>invents the most attractive female character in animation history. >makes her retarded

>invents the most attractive female character in animation history
>makes her moronic

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  1. 7 months ago

    You answered your own question.

    • 7 months ago

      at last i truly see

  2. 7 months ago

    Bryke are sensitive to criticism AND hacks, which is why they made Korra a jobber - they thought constantly getting her ass beat somehow made her a well written character

    • 7 months ago

      It constantly got my dick hard at least

  3. 7 months ago

    Girls are their cutest when they're almost moronic
    However, Korra is just a c**t

  4. 7 months ago

    More like
    >makes her a gay

  5. 7 months ago

    Ummm to make her more attractive?

  6. 7 months ago

    Korra seductively inviting me to her bedroom then once she takes me there she beats me to death

    • 7 months ago

      >korra seductively
      >to her bedroom
      >beating me to death
      ...??? The frick, why?

    • 7 months ago

      >korra seductively
      >to her bedroom
      >beating me to death
      ...??? The frick, why?

      >beats me to death
      i came

    • 7 months ago

      >beats me to death
      i came

      submissive cuck mentality

    • 7 months ago

      >beats me to death
      i came

      submissive chad mentality

  7. 7 months ago

    I want to lick korras butthole after she has had a long sweaty training session

  8. 7 months ago

    Korra is the perfect girlfriend that you will spend half the time regretting getting with. One stupid argument and you're about to go out the door and then you remember what she looks like naked and you get second thoughts.

  9. 7 months ago

    Guess i'll ask here.
    I finished s3 of Korra, should i move on to s4?

    • 7 months ago

      season 4 is decent, it's 2 that is complete ass

      • 7 months ago

        Not a single season of Korra is good

        • 7 months ago

          I israelite season 3 because its villain, while not perfect, is the only one who didn't make me roll my eyes by the end.

      • 7 months ago

        It's been 10 years since I've seen season 2 and it'll stay that way.

        Never again.

  10. 7 months ago

    >S1: Korra gets her ass beat constantly and straight up kidnapped, loses 3/4 of her bending and it doesn't even make sense why she didn't lose the 4th too
    "Alright some hard knocks but Aang bailed her out because she cried really hard, I guess. But surely she learned some lessons."
    >S2: Korra gets her ass beat constantly, develops amnesia, loses all the past lives, Jinora has to save the day
    "I mean there is just no recovering from this, the past lives are the only reason anyone even respects the Avatar as a political authority, no one else is the reincarnation of dead people who basically helped found the 4 nations. How can it get worse? "
    >S3: Korra gets her ass beat+mercury poisoned+crippled. Jinora and the other airbenders stop Zaheer.
    "what the frick"
    >S4: Korra gets her ass beat, saved by Jinora. The spirits she went through so much trouble to bring to Earth tell her to frick off when she asks them to help her stop Kuvira from clearcutting spirit vines (where the spirits live, ironically the least hostile the spirits have ever been to humans harming the environment)
    >Finally manages to pull a win against Kuvira after attacking during a surrender negotiation and taking her fiancé hostage (then calling her evil when she refuses their demands)
    It is actually impossible to hate a fictional character more than Korra was hated by her own writers. She was just this... sad jobber start to finish while Aang was grabbing Ozai by his beard.

    • 7 months ago

      Jinora is the superior Aang AND Korra.

      Korra is a very strange character to me. She’s simultaneously a Mary Sue, but the writers pussied out from the criticism they got for Korra and Aang so they tried as hard as possible to make her sympathetic - which just made her a jobber and a pathetic loser. They try so hard to make her likable and sympathetic and not a Mary Sue she loops back around to being one: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SympatheticSue

      And the thing is, there was really no need to make Korra suffer so much. She had some flaws but she never needed her constant suffering as punishment, and by the time it got to season three it just became trauma porn that unironically did irreversible brain damage to Korra. It reminds me of Jordan Peterson’s talk about lobsters and the dominance hierarchy - Korra got her ass beat so much she is literally biologically incapable of carrying herself with confidence and happiness. She’s a wounded dying animal. She is the ultimate victim of Bryke’s incompetent writing - and their desperation to prove they are good writers who can write DEEP MATURE ADULT themes. Not just muh trauma and ptsd (like how RWBY writers ruined Yang) but intertwining Korra’s constant jobbing to their awful villains and shitty understanding of their political ideologies. Korra as a show is just…so deeply unlikable. Pointless and meaningless, as soulless and nihilistic as the Star Wars Sequels.

