Is heroin really that good?

Is heroin really that good?

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  1. 8 months ago

    What's the difference between a blue eightteen and a red eightteen? I'm guessing one is for sex and one is for violence.

    • 8 months ago

      They are different film classification offices, you can just about read it in OP image if you squint.
      Blue : Irish
      Red : British

      I assume they have slightly different attitudes to alcohol and car explosions.

      • 8 months ago

        I wouldn't try it if I were you OP (you boring c**t). You seem to have become addicted to making the same shit thread every day, so a drug would catch you bad.

        >I assume they have slightly different attitudes to alcohol and car explosions.
        Underrated post

    • 8 months ago

      It's for people in case they are colourblind and don't see the first 18.

      • 8 months ago


  2. 8 months ago

    you wouldnt be a cool guy heroin addict with a hot teenage gf, you would be a homeless dude tricking yourself out for H

    • 8 months ago

      Pretty much the catch of any lifestyle your parents warned you about is that after you turn 25 the benefits rapidly decrease until they disappear entirely and you’re left scrambling to catch up with the “normal” people for the next 2 decades or condemned to be that sad, speechless, pathetic bum begging for change at a stoplight who you never thought to associate with his life choices before. I lucked out and stopped partying and had kids right before it was too late. I can still live with relative dignity, if given a bit more effort, to most people. The world only gets more desperate and dangerous as time progresses in this age and you are actively killing your future every second you are not fighting to be on top. Society is an illusion, it is still survival of the fittest, only with more abstract competition in a simulated environment.

  3. 8 months ago

    I used to do ODSMT then wrap myself in an electric blanket and that was pretty kino, heroin is supposed to be like 100x better than that so take it as you will

  4. 8 months ago

    I tried reading the book and it was fricking impossible.

    • 8 months ago

      listen to an edinburgh radio station for a while then try

    • 8 months ago

      Skill issue

  5. 8 months ago

    Probably my favorite Jason Statham film.

    • 8 months ago

      You are a plebian peasant and your taste in Statham movies is shit

  6. 8 months ago

    I heard that Trainspotting sequel they made a few years back was really sad and lame compared to the original.

    • 8 months ago

      Yeah it was pretty shit

    • 8 months ago

      it was about growing old and regrets. it wasn't about the concept of youth like the original. it was a boring compared to the original.

      • 8 months ago

        Not if you grew old alongside the characters.

    • 8 months ago

      Nah it was great

    • 8 months ago

      No because otherwise everyone would do it

      It was pretty great but like the other anon said a different animal compared to the original. The first movie was about the disillusionment of youth and the sequel is about the disillusionment of middle age. Also turning Begbie into a full-on horror movie villain was kind of genius.

      • 8 months ago

        That bathroom scene was fricking great

    • 8 months ago

      Irvine Welsh has been using the same characters in digfferent novels.
      So imagine a time jump of 20 years.
      It's no longer the 80s and heroine fueled parties.
      Still there are some crazy shit in several novels.
      The movie was just bumbed down and bad.

      • 8 months ago

        >Irvine Welsh
        I absolutely LOVE the way he manages to frickin write in a Scottish accent so when you read it out loud you do a perfect Scottish accent I've never seen anyone else do that and it's absolutely class

    • 8 months ago

      It's a pretty solid kino

    • 8 months ago

      It’s horrible. Lots of “hey remember this scene you liked?” rehash shots. People forgive it because ‘it’s not about youth, it’s about middle age’ but that doesn’t make it a good movie. It has very little to say and overall falls pretty flat.

    • 8 months ago

      "The bulgarian hooker takes money from aged addicts" the movie.

    • 8 months ago

      It's good movie but bad sequel mostly

  7. 8 months ago

    >Choose Life. Choose a job. Choose a career. Choose a family. Choose a fricking big television, choose washing machines, cars, compact disc players and electrical tin openers. Choose good health, low cholesterol, and dental insurance. Choose fixed interest mortgage repayments. Choose a starter home. Choose your friends. Choose leisurewear and matching luggage. Choose a three-piece suit on hire purchase in a range of fricking fabrics. Choose DIY and wondering who the frick you are on Sunday morning. Choose sitting on that couch watching mind-numbing, spirit-crushing game shows, stuffing fricking junk food into your mouth. Choose rotting away at the end of it all, pissing your last in a miserable home, nothing more than an embarrassment to the selfish, fricked up brats you spawned to replace yourselves. Choose your future. Choose life… But why would I want to do a thing like that? I chose not to choose life. I chose somethin’ else. And the reasons? There are no reasons. Who needs reasons when you’ve got heroin?

    • 8 months ago

      teenage cringe shit that’s only felt more hollow and embarrassing with time. if you had a friend who put this on their myspace page in the late 2000s, check up on them cause they’re probably fricking dead

      • 8 months ago

        The director isn't saying that is cool or good. That is just how Renton (a dumb junkie) thinks. You can see how all of them end up like shit, so if the director is saying something about it is that it is bad.

        • 8 months ago

          Sometimes I forget that too. There's a difference between an author using a character as a mouthpiece or the author having written a character who thinks on his own.

      • 8 months ago

        >choose... designer lingerie, in the vain hope of kicking some life back into a dead relationship. Choose handbags, choose high-heeled shoes, cashmere and silk, to make yourself feel what passes for happy. Choose an iPhone made in China by a woman who jumped out of a window and stick it in the pocket of your jacket fresh from a South-Asian Firetrap. Choose Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram and a thousand others ways to spew your bile across people you've never met. Choose updating your profile, tell the world what you had for breakfast and hope that someone, somewhere cares. Choose looking up old flames, desperate to believe that you don't look as bad as they do. Choose live-blogging, from your first wank 'til your last breath; human interaction reduced to nothing more than data. Choose ten things you never knew about celebrities who've had surgery. Choose screaming about abortion. Choose rape jokes, bawd-shaming, revenge porn and an endless tide of depressing misogyny. Choose 9/11 never happened, and if it did, it was the israelites. Choose a zero-hour contract and a two-hour journey to work. And choose the same for your kids, only worse, and maybe tell yourself that it's better that they never happened. And then sit back and smother the pain with an unknown dose of an unknown drug made in somebody's fricking kitchen. Choose unfulfilled promise and wishing you'd done it all differently. Choose never learning from your own mistakes. Choose watching history repeat itself. Choose the slow reconciliation towards what you can get, rather than what you always hoped for. Settle for less and keep a brave face on it. Choose disappointment and choose losing the ones you love, then as they fall from view, a piece of you dies with them until you can see that one day in the future, piece by piece, they will all be gone and there'll be nothing left of you to call alive or dead. Choose your future, Veronika. Choose life.

        Does this one resonate more with you?

        • 8 months ago

          Akshully I chose anime & HRT. U mad, chud?

        • 8 months ago

          Do grills wank?

          • 8 months ago

            My gf does I bought her a vibrating bullet toy lol

            • 8 months ago


              • 8 months ago

                I'd rather that she cucks me with a small vibrator than a large black dick (don't really have to worry she hates Black folk)

              • 8 months ago

                That's fair.

          • 8 months ago

            Yes, a girl I work with has a vibrator and she sticks it in her filth flaps while she dreams of Johnny Depp's dick and balls

      • 8 months ago

        And what's so fricking bad about being dead? I'll do my drugs and be six feet under by 35. I don't steal to pay for them so what's your problem?

        • 8 months ago

          >And what's so fricking bad about being dead?
          Nobody knows anon. You could return as a toiletbug. For all we know, this is as good as it's going to get.

          • 8 months ago

            And you will be aware as toiletbag that you were a human before?

          • 8 months ago

            Don't believe in afterlife or other spiritual bullshit, but I understand why others need this to cope.

