Indiana Jones budget is EVEN BIGGER than previous estimates
>$400m budget BEFORE marketing

POSIWID: The Purpose Of A System Is What It Does Shirt $21.68

DMT Has Friends For Me Shirt $21.68

POSIWID: The Purpose Of A System Is What It Does Shirt $21.68

  1. 11 months ago

    A small price to pay to own the chuds

    • 11 months ago

      >we told you so
      Do these morons think I didn't want roe v wade to get overturned?

    • 11 months ago

      This b***h is too ugly to get laid, roe v wade is the last thing she needs to worry about

      • 11 months ago

        Too ugly to get laid is a male only problem

      • 11 months ago

        No (real) woman is too ugly to get laid. The worst they can be is too ugly to get laid by Chad.

    • 11 months ago

      Someone please help out an autistic anon. It says in the text that she's showing her reaction to Roe v Wade being overturned, but she seems angry for some reason. Am I misreading her facial expressions?

      • 11 months ago

        She's mad about not killing babies anon it is weird but it has to due with this sort of budded off info environment they get into where a few guys tell them bad stuff is good. Hope this helps anon

  2. 11 months ago

    The ESG money has to run out right? Right guys??

    • 11 months ago

      They can always just type in more money in the computer. They don't even have to print it.

    • 11 months ago

      >look, mom, I used that word again!

      • 11 months ago


      • 11 months ago

        That's an acronym you fricking moron

        • 11 months ago

          it's actually an initialism

      • 11 months ago

        >Oy vey, stop noseticing things, goy!

    • 11 months ago

      >The ESG money has to run out right? Right guys??
      Yup and guess who bails them out since those same companies handle pensions.

    • 11 months ago

      honestly? it might. ESG investors actually believe that companies with good ESG scores are good to invest in (they're moronic), but Disney actively vaporizing money at this scale will cause people to second guess it.

    • 11 months ago

      They control your 401k, so when their money runs out so does your retirement.

      • 11 months ago

        No one this generation was planning on retiring anyway.

      • 11 months ago

        No one this generation was planning on retiring anyway.

        Joke's on them, I'm so poor I have nothing saved up for retirement anyway. Burn Blackrock down.

      • 11 months ago

        No one under 40 is ever going to retire.

        • 11 months ago

          Retire now, live like Diogenes.

        • 11 months ago

          Joke's on them, I'm never going to work again.

        • 11 months ago

          Wrong. Try 50. Gen X once again will get screwed over by boomers. The well is dry. Under 40 is a modest estimate. It is going to take several decades to turn this economy around, if that is even possible. The middle class is dead.

          • 11 months ago

            easasian countries have birth numbers all the way down in the 0.8s per woman. you know how fricking quickly that reduces a population? and they make all our cheap shit over there. what's gonna happen when the productive parts of their population literally HALVES in the next few decades?

            the world's gonna be a real frickin' wacky place these next couple of generations. we're talking black death levels of social collapse.

          • 11 months ago

            Post-war honeymoon period is about to end it seems.

      • 11 months ago

        Retirement? You guys have pensions? I think I have 3k in my one. No zoomer and very few millenials are retiring mate. War is here for most of us but it's coming to the west too soon.

    • 11 months ago

      Blackrock is worth 10 trillion dollars. The film industry is barely worth 100 billion. Blackrock could stop all activity and have enough money to fund the entirety of Hollywood for another 100 years.

      • 11 months ago

        Blackrock is not worth 10 trillion. They manage 10 trillion that can be easily taken away from them

      • 11 months ago

        They hit $10 trillion in asset management, but then last year they lost $1.6 trillion.

      • 11 months ago

        The ESG money has to run out right? Right guys??

        >i dont know anything about anything but will type words and opinions
        Low IQ posts right here. EGS and DEI are points for credit lines, doenst matter how much woke it is, if it loses money, the investors will pull their money, these kind of projects were only possible to exist because the US central banks had cheap credit entering the economy (thus corporations could sells stocks and claim profit without having actual operational profit), now they havent and the rates are up, private investors are already seeing letting woke asset managers manage your money is a no no.
        breasts are going dry and we will see a major shift in entertainment production

      • 11 months ago

        if blackrock liquidated everything, they could maybe fund another 10 years of Black person propaganda at the cost of cratering the economy and also making everyone hate Black folk even more once the money was all dried up

        • 11 months ago

          Jews are fully willing to go down with the ship in their quest for violent revenge against all whites.

    • 11 months ago

      >The ESG money has to run out right? Right guys??
      For every ESG failure there are 10 more successes you dont notice.
      They're making money on alot more companies that dont get media coverage.
      ESG isn't going away for a long while.
      Ideologies aren't rational.
      They just want to win regardless of the cost

    • 11 months ago

      No, but Disney will shuffle money from Disney+ to it so that it looks good to investors. Disney+ is a financial black hole anyway, so if they pay 400 million dollars for the streaming rights for Indiana Jones, Disney can tell its investors that their movies are profitable.

  3. 11 months ago

    I haven't watched it but, from the trailer and what nearly everyone is saying, it doesn't seem like they spent it on the film. So where did all the money go? How badly mismanaged was this project?

    • 11 months ago

      It did go on a film that doesn’t exist. They had to reshoot a shit load because test audiences said the film was unwatchable. PWB was a lot more insufferable and took up the mantle after Indy died and there was a bit more time travel in it - even going to the 2016 trump inauguration. Regardless, Harrison Ford probably costs a lot of money alone

      • 11 months ago

        25 million. Carrey made 20 million for 'The Cable Guy' in 1996. So nothing exuberant by moviestar standards.

        • 11 months ago

          He won't get that fee anymore but he'll be fine. They needed him for Disney Star Wars and Disney Indy but otherwise an 80-year-old action/romantic lead is spoiled milk.

        • 11 months ago

          That was a gigantic payday for Carrey, it wasn't normal. don't be stupid

      • 11 months ago

        I wondered about the time travel thing. It was a huge let down when they finally did get to it.

    • 11 months ago

      In theory it's the combination of shooting in so many locations, tons of CGI, tons of sets, and tons of lines and shots that ultimately go unused.

      • 11 months ago

        You're right, what people don't understand about these huge movies is the amount of waste. They will literally construct sets that you will barely see in the final cut, etc. I even remember the story, I don't know if it's true, about how they literally helicoptered in the alien puppet that Luke Skywalker drinks milk from in The Last Jedi to some remote island -- at the cost of something crazy, like $20 million dollars -- for what is maybe 20 seconds of screen-time.

        • 11 months ago

          I think Hollywood launders money. It explains some things, if you think about it.

          • 11 months ago

            I wish Disney was laundering money because then the cartels and war lords would chop their heads off for losing so much money.

            But no, it's our pensions that are funding these dogshit movies.

            • 11 months ago

              >"our" [anything]
              haha good one anon, good one

        • 11 months ago

          They shot a few scenes for the movie Up Close and Personal at the trailer park my Grandparents lived in. They built an entire trailer for it in about a week and shot scenes for a couple of weeks all over the park. First they paid my grandparents not to interfere in the movie then they ended up shooting footage with my grandfather in it and paid him to be in the movie, though they didn't end up using that footage in the movie but their car was in the shot. There's a scene with rain that was completely faked. Overall it was an interesting thing to watch and they completely took down the trailer when they were done for about 5 minutes or less of actual footage used.

    • 11 months ago

      Stupid, lazy management. Continual reediting and reshoots waste money. No one gives a frick. They clock in and grab as much as they can from the money faucet. Lots of people with nothing jobs.

    • 11 months ago

      >So where did all the money go?
      They essentially shot the movie twice also Harrison Ford got injured early slowing production down for months + Covid happened. The longer movies get delayed the more they cost. I think the last James Bond made jack shit for this reason.

      This is the only thing that might save Kathleen Kennedy. "It's not my fault the old man got hurt and Covid happened"

      • 11 months ago

        >I think the last James Bond made jack shit for this reason.

        No, that's not why it didn't make any money.

    • 11 months ago

      Harrison Ford got injured and they spent 3 months burning money waiting for him to recover, deepfaking for that long costs a ton, and they rented out sections of entire cities to film on location (not that you would know with Mangold’s shit zoomed-in, shaky cam direction)

    • 11 months ago

      Kathleen Kennedy has been siphoning funds from big projects into her dogshit feminist projects like The Acolyte.

