Is Avatar a boomer or a zoomer show? Im 34 yo boomer and never watched it, but its apparently very popular.

Is Avatar a boomer or a zoomer show? Im 34 yo boomer and never watched it, but its apparently very popular.

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  1. 4 months ago

    Okay this is like the 60th avatar thread on Cinemaphile, why are you manchildren obsessed with this extremely mid kids show?

  2. 4 months ago

    If you were a media conscious boomer you would have seen it. I'm nearly 40 and I watched it when it came out.
    I mean it's quite literally the best western cartoon serial ever made, rarer still because the west doesn't make serial cartoons.

    • 4 months ago

      I was gonna say Over The Garden Wall was better but then I noticed you said serial. But yeah that's still not much, Japan has been making animated kino for decades now.

    • 4 months ago

      probably missed it as it was on a kids TV channel

      >I mean it's quite literally the best western cartoon serial ever made
      >media conscious boomer you would have seen it. I'm nearly 40 and I watched it when it came out
      Probably because you are a moron who was watching childrens cartoons as a man.

      I am nearly 29 and I never watched that shit.
      I started watching it like last year because all of the hype around it being so good over the years and apparently it being like western anime.
      Its not anime really, it is a childrens cartoon, I can see why it is liked though, the premise of the story was decent.
      I never made it past the first season.
      I did actually like the live action movie though.

      • 4 months ago

        You were 10 when it came out though. You were the target audience.

        • 4 months ago

          >first aired in 2005
          I was nearly fricking 20.
          Why would I be watching cartoons as a 20 year old man, I was chasing pussy.
          Sure I may have watched the simpsons after work or south park at night here and there going to bed but I was certainly not watching day time childrens TV programming on nickelodeon as a 20 year old that fricking moron

          If you were a media conscious boomer you would have seen it. I'm nearly 40 and I watched it when it came out.
          I mean it's quite literally the best western cartoon serial ever made, rarer still because the west doesn't make serial cartoons.

          • 4 months ago

            The avatar cartoon just happened to be aired on Nickelodeon but it's one of the few shows that both children and adults will enjoy and it deals with some very serious subjects including literal Genocide. The world is so complex and story so well crafted that people still write entire essays talking about the politics of the show.

            And that's just the politics. There are books of lore written about it, each culture in the world is unique and well written, and the religions are interesting as well.

            • 4 months ago

              Unlike most shows, it is well written from beginning to end. And the end was extremely satisfying. They didn't try to make it longer than it needed to be, it told the story and that was it.

              its extremely overrated.

            • 4 months ago

              I am not saying it didnt seem well done but it is a childrens cartoon none the less.
              Its not some complex anime with adult themes and existential philosophy entwined within it its a rather semi serious comedic like generic cartoon.

              If you watch South Park/Simpsons you have no leg to stand on, because between them ATLA is the more mature show.

              >between them ATLA is the more mature show.
              Simpsons is a family orientated cartoon, family jokes with innuendo, and south park is literally an adult animation.
              Avatar is literally a childrens cartoon, shown on a childrens cartoon TV network in day time, i.e childrens TV times before watershed...
              WTF are you talking about you moron.

              • 4 months ago

                >Its not some complex anime with adult themes and existential philosophy entwined within it
                It actually is and there is very deep philosophy. But you need to watch it to understand.

                What makes it a childrens show? No swearing or sex?

              • 4 months ago

                >What makes it a childrens show? No swearing or sex?
                Being aimed at children.
                Childrens humour.
                Programmed on a chilkdrens TV channel
                Aired at prime childrens TV time (when they come back from school)
                Yes its a fricking childrens TV program.

                From what I watched it even has the christian-esque fable story telling every episode, just like childrens cartoons (which is a good thing of course, instills morals)

              • 4 months ago

                Try watching it again. It's possible your brain hadn't properly developed when you tried watchikg it the first time.

