupid and risked lots of people to save her scumbag friend from the freezer container full of infected

    • 4 months ago

      its a thing (any form of strict social hierarchy) that happens in every society that has not so long ago experienced wide spread poverty and now has upstarts, particularly first gen sudden rich. The series even exposes it in the tenant backgrounds as the biggest snobs are revealed to be complete scammers and the unhinged doctor is anything but sane

      Very common theme in, lets say chink or vatnik or pajeet productions, where it is allowed to be portrayed in fictional settings. Common denoniator is also that both of them exprienced widespread poverty and still are to these days. When someone of these nihilists stumble across a pot of gold they go full snob straight out the gate. Its a inferiority complex thing getting overcompensated

      That said happiness was kino with its setting

  41. 4 months ago

    Vaxx status?

  42. 4 months ago

    >movie about the Korean equivalent of white trash abusing everything they possibly can
    >actor dies by abusing drugs

    • 4 months ago

      he didn't tho

  43. 4 months ago

    I don't even remember him. Only remember Kang and the girl with the feet

  44. 4 months ago

    Only rated because they underrated Snowpiecer and MoM

  45. 4 months ago

    every time i read about korea i think about how to this day they still strangle or dumpster newborns

  46. 4 months ago

    another korea thread and yet again its full of seething xiggers. What is up with them always attracting so much gutter oil golems?

  47. 4 months ago

    RIP chigga

    South Korea is basically Silent Hill

  48. 4 months ago

    Is he another Hwang Hana victim? This THOT is insane. Killing people left and right. This b***h go on live TV and take a shit on the korean flag and some poor sucker would pay the price for it.

  49. 4 months ago

    Is this the kdrama thread? You guys promised one this weekend.

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