>is a clairvoyant shapeshifting demigod

>is a clairvoyant shapeshifting demigod
>decides to ruin his life and suffer so his fake friends can be heroes and his crush can have sex with other men

what the frick?!

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  1. 4 months ago

    watch good anime instead, pleb

    • 4 months ago

      >good anime
      no such thing

      • 4 months ago

        Paranoia Agent

      • 4 months ago

        Hajime No Ippo's original run

      • 4 months ago
      • 4 months ago

        Dungeon meshi is coming out to be very light fun

        • 4 months ago

          >dumbgeon slopshi
          no thanks

  2. 4 months ago

    I don't know a single person who liked the AoT ending.

    • 4 months ago

      Cr1TiKaL does

      • 4 months ago

        This dude needed to stop giving out his opinion years ago.

    • 4 months ago

      I talked to Japanese students studying abroad at my uni and even they say the ending was shit. It just lost all of the themes of "not passing problems to the next generation" and the fact that all of the characters lost their agency in the final arc, but if you say anything negative about the ending the ending defenders just assume you're just butthurt because your ship didn't end up becoming canon.

      Cr1TiKaL does

      the anime's ending is carried by the OST, everything being dumped in a 1.5 hour tv special (so you don't have time to really reflect like we did with a monthly manga) and Armin NOT thanking Eren for committing genocide

      • 4 months ago

        >I talked to Japanese students studying abroad at my uni and even they say the ending was shit. It just lost all of the themes of "not passing problems to the next generation" and the fact that all of the characters lost their agency in the final arc, but if you say anything negative about the ending the ending defenders just assume you're just butthurt because your ship didn't end up becoming canon.

        This, Eren not following through made no sense. Everyone already hated Paradis and developed anti-titan weapons to the point that in a generation or two it was over. Then turned that knowledge in a generation on Paradis after they went on a rape war. He sealed the deal.

    • 4 months ago

      Most people I know liked it. Perhaps you're from a low IQ shithole, that would explain the difference.

  3. 4 months ago

    >Cinemaphile has become Cinemaphile2
    This is what happens when Hollywood flat out refuses to make watchable content for over a decade. American entertainment belongs to the japs now.

  4. 4 months ago

    you should have realized it was going to be shit after the twist

    • 4 months ago

      What twist? Their were a lot

  5. 4 months ago

    >thinking about another man, I don’t want that
    >for ten years at least
    Embarrassing dialogue

    • 4 months ago

      I don't know a single person who liked the AoT ending.

      >One of the whiniest homosexualiest MCs in history turns out to be a moronic cuck who martyrs himself for basically no reason
      This is the ending Eren always deserved. I don't know how AoT fans could be upset with this, it's totally in line with that homosexual's character.

      • 4 months ago

        Lots of losers self inserted as him

        • 4 months ago

          I can't imagine how little self respect a person would have to have to self insert as Eren.

          • 4 months ago

            cuckren perfectly represents the "self-improving" loser crowd that self inserted as him
            he's a ragetard and a liability most of the show until he somehow mans up and becomes alpha and cold and shit
            then when the chips are down he breaks down in tears and reveals himself as the pathetic wannabe he was from the beginning
            his tough guy "tatakae" self was a mask

            • 4 months ago

              >cuckren perfectly represents the "self-improving" loser crowd that self inserted as him
              Funny how everyone shit on My Hero Academia saying Deku is crybaby homosexual yet he's always been determined to take action and actually improve and not just stand around crying being a liability. Meanwhile everyone pretends AoT is some based high art drama and Eren is the most badass dude on the planet when all he does for 90% of the story is cry and put everyone in danger.

            • 4 months ago

              >One of the whiniest homosexualiest MCs in history turns out to be a moronic cuck who martyrs himself for basically no reason
              This is the ending Eren always deserved. I don't know how AoT fans could be upset with this, it's totally in line with that homosexual's character.

              >Genocidal Incels are pathetic losers posturing as Chads.
              More news at 11

              my only wish is too see a genocidal incel power trip show/film/anime without all the "excuses" some losers make up to justify petty revenge
              I want the mc to straight up admit he's petty and doing it out of spite

              He could have fricked his hot step-sister anytime, what kind of incel has that and rejects it??

              • 4 months ago

                why was Eren so obsessed with Mikasa if he never gave her the time of day the entire rest of the manga?

                Idiots, Eren was an asexual autist did you miss the manga? Show one scene of him wanting to frick Mikasa or any woman. He's the typical shonen moron

      • 4 months ago

        Frick off, he was based (before the ending) killing everyone who threatens your nations should be everyones mindset. Maybe then gays like you and this

        Lots of losers self inserted as him

        guy wouldnt exist because your prostitute mothers werent forced to raise you alone.