            Although it seems unrealistic you can find people you vibe with. This makes all the difference

            Kind of hard to do when you brain is fricked from birth and you hate everyone and everything. Generally good point though.

            you’re pretty defensive for someone rejecting all expectations, homosexual. i know you said “i’ll be dead by 30” until you turned 30 and realized you love whining too much to die

            I'm 28, butthole. And I was just giving an optimistic estimate considering my bad health, I have no reason to kill myself while I can still afford the good stuff.

        • 8 months ago

          die and shut up then idiot

          • 8 months ago

            Gotta use more heroin first.

        • 8 months ago

          Although it seems unrealistic you can find people you vibe with. This makes all the difference

        • 8 months ago

          you’re pretty defensive for someone rejecting all expectations, homosexual. i know you said “i’ll be dead by 30” until you turned 30 and realized you love whining too much to die

        • 8 months ago

          Don't take people seriously on here anon. Alot of them simply get off on shitsturring and the (You)'s that come with it.

        • 8 months ago

          as someone who is already 35, jesus christ you little zoomer shit you have more than half a life left to live at 35

    • 8 months ago

      teenage cringe shit that’s only felt more hollow and embarrassing with time. if you had a friend who put this on their myspace page in the late 2000s, check up on them cause they’re probably fricking dead

      I'm a doctor and this resonates with me. I've seen a lot of people die at the hospital bed, i know what awaits at the end of a normal life.

      Watched the movie as a teenager and the sentence "who needs reasons when you've got heroin?" hit me hard. I still think about that sentence from time to time.

    • 8 months ago

      >Millenials and Gen'Xers stuck their noses up at owning a home, having a nice career and having a family as if it was the most repugnant, awful fate in the world

  8. 8 months ago

  9. 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago


  10. 8 months ago
    • 8 months ago

      The bacon isn't even cooked properly

      • 8 months ago

        thats just how they do the bacon in england. its truly a godless country

        • 8 months ago

          Im english and I only eat crispy burnt bacon lol. If you go in a cafe, by default they'll give it to you half cooked though you have to specifically tell them you want it well done.

      • 8 months ago

        I didn't want to be the one to say it.

    • 8 months ago

      Do americans really?

    • 8 months ago

      I'd go back to heroin if I had to eat that, minus the eggs

    • 8 months ago

      I hate beans so goddamn much

      • 8 months ago

        Dude, Tate is right. Beans are really high on fuel and protein. If you have a physically demanding job, beans will get you through the day.

        • 8 months ago

          Frick that grifter and frick your low IQ ass for listening to him, break eggs in a glass and drink em, that'll give you strength

          • 8 months ago

            You listen to everybody. And you cherrypick. I'm not drinking raw eggs. I'm going to work, not preparing to become the next heavyweight champion of the world.

            • 8 months ago

              oh no, I have too much strength at work...?
              fricking midwit logic, why do I even bother with these creatures

    • 8 months ago

      You gotta cut loose once in a while

  11. 8 months ago

    You will never accompany your obsessed with you teenage girlfriend to high school.

    • 8 months ago

      It tried so very hard to be edgy

      • 8 months ago

        Schoolgirls going out with dudes like Renton is very common, see it all the time on estates
        Its not an attempt to be edgy, just honest

    • 8 months ago

      Been there. Done that.

  12. 8 months ago

    Maybe at some point you could get the real thing. Now it's a no, frick no.

  13. 8 months ago

    I had to take an opoid for medical reasons. It was pretty nice yeah, obviously I didn't experience the injection rush. Felt very floaty and dreamy. I cannot remember much in the 5 days.

  14. 8 months ago

    Drugs feel kinda good. Especially if you have no one in your life.

    • 8 months ago

      True that

    • 8 months ago

      I know this sounds homosexualy: but the irony of it is, I believe drugs are better if you are emotionally in a good place. It can help you in building better connections with other people if you take them together. It's just that you never use drugs when you are in a good place.

      You use them when you feel shitty and want to feel better. You just go off into your personal headspace, furthering your isolation.

      It could be used as more than just a tool to escape or numb the pain. Like LSD or alcohol or XTC or weed.

      • 8 months ago

        People that take drugs like ecstasy, speed or cocaine to go to parties take them with friends to have a more intense fun. Weed and alcohol are also consumed with friends to have fun. I would say that most people that take drugs do it like that and then you have the other people that do it to numb the pain of their miserable lives. But yeah you are right, taking drugs to have fun with friends instead of to escape your miserable life is much better.

        • 8 months ago

          Weed is pretty intense for me, personally. It can provide you with some answers. I hate how it's now as socially accepted as a beer or having a snack. It's not like it's a holy grail, but the casualness which it gets treated with now bugs me a bit. It's a spiritual tool, you're not supposed to get fricked up on it. Unless that's your thing.

      • 8 months ago

        lmao ofc everything is better if you are in a good moment in your life

        but drugs give you some serenity when nothing is going well, that's why you get addicted

    • 8 months ago

      I'm doing really well and drugs feel fricking amazing to me. When you've already got nothing to worry about, taking drugs on top of that feels like you are transported into a good book or a movie.

      • 8 months ago

        Fricking this
        I'm an alcoholic but I never drink when I feel shitty. I always slip up when I feel great and use booze to feel even better. When you're in a hole no amount of drugs is gonna fix your life, but when you're doing well in life drugs make you feel like you rule the world.

        • 8 months ago

          Man, crazy to know there is someone else like me. I never got the whole american "drink when you're sad" thing.

  15. 8 months ago

    One of the few "heroin movies" that addresses constipation.

    • 8 months ago

      It’s true, no one ever shows interest in the glamorous part where you have to use your fingers to break up the 2 week old rock of compacted shit you’ll never pass. At least you’re probably all fricked up so instead of sweating over your worked over butthole you can just take a comfy nod on the toilet and appreciate the emptiness in your guts.

  16. 8 months ago

    It’s like the post nut glow but for a few hours. I miss it a lot and look forward to hospice. I will start smoking again at that point as well. If possible.

    • 8 months ago

      enjoy being dead homosexual

      • 8 months ago

        Decade clean. Doesn’t mean I can’t look forward to one last visit with an old friend. Your homosexual ass will die alone.

        • 8 months ago

          Let the devil pull you under at the end

          • 8 months ago

            Been over to the other side twice. I assure you, there’s nothing. Do with that what you will.

            • 8 months ago

              Nothing for you, anyway.

    • 8 months ago

      whats post nut glow i've only heard post nut clarity and post nut depression

      • 8 months ago

        you'll get a post nut glow only if you fap like once or twice a week. that couple minute feeling of relaxation

        • 8 months ago

          prostrate stimulation has an afterglow which lasts hours and days

          • 8 months ago

            t. look mom no hands

          • 8 months ago


      • 8 months ago

        It's what you get when you have straight sex with a born female

  17. 8 months ago

    Only tried it once, got tricked thinking it was weed. Best feeling i've ever had, nothing compares.

  18. 8 months ago

    what does it feel like to be high on heroin?
    >it's like uhhm the greatest feeling and everything else feels bland after this
    shit answer that means you know nothing

    • 8 months ago

      like the most comfy warmness through your entire body, a very fleeting feeling of absolute contentment

    • 8 months ago

      Christmas morning at 7 years old in a powder

  19. 8 months ago

    yeah been hooked on it since I watched that movie
    thanks danny boyle!

  20. 8 months ago

    Heroin is the only one I've managed to never ever do, because I believed the heroin addicts I've known when they said it was so good that I wouldn't come back from it. Coke was conquerable, and I spent one week high on meth until I experienced my first vivid hallucination. Even at my worst I've been able to reject heroin, because it would be the last mistake I make. Hope everyone close to me will keep making the same call. In my experience people don't come back and can't undo it

    • 8 months ago

      Just don't shoot it. A small amount up the nose like anything gives you a boost of feelgood energy for a couple of hours. It's like having a beer versus chugging liquor. I wouldn't touch the current chinese trash with fentanyl, not in any amount.

