Iphones in Alaska

Can someone explain why someone recording video while the power going out, or dropping their phone, somehow stops the camera from recording?

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  1. 4 months ago

    No more than how the coast guard found the body of one woman in the Arctic Ocean a couple of hours after she disappeared

  2. 4 months ago

    its spooky and therefore epic!!!! anyways listen to this billie eilish song. she really got my 50 year old bony washed up ass through covid :). i was hoping to meet her when i begged HBO to secure the rights to her music but she didnt want to meet me :(. oh well!
    - issa lopez

    • 4 months ago

      Fricking Mazzy Star??

      • 4 months ago

        Fade Into You is a classic

        • 4 months ago

          I know. I felt emotionally manipulated. Guess she (writer/director) is of that generation.

          • 4 months ago

            Dumb stuck up prostitute.

            • 4 months ago

              >t. Angsty teenaged virgin

  3. 4 months ago

    Hank feels your pain

    • 4 months ago

      The only guy actually bothering to act on this damn show. That scene had more emotion than the entire dead sister sequence.

      • 4 months ago

        up to this point i thought that Jodie was doing ok acting
        the dialogue is awkward but she was literally trying
        but this scene with her trying to act drunk.... what in the frick, seen better acting in child actors

        • 4 months ago

          It's kind of israeli. Another weird trope.
          >Everyone drinks at work
          >One drink and they struggle to pronounce words, make stupid faces, and make weird decisions

          • 4 months ago

            That's a small target did they not have a full size one? Looks like they just printed something out on an 8.5"x11.

            • 4 months ago

              hahah...good catch. That is some low budget set design.

        • 4 months ago

          I assumed she was pretending to be drunk for getting info from him, she seemed sober a moment before that

          • 4 months ago

            im actually moronic and didn't post the image
            i was referring to the conversation between danvers and navarro on the phone, when she decides to send Prior with Navarro and she goes to frick Dr Who
            Then with Dr who its just weird but she might be just playing the drunkness up as a tease or whatever, but the previous phone conversation is high schoolplay acting

            • 4 months ago

              >but the previous phone conversation is high schoolplay acting

              To be fair I have actually seen some drunks act that way though, it looks like they are faking it but they are not

  4. 4 months ago

    batteries don't work in the cold they have to leave them plugged in up there

  5. 4 months ago

    As a reluctant iphone user, when I don’t have a connection it won’t even load the pictures in the gallery properly, they look all blurry and low quality, so I can only assume it might extend to the camera and video recordings

  6. 4 months ago

    Should i continue watching past episode 3 or i may risk some mental injury from the stupidity of the plot?

    • 4 months ago

      It has gone full supernatural now, as in literal ghost cheap jumpscares, do with that what you will.

  7. 4 months ago

    Electromagnetic field collapsing.

  8. 4 months ago

    >you’re not asking the right question, Navarro. Try consulting some of those sky spirit voodoo Indian bullshit deities you people have up here. Here, clap this swirly rock with the other rock and see what you get. And for fricks sakes, get Prior on the phone, now.

  9. 4 months ago

    Steve Sailer established that 90% of suspenseful situations don't work if cell phones exist because the protagonist can resolve them too easily, so writers have to come up with a reason why you can't just use a phone. Technology is outpacing literature.

  10. 4 months ago

    Suspense/mystery writers are terrified of smartphones because a phone call or text instantly invalidates whatever lazy suspense/tension they can come up with.
    Most will just cope by setting their story before smartphones and pretend it was for the nostalgia factor. That explains why like half of our movies and TV shows are inexplicitly set in the 80s-early 00s for seemingly no reason. Others will attempt a contemporary setting but try neutralize smartphones by eye rolling coincidences like there not being reception, no power, or characters simply lose their phones.
    Then there's a small group who try to go all in on the smart phone and constantly show shots of phone screens and text messages. This is also pretty lame but at least they're not scared. Some do it fairly well like White Lotus (first one that came to mind as I just watched it), but they still have moments where people lose their devices in ways that would never happen IRL.

    As you can see, the smartphone has not only destroyed our human senses of wonder, mystery, and the unknown IRL, but even in the fictional media we produce. Either we fail to create a historic snapshot of our time by doing a nostalgia setting, or we create one but there's a 99% chance that it sucks. Mostly, I think the problem is lazy writers who are simply not creative enough to write around modern communications in a believable way.

  11. 4 months ago

    unrelated i guess but
    Go rewatch season 1, i watched it this weekend with a friend and frick does it hold up
    It was cool cause my friend hadn't watched it and i had only watched it back when it first released so it wasn't super fresh for me either

    • 4 months ago

      Season 1 crimes related to the conspiracy are incoherent. Different MO for each victim, the circumstances around it are implausible

      • 4 months ago

        It has several holes on the crimes themselves, in the cult stuff, and in the detective work
        Im not saying
        >oooo it was perfect tv
        but i really think that it holds up greatly, even more so when you see how this season 4 is shaping up and how both previous seasons were just meh overall

        • 4 months ago

          >It has several holes on the crimes themselves, in the cult stuff, and in the detective work
          That is also a form of lazy writing, like JJ Abrams level unkown mystery setups minus the supernatural element.

          Pizzolatto wrote it for the dynamic of the leads but he focused too much on dressing it up with gratuitous crime scenes that he didnt bother putting much effort intp to make sense overall

        • 4 months ago

          >It has several holes on the crimes themselves, in the cult stuff, and in the detective work
          That is also a form of lazy writing, like JJ Abrams level unkown mystery setups minus the supernatural element.

          Pizzolatto wrote it for the dynamic of the leads but he focused too much on dressing it up with gratuitous crime scenes that he didnt bother putting much effort intp to make sense overall

          my only complain is why pose these 2 women 17 years apart but none of his other kills
          they find traces to at least 11 other bodies on the grounds of his house, what made these 2 more special
          also i would have liked a bit more explanation on the cult stuff beyond a single line of
          >yeah this zone had its own mardi gras

    • 4 months ago

      I'm glad they only had one season, sorta.
      The pacing and story was so captivating.
      Character development, location, set design. Wow.
      I'd be so disappointed if it continued longer and woke femoid box-checker zombies got in and destroyed all this.
      I haven't watched season 2- 3 or 4 yet.
      Not even thinking of watching Cold County detective.
      I'll wait for YMS to review it.

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