Is Hazbin Hotel too satanic?

Can mainstream American society handle a show like this?

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  1. 4 months ago

    Amazon Prime Video has taken a dangerous step into the darkness with its new animated series Hazbin Hotel, which was released on Friday. This wicked cartoon portrays Lucifer (Satan) and demons as the “heroes” and angels (elders) in heaven as the “bad guys.”

    The show’s premise is that Charlie, Lucifer’s daughter with a she-demon, wants to save hell’s residents from extermination by the elders through rehabilitating them at her Hazbin Hotel, where they can learn to act better and hopefully move from hell to heaven. Her first resident is a former adult entertainer; he discusses p*rn numerous times and uses vulgar s*xual references.

    Hell is a dark, miserable place, but Charlie, bubbly and optimistic like a Disney princess, sings and dances her way down the streets of hell during her song “Happy Day in Hell,” where we see (among other disgusting scenes) cannibalism on the sidewalk and briefly witness a s*xual encounter.

    Foul language is pervasive throughout the show; the trailer alone includes the s-word and – even more shocking – the f-word … five times.

    God is never mentioned, adding more misdirection for those who are spiritually confused. Angels are demonic-looking creatures with halos and horns. These “elders of heaven” (led by former-human-turned-angel, Adam) are not only vindictive and cruel, but they are even more foul-mouthed than the demons!

    This series will attract children because of the animation, but it is far from kid friendly. It will confuse not only children but adults as well, as it distorts what the Bible teaches about the reality of hell and its finality. It will also mislead viewers to think that God does not give every soul the opportunity to repent from their sins, which is in opposition to 2 Peter 3:9, which tells us that God does not want any to perish but for all to come to repentance.

    • 4 months ago

      Make no mistake – this is a raunchy, R-rated, adult cartoon. However, because it is an animated series, children may be fooled into thinking it is something they would be interested in watching, and parents who don’t do their research might be tricked into thinking it is possibly acceptable for older kids.

      We must put a stop to this series because Amazon Prime is introducing viewers – especially children who might stumble across this series - to a world of demonic content and imagery. The show makes light of Satan, hell, and the dangers of the demonic realm; it appears that Amazon Prime is trying to put a positive spin on evil. 2 Corinthians 11:14 (ESV) tells us that Satan “disguises himself as an angel of light,” but remember the apostle’s instruction in 1 Peter 5:8 – “Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.”

      • 4 months ago

        >Make no mistake – this is a raunchy, R-rated, adult cartoon. However, because it is an animated series, children may be fooled into thinking it is something they would be interested in watching, and parents who don’t do their research might be tricked into thinking it is possibly acceptable for older kids.
        The exact same thing happened with South Park.

      • 4 months ago

        >and parents who don’t do their research might be tricked into thinking it is possibly acceptable for older kids.
        Isn't this exactly why we have age ratings?

      • 4 months ago

        Or maybe, just maybe, parents should be responsible for watching their spawn. Even entirely innocent cartoons require some level of moderation from a parent because what happens when these kids start googling their favorite characters and stumble upon some rule 34 porn? Somehow my parents kept me away from South Park and Stripperella and all the other adult cartoons. Parental controls are even better now so there’s no excuse. I’m tired of people insinuating that an entire genre shouldn’t exist simply because someone’s crotch goblins might see it. I guess we’ll toss out everything inappropriate just in case! No more fun things for anyone.

        • 4 months ago

          Anon, that's not how it works. Here's how it works:

          >you have children you don't want out of societal obligation (gotta keep the machine running no matter what)
          >you put as little effort into raising them as you can legally get away with (sometimes not even that much)
          >you use TV and video games to do the parenting for you and keep the kids distracted so you can go drink adult grape juice and play the naked wrestling game (which is how you got those kids, of course)
          >if the kids grow up to be psychotic drug-addicted prostitutes, you blame everyone except yourself (personal responsibility is for losers)
          >then you look in the mirror, pop a Valium and tell yourself that you're a good parent (even though you know damn well that you aren't)

    • 4 months ago

      Make no mistake – this is a raunchy, R-rated, adult cartoon. However, because it is an animated series, children may be fooled into thinking it is something they would be interested in watching, and parents who don’t do their research might be tricked into thinking it is possibly acceptable for older kids.

