is football really this important in America?

is football really this important in America?

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  1. 11 months ago

    Even more important.

  2. 11 months ago

    don't pretend the rest of the world isn't obsessed with their own football

  3. 11 months ago


  4. 11 months ago

    For a long time it was seen as the ideal exemplification of "male" for some reason I still will never get, I always disliked it. Especially televised it's boring as frick. An hour long game that takes like 4 fricking hours.

    • 11 months ago

      No one laments the time between chess moves or poker hands.

      • 11 months ago

        I don't watch chess or poker on tv either.

    • 11 months ago

      No one laments the time between chess moves or poker hands.

      Fighting sports are for real men.

    • 11 months ago

      it's better than basketball

  5. 11 months ago

    American football is as important as fútbol is to Europe

    Every school has a team every medium sized town to large city has a college or two with a team and of course there is the national football league in the biggest cities with smaller leagues attempted every couple of years

    So yes in some small towns especially on the southeast football is extremely important, wrapped up in town identity and everything.

    I grew up in Arizona which isn’t particularly football crazy and the local rivalry high school game gets about 10,000 attendees between students, faculty, parents/family and alumni/locals

    Some high school championships in the Midwest and Deep South will get 100k spectators and be played in major league arenas.

    • 11 months ago

      What part, foo?

      • 11 months ago

        Illiterate or ?

        • 11 months ago

          Or what? Gay? Yes to both.

  6. 11 months ago

    boomers are addicted to it but it's waning in popularity.

  7. 11 months ago

    That show is misleading as frick. When I actually went to Midland, Texas, the locals were mostly short Mexican people. They didn't look like football players at all.

    • 11 months ago

      When did you got to Midland? Remember, the show was made in 2002, it was a completely different America 20 years ago

      • 11 months ago

        Last fall. Maybe things were magically different in the past, but somehow I doubt things would change THAT much.

        • 11 months ago

          >but somehow I doubt things would change THAT much
          Canada went from a 90+% white country to a Chinese, Indian and African colony in less than 30 years. Things most definitely do change that fast.

          • 11 months ago

            >to a Chinese, Indian and African colony in less than 30 years.

            homie much like your flyover states, don't confuse EVERY other part of Canada but Toronto, Hongcover and Montreal for Canada.
            The rest of us have a fair amount of Indians and Natives but just avoid any place you can smell from outside and you'll be fine.

            • 11 months ago

              Even the major prairie cities are refugee havens, Edmonton and Calgary are filled to the brim with filipinos, dot Indians, and Somalians, and look how those cities voted in the provincial election. The Maritimes are being flooded with Toronto's overflow at an alarming rate because it was one of the last places with affordable housing. Sask is doing better than everywhere else but give it time.There's filipinos running convenience stores in small towns 500 km from Edmonton, they are everywhere.

              • 11 months ago

                As a Calgarian who works frequently in Edmonton I repeat, just don't go into any place you can smell from the outside. I did my time in hannah and lethbridge don't force me back.

              • 11 months ago

                I had to get an ultrasound like 2 years ago and I was the only white person in the waiting room beside the qt receptionist. There were multiple Africans that had to use translation apps to communicate with the desk girls and one of them just didn't bring his ID or Health Card with him because he didn't understand what they were. The satellite cities are still majorly white but filled with moronic leftist boomers, and the exact same thing that happened to the surrounding cities of Toronto will happen here as the urban populations push further out into the suburbs.

              • 11 months ago

                Dude I'm from rural Manitoba. Grew up in the 2000s. The little towns with less than 10k population went from predominantly white to jungle asian street shitter central in 10 years and there's zero sign of it slowing down. It doesn't matter where you go all of Canada is now little India/Manila.

              • 11 months ago

                This might be the polite racist in me compared to the outgoing? racist but I just learned to identify brown hangouts and avoid them.
                I don't actually have a problem with them, beyond how they talk, act, do business, date, but I just don't interact with them on that level and it seems to work out.