      • 4 months ago

        Weebs literally are not emotionally equipped to navigate stories that are about ANYTHING else but the protagonist being the bestest most awesomest person ever who deserves to win because he's epic

        if it's not shallow positive reinforcement for the audience to make them feel good about themselves by living vicariously through the protagonist, then writing bad. Eren was supposed to be le epically awesome tatakae guy who was going to succeed in his fascist larp, successfully do a genocide, then go home and breed Historia and keep Mikasa as his concubine and when that didn't happen TitanFolk had a meltdown

      • 4 months ago

        Weebs literally are not emotionally equipped to navigate stories that are about ANYTHING else but the protagonist being the bestest most awesomest person ever who deserves to win because he's epic

        if it's not shallow positive reinforcement for the audience to make them feel good about themselves by living vicariously through the protagonist, then writing bad. Eren was supposed to be le epically awesome tatakae guy who was going to succeed in his fascist larp, successfully do a genocide, then go home and breed Historia and keep Mikasa as his concubine and when that didn't happen TitanFolk had a meltdown

        He deserved to either lose harder or not at all. He has literal godlike powers but wants his friends to look badass like they're the Avenger's saving the world, so he lets them live and beat him. Frick Hange though, for absolutely no reason. Annie and Reiner are allowed to live because... I don't know why, Eren still fricking hates them. Armin was ruined simply reacting to Eren's actions rather than having his own position.

        The flashback with Armin should've just been Armin screaming at him for fricking ruining everything for being brash and going out on his own and not trying to plan something with his much more intelligent friends, and explaining why his plan is fricking moronic and how it will doom Paradis and Eldians as a whole.

        e-girl Ymir is a bad execution of stockholm syndrome removes agency from Eren but not enough for it to make any sense. Eren killed his own mother? Really? She was dead as soon as the rubble landed on her and the house, if not from Dina's titan, then to some other one. Eren being able to control titans before he became a shifter ruins the whole story because it means he could've stopped everyone from dying to a titan. EVER. I miss when Reiner's "transferring his consciousness out of his brain to avoid dying from decapitation" was the most offensive part of SnK's story.

        • 4 months ago

          >"transferring his consciousness out of his brain to avoid dying from decapitation"
          Jesus christ, Attack on Titan is moronic.

      • 4 months ago

        He changed his demeanor quite a bit post time skip, he wasn't really whiny at all and was actually somewhat based. His scene with Reiner in the basement is one of the best in the series actually

        • 4 months ago

          If you couldn't tell that he was clearly lying and not being himself, at the latest during the table scene, that's your fault for being illiterate.

          • 4 months ago

            i don't remember that tbh, i didn't watch all of the show and just read the manga as it came out because i got curious about the story direction. Either way, I agree with other anons that Eren should have killed everyone, or they should have stopped him beforehand. It just feels halfbaked the way it ended. Very anti-climactic.

          • 4 months ago

            I saw it as Eren being edgy but at the same using the opportunity to force his two closest comrades to face their weaknesses. It's a shamefur that Isayama went for the fake out.

            • 4 months ago

              >It's a shamefur that Isayama went for the fake out.
              The alternative is that Eren ACTUALLY hated Mikasa. Which would've been shit writing that made no sense.

      • 4 months ago

        I hate Eren yet also hated the ending. Not because I was personally invested in any of the characters, but because it was poorly written.

  6. 4 months ago

    That's just how Japs are. Funny little fellers.

  7. 4 months ago

    It's almost like the author backtracked super hard at the end and didn't have the balls to reach a logical conclusion.

    • 4 months ago

      >Story didn't end the way I wanted to
      >Better invent conspiracy theories and blame the author for telling his story wrong because it didn't end in a way that aligns with my worldview

      • 4 months ago

        >Every character suddenly allying with the enemy and deciding to kill their friend is a conspiracy theory

      • 4 months ago

        >Armin's limpdick punch suddenly hurts Eren because he was no longer acting or sumshit

        • 4 months ago

          The punches are fundamentally different: The first is in the cheekbone, which would hurt but ultimately just serve to annoy someone in Eren's state of mind. The other is in the jaw, and if you received any punches there you'd know it'd shake up anybody.

  8. 4 months ago

    charmin' armin had the most plot armor, sorry cucken

    • 4 months ago

      Jesus, how can anyone find the characters in this series to be attractive. The faces are all creepy as shit. The men look like women and the women look like men

      • 4 months ago

        >The men look like women and the women look like men
        I'm starting to understand who the main audience for this garbage is.