      • 8 months ago

        Forgot to respond to this, but bless you and please continue not fricking with that bullshit in this era. I think I'm up to about 5 friends and 10+ friendly acquaintances in my larger circle of friends who have dropped off from fentanyl at this point. It's easy to be edgy and make fun, and I know people will and I don't mind, but I hope everyone puts the same energy into staying safe and keeping their people from dying like some of mine have<3

      • 8 months ago

        Get thee behind me, Satan

    • 8 months ago

      Do you really think that if you just take it 1 time you won't be able to stop taking it? I don't think a drug can create a chemical addiction just with 1 consumption, maybe the people that say that mean that the pleasure you feel is so intense that it's difficult to resist the urge to take it again. But that happens with other drugs too like ecstasy, maybe less but it's the same thing, you feel very good, happy and motivated but if you have a little of autocontrol you know that you can't take it everyday or you will be fricked up soon.

      • 8 months ago

        >Do you really think that if you just take it 1 time you won't be able to stop taking it?
        What are people who are prone to addiction?
        Pretty sure a lot of people can take a shot of heroine just one time and be fine. Pretty sure there are a lot of people who can't do that either.

        I got hard warnings when it came to heroine. It's basically a death sentence. Pretty sure if it had been as readily available to me as weed & alcohol, I'd be a corpse by now. Or even worse, a bum who doesn't die and drags everybody around him down with him.

        • 8 months ago

          Not the same anon but I've read that those with adhd or ocd are more prone to getting addicted to anything due to dopamine imbalance. I'm the same way I can't just do a drug once especially if it makes me feel good the first time doing it or if it even gives some sort of buzz.

          • 8 months ago

            I can't handle moderation, can't take just one bite. I discovered youtube shorts and just had to go on a three day binge. It's weakness of character. Or maybe lack of purpose. Or maybe I'm just still wired like a chimp.

          • 8 months ago

            I have ADHD and asperges and had trouble sleeping since a child. I mostly start using to manage sleeping problems and only really used at night time before bed. 17 years later and I still have sleeping trouble and self medicate for that

        • 8 months ago

          You really wanna gamble on the chance that you might not be "addiction-prone"? Because you won't find out until it's too late

          • 8 months ago

            You're replying to the wrong anon. You're repeating my point back to me. Lay off the sauce.

            Or is this an AI post?

            • 8 months ago

              Yeah wrong post, it happens

              • 8 months ago

                No biggie.

      • 8 months ago

        I was only saying that I accept my predisposition to escapism via drug use, because of my experience with various other drugs, and I've known enough people who relayed their experience with that one, and I trust their word that it's difficult to turn it around once you're in a place where you're using.

        Although I did frick around with Oxy when I was a dumb kid and it never pulled me in like that. Just made me tired. Uppers were always more my problem.

        Also I liked the movie Spun more than Trainspotting. The highlights of it, anyway

      • 8 months ago

        I started at 17. Was using weekly for 3 years it took me to get fully addicted and start using daily.

        • 8 months ago

          For me this is more believable. I think that to develop the chemical addiction you need like years or maybe months of big doses. But then you have the psychological addiction, that could be faster if you are a person with little autocontrol and so prone to addiction.

          • 8 months ago

            I just started using more regularly over time and using more at once. After about 3 years I was using daily and tried to stop. I farted and shit myself after 3 days of no heroin that's when I knew I was absolutely fricked lol

    • 8 months ago

      I have high willpower and never even smoked weed or threw up from being drunk, but I would like to try heroine just to see what it is like. I wouldn't even know where to procure some and everything is laced with fentanyl now so I don't want to risk it.

      • 8 months ago

        >I have high willpower
        thats what i said when i first tied it just for the fun of it
        you people dont really realize that everything is chemistry

        opioids dont have anything to do with this system (dopamine), they have their own receptors on nerve cells and other parts of the body

        jesus you must be the dumbest fricker ITT and that saying much. sure, they act on mu, kappa, delta receptors, that doesnt mean the whole thing doesnt feed into the mesolimbic dopaminerg system.

        • 8 months ago

          >mesolimbic dopaminerg system
          opioids arent exclusively tied to that (theyre also present in other parts of the body) and their mode of action doesnt rely on dopamine

          • 8 months ago

            just stop posting will you

            • 8 months ago

              tell me where im wrong, if we were talking about mdma id agree but not with opioids

              • 8 months ago

                okay. sure, opioid receptors can be found in the whole body, the most important physiological effect can be attributed to the ones found in the spinal cord, supressing the signals of the afferent nociceptive neurons, their act at the perifary as well. that's pain relief. they also can be found in the gastrointestinal tract, and basically every tissue that has a smooth muscle in it. also affect the hypophysis, fricking with your ion/water regulation. What. is. your. point? people doesnt abuse them because they suppress their gut mobility or making them piss less often. all this other shit is the side effects.

                if we talk about euphoric mechanism you have to know a lot more than what drug acts on what receptor that you could find on wikipedia like that means anything to you. your brain is a fricking network, that's all you need to know.

              • 8 months ago

                my point is that you attribute addiction to opiates to the mesolimbic dopaminerg system when its not tied to that
                a dopamine rush is not something you achieve with opiates

              • 8 months ago

                you dont even know what youre talking about if you only ever did uppers dude, please stop bothering me with your moronation

              • 8 months ago

                yet you cant tell me where im wrong?

              • 8 months ago

                what you think as a "dopamine rush" is the complex effect of an upper that your junkie friends told you called a "dopamine rush". yeah, uppers affect the mesolimbic dopaminerg system as well because most stuff you use "amphetamine, metamphetamine, metilendioximetamphetamine" affects the neurotransmitter release and/or uptake in that region, but if you ever used "speed" and any potent opiate you'd know the euphoric effect just doesnt even compare

              • 8 months ago

                thing is not everyone gets euphoric from opioids, i think its more of a "suppress negative emotions/pain" thing that gets people hooked

              • 8 months ago

                dude, if you're on the lowest of the low emotionally of course you could only swing back as much.

              • 8 months ago

                with things like mdma that basically empty your dopamine storages you feel like a king at the time but like shit the days after until you replenished those reserves
                what im getting at is that even at your lowest you CAN swing back further with a comedown from uppers
                you dont have that kinda comedown with opioids (at least that i know of)

              • 8 months ago

                you ever used heroin, oxy or similar, dude?

              • 8 months ago

                nah and i dont plan to, im scared id enjoy it too much

              • 8 months ago

                then agree you dont really know what you're talking about

              • 8 months ago

                youre just using, what do you know about pharmacology?

              • 8 months ago

                im a pharmacologist, and im not using

              • 8 months ago

                so youre saying i as a non-user cant talk about the topic but you as pharmacologist (lol) and non-user can talk about it? sure buddy, whatever lets you sleep at night
                you still havent countered my point in any way btw, all you do is evade, call me names, question shit that isnt relevant so my guess is you are a user that has no idea what hes talking about

              • 8 months ago

                youre pretty pathetic
                im not going to give you a rundown on my life, but you can be certain i know pretty well what im talking about
                now go shit up another thread

              • 8 months ago

                still nothing but namecalling

              • 8 months ago

                what the hell are you looking for? ive been pretty descriptive so far as much as you can comprehend, what more do you need?

