In terms of villain spin offs, I bet they'll make a Gaston film where he's a misunderstood hero.

In terms of villain spin offs, I bet they'll make a Gaston film where he's a misunderstood hero. He's too popular to forget

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  1. 8 months ago

    Did he really do anything wrong though? Yeah he was a pushy arrogant butthole, but he was also the hunter/provider of the town and as far as he knew, there was a monster in the castle kidnapping and brainwashing people

    • 8 months ago

      He tried to put Belle's father in the looney bin, that's pretty fricked up

      • 8 months ago

        Beast put Belle's father in an actual dungeon, if Beast deserves a second chance why not Gaston?

        • 8 months ago

          Because Gaston never cared about Belle as a person, nor gave any impression he could learn to. Gaston only "wanted" Belle because she was the single person in town that didn't worship him, and he couldn't wrap his head around why. He dismissed her interests, basically told her she wasn't supposed to think, and his first plan after a proposal was get her dad sent to a medieval asylum to blackmail her into marrying him. Then, when she tried to say the Beast was actually not as scary as he looked, Gaston's first thought was to start an angry mob and kill him because Gaston again couldn't fathom the idea that Belle would rather be with a beast than with him. He was a chauvinistic, self-absorbed butthole. Beast was an angry butthole, and Belle wanted nothing to do with him, either, until he made an active effort to change and improve.

          • 8 months ago

            So what you're saying is that Gaston was the real beast?

    • 8 months ago

      >But he was also the hunter/provider

      Oh no, what will the guys cultivating the land, fishing, or making bread gonna do now that the sole, single guy who hunts (cuz no one else did) is gone?

  2. 8 months ago

    They should give him the girlfriend he rightfully deserves.

  3. 8 months ago

    He's white so that'll never happen.
    Though I could see a future retelling of Beauty and the Beast painting Beast in the darker light and making it about Stockholm Syndrome or something

  4. 8 months ago

    He was already unapologetically the hero in B&TB. The only thing he did wrong was hit on a girl and be macho, OH WHAT A CRIME.
    Meanwhile he keeps his town safe and is instantly willing to charge into battle against a 12-foot tall demon beast in a dark creepy castle in the dead of night because he thinks someone might be in danger.
    What a FRICKING champion.

    • 8 months ago

      >Meanwhile he keeps his town safe and is instantly willing to charge into battle against a 12-foot tall demon beast in a dark creepy castle in the dead of night because he thinks someone might be in danger.

      eh, if he was really a hero he'd used a gun and not futz around and just killed the beast, instead of falling to his death.

      His head was always up his own ass. Thats part of what killed him.

      You can like him and his catchy song, but his head was still up his own ass.

  5. 8 months ago

    Ah the age old question.
    Gaston the moron hero that had all the fame of the town AND the will to defend it.
    Gaston the xenophobic villian that used his fame to dominate others and judged people by there looks.

    Maybe both is true. Someones Terrorist is some others freedom fighter.Gaston was there to push the plot and couse the act III problem.
    He maybe tryed to save Belle out of love or just out of not losing his face but he was in short the victim of his own actions. We have to respect him for not being a coward.

    Maybe in anther timeline we had a B&TH2 where a relative plotting revenge just to find out that the forma beast isn't guilty of gastos Death.

  6. 8 months ago

    >the embodiment of narcissistic, possessive, toxic, horny, straight white man
    >getting a redemption or a sympathetic backstory
    Only if they make him a homosexual in denial that's secretly gay for Lefou and uses his machismo as a coping mechanism.

  7. 8 months ago

    The movie rides on the contrast between Gaston and The Beast. Gaston is like an on-steroids version of a classic fairy tale hero. He's the Phillip, the charming, the woodcutter who kills the big bad wolf. At first glance, he seems perfectly fine. The movie is told from Belle's perspective, so we get to see her town through the eyes of someone who isn't riding Gaston's earned reputation. The one person who isn't parading with Prince Ali or Kuzko's wave. This gives the audience a way to notice that something is off about him, something that only Belle seems to notice. As the movie progresses, the seemly perfect Gaston shows just how flawed he is deep inside. It shows how his mind was (further) distorted by his reputation. It seemed like he was rough around the edges but still meant well (he was a hero, after all) but them there's the climax where he reveals just how truly despicable he was. A man who was beautiful on the outside but a monster inside, and it took Belle to show us that.

