Is hitchhiking really a thing that happens in America or is that just a movie/TV thing?

Is hitchhiking really a thing that happens in America or is that just a movie/TV thing? Isn't it risky picking one up? Is it anything like the movies when you do pick one up?

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  1. 4 weeks ago

    Think how easy it was before the turn of the century to pickup, rape, and murder sexy hitchhikers. What a time to be alive.

    • 4 weeks ago

      It still is if you go to canada. Literally hundreds of missing native girls that got picked up on the highway and no one, not the tribes or the mounties, give any semblance of a frick.

      • 4 weeks ago

        That's not what happens. They're kidnapped and murdered/raped by either someone who knows them or a family member. White people aren't going around murdering indians

        • 4 weeks ago

          You get arrested if you tell the truth about injuns in canada though

        • 4 weeks ago

          >White people aren't going around murdering indians

          Go back to sleep Custer.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >claims mass native graves
            >hundreds of catholic churches burnt down by chugs and baizuo
            >oh, turns out there was nothing there after all, lol

    • 4 weeks ago

      A simpler time.

    • 4 weeks ago

      It was more like we could pick up 15 year olds on the side of the road wanting a lift into town, or back home, and could frick em. May make a lot of folks seethe nowadays but I got plenty of this films scenario

  2. 4 weeks ago

    it used to be way more common but i don't see it as often nowadays. i think people are more paranoid.

    i picked up some dude once that was a block from my house because it just randomly started pouring out of nowhere and he flagged me down. he wanted me to drop him off at a church but asked for money on the way there. i don't know what his deal was but my girlfriend called me a fricking idiot for picking him up

    • 4 weeks ago

      >i think people are more paranoid.

      What caused that paranoia? If I ever came to America I would love to pick them from time to time and share stories

      • 4 weeks ago

        because of all the stories of hitchers robbing/killing you and hitchers also got murdered a bit too. easier to get away with a murder if you previously had zero connection to the person and zero witnesses

        • 4 weeks ago

          This almost never happened. It's a complete panic.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >almost never
            It happened frequently. Just because odds are you’d be safe does not mean it “almost never” happened. They didn’t call it the golden age of the serial killer for nothing.

            • 4 weeks ago

              >It happened frequently
              No it didn’t. Unless you want to provide source for that assertion. Incidents with hitchhiking were uncommon, but there became a panic in the 80’s because of the few instances when it happened and their media coverage, so the concept slowed down dramatically.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Because no one tells about thousands of times hitchhiking went without any trouble

          • 4 weeks ago

            Well, yeah. The news will always report violence and scare the shit out of people even if it’s not as common as they present it

    • 4 weeks ago

      >he wanted me to drop him off at a church but asked for money on the way there. i don't know what his deal was but my girlfriend called me a fricking idiot for picking him up
      he was homeless and probably a junkie. they go to churches to beg for money from the staff even though they're only supposed to give them food/clothing.

      • 4 weeks ago

        yeah, maybe. i only had like two dollars in quarters in my car because i never carry cash on me. he looked disappointed in that moment even though he seemed very nice the entire ride before. he was an older man that i would never have guessed would be on drugs though

        • 4 weeks ago

          probably not smoking hard drugs, most homeless dudes are just alcoholics

    • 4 weeks ago

      It actually ended in part due to the Manson murders. It put people on edge about picking up strangers, but it was very common before then.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Lots of hitchhiker Twilight zone/thrillers before then, but they were just stories. Train hopping was the earlier version.

        • 4 weeks ago


    • 4 weeks ago

      yeah just a bum, he's probably gotten money/supplies at that church before

    • 4 weeks ago

      >it used to be way more common but i don't see it as often nowadays. i think people are more paranoid.
      People have phones and can just call taxis or their friends.

      • 4 weeks ago

        I thought that hitchhikers were normally people that didn’t have money or friends to help them out? I had an uncle that essentially was homeless and would just travel around the US via hitchhiking. He showed up randomly at our house one day and stole weed from my older brother

        • 4 weeks ago

          The people that don't have money or friends are a tiny minority. Even the homeless have smartphones these days.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >no money or friends
            >tiny minority
            some of the dumbest shit i've heard on here

        • 4 weeks ago

          You of course have helpless people but there are others who do it for the adventure, its (or was) a lifestyle

          The experiences I got HHing for years are out of the reach of the normie traveler backpacker

    • 4 weeks ago

      i don tknow if its true, but i remember back in the days people talking about how some nuts staged car accidents in secluded roads and would murder unsuspecting motorists. supposedly this one dude stumbled upon a crash and saw bodies, he didn't stop and when he looked back they were all getting up

      • 4 weeks ago

        >bodies, he didn't stop and when he looked back they were all getting up
        Holee fug, that's an unsettling scene

      • 4 weeks ago

        pretty sure people still do that. probably not as common in america though

    • 4 weeks ago

      This is the transportation equivalent of knocking on a stranger’s door and asking to come inside to call AAA. It’s weird.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >my girlfriend called me a fricking idiot for picking him up
      why? you have male privilege.