              • 4 months ago

                Do you mean christian-esque as in objective good and evil themes? because it definitely does not have that (to the degree that it would resemble abrahamic religion at least). Fire nation people are not always evil, and everyone else is not always good. Examples being the normal fire nation civilians who are clearly brainwashed by a state education, iroh, zuko literally switching sides, and then people like jet who are essentially terrorists even though they're anti fire nation. And even the "evil" people have some fricked up backgrounds.

                Anyway, there is also a religion in the show you know chakras, avatar existing, spirit people

              • 4 months ago

                >Do you mean christian-esque
                As in the structure of the stories each episode.
                They are structured like christian fable stories, clearly because the writers come from a christian background/country.

                Its a fablem journey, challenge to overcome, pitfall, resoultion, moral learned....rinse repeat each episode.

                This is/was the general structure of childrens TV shows stories from probably the 50s up until the late 90s surrealist cartoons like ren and stimpy.

              • 4 months ago

                >They are structured like christian fable stories, clearly because the writers come from a christian background/country.
                ...How? Literally how?
                >challenge to overcome, pitfall, resoultion, moral learned....rinse repeat each episode.
                Ah. First of all, that's not Christian and the lessons being taught are very nuanced. They aren't lessons for 5 year olds, but for a more mature audience. The lessons are the kind that makes a person think, not the kind that dictates morality like a true children's show.. Second of all, this process you describe is what makes a good story. Shows that are filled with pointless violence, sex, and gore with no real themes or philosophies to contemplate are "adult shows" now?

              • 4 months ago

                >They are structured like christian fable stories, clearly because the writers come from a christian background/country.
                ...How? Literally how?
                >challenge to overcome, pitfall, resoultion, moral learned....rinse repeat each episode.
                Ah. First of all, that's not Christian and the lessons being taught are very nuanced. They aren't lessons for 5 year olds, but for a more mature audience. The lessons are the kind that makes a person think, not the kind that dictates morality like a true children's show.. Second of all, this process you describe is what makes a good story. Shows that are filled with pointless violence, sex, and gore with no real themes or philosophies to contemplate are "adult shows" now?

                Gsme of thrones for example has a great story, I would say a better story than atla. but I would not say it's as deep as atla is because of grrms nihilistic themeless world design

              • 4 months ago

                >Simpsons is a family orientated cartoon,
                Simpsons past single digit seasons are for sub-human tards.
                >south park is literally an adult animation
                South Park has always been toilet humour. It had flashes of brilliance here and there but even at its height never touched Simpsons or ATLA in terms of quality. South Park doesn't have anything to say about anything. It has always been a left leaning centrist show and ran out of ideas a long time ago, resorting to just portraying both sides of an argument to exaggerated effect on "topic of the week" which keeps it on life support.

                Yes, ATLA is the more mature show out of the three (barring early Simpsons).

              • 4 months ago

                >Simpsons past single digit seasons are for sub-human tards.
                what about season 11, episode 5, anon?

              • 4 months ago

                Amusing but flanderized Homer.

              • 4 months ago

                Forstly I dont watch simpsons...what I said is as a 20 year old adult nearly 20 years ago I may have causght episodes after it was aired at family TV times 6PM, not 4 PM, childrens TV times, like avatar
                Secondly the entire point of south park is supposed to be moronic humour, it is a satire, with social commentary on present social isssues.
                The entire premise of the TV show is "we can get away with all this dumb shit because its cartoons, and because the characters are children so they do dumb shit.
                Its been like that the entire show.

                >avatar is mature because it follows some eastern religious ideals
                no its not mature, its not babyish either. its just generic fables childrens cartoons with a faux religious connotation.
                the entire humour f that show is entirely childish. Slapstick type of childish.

              • 4 months ago

                What do you watch mr.mature? name your top 5

              • 4 months ago

                The Sopranos
                The Wire
                Breaking Bad
                Mad Men
                Game of Thrones

              • 4 months ago

                not falling for bait.