              • 8 months ago

                youve been descriptive in avoiding an actual counterpoint
                if youd have one you could link me a study but all you did was namecalling, questioning if i take said drugs and then tell me i couldnt speak about drugs i wasnt using (but you could (while non using btw))
                it seemed like youd have actual input but you just jumbled together something you read on wikipedia once

              • 8 months ago

                im sorry youre 19 years old at best my dude

              • 8 months ago

                aaaaand theres nothing but ad hominem again

              • 8 months ago

                you really start to annoy me dude. what the frick you really want? you want to believe MDMA gives you a better high than heroin? or what? I lost track of this fricking conversation hours ago

              • 8 months ago

                that's true.. I was addicted to fent for about half a year and I've done plenty of amphetamines over the years
                you only feel bad coming off of opioids if you're already addicted and experiencing withdrawals.. If you were to just try it and get high, most people feel fine coming off
                with amphetamines on the other hand, like you said they release massive amounts of dopamine and you will always feel like shit to some degree during the comedown. There is no avoiding dopamine depletion, unless you redose. Hence tweaker homosexuals

  21. 8 months ago

    As maybe the only person here who has battled this addiction on off for 10 years and been through maybe 30 withdrawals…. It’s great until it’s good until it’s average until your tolerance is so ridiculous you get health and/or money issues. Also it destroys your testosterone levels and no one ever talks about that

    • 8 months ago

      >As maybe the only person here who has battled this addiction
      You deserve to be six feet under, low test junkie.

    • 8 months ago

      Hope you're living better days now anon. Drugs are fricking evil.

    • 8 months ago

      >hard drugs destroy your body
      I'm sorry nobody told you

    • 8 months ago

      You aren't the only person. I've been an addict for 17 years and I'm 34. Gotten clean a few times twice in jail. Always went back to it. I gave up the pin about 3 months ago and went back to smoking it which was hard but made easier by the fact that I couldn't find a vein anymore. How did you use it? Smoking now affects me more which it didn't at first when I first quit the pin. You are dead right it's absolutely great at first but then before long you are just using it to feel normal coz you feel like absolute shit Any time you don't have it. It's good to know other people here have been through it judging from this thread doesn't make me feel so alone so thankyou for this post breh

    • 8 months ago

      is there a way to reset tolerance with chemicals? I think I read a paper about this some years ago.

      • 8 months ago

        >is there a way to reset tolerance with chemicals?
        Depends on the chemical
        For example with weed a tolerance reset takes like a month or two tops, whereas with booze it takes something like 7 years dry to lower your tolerance noticeably

      • 8 months ago

        i dont know about opioids, but I take 9-me-bc which has been shown clinically to reverse stimulant(amphetamine) tolerance. After being on 9-me-bc for over 4 months now I recently tried some pharma adderall a friend had and yeah.. 10mg was hitting me more than 20mg used to

      • 8 months ago

        5 days dry-fast gets anything out of your system for good

    • 8 months ago

      addiction isnt real, everyone knows it but we play along for the sake of morons like you. ive tried everything to see what its like, and never continued anything because im not a loser who lets a substance dictate my life.

      • 8 months ago

        >addiction isn’t real but I go to extreme lengths to not become addicted
        Wew. That is all.

        • 8 months ago

          what extreme lengths, just not continuing? kek

          • 8 months ago

            Probably an eslBlack person who thought you meant you're tried everything to quit, not tried every substance. Understandable since their brains are all fried.

            If you can’t get addicted then why stop? If addiction isn’t real then there’s no reason not to continue using the substances that make you feel amazing. My family came over on the Mayflower, you disingenuous turbohomosexual.

      • 8 months ago

        >addiction isn’t real but I go to extreme lengths to not become addicted
        Wew. That is all.

        what extreme lengths, just not continuing? kek

        Probably an eslBlack person who thought you meant you're tried everything to quit, not tried every substance. Understandable since their brains are all fried.

  22. 8 months ago

    i've only smoked it and done opium tea. it's mostly a body high, nothing to do with orgasms. if you want to orgasm, do mdma, ghb or psychedelics

  23. 8 months ago

    anyone can explain this to me?

    • 8 months ago

      versuchs mal auf Cinemaphile, aber ganz ehrlich hast du kein skript oder ne vorlesung die das erklärt?

      • 8 months ago

        danke, werds da mal versuchen
        ne ist online studium haben da ne vorlesung alle 2 wochen und den rest müssen wir so bearbeiten aber ich checks nicht deshalb die frage

    • 8 months ago

      yes, it is a Sum formula for two's complement representation of negative number:

      but it works in any base B, t is the number of bits used for the representation (t=8 is why there are 8 bits after = sign)

      a_i is the bit at ith place in some number (for 21 binary representation is as stated 00010101 so a_0 = 1, a_1 = 0, a_2 = 1, etc - reading from right to left)

      and then to write the twos complement you add 1 to its ones complement (ones complement is just a negation of bits in the reresentation, so if binary for 21 is 00010101 then its ones complement is 11101010)

      so the last row in the sum formula represents the two rows in the example below

      1 is self explanatory while the right part (S_{i=0}^{t-1} (B-1-a_i) B^i is the ones complement)

      if you iterate through the sum you see that (B-1-a_i) is 0 if a_i is 1 and you dont count that bit in the final sum, but if a_i is 0 then (B-1-a_i) equals 1 and you count in the B^i which is the 2^i or the ith bit in a_i's ones complement

      • 8 months ago

        i hope mc donalds is still hiring

        • 8 months ago

          >studying anything involving math
          >"lololo mcdonalds wagie"
          i think youre just about dumb enough to actually believe that

    • 8 months ago

      >not film related
      can you get any more off topic?

  24. 8 months ago

    >Is heroin really that good?
    not really. it just feels nice, but it very quickly goes from "hey this is pretty nice" to "my default state is now fricking awful and I need heroin to not feel like killing myself"

    • 8 months ago

      This is very true. I feel terrible when I don't have it like I have the flu or something and use to feel normal and manage to sleep. Otherwise I'm awake for days. I'm actually jealous of normal people who just naturally feel good and manage to sleep easy

  25. 8 months ago

    im on pregabalin right now which is supposedly some wonder drug for heroin junkies
    all i do is feel less anxious, anything else i should be aware of? i take it against stress

    • 8 months ago

      Pregablin addiction can be really rough to stop like benzos. All the other heroin addicts around here absolutely love pregabs and the local heroin dealer sells them £3 each for a 300mg pill. I will buy a couple every now and then but they don't do much other than help me to sleep

      • 8 months ago

        oh, i only take 50mg a day lol

        They're pretty shit. I've got loads and rarely take them.

        helps with my stress levels but otherwise, i dont see how you can get high off of them

        • 8 months ago

          What do you take them for? Usually nerve damage right? 300-600mg will knock me out. if you take that much it kinda goes through stages. First you feel a bit drunk, then kinda happy and stoned and then it knocks you out. You get tolerant to them really quick though, like zopiclone sleeping pills and they stop working after a few days. When I was in prison some lad who was addicted to pregabs kept having fits coz the prison drug doctor people weren't giving him any and he ended up in hospital so be careful dude

          • 8 months ago

            thanks for the word of warning bro, ill never go above 50 mg a day since its been doing it job at calming my nerves fine for the past 3 weeks

            • 8 months ago

              You never answered why are you prescribed it? Round here people only get it for bad pain like nerve damage and stuff. My mum has this thing they call the suicide disease "trigeminal neuralgia" where you have critical nerve pain in your face and head 24/7 and people kill themselves coz they can't handle the pain. My stepdad found her tryna hang herself one night. The chemo from breast cancer totally fricked her nerves up.. they prescribed pregabs but she is a barber and owns a barber shop and the pills make her too groggy and cloudy. She was giving them to me for a while lol

              • 8 months ago

                It helps against anxiety in my case. Im on 3 meds in total, antidepressants, antipsychotics and now lyrika. I used to shake violently when getting pushed over the edge but since ive been taking pregabalin, im feeling more relaxed and focused.
                My mom was prescribed them against her flatulence (probably also anxiety) and as a sleeping pill. She told me she was feeling very indifferent and calm so i asked my doc about it and he said its could be used in my case. Now im on a trial but so far i dont feel indifferent or whatever just calmer over the day
                My doc said not to take more than 75 per day so i hope you arent too into them, addiction is kinda shit

    • 8 months ago

      They're pretty shit. I've got loads and rarely take them.