  3. 4 weeks ago


    Thank you Gadonposter I appreciate your contribution 🙂

  4. 4 weeks ago

    used to be more common, now we have uber. if you're interested in content like that, there's a show called Tumbs Up by a super rich artist named David Choe, he's been hitchhiking since he was a kid with his friend. There were a few seasons of it and he's told stories from the early days when he was on Rogan before.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >David Choe

      I hate that guy. He is the quintessential 2deep4u artist. He got lucky with his facebook art and now thinks this is a testament to his art skills. I lol'ed when he confessed to raping a girl and when he got backlash and realize what he admitted to he claimed it was all just art performance.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >I lol'ed when he confessed to raping a girl
        the story was he was in a asian massage parlor and he made a masseuse suck his dick, and held her down cause she didn't want to and the punchline was it wasn't a happy end type parlor. it was a throwaway story on a slow day, it got blown up in the news, bunch of reporters scoured every massage place in the LA area and no one confirmed the story.

        • 4 weeks ago

          >the punchline was it wasn't a happy end type parlor
          That is pretty fricking funny.

          • 4 weeks ago

            yeah people who didn't watch DVDASA back then just don't get Dave, it's sad cause that was one of the best eras of the internet, it was like howard stern pre-sellout but with mainly Asians.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >David Choe

      I hate that guy. He is the quintessential 2deep4u artist. He got lucky with his facebook art and now thinks this is a testament to his art skills. I lol'ed when he confessed to raping a girl and when he got backlash and realize what he admitted to he claimed it was all just art performance.

      Isnt he a violent raper?

      • 4 weeks ago

        >Isnt he a violent raper?
        no that was a meme story he told on his show. he's like joey diaz and bobby lee, he exaggerates/makes shit up because he just has to be the center of attention always.

    • 4 weeks ago

      He was the doofus who betrayed bobby lee and put his private life on a podcast. He really is out of touch but has so much money that there are no consequences. I do like the idea of traveling to unconventional means so I will give it a try.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >He was the doofus who betrayed bobby lee and put his private life on a podcast.
        Aren't him and Bobby still cool? He's fine with Steve, they've been talking about a Mangchi 10 year reunion.

        • 4 weeks ago

          bobby is cool with anyone that has clout and money, he doesn't want to burn bridges if it could be useful later.

          • 4 weeks ago

            i mean yeah he's always been kinda spineless but he had dave on for tigerbelly's 300 ep. just because dave wanted to go full radio silent on his personal life after the publicity shitstorm happened to him in 2014 doesn't mean he was on bad terms with bobby, any time Asa went on tigerbelly they would talk about him for a minute and it was always positive.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Thumbs Up is fantastic

      precurser to Vagrant Holiday, especially the train hopping ep.

  5. 4 weeks ago


    Sarah Gandon? She looks pretty ugly for a blue eyed blond

  6. 4 weeks ago

    I think it’s actually illegal at this point, because either the driver or the hitchhiker could end up being a psycho.
    But it used to happen a lot, from what I hear.

  7. 4 weeks ago


    can you really start a family like this? seems a little unrealistic.

  8. 4 weeks ago

    >get off work from my restaurant job
    >giving a coworker a lift home
    >stranger in parking lot asks me if he can get a ride
    >i say sure immediately, coworker seems fine
    >pass bar on the way to his spot and he says that he lays a lot of pipe there
    >no idea what this means
    >both coworker and stranger laugh and ridicule me for like five minutes for not knowing what it means while not telling me
    >drop guy off
    >coworker calls me a dumbass for giving a ride to a stranger
    i almost had a panic attack because i thought i was going crazy

    • 4 weeks ago

      latest twin peaks ep sounding good

    • 4 weeks ago

      "Laying pipe" is just slang for sex. Pay no heed to the vulgar speech of the common folk, anon. Stay pure

      • 4 weeks ago

        >pass bar on the way to his spot and he says that he lays a lot of pipe there
        >no idea what this means
        lol nerd

        It’s weird because I usually know lingo like that. It was some weird blind spot where I had never heard that phrase in my entire life. Really freaks you out when people are laughing at you and you have no idea why

        • 4 weeks ago

          Dumb frick zoomer

          • 4 weeks ago

            not a zoomer, you fricking idiot. my point is that sometimes you are oblivious to certain phrases or lingo even if you feel tapped into all that shit. i literally never heard "lay pipe" before

            • 4 weeks ago

              You think you're tapped in to things because your a dumb frick younggay.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >sound like a literal moron
                >trying to call others stupid

            • 4 weeks ago

              laying pipe, extra sausage... these were the standard "lol sex" lines since the beginning of porn as we know it today

              • 4 weeks ago

                He just gone in to shitposting mode now because he can't handle being called out.