      We must put a stop to this series because Amazon Prime is introducing viewers – especially children who might stumble across this series - to a world of demonic content and imagery. The show makes light of Satan, hell, and the dangers of the demonic realm; it appears that Amazon Prime is trying to put a positive spin on evil. 2 Corinthians 11:14 (ESV) tells us that Satan “disguises himself as an angel of light,” but remember the apostle’s instruction in 1 Peter 5:8 – “Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.”

      >Lucifer's daughter wants to redeem the souls in hell
      >this is CLEARLY Satanic propaganda!
      Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right...

      • 4 months ago

        you are not supposed to leave hell.

        • 4 months ago

          And Lucifer never had a daughter.

        • 4 months ago

          Didn’t Jesus literally pull people from hell after death?
          Didn’t the pope recently say he hopes “nobody is in hell”, as in the idea that nobody is beyond redemption after death, that nobody deserves eternal, infinite torment for finite, limited sins committed by our short lives?

          • 4 months ago

            >Implying American Christians care what the woke pope says
            Come now anon we all know better than that.

            • 4 months ago

              Gonna laugh when you find out it's all a test and the only ones in hell are the ones who want people to suffer there.

              It's so obvious.

              • 4 months ago

                If that makes you laugh, aren't you gonna end up in hell with them?

              • 4 months ago

                Pride really is the religious mans greatest sin. Well that and lust no doubt.

              • 4 months ago

                Pride is numero uno, because it was Lucifer's undoing. The first sin. The rest of the Seven Deadly sins stem from pride. It's why I love this shitty little 70's TV movie so much, because that's basically what it's about:


                >Good young preacher and his wife on their way to next town get lost in the desert but are saved by a bunch of townsfolk, then taken to their town to recover
                >Town is old-timey and the people are a little weird, but seemingly nice
                >Guy in charge has a hot daughter who is mute
                >They tell him they need a new preacher because the last one died
                >Says he can't because he has a job waiting and his wife increasingly senses something wrong and doesn't want to stay
                >Town asks him to ply his trade while there temporarily anyway
                >Preacher's sermon inspires lame kid on crutches to walk
                >Saves town and hot chick from bad guy in a black hat
                >Starts getting subtly influenced by pride
                >Starts developing a lust for hot mute chick
                >Preacher's wife keeps winding up bedridden with a mysterious illness
                >Her woman spider sense tingling like all frick and she wants to get the frick outta there
                >Preacher winds up so full of himself he doesn't listen to her enough
                >Find out the entire town are immortal demons fricking with him, led by mute chick who is not so mute after all, and she is Lilith
                >They corrupted him on purpose by blowing sunshine up his arse and nurturing his pride
                >Ending is pretty fricking kino

                I'm not even religious, but understand it is easy to fall to pride and the other Deadly Sins, whether God or Satan exist or not. You can literally be flattered through the gates of Hell.

              • 4 months ago

                >but understand it is easy to fall to pride

                Not for me. I'm very humble. In fact, I would say that I'm the most humble person there will ever be!

              • 4 months ago

                Then you should be very proud of yourself. Not everyone can resist the temptation of pride, and a man should take pride in his ability to resist it:


              • 4 months ago

                Nah, if I was mad enough to send someone to hell I'd be mad enough to simply eliminate them as a threat.

        • 4 months ago

          >Christ the redeemer about to lose a title

        • 4 months ago

          >no no you can only be redeemed in this arbitrary about of time after that your destined to be fricked forever

        • 4 months ago

          The what the actual frick did Jesus die for then, homie? Shit's n' giggles?

          • 4 months ago

            Didn’t Jesus literally pull people from hell after death?
            Didn’t the pope recently say he hopes “nobody is in hell”, as in the idea that nobody is beyond redemption after death, that nobody deserves eternal, infinite torment for finite, limited sins committed by our short lives?

            It's amazing how many people just fell asleep during church to miss one of the reasons why Jesus died.

            • 4 months ago

              Enlighten us then

      • 4 months ago

        Welcome to society, don't enjoy your stay.