      • 7 months ago

        I think having no single villain for the whole series hurt Korra a lot. They only had 12 episodes to build up each villain, and beating the Avatar was the fastest way to establish them as a real threat. Despite her initial introduction as a great fighter, but weak spiritually and kind of a meathead, Korra was defeated constantly.

      • 7 months ago

        Korra feels like Bryke wished to make the anti-Aang, but then didn't write her story well.

        It's clear that her moments of being unlikable are supposed to lead up to something, her becoming better.
        Ya know like every character in ATLA with their unlikeable moments.
        >Sokka starts out sexist, he stops being so
        >Aang runs away from his problems, he stops
        >Zuko starts out a villain, ends a hero
        >Toph is subtle, but she starts not wanting anyone's help, ends being fine with having people help her
        But Korra just doesn't get that.
        Which is just odd.

        In general Korra is a decent show, prevented from being great through really sloppy writing.
        I think that show should have had 5 or 6 re-writes, with maybe 5 or 6 added extra writers to have been made good

        • 7 months ago

          >Sokka starts out sexist, he stops being so
          Sokka starts trying to be a warrior and ends up learning that the brain is the strongest muscle, you massive mongoloid moron

          he was never sexist, he simply came from a village where women were willing to hide behind male toddlers to save themselves, so was surprised to learn that girls from kyoshi took on responsibility for defending his people

          • 7 months ago

            >he was never sexist
            He was for the first four episodes, but by the fourth that pointline is already finished

        • 7 months ago

          Korra's arc is identity. She's known she was the Avatar since she was 3 years old, her very first line is "I'm the Avatar, and you're going to deal with it." She says shit like "All I've ever wanted to be is the Avatar." She's all consumed by becoming the Avatar. And she, unlike Aang, has no real idea what that means and has nothing else. To Aang, being the Avatar is a duty thrust upon him. The whole world wants him to become the Avatar, and he fears it. Eventually accepts it.

          For Korra, the world she lives in no longer needs an Avatar. Fighting the Equalists in a punching match alone doesn't solve anything. Listening to the first real spritual guide she has just makes things worse. The first two seasons are dedicated to showing the flaws of the Avatar as a title, that she must define it herself rather than let herself be defined by it.

          Then in season 3 the idea that the world doesn't even need an Avatar at all is made explict. The Red Lotus want to destroy the Avatar and let the chips fall. She sees more explictly that for all the good Aang did the Earth Kingdom is just as shit as it was in his time. She's bested as being the spritual bridge by Tenzin's daughter and she's even kicked out of the nation she helped saved twice, caused in part by her decision she made at the end of the last season. The world doesn't per say need her. And when she's crippled at the end of the season, everyone around her tells her that they'll do just fine without her.

          Season 4 is the reconstruction. The United Republic places their faith in rebuilding the Earth Kingdom in another person explictly a mirror to Korra, in essence trying to make her their Avatar. They also trust in the air benders to help. The Airbenders, shown with Kai and Tenzin's daughter, can't really face the problems of the whole world. Some even turn against their guiding principles in an attempt to assassinate a political leader. And Kurviva wants Vengeance rather than justice.

          • 7 months ago

            The world may not necessarily strictly need the Avatar, but as Korra learns to redefine herself and more calpably work out who she is and what being the Avatar means to her, its shown that having someone like Korra around isn't exactly a bad thing either. She's the connective glue that holds the army of the Republic together, she's powerful enough to fight Kurvira 1v1, has honed her skills to the point she can redirect a laser beam. She is both the carrot and the stick that few others can match, thanks not just to her inbuilt power of being the Avatar, but the life experience and lessons she has gained in stepping up to a duty she truly believes in and manages to end this war. Korra decides who she is outside destiny. Her self actualisation helps Kurvira achieve her own, and stops the threat with relatively limited bloodshed, and with Kurvira around to help wind down the chaos that will follow with the collapse of the Earth Empire.

            The show, occasionally well, occasionally badly, tries to make the point that what makes Korra special isn't the title of Avatar, or the unique power that grants her. She's beaten a lot in the show in fights, way more than Aang. Fighting power means nothing. It's her, and the choice she made to be the Avatar that she chooses to be.

            Or, Bryke are hacks, which isn't that weird, season 2 is so fricking bad holy shit

            • 7 months ago

              >tries to make the point that what makes Korra special isn't the title of Avatar, or the unique power that grants her
              que? Being the avatar is what makes her special, it's the only reason anyone cares about her, Korra could have learned to improve all her abilities, but she is a big fool and remains a big fool.