      She might actually lose her job for it this time.

  4. 11 months ago

    just moving money from other projects since theyre taking a loss anyway

  5. 11 months ago

    >1 billion break even point
    Are they smoking crack? Crystal Skulls couldn't even pull that and that movie released under way better circumstances.

    • 11 months ago

      What the fricking point of making films with a break even point that high? Even if they are successful you won't make much profit.
      Have all studios forgot how to manage budgets? Crazy how Alien only cost 11mil to make and looks much better than anything in Dial of Destiny

      • 11 months ago

        Probably a tax scheme

        • 11 months ago

          It must be. I don’t know enough about it to say, but I’ve always imagined something like “$400” coffees on set to use as write-offs or something

      • 11 months ago

        They probably argued that even if the film is only a moderate success (they absolutely did not calculate this flopping), it'd introduce the franchise to a "new generation," and be a "springboard" for a new series of movies starring Helena.

      • 11 months ago

        Maybe it's about controlling production.
        Imagine you employ 10 people and spend $1 million and make a movie that brings in $2 million in revenue. $1 million profits, wahoo.
        But what if you employed 5,000 people and spent $500 million and brought in $501 million in revenue. Same profit (and insanely worse ROI). But what else did you accomplish? You trained 5,000 people to think the way you do and make the kind of movies you want made. At the same time, that's 499 more movies that can't get made; movies that might be competition, or contain wrongthink.

        • 11 months ago

          Yeah I think a lot of it is about asserting dominance. "We're Disney, we're the kings of entertainment, we can put $400 mill into movies and we'll still win. Get to work Indian CGI artists!" That's really what their mindset it

        • 11 months ago

          Yeah I think a lot of it is about asserting dominance. "We're Disney, we're the kings of entertainment, we can put $400 mill into movies and we'll still win. Get to work Indian CGI artists!" That's really what their mindset it

          There's a nugget of truth in this I feel. I'm not any kind of hot shot in anything, but I've worked as a cog in the machine on a few productions with very "California" messages, and I just do my best to do my work, even if it's got things I roll my eyes at, or disagree with.

    • 11 months ago

      Kathleen Kennedy thought it was still 2009 and she can just release whatever for a guaranteed billion

    • 11 months ago

      If you look at it from a totally delusional perspective, you could see Lucasfilm arguing that Indiana Jones is just as strong a brand as Star Wars, and that people would rush to see a final outing with Harrison Ford.

      This is completely untrue, but I'm trying to figure out a way this makes sense.

      • 11 months ago

        Indy was a boomer franchise even back when Crystal Skull came out, Disney is hilariously out of touch.

      • 11 months ago

        >This is completely untrue, but I'm trying to figure out a way this makes sense.
        They got high off Marvel’s (and those live action atrocities) success and just assumed anything they pumped out would get a billy guaranteed. Therefore they could take on more expense which means bloated studios and now that the money train is derailing they don’t know what to do but keep going forward because they literally forgot how to not bloatmaxx their productions

        • 11 months ago

          That was true up to 2019, but the Pandemic ruined their momentum. After 2 years of staying away, people go to the movies less so the box offices are VERY finicky now. One film makes 1 billion, the rest lose 200 million. Disney just got very lazy and assumed ANYTHING they put out would make 750-1,000m without putting any effort into it or asking what people actually wanted. See also: The Little Mudfish. An ugly Black ended up cutting the film's box office in half, since it BOMBED in east asia that typically loves this shit.

          I think the solution is LOWER BUDGETS.

          Disney is obsessed with taking legacy characters and making them old and pathetic. Indy has the same basic character arc in Dial of Destiny as in the Sequel Trilogy. The only difference is you could tell they pivoted last minute to Helena saving him, and adding in him reuniting with his wife.

          There is 100% an ending out there where Indy dies in the past, and Helena picks up his hat to carry on his mantle.

          It's LucasFilm, and it's run by KK and her feminist minions. They really want to replace every male hero with a female one.

          • 11 months ago

            I love that the israelitedemic has backfired so spectacularly on them.

          • 11 months ago

            I dunno. I walked out of Endgame with friends who were basically saying that there was no point in seeing any other Marvel movies because they weren't going to get any better than that. They started painting themselves into a corner well before coronavirus clogged the gravy train.

    • 11 months ago

      Any way you look at it, Indiana Jones 5 is one of the dumbest business decisions in history. Audiences already lost interest in Indiana Jones in 2008 since they didn't like Crystal Skull and the Star Wars brand has declined significantly after the sequel trilogy was a waste. And yet 15 years later they decided to take an 80 year old Harrison Ford, throw $400 million at a new movie which is possibly the most expensive budget ever, and hope to God that it makes at least $1 billion to make even a small profit at a time where movie theaters are declining and COVID ravaged the industry.

      I'm just dumbfounded at how fricking insane Disney and Lucasfilm are. Everything people have said about them over the years is demonstrably true and we're just supposed to pretend like they know what they're doing because a lot of journalists say good things about their movies and condemn the evil fascist fanboys. What a disaster.

      • 11 months ago

        It all makes sense if you realize these decisions were made in 2019, or even earlier. In 2019, nine movies made over a billion dollars. Seven of them were from Disney. If you just looked at things in a wider scope, you could absolutely fricking expect EVERY Disney film to make $750 million or movie. They were RAKING it in. Marvel. Animation. Star Wars. Everything was around a billy or more.

        • 11 months ago

          I'm pretty sure it was Captain Marvel that convinced them that they could make anything and it would make a billion dollars.

          I have no doubt that would be true today if not for the pandemic.

          • 11 months ago

            I still don't understand how Captain Marvel made money.
            Or Black Panther, if I'm being honest.

            I watched BP, it was a solid 6/10. The final fight scenes etc., were atrocious. The villain carried the movie. Apparently it was like a social phenomenon among blacks so the entire population of them in the US went see it, so it made bank.
            CM, I don't even know of anyone who went to see it. And it's not like it's one of those movies you go take the kids to, like the Pirates of the Caribbean sequels that all made like a billion each somehow. Or these disney live action remakes that everyone's girlfriends asks them to go see out of nostalgia. Who did go see CM? I don't get it.

            • 11 months ago

              It’s easy to see why BP made money, every Black person in the country saw it and think Wakanda is a real place. CM was because of a bunch of marketing that made people think it was necessary viewing for Endgame. It wasn’t, but that’s what people thought so they watched it

              Disney+ is actually a disaster and they haven't profited from it yet. Next year they're merging with Hulu

              >they’re merging with Hulu
              The backstory for why is one of the most genuinely baffling business decisions I have ever heard of

            • 11 months ago

              simple answer is that there was financial fraud committed. pre-2020 there was so much kvetching going on about trump, did anyone pay close attention to fine details about what was going on? how many people were able to predict and minimize impact from the scamdemic? remember the empty movie theaters for captain toefungus?

        • 11 months ago

          Yes but they still had ample time in the past 4 years to reconsider their business strategy even if they made up their minds in 2019. They absolutely knew they were making a gamble after the COVID pandemic to release such expensive movies. Did they just have shitty marketers and industry analysts? Could they not see that the industry would never be the same after COVID? 2019 was the peak of Hollywood and 2023 is shaping up to be rock bottom.

          • 11 months ago

            Movies take four to five years to make now. Stuff that's coming out now was in pre-production going back to 2018 or 2019. What we're seeing are bombs landing after a ceasefire's been called. They were already in the air. And we probably have another year or so of films just like this coming.

            • 11 months ago

              Maybe so... we'll see if Hollywood gains any common sense 2 years from now or if they'll still move ahead with 10 more Avengers movies and reboots

        • 11 months ago

          >that Alladin movie with a blue will smith made one billion dollars
          Talk about bloat, god damn they should have seen that coming

      • 11 months ago

        >I'm just dumbfounded at how fricking insane Disney and Lucasfilm are. Everything people have said about them over the years is demonstrably true and we're just supposed to pretend like they know what they're doing because a lot of journalists say good things about their movies and condemn the evil fascist fanboys. What a disaster.
        being honest a lot of movie critics dosen't even price their films as they used to be, a lot of liberals critics think that elements was mid, the Rise of skywalkers was a fiasco and that 80 years old harrison ford punching people feels lame, damm even the liberal critic of the liberal papper of my town say the same lel

        • 11 months ago

          Critics get a bad rep, it's the journalists that are shameless, shameless leftist propagandists. Critics are usually wrong too but not quite as ideological. They even gave that new human trafficking movie very good reviews meanwhile the journalists are calling it QAnon fascist propaganda

      • 11 months ago

        >throw $400 million at a new movie which is possibly the most expensive budget ever
        Good news! It's not.
        >Star Wars: The Force Awakens has become the most expensive movie ever made with a total budget of $533.2 million (£446.3 million) according to recent filings.
        It's not even number 2.
        >As the graph below shows, the closest competitor to The Force Awakens was 2019's The Rise of Skywalker which cost $503.6 million (£421.5 million) to make.
        Fun fact, this means the Rise of Skywalker also lost money. A lot of money. A LOT of money. It would've been in the green if it made Avengers Ultron level money, but it didn't make that level money.