      • 4 months ago

        Look to your left you see trannies in makeup, look to your right and you see fake magicians with shitty red hats, but look down at your penis and it's still small.

        have a nice day.

        • 4 months ago

          >i agree with you
          >but i have an involuntary need to insult you for reasons my therapist is still trying to figure out

          • 4 months ago

            I don't tip him so that probably also is why I'm still mentally ill.

      • 4 months ago

        the show literally says that Lucifer is a gud boi that dindu nuffin

        • 4 months ago

          Sometimes I forget christians are largely boomerkin dweebs who actually believe this shit.

          What's your theological opinion on megatron??

          • 4 months ago

            Uhhhh actually he's called Metatron and he's a very powerful and real angel.

            • 4 months ago

              So the allspark is like transubstantiation?

        • 4 months ago

          >Ass load of swearing and sexual hoopla.
          >Heaven and angels are treated as antagonists and in the wrong.
          >The devil is treated as the misunderstood good dad.
          >Oh man they think this show is satanic? Clown world, you guys!

          There are multiple ways to interpret the Bible. you know.
          Did you know Jesus calls himself the "Morning Star" at one point? What's that about?

          • 4 months ago

            >Morning Star.
            "O Shining One" and "The Bright Morning Star" are different things. Learn about some translations.

            • 4 months ago

              If you learned about translations, you'd know Lucifer isn't in the Bible, only the morning star (Venus), is. Lucifer ain't even Satan.

              The story of Lucifer is literally Bible fanfic.

              • 4 months ago

                The name Lucifer, yes. The devil is still very much a thing.

              • 4 months ago

                the devil is a thing but there isn't a devil in Hazbin world. There isn't a God either, the seraphim are the leaders of heaven

            • 4 months ago

              It's still not THAT wild a conclusion to come to that Jesus is Lucifer. It's sort of what the Freemasons built their worldview on

          • 4 months ago

            >There are multiple ways to interpret the Bible.
            Protestantism was a mistake

            • 4 months ago

              >it's been translated into multiple languages, via multiple languages, and its constituent parts were all oral traditions before that so who knows what got changed during all of that
              >but no, there's only one (1) way to read it, and my one (1) interpretation of this one (1) version of it I've been reading my entire life (which isn't even the original, strictly speaking) is the only one that matters
              I'm suddenly reminded of an Emo Phillips routine...

              Hitler Youths were a thing.

              And what does that have to do with the price of tea in China?

        • 4 months ago

          No, the show literally says he releases evil into the world lmao

          • 4 months ago

            Only because Lilith put him up to it. So technically he didn't do anything wrong.

            • 4 months ago

              >things were perfect until a woman was created and she fricked up everything
              Based Naziepop, HH

        • 4 months ago

          He didn't tho.

          Christianity's philosophy that drives all of its stories is "Rules are Good and Individuality and Emotions are bad." Its main doctrine is that if you don't care about anyone else or love anyone else and only dedicate yourself to god, you hit the jackpot.

          When you have a doctrine like that, Lucifer is always gonna be seen and has always been seen as a good guy just fighting butthole God. There's a reason why most flawed heroes in media have always been inspired by Lucifer, because "Lucifer wasn't bad" is always baby's first lesson about how the Christian myth doesn't really make for good advertising.

      • 4 months ago

        >Ass load of swearing and sexual hoopla.
        >Heaven and angels are treated as antagonists and in the wrong.
        >The devil is treated as the misunderstood good dad.
        >Oh man they think this show is satanic? Clown world, you guys!

        • 4 months ago

          The problem is that conservatives constantly grift on low hanging fruit to sell merch and give relevance to their irrelevant platforms. There are millions of other shows, anime, and books with that premise, but they chose to focus on this one to mislead their audience of boomers that Amazon is making a Satanic kids show.

          • 4 months ago

            It's from Hollywood, so it's actually satanic.