  26. 8 months ago

    Crap movie

  27. 8 months ago

    mogged and deprecated by MDMA. Unless you are genetically built to be an opioid addicted low life white trash.

    • 8 months ago

      But I have heard that heroin doesn't have hangover. Ecstasy has it and a big one.

      • 8 months ago

        yes but it forces you to not be an addict. optimal intake is like once every few months if you don't want to fry your brain

        • 8 months ago

          Like that would stop your typical junkie

      • 8 months ago

        sure it doesnt, if you've only used it once in your life, and dont have access to it by no means. you know the thing about drugs is they all cause your mesolimbic dopaminerg system to fire as hell, that's why you feel good. that's your brain's reward system. the carrot on a stick. normally you rarely achive anything so "feelgood" that this system has to downregulate to keep its equilibrium, the most kick it gets in normal people is a friday nights drunkness, but the next morning you get your punishment, but since you feel like shit in your whole body you dont really isolate it.
        now imagine a substance specifically designed to stimulate the reward pathway in your brain. the first time it feels like heaven. the second time less so, but still pretty good. maybe you use a little more. now there you have it. 3rd time, still fine, just a little more. 1 week passes, you run out of the stuff. oh shit, you feel as hollow, unhappy and unmotivated as never before in your entire life.
        congratulation, you got addicted

        • 8 months ago

          Only after 3 or 4 times? I thought you had to be at least months.

          • 8 months ago

            nah, if you use it every day you get fricked within a week. the longer the substance's biological half life the faster you get hooked.

        • 8 months ago

          opioids dont have anything to do with this system (dopamine), they have their own receptors on nerve cells and other parts of the body

  28. 8 months ago

    >doesn't spot any trains
    What did they mean by this

    • 8 months ago

      Just the one train, actually

    • 8 months ago

      They go to a place where they do that but it only happens 1 time.

  29. 8 months ago

    I used to be a cocaine addict which is not comparable, but in general addiction to hard drugs is. If you're moronic enough to start, just know that there is always a lower low.

  30. 8 months ago

    The thing about heroin and alcohol is that I never want to be an ex-addict. I'm a chainsmoker. I quit cigarets for seven months once and I was never able to completely get rid of it. It doesn't impede with my life in a big way. Or in such a way that it makes it impossible for me to participate in society.

    If you became an addict to the heavier stuff you are stuck to dividing your life in two parts: Addict and Post Addict. You're baseline is fricked up. I don't mean to trample on anyone, but that's just sad. Even if you aren't an addict anymore, you are just an ex-addict. That's something you have to carry with you for the rest of your life. I can still enjoy things freely. Without that shadow looming over me for the rest of my life.

    • 8 months ago

      Labeling and self limiting belief systems. You were never outside the influence of drugs, you merely took a break. Being off drugs permanently is a genuine and authentic state of mind and being. You would know if you ever overcame yours. This website is nothing but a crab bucket and that's exactly what people like you try to do to convince others of the misery you live with, trying to talk about against drugs and deviant behavior on Cinemaphile is a losing battle by default.

      • 8 months ago

        pretty much this. I very much hate this nonsense that you only ever can be a recovering addict once you quit some hard shit. nonsense. it's all about habbit forming, and the genuine realization that any fricking drug, no matter how good it feels ultimately works against you, and you better of without it. of course, reaching this state of mind is another matter entirely.

        • 8 months ago

          I agree but at the same time even though I'm not using right now I feel like the temptations gonna be there til I die. I will always think about using when I'm struggling. Only thing that keeps me clean is my child. Haven't used since I had her. If I didn't have a kid id be using 100%

          • 8 months ago

            no shit, your primitive part of brain is like an association network. it associates shit that feels good and associates shit that feels bad. it cant discern anything higher than that, your neocortex do that. the irony of it is in high stress or misery the neocortex's logical function start to matter less and less, many a time this was the drive in our whole species reproduction.

            • 8 months ago

              So it's the primitive part of the brain that controls addiction? Would make sense if that's the case.

              Hey can the pharmacology guy please explain to me how methadone really works? I have been on it for years it's harder to quit than heroin. Physically anyway. Something about it fitting the receptors? You have any advice for me on trying to get clean? I mostly self medicate with heroin and various pills to sleep. I use to dull my brain coz the ADHD and asperges make me my do overtime and I barely sleep without some kinda downer.

              • 8 months ago

                Kratom. It won’t get you high but it will make the withdrawals go from absolute hell to barely tolerable. It binds to the same mu receptors.

              • 8 months ago

                yeah, might be good advice, but it doesnt work if you're deep in an opioid addiction. if you take up to a grams or more oxy a day you got so physically addicted you'd need to eat like a shit ton of kratom to even reach the levels of not feeling shit that it's just easier to kick it cold turkey. and anyhow, you're just prolonging the inevitable.

              • 8 months ago

                I was taking 40 50mg tramadol a day and it saved me, maybe because it was my only option at the time so I knew it was kratom or nothing, but I promise you it helped. I take 20 grams of kratom a day now and my life is back to (semi) normal.

              • 8 months ago

                dude, 50mgs of tramadol is like the prescribed dose for pain relief in normal people. im sure it helped, but you were nowhere near that addicted that would warrant anything to tide you over, believe me that.

              • 8 months ago

                Learn to read, I was taking 40 of the 50 mg tramadols a DAY. Forty. That’s 2000 mgs.

              • 8 months ago

                no anon, you need to write more clearly. 50 mgs a day mean you took 50gs overall over the course of day. if you popped them like that then your previous statement has way more weight naturally.

              • 8 months ago

                Is kratom legal and easy to buy? The methadone holds me over well enough I just need advice on how to change my brain from always thinking about using and being tempted to. At this point it's mostly psychological

              • 8 months ago

                unironically just drink until it passes over. if it's just a mild psychological shit then getting a bit drunk is the lesser evil than fricking with kratom, which has at least 24h of a half life so not that optimal either.

              • 8 months ago

                I haven't really drank for years I don't like drinking. Smoking weed kinda helps a little bit I don't like how it makes me feel either really. It helps having non opiate downer pills like benzos and shit. I was basically using to dull my brain from the ADHD and ritalin never helped. Also struggled with sleep since a kid. I'm looking always for advice on ways to sleep easier if anyone has any advice

              • 8 months ago

                This is shit advice, don’t try to replace anything with drinking, forget the liver damage but an alcohol addiction will kill you if you don’t come off of it correctly. Ethanol and benzodiazepines are the only chemicals that will kill you for trying to go cold turkey.

              • 8 months ago

                anon heard about drug addiction and quickly recites his lesson like a good little boy, very well done.
                you have any idea how long does it take to develop a physical dependency on alcohol? i nowhere near suggested that replacing an addiction with another is any way a good way to go, but if you had any experience with this you'd understand where im coming from. getting hammered for 4-5 days without any opioids is way better than constantly being addicted to fricking methadone, fricking with your brain in an insidious kind of way and never letting you free

              • 8 months ago

                >Fricking methadone
                I tried to come off of it cold turkey and it almost killed me that's how it felt anyway ended up using heroin again just to make it stop was shitting myself and everything and was like flu x 1000. Methadone gets in your bones. Coming off it is a scary thought but I have been reducing. Went from 120ml to 40ml, relapsed twice now on 60ml.

              • 8 months ago

                Yes fricking your liver, pancreas, and endocrine system along with your brain is smarter than just fricking your brain. Ive witnessed people go through end stage liver failure doing exactly what you’re talking about doing. If you only did it once then yes it’s probably okay but you don’t do just once do you? It’s yo-yoing back and forth with smack when you have it and alcohol when you don’t over and over again. You do you, maybe when you’re jaundiced and dying in pain you’ll think back to this post and feel silly. Oh well no great loss.