              • 4 months ago

                Did you actually watch the show? Can you name some of this "dumb shit" you're talking about?

              • 4 months ago

                >south park is supposed to be moronic humour, it is a satire, with social commentary on present social isssues.

                It's always been moronic ironic humor, but the rest of your post wasn't a thing until the 2016 election when it became serialized sorry.

              • 4 months ago

                >but the rest of your post wasn't a thing until the 2016 election when it became serialized sorry.
                You are fricking moronic.
                Let me guess you were born after 2005

                What do you watch mr.mature? name your top 5

                I dont watch TV shows, I am not a moron.
                TV shows became broken after LOST.

                Did you actually watch the show? Can you name some of this "dumb shit" you're talking about?

                Watch the childrens TV shit yourself.
                How fricking moronic do you have to be to not see that shit and understand its a childrens TV show
                >large water plashes on usss.....ohhhh now werrreeee wet
                >snow falls on uss.....ahhhh nowww im colllddd
                Wasnt there an episode where some fat frick wanted to ride in a mine cart or some shit like that
                Its childrrens cartoons for frick sake.
                Do I need to point out to you what makes the flintstones, scooby doo of the fricking jetsons childrens cartoons.
                Fricking moron.

                >They are structured like christian fable stories, clearly because the writers come from a christian background/country.
                ...How? Literally how?
                >challenge to overcome, pitfall, resoultion, moral learned....rinse repeat each episode.
                Ah. First of all, that's not Christian and the lessons being taught are very nuanced. They aren't lessons for 5 year olds, but for a more mature audience. The lessons are the kind that makes a person think, not the kind that dictates morality like a true children's show.. Second of all, this process you describe is what makes a good story. Shows that are filled with pointless violence, sex, and gore with no real themes or philosophies to contemplate are "adult shows" now?

                Ohhh my god you are such a fricking tard
                Do you not even know what a fable is?
                SO what culture teaches their kids in fables.....ummmmm
                What culture has a dedicated school for their children that teaches their children moreals via fables

                Frick, I mean sure its clear you are all morons trying to justify a childrens cartoon as some high piece of philosophical art, when in reality its just a generic childrens cartoon, but one would not expect people to be THIS moronic.

              • 4 months ago

                >Watch the childrens TV shit yourself.
                How fricking moronic do you have to be to not see that shit and understand its a childrens TV show
                But you just admitted you didn't sit through it. You have no idea what philosophy it has that im talking about because you didn't watch it.

              • 4 months ago

                I watched up to the first season. Probably dropped a few episodes before the end.
                its generic childrens cartoon with childrens humour, generic christaian-esque fable story telling structure and no complexities that you are trying to equate to it.
                Of course you are a moron so something like "wow I might be the great avatar, after I spoke to this spirit" is deep and profound to you because doing something complex like reading 16 stanzas of the i-ching or reading teh tao te ching is too complex for you, so like a manchild you are you somehow thinking a childrens cartoon has some profound wisdom to teach you.
                When in reality the writers are just parodying their limited understanding of eastern philosophy, mixed with christian story telling structure into a generic childrens cartoon.
                Mediocre at best

              • 4 months ago

                I know people say this a lot, but season 2 and 3 is when it gets good. I promise anon

              • 4 months ago

                Actually that was what the anon said to me that convinced me when I finally gave it a try.
                I asked when I started when it gets good because its just childrens TV shit and he said a part, think it was episode 10-12 something like that. I stuck through the entire season and did not carry on, think I fell asleep like 2 or 3 episodes before the end.
                Again, childrens cartoons.
                I dont even watch TV programs, but if I was gonna watch animation shows I would rather watch anime at least, not childrens TV shows.

              • 4 months ago

                Episode 10-12 is halfway through season 1.

              • 4 months ago

                That anon was a troll and he recommended you the universally agreed upon worst filler episode LOL

              • 4 months ago

                Also, nickelodeon only aired the filler episodes because kids could not keep up with the story

              • 4 months ago

                I know people say this a lot, but season 2 and 3 is when it gets good. I promise anon

                I rewatch it every few years and I always just start at season 2. No joke.