        Disney blew SO MUCH MONEY on these things.

        • 11 months ago

          And they didn't even plan out a plot for the trilogy, lmao.

          • 11 months ago

            yeah that, what happend with Rian Johnson trilogy?

            • 11 months ago

              That was quitely cancelled. Officially, Rian was too busy with Knives Out movies.

            • 11 months ago

              I-it's still coming, you chud! It's just in development.

        • 11 months ago

          Holy frick. They were really lying about this shit for years, how did this all come out now?

          • 11 months ago

            Filings in the UK got made public.

            Age of Ultron was 445 million.

            • 11 months ago

              Which explains why they freaked out so hard and shitcanned Whedon when it has a drop of, gasp, 100 million compared to the previous movie. What now seems like a wild overreaction makes perfect sense when this movie cost easily 150 million more than they were releasing to the public, and made ever so slightly less money.

              This is why I feel like Kathleen's going to be fine after this, thanks to the filings we now know Solo and Rise of Skywalker were back to back losses, in STAR WARS. There's no fricking way they freaked out over 100 million lost for Avengers but were fine for 732 MILLION lost for TLJ.

              • 11 months ago

                I would've never heard about this shit if it wasn't for Cinemaphile

              • 11 months ago

                >Movies made in the UK are eligible for a cash reimbursement of up to 25% of the amount they spend there provided that it represents at least 10% of the total cost of the picture.

                >In order to demonstrate this, studios set up separate UK companies to make each movie and they are required to file publicly-available financial statements.

                >The companies have code names to stop them from raising attention when they apply for permits to film on location. As with all UK companies, its financial statements are released in stages long after the period they relate to.

                >The UK government's regulations state that there is "no requirement" for the spending shown in the financial statements to include marketing costs and there is no indication that they do.

                I'm starting to believe the BlackRock schizos. Hollywood is barely even profitable

              • 11 months ago

                >732 MILLION lost for TLJ.
                How the frick are they still in business. I can't tell you the last time I watched any Disney shit and I was fanatic about them as a kid. In the eastern block Disney was our introduction to American media post communism. A lot of us learned English from American cartoons and movies. How the frick did they go so bad?

              • 11 months ago

                Every movie on paper is a financial disaster. Don't have to pay out percent of profits or residuals.

        • 11 months ago

          Get in a time machine to tell anybody in 2004 that (a) Lucas will sell Star Wars for $4billion, and (b) the buyers won’t make that money back after over 10 years of owning it. They’d think you’re absolutely batshit insane
          >what the frick do you mean there’s no merch or games and the movies are now direct-to-video tv shows?

          • 11 months ago

            >>what the frick do you mean there’s no merch or games
            yeah this one confuse me a lot, he makes tons of money with merch and video games at the time, why they become so resistant to making merch?

            • 11 months ago

              For some god forsaken reason western video games take five years to make now, and cost $200 million dollars. If you question this, the industry wags your finger at you, and tells you that that's just how it is now.

            • 11 months ago

              They made merch. No one bought it. People have to care about the property attached to the merchandise to want to buy it. Everyone loathes Nu Star Wars. There's nothing fun or joyful about it for children or man-children.

            • 11 months ago

              they make merch. but for merch to sell, fans have to love the characters and story. and disney has a "frick the fans" strategy. hey, maybe a few thousand black kids bought the Finn action figures. remember him?

              • 11 months ago

                >hey, maybe a few thousand black kids bought the Finn action figures. remember him
                it's so funny how it become one of the most unselled toys of all time, literally no black children care about him at fricking all.

              • 11 months ago

                Black kids these days like anime more than disney and star wars shit and anime doesn't have any black characters at all

              • 11 months ago

                yeah i notice that when i was on manga store in miami for vacation last year, half of the store was black kids on their 15~

              • 11 months ago

                even the gay who played him hates the character and hates disney. didn't he have a mental breakdown? screaming into a megaphone because his character didn't get to afreakanize Rey's exhaust pipe?

              • 11 months ago

                that was hilarious

            • 11 months ago

              >why they become so resistant to making merch?
              They would love to make merch, but after TLJ their merch sales absolutely cratered. Poor Hasbro finally had a good year for their own brands and lost over 300 million on "Partner Brands"(Star Wars is the main one) in the same year it and Solo came out. They couldn't give the shit away, wearhouses were shredding merch, SHREDDING IT, to get rid of it because Liquidation stores wouldn't touch the things.

              >Is that TFA budget including marketing?
              Nope. That good sir is what we now know is 100 percent Production only, no marketing included.

              About that...

              After it rotted on the shelves, they stopped taking orders for anything that isn't Baby Yoda.

              • 11 months ago

                The Rogue One merch sold terribly also. The only stuff that sold well was the initial Force Awakens stuff, and Baby Yeed (although they’ve overspent and worn out their welcome with him).

        • 11 months ago

          Did investors know this? How is this not fraud?

          • 11 months ago

            it is fraud but there's no one to investigate and prosecute. they've got the whole thing rigged from top to bottom. they even have the president on their side (look up joe biden quote about how the gop are "going after mickey")

            • 11 months ago

              >Did investors know this?
              Yes, ish? They're allowed to ask about it and request full financial breakdowns, but they wouldn't be allowed to talk about it. Not that they would anyway because if it came out during Rise of Skywalker it would've tanked their stock.

              now the question is, with so many fricking flop after flop, i wonder if anyone is gonna question the losses now.

          • 11 months ago

            >Did investors know this?
            Yes, ish? They're allowed to ask about it and request full financial breakdowns, but they wouldn't be allowed to talk about it. Not that they would anyway because if it came out during Rise of Skywalker it would've tanked their stock.

          • 11 months ago

            No, because on the wiki page for Rise of Skywalker, the budget was always listed at $275 million. It's only this year that they changed the budget to $400 million+ in light of the article

        • 11 months ago

          Is that TFA budget including marketing? That actually makes sense then, and aligns with what most people say about budgets: just basically double the production.

          • 11 months ago

            >Is that TFA budget including marketing?
            Nope. That good sir is what we now know is 100 percent Production only, no marketing included.

            >>what the frick do you mean there’s no merch or games
            yeah this one confuse me a lot, he makes tons of money with merch and video games at the time, why they become so resistant to making merch?

            About that...

            • 11 months ago

              >Nope. That good sir is what we now know is 100 percent Production only, no marketing included.

              Holy fricking shit. Then I don't trust any of these people anymore. People need to start factoring in just plain LYING when trying to figure out if a movie turned profitable. It used to be production budget, and marketing budget, while considering the theater take. Now you basically need to guess how much of the production budget they're hiding.

              • 11 months ago

                It’s safe to assume at this point that unless something is VERY obviously successful (eg Mario’s “$1.3B on a $100M budget”) that it flopped and somebody’s lying about the numbers

              • 11 months ago

                >oof, yeah we made 1.3b on a 100m budget, but sorry nintendo this movie lost money
                >guess we don't owe you any money oh well

              • 11 months ago

                Shit homie James Cameron's comments make so much sense now

                >He estimated that in order for the film to break even, Avatar 2 would "have to be the third or fourth highest-grossing film in history."
                275 million budget my ass, we're going to find out this thing cost 600 million or some shit in the future.

              • 11 months ago

                a movie that is released globally and is popular should have no trouble getting close to $1B or above. the world population is 8 billion. also factor in fans who re-watch during theatrical run because they loved it so much. wasteful consoomers who fall in love with a movie do this. i've done it.