              • 8 months ago

                oh boy you're another dense one arent you

              • 8 months ago

                >nnnno you’re stupid because while I can’t poke holes in anything you’ve said I’ll never admit to being wrong because I’m fricking moronic

              • 8 months ago

                this made me reflect my life and im glad im not into drugs

              • 8 months ago

                Yeh I know someone who died in prison from coming off benzos. It's rough as frick. I wouldn't take the advice to drink anyway I just don't like how alcohol makes you feel. Drink about 3 times a year. Drinking makes me want to use heroin.

              • 8 months ago

                no shit, anything feels like shit after using heroin my dude, it's not supposed to feel like an equivalent of it, but something to tide you over without fricking with the same receptors that opioids affect.

              • 8 months ago

                Would drinking alcohol make me feel better when coming off methadone? I gues anything that makes me feel less like I'm dying. It's such a scary thought to me coming off of it and I don't want to push myself back into heroin I wasted 17 years of my life on that shit. One problem for me is that since quitting heroin I have zero motivation to do anything I just wanna sit in bed watching TV series and doing nothing and even leaving the house I have to psyche myself up. I don't enjoy anything without heroin except watching TV.

              • 8 months ago

                >no motivation, no enjoyment, feeling like absolute shit
                yeah, that's the nature of opioid withdrawal. not to mention the shits. and the pukes. and the cold sweats. and the hot flashes. until physical dependency doesnt resolve, you will feel like this, although less and less as days go by. alcohol helps by causing an aspecific mild euphoria and also depresses you a bit like opioids do when you get hammered. of course if you're withdrawing, the best you can achive is getting kind of even, thus not feeling like absolute shit, but thats still count for something, right?
                sadly I've found that with this particular shit the trial by fire is kind of inevitable

              • 8 months ago

                Yes just to feel normal when feeling like that would be a blessing. The physical dependency is taken care of by the methadone but the lack of motivation hasn't gone away yet. I just don't want to do anything except sit in bed watching TV. When I had heroin I'd have a smoke or whatever then go do whatever I gotta do and I'd enjoy it. Without heroin nothing excites me at all. It fricking sucks.

              • 8 months ago

                i dont know what to tell you honestly. methadone is a half measure kind of way to rehabilitate opioid users. it is well known among professionals that kicking it can be worse than kicking heroin alone. it helps keeping the really nasty things at bay that can come out at a full on withdrawals, but the mental things, that can really tire someone out especially over long durations doesnt really get solved.
                honestly i didnt kick it with methadone

              • 8 months ago

                I tried to kick it without methadone but when I shit myself on the third day I was too scared to go through that again so I've been on methadone for like 12 years at this point I know people who have been on it 40 years. Coming off it scares me to think about but I don't want to be on it for the rest of my life but I also don't want to go back to square one ajdnstart using again

              • 8 months ago

                who cares about shits my good dude? after a while theres nothing to shit out, only water. i hated puking the most, but that stopped after te 3rd day. your gastrointestinal system takes the longest to recover after opioids because it doesnt get used to the stuff, it just gets supressed constantly. same with your eyes (opiods cause miosis, the constriction of the pupill) so you can get blurry vision when withdrawing. you just have to power through it. at least you have something to look forward to. your daughter.

              • 8 months ago

                I guess so but it's the aches and pains and sleeplessness that is worst for me. During the day it's not so bad but at night when you are trying to get comfy and sleep then that's when it gets really bad and you toss and turn and feel like punching and kicking holes in the wall. I don't miss that and the methadone keeps that at bay. I need to hurry up and get off the methadone before my kid grows up and knows about all of that. She is only 4 right now so she doesn't understand any of that. I just don't want her to grow up to hate me. I moved out of my gfs house coz we were arguing too much and since moving out things have gotten so much better between us. I still see her and my kid most days but even leaving my flat I have to psyche myself up I have no motivation to do anything. When I am busy and with the family it's a lot easier and I don't think about using as much but when I am alone at my place and bored is when it comes creeping back in. I've mostly been clean since the kid other than sleeping pills and a couple relapses but the methadone needs to stop.

              • 8 months ago

                How to degenerates like you always get kids? I'm an even Steven and nobody gives a shit about me.
                You don't think it takes an effort to try and be normal and pay your bills? And there you are. Atarara, fricking and making kids and going into rehab. What the frick?

              • 8 months ago

                Lol I met the right girl I guess.. always supported me and helped me get clean when she fell pregnant. We have been together 9 years. I'm no Chad but I managed to have sex with a LOT of girls in my teens and early 20s. It was easier for me back then. How old are you? Other than my gf and kid and mum nobody gives a shit about me either. Do you socialise with anyone? That's how I met mine. Terminally online people who don't leave the house much are never going to have some cute girl just fall In their lap you make an effort to find one. Do you make en effort?

              • 8 months ago

                I had many girls I just dumped them because I thought I could get better

              • 8 months ago

                And did you get better? Lol. I lucked out finding my gf she's pretty based and redpilled when it comes to politics and stuff. And she'd only slept with a couple guys before me, she's bi and had a gf when we met who she left for me. Other than me she doesn't really find guys attractive. And she is the best possible mum for my child I wouldn't change her for anyone on the planet. And for all my faults and whether we are together or not she will NEVER stop me seeing my kid. If you make the effort you will find someone. How old are you?

              • 8 months ago

                Got to 30 a couple of days ago. Nah I didnt. I got hooked on shit after all that.

              • 8 months ago

                Ok cool hope things get better for you breh the best way to find a decent girl isn't dating apps but friends of friends. Without friends you will never find a decent girl

              • 8 months ago

                > she'd only slept with a couple guys before me
                Lol. Copium so pure it could fire rocket engines.

              • 8 months ago

                I've known her years before we met and I know people that knew her before. She doesn't really find men attractive other than me. When we go out she looks at the pretty girls not the guys and I like that. We often talk about girls we find hot and even entertained the idea of having a threesome with me and her and another girl. I know the incel mindset is every adult girl is a prostitute but my gf is pretty prude and wholesome.

              • 8 months ago

                yeah she is def fricking other dudes behind your back anon
                what are you 16? After the 3some she will feel like its justified for her to have a chad sidepiece that rails here silly.

              • 8 months ago

                She definitely isn't. She doesn't have time with looking after my kid 24/7 and my daughter would 100% tell me if she had guys around the house. What don't you understand she is bi and other than me she likes girls and I don't mind that. Yes I decided against a 3some in case she enjoyed it too much and left me for some girl lol

              • 8 months ago

                My social life has become more limited as I grew older. I don't put an effort in, no. I go out there, but I don't install apps to meet women. Covid really put a stop on my social life. I got comfy with drinking home alone.

                Last week I didn't talk to anybody. For an entire week. I went shopping and talked to the lady there.
                >Is this register still open?
                >No, it's over there

                That was my human interaction, for an entire week. And being on here.

                And then I see my colleagues during the weekend and I rejuvenate. I'm thrown into a band of misfits.
                >What did you do during the week anon?
                >Nothing! I relaxed! (but in reality you don't want to tell them they are the highlight of your week)

                I'll look for something.

              • 8 months ago

                I envy your cheerfullness through all this. This is very similar to my week and I feel miserable and I hate myself deeply for not doing better. Most of the time I really hate myself.

              • 8 months ago

                Why would you hate yourself? You've got a right to be here, just like anybody else. There's that conversation between Merrick and All in Deadwood where Merick was being a snowflake and All slapped him and said: "Life's got a lot more punishment in store for you. You can go an cry about it, or take it like a man, and give some back." While not the most wholesome of quotes, I remembered that. You've got a right to be here.

                I have palmar hyperhydrosis. It means your hands are sweaty all day long. As a teenager, it was hell to go trough, people act disgusted when you give them a sweaty hand.