              • 4 months ago

                >christaian-esque fable
                Christianity (itself an asian religion), did not invent moral tales. Fables (Greek) and eastern myths predated Christianity.

              • 4 months ago

                >Christianity (itself an asian religion)
                What a moron
                No but christain childrens education structure that it taught nearly all around the world now was created by christians and that TV show, like most other childrens TV shows follow the same story telling structure

              • 4 months ago

                >What a moron
                Fricking kek. Learn some history.
                >No but christain childrens education structure that it taught nearly all around the world now was created by christians and that TV show, like most other childrens TV shows follow the same story telling structure
                ...which they created by emulating classical literature, mainly the Greeks but the Romans too (who also took everything from the Greeks).
                You don't think it's a coincidence that the national animal of the US is the eagle, apeing the roman aquila, and that the political system is a democratic republic, directly based on the roman interpretation of the greeks?

              • 4 months ago

                >Learn some history.
                Learn some geography homosexual
                istrael, italy and greece are not in aisia

              • 4 months ago

                Israel is in asia.
                I didn't say Italy or Greece was, only that fables and moral tales are not Christian but predate Christianity.
                If you want to get really technical, fables (word itself, concept) likely came from west asia as well. Aesop was a slave in ancient greece and Greek accounts cite Syria (west asia, just like Israel) as the source of the tales.

              • 4 months ago

                >Natalie Portman is technically Asian

              • 4 months ago

                Depends. If she was 100% ethnic Hebrew then yes.
                But a lot of modern israelites aren't even genetically close to Hebrews.
                You have larpers like the ashkenazis and khazars.
                The irony is that Palestinians that are now being wholesale slaughtered are more genetically close to the original israelites in the bible than some israelites in Israel and the west.

              • 4 months ago

                You're talking to a fedora homosexual who thinks nihilism is deep.

              • 4 months ago

                >which they created by emulating classical literature
                >political system is a democratic republic, directly based on the roman interpretation of the greeks
                You are giving too much credit. The writers are jacks who just tried to copy their limited understanding on eastern philosophy and USA is not a democracy, its an oligarchy and the political system was copied from the engilsh....not greeks or romans.

              • 4 months ago

                Rome was an oligarchy you moron. We got our system from the Romans, who got it from the Greeks.

              • 4 months ago

                >We copied our system from the English

                I wasn't aware that America is amonarchy

              • 4 months ago

                >Watch the childrens TV shit yourself.
                How fricking moronic do you have to be to not see that shit and understand its a childrens TV show
                But you just admitted you didn't sit through it. You have no idea what philosophy it has that im talking about because you didn't watch it.

                Let me explain it to you this way.

                Does anime have deep themes? Yes
                Do most America cartoons? No

                ATLA is often compared and considered to be more like anime than it is like American cartoons. There is a reason for that. Naruto gets extremely deep sometimes, and don't lie it gets really fricking embarasingly childish sometimes especially in the beginning. ATLA is the same way.

              • 4 months ago

                >avatar is mature because it follows some eastern religious ideals
                Watch the show idiot. Religion has nothing to do with it.

              • 4 months ago

                >Religion has nothing to do with
                >main character is a monk from a specific religious sect
                >is a reincarnation of past masters
                >The fricking word AVATAR is a sanskrit religious word for incarnation
                Fricking hell you are moronic

              • 4 months ago

                The show contains superficial elements of buddhism, isn't remotely buddhist. Therefore while the show contains religious concepts, it would be incorrect to call it a religious show. All of the actual philosophy in the show, while it has eastern roots, have been widely accepted by the western mainstream for centuries to the degree that they are universal. Be good, don't be bad, what comes around goes around (karma), pay it forward, etc.

