Is Ezra the definitive Flash?

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  1. 12 months ago

    Did he say this before or after the movie lost 300 million dollars?

    • 12 months ago

      After. They are making it way too easy to make fun of this mess.

  2. 12 months ago


  3. 12 months ago

    What I'm getting from this is there's not going to be a sequel.

  4. 12 months ago

    You can look it as a dumb comment from a moronic director or we can look at it as cope that Wally will be DCU Flash and no more Boring Allen

  5. 12 months ago

    whys the director vouching so hard for miller?

    • 12 months ago


      • 12 months ago

        Ezra has that super-slippery boipuss with the premiun texture that's difficult to find. It's one of the seven tressures of Hollywood.

    • 12 months ago

      Warner put all their eggs in the basket of flashpoint rebooting everything from the ground up
      Even though the superhero movie fad is on it's way out and no one except marvel
      Ever got the "cinematic universe" formula right they are still desperately trying to.reach for it

    • 12 months ago

      maybe because Ezra is a decent person who just got into some trouble and not the spawn of satan like Cinemaphile keeps pretending

      • 12 months ago

        he literally has a sex cult murder basement LOL

        • 12 months ago

          this, so much this. i saw a video on tiktok about it

      • 12 months ago

        stop sucking them/their dick so hard anon. It's fricking disgusting.

        >decent person
        which is it? The guy is a criminal. Not some teehee I am so random, he was literally arrested and charged AND should be in jail instead of acting in movies. Guess money and pronouns can save you from jail

        • 12 months ago

          charged with 2 misdemeanors dumbass
          for which the punishment is typically just fines and probation for any person, not just celebrities
          why do you morons all act like law experts when you clearly know nothing?

          • 12 months ago

            I'll cite my sources btw

            In Hawaii he was charged with disorderly conduct which is a petty misdemeanor
            >punishment not to exceed 30 days in prison or $1000 fine
            He had no priors, so it's pretty typical to a judge to just award a fine for first time offenders
            His lawyer there was no one famous, just a random Hawaiian lawyer:

            In Vermont he was originally charged with burglary, but he got a plea deal because the house he swiped wine from was a family friend, who was involved with the negotiations and didn't even want to go forward with a trial or see Miller go to prison. Ezra pled guilty down to misdemeanor unlawful trespassing. legal experts had even predicted that outcome months before the actual hearing because it was such a boring case.


            Vermont statute says unlawful trespass caps out at 90 days in jail or/and $500 fine, he got both but the sentence was suspended pending 1 year of probation. This means if he fricks up, he goes to prison for 3 months. If he behaves for a year, then it's over and he's free to go and can eventually have it expunged from his record. Suspended sentences are extremely common for minor offenses like this.

            Probation has a bunch of stipulations/conditions to meet and isn't the easiest thing either, for a psycho actor it's probably like walking on eggshells.
            Point is he got no special treatment, he did schizo shit that happens every day in America.

          • 12 months ago

            I'll cite my sources btw

            In Hawaii he was charged with disorderly conduct which is a petty misdemeanor
            >punishment not to exceed 30 days in prison or $1000 fine
            He had no priors, so it's pretty typical to a judge to just award a fine for first time offenders
            His lawyer there was no one famous, just a random Hawaiian lawyer:

            In Vermont he was originally charged with burglary, but he got a plea deal because the house he swiped wine from was a family friend, who was involved with the negotiations and didn't even want to go forward with a trial or see Miller go to prison. Ezra pled guilty down to misdemeanor unlawful trespassing. legal experts had even predicted that outcome months before the actual hearing because it was such a boring case.


            Vermont statute says unlawful trespass caps out at 90 days in jail or/and $500 fine, he got both but the sentence was suspended pending 1 year of probation. This means if he fricks up, he goes to prison for 3 months. If he behaves for a year, then it's over and he's free to go and can eventually have it expunged from his record. Suspended sentences are extremely common for minor offenses like this.