        • 11 months ago

          Nothing magical about it, two decades is a long time under these policies. Also, take into account the exponential growth of hispanics through their teenage pregnancies.
          >Paco and Consuela jump the border into Texas in 2003
          >they have 3 kids ages 4, 6, and 9
          >by 2023 all 3 of their kids would be adults and could each have at least 3 kids or more
          >Paco and Consuela could have also had at least one or two more children
          >what was an infestation of 5 in 2003 could be an infestation of 16 by 2023
          >Midland Texas population is roughly 130,000 so multiply that one family by 15,000-20,000 and you see the problem we have

        • 11 months ago

          I visited my hometown in the Midwest. It used to be 90% white. College town. It had a small population of Asians, maybe 30 black people TOTAL, no Mexicans, some native Americans, and no other races.
          17 years after I last was there, it is now NOTHING but Mexican and blacks everywhere I look. In every store, in the bank, in traffic, outside walking, etc.
          The only place I saw majority white people was in nursing homes and 55+ communities.

          • 11 months ago

            Anon that genuinely isn't how populations work unless the mexicans and blacks murdered all the young whites. Where did they go?

    • 11 months ago

      Texas was still around 70% white at the turn of the millennium and now it's closer to 40%.

  8. 11 months ago

    Football is bigger than Jesus in the USA

    I have known like a million guys who used the sunday football game as an excuse to not go to church on sunday

    football is god

    • 11 months ago

      Football is a cover for BBC lust white americans have.

      • 11 months ago

        Why it’s not even close to the brownest sport. Basketball is all black and baseball is like 40% Hispanic

        Football has plenty of white talent, if anything given variation in skills and sizes needed to fill out a football team it actually makes the space versatile for all sorts of guys from giant 400 lb gorillas to skinny Asians that can kick and everything in between

        • 11 months ago

          american football is fascinating in some ways, some funny things I've recently learned about it
          >there are FIFTY fricking players per team, they sub around like crazy
          >most positions have zero longevity and are a basically a revolving door of 6'4 300lb black guys playing pro for 3 years, getting concussed then retiring
          >there are a handful of high IQ positions like quarterback where you can actually have a career of 20 years or so

          • 11 months ago

            Kind of similar to the real working world when you think about it. Some positions are more easily replaceable than others.

          • 11 months ago

            Yeah a lot of euros discount it but it’s fun, you can have zippy little 5 foot 9 receivers darting around like rabbits, gigga homie defensive players and running backs, lanky white quarterback and Viking sized barbarian white men tight ends.

            And the linemen which are literally giant balls to muscle and fat, usually black white or Samoan

          • 11 months ago

            There’s 50 players playable but only 11 at any given time and really each team only has like 5 or 6 that are worth remembering and not replaceable

            • 11 months ago

              yeah I know there's not 50 on the field, it's still crazy because I don't think any other sport worth mentioning does anything like that

              • 11 months ago

                Baseball and hockey is about 30, basketball is pretty small like 15

          • 11 months ago

            50 players but you need 11 for offense, 11 for defense and 11 more for special teams (although there can be overlap/rotation) so that’s 33 then typically you have 3 qb’s. The main one, a replacement for when he gets hurt and then a 3rd string if they both get hurts

            You also need a kicker, a punter and replacements for all your key positions so in the end 50 isn’t as much as you’d think

          • 11 months ago

            >most positions have zero longevity and are a basically a revolving door of 6'4 300lb black guys playing pro for 3 years, getting concussed then retiring
            That should make sense since every single year a shitload of new players graduate college to compete for spots

            • 11 months ago

              I mean it means that NFL probably has the highest physical demands of it's athletes but that is a bad setup for the athletes.
              It's not like new golfers or basket americans join their respective sports every year but the headliners have remained the headliners, although I guess the toptier QBs get something almost close to a career.

              • 11 months ago

                Plenty of top tackles have decade long careers with multiple pro bowls, they just don't get the fame that WRs/QBs get
                New golfers do join the tour every year as do new soccer players/hockey players/basketball players, etc.
                Many goons or bench players only last a few years in their sports, not just the NFL
                Golf obviously has less impact on the body than pretty much any other sport so top tier talent will play for decades. But most center fielders won't last very long in the majors and your average striker on a mid team will also be cycled out after not too long for new blood

          • 11 months ago

            Another fun fact is that all of them are on steroids. It's a pretty open secret.

            • 11 months ago

              If everyone is on steroids, no one is. The system only falls apart when moralgays start pushing their noses into a game they don't much care for.

        • 11 months ago

          Wtf is the percent of the copium you're huffing. If you left out quarterbacks and kickers the only white guys on any average team would be the linesmen and maybe a dude playing in the worthless tight end position. The rare white dude like McCaffrey playing other positions is extremely exceptional. The black man dominates gridiron the same way he dominates America as a whole.