        • 11 months ago

          >The Rise of Skywalker which cost $503.6 million (£421.5 million) to make.
          They spent half a billion on that turd before marketing? Jesus Christ. I didn't even see it after Last Jedi. Still haven't. What a monumental money thresher Disney has become.

        • 11 months ago

          Disney is Too Big to Fail

          • 11 months ago

            Sad but true. Your tax dollars will bail them out.

      • 11 months ago

        >throw $400 million at a new movie which is possibly the most expensive budget ever
        Good news! It's not.
        >Star Wars: The Force Awakens has become the most expensive movie ever made with a total budget of $533.2 million (£446.3 million) according to recent filings.
        It's not even number 2.
        >As the graph below shows, the closest competitor to The Force Awakens was 2019's The Rise of Skywalker which cost $503.6 million (£421.5 million) to make.
        Fun fact, this means the Rise of Skywalker also lost money. A lot of money. A LOT of money. It would've been in the green if it made Avengers Ultron level money, but it didn't make that level money.

        Disney blew SO MUCH MONEY on these things.

        from Maureen Ryan's Burn It All Down

        >Before Emma took the job, a friend in Hollywood told her that Lucasfilm didn't particularly care about going over budget. Emma was gobsmacked by her friend's observation, given the penny-pinching ways of her previous employers. "But I saw it up close -- that it doesn't matter how many mistakes are made or how incompetent some people are," she said. "Our budget doubled, and I'm sure it went up after I left. I've never seen anything like it."

        I feel like this is gonna come back to haunt whoever at Lucasfilm has been doing these excessive budgets

        • 11 months ago

          Gonna read that book now. Hope it's on libgen

  6. 11 months ago

    good, Disney derserves to fall apart. i honeslty kathleen gas lights even more so she can keep working there. let her burn the whole thing down.

    • 11 months ago

      Agreed. I'm looking at the whole thing with morbid fascination at this point. I'm almost rooting to see how bad she can frick things up before they actually fire her.

  7. 11 months ago

    Didn't ask troony

  8. 11 months ago

    If this information is circulating normally, it means that kk is more than screwed and will enter the blacklist

    • 11 months ago

      this is what shows as trending in my google search bar. earlier today it was "kathleen kennedy lucasfilm". i have cleared my cache, history, etc.

      • 11 months ago

        it has now updated. my browser is clearly feeding google data

        • 11 months ago

          >using google even ironically

          let me guess. you have firefox too? lol you fricking morons never learn

          • 11 months ago

            no, brave. but for some reason ublock stopped working. yeah i know but i use it for local biz searches and don't know a better alternative for that purpose

            • 11 months ago

              have you at least actually changed the settings in the browser so its actually secure? for instance facebook/twitter/etc links are used to track every website you go to and see what tabs you have open, you have to disable those links and there is an option to do that

              • 11 months ago

                I'm not a terrorist so I don't have to worry about that.

      • 11 months ago

        how are you such a homosexual zoomer that you don't turn that "prediction" (engagement) shit off

  9. 11 months ago

    There's no way this shit movie cost $400 million. I think they're trying to write off taxes or something.

  10. 11 months ago

    Disney is falling apart.

    • 11 months ago

      how did they frick up so badly in 7 years? Seriously? They owned half of entertainment and blew it all up

      • 11 months ago

        Disney doesn't make low or even mid budget movies anymore. When you do nothing but gamble big eventually it will blow up on your face

        • 11 months ago

          None of their franchises is a gamble. Indiana Jones isn't a gamble it's a sure thing. They deliberately sabotage their entertainment by prioritizing their political agendas over than producing content people want to see.

          • 11 months ago

            Clearly it fricking isn't a sure thing. Clearly it is a gamble. It's an action movie fifteen years after a poorly received, also unnecessary, sequel "staring" an 80 year old.
            You can just skip to the generic "go woke go broke" post instead of saying moronation first.

      • 11 months ago

        feminist women

      • 11 months ago

        >They owned half of entertainment
        That was their problem. Market dominance is antithetical to the creative process, and being #1 takes a lot of effort to maintain. It's better to be in the top 3, riding waves and cycles with your competitors so you're not taking on too much risk

        • 11 months ago

          Isn't WB in the number three spot now?

      • 11 months ago

        It went from studying and striving for the pinnacle of storytelling to hating and lecturing chuds. They have way more resources now to make great entertainment but blow it all on agenda-driven slop.

      • 11 months ago

        Pure fricking hubris. They thought Marvel movies would print 1 billion dollars a movie forever even after major stars left and they let woke woman plan everything post End Game

      • 11 months ago

        >we have found the formula for printing entrainment bucks. But you know what’s REALLY missing right now, in the late 2010s? Corporations giving their political opinions.

      • 11 months ago

        >Theme parks have become too expensive, thought that they could salvage it with Star Wars land and the Star Wars cruise only to realize that even the biggest NPC wouldn't pay 5 grand for Kennedyslop
        >Have been pissing in the mouths of Disney diehards with paid fastpasses to the point where they're going less
        >Pixar has lost all relevance
        >Movies have just become live action slop only meant to revive their copyright and for no other reason. Little Mermaid seems to have been their best case scenario and even then it's barely breaking even after advertising costs
        >Everyone and their grandmother tuned out of Marvel after the Thanos saga, everything past that point has turned so convoluted it would make Kingdom Hearts' plotline blush
        >ESPN has taken a nosedive due to a combination of politics and the channel not adapting to the fact that any sports fan can get any take at any time. Has basically become the Stephen A Smith network
        Mickey Mouse entering the public domain in 2024 is going to kill the company. Their hail mary is throwing money to anti-AI initiatives so a copyright addendum can be made and they get years added onto the mouse's copyright as a kickback.

        • 11 months ago

          What exactly happens when Mickey Mouse goes public domain next year

          • 11 months ago

            A bunch of shitty horror spinoffs. They can use only black and white Mickey, so good luck with that.

        • 11 months ago

          >>ESPN has taken a nosedive due to a combination of politics and the channel not adapting to the fact that any sports fan can get any take at any time. Has basically become the Stephen A Smith network
          i am not american so i am interesed in this, on this zone of the earth they don't show that much gay shit on sports (latin america) on their plataform, so how do you guys watch sports?

        • 11 months ago

          What exactly happens when Mickey Mouse goes public domain next year

          It’s technically just Steamboat Willie, but what it means is that next year somebody can release a game where SW is a camp guard at Treblinka - complete with the uniform and swastika - and there is precisely jack and shit Disney can do to stop them

          • 11 months ago

            Can't they just refresh their copyright on it?

            • 11 months ago

              no, everything goes into the public domain after a set number of years

            • 11 months ago

              No. “Refreshing” copyright is passing a law that extends the copyright period. The time to do that was five years ago because I guarantee you the Florida representatives will take a literal shit on any bill they try to pass now

              Can they introduce him as "Walt Disney's Steamboat Willy"

              If it’s not defamatory they can do anything they want. It’s as public domain as Shakespeare

          • 11 months ago

            Can they introduce him as "Walt Disney's Steamboat Willy"

    • 11 months ago

      how did they frick up so badly in 7 years? Seriously? They owned half of entertainment and blew it all up

      I wouldn't go to Disneyland even if I got free tickets these days, they are literally putting men in drag and a bunch of black women all over the parks.

      • 11 months ago

        The funny part is that you don't even need to be against these things to not like it, some familes just don't want to go on a vacation to have THAT conversation, is just fricking stupid, I want to go to a dream land, not Detroit.

    • 11 months ago

      Disney land is still popular in Japan/Korea according to my social media feed. Ticket prices must be reasonable in Asia and visitors must be enjoying not having to put up with Disney shoving agendas down their throats.

      • 11 months ago

        Tokyo Disneyland insisted on keeping Splash Mountain about Song in the South rather than changing to Princess and Frog like American Disneyland

        • 11 months ago

          Tokyo Disneyland is not owned by Disney, and Splash Mountain is way more popular there than it ever was in the US and sells tons of merch, they fricking love anything with cute animals in it over there.

          • 11 months ago

            >Tokyo Disneyland is not owned by Disney
            Obviously. They're making informed business decisions based on the interests of their customer base.

    • 11 months ago

      Iger is prepping for a sale. If the investors dont go after him now they will lose what little they have left

  11. 11 months ago

    Any predictions on what the hell they’re going to do with this IP now??