                Then I lost my virginity to a girl in Bolivia. She wanted to walk through town and give me a hand. I kept pulling my hand away. I told her my hands were sweaty and I didn't feel comfortable. She said to me: " Don't be a fool. People come in all colours and shapes."
                She grabbed me by hand, sweaty as it was and that was that.

                I have a right to be here.

                Last week my boss gave me a hand and he looked at his hand and wiped it. Incredibly insulting to me. But I know it's not a dealbreaker, I have more confidence, you know.

              • 8 months ago

                I appreciate the kind words. Truly. But it's really a mental thing. Ultimately, it always is. Your enviroment. What you get back. I get back that I'm a piece of shit.

              • 8 months ago

                Just don't hate yourself. You can always change your environment. I know the tresshold for that is pretty high. But in reality, it's really easy. It's a mental prison. Some people jump off a building. How hard would it be to take a train, boat, plane to another location? You'll feel relieved. You are reaching for something. Otherwise you wouldn't be posting.

              • 8 months ago

                Lol I can relate. If it wasn't for my gf and kid I literally wouldn't have anyone to talk to and various imageboards are my only social life outside of close family.

              • 8 months ago

                >Do you make en effort?
                have a nice day decrepit dog

              • 8 months ago

                Nice to see not everyone ITT acting like you. Toxic prick

              • 8 months ago

                Oh jesus, now you reminded of me the sleeps. waking up in the middle of the night (if you can get to sleep), soaked in sweats. Yeah, they are the worst. I've used sleeping pills through that that's true. Then gradually lowering the dosage until I can sleep naturally. I can feel you, absolutely. Suffering through the day, and cant even get the release of a sleep at night. yeah. that can break you.

              • 8 months ago

                It can definitely break you. The thing is I already struggled with sleep since I was a child. Part of the reason I was using in the first place to calm my ADHD brain and get some sleep. Ritalin never helped. Yeh the waking up in cold sweat and having to lay a towel under you and change your clothes is absolutely horrible. It's the sleeping thing that scares me so much. Apparently coming of methadone it takes months to get sleeping pattern back. I've been on and off sleeping pills and other downers since I was like 15, heroin at 17. Right now I'm buying some bipolar girls anti psychotics that knock me out at night

              • 8 months ago

                When I got through one of my first withdrawals I've used some anti psychotics, couldnt really recommend them, only exacerbated the physical symptoms, like got weird motor function impairments, my jaw got locked and other weird shit, which I never got after other withdrawals

              • 8 months ago

                They just knock me the frick out and I like to sleep a lot when I'm alone and bored. It's weird but when my kid falls asleep cuddled up to me I find it much easier to sleep then when I'm alone at my place. What pills did you take? I've been taking olanzapine and quetiapine (aka serequel which they called serial killers in jail coz they give them to psychos to keep them docile lol) I don't really get any weird side effects accept feeling really groggy in the morning and not wanting to wake up

              • 8 months ago

                The state I live in is legal, there are only a few states that it’s not.

              • 8 months ago

                I'm in the UK. Anon just said he had 20grams of kratom a day that's a LOT to consume and is kratom addictive? I don't wanna another addiction lol.

              • 8 months ago

                >I'm in the UK
                Learn to do a cold water extraction of the OTC co-codamol.

              • 8 months ago

                How do you do that? Wouldn't I have to inject? I had to stop injecting because I couldn't find a vein anymore after 12 years on needles. Had to start smoking instead. About 2 months clean just on methadone now.

              • 8 months ago


              • 8 months ago

                You didn't answer if I have to inject? Coz I can't find a vein anymore. Even the hospital struggle to find blood I totally fricked my body over the years and I'm only 34.

              • 8 months ago

                You 34 and into heavy drugs and don’t know shit about drugs. Kids these days. You can stick the liquid in the over for a bit and evaporate the water then scrape it up and then snort it. You need to remove the aspirin in OTC opiates in the UK because aspirin will nuke your liver. You need your liver to live(r). Or else you’ll be deader.

              • 8 months ago

                Honestly I don't want another opiate addiction..methadone and benzos and sleeping pills is bad enough right now. And I never liked to snort stuff. Also I've taken lots of codeine pills in the past and they didn't really do much for me. Plus the new drug test at the place I have to go to gt my script can tell the difference between heroin and codeine and if I start failing drug tests they take me off weekly pick up at the pharmacy and put me back on daily supervised consumption which would really suck it's taken me years to get to weekly pickup.

              • 8 months ago

                bro I worked security at a methadone clinic once.
                so many absolutely scraped humans in there. some of the most scummy pieces of shit I have ever had to interact with. they would sell their asses for the sniff of a chance at another hit.

              • 8 months ago

                Luckily I never did that. Even at my lowest point I never stole from friends and family and I never even thought about renting my ass but I have known people who have done both of those things. Some lad who ODd used to go down to margate to rent his ass for £100 to some old perv. Lol

              • 8 months ago

                rail thin gays are the ones that really creep me out. you can see them rotting to death week by week.
                I smoke pot every day and think it's fricking my life up pretty badly, but I know if I touched heroin I'd be done for. even meth, I'd be robbing houses and stabbing c**ts for their wallets.
                good luck with your recovery senpai, I hope you make it.

              • 8 months ago

                Lol yeh lots of them around here. My town has high amount of users and there are scumbags that Rob old people and houses and all sorts. Some young kid got stabbed in the thigh last week for 2 £10 bags of crack. Thankyou it actually means a lot you wish me well I don't hear it very often. I've actually really enjoyed this thread and being able to talk about this with people that understand. I rarely get to talk about my addiction with anyone other than my key worker at the drug clinic. And he isn't an ex user so he has no idea what I went through. My old key worker was an ex addict who got recruited out of jail and he was brilliant helped me more than anyone else ever has and it helped to know he knew what he was talking about.

              • 8 months ago

                not him but glad you feel this way. didnt expect when I got to this thread that I'd meet so many likeminded people but it can really be a heartwarming thing. hope you nothing but the best dude.

              • 8 months ago

                Thankyou breh! Yes it's been really nice for me and cheered me up to get this all of my chest with people that have been through it. Makes a big difference and I needed cheering up today I also didn't expect to find anyone else ITT who knew what it was like. Figured it would just be people trashing me.

                Also it's pretty funny on another imageboard, someone just loaded Cinemaphile for the first time and said the first thread they saw was a heroin thread and posted a ss of the OP and one of my posts was in the pic. Lol that was catchan

              • 8 months ago

                >Figured it would just be people trashing me.
                You want a smiley to go with that sir? Just to make sure you understand it's all in good fun? Or do you want to get treated like an equal and an adult. I'm glad you got some meaningful conversation out of this thread.

              • 8 months ago

                Lol thanks. A smiley would be nice! Hahaha maybe with the tongue poking out

              • 8 months ago

                probably some 16 year old moron, he can jerk off to that pic until he gets to some similar shithole in his life.

              • 8 months ago

                Lol no he's in he's 20s and one of the cringiest morons I have encountered on Chan's. He is terminally online and begging for attention from the pedos in the pedo threads. Despite saying he hates pedos. He is absolutely obsessed with one guy who quit that site 5 days ago and now exclusively posts here in Cinemaphile which is why he loaded the board. To come looking for his lost love. Pretty funny stuff ngl

              • 8 months ago

                methadone works USUALLY, by
                being an orally active substance, thus dissociating the iv habbit from the feeling good aspect of the nature of the drug,
                having a very long biological half-life, providing a stable blood level, so you dont go up and down every 3-4 hours like it is with most opioids like heroin, oxy etc.

                why it's hard to quit? because as i've stated before, you get used to it, you get used to every external substance over time. you need to fricking suffer for 2-3 days to even gradually reach the level of being drug free, and then your brain need to recover which takes usually 5-6 days + x days of psychological dependency. it's frickin hell

              • 8 months ago

                >Psychological dependence
                The methadone holds me well enough physically but psychologically I'm still always thinking about using. I don't know what to do to change that. Having no hobbies doesn't help. Boredom is the biggest trigger for drug users. All the while I have shit to do I'm not thinking about it and as soon and I'm bored and home alone I'm thinking about it again.