            Probation has a bunch of stipulations/conditions to meet and isn't the easiest thing either, for a psycho actor it's probably like walking on eggshells.
            Point is he got no special treatment, he did schizo shit that happens every day in America.

            nta, ywnbaw

            • 12 months ago

              do you think since the Flash flopped, Ezra will cut off his dick?
              it's what Ellen page did when she became irrelevant, and she was a dyke beforehand so it's a natural progression it seems in troonywood

              • 12 months ago

                Nope, I can see him going one of two ways after getting fired. He’ll either release the receipts of how he was casting couched as a kid or he’ll relapse and go on another year long rage bender that will probably end with people getting killed

      • 12 months ago

        He's on camera grabbing a woman's throat

        • 12 months ago

          And? So was Will Smith slapping the shit out of Chris Rock. Why wasn't he charged with assault?

          Almost like the actual context behind a given video changes its meaning and significance, and anything can look worse when you strip a 7 second viral video of the extenuating circumstances of what happened before and after someone hit record.
          You can try to rewrite the history of that moronic video all you want, not gonna change reality.

          • 12 months ago

            He wasn’t charged because no one pressed any charges against him, that didn’t mean Will Smith didn’t face any consequences though he’s banned from any award events for the foreseeable future and while there are a few new movies with him they aren’t getting the push they would normally get.

            The rich unfortunately live by a different set of rules and the more money you throw at someone you hurt the chances are they will take that money

            • 12 months ago
      • 12 months ago

        Look I think Erza Miller is extremely based.
        That doesn't mean what he did wasn't batshit in the eyes of the law and normal decent people. Normies just aren't able to handle some that incredible

      • 12 months ago

        >spawn of satan
        he's israeli though

      • 12 months ago

        It's already a leap to see an actor portraying a superhero; no suspension of disbelief in this world will make me see a criminal as a presid- Sorry, superhero.

    • 12 months ago

      fellow member of the tribe, he wouldn't be saying that if Ezra was a goy

    • 12 months ago

      You gonna frick with the guy who microwaves babies?

      • 12 months ago
    • 12 months ago

      Yeah I'm kinda confused by it too.
      If I were him I'd shut up so people stop associating me with Ezra and this bomb especially since he's got the Gunn's Batman movie and his other big director jobs were It 1 & 2 and Mama, all of which were better than Flash.

      • 12 months ago

        Sometimes it’s hard not to double down and defend something you worked on even if it’s utter garbage. Also he could feel that if he doesn’t defend it that The WB execs would remove him from Batman & Robin and not hire him for anything else

  6. 12 months ago

    Was the tooth really necessary?

  7. 12 months ago

    I would say CW guy is to the public, that show was more popular than this movie was.

  8. 12 months ago

    israeli nepotism strikes again

  9. 12 months ago

    Honestly would be more shitposty to include the date of the article OP.

  10. 12 months ago

    He’s the only one.

  11. 12 months ago

    The Flash isn't even the definitive Flash.

  12. 12 months ago

    >This guy just became a DC director.
    It's over.....

  13. 12 months ago

    Shit, man, can a psychologist explain what mental illness DC has been suffering from this past decade? Releasing dogshit after dogshit while everyone and their mother is making better superhero flicks, and then defending their work like it was their own baby. They're just going to keep doing it and it's not fun, it's getting awkward and a little scary.

    • 12 months ago

      Constant course correction and chasing of trends, which always put them in the back of the bus.

  14. 12 months ago

    You can't be transexual and israeli and still be held accountable for your actions. Not only does Erza deserve a second chance, he deserves a third, fourth, fifth and a thousandth chance should he need it.

  15. 12 months ago

    Frick off! Ezra Miller's the Flash is fricking worst on how they depicted the character too autistic

  16. 12 months ago

    Doubtful. Didn't Gunn like a tweet speculating that the ending suggested that Ezra didn't wind up in the new DCU as much as the Batman and Robin universe?

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