Inside out anxiety rant

They had a perfect opportunity to introduce the left part of the brain as an antagonist but we're gonna get zoomer anxiety instead, which makes no sense considering fear is here.
I bet Inside out 2 will shill benzos to make anxiety disappear, fricking clown world I stg.

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  1. 7 months ago

    i thought the whole point of the base 5 emotions is that every other emotion can be a combination of two or more... anxiety would be fear and disgust and maybe a bit of sadness working together.... but no, this is a modern gisney film so we gotta appeal to our audience of adult woman and talk about MUH #RELATABLE ANXIETY

    • 7 months ago

      They had a perfect opportunity to introduce the left part of the brain as an antagonist but we're gonna get zoomer anxiety instead, which makes no sense considering fear is here.
      I bet Inside out 2 will shill benzos to make anxiety disappear, fricking clown world I stg.

      It seems like each of them parallels one of the originals. Anxiety/fear, ennui/sadness, embarassment/disgust, envy/anger. So it's probably going to end with something like Acceptance showing up to be the Joy parallel ex machina and being like "sorry I'm late!".

      • 7 months ago

        what a pretentious term, that's just boredom or depression with more faff to make it seem legit

  2. 7 months ago

    The first movie was going to have a villain representing depression but they decided to cut it out.

  3. 7 months ago

    Puss in Boots did a more realistic and better panic attack.

    No I do not care that the movie isn't out yet.

    • 7 months ago

      do you guys remember that little trend during the mid 2010s where every e-artist wanted to be 'the guy' and show off how skilled and REAL they are by "getting" how panic attacks work? this was a common meme i remember the fricking creators of Neokosmos doing it
      that's why the Puss in Buss movie panic attack garnered so much attention, it's the first time imo where it was done right and didn't feel force, the cat had a panic attack in a moment and in regard to a situation where it was reasonable for him to have one, and it was done by creators who knew how to, it wasn't just tumblr "LOOK I'M SOO EDJUCATED!!1one!" bullshit, and that kinda shocked people
      but now everyone is once again trying to mimic that and failing

      • 7 months ago

        they need to come up with a new name for it
        Puss was running for his life, he was out of breath, a guy was chasing him trying murder him and Puss was hiding behind a tree hoping he isn’t caught
        It’s not a “panic attack” if you get chased through the woods by a rabid bear and now you’re huffing and puffing in fear

        • 7 months ago

          Adrenaline Rush?
          Primal fear?

        • 7 months ago

          to be fair he was having a panic attack, he was clearly in a state of panic, he wasn't just tired he was delirious

  4. 7 months ago

    Im not a fan of introducing new emotions in general; the first movie already focused so much on Joy and Sadness. They could have given more spotlight to the other three.
    Introducing anxiety seems like just a rethread of "you have to accept this emotion" from the first movie.

  5. 7 months ago

    Envy is very cute.

  6. 7 months ago

    Anxiety is the legit emotion from other emotion model (Cowen-Keltner model).

    And considering mindscape is an artistic repersentation of Riley's emotional state - there can be any number of head characters, because they are only metaphors for actual feelings.

  7. 7 months ago

    What dumb shit are they going to have that explains why the parents also only had the same set of emotions in control as Riley?

    Does this imply that theres tons of these things running around, and the ones in charge keep the lesser ones locked away working in mines like slaves, hoping they never revolt and gain power?

    • 7 months ago

      To be fair the way they depicted the emotions of others was lackluster to begin with, like why does only Riley gets mixed gender emotions who do not look like her?

      • 7 months ago

        Because she's the main character. It was a mix of a gag and a stylistic choice to emphasize the idea that those sets of emotions weren't hers.

    • 7 months ago

      Saw a theory on this. The emotions in her parents heads had different colors than Riley's, and it's implied the other emotions come from somewhere, since Anxiety has luggage, so they probably get their own office eventually or something.