    • 11 months ago
      • 11 months ago
      • 11 months ago

        Top men are working on it.

        • 11 months ago


      • 11 months ago

        >End career with 2 most famous characters, Han Solo and Indiana Jones ruined.
        >No one will forget how it was ruined

        • 11 months ago

          Ford's a grumpy old ducker, he doesnt give a shit. He specifically hated Star Wars anyway.
          But people will forget. Good movies are remembered, bad ones fade quickly, even terrible ones only leave a temporary stain. How many utterly shit episodes of Star Trek, TNG and DS9 were there? Tons, but we remember the good ones and those series are the ones that will last.

      • 11 months ago

        Fricking nice.

    • 11 months ago

      Fifteen Disney+ shows and a $6000 hotel RP experience. Surely one will succeed.

    • 11 months ago

      It was supposed to have a spin off with Phoebe if the movie broke even

    • 11 months ago

      The only good thing Disney ever did with the IP was the ride they built almost 30 years ago.

      • 11 months ago

        Indiana jones and the fate of atlantis you uncultured swine

  12. 11 months ago

    So this is easily the biggest bomb of all time right? $400m budget means 1 billion break even point and this will be lucky to cross $400m. Will lose at least $350m

    • 11 months ago

      John Carter might be up there

      • 11 months ago

        John Carter is the biggest ever. When all is said and done, Indy 5 might be the biggest which is absolutely insane when you think about because Raiders solidified the blockbuster format. Both movies are from Disney too.

        • 11 months ago

          I still can't believe how hard John Carter flopped, it's not even a bad movie.

          • 11 months ago

            >Shit title
            >Shit trailers
            >Plot poorly described

            Not all that hard, in hindsight.

            • 11 months ago

              Well yeah they definitely fricked up the marketing, but still you'd expect the "biggest bomb of all time" to be some abomination like Cats 2019

  13. 11 months ago

    Heaven's Gate's 1980 $44M write-off took down United Artists and its loss is only $162M in today's dollars

  14. 11 months ago

    >budget 250 - 400mil
    You always go with the highest number when they do this. An Indiana Jones film is the biggest bomb of all time.

  15. 11 months ago

    you still think this is about money?

    hahahahaha haha ha

  16. 11 months ago

    >and then there's Indiana
    As a Hoosier, I find my state being maligned with this movie offensive. Can we sue for defamation?

  17. 11 months ago

    For those wondering, its doing MUCH worse than brown mermaid

    • 11 months ago

      Oof. It’s not going to hit $400 million

  18. 11 months ago

    Why do they piss away so much money on these fricking movies?

    • 11 months ago

      Embezzlement. The director, producers, actors, and writers (not the crew or VFX artists) pocket most of it. That’s why the movies look cheap and shitty.

  19. 11 months ago

    Is it out if theaters near anyone else? The two largest near me both have it bumped. Which is funny since flash and little mermaid are in both still

  20. 11 months ago

    Movie was fine tbh, wouldn't say it was woke but largely just unremarkable and forgettable
    It deserves to flop though

    • 11 months ago

      How bad is the girlbossing?

      • 11 months ago

        I didn't really find it that bad, the chick is meant to be rather unlikeable for a good chunk of the movie

        • 11 months ago

          >she is meant to be unlikable
          cope, these characters are meant to be likable, the writers/directors themselves are just psychopaths. see: literally any girlboss in the last 10 years. are they ALL *meant* to be unlikable?

          her character would've been killed at the end of any of the previous indiana jones movies, like the blonde in the last crusade, who can't overcome her greed and ends up dying for it.

        • 11 months ago

          >meant to be rather unlikeable for a good chunk of the movie
          she never stops being unlikable, she is a c**t all the way through, never grows up, never admits her wrong doing and then Indy has to thank her at the end

    • 11 months ago

      That's what I thought too. It's not poorly made or anything on a technical level, and they don't do anything insulting to the legacy of the character, its just really boring. I'll never watch it again because it offers me absolutely nothing.

      How bad is the girlbossing?

      It's there but its tolerable. Maybe it didn't seem as bad to me because I expected A LOT worse.

      • 11 months ago

        And it was just too long with really only 2-3 good bits in it. Also with how Disney is with their deaging crap I feel they were probably testing the potential of doing a fully deaged Indy movie down the line which sounds awful

        • 11 months ago

          It wouldn't work unless they could de-age his voice too. Even when the CGI didn't look bad, old man Harrison's voice coming out of 30 year old Harrison's mouth was distracting.

          • 11 months ago

            Think they did it with Luke but ended up sounding like a robot so they just aren't quite there yet, guess a voice actor wouldn't be out of question

        • 11 months ago

          >And it was just too long with really only 2-3 good bits in it. Also with how Disney is with their deaging crap I feel they were probably testing the potential of doing a fully deaged Indy movie down the line which sounds awful

          For 1000th of the money they could just HIRE A NEW FRICKING ACTOR.

  21. 11 months ago


  22. 11 months ago

    Which flop will have a greater impact, Indy 5 or Flash?

    • 11 months ago

      Flash probably, since it might actually deter studios from starting more capeshit.

  23. 11 months ago

    The force is female? More like the force is FLOPPING.

    • 11 months ago

      Goyslop? More like goyflop!

  24. 11 months ago

    They just increasing the budget now to maximise the tax write off. They going to with all sorts of lots receipts and expenses to add.
    Classic Hollywood accounting.

  25. 11 months ago

    >that thing is the new face of the franchise
    At least put a hot woman for your woke shit, at least Margot is hot

    • 11 months ago

      Margot is walled now lol. Even a wrestling chick mogs her.

      • 11 months ago

        Walled Margot is hotter than Walled Bridge

  26. 11 months ago

    i watched ten minutes of it and had to turn it off because of the shitty slapstick music score

  27. 11 months ago

    Would this have been top gun maverick level success if it was actually good?

    • 11 months ago

      Old man Cruise isn't that old yet, and you can kind of buy an old man in a jet fighter anyway because what the heck do you know about jet fighters? I sure don't know shit, can an old man survive that shit? I dunno, so it seems plausible to me that he does.

      Even fricking older Ford jumping around like an action hero sure isn't plausible though. Nor is this pathetic, old nursemaid-looking british woman jumping around in high heels for some reason. Your brain just rebels against everything you're seeing. So I don't think there's a world in which this could ever be "good".

      They need to fricking stop doing action movies with past-their-prime geriatric old men and uncharismatic, unsexy women.

      • 11 months ago

        Cruise also had a younger co-star in that movie who's fairly popular, or at least a lot more so than Phoebe Wallaby. Also everybody in that movie was fit and attractive which is a novelty these days.

        • 11 months ago

          old lady Pheebs looks still in her prime when standing next to some white-haired boomer. see pic rel. a woman is ALWAYS in her prime (except before age 25 that's creepy).

          • 11 months ago

            She actually looks nice in the photo on the left.

      • 11 months ago

        >I sure don't know shit, can an old man survive that shit?
        Old man BFM is pretty crazy when you're the aggressor in the exercise and they are outflying you at every turn. So, yes. It's plausible.

    • 11 months ago

      Probably if they ended Indiana Jones series there

    • 11 months ago

      Possibly. Guess we’ll never know now.

    • 11 months ago

      With de-aged Ford the whole movie maybe

    • 11 months ago

      Nope, top gun was like technical perfection mixed with nostalgia, nobody cares about geriatric indiana jones, also crystall skull already cashed up the nostalgia

    • 11 months ago

      If they'd gone back to beautiful and amazing practical sets, daring stunts and cool as hell artifact hunting with Indy being vulnerable but still the man in charge, it would have easily pandered to those who wanted Indy to have one last crazy ride enough to reach at least break-even point.

      Thing is, before TLJ, you could at least get them in the door by hype of the new characters returning, followed by a brutal collapse propped up entirely by 3 days of success, but in a post TLJ film world people just aren't that stupid anymore. They know Indy's going to get put down, made fun of, and replaced by a British brunette. If it had been good, it might've had some real legs and pulled out of the spiral, but confirming it? Nah.

  28. 11 months ago

    Imagine making one of the most expensive movies ever and it getting jobbed by a low-budget Mel Gibson QAnon-bait movie lol

  29. 11 months ago

    Disney is obsessed with taking legacy characters and making them old and pathetic. Indy has the same basic character arc in Dial of Destiny as in the Sequel Trilogy. The only difference is you could tell they pivoted last minute to Helena saving him, and adding in him reuniting with his wife.