          • 11 months ago

            That’s not true at all some of the best players right now outside of qbs are white

          • 11 months ago

            lol. Quarterback is like the most important position though, and white men are best at it.

            • 11 months ago

              >white men are best at it.

              • 11 months ago

                THE WHITE MAN MARCHES ON

              • 11 months ago

                lol. Quarterback is like the most important position though, and white men are best at it.

                The NFL's ideal QB is a white guy who can hold the pocket but can run like a homie. The NFL's actual ideal will be a homie who can throw like a white guy.

              • 11 months ago

                he's the perfect specimen

              • 11 months ago

                I mean yeah he should take over for Brady as "the" QB,

                QBs can't do shit if they don't have a superstar WR/RB, and those are almost always blacks. Why do think every Fantasy FB league is a hog scramble in the first few rounds to get all the super star WR/RBs you can before they're all scooped up by round 3 and everyone starts adding whoever the frick they want for QBs unless it's a top of the top star of the decade QB pick like Mahomes or Brady was?

                I'll be honest I find every fantasy guy to be a complete gay. I'm sure in purely mathematics it's really interesting but if that was the part of football I cared about I wouldn't have played it.

                If through those stats you've determined the WR/RB to be the most important decision than it might technically be true, but the QB is still the head and face and "soul" of the team.

              • 11 months ago

                >but the QB is still the head and face and "soul" of the team.

                Ah yes that soulful intelligent quarterback who's doing everything the coach tells him to do and is only on the team because they made him the best offer and who would bounce in a heartbeat to play for literally anyone else if they offered a better contract by some billionaire who owns the team and doesn't give a frick about anything other than their own ego or profit. Why are you talking like football isn't a big corporatized piece of shit full of mercenary players who don't give a shit about fans?

              • 11 months ago

                Because this was a thread about football and sports. If you want it to turn into a thread about the evils of capitalism I guess that's fine, but I'd much rather you not shit up a decent thread and make your own.

                You added to this thread
                >Multimillionaire athletes are in it for the money
                as if it was an actual revelations. Everyone
                ITT already knows it, being a c**t about it doesn't actually make you smarter or superior or w/e feeling you get off of not adding to the conversation and just shitposting.

              • 11 months ago

                >one of said “black” quarterbacks

              • 11 months ago


              • 11 months ago

                biggest cornball since RG3

          • 11 months ago

            >The rare white dude like McCaffrey playing other positions is extremely exceptional. The black man dominates gridiron the same way he dominates America as a whole.

            Right in a purely symbolic way whereas the position that matters QB/President remains white. Christ you should learn how the game is played before you start giving away your sides secrets.

            • 11 months ago

              QBs can't do shit if they don't have a superstar WR/RB, and those are almost always blacks. Why do think every Fantasy FB league is a hog scramble in the first few rounds to get all the super star WR/RBs you can before they're all scooped up by round 3 and everyone starts adding whoever the frick they want for QBs unless it's a top of the top star of the decade QB pick like Mahomes or Brady was?

          • 11 months ago

            Did you jerk off while writing this post? have a nice day.

      • 11 months ago
  9. 11 months ago

    When I went to America I had a work in a school in a small town called Avon Park and I got surprised they had a giant football field with equipment and other stuff.
    I was shocked to see so much infrastructure for sports in a high school in a small town because in the four third world shithole countries I lived you only get that if you're ultra-rich.

    • 11 months ago

      I forgot to say this was in 2018. I don't know if things changed.

    • 11 months ago

      In my shitty town of 10,000 people, the high school football coach had a salary of $120,000, and this was back in the early 2000s.

      Football is bigger than Jesus in the USA

      I have known like a million guys who used the sunday football game as an excuse to not go to church on sunday

      football is god

      I should note that while football is by far the biggest before about 1970 it was baseball that was king of both school, amateur and professional levels and has been since the 1830’s And is still the number two sport in America.

      In urban heavily black areas basketball can be the main sport and in the far north from Maine to Minnesota to Alaska it’s Hokey.

      However overall it’s football almost everywhere but I agree with the anon that says it peaked. Probably the last 20-30 years will be the most dominant football ever will be

      • 11 months ago

        Had a fun bar argument over which professional sport will be the first to die. Call it between MLB,NHL,NFL and NBA which one falls out first?
        I argued MLB because it is the most boringest but it is hard for the cultural portion of it to die.
        Most said NHL but I believe the NHL exists despite logic already and is the "rogue" sport out of those four.
        Yes I know third tier high school football gets more viewers than the Stanley Cup, but frick you I like hockey.