            • 4 months ago

              No, it’s from Vivziepop who grew up in the early 2000’s when shit was edgy. She grew up on Johnny the Homicidal Maniac and Invader Zim, also on musicals, classic Cartoon Network, Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy. Quite frankly I’m pretty sure she used to post on here too. She used to listen to music and have the funny little day dreams about her OCs fricking different characters. She isn’t satanic, but she is the product of a time period where edgy was prolific. Just look at her early works with Zoophobia, she was a product of the same shit we were and is just a lefty femoid instead of being conservative. I’m conservative and I still really enjoy the show even if the gay troony shit gets annoying.

              The forceful dogma and proselytizing that Christians of the 60’s through 90’s turned three different generations of children against god and now it’s reflected in the media. Yes there are cults, yes there is a shadow government, but I’ve been following this little moron through her journey on deviantArt and it’s just always been a part of her.

              • 4 months ago

                I haven't been following Vivzie for as long as you have, but this is pretty much the same impression I'm getting. The thing about 'diversity' being pushed by grifter activists and corpos chasing the 'current thing' is that it makes it easy to miss the fact that there are people who are just genuinely into this shit. Hazbin Hotel feels less like sinister agenda-pushing and more like an art and animation nerd's barely disguised fetish.

    • 4 months ago

      >Foul language is pervasive throughout the show; the trailer alone includes the s-word and – even more shocking – the f-word … five times.
      I love this kind of conservative so much. The F word? How scandalous! It feels like it was written by a sweet old religious grandma.

      >It will also mislead viewers to think that God does not give every soul the opportunity to repent from their sins, which is in opposition to 2 Peter 3:9, which tells us that God does not want any to perish but for all to come to repentance.
      But the idea that people IN HELL are beyond redemption is standard Christian doctrine, is it not?

    • 4 months ago

      I'm a Christian and even I think Satanic Panic still being a thing is moronic

      • 4 months ago

        this. Moloch panic is real and justified though

        • 4 months ago

          >satanic panic started with D&D

          >modern christians unironically larp

          Hilarious that the jokes are baked in but what does it mean?

    • 4 months ago

      Make no mistake – this is a raunchy, R-rated, adult cartoon. However, because it is an animated series, children may be fooled into thinking it is something they would be interested in watching, and parents who don’t do their research might be tricked into thinking it is possibly acceptable for older kids.

      We must put a stop to this series because Amazon Prime is introducing viewers – especially children who might stumble across this series - to a world of demonic content and imagery. The show makes light of Satan, hell, and the dangers of the demonic realm; it appears that Amazon Prime is trying to put a positive spin on evil. 2 Corinthians 11:14 (ESV) tells us that Satan “disguises himself as an angel of light,” but remember the apostle’s instruction in 1 Peter 5:8 – “Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.”

      Make no mistake – this is a raunchy, R-rated, adult cartoon. However, because it is an animated series, children may be fooled into thinking it is something they would be interested in watching, and parents who don’t do their research might be tricked into thinking it is possibly acceptable for older kids.

      We must put a stop to this series because Amazon Prime is introducing viewers – especially children who might stumble across this series - to a world of demonic content and imagery. The show makes light of Satan, hell, and the dangers of the demonic realm; it appears that Amazon Prime is trying to put a positive spin on evil. 2 Corinthians 11:14 (ESV) tells us that Satan “disguises himself as an angel of light,” but remember the apostle’s instruction in 1 Peter 5:8 – “Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.”

      Seethe so hard they forgot that there's lesbian content. They never write this much about anything that offends them, and it's clear that the writer at least watched parts of it. Can't wait for Season 2

    • 4 months ago

      Make no mistake – this is a raunchy, R-rated, adult cartoon. However, because it is an animated series, children may be fooled into thinking it is something they would be interested in watching, and parents who don’t do their research might be tricked into thinking it is possibly acceptable for older kids.

      We must put a stop to this series because Amazon Prime is introducing viewers – especially children who might stumble across this series - to a world of demonic content and imagery. The show makes light of Satan, hell, and the dangers of the demonic realm; it appears that Amazon Prime is trying to put a positive spin on evil. 2 Corinthians 11:14 (ESV) tells us that Satan “disguises himself as an angel of light,” but remember the apostle’s instruction in 1 Peter 5:8 – “Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.”

      Make no mistake – this is a raunchy, R-rated, adult cartoon. However, because it is an animated series, children may be fooled into thinking it is something they would be interested in watching, and parents who don’t do their research might be tricked into thinking it is possibly acceptable for older kids.