      • 4 months ago

        >The men look like women and the women look like men
        I'm starting to understand who the main audience for this garbage is.

  9. 4 months ago

    AOT gays deserved their ending. Never seen a more pretentious and insecure fandom
    >spamming IMDB to be the highest rated show
    >desperately seeking approval to be seen as "adult" and "mature"
    >we’re dark and edgy, this is not a series for teenagers waahhh, we’re a seinen instead

  10. 4 months ago

    >Genocidal Incels are pathetic losers posturing as Chads.
    More news at 11

    • 4 months ago

      my only wish is too see a genocidal incel power trip show/film/anime without all the "excuses" some losers make up to justify petty revenge
      I want the mc to straight up admit he's petty and doing it out of spite

      • 4 months ago

        Deathnote is kinda like that.

        • 4 months ago

          Yes and no.
          Light never denies being a prick, but for like half the show he pretends to do it for some kind of divine justice.

          • 4 months ago

            Light literally believes he is morally righteous and pure and only killing bad people and that anyone who opposes him is evil by definition and therefore deserves to die

      • 4 months ago

        Redo of healer dude

  11. 4 months ago

    Imagine an author bending over backwards with the worldbuilding to depict the world as cartoonishly racist and evil towards a single race to justify the protagonist's genocide just for him to ultimately prove the "evil racists" right about the Eldian Question

    • 4 months ago

      That the world has genuine reason to fear the Eldians and that Eldians share responsibility in being better to create a peaceful world is intended by the story. Eren refuses any sense of obligation to humanity as a whole and is offended that anyone exists outside of his Wall so he just decides to kill them all

      • 4 months ago

        Eren wanted to level everything, but because his friends would always oppose him and he refused to kill them/use the Founder to control them, he came up with a half-assed plan for a short-term peace that guaranteed his friends would live long lives but promised no long-term solution.

        You know, I think there's a scenario where I could accept that ending of Eren just being a ragetard in the end. Where he simply just didn't like the idea of there being Humanity beyond the walls. If only he and the story didn't bend over backwards to morally justify it. If the ending was more like Death Note where Armin and the rest of the cast hold him in contempt and see him as a pathetic ragetard after getting their memories back, I'd probably like the ending more. But when everyone starts fricking bawwwing all over him after killing him and saying, "EREN WHAT A MAN YOU ARE" it makes my blood boil. Isayama wants to have his cake and eat it too.

        >he refused use the Founder to control them
        This part bugged me the frick out of me, and everything goes out the window if he's willing to kill Hange but not Reiner and Annie.

        • 4 months ago

          >Where he simply just didn't like the idea of there being Humanity beyond the walls.
          But that is a portion of his motivation.
          >"EREN WHAT A MAN YOU ARE"
          Reiner didn't say that, you're repeating mistranslations
          >everything goes out the window if he's willing to kill Hange but not Reiner and Annie.
          He says to Armin he didn't know who will die. Only one he knew would survive until his death is Mikasa.

          • 4 months ago

            didn't say that, you're repeating mistranslations
            >Eren, omae tte yatsu wa ("Eren, you are...")
            Ok, that's my bad.

            Eren being let off the hook by his friends is a valid criticism, but when the chips were down they DID do whatt was right and kill Eren without hesitation, so I'm not going to police how they choose to grieve.

            I am also sympathetic to Eren to a degree, because by the time he actually got his hands on the power of the Founding Titan his brain was literally mush. He was a monster of pure id who had no idea where or when the frick he even existed in space-time and had lost all sense of self beyond his need for vengeance and his desire to protect about a dozen people he cared about

            I appreciate your posts. I'll have to give it some more thought. I do think the anime improved the ending by fixing some of the dialogue in the Armin-Eren scene. I wish there was a little less plot armor in the final battle, but that's a nitpick.

            If you couldn't tell that he was clearly lying and not being himself, at the latest during the table scene, that's your fault for being illiterate.

            the table scene is so Armin doesn't feel fricking terrible about killing him

  12. 4 months ago

    >Eren outright says a Code Geass/Watchmen ending wouldn't work
    >does it anyway
    >it doesn't work

    what did Isayama mean by this? Why did he have Eren do the very thing Eren said he didn't believe would ever work?

    • 4 months ago

      Eren wanted to level everything, but because his friends would always oppose him and he refused to kill them/use the Founder to control them, he came up with a half-assed plan for a short-term peace that guaranteed his friends would live long lives but promised no long-term solution.

  13. 4 months ago

    I’m not an apologist for this shitty ending but the only thing that ruins it is the conversation between Eren and Armin. Skip that scene and it’s serviceable.