              • 4 weeks ago

                You’ve gone schizo mode. I was already called out like ten years ago, which was the point of the story you moron

      • 4 weeks ago

        Funny, because "Laying cable" in my language is slang for taking a dump

      • 4 weeks ago

        You should know, it might come in handy.

        • 4 weeks ago

          >something something anon remembers this girl pestering about him laying his pipe on her like a cherokee drum and all he thought about was some voodoo shit
          Many such cases.

          • 4 weeks ago

            playing vampire when she wanted a hickey.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >pass bar on the way to his spot and he says that he lays a lot of pipe there
      >no idea what this means
      lol nerd

  9. 4 weeks ago

    In my country there are many hitchhikers. If its a single girl she might refuse you but then you might frick her too just depends what the moon's doing

  10. 4 weeks ago

    It was a thing in the high trust society days. Leadbrained serial killer explosion of the 70's and 80's pretty much killed it as a practice.

  11. 4 weeks ago

    It basically isn’t a thing anymore.
    I still saw them around up to the 1990s.
    Also, paradoxically, U.S. society was much much richer then, so even if you were “”poor” you could scramble into the next state and get work, or have a family wire you money and you’d be fine for a few months on cheap food and board.
    If you wanted to eat you would go to a cafe and ask if you could wash dishes or do some work out back for coffee and a small meal, if they didn’t have work they would just give you the coffee.
    Nowadays anyone hitchhiking is going to be a permanent hobo burden wherever he goes.

    • 4 weeks ago

      former hitchiker here. The culture is almost dead.

      >more regulation/fines against hitchin a ride in some roads
      >phone apps monetizing rideshares (all euros know about blablacar now)
      >truckers being directly forbidden from picking up people and have cameras to enforce it

      The only upsides were the wikis for compiling info but that already peaked in the 10s. In the XX century you could even hitch a ride on boats

      Same with leaving doors unlocked, windows open at night, car keys left in the car. Was normal then, unheard of now.

      former hitchiker here. The culture is almost dead.

      >more regulation/fines against hitchin a ride in some roads
      >phone apps monetizing rideshares (all euros know about blablacar now)
      >truckers being directly forbidden from picking up people and have cameras to enforce it

      The only upsides were the wikis for compiling info but that already peaked in the 10s. In the XX century you could even hitch a ride on boats

      Also, it wasnt just the money, I really miss the culture, just like in that movie. You met weird (but in a good way) people. Combine HH with couchsurfing and dumpster diving and you could effectively live off the land. You could build lifetime friendships in a couple of days and yes, could get laid way easier than being a normie.

      I always knew it had to be a temporal thing and didnt over do it after my 20s. When you met that old dude pretending to be one of us, you knew he was either a life failure or a literal homeless.

      Why is it so fricking over Ameribros? I hate it.

      • 4 weeks ago


        former hitchiker here. The culture is almost dead.

        >more regulation/fines against hitchin a ride in some roads
        >phone apps monetizing rideshares (all euros know about blablacar now)
        >truckers being directly forbidden from picking up people and have cameras to enforce it

        The only upsides were the wikis for compiling info but that already peaked in the 10s. In the XX century you could even hitch a ride on boats

        We used to get on stranger's boats for the Blessing of the Fleet in Bayou La Batre. Since it was a huge event, there wasn't any danger of someone killing or abusing anyone but the legal liability killed it as boat owners were worried about someone getting hurt on their boat and suing.

        • 4 weeks ago

          thats cool, but I was also referring to freaking intercontinental trips. I heard of guys deciding to squat in Rotterdam or other big port cities and go chat workers for weeks if not month before being able to stowaway. This was possible until the 90s

      • 4 weeks ago

        Finance took over when globalism became entrenched as a system, so industries were shipped to cheaper countries

      • 4 weeks ago

        You let the israelis take full control over your country and with it the entire west

    • 4 weeks ago

      >If you wanted to eat you would go to a cafe and ask if you could wash dishes or do some work out back for coffee and a small meal, if they didn’t have work they would just give you the coffee.
      that still works nowadays, I was at a subway last year and a guy came in and was completely fricking disheveled and asked dude if he could do some work for a sandwich, man just made him one and said dont worry about it

      • 4 weeks ago

        Wow, wagies who have to deal with moronic disgusting and dangerous hobos begging for food give them some to avoid them shitting up the place?
        What a great #lifeprotip anon!