    There is 100% an ending out there where Indy dies in the past, and Helena picks up his hat to carry on his mantle.

    • 11 months ago

      Didn’t someone post a cam rip image of exactly this?

    • 11 months ago

      I really want to see these alternate cuts, but they will be too afraid to release or even "leak" them.

      • 11 months ago


  30. 11 months ago

    That's capitalism.

  31. 11 months ago

    They knew it way back in 2021 already

    • 11 months ago

      The director got mad at this tweet btw

      • 11 months ago

        His tantrums on Twatter were more entertaining than Indy 5. Well, I assume. I ain't watching this shit.

      • 11 months ago

        His tantrums on Twatter were more entertaining than Indy 5. Well, I assume. I ain't watching this shit.

        >~~*Mangold*~~ seethes on Twitter
        Imagine my shock

  32. 11 months ago

    >this movie flops
    >Little Nigmaid doesn't
    While I'm generally happy to see this garbage fail, I'm afraid the wrong lessons will be learned here. Both movies were woke but Little Nigmaid was more woke, specifically racially
    They may argue the bomb was a result of white leads (particularly Indy)

    • 11 months ago

      Little mermaid lost between $50-$100 million

      • 11 months ago

        Nigmaid doesn't
        Yes, it flopped. It cost $250 mil (without marketing costs) and only made $550 mil. At best it broke even.

        Not anywhere near as bad as this movie so my point still stands

        • 11 months ago

          >Not anywhere near as bad as this movie so my point still stands
          You said Little Mermaid didn't flop. It did. Just like your post.

          • 11 months ago

            Our definitions of "flop" differ
            The point was it did significantly less badly

        • 11 months ago

          >Not anywhere near as bad as this movie so my point still stands

          No it doesn't

    • 11 months ago

      Nigmaid doesn't
      Yes, it flopped. It cost $250 mil (without marketing costs) and only made $550 mil. At best it broke even.

    • 11 months ago

      Don't worry, there's a Haunted Mansion movie coming out this month with a black lead that's absolutely going to flop.

      • 11 months ago

        It's coming out this month? A Haunted Mansion movie? Mid-summer? Are they moronic?

        • 11 months ago

          And it cost $150 million dollars! It's real. Not making this up. July 28th.

      • 11 months ago

        >Haunted Mansion
        They'll just blame it being a weak mostly forgotten IP (which it is admittedly)

      • 11 months ago

        >there's a Haunted Mansion movie coming out this month
        I've never heard of this before, what the frick
        >Budget $157.8 million
        Disney is gonna bleed so much money this year

        • 11 months ago

          I legit don’t think Disney has profited from a single movie this year. And it’s not even over yet.

          • 11 months ago

            The only movies I can think of in the last two years that didn’t outright flop are Guardians 3 and Doctor Strange 2. Not a good showing for anything not capeshit

            • 11 months ago

              Yeah I was wrong Guardians 3 was a hit but not an overwhelming one and certainly not enough to recoup the losses from their 10 other flops this year

          • 11 months ago

            They won't have one. Look at their release slate for the rest of 2023

            "true" story of black composer in 18th century France
            >A Haunting in Venice
            Next in the Branagh Poirot murder mysteries. First one did well considering the budget. Death on the Nile doubled the budget and flopped. This one has by far the worst cast. No one cares
            >The Marvels
            Already been pushed back once this year. People are tired of superheroes and this girlpower shit isn't going to change that.
            Brown princess animation

            All of these will flop.

            • 11 months ago

              >A Haunting in Venice
              >Starring Kyle Allen, Camille Cottin, Jamie Dornan, Tina Fey, Jude Hill, Ali Khan, Emma Laird, Kelly Reilly, Riccardo Scamarcio, and Michelle Yeoh
              Who the frick even are most of these people, what is he thinking

        • 11 months ago

          why would they put that much money into a flick then put 4/6 blacks on the cover? like waving a red flag that this movie isn't for anyone who isn't black

        • 11 months ago

          why would they put that much money into a flick then put 4/6 blacks on the cover? like waving a red flag that this movie isn't for anyone who isn't black

          Why would they fricking put that much money in a HAUNTED HOUSE film? The film should take place in a single fricking building!

        • 11 months ago

          A Haunted Mansion movie again? With blacks again?

          • 11 months ago

            Eddie Murphy made a forgettable film 20 years ago, so that means it's a "black" franchise forever.

            • 11 months ago

              >hey remember when we made that haunted mansion movie that bombed?
              >let's do the same thing again a decade later but spend even more money!

            • 11 months ago

              Had to look up the old film for the first time and holy shit it why would you remake this?

              • 11 months ago

                Because anon. It exists. It's a brand. There's a haunted mansion ride at Disney World. People know what that is already. Better make a movie about it, then a Disney+ spinoff series and mountains of merchandise that will go on sale at Walmart.

              • 11 months ago

                Wait, it's coming out in July and not fricking Halloween? The frick.

              • 11 months ago

                there's already mountains of merchandise just for the ride and it sells like hotcakes and has for years

              • 11 months ago

                They're still hoping to strike gold again with another pirates of the caribbean type ride-to-movie thing for "synergy" and haunted mansion is the next most popular ride that's not based on a movie so when they greenlit this thing they probably thought they could overwrite the eddie murphy one and try again. But this one looks equally shit and obviously they didn't anticipate having a string of box office bombs this year which will make people even less inclined to give it a chance.

        • 11 months ago

          This won't even crack $100 million.

        • 11 months ago

          ponder the orb (and the smell)

          A Haunted Mansion movie again? With blacks again?

          every movie must have at least a few black in it now

          This won't even crack $100 million.

          black don't crack ($100m)

        • 11 months ago

          >half are black
          It’s almost like they have agenda

    • 11 months ago

      Little Mermaid completely bombed internationally and is the least successful of the "disney renaissance" era remakes, the rest of which made over $1bil.
      No matter how much woke koolaid the Disney suits have consumed, deep down they know that it would have been far more successful if Ariel looked like the cartoon.

      • 11 months ago

        >No matter how much woke koolaid the Disney suits have consumed, deep down they know that it would have been far more successful if Ariel looked like the cartoon.

        Naomi Scottt as the mermaid: 1.1 billion.
        There's a latina pornstar who looks just like her and likes to swallow.

        • 11 months ago


  33. 11 months ago

    Reminder that they had full confidence in this movie. They premiered it at Cannes six weeks before it was released in theaters. This wasn't a "oh shit, we fricked up. Minimize, and do damage control. Put out this fire" situation. No. Two months ago they had expectations of this being THE movie of the summer.

    • 11 months ago

      They were legitimately banking on this doing Avatar 2 numbers.

  34. 11 months ago

    They just updated the article with new info on the budget. Apparently it was closer to 500 million before marketing

  35. 11 months ago

    Based Harrison gives no fricks. He’s flying a plane.

  36. 11 months ago

    Was it even that bad of a movie? Or was it just completely dull and forgettable hence why no one gave a shit about its existence?

    • 11 months ago

      No, it suffered from the worst fate any piece of art can. It was mediocre.

      Disney needs to reign in their budgets and swap out everyone at lucasfilm. I’m honestly shocked they haven’t let Favreau run the place by now

      • 11 months ago

        >Disney needs to reign in their budgets and swap out everyone at lucasfilm. I’m honestly shocked they haven’t let Favreau run the place by now

        It's entirely possible Lucas made sure that disney can't fire anyone, and LucasFilm handles their own internal affairs. Pure speculation. But yeah, they are acting like pre-2019 "business as usual" where everything they shit out makes over 1 billion. People broke the habit of going to the movies, and they need to get them back. It's entirely possible theaters are just dying and being phased out before our eyes.

    • 11 months ago

      I'd say it's moderately entertaining, but nothing to write home about.

      Our definitions of "flop" differ
      The point was it did significantly less badly

      I don't think Little Mermaid flopped. It probably made a slight profit.

      • 11 months ago

        It was not a profitable movie, at most it broke even or lost a few million.

      • 11 months ago

        >I don't think Little Mermaid flopped. It probably made a slight profit.