      • 8 months ago

        >Labeling and self limiting belief systems
        I believe in that. But very few are able to break free from it. I think ex-addicts allow themselves to be pidgeonholed as ex-addicts. Or they play into it a bit too much at least. It's like it's the one thing that defines them.
        And there are crabs. Who will you remind you of your ex-addiction. I've never been in the situation myself, but I can see how people behave. Addicts are addicts for life. People threat them as ex-convicts. It's unfair. They'll never get be able to move on like that. Yet, on here, every ex-addict is pissing and moaning about his ex-addiction.

        Although, I suppose that's fair. You can vent on here. And then go back like a man to deal with the real world.

        • 8 months ago

          and exactly this reason why you never tell absolutely anybody youve been hooked on anything, ever

          • 8 months ago

            I tell people on ibs I'm an ex user and all they ever do is call me a heroin addict when we debate even though I'm not using anymore. You're right I probably shouldn't say anything lol

            • 8 months ago

              No, you shouldnt and mustnt. You can believe me that. The dogs out there want nothing but a reason to bring you down any way you can, and the least you can do to yourself after crawling out of the black abyss is to not give them a leash with what they can pull you back again.

              • 8 months ago

                Good advice. It's a bit too late now though a lot of people in the altchan scene already know who I am etc but I think I will stop being so open about my life. People make out like I'm a terrible dad cause I am an ex addict but having a child is what got me clean. a bad dad would still be using. I've used like 2 times in the last 4 years when I was really struggling and found out my mum had cancer but I never used around my kid only when I didn't have her around me

              • 8 months ago

                I've had the same experience. You open yourself up and be honest: You give them a whip to hit you with. Sadly, it is like that.

              • 8 months ago

                yeah, you shouldnt do that. i never talk about this stuff unless it's here and it's somewhat anonym. i know the nature of men, and i know how people behave who dont know shit, not even how they fricking brain works. live their lifes, chasing the carrot, getting fat to 500lbs, but if they feel like they are socially allowed to give you shit for x to feel better about themselves, then you can be sure they do it. dont ever give them anything.

              • 8 months ago

                It's not a good way to be. There are good people out there. I just got lucky. Don't close yourself off from everybody either.

                But as a rule of thumb: yes. Don't give them anything.

      • 8 months ago

        >state of mind and being
        oh hey a bullshit post

  31. 8 months ago

    druggieBlack folk are pathetic

  32. 8 months ago

    >Is heroin really that good?
    It's better.

  33. 8 months ago

    are you dumb? the movie isn't even about heroin. Heroin is their "trainspotting"

    • 8 months ago

      what the frick even is a trainspotting

    • 8 months ago

      Ackchyually 'Trainspotting' refers to a chapter in the book which was never used for the film, in which the group encounters (and ignores because it will set Begbie off) Begbie's drunk homeless father at a railway station. Trainspotting is a metaphor for people moving in and out of the group's lives throughout the book.

      • 8 months ago

        This. Lost souls, especially drug addicts see a lot of people meander in their lives for a while then never see them again. When I was addicted I'd see a new girl almost every few night clubbing, for years, with her cane a group of people I've never seen since, thousands of people in and out just like that gone, especially in a big city, especially before the internet and smartphones, that's what it means.

  34. 8 months ago

    Didn't read the thread.
    Yes it's one of the greatest feelings in the world but takes a lot of effort to use regularly because you end up having to center your whole life on when you're going to do heroin next.

    • 8 months ago

      Yes and without it you seriously lack motivation to do anything. Like after I use I can go work and do whatever but if I don't have heroin I don't want to do anything but lay in bed and watch TV and post here.

  35. 8 months ago

    I used to do It once/twice a week. On one hand you'd pick It over food, on the other hand to go fully junkie you need to do it like 3-4 times a day. Quitting smoking was harder for me. I liked It, gave me a nice buzz. overrated still but nice,.. but the people you have to deal with/buying drugs off gangsters/young people working for them, and having friends overdose and die etc. Life is better sober

    • 8 months ago

      >Over food
      I did that many times went hungry coz id spend my money on heroin instead and had to steal to eat. You literally put it before everything and everyone in your life it's so destructive to you and everyone around you. And it doesn't even feel that good anymore you end up using to feel like a normal person. It's shit once your an addict. Until then it's great and if you have the willpower to just use every now and then it's amazing. Most people don't though.

  36. 8 months ago

    Bad movie about Heroin. Watch some Andy Warhol stuff instead.

  37. 8 months ago

    Superior heroinkino coming through

  38. 8 months ago

    I beat the everloving frick out of a homeless junkie tonight. a few months ago he spat on me on camera so I just wore it and waited until this guy was sleeping it off in a public park at 2am. no CCTV 🙂
    had to be very careful because the thing is, junkies are deranged and usually carry bloodborn diseases, so just don't get their fluids on any open cuts or in your mouth. or split your knuckles punching their fricking dome in.

  39. 8 months ago

    its better than anything you will ever have.

  40. 8 months ago

    It was certainly that good for Scotts back then. Give this one a watch as well.

    • 8 months ago

      Never heard of this but I like those actors. Might watch it tonight. Irvine Welsh is great. Love the way he manages to write in Scottish accent so when you read it out loud you sound Scottish never seen anyone else do it and it's awesome. Thanks

    • 8 months ago

      I don't know about you guys but I can't stand to watch any movie about drug addiction after what i've went through.

      • 8 months ago

        Idk I like to watch movies about it, makes me feel not so alone to see other people living it. Requiem for a dream was really frickinf depressing tho I related a bit too much

        • 8 months ago

          it doesnt comfort me, it just reminds me of the shittiest period of my life

  41. 8 months ago

    Is heroin good for you?

    • 8 months ago

      Sure, try it.

  42. 8 months ago

    Depends what type of person you are.

    I personally thought it was disgusting because the high was too intense. Just felt wrong, like who the frick needs to get that high

    But you have low IQ Black folk who think its the answer.

    • 8 months ago

      >Too intense
      Did you shoot it up? Coz smoking it ain't that intense you just get a warm fuzzy feeling like you are really comfy. But it makes you sick a lot at first but it's not like sicking when you are ill or drunk it's not that bad

  43. 8 months ago

    I have his bodytype and am super pale, do people think I look like a drug addict?

    • 8 months ago

      Yes probably lol. I have a similar body but I am an addict or ex addict or whatever. I've always been pretty toned though. The thing that makes me look like an addict is I had 12 teeth out so my gums have receded a bit and I have false teeth

    • 8 months ago

      i went sunbathing when the weather was good so i suggest you do the same
      looking like a corpse you get treated like shit i feel

  44. 8 months ago

    I'm too fat to do heroin. But food is yummy. Food is like crack. It's an intense high that's short lived. Food is the most unheathy drug there is.

  45. 8 months ago

    To be perfectly honest there's rarely a time when I dont hate myself

  46. 8 months ago

    Well thanks guy this was a decent thread I needed the talk! Hope to get to talk to some of you again although we probably won't know it. This is why I prefer slower altchans instead coz you can get to know people and the threads don't move too quick and the stay on catalogue for longer.

    • 8 months ago

      Best of luck to you.

      • 8 months ago

        Thankyou. This thread surprised me only one person told me to kill myself kek what is the bump limit on Cinemaphile been here years never took any notice lol

  47. 8 months ago

    Dayyyum Scotland really is a shithole

    • 8 months ago

      dude just downed 10 pills at once what

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