Is he right? Are Batman and other billionaire heroes insane?

Is he right? Are Batman and other billionaire “heroes” insane?

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  1. 2 years ago

    No, and isn't this a trite observation at this point? "Le billionaire super is bad" is such a done to death talking point that I'm surprised to still see it in comics.

    • 2 years ago

      It's true.
      You don't become a billionaire by being mice.
      You famned sure don't stay a billionaire by being nice either.

      I honestly want a story where a lex Luther tier billionaire has a psychotic break and creates a batman type persona because the guilt over who and what he is is driving him insane.

      • 2 years ago

        Well, Bruce inherited his family’s money. It’s not like he personally fought his way to the top. And most modern versions of his family’s business are some kind of tech company, which while not exactly completely ethical, aren’t as bad as the worst examples out there.

        Plus we can pretty safely assume Bruce treats his employees well and doesn’t use sweatshop labor or whatever. Of course, in reality his company would probably suffer for those decisions, but it’s a world of fiction. A man who can fly is only a little less ridiculous as an ‘ethical billionaire.’

        • 2 years ago

          >Instead of spending my vast fortune fixing the infrastructure in Gotham, investing in jobs and communities, making sure that people have what they need to be content in life, focusing on health clinics and criminal reform... the most important thing to me is throwing sharpened bits of metal at the mentally ill. I am the 1%.

          • 2 years ago

            Batman does all that shit

            It just can never work since Gotham has to be a hell hole

            • 2 years ago

              It's literally built on a bunch of Lovecraft references. The place is cursed to hell and back. Arkham Asylum sits on the Miskatonic river for frick's sake. It's no wonder Bruce Wayne is insane, proximity to that city should cause that.

          • 2 years ago

            He has so much money he eventually built a space station. Do your rally think he wouldn't try and fix shit in Gotham before making a satellite? He's going to galas and donating millions every week homie.

        • 2 years ago

          Wayne Enterprises is portrayed as one of the most ethical companies around.
          Bruce doesn't flout laws or bribe politicians.
          See for how NOT to run a company.

          He contributes to multiple charities, runs civic improvement projects, attempts to renovate the buildings in Suicide Slum.
          He probably takes hefty tax deductions but that's not illegal. Probably be suspect if he didn't!

          Don't recall if it's ever specifically stated, but he likely funds mental health and criminal rehabilitation programs.

          I remember Batman caught some guy who'd built a super-gadget (a jetpack?) and used it for crime. He'd been laid off and had bills to pay.
          Batman said he'd have to serve time for his thefts but, when he got out, there was a good job awaiting him at WayneTech.

          You never see that at Marvel. What would the US Army pay for The Vulture's magnetic-flight gizmo? (Oh, Reed Richards already patented it and refuses to let it be commercialized?)

          • 2 years ago

            >but he likely funds mental health and criminal rehabilitation programs.
            He apparently specifically has a worker program to handle convicts that'd normally have trouble getting work anywhere but in criminal circles specifically to avoid people getting sucked into that kind of destructive cycle.

      • 2 years ago

        See, my issue is that "billionaires are bad" is such an overused thing that the words mean nothing. I know billionaires largely suck. What next? Do you have a point with that?

        However, the "billionaire has some kind of breakdown" thing could work as a comic book thing. You'd just need to make sure you don't lean too much into the same old tired bullshit when critiquing billionaires. Personally, I'd be bold and say "who says people shouldn't have that much money? Why do you get to decide a billionaire is bad JUST BEACUSE he's a billionaire? Why don't you critique what he's doing, and not the simple fact that he has a lot of money?".

        • 2 years ago

          It's overused in the same way that ribbing banks is bad os overused.
          Yeah there are good billionaires.
          But you don't realize something.
          You are acting as if that is out of the ordinary and good

          Billionaires tending to be either evil or so removed that they are inhuman is true.

          Look, massa not gone give you no more corn whiskey or table scraps fo defending them online

          • 2 years ago

            What are you talking about?
            >You are acting as if that is out of the ordinary and good
            No, I'm acting like I want to see something different for once. Obviously, if its different and bad, I'm going to say that.

            >Look, massa not gone give you no more corn whiskey or table scraps fo defending them online
            Why does everyone default to racism when they're trying to be progressive?

  2. 2 years ago

    >Is he right? Are Batman and other billionaire “heroes” insane?

    • 2 years ago

      >Nooooooooooooooo you have to praise the billionaires nooooooooo

      • 2 years ago

        Beating up people does NOTHING to solve an issue. buttholes with power will always rise up, people that grew into shitty life conditions will look into crime as a way to make some money, and the best a person like Batman or Punisher have achieved at the end of this is that there's a few less bastards in their city.

        The fact that you attempt to use characters and the stories themselves as evidence "that no, they actually don't enforce the status quo" tells me you don't understand this. Superheroes like Batman never attack the government, never start a revolution, never attempt to attain permanent change in the world, why?