        • 11 months ago

          Realistically, NFL has been seeing ratings tank steadily over the past decade due to their bullshit. MLB, and NBA, have remained somewhat the same, and NHL has had an increase. I would see the NFL killing themselves off first, they love to take political stances to appease small groups. We should actually thank Colin K. for helping bring the NFL to it’s knees. I wouldn’t mind watching the whole industry collapse.
          Pic related is a real promo from the NFL

          • 11 months ago

            I fricking hate the pandering that the NFL seems to love but I "get" that it is the capitalist in them that is saying "how do we grow our fanbase beyond people who like football" which is moronic but again I get it.
            Until it actually detracts from the game it doesn't matter, football is just perfect. Short season so you remain actively invested and explosive action makes almost every play makes it a gem.

            I almost want it to be the NFL that falls first but it would need alot taken away from it for it to be unwatchable.

            • 11 months ago

              Which is funny they pander to people who will never follow football, regardless of what they try and market.

              • 11 months ago

                they've been doing it for years. The fricking pink socks and shit for breast cancer awareness, the fricking "End racism" on every field, all that shit. Fantasy Football was designed to bring the nerds and accountants into the NFL fanbase. All that shit is so gay, especially Fantasy Football

        • 11 months ago

          MLB or NFL. Money's on MLB, prayers on NFL.
          Baseball just is not interesting start to finish for an at home spectator. It's gotten steadily worse since the "gut feeling" of baseball mixed with roiding was removed in favor of pure stats, leaving the inane rituals performed by both sides as the only visage of baseball was the country remembers, and even that has been removed thanks to the pitch clock. For the NFL? by 2030 we'll be getting 5 hour long games where we get to see one snap before a word from sponsors/the NFL telling us what they're doing to prevent 400 pound morons from crippling each other, as if that's not what they're getting paid to do.

          • 11 months ago

            Which at that point might make me backdown because again all the pandering in the world doesn't stop football from being the best sport, it's the league that fails the competition.

            I had to get an ultrasound like 2 years ago and I was the only white person in the waiting room beside the qt receptionist. There were multiple Africans that had to use translation apps to communicate with the desk girls and one of them just didn't bring his ID or Health Card with him because he didn't understand what they were. The satellite cities are still majorly white but filled with moronic leftist boomers, and the exact same thing that happened to the surrounding cities of Toronto will happen here as the urban populations push further out into the suburbs.

            I know the shitholes of Calgary so I'm going to guess there is a med center in Dover that I'm unaware of, or was it that weird med clinic around centennial high?

            • 11 months ago

              it was in Edmonton

              • 11 months ago

                RIP in peace, just remember ISL Engineering in the future Albertanon

      • 11 months ago

        Baseball is also the 2nd most boring sport, only behind football. At least shit like hockey and basketball and even soccer move fast and are loose enough to actually let plays happen. Football is rigid and slow as shit where nobody but the quarterback and the 1-2 ringers matter, everyone else is just there to smash into each other while the superstars carry every game, and the only time anything exciting happens is when a defender fricks up because even superstars can't do anything significant to create plays when everyone does their job due to how overstuffed and inflexible the football layout is. It's also full of anarchistic bullshit like field goals and having to kick for an extra point and punting because the only part of the game that actually has any genuine uncertainty to it and which lets people potentially run more than 5 yards or do a clever play is when kicking is involved which is the only reason all the kicking nonsense has been left in because if they removed kicking from the game football would be 4 hours of watching people take 40 seconds to set up a 5 second play endlessly where everyone is just waiting for a defender to frick up badly enough that a ringer can make a catch or run enough yards that they can restart the boring cycle over and over and over again.

        Arena football is genuinely better than American football but the features who make up football fans will never ever admit it.

        • 11 months ago

          Soccer is the most boring sport I’ve ever watched in my life

          Thank god it’s only 90 mins

        • 11 months ago

          Saw some youtube vids on how basketball is broken nowadays and has become boring.

        • 11 months ago

          You've never seen an O-line blow open a hole for a run that goes either fifteen or the distances depending on followup blocks? Shame.
          As a proud fatty who played O-line for high school and uni I can tell you we do actually make plays happen.