      • 7 months ago

        >emotions in her parents heads had different colors than Riley's
        Memory spheres*

    • 7 months ago

      To be fair the way they depicted the emotions of others was lackluster to begin with, like why does only Riley gets mixed gender emotions who do not look like her?

      Was it really that unclear that as you develop as a person the 'ones at the command station' have a specific leader and resemble their human?

      Riley's dad leads with anger.

      • 7 months ago

        Riley's Mom leads with sadness.

        • 7 months ago

          And cases in the extreme that probably lead to a shoot out.

          • 7 months ago

            I feel like a mass shooter would be 4 disgusts and 1 anger with it all directed inward.

          • 7 months ago

            That's not a fair argument, a killer can lead with joy, sadness, disgust, fear or anger.

            • 7 months ago

              I feel like a mass shooter would be 4 disgusts and 1 anger with it all directed inward.

              Okay so what do you think a person who feels nothing but Rage might end up doing?

              • 7 months ago

                Probably get addicted to politics.

      • 7 months ago

        Riley's Mom leads with sadness.

        And cases in the extreme that probably lead to a shoot out.

        I just noticed what a story their memory spheres tell.

    • 7 months ago

      The new emotions are all negative, so I'm assuming the ending is going to be that they're pushed away in healthy adults. Or the lesson is about mental illness and some people just have to live with an annoying orange muppet fricking their shit up sometimes

    • 7 months ago

      My theory is that they are only temporary.

    • 7 months ago

      Riley's joy almost dies when she fell in the memory dump, make a guess

  8. 7 months ago

    Are you actually surprised that a movie about emotions in the 20s is going to fetishize the hecking panic attacks?

  9. 7 months ago

    Having a story set inside a human mind is rarely ever going to be good. It's just too complex to simplify to five emotions. Maybe if the story was very abstract it could work but there's just too many working parts in the brain
    also Anxiety is cute.

  10. 7 months ago

    Are most people slave to their emotions like portrayed in this movie ?
    >Live a life led by sadness
    >Become annoying to be around and to obsessed on the past to be in the present
    >Live a life led by anger
    >Become annoying to be around and prone to emotional outbursts and/or violence.
    >Live a life led by disgust
    >Can't enjoy anything
    >Live a life led by joy
    >Become easily misled and addicted to reels
    >Live a life lead by fear
    >Become paranoid
    I'm glad I took the Dokkodo pill and keep my emotions in check

    • 7 months ago

      They showed that the mother is led by saddness and the Father is led by anger and both seemed well adjust.

    • 7 months ago

      You cannot control the manifestation of emotion, only how you choose to express it. The "I have full control over myself" meme is an impossible ideal. As far as the collective is concerned, you're "healthy" as long as you're not bothering them. They are selfish like that, so it's your own responsibility to find healthy ways to express those emotions and keep yourself healthy. To satisfy your natural desire to feel, letting that steam out in some way. Some struggle to do so, either behaving in impulsve ways or repressing to the point of one day their bodies not being able to contain it anymore, causing them to explode and do something regretful.

      In the end, it's important to understand that human beings, regardless of how "healthy", are driven by emotions and instinct. It doesn't matter how much we obsess over fitting into roles and ideals. We aren't robots incapable of rational thought, but we also aren't unable to live solely through ideals, we can't will the emotion out of us to fit that mold. To find balance between the two sides, finding a way to satisfy both, is how you grow healthier.

      • 7 months ago

        *but we also aren't able

      • 7 months ago

        This. The best way to "stay healthy" is to learn when and how to express your negative emotions and not just swallowing them up.
        There is a reason why many people who work in child intensive care units are into extrem sport.

  11. 7 months ago

    >zoomer anxiety
    God damn you homosexuals are moronic

  12. 7 months ago

    So, does that mean the minds of Rileys parents had an emotion genocide or how are they gonna explain the absent of the new emotion in the first movie?

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