    • 4 weeks ago

      All hardcore zoomies moved to doing it off facebook groups or apps.
      It still happens, but its no longer random. Also there is a small grain of truth to the current PPT is honestly fricked.

  12. 4 weeks ago

    I've hitchhiked plenty, only in my 20s though. I probably wouldn't anymore, and would try real hard not to be that desperate ever again. It was an adventure at the time. It can be less illegal to hitchhike than to walk on the interstate.

  13. 4 weeks ago

    Same with leaving doors unlocked, windows open at night, car keys left in the car. Was normal then, unheard of now.

    • 4 weeks ago

      still normal where i live

    • 4 weeks ago

      What possible use is there in leaving a door unlocked? The world has never been that honest.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Maybe they have big families like those sitcoms and their relatives friends etc idk need to be able to walk in at any time like a sitcom. I don't know I'm not a normie.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Wait, Americans don't do that anymore? I have a friend who's family lives in Maine and he told me they still do that. It must be quite a comfy town.

        • 4 weeks ago

          we still do that in white/wealthy areas.

        • 4 weeks ago

          As with anything, it depends on where you live. The US is a gigantic place with living situations as widely diverse as you could find in the whole of Europe.

        • 4 weeks ago


      • 4 weeks ago

        Have you not seen the home security cameras that catch a fricking mentally ill person walk into strangers houses? They just walk in and start rambling about nothing and the home owners are perplexed and freaked out that they got in.

        • 4 weeks ago

          there's a super spooky ring camera video that fricked me up forever

          • 4 weeks ago

            There's a bunch of people calling him possessed by a demon. Lmao

            • 4 weeks ago

              he was just zooted on drugs

              • 4 weeks ago

                Are you sure?

              • 4 weeks ago

                on second thought he's probably just a Scientologist going door to door trying to recruit

              • 4 weeks ago

                Are you positive?

      • 4 weeks ago

        yes it has lol, if you live around affluent white people, I never had to lock my doors during the day in my hometown.

        • 4 weeks ago

          You are a rube who has been lucky.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Not everyone lives in America or near Black folk

            • 4 weeks ago

              There are many, many places in the US where it's perfectly safe to leave your doors unlocked during the day. The US is more than just NYC, LA, Miami, Chicago, and Detroit.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Regardless, that gay is wrong.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Weird how this is directly linked with the amount of shit skins increasing in the west but nobody wants to talk about it.

      • 4 weeks ago

        i'd lock my shit when i lived in a trailer park of white families, it's nothing to do with skin color, everything to do with class.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Ok israelite and/or libtard!

          • 4 weeks ago

            you think israelites or libtards were ever broke enough to live in trailer parks? how white and suburban has your life been

            • 4 weeks ago

              where do you think the word "ghetto" comes from?

        • 4 weeks ago

          it's 90% to do with geneticly predisposed behaviour and 10% with class.

      • 4 weeks ago

        are there any films discussing it? surely it's been covered in something.

    • 4 weeks ago

      I have plenty of friends who live out in the country and do all those things. One time I had a friend get frustrated with me because he needed to move my car and the keys weren't in the glove box.

  14. 4 weeks ago

    I hitchiked once but I wasn't alone I was with friends. It was a good time, the guy that picked us up was really cool.

  15. 4 weeks ago

    i used to hitchhike when i was a kid... it was only till i was 11 that i realised it was stupid when i had a weirdo pick me up and i was holding the car door ready to jump out the whole time

  16. 4 weeks ago
  17. 4 weeks ago

    former hitchiker here. The culture is almost dead.

    >more regulation/fines against hitchin a ride in some roads
    >phone apps monetizing rideshares (all euros know about blablacar now)
    >truckers being directly forbidden from picking up people and have cameras to enforce it

    The only upsides were the wikis for compiling info but that already peaked in the 10s. In the XX century you could even hitch a ride on boats

    • 4 weeks ago

      Also, it wasnt just the money, I really miss the culture, just like in that movie. You met weird (but in a good way) people. Combine HH with couchsurfing and dumpster diving and you could effectively live off the land. You could build lifetime friendships in a couple of days and yes, could get laid way easier than being a normie.