            • 4 months ago

              Unlike most shows, it is well written from beginning to end. And the end was extremely satisfying. They didn't try to make it longer than it needed to be, it told the story and that was it.

              this post has to be ironic!

          • 4 months ago

            The avatar cartoon just happened to be aired on Nickelodeon but it's one of the few shows that both children and adults will enjoy and it deals with some very serious subjects including literal Genocide. The world is so complex and story so well crafted that people still write entire essays talking about the politics of the show.

            And that's just the politics. There are books of lore written about it, each culture in the world is unique and well written, and the religions are interesting as well.

            Unlike most shows, it is well written from beginning to end. And the end was extremely satisfying. They didn't try to make it longer than it needed to be, it told the story and that was it.

            • 4 months ago

              They didn't rush it either.

              its extremely overrated.

              You're extremely overrated.

          • 4 months ago

            If you watch South Park/Simpsons you have no leg to stand on, because between them ATLA is the more mature show.

          • 4 months ago

            >Why would I be watching cartoons as a 20 year old man
            It's funny because 20 year olds have been the target audience for most cartoons for like 15 years now.

            • 4 months ago

              >20 year olds have been the target audience for most cartoons for like 15 years nowYeah I am sure all those cartoon network and other childrens TV shows all have nudity and swearing in all their programs.

              Sure they are trying to nostalgia bait manchildren with shit like masters of the universe,or there has been popular adult animation like rick and morty but the majority of cartoons....stuff that is on childrens TV channels are all aimed at children.

              • 4 months ago

                Wait until you find out about bronies

        • 4 months ago

          >You were 10 when it came out though
          Wait I typed 29, not 39
          My bad....
          I am nearly 39...not 29

          • 4 months ago

            time for your nap old man.

            • 4 months ago

              Jokes on you I have been in bed all week with a mother of a fricker hangover from a 2 day bender.

      • 4 months ago

        >Its not anime really, it is a childrens cartoon
        And as we know those things are mutually exclusive

        • 4 months ago

          They are not mutually exclusive.
          Anime is aimed at adults, japan culture has a massive anime fanbase of adult ages and has for decades.
          The vast majority of anime is adult animation, and actually a small minority aimed at children.

          Wait until you find out about bronies

          MLP is a 1980s catoon aimed at little girls, and when they made some remake of it in the early 00s (or late 90s) some retaded boys clicked on to it and in turn has turned into some autism fanbase.

          You fricking gaygoyts are trying to jump round all these moronic nonsense trying to project justifications of why you explicitly like childrens cartoons, and liked it as an adult.
          the answer simply is, its because you are fricking morons.
          >if those autists can like MLP, I can like this childrens cartioon
          >if all cartoons are aimed at grown men I can like childrens cartoons
          (they arent aimed at men)
          >anime is for children
          (clearly directed for adults)
          >south park is for children
          (animation with gore, profanity and all sorts of adult themes)

          Fricking spastics

          • 4 months ago

            >(animation with gore, profanity and all sorts of adult themes)

            Exactly. Only children are entertained by such things. South Parks secret target audience is 12. You can't change my mind

      • 4 months ago

        oh cool a troll thread

  3. 4 months ago

    I never watched it as a kid because the bald MC actively turned me away from it.

  4. 4 months ago

    Its a show whose main audience was the very oldest zoomers, so it easily crossed into the youngest millennials making it a bit cross generational in a way.

  5. 4 months ago

    >generation shit
    It doesn't fricking matter, no one knows what any of these terms means anyway. Now people say zoomers don't remember trump's election.

    • 4 months ago

      >no one knows what any of these terms means anyway
      So do you know what trapdoor is
      Count duckula?
      Do you know what pinky and perky is?

      fricking moron, these are all cartoons/TV shows around certain generations.
      How the frick is anyone past those generations gonna really know what they are, unless they are pop culture lexicons like scooby do or the flintstones

  6. 4 months ago

    it was after my time but I watched it some years ago and liked it

  7. 4 months ago

    its anime for people who think they're too good for anime. (despite anime being mainstream for like 15+ years)

  8. 4 months ago

    It's a millennials' show, isn't it? I'm gen X and I was too old for it when it came out, so I have no interest in any of the spin-off stuff they keep making. It just bounces right off me without piquing any interest.

