Is DC finished?

>the flash becomes the biggest flop of the year
>superman reboot will likely flop too
What is left for them? Batman can only hold them up for so long.

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  1. 12 months ago

    Anime is gonna save DC unironically. STUDIO WIT will be making their announcement during AX.

  2. 12 months ago

    Even Batman can’t save them. The Flash was marketed as the Michael Keaton Batman movie and still bombed.

  3. 12 months ago

    Flash flopped because it wasn't a good movie. Gunn is coming off a highly acclaimed MCU trilogy, Superman is going to be fine.

  4. 12 months ago

    The Snyderverse is finished. The Gunnverse hasn't even started yet.

    • 12 months ago

      It's going to flop just like his Suicide Squad movie

    • 12 months ago

      The Gunnverse started with The Suicide Squad and it was a huge bomb.

      • 12 months ago

        That was in the DCEU. DCEU was a failure. Thank Snyder, Goyer, and WB for that.

  5. 12 months ago

    As long as the new Superman doesn't go on a fricking crime spree I think Legacy will do all right at the box office.

  6. 12 months ago

    Superman & Lois is the best thing DC has right now. And they're only giving it 1 more season because of Gunn.

    But yeah, they're pretty fricked all over the place. The cartoons suck. The games suck. The movies suck. The TV shows (outside of S&L) suck. The comics sucks. The trade collections suck. The merch sucks.

    They don't have a fricking thing going for them right now.

    • 12 months ago

      Is this DC's lowest point in its history? It kind of reminds me of how Marvel was in the 90s.

      • 12 months ago

        I think it is. They've just done nothing right as of late. You could say "oh, but the new 52!" but the New 52 had some good stuff. You could say "oh, but DCYou!" but DCYou had some fun stuff. You could say "Oh, Rebirth though" and that had a lot of great content. You can even point at Snyder, but people are still discussing MoS, Cavill, BvS, Affleck, and ZSJL, while panning everything he didn't touch. Arrow went to shit around S4, Flash in S3, Swamp Thing was fun, but got canned because of Tax Breaks, etc. Justice League Action was fun, but nobody would know because it got no publicity. Young Justice kinda went "woke", Titans was god awful and then got more backlash for shitty Red Hood, shitty Riddller, and another shitty portrayal of Tim Drake.

        The animated films are okay, but nobody is watching/paying for them.

        Just everything right now they are doing are bad and they refuse to take a moment to re-think anything.

        They have yet to ruin Batman. Anyway DC is not dead yet so long as Warner continues to willingly eat up the cost. It's when Warner themselves die that DC will be in trouble.

        If you see the golden goose known as Batman somehow going all Leftist Feminist Diversity shit like Disney Star Wars or M She U? Then that's a worrying clue that Warner is about to go to hell. Even sadder because unlike other DC heroes Batman is the one character Warner has not ruined with woke shit. Though seeing a black Catwoman is a bad sign (and yes I know about Eartha Kitt still a shit thing considering what race swaps symbolize THESE days especially since Gordon is also now black which means Barbara Gordon is also a Black person now in Batman's latest movie).

        Time will tell whether or not Warner is truly idiotic to the point they ruin Batman. And something tells me that Warner IS indeed that stupid. They already smeared Superman and Wonder Woman you know they will smear Batman.

        Batman comics are trash right now. They're in a bad way tbh.

        The Injustice games are good but apparently the next one is on some kind of possibly indefinite hiatus because of the turmoil at WB

        Injustice is not happening. Got canned for Mk1. DC's latest game, Gotham Knights, was a flop. And SSKTJL looked so bad they delayed it for another year or 2.

        • 12 months ago

          It's just kind of baffling that they'd let Injustice die like that when both games so far have been successful.

          • 12 months ago

            They did release a kids Trinity game that is fun, but clearly not going to move units because, y'know, it's aimed at kids. They let there fighting game franchise collapse. They let there MOBA collapse. They let there story games collapse.

            It's wild that they have fricked up this much; almost feels like self-sabotage at this point. There is no way you can make that many mistakes and not get one thing right.

          • 12 months ago

            All that needs to happen is for one accountant to pull figures out of his ass that show a ROI that's below their target and studios will drop a project like it bit them. You have got to understand that the people in charge have no fricking clue what an Injustice is outside of an identifier for a cash flow. If they hear some bubbling from the FGC that "so-and-so has a boring kit," all that their bean counter brain hears is "boring" and they panic, cancel it, then write up an imaginary report showing how much money they didn't spend and call that a profit.

    • 12 months ago

      The Injustice games are good but apparently the next one is on some kind of possibly indefinite hiatus because of the turmoil at WB

    • 12 months ago

      >But yeah, they're pretty fricked all over the place. The cartoons suck. The games suck. The movies suck. The TV shows (outside of S&L) suck. The comics sucks. The trade collections suck. The merch sucks.
      >They don't have a fricking thing going for them right now.