      We must put a stop to this series because Amazon Prime is introducing viewers – especially children who might stumble across this series - to a world of demonic content and imagery. The show makes light of Satan, hell, and the dangers of the demonic realm; it appears that Amazon Prime is trying to put a positive spin on evil. 2 Corinthians 11:14 (ESV) tells us that Satan “disguises himself as an angel of light,” but remember the apostle’s instruction in 1 Peter 5:8 – “Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.”

      >Little Niki
      >Penny Dreadful
      >American Horror Story
      >Chilling Adventures Of Sabrina
      >The Sandman
      America is a Judeo-Masonic country buddy.

    • 4 months ago

      Make no mistake – this is a raunchy, R-rated, adult cartoon. However, because it is an animated series, children may be fooled into thinking it is something they would be interested in watching, and parents who don’t do their research might be tricked into thinking it is possibly acceptable for older kids.

      We must put a stop to this series because Amazon Prime is introducing viewers – especially children who might stumble across this series - to a world of demonic content and imagery. The show makes light of Satan, hell, and the dangers of the demonic realm; it appears that Amazon Prime is trying to put a positive spin on evil. 2 Corinthians 11:14 (ESV) tells us that Satan “disguises himself as an angel of light,” but remember the apostle’s instruction in 1 Peter 5:8 – “Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.”


  2. 4 months ago

    I love Charlie. I’m willing to condemn my immortal soul to hell for all eternity for her affection. So I’d say Hazbin Hotel is the perfect amount of Satanic.

    • 4 months ago

      shes not there anon.

      • 4 months ago

        And Lucifer never had a daughter.


      • 4 months ago

        And Lucifer never had a daughter.


    • 4 months ago

      Hi Verbalase.

  3. 4 months ago

    It's Satanic enough I have no interest in watching it, and I'm not even Christian. Same reason I stopped watching Good Omens through S1. It tries way too hard to be a propagandistic attack on one of the world's preeminent religions and substitute it with
    >Shock value
    Pretty fricking disgusting.

    • 4 months ago

      What’s weird is that Adam is a genuinely great surprise in the show in that he died so his children can come to heaven.

      • 4 months ago

        >he died so his children can come to heaven
        Can you explain this?

        • 4 months ago

          He can't because it's one schizo spamming this in every HH thread

  4. 4 months ago

    >One Million Moms
    And what's their primary mission, again?

    • 4 months ago

      One million arguments with starbucks managers.

      • 4 months ago


    • 4 months ago

      > is an online project of American Family Association, a 501(c)3 nonprofit, conservative, pro-family organization based in Tupelo, Mississippi. AFA has been in existence for over 35 years and is a well-respected member of the pro-life and pro-family community. AFA exists to motivate and equip citizens to change the culture to reflect Biblical truth.

      • 4 months ago

        >looks like vampire
        AAAAHHHHHH! Nonprofit organizations are always blood stealing cults! HELP!

      • 4 months ago

        Monica Cole and her cronies need to crawl back into whatever hole they come out of. They are utterly worthless garbage.

      • 4 months ago

        I wonder what their opinions are on the talmud and the israeli faith

        • 4 months ago

          Like all hardcore evangelicals, they love israelites and the state of Israel.

    • 4 months ago

      if you see a weird american ngo talking about "values" or "protecting children" like 9/10 times it's nazism

      • 4 months ago

        >they use platitudes that don't work on me, therefore Nazis

        • 4 months ago

          Hitler Youths were a thing.

  5. 4 months ago

    I don't think so (that's why it's on Amazon instead of a TV channel)

  6. 4 months ago

    >one million moms
    >can get hardly more than 20,000 signers

    • 4 months ago

      And I wouldn’t even be surprised if half of those signers weren’t even moms.

  7. 4 months ago

    it's complete shit

  8. 4 months ago

    I love being on the right side of history in supporting this show.

  9. 4 months ago

    We white soccer moms we angry about thing that means we serious grr

  10. 4 months ago

    Would they rather all the furry gay couples be depicted as in heaven instead?