        Because comicbook narrative and executives portray this as EVIL. Nevermind sharing their power, money and nifty technology with the world, DC and Marvel periodically shit out stories attempting to justify why doing this sort of things would somehow make the world a militaristic dystopia or whatever is in vogue at the moment, when the real answer is that there's no money to be had on characters that actually attempt to move society forward, but rather spinning the same old tired tales again and again. Revolutionaries, anarchists and anyone that isn't a bland fence-sitting bootlicker that only goes after supervillains or purse-snatchers are always portrayed in the wrong in mainstream comicbook narratives.

  3. 2 years ago

    Only in the sense they still try to change the world

    • 2 years ago

      see this similar post from an old Cinemaphile thread

      • 2 years ago

        Check out this thread from june

    • 2 years ago

      You have to wonder whose name goes on the Watchtower payments

  4. 2 years ago

    Batman being nuts has been the status quo for batman for like 20 years now.

  5. 2 years ago

    Only _some_ of them.

    • 2 years ago
      • 2 years ago
  6. 2 years ago

    >wait isn't it kind of silly a rich guy wears a bat suit?
    no shit, but why does it need to be realistic

  7. 2 years ago

    Ollie's not really insane, he's just going through the mother of all guilt trips.

    • 2 years ago

      Ollie is batshit insane. Ollie is the kind of guy who, when told that he can't be a hero of the people because he's a billionaire, throws away all his money so he can continue running around in a Robin Hood LARP shooting people with broadheads without any cognitive dissonance.

      Wayne Enterprises is portrayed as one of the most ethical companies around.
      Bruce doesn't flout laws or bribe politicians.
      See for how NOT to run a company.

      He contributes to multiple charities, runs civic improvement projects, attempts to renovate the buildings in Suicide Slum.
      He probably takes hefty tax deductions but that's not illegal. Probably be suspect if he didn't!

      Don't recall if it's ever specifically stated, but he likely funds mental health and criminal rehabilitation programs.

      I remember Batman caught some guy who'd built a super-gadget (a jetpack?) and used it for crime. He'd been laid off and had bills to pay.
      Batman said he'd have to serve time for his thefts but, when he got out, there was a good job awaiting him at WayneTech.

      You never see that at Marvel. What would the US Army pay for The Vulture's magnetic-flight gizmo? (Oh, Reed Richards already patented it and refuses to let it be commercialized?)

      What's funny is that Bruce simply inherited a bunch of money and shares in his company, and is largely content to spend most of it on charity and crimefighting. He doesn't actually run the company other than having a say as majority shareholder. Lucius Fox is the guy actually operating Wayne Enterprises, he's a major shareholder, is probably a billionaire himself or really close to it, and his most notable recent actions include stealing all of Bruce's money for himself and immediately signing on with a brutal authoritarian police state dictatorship that took over Gotham to equip their murder squads with cutting edge military firepower.

      • 2 years ago

        >his most notable recent actions include stealing all of Bruce's money for himself and immediately signing on with a brutal authoritarian police state dictatorship that took over Gotham to equip their murder squads with cutting edge military firepower.


        • 2 years ago

          Joker War and Future/Fear State.

  8. 2 years ago

    Beating up people does NOTHING to solve an issue. buttholes with power will always rise up, people that grew into shitty life conditions will look into crime as a way to make some money, and the best a person like Batman or Punisher have achieved at the end of this is that there's a few less bastards in their city.

    The fact that you attempt to use characters and the stories themselves as evidence "that no, they actually don't enforce the status quo" tells me you don't understand this. Superheroes like Batman never attack the government, never start a revolution, never attempt to attain permanent change in the world, why?

    Because comicbook narrative and executives portray this as EVIL. Nevermind sharing their power, money and nifty technology with the world, DC and Marvel periodically shit out stories attempting to justify why doing this sort of things would somehow make the world a militaristic dystopia or whatever is in vogue at the moment, when the real answer is that there's no money to be had on characters that actually attempt to move society forward, but rather spinning the same old tired tales again and again. Revolutionaries, anarchists and anyone that isn't a bland fence-sitting bootlicker that only goes after supervillains or purse-snatchers are always portrayed in the wrong in mainstream comicbook narratives.

  9. 2 years ago

    Bruce is insane regarding that he still believes that a person like Joker can be still breathing and the system works because that's where DCU insanity resides
    >mass murderer sent to the same municipal asylum over and over and nobody blinks
    >US government and laws are utterly moronic when dealing with such types of things
    >populace is also insane by allowing such system to remain in place
    Batman is just wiping dry an ice block

  10. 2 years ago

    There are serial killers in Gotham alone who use WMDs as part of their Modus Operandi. Fighting crime objectively objectively saves more poor people than more after school programs or affordable healthcare.

  11. 2 years ago

    This is from Irredeemable and Irredeemable is 100% deconstruction.

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