        Sure, if you can't do basic fricking math. We know it's budget was minimum 250. I say minimum because it turns out Disney's been lying their asses off about the production budget this whole time, the recent stuff from the UK revealed their "275 million" Age of Ultron cost a gross of 444 and net of 365, and Rise of Skywalker was gross of 495 million and net of 440 million production, not marketing, budget. But that's besides the point, let's pretend it's 250 million just like they said, no more no less. Then let's also play stupid pretend and say they got 60 percent of every ticket sale. Now, you'd be moronic for thinking that especially with international takes, but we're being as generous as possible here. So, then in this case, 420 million worldwide is break even, no profit made but nothing lost. Then let's go full moron and say the advertising budget was just 100 million. That's it, 150 million for one of the Disney tentpoles. Sound stupid because we know from the Black Widow lawsuit they normally spend upwards of 200? It is! But let's be stupid. 150 million, a full 100 less of the production budget.

        It loses 20 million dollars in this hypothetical scenario.

        Now, taking in mind we made a lot of assumptions all in Disney's favor, some of which are downright ludicrous, and it still didn't make a profit, ergo...

        Yeah this fricker flopped hard.

        • 11 months ago

          There's also opportunity cost, right? Like, you can't just make a profit for it to be profitable, you gotta make more of a profit than could've predictably been made by investing the money in something else. Even if that's just the interest on a generic portfolio.

  37. 11 months ago

    >Ant-Man 3 flopped
    >The Little Mermaid flopped
    >Transformers flopped
    >Elemental flopped
    >Shazam 2 flopped
    >Renfield flopped
    >Fast X flopped
    >Dungeons and Dragons flopped
    >The Flash flopped
    >Indiana Jones 5 flopped
    >Pixar mermaid movie flopped
    There is no way that Hollywood doesn't course correct after this year. They can't go ahead and make 20 more MCU movies after all these failures. July might be the only profitable month in this entire year and we're only halfway

    • 11 months ago

      Did D&D really flop?
      That's a shame

    • 11 months ago

      The best part is we might see another year or two of flops like these, because these films take half a decade to make. If they started mildly course correcting in 2020 during the pandemic time, we won't see the real results until next year or the year after.

      • 11 months ago

        Yeah that's what really hurts for Hollywood, these movies have been in production for years. They have no choice but to release them. So it's not likely that they're gonna change their business model since they don't even have the momentum for any change. Coupled with the writers strike and death of movie theaters, cinema is just fricked. Scorsese was right about everything

        • 11 months ago

          >They have no choice but to release them.
          Warners new owners literally shelved a Batgirl movie that had Michael Keaton in it that cost $100 mil

        • 11 months ago

          >death of movie theaters
          I think the death of movie theatres is a bit overstated on this board. There's clearly going to be a reduction in their number, but I don't think it's going away as a primary distribution model any time soon.

          • 11 months ago

            They're not dead but they are dying slowly. The box office numbers in 2023 compared to 2019 are unbelievable

            • 11 months ago

              I think one of the problems is we've gone backwards in projector quality. A 35mm film frame could hold the equivalent of a 6k digital video frame worth of data. Cinema projectors currently project at a 4k resolution. Plus you have the major issue of the public losing any semblance of manners over the last 30 years. People look at their phones every couple of minutes, they talk loudly, they eat hot meals, etc. If cinemas could fix those two issues I'd go much more often. The latter might be impossible at this point.

      • 11 months ago

        Also they can't course correct while the writers strike is still on and if the actors strike too they'll be at a standstill.

        • 11 months ago

          >writers strike
          half the shit that comes out already seems like it was written by chatGPT, might as well just use it for real

      • 11 months ago

        That's okay, I've got dozens of my dad's old DVDs to watch while Hollywood implodes

    • 11 months ago

      April was profitable because Mario. The Cruise Missile will be fine, as will (probably) Barbie and Le Bomb Man but I can’t see anything like the Marvels even turning a profit. 2023’s going to be in textbooks as that year old Hollywood died

      • 11 months ago

        >(probably) Barbie
        I hope not. The shills have been very obnoxious with this one.

      • 11 months ago

        They're not dead but they are dying slowly. The box office numbers in 2023 compared to 2019 are unbelievable

        If Mission: Impossible does well, that throws a wrench in the idea that films are just "dying." It comes down to the content being made. You can't tell me you can't make a Cruise-level movie for $400 million dollars. That's just a fricking lie. You're simply refusing to.

    • 11 months ago

      >There is no way that Hollywood doesn't course correct after this year.
      They won't. They will keep doubling down.

    • 11 months ago

      Once they change their business model then that will be a good thing though. We'll have a return of mid-budget movies. It won't be viable anymore to make 50 superhero movies anymore or 30 sequels and reboots of old franchises. They'll have to take risks and draw in audiences in different ways... I mean I hope so.

    • 11 months ago

      >There is no way that Hollywood doesn't course correct after this year
      You naive fool

    • 11 months ago

      Was transformers any good? I like Beast Wars

  38. 11 months ago

    The only people who like Indiana Jones are middle aged manchildren, and kids with effeminate dads.

  39. 11 months ago

    I can't beleive you morons still haven't realized the pattern yet
    >use old IP to make money
    >subvert & destroy it with woke propaganda
    >delivered the propaganda and destroyed old kino to make room for the new age
    2 birds with one stone

    I'dve throught you homosexuals would see the pattern by now with what they did with star wars
    but I guess pattern recognition has been successfully eliminated by the marxists teachers in your schools

    • 11 months ago

      If you recognize patterns so well, then “name them,” anon.

  40. 11 months ago

    Lord have mercy. This one didn’t have a nuclear bomb; it *is* a nuclear bomb.

  41. 11 months ago

    When /ourjew/ gonna strike the mouse?

  42. 11 months ago

    pushing back avatar 3 to fit in more star wars and marvel is going to prove to be a huge mistake

    • 11 months ago

      It's actually so funny that Avatar returned after a 13 year hiatus and destroyed every other franchise movie that had legions of fans hating on Cameron for years

      • 11 months ago

        imagine if he actually had made a good movie instead of whale farts for 2 hours, he would have annihilated everyone.

      • 11 months ago

        I remember there being long years of
        >why the frick did people go watch Avatar so many times?
        and then Cameron did it again. At this point people don't even bother asking why.

      • 11 months ago

        What's more funny that Disney never made any money from Avatar 2, Cameron made most of the profit

      • 11 months ago

        I remember there being long years of
        >why the frick did people go watch Avatar so many times?
        and then Cameron did it again. At this point people don't even bother asking why.

        Cameron is like some Third World whisperer. He gets that they're simple people, respond well to both spectacle, as well as stories about families. Strong husbands, strong mothers, close family bonds. This kind of movie is impossible to make in today's Hollywood. You get old gen like Cameron or Tom Cruise who make films the older style, without any weird feminist subtext all over it, and they do well.

        • 11 months ago

          Right on the money. Everyone is confused about why Cameron is so successful but just look at the themes of all his movies. They're all about family and love and protection. They have all the spectacle of Hollywood but none of the ideas that we typically see in movies these days, and those ideas are what bring in the billions since they have more appeal. TLDR Hollywood is fricking moronic and Cameron has outsmarted them

          • 11 months ago

            Cameron is like some Third World whisperer. He gets that they're simple people, respond well to both spectacle, as well as stories about families. Strong husbands, strong mothers, close family bonds. This kind of movie is impossible to make in today's Hollywood. You get old gen like Cameron or Tom Cruise who make films the older style, without any weird feminist subtext all over it, and they do well.

            All of the greatest works of narrative art are family dramas... The Godfather, Anna Karenina & War and Peace, The Sopranos. Soap operas get more viewers than Hollywood movies by far. And yet you look at movies today and they're all about emasculating men and showing desolation. Luke Skywalker is a hermit who tried to kill his nephew, Indiana Jones is a depressed alcoholic going through a divorce. It's the polar opposite of what people actually respond to which is companionship, family and love.

            • 11 months ago

              It's interesting, I'm reading through the first Dune novel right now, and as I'm reading it I'm asking myself, why did *this* novel become the "big" sci-fi novel? Why not any of the ones churned out by Asimom, or Clarke, or Heinlein, etc.? And Dune is kind of middling on the whole "sci-fi" aspect of the genre anyway.