  14. 4 months ago


    You know, I think there's a scenario where I could accept that ending of Eren just being a ragetard in the end. Where he simply just didn't like the idea of there being Humanity beyond the walls. If only he and the story didn't bend over backwards to morally justify it. If the ending was more like Death Note where Armin and the rest of the cast hold him in contempt and see him as a pathetic ragetard after getting their memories back, I'd probably like the ending more. But when everyone starts fricking bawwwing all over him after killing him and saying, "EREN WHAT A MAN YOU ARE" it makes my blood boil. Isayama wants to have his cake and eat it too.

    >he refused use the Founder to control them
    This part bugged me the frick out of me, and everything goes out the window if he's willing to kill Hange but not Reiner and Annie.

    Eren being let off the hook by his friends is a valid criticism, but when the chips were down they DID do whatt was right and kill Eren without hesitation, so I'm not going to police how they choose to grieve.

    I am also sympathetic to Eren to a degree, because by the time he actually got his hands on the power of the Founding Titan his brain was literally mush. He was a monster of pure id who had no idea where or when the frick he even existed in space-time and had lost all sense of self beyond his need for vengeance and his desire to protect about a dozen people he cared about

  15. 4 months ago

    Are they actually doing the bird ending?

    • 4 months ago

      the finale came out 3 months ago

  16. 4 months ago

    If you kill your enemies, the win ahh ending

  17. 4 months ago

    >Eren was only a 19 year old kid!
    >You just wanted a happy ending!
    >It was always Mikasas story cantered around Eren narrated by Armin!
    >You just didn’t understand it!
    >You’re just an incel!
    Actual responses by AOT fanboys coping with their shit ending

  18. 4 months ago

    Incel power fantasy.

  19. 4 months ago

    fine, qrd on this show, its ending, and why it was so bad?

  20. 4 months ago

    why was Eren so obsessed with Mikasa if he never gave her the time of day the entire rest of the manga?

    • 4 months ago

      >he never gave her the time of day the entire rest of the manga?
      For years before the manga ended the favorite scene from the anime for Japanese fans was the scene where Eren promises to wrap the scarf around Mikasa "forever and ever" because it was such an obvious love confession.

  21. 4 months ago

    You dropped AoT at the dogshit ending.

    I dropped AoT the second I saw syringes and it became a cringe scifi story with really shitty political allegories.

    • 4 months ago

      So you only liked it when it was people fighting against mindless titans? That's no better than zombie schlock.

      • 4 months ago

        I fricking LOVE zombie shlock and the entire anime zombie genre died with highschool of the dead

        • 4 months ago

          All zombie media is invariably entertainment for morons. The survival aspect can be done better with so many things other than zombies.

          >So you only liked it when it was people fighting against mindless titans?
          Yeah? When the author tried to fricking israelites and the holocaust allegory it when to shit

          It's not Isayama's fault your brain is fried by Amerifat media.

          • 4 months ago

            >It's not Isayama's fault your brain is fried by Amerifat media
            He literally said he copied amerifat media lmaoooo

            • 4 months ago

              >oh no they're wearing armbands that means everything in this story is about the holocaust let me just ignore everything else

              • 4 months ago

                Have you never watched Schindler's list?

              • 4 months ago

                No I thankfully realized the Holocaust didn't happen before I was subjected to that garbage.

              • 4 months ago

                It was. Eren is Hitler and he was an incel, just like Hitler

              • 4 months ago

                so was Eva Braun his Mikasa?

          • 4 months ago

            AoT is for morons, moron

      • 4 months ago

        There was a Norse mythological angle, something that Japan hasn't really touched on a whole lot. Instead we got that slop.

      • 4 months ago

        >So you only liked it when it was people fighting against mindless titans?
        Yeah? When the author tried to fricking israelites and the holocaust allegory it when to shit

      • 4 months ago

        You genuinely think

        >Isayama actually changed the theme of "mankind's fury over being humilitated and kept in a cage," personified by Eren, into "fighting to stay alive, righteous anger and racism are bad" in season 4.
        >Reiner and Annie got happy endings. Most of the main cast, who'd lost loved ones to their unprovoked carnage and been terrorized for years by them, made excuses for them and treated them like old friends. They allied with the warriors, killed their fellow Eldians, including their comrades, doomed their people to dying in nuclear fire and patted themselves on the back over all they'd accomplished.
        >The main heroine, who'd been extremely devoted and loyal to her guy until the final arc, suddenly decided that he'd always been bad, wondered why she ever liked him, discarded and abandoned him, joined a quest to kill him and got impregnated by another man. Portrayed as rational and pramatic until season 4, she decided that he must die to save the lives of the people who want to genocide all Eldians. This is supposed to be sweet and romantic, because she says, "see you later, eren" and kisses his severed head.
        It still seems unreal to me. I turns into a different, far, far worse show in season 4.