  9. 4 months ago

    It's the only truly PERFECT story that us zoomers grew up with. Give it a watch. I'm talking the cartoon btw

  10. 4 months ago

    It's one of those borderline shows, millennials probably watched it in their teens and early 20s because it looked like anime and zoomers because it was on Nickelodeon.

  11. 4 months ago

    Everything made after 2015 is zoomerslop

    • 4 months ago

      Avatar came out in 2005 though

  12. 4 months ago

    Its a Zillenial show. Millenials are too soi to grasp anything beyond other people liking it so they follow suit and consoom out of social duty, and zoomers are too brain fried to pay attention to a running plot between episodes

    • 4 months ago

      avatar has always been enormously popular..

    • 4 months ago

      Reddit tier slop

      • 4 months ago

        Its not a real generation but its just those at the tail end of millenials and the front end of zoomers that didnt fully grow up without smart phones but also didnt solely grow up with smart phones. The before and after are so wildly different that being somewhere in the middle is like being an alien to both of those groups

  13. 4 months ago

    >2000s had Avatar
    >2010s had Adventure Time
    What is the 2020s equivalent?

    • 4 months ago

      The one with the crystal people probably

      >What makes it a childrens show? No swearing or sex?
      Being aimed at children.
      Childrens humour.
      Programmed on a chilkdrens TV channel
      Aired at prime childrens TV time (when they come back from school)
      Yes its a fricking childrens TV program.

      From what I watched it even has the christian-esque fable story telling every episode, just like childrens cartoons (which is a good thing of course, instills morals)

      I don't find most of the humor childish, I really don't know what you're talking about. It's targeted towards teenagers, not children. And even if it's targeted towards them, that's not how it ended up because clearly it's one of the few cartoons that even adults love to rewatch every now and then.

  14. 4 months ago

    in a world

  15. 4 months ago

    All stories have a theme moron. The theme of game of thrones is nihilism. You're mad that ATLA is not nihilistic, not because it has themes, because you're a troony.

    Now go cry in a corner

  16. 4 months ago


    >No, but my school taught me all good stories have a lesson.
    >christian based education systems teaches every story has a morale
    Who woudda think

    Been so fricking long, not since seeing all the cattle wearing masks because the talking head on TV told them, that I have seen just how fricking much moronic the average person actually is..

    I am fricking out,, enjoy your shitty childrens TV shows spermless dickless fricking homosexual morons

    • 4 months ago

      Exactly. Hence

      I know people say this a lot, but season 2 and 3 is when it gets good. I promise anon

      Theme and lesson are not synonyms btw. A theme is an essence. The essence of game of thrones is nihilism, the most basic b***h libtard philosophy, and thus the less deep show automatically.

      But atla does not have a theme of morale. What theme would that be? Don't be evil?

    • 4 months ago

      Exactly. Hence[...]

      Theme and lesson are not synonyms btw. A theme is an essence. The essence of game of thrones is nihilism, the most basic b***h libtard philosophy, and thus the less deep show automatically.

      But atla does not have a theme of morale. What theme would that be? Don't be evil?

      The theme of ATLA, in my opinion, would be about how good people became bad and also how bad people can become good. It does a better job at it that any other show too. This presupposes morality I suppose, but it's a bit deeper than that. These themes don't come up until season 2 and 3, so you missed out on it.

  17. 4 months ago

    zoomer. True millenial-boomers watched adult swim and got into anime when they were younger, and then either stopped watching it or watched actual anime. Avatar is proto-zoomer amerislop

  18. 4 months ago

    Why do people have such whimpy hands nowadays? They can’t flip a manly bird.

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