          • 11 months ago

            O-line is the most important position in football, especially college football. The reason why Bama is always in the top 5 is they get the top O-linemen in the country every year and then get the next best O-linemen as backups

            • 11 months ago

              And this is an apparent thing if you are really deep into football, however it is such a fricking awesome sport because you don't need to know the subtilties of the game for some random to point at any player on the field and just saw watch him for the game and you'll understand how great this sport is.
              And yes my QB did buy me drinks, even when he was as poor as I was, when we done good.

              • 11 months ago

                O-line is the most important position in football, especially college football. The reason why Bama is always in the top 5 is they get the top O-linemen in the country every year and then get the next best O-linemen as backups

                t. Fat fricks reliving their glory days of being slightly fatter than the other team's linemen

                It takes zero skill to be on the line, anyone 6'3 or taller who is willing to trade away their life past 30 can become a dumbfrick fatfrick who's only skill is being able to squat their girth down without blowing out their knees or mooning the crowd before they leap forward to dry hump some other gay and hope that the other team decides to run it down the middle so they can justify their blown out joints and coronary artery disease by 26 by making an actually important tackle 1/20 plays.

                Remind me again how much even the "greatest" linesmen get paid lol

              • 11 months ago

                I mean you aren't wrong at all in a pro environment. However I played O/D for fifteen years and am still stumbling my way through an civil eng degree.
                Did you play one of those homosexual D positions where I'm sure you did your job but no one ever goes "You made that play there" Because I've had that experience multiple times in my life.

                Which is funny they pander to people who will never follow football, regardless of what they try and market.

                /shrug I do again get it. If you took over a sport that had every fan of that sport on Earth and were told to get more I don't think I'd come up with a better idea than pander to the latest social media trends and hope to get a few.
                I still fricking hate it but it has yet to detract from the game imo.

      • 11 months ago

        baseball is only the number 2 sport moneywise, and even then only because is has so many games. culturally it has almost no impact anymore and is heavily regionalized

    • 11 months ago

      High school football teams actually turn a profit unlike almost every other high school sports team especially in a smaller town where it's often the biggest activity going on for a given Friday during the season.

      • 11 months ago

        Oh, that makes sense. They probably make a fortune with tickets and leasing to snack bars.

    • 11 months ago

      And also, America is ultra-rich. When your average citizen can lose half their stuff and still be better off then most Canadians you are doing fine.

      • 11 months ago

        Yeah, but it's more shocking when you see it for the first time. To have an idea, my first school was literally a hut.

        • 11 months ago

          Fair enough, understand how little most Americans understand the rest of the world.
          Seriously if you could casually dropped 10 million on building a monument to boys aged 14-17 and do it in almost every city with over 100,000 people would you give a frick about the rest of the world?

  10. 11 months ago

    In my shitty town of 10,000 people, the high school football coach had a salary of $120,000, and this was back in the early 2000s.

  11. 11 months ago

    Sports are gay

  12. 11 months ago

    In areas where people give a shit about their communities, yes.

    • 11 months ago

      This makes no sense, why is football an inherent part of caring about your community?

      • 11 months ago

        It's an activity the whole community can get involved in, kids from all strata of a community participate because these sports are played at public schools so everyone can get involved, it's highly competitive so it encourages intra-community rivalries as well as extra-community rivalries, and lastly, in rural and suburban areas where the community revolves around football there's frick all to do except concern yourself with football, especially in red/rural states.

      • 11 months ago

        Because you need something to come together as a group around to form a community.
        They were easier to form in reality before we had instant access to whatever niche community we identify with the most, aka this site.

      • 11 months ago

        everyone in the town shows up for the game, you meet people, your community grows closer

  13. 11 months ago

    High-school football is like the fricking NFL in Texas. It's gay and weird. That said, this was a great show.

  14. 11 months ago

    Yeah amerifats are cringy like that.

  15. 11 months ago

    Black person handegg

  16. 11 months ago

    The mere existence of sportsball is like an entirely separate world to me. Not that I have a problem with the thing itself, just the obsession. But yes, Americans really are obsessed with american football and other sports.

  17. 11 months ago

    I never will understand sports as entertainment. It's cool if you play sports for excercise (although there are many better alternatives) but they're all boring as hell to watch.

  18. 11 months ago

    >largest soccer stadium in Europe is <100k
    >plenty of college American football teams have ones over 100,000

  19. 11 months ago
    • 11 months ago

      That’s also where my eyes went first. Then I looked up and saw her atrocious man face so I went back to the breasts.