          • 7 months ago

            The world may not necessarily strictly need the Avatar, but as Korra learns to redefine herself and more calpably work out who she is and what being the Avatar means to her, its shown that having someone like Korra around isn't exactly a bad thing either. She's the connective glue that holds the army of the Republic together, she's powerful enough to fight Kurvira 1v1, has honed her skills to the point she can redirect a laser beam. She is both the carrot and the stick that few others can match, thanks not just to her inbuilt power of being the Avatar, but the life experience and lessons she has gained in stepping up to a duty she truly believes in and manages to end this war. Korra decides who she is outside destiny. Her self actualisation helps Kurvira achieve her own, and stops the threat with relatively limited bloodshed, and with Kurvira around to help wind down the chaos that will follow with the collapse of the Earth Empire.

            The show, occasionally well, occasionally badly, tries to make the point that what makes Korra special isn't the title of Avatar, or the unique power that grants her. She's beaten a lot in the show in fights, way more than Aang. Fighting power means nothing. It's her, and the choice she made to be the Avatar that she chooses to be.

            Or, Bryke are hacks, which isn't that weird, season 2 is so fricking bad holy shit

            The problem with that as a character arc, is that it is disconnected from what the audience actually thinks about Korra.
            Korra comes off as a standoffish butthole for much of the show, especially in the first season.

            So the audience wants to see that be the focus of her character growth, which doesn't happen

    • 7 months ago

      >make her able to do everything right at the start
      >gives the impression that she will be op

      feels like the writers were desperately trying to make her seem more human after her botched introduction

  11. 7 months ago

    >the most attactive character in animation history

    • 7 months ago

      Haman was a pedophile who couldn't even seduce another pedophile. She is not that attractive.

    • 7 months ago

      Brown tomboys are the pinnacle of human creation. Their light made all others seem bland by comparison.

      • 7 months ago

        You're an idiot with abnormal shittaste

  12. 7 months ago

    because she's an athletic jock, not a nerd

    • 7 months ago

      Jock + Nerd is best

  13. 7 months ago

    You just want to frick a brown girl with blue eyes.

    • 7 months ago

      No, I just want to frick a girl with a body-fat ratio of less then 20% and a shape that is isn't 'a cylinder with 4 noodles and a bowling ball'.

  14. 7 months ago

    I haven't watched the show since it first aired.
    Am I right in remembering the 2nd seasons this way:
    >Oh no, the Dark Avatar wants to open the portals to the spirit world!
    >Finally, I have beaten the Dark Avatar and can open the portals to the spirit world!

    • 7 months ago

      >frick you you can't do THAT
      >I however am the avatar so I can do THAT
      sounds based to me

    • 7 months ago

      >Am I right in remembering the 2nd seasons this way:
      If it's exactly as you remember.
      The spirits were already angry with the humans, imagine how angry they would be with the industrialized humans.

  15. 7 months ago

    the made her a typical bimbo. what's the issue?

  16. 7 months ago

    the most attractive female character in animation history
    Pic unrelated of course

  17. 7 months ago

    If only she was white

  18. 7 months ago

    Their co executive producer on ATLA was Aaron Ehasz, a writer, on LOK it was Joaquim Dos Santos, a director.

    That should tell you everything you need to know about how Bryke's priorities shifted from substance to style.

    It didn't need to be Ehasz btw, I just wish they had some other writer on staff with equal standing to refine their ideas rather than railroading from one cool action scene to another.

  19. 7 months ago

    Korra had so much ryona kino

  20. 7 months ago

    >most attractive female character
    >physical build of a young man with long hair
    You're a little too close, anon.

    • 7 months ago

      dude season 1 korra had massive breasts what are you talking about. they nerfed them later

    • 7 months ago

      What man has those waists you Black personhomosexual

  21. 7 months ago

    she was so hot all the time.. and the world is so fun. if they didn't just rush though so many (really cool concept) enemies, the show could have been better. the dating drama was kinda urgghhh a lot too. if it weren't for bolin the main cast would have been too stiff and serious all the time with no comic relief

    • 7 months ago

      Yeah the worst characters are Mako, Bolin and Asami. Doesn't help that none of them have any dog in the fight in season 1 (apart from asami) and have even less motivation after that. Honestly, should've been less strictly formuliac with a more rotational cast that had brief returns of old characters rather than a "Krew" who all date and hate each other.

      Oh, and fricking someone in the main cast should've lost their bending in season 1 before the finale. Frick, bring in that dickhead pro-bending guy if they were going to do that plot anyway.

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