Is Deadpool an A-Lister?

Is Deadpool an A-Lister?

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  1. 3 months ago

    Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, and Spider-Man are the only permanent A-List heroes

    • 3 months ago

      >Wonder Woman
      Now that's bullshit
      Wopverine is more A-lister than her

      • 3 months ago

        a-lister is even the most normie of normie grandmothers know

        they know WW, they might not know wolverine

        Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, and Spider-Man are the only permanent A-List heroes

        is correct. it's DC's trinity and spider-man. maybe you could argue iron man now

      • 3 months ago

        A short, angry, hairy, womanizing, little meatball that keeps moving his hands in people's faces when he talks, makes too much sense.

        a-lister is even the most normie of normie grandmothers know

        they know WW, they might not know wolverine

        is correct. it's DC's trinity and spider-man. maybe you could argue iron man now

        A-List hasn't meant anything for a minute. The Guardians of the Galaxy are A-Listers according to the qualifications that some people post here, yet there would still be other people that would dispute for some other arbitrary reason.

      • 3 months ago

        We're talking about worldwide appeal, all age groups. Not teens in the 90s

      • 3 months ago

        >Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, and Spider-Man

        They're above A-Tier , They are S-Tier,

        Deadpool is A-Tier on the same level as Captain America, Iron-Man,Wolverine, Cyclops, Hulk, and Thor

        I always forget how new to comics most of this board is

        • 3 months ago

          Comics are irrelevant to popularity. It’s all about cartoons, games and movies

          • 3 months ago

            comics are virtually the stock market of the industry. the popularity characters gain is affected by their appearance in movies, toys, games. and other merch. Characters like Spider-Man, Batman, Superman, Captain America are a part of American Pop culture history. DC/Warner, Disney/Marvel, are real world stocks that signify a piece of Americas economic health.
            Deadpool and Wolverine are really important right now to Disneys stock, because they are going to bring X-Men to the big Hollywood stage except under Disney instead of FOX, X-Men was the most popular team back in the 90's.

      • 3 months ago

        Wonder Woman gets carried by literally being THE female superhero, yeah it's the best thing but it is what it is.

        • 3 months ago

          *is not the best thing

    • 3 months ago

      >Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, and Spider-Man

      They're above A-Tier , They are S-Tier,

      Deadpool is A-Tier on the same level as Captain America, Iron-Man,Wolverine, Cyclops, Hulk, and Thor

      • 3 months ago

        Nobody says "S-Tier", comicgays say "A-List" and used to know what that really meant.

        • 3 months ago

          I'm a gamer and comic fan, so I use both.

  2. 3 months ago

    If you go by the value of their first appearance comic books, Superman, Batman, Spider-Man , and Captain America sit at the top. each are worth 1 to 3 million each. Deadpool is worth $300 to $2000, huge difference.

  3. 3 months ago

    Yes. Here's my definition of an A-Lister
    They need to have their own comic obviously
    Their first comic appearance has to auction regularly over $500 or be considered a holy grail book, New Mutants 98 is cheap and easy to find but is considered to be the book to have in a serious 90's collection, whereas Batman Adventures 12, the 1st print appearance of Harley Quinn is expensive and rare but no one wants it because Harley's not on the cover and she came from the cartoon and the book isn't in mainline DC canon.
    They have to have 2/3 TV show, Movie or Video game
    You should have no problem finding new merchandise

  4. 3 months ago

    here's my Tier list. List and term are related terms although exactly the same they refer to rank within a list. A-List, A-Rank, A-Tier, whatever you gays use it's still English . My Tier/Rank system is S, A,B,D,F.

    • 3 months ago

      Good start
      add a generic Robin to S tier
      Add Harley Quinn and Miles Morales to the A tier
      Add Punisher to the B tier
      Move Wanda and Dr. Strange up to B.
      Add Ant-Man to the C tier
      Move Martian Manhunter down to the F tier
      Move GA, Black Canary, Winter Solider and Vision down to D.
      Group the New Teen Titans together as A-Listers add the X-Men as a group as S-Listers.
      and put Ghost Rider and Ms Marvel and the Green Lantern Corps in the D tier
      and add The Wasp, Blade, Hawkman, Hawkgirl to the F Tier

      • 3 months ago

        here's my Tier list. List and term are related terms although exactly the same they refer to rank within a list. A-List, A-Rank, A-Tier, whatever you gays use it's still English . My Tier/Rank system is S, A,B,D,F.


    • 3 months ago

      The fantastic 4 are not C-tier, everyone knows who they are even if they can't exactly name all four of them.

      • 3 months ago

        that's a mistake, Fantastic 4 is B-tier.

    • 3 months ago

      I'd put The Flash and Iron Man in S tier, one singlehandedly saved comics and the other one is now permanently seared in the public consciousness for reviving Marvel's movie industry.

      • 3 months ago

        >The Flash
        >one singlehandedly saved comics

  5. 3 months ago

    on the A- List Deadpool ranks low because he's one of the most recent.

    On Marvel side alone the A-List is

    • 3 months ago

      Cable is B-List. To be A-List, you need to be recognizable to normies, and Cable isn't. I'd argue Punisher is B-List as well, but I see too many Punisher skulls in my usual day. I'd say your A-list for Marvel is

      Iron Man
      Captain America

      most of your other MCU headliners are high B-list, along with some guys who are high up on the charts like Ghost Rider and Venom. On the DC side

      Harley Quinn
      Wonder Woman
      Teen Titans(Robin, Beast Boy, Starfire, Raven, and Cyborg)
      Green Arrow

      Blist is the rest of the regular Justice Leauge, though Aquaman might actually breach the A-list as well, if only because of the fact most people see him as a joke. Peacemaker also made the leap from a solid D-lister up to the Bs purely on the shows back.

  6. 3 months ago

    The characters are ranked based on how well people know the character itself and not how recognizable they are. For example, most normies when asked to describe War Machine would either say he's Iron Man's friend or black Iron Man. When asked to describe Zodd they'd go "oh thats the evil kryptonian that Superman fights" Their identity as their own character to most normies is nonexistent. When a normie sees Venom they don't say "oh its evil Spiderman" they say "Venom's cool as frick".
    >S Tier: Everyone knows who these characters are or has at least seen them. If you were to go around third world villages asking people if they recognize any of these characters at least one person could name one
    >A Tier: Extremely iconic, able to be recognized by everyone that at least has a surface level knowledge of comic books
    >B Tier: Very popular characters known by anyone that is interested in comics, almost all heavily associated with people in S or A tier. Would most likely be far lower on the list without this boost
    >C Tier: Known characters that have either gone unnoticed by mass media or are only as high as they are because of trending recently in pop culture or because they are highly associated with someone in S tier.
    >D Tier: Chances are, only a fan of the circle these characters roam in would recognize them. A majority of these characters are only known at all because they are glued to someone in S tier. A few might only be known ironically in fringe circles
    >F Tier: Only known to people that heavily read comics.

    • 3 months ago

      I would add Wonder Woman to S-Tier. She is known in 3rd world countries, she's part of the DC Trinity of Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman, and a major character innJustice League. Her first appearance in Comics is valued at over 1 Million. $

  7. 3 months ago

    only during daniel way run, frickk posers and snobs.

    • 3 months ago

      I thought he was popular during Movie era?

      • 3 months ago

        not as much as meme era a few years before.

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