  20. 11 months ago

    guess so

    • 11 months ago
  21. 11 months ago

    More important. Americans totally ignore the staggering amount of crime and destruction Black folks inflict upon them solely because a minority of them can run real fast while wearing a jersey with the color and logo on it that John Q. Publicpig likes the most. Even the most virulent racist American that knows their sons and daughters are being murdered and raped en masse loves said murdering rapists regardless of their skin color as long as they play sportsball.

    • 11 months ago

      No we just move as far away from them as possible. the lower class whites have no choice but to put up with their shit though, poor bastards

    • 11 months ago

      homie talk sportsball in the sportsball thread. You've got a bunch of frick Black person threads to have the exact same conversation you've had on this site already.

  22. 11 months ago

    Not where I grew up. We were the best team in the local area, but I had PE with these guys and I couldn't see any of them playing at the college level. When we had exhibitions against the private schools that actually recruited players we'd get destroyed--or so I hear, I never went to a single game

  23. 11 months ago

    Yes foosball is life

  24. 11 months ago

    in texas yeah

  25. 11 months ago

    USC winning it this year fyi

    • 11 months ago

      They don't have the defense to beat the SEC. Lincoln Riley teams never do

  26. 11 months ago

    handegg is gay. baseball is the true sport of patricians.

    t. Cinemaphile

    • 11 months ago

      Can you make a thread for me on Cinemaphile, namely solve a bar argument

      Had a fun bar argument over which professional sport will be the first to die. Call it between MLB,NHL,NFL and NBA which one falls out first?
      I argued MLB because it is the most boringest but it is hard for the cultural portion of it to die.
      Most said NHL but I believe the NHL exists despite logic already and is the "rogue" sport out of those four.
      Yes I know third tier high school football gets more viewers than the Stanley Cup, but frick you I like hockey.

      for me.
      I assume it's like Cinemaphile where you are such better fans of _____ that my rhetoric would give me away as a "them"

  27. 11 months ago

    no, I've never watched football in my life

  28. 11 months ago

    yeah texas is moronic like that.

  29. 11 months ago

    I've never went to a single high school football game and I've only watched the Super Bowl for the commercials and pretended to be invested in the teams around others so I could blend in.

  30. 11 months ago

    Most Important things in Rural America

    Most important things in Urban America:
    >Social Media

    • 11 months ago

      Damn, is there really that many muslims in rural America?

      • 11 months ago

        No, just that many Black folk.


  31. 11 months ago

    My Steelers 🙂

  32. 11 months ago

    >is football really this important in America?
    It's their official Black person worship event.

    • 11 months ago

      It's our best Black person worship event.
      Doesn't stop it from being a better game than
      every game the entire world has created.
      We also created the best runner-up sport but the world wasn't ready for homies on trampolines.

    • 11 months ago

      put your warm beer down long enough to count how many blacks and south americans are on your local soccer team you eurocuck

  33. 11 months ago

    God damn I wanted to frick Mrs. Coach! And daughter Coach!

    In fact, I want Mrs. Coach bare breasts and daughter Coach bare tittie and Palicki fake breasts all suffocating me at the same time!

    All seriousness aside, Cinemaphile isn't going to like this, but I think Connie Britton has implants. Just look back at her early work. I mean, I don't hate it. Hell, Julie don't even have booba anymore that salad eating b***h. But Mrs. Coach was a tease. You don't get fake booba unless you want men checking out your breasts. It's basically a rape invite. Same with tattoos.

    • 11 months ago

      >All seriousness aside, Cinemaphile isn't going to like this, but I think Connie Britton has implants.
      And we sure as shit aren't going to take this sitting down.
      You are going to have to fill this thread with post and pre boooba work TO IT'S LIMIT or I'll assume you are just a punk ass busta.

      • 11 months ago

        >punk ass busta
        I hate those guys!
        Problem is, I posted and checked the thread: it's all like NFL and Fantasy Football talk. No FNL hotties.

        I'm baffled, is this a Cinemaphile or a /goon/ board? Hell, Mrs. Coach became a teacher/adviser at the school and she fricked black dudes on the football team. Cinemaphile loves that shit!

        Nobody want to discuss kino?

        • 11 months ago

          I created too pure a thread by actually staying on topic. I ignored the blatant race baiting, I engaged with the Canada vs America debate, and here I found myself defeated by read head with freckles. Wait she was just a died blonde?


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