              Then, as I read the book, I get it. All the best parts of Dune are the dramatic parts, between characters. And all the worst parts are the world-building (unless it's done in service of a character).
              Meanwhile, all the "greats" of sci-fi are just focused on world-building, or the specific book's sci-fi ideas. The Foundation is a great series in a lot of ways, but man, when it isn't giving you some novel idea or situation to think about, it sure is a fricking boring read. (Especially today, now that all the ideas from these sci-fi authors are so baked into the culture that we've all heard all of them a hundred times already. But Dune doesn't have that problem. The drama between the characters is as compelling today as it was 60 years ago. Which, y'know, it's kind of a pulpy novel, so it isn't Shakespeare, but it's not terrible.)

              • 11 months ago

                Speaking as a fan of Niven, Hienlen and Asimov, Dune blows their best out of the water. And I'm not a character enjoyer, give me hard crunchy settings to explore, doesn't matter, Dune still beats the best at their own game.

            • 11 months ago

              Brothers Karamazov is the epitome of a family drama too.

        • 11 months ago

          James Cameron knows how to pander to the primitive asiatic and african mind, they know what was life before industrialization, their collectivistic tendencies are appreciated and celebrated throughout the avatar franchise

        • 11 months ago

          Everyone knows why movies like these are successful. The studios just actively don't want to make them. They hate traditional values that have been ingrained in people since the dawn of time. No, you can't have a strong bond with your family. You need a "found" family that consists of people of every race in the rainbow, and at least one notable cripple.

          • 11 months ago

            Exactly. It's a psychological assault. These are war tactics, put plainly. Designed to demoralize an entire population. Thankfully people are starting to realize what's going on. Gonna be interesting seeing what comes next.

  43. 11 months ago

    it's literally backdoor money transactions, money laundering at this point by the elites. God's children are NOT for sale.

  44. 11 months ago

    Why is anyone surprised?
    Dr Strange was 290 million and got reported as 200 million

  45. 11 months ago

    >>$400m budget BEFORE marketing

    You know how people were claiming the leaks weren't real because scenes didn't match up?

    If this thing was $400 million before marketing, I can believe they filmed those scenes but left them after the internal screening (or whatever) went badly.

    • 11 months ago

      New leaks say that a lot of the budget also went to other KK projects like the acolyte

  46. 11 months ago

    >all the execs and actors go their 5-35 million dollar payment/bonus
    >blackrock egs money picks up the tab
    >journalists burn candle at both ends to find a villain to blame and praise the slop
    Lol they don’t care, why should I?

  47. 11 months ago


    So what you're saying is that money is fake and Marx was right about everything

    • 11 months ago

      No. Capitalism and communism are identical. They are both materialist, atheist, globalist, imperialist systems run by managerial and financial types of conniving character, which ultimately leads to people being understood as consumption-production units, and a small elite owning everything. That wall street israelites in NY funded bolshevik israelites in russia, and they both teamed up to destroy monarchy and fascism should make this clear enough. Wanting to build a society around an economic idea is like buttoning your shirt with the first button in the wrong hole. The economy must serve the nation, a nation cannot serve an economy. Aristocracy of the sage and warrior is closest to nature and therefore the only legitimate system of government.

      • 11 months ago


        • 11 months ago

          That an entire civilization has been constructed on comfy sounding ideas contrary to observations of reality is proof that feels > reals.

          Chuds are always right.

      • 11 months ago

        lmao its another 15 year old "genius" quoting his favourite edgelord. Get a shower and get laid you miserable frick.

    • 11 months ago

      yes. His solution was wrong but everything else was right

      • 11 months ago

        His labour theory of value was wrong.

  48. 11 months ago

    Pretty crazy, the first two pirates of the Caribbean movies were under 200m each with amazing set pieces, choreography, big actors, impressive CGI.

    What the FRICK is Disney doing?

  49. 11 months ago

    It’s really sad that Indiana Jones 5 has already been utterly forgotten and people have such little interest that most of the discussion about it relates to its box office earnings and status as a media product. Even capeshit and Star Wars got more people talking about the story. But no one cares at all about Indiana Jones. I have no clue why they made another one.

  50. 11 months ago

    It's over.

  51. 11 months ago


    So what you're saying is that money is fake and Marx was right about everything

    yes. His solution was wrong but everything else was right

    lmao this place is truly third worlders and reddit rejects

  52. 11 months ago

    I didn't even know the full title of it until reading this post

  53. 11 months ago

    Honestly though it’s better than crystal skull and Star Wars 7-9. I’m impressed they got Harrison ford to give a shit and actually act. Indiana Jones is his best character.

  54. 11 months ago


  55. 11 months ago

    oh shit

  56. 11 months ago

    i watched the camrip while my trans gf gave me an epic blowjob and we both enjoyed it. only rightoid grifters like this got triggered:

    the future is female and her name is pheebie

    • 11 months ago

      not watching your shit video, gay

  57. 11 months ago

    disney just needs to stop trying with movies for a while.

    their streaming catalogue and parks should be more than enough money to float by while they figure this shit out and hire talent with new ideas

    • 11 months ago

      Disney+ is actually a disaster and they haven't profited from it yet. Next year they're merging with Hulu

      • 11 months ago

        thats prob just due to the massive money theyve sunk into failed projects like willow and the MCU/star wars tv shows.

        what im saying is if they just halted all new content for a while and saved that money to buy new talent maybe they can salvage the brand

    • 11 months ago

      >and parks

      • 11 months ago

        >park attendance in decline
        >a little bit, because of record-breaking hot temperatures
        So not go woke go broke. Go global warming go broke.

        • 11 months ago

          I live in Orange County, and it's like, in the 80s here, lmao. I dunno about the rest of the world, but it's standard fricking summer temps.

          • 11 months ago

            >park attendance in decline
            >a little bit, because of record-breaking hot temperatures
            So not go woke go broke. Go global warming go broke.

            >Climate change is causing record high temps which is preventing s-yboy normalgay NPC consoomers from going to disneyland/world

            meat eaters and gas car drivers...we're winning.

      • 11 months ago

        Pretty sure disney world ranked as the #1 most visited theme park in the world last year and all disney parks were in the top 10
        Besides hellish temperatures in summer, they also use dynamic pricing so tickets are a lot more expensive in the summer and other "vacation" seasons which keeps crowd levels lower but they still make the same money.

  58. 11 months ago

    Well, that's the last huge paycheck for Ford, but the old boy had a good run. Let's all give him a round of applause.

  59. 11 months ago

    >its true because the screenshot says so

  60. 11 months ago

    surprisingly good thread

  61. 11 months ago

    The Little Mermaid (2023) cost $250M and also flopped.

    • 11 months ago

      Yeah I'm betting the next filing is going to change that 2 to a 3 or 4.

    • 11 months ago

      >cost $250M
      Looking at recent revelations, I'm not surprised it costs a lot fricking more than that.

  62. 11 months ago

    Before the thread dies can someone explain why they make movies in the UK if they cost way more

    • 11 months ago

      They don't cost more there, they're just required to reveal production costs due to government regulations for reimbursement, which they try and hide by creating shell companies with different names. Wouldn't surprise me if they inflate those costs for British production specifically for a larger reimbursement.

    • 11 months ago

      They get some money back for filming there.

      >Movies made in the UK are eligible for a cash reimbursement of up to 25% of the amount they spend there provided that it represents at least 10% of the total cost of the picture.

      >In order to demonstrate this, studios set up separate UK companies to make each movie and they are required to file publicly-available financial statements.

      >The companies have code names to stop them from raising attention when they apply for permits to film on location. As with all UK companies, its financial statements are released in stages long after the period they relate to.

      >The UK government's regulations state that there is "no requirement" for the spending shown in the financial statements to include marketing costs and there is no indication that they do.

      I'm starting to believe the BlackRock schizos. Hollywood is barely even profitable

  63. 11 months ago

    >>$400m budget BEFORE marketing
    No fricking way, where is that money in the movie?

    • 11 months ago

      CGI de-aging effects cost a lot

      • 11 months ago

        this guy would've played the role for free (and a hot meal)

  64. 11 months ago

    Plain and simple :

    If you need :

    -Badass women
    -Boundaryless interracial relationships with blacks
    - to twerk
    - to produce movies of ethnics in a starring role
    - to produce antiwhite movies
    -plotlines with women who are in unstable places and from your wild recent past beyond getting a lunch or coffee or something respectful

    I am not the right audience for you .

    • 11 months ago

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