  11. 4 months ago

    All Hazbin Hotel does is make me want to re-watch Lucifer on Netflix.

    • 4 months ago

      Netflix fricked that show so bad I cancelled before finishing the first episode of the last season.
      I'd been a customer since it was just DVDs in the mail.

      • 4 months ago

        I thought it was fine tb.h

  12. 4 months ago

    I'd argue it's not satanic enough. Best it can do for showing evil in hell is cartoon violence and catty name-calling? Where's the child molesters, the genociders, the organ traffickers, the unapologetic supremacists and bigots? Where's the real hardcore evil and sadism?

    Don't tell me I'm being edgy, they're displaying literal fricking Hell and nothing we've seen is edgier than a Disturbed album. It's teenage angst edgy, not Heart of Darkness edgy.

    • 4 months ago

      You make some good points.

  13. 4 months ago

    i thought these people went away

    • 4 months ago

      It's really odd to think about in hindsight, because it turns out the world really is ruled by blood-drinking satanic pedophiles. But it all flew over the heads of these televangelists completely and they ended up fixating on the completely wrong things! It's so egrigious it almost seems like deliberate well poisoning.

  14. 4 months ago

    >conservatives trying to get mad about nothing and milk their geriatric schizos and antisocial homeschooled kids no 999

  15. 4 months ago

    Religions in western civilized societies have no ability to force anything on the rest of society or the government. If some Christians are pissed that there is a cartoon about Demons they have no grounds to repremand it and anyone involved.

  16. 4 months ago

    Elements of this show are so bad that I can barely even call it satanic.

  17. 4 months ago

    Want to get your show on Amazon Prime? Make the bad guy either God or a Superman proxy.

  18. 4 months ago

    A lot of evangelicals think it's end of days and think anything resembling the occult is directly linked to devil worship.

    • 4 months ago

      There delusional nutjobs who don't know anything about human history.

  19. 4 months ago

    this is not the first show to deal with hell, it wont be the last

  20. 4 months ago
  21. 4 months ago

    This is giving me genuine nostalgia for the 2000s when people were screeching about pokemon, yugioh and harry potter the same way

    • 4 months ago

      >harry potter

      Funny how it used to be conservatives that wanted to burn Harry Potter. Oh how times have changed

      • 4 months ago

        Oh that hasn't changed. Evangelical Christians still want to burn Harry Potter. Now they share a room with the trannies this time with their hate. You're referring to the non religious conservatives who didn't care about Harry Potter until the troony attacks happened.

      • 4 months ago

        Greg Locke held a public burning not even 2 years ago.

      • 4 months ago

        Touch grass, moron. Nothing's changed in that regard.

  22. 4 months ago

    No one can handle a garbage show

  23. 4 months ago

    The AFA needs to shut down permanently.

  24. 4 months ago

    >One Million Moms

    For liberty, right? Then anything they say is bunk to me.

  25. 4 months ago

    >Can mainstream American society handle a show like this?
    The church is dying because it teaches a lie. That is why they want it canceled. The show doesn't teach the lie, it teaches the old Christian holy spirit of blood faith that built the church before the truth got dropped for complicated reasons.

  26. 4 months ago

    >Show about Hell
    I swear the 2020s is just a rehash of the 80s.
    Also I wanna grab Vivzie's big belly.

  27. 4 months ago

    I actually don't think this show is particularly anti-Christian, yeah it plays around with characters and settings in non-delicate ways but I don't think it ever makes any outright commentary or attack on it, in fact the entire theme of redemption it sincerely buys into and supports is a very Christian message

  28. 4 months ago

    >one million moms
    But the question is, are they single, in my area, and ready to FRICK?

  29. 4 months ago

    Wtf I love Hazbin Hotel now?!

  30. 4 months ago

    Americans are so moronic

    • 4 months ago

      Didn’t ask, thirdie.

  31. 4 months ago


  32. 4 months ago

    >Leftoids are so desperate to pretend like they're oppressed they're pretending anyone gives a frick about no name mommyblogs
    No one cares about your goygruel

  33. 4 months ago

    Lucifer is a manlet and satan is going to be an angry twink like everyone else in hell. No one who wasn’t already a lost cause is going to worship these homies

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