      They are going the way of Phantom, Doc Savage, Shadow and other golden age pulp characters

  7. 12 months ago

    DC the publisher? yeah the writing's been on the wall since New 52 was a fricking shitshow from day one

    they've tried a lot - print and billboard ads around the New 52 era, publishing practices that are more friendly to general retailers (but because they're still publishing a million low-selling slow-selling titles every month, not very appealing to stock), endless reboots and streamlinings and none of it's worked, and you can pick over why it didn't work but that doesn't change the fact that it didn't work, and sales were in long decline over the past decade right up until they switched away from Diamond, and now that nobody's using Diamond as much nobody's reporting sales figures at all, which means, like the rest of the print industry, they feel those numbers look bad

    by 2030 there may not be a DC Comics, but there will still be a DC, producing OVA crap for like 6000 guys to watch and streaming cartoons aimed at adults, and maybe kids shows too

    the movies are almost certainly always going to flop, at least when they're DC crossovers, because the public already got a bad taste from those, but they'll have cartoons and maybe vidya at least until Batman starts entering public domain in 12 years time (but the shit 1930s version with guns, so, don't expect any classy rips on The Dark Knight or whatever, it's gonna be The Asylum-tier dogshit)

    • 12 months ago

      Marvel comics might last a bit longer but I feel it will go down under too. Superhero comics are dead in general.

      • 12 months ago

        It's time for capeshitgays and capeshit publishers to admit that the status quo and shared universe leds to nothing but stagnation and severely limits world building.

        • 12 months ago

          No, because the people who claimed this decades ago in comics, just proceeded to make it worse

        • 12 months ago

          It doesn't. But it also doesn't mean that everything they publish has to be connected. It's like they forgot all about being adult and the Elseworlds line. But the current writers are just erping stories we all read from the 80's/90's. Hell, most of them have the same fricking shock twist from them too.

  8. 12 months ago

    Batman and his broken back was the only thing carrying the incompetent DC and their boring and irrelevant characters.

    • 12 months ago

      Batgod is the only relevant superhero

  9. 12 months ago

    Will the Authority make money?

    • 12 months ago

      What if Justice League but edgy? Doubtful.

      • 12 months ago

        I wonder if this will even lead up to a Justice League.

    • 12 months ago

      >Will the Authority make money?

      Nope, it's the likeliest bomb

    • 12 months ago

      People will think it is a rip-off of The Boys.

    • 12 months ago

      They'll be introduced in the Superman movie, so maybe it'll be successful if Supes doesn't flop.

  10. 12 months ago

    They have yet to ruin Batman. Anyway DC is not dead yet so long as Warner continues to willingly eat up the cost. It's when Warner themselves die that DC will be in trouble.

    If you see the golden goose known as Batman somehow going all Leftist Feminist Diversity shit like Disney Star Wars or M She U? Then that's a worrying clue that Warner is about to go to hell. Even sadder because unlike other DC heroes Batman is the one character Warner has not ruined with woke shit. Though seeing a black Catwoman is a bad sign (and yes I know about Eartha Kitt still a shit thing considering what race swaps symbolize THESE days especially since Gordon is also now black which means Barbara Gordon is also a Black person now in Batman's latest movie).

    Time will tell whether or not Warner is truly idiotic to the point they ruin Batman. And something tells me that Warner IS indeed that stupid. They already smeared Superman and Wonder Woman you know they will smear Batman.

    • 12 months ago

      >They have yet to ruin Batman
      They already have anon, no one is seeing Battinson or Batman ft. the Flash

      • 12 months ago

        >no one is seeing Battinson

  11. 12 months ago

    Predict the box office.

    • 12 months ago

      130 million with a 20 million opening

    • 12 months ago

      Iron-man but Mexican and George Lopez.

    • 12 months ago

      looks like a kamen rider show

    • 12 months ago

      250-300 globally

    • 12 months ago

      This movie is riding entirely on how many people who watched Batman: The Brave And The Bold grew up and still remember that show.

  12. 12 months ago

    >slow as frick Dawn of DC relaunch
    >fricking interrupt EVERYTHING for a Halloween event in the middle of summer
    I don't get it.

  13. 12 months ago


    >no one is seeing Battinson

    Those box office numbers on a BATMAN movie are embarrassing

    • 12 months ago

      ok lol

      • 12 months ago

        >He thinks posting pre-capeshit boom numbers means anything


      • 12 months ago

        That made around as much as Batman 89 at the time, moron
        And then of course The Dark Knight blew this out of the water in just 3 years

  14. 12 months ago

    Amazon will buy them

  15. 12 months ago

    DC is a comic book publisher.
    Wrong board

  16. 12 months ago

    >What is left for them?

    Non capeshit adaptations like Swamp Thing, Blackhawks, I...Vampire, Jonah Hex, etc.

  17. 12 months ago

    reboot will likely flop too

    • 12 months ago

      The vast majority of people are still seething over Cavill getting the boot

      • 12 months ago

        I am, too. But I like the new guy, and I am desperate for good Superman films. Cavill was utterly wasted as well.

        • 12 months ago

          It's a shame. Even if the movie does do well, I think WB and DC have destroyed any good will left in the fans for anyone to still care about what they have to offer.

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