    The Beast is the opposite. At first he seems like a full blown villain, them he becomes rough around the edges and finally, he becomes the good guy with an evil exterior. He doesn't just start off as a good person, it takes some growth for him to get over his problems and finally show the good man that was within. It also helps that he used to be an butthole himself but the curse humbled him, Belle was the trigger that allowed him to complete his personal journey, earning his reward in true love and his human form.

  8. 8 months ago

    Guy had hot blonde triplets who lusted over him yet he goes after the one woman who doesn't care avout him

    • 8 months ago

      Men don't want women who are easy to get woah you're blowing my mind

    • 8 months ago

      Gaston was a hunter. He enjoyed the challenge of winning Belle.
      He probably fricked them a long time ago anyway.

      • 8 months ago

        >the challenge of winning Belle.
        He didn't like any of the things Belle did, and if memory doesn't fail me, he mocked her for liking to read
        He never had a chance

        • 8 months ago

          He had a very good chance. Even Maurice mentions Gaston as a potential suitor before the ill-fated trip to the fair so if push came to shove, he would have been favorable for a marriage. There weren't many options for an unmarried woman in pre-industrial revolution besides low wage work, prostitution, or hopefully becoming a nun. Which do you think Maurice would have preferred after his death: middle aged Belle working the next and likely final 10 years of her life as a washerwoman in harsh conditions or Belle living the rest of her life well fed and clothed as M. Gaston even if he mocks reading?

          • 8 months ago

            >He had a very good chance
            Maybe if the whole story didn't happen he might had a chance

          • 8 months ago

            >He had a very good chance. Even Maurice mentions Gaston as a potential suitor before the ill-fated trip to the fair so if push came to shove, he would have been favorable for a marriage. There weren't many options for an unmarried woman in pre-industrial revolution besides low wage work, prostitution, or hopefully becoming a nun. Which do you think Maurice would have preferred after his death: middle aged Belle working the next and likely final 10 years of her life as a washerwoman in harsh conditions or Belle living the rest of her life well fed and clothed as M. Gaston even if he mocks reading?

            you forget that it was a disney movie with women that had modern sensibilities. Yes, obviously he had a chance in the period the film was set. But no chance in a world where women have agency, which was the target audience for the movie.

            People forget that dinsey movies are not true period works. Pirates dont rape and take baths. Women in middle evil england had agency.(and also took lots of baths), mice can talk. etc. etc. Its all distorted by the modern sensibilities of what disney thinks current parents want and think and will spend money on.

            • 8 months ago

              Which is funny when you consider Aladdin. The entire plot only works because Jasmine, for whatever fricking reason could not only choose who to marry but rudely and violently disrespect royalty from foreign lands without getting into trouble. She and Ariel both act like modern day, spoiled teenagers, throwing a fit and getting what they want because valuing your family's traditions is less important than satisfying your whims. I'm glad that Mulan didn't turned out the same way.

  9. 8 months ago

    Gaston is too based for modern Hollywood to get right.

  10. 8 months ago

    >I bet they'll make a Gaston film where he's a misunderstood hero.

    nah, only women get that. They'd sooner make a movie about the three bar bimbos all going to get doctorates

    • 8 months ago

      I fapped to them as a kid. Put the VHS while everyone was sleeping and paused at the bloomer frame.

  11. 8 months ago

    He was gonna have a spinoff live action show but it was cancelled due to creative differences

  12. 8 months ago

    He treated Maurice like shit while Maurice had a good opinion on Gaston. His door was through Maurice.

  13. 8 months ago

    You're getting a book. That's all.

    • 8 months ago

      What's this supposed to be about? These are supposed to be alternate takes on the movies, right?

  14. 8 months ago

    Didn't they already do that for his sidekick, LeFou?


  15. 8 months ago

    You frickin wish. They're more likely to make a spinoff about the witch who cursed Beast, since a lot of people seem to view her as a latent villain nowadays.

  16. 8 months ago

    Some guy who used to play him at Disney World does gay porn now lmao

  17. 8 months ago

    >In terms of villain spin offs, I bet they'll make a Gaston film where he's a misunderstood hero. He's too popular to forget
    They were planning to make a live action Gaston series on Disney+ where the LA Gaston and Le Fou actor from the movie reprise their roles. It was going to focus on Gaston redeeming from his toxic masculinity, and turning gay with le Fou. I wish I was making this up. Luckily the show got cancelled.

    • 8 months ago

      In terms of villain spin offs, I bet they'll make a Gaston film where he's a misunderstood hero. He's too popular to forget

  18. 8 months ago



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