        >annie, the last time I saw you, I thought you were an irredeemable monster and could hardly stand looking at you, but me getting some extra memories from bertholdt is totally enough to make me fall in love with you and forget about you killing my family, friends and betraying me over and over again
        >you had no choice, annie
        >you wanting to see your dad again means you were perfectly justified in murdering hundreds of thousands of innocent people and feeding your fellow cadets to titans
        >sorry, my dead grampa, annie sending unconscious titans to eat you and your fellow townsfolk alive was, like, 10 years ago. I'm over it
        >oh, eren, sure, you jumped into a titan's mouth to save me, got eaten while doing so and have been my best friend forever, but that's no reason for me not to suggest having you eaten at the first opportunity
        The 4th season of the show is the dumbest, most repugnant garbage I've ever seen in media.

        isn't mindless?

        • 4 months ago

          I didn't see any coherent arguments in those posts, just strawmen written by some moronic mutt.

    • 4 months ago

      Clever. I waited until a few episodes into the 4th season and eren beating up armin, telling mikasa that he hates her and him turning his kin into titans.

  22. 4 months ago

    >annie, the last time I saw you, I thought you were an irredeemable monster and could hardly stand looking at you, but me getting some extra memories from bertholdt is totally enough to make me fall in love with you and forget about you killing my family, friends and betraying me over and over again
    >you had no choice, annie
    >you wanting to see your dad again means you were perfectly justified in murdering hundreds of thousands of innocent people and feeding your fellow cadets to titans
    >sorry, my dead grampa, annie sending unconscious titans to eat you and your fellow townsfolk alive was, like, 10 years ago. I'm over it
    >oh, eren, sure, you jumped into a titan's mouth to save me, got eaten while doing so and have been my best friend forever, but that's no reason for me not to suggest having you eaten at the first opportunity
    The 4th season of the show is the dumbest, most repugnant garbage I've ever seen in media.

    • 4 months ago

      It wasn't Bertholdt's memories. Annie and Armin liked each other from the very beginning.
      As for Annie's actions, you're overblowing it. All she did was cause the deaths of a few thousand people within Shiganshina and Wall Maria (and the responsibility of that doesn't entirely fall on her) and kill some enemy combatants (none of which were close friends of the main cast anyways)
      The hundreds of thousands of deaths falls on the Eldian government for sending those people on a suicide mission.

  23. 4 months ago

    >Isayama actually changed the theme of "mankind's fury over being humilitated and kept in a cage," personified by Eren, into "fighting to stay alive, righteous anger and racism are bad" in season 4.
    >Reiner and Annie got happy endings. Most of the main cast, who'd lost loved ones to their unprovoked carnage and been terrorized for years by them, made excuses for them and treated them like old friends. They allied with the warriors, killed their fellow Eldians, including their comrades, doomed their people to dying in nuclear fire and patted themselves on the back over all they'd accomplished.
    >The main heroine, who'd been extremely devoted and loyal to her guy until the final arc, suddenly decided that he'd always been bad, wondered why she ever liked him, discarded and abandoned him, joined a quest to kill him and got impregnated by another man. Portrayed as rational and pramatic until season 4, she decided that he must die to save the lives of the people who want to genocide all Eldians. This is supposed to be sweet and romantic, because she says, "see you later, eren" and kisses his severed head.
    It still seems unreal to me. I turns into a different, far, far worse show in season 4.

  24. 4 months ago

    Marley was right. EldiaBlack folk can't be trusted, even if it's outside of their control they can be forcibly transformed into an uncontrollable monster at any moment. They should have been wiped off the earth ASAP instead of used as weapons.

    Eldians are also correct to try to kill everyone else. Eren should have gone all in on the genocide plan, or the forced sterilization plan. Instead his gay half ass plan continues the cycle of violence yet again and kicks the can down the road

    • 4 months ago

      >Instead his gay half ass plan continues the cycle of violence
      How do you consume all of AoT and still think it's possible to stop the violence? That's one of the main themes, that it cannot stop as long as humans exist.

      • 4 months ago

        The specific genocidal violence led by genetics will DEFINITELY never end as long as they are separated by people who can turn into monsters vs people who cannot. Eren could have at least stopped that aspect of it.

        • 4 months ago

          Eren did stop that aspect of it. But war continued. As it realistically would.

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