Is anyone else trying to be a comic artist at a hobbyist level at least?

Is anyone else trying to be a comic artist at a hobbyist level at least? I want to draw and make comics but I don't really know where to start. I'm currently reading Keys to Drawing by Bert Dodson.

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  1. 12 months ago

    I wanna do my own take on Dart and Ace, but starting from the absolute scratch is preventing me from doing it

  2. 12 months ago

    I can't draw for shit

    • 12 months ago

      There's such a thing called Outsider Art, your lack of ability might result in something really interesting.

      • 12 months ago

        Outsider art is just the fricking sleaziest and most arrogant offshoot of upscale art markets. It basically came from the traders and agents' deep rooted ambition to fully control and validate artistic merit themselves, separating it from the will and intentions of the artists, doubling down on their status as flavor-of-the-month commodities. They started finding people who barely knew what they were doing (or were downright disturbed) and "granted" the weird, kitschy traits of their work artificial worth based on novelty and on placing it in the gallery context.

        The key point in a viable outsider artist is that they don't REALIZE their work is weird or unconventional. Their value is not in interesting artwork, but interesting failure. Some eventually rationalize being in on the joke, but it's rarely not a half-truth at most.

        "Low effort" comic artists are usually a different thing; it usually takes a very special case to make up for poor artwork or better yet, to make that poorness work as a feature.

        • 12 months ago

          Nah man you can literally make your own desirable art by you yourself drawing naively but with confidence. It’s not just some foreign thing other people and businesses are doing, you can draw naively and be succedful if you want

          • 12 months ago

            A successful shitty artist definitely involves confidence, which isn't to say that shittiness + confidence necessarily equal success. There's a pitfall of arrested development in that simplified formula

            • 12 months ago

              I think the secret is to actually have an internal, personal idea of what something looks like that you’re drawing from, rather than chalking your work up as ‘completed’ and saying ‘oh I know how to draw this flower now I don’t have to think about it’. You just have to have a goal in mind and actually labor to try and achieve it

    • 12 months ago

      It didnt stop the creator of one punch man. Do what you want op, I belive in you

  3. 12 months ago

    I've got a plethora of books. One I neglected to find, which I'm now realizing is pretty important, is how to write a screenplay.

  4. 12 months ago

    Yeah, but I just went and did it. I figure sucking at something is the first step towards getting kinda good at something.

  5. 12 months ago

    1. Don't read any books
    2. Just draw.
    3. Learn to feel.

    Seeing that you failed the first point, just give up.

    • 12 months ago

      Ignoring theory essays and instructional materials is silly and unconstructive. A healthy self-taught artist knows when to reject and when to accept external ideas, and either course requires the exact same amount of critical thinking. Simply rejecting them out front or insulating yourself from the choice is a poor attempt at reverse-engineering an "independent" mindset.

  6. 12 months ago

    that book is bad and scott mccloud is a fake cartoonist

  7. 12 months ago

    I’m unable to because I’m a stupid and depressed alcoholic

    • 12 months ago

      These are good anon, that stubb

      • 12 months ago

        I can’t draw bodies as comfortably as I can draw heads, and honestly am struggling with what people even want to read in a comic. Some comics are great but beyond a few manga and other things I really think most comics just don’t have the right idea. Is there such a thing as an ‘adult’ type comic that’s cool to look at in its own right without being childish or adolescent? I really think there’s something here, I’m not saying every adult needs to love comics, but I am certain there is a type of drawing that isn’t trying too hard and isn’t childish that a self-respecting adult could enjoy without it being their youthful hobby. This character I drew here is almost compelling, like there’s an actual human interest and style to it, rather than people trying to invent some new type of comic fantasy dude. I like the idea of the art being good in its own right but not over-important, doesn’t insist on itself somehow. I’m sure there are doodles adults actually like
        Of course none of it means I can’t make a comic, these are just the thoughts and concerns that are bothering me.

        • 12 months ago

          So you aren’t into comics, can’t draw well and for some reason came here to make a thread about making comics?

          Be honest what is the driving force here?

          • 12 months ago

            I can draw alright and people tell me I should do something with it in my life.

          • 12 months ago

            Also I didn’t make the thread you incurious, cynical rube. I’m responding to the OP because yes I have thought about making comics, since he asked, and i said I’d like to do it so it stands out and has more utility than just being more of the same. So what’s your problem? You probably know nothing and can’t draw, I mean really what stupid shit are you on where you think I’m OP answering my own question, while acting like posting drawings and discussion is ‘hating comics and not drawing and you should leave’. I’ve probably made a mistake here by assuming you even thought about your post

  8. 12 months ago

    Anyone who’s ever read this book will never make a good comic.

  9. 12 months ago

    As a hobby? Yes?

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