      I always knew it had to be a temporal thing and didnt over do it after my 20s. When you met that old dude pretending to be one of us, you knew he was either a life failure or a literal homeless.

  18. 4 weeks ago

    Buddy and me picked up a hitch about 75 miles West of San Antonio, old feller with a cane coming back from a funeral he said, making his way back to TN. What the hell we thought, he's old and white, we're young and heavily armed. Would have been around 2007.

  19. 4 weeks ago

    Doesn't really happen anymore because basically everyone can afford some kind of wheels and everyone can use rideshare apps if they're stuck somewhere.

    I hitchhiked around from Phoenix to Denver 7 years ago. Everyone who picked me up was friendly (most gave me money unprompted) but every single person was either elderly and used to hitchhike in the 60's/70's or some kind of aid/church worker. To the average person, hitchhiking is just out of their frame of experience.

  20. 4 weeks ago

    Isn't it more risky to get in to a stranger's car?

    Captcha: wy not

  21. 4 weeks ago

    If hitch-hiking was still common I can almost guarantee I would have bought a van and started killing young women. Sex doesn't interest me just extreme bondage and discipline.

  22. 4 weeks ago

    Edward Kemper picked up a bunch of women hitchhiking and killed them all. There's a famous case of Mary Vincent she got picked up hitchhiking and the guy chopped her arms off with an axe. There's more horror stories than those.

  23. 4 weeks ago

    People used to hitchhike more. My parents hitchhiked through Mexico of all places ( in the early 80s). Now it's rarely done. Only people who do it in my country are ugly hippies from Germany. And it takes them absolutely forever to find someone to take em.

  24. 4 weeks ago

    There were lots of killings of women and addicts involving hitchhiking until women finally stopped doing it.

  25. 4 weeks ago

    Boomer here, but not American.

    I saw a girl hitchhiking once. I felt obligated to pick her up because at least I know I'm not a rapist. What a stupid little c**t though. Literally deserved to be raped.

    • 4 weeks ago

      I might have been the next Aileen Wuornos

  26. 4 weeks ago

    Hasn't been common in decades.

  27. 4 weeks ago

    I picked up girls twice when I was on vacation in Canada. Took one like 10 miles down a road at Moraine Lake, the other I took from Banff to Jasper. I doubt I would ever pick up a guy.

  28. 4 weeks ago

    it was pretty common up to the 70s i guess. serial killer fever basically put an end to it. though now they have uber which is basically the same thing.

  29. 4 weeks ago

    I saw somebody doing it near the exit of my college like 6 years ago. In the world of Uber/Lyft I thought it was strange, but maybe he was out of money

  30. 4 weeks ago

    I tried that in my country once, but I quickly stop and decided to walk 5km because I felt I could be murdered. I'm Brazilian.

  31. 4 weeks ago

    The strange thing is I've had women offer me rides multiple times when I was walking on the side of the road not even hitchhiking.

    I'd to go for long walks on a whim, because I used to be in the army and was just a thing I missed doing. So I'd just walk all day or night for exercise sometimes - especially if I had an argument with my wife. I'd just walk away to cool off and keep going like Forest fricking Gump sometimes.

    The ones who pulled over were generally quite respectable looking women in their late 20's dressed in work attire driving nice cars. Not sure what their motivations were but creeped me out a bit that they going around doing that shit. First time it happened I was a fair way from home and figured I should get back so I took her up on it.

    Second one I refused and she must've been some weird Karen because she called the cops and they came out wondering what I was doing. They started asking the usual moronic cop questions and trying to provoke some shit, so I told them it's a free country and to frick off. So everyone was a stupid c**t that day.

    Kept on happening though that I'd get these offers. No men ever did any shit like that.

    Years later I saw this shitty prostitute song that would have been around at the time, and it's the best explanation I can come up with:

    That dumb b***hes were listening to this fricking shit and it's some kind of moronic woman fantasy, so dumb b***hes were actually trying to make it happen IRL and it's likely to get them killed.

    • 4 weeks ago

      people think either
      >your car broke down
      >you're doing robberies

      • 4 weeks ago

        On foot?
        On a road between towns in the middle of nowhere?
        Not carrying anything?
        The cops tried to imply all kinds of dumb unlikely intelligence-insulting shit with their c**ty little questions.
        >"Well nobody else is out here doing what you're doing".
        "Not my problem."
        You literally have homosexuals walking around pretending to be women, and morons walking around with metal in their faces, but me 'acting outside the norm' in this 'heinous' way is triggering you? Get fricked.
        Literally this shit:

        • 4 weeks ago

          Refusing to id when no crime has been committed is not illegal but in can be used as a pretext to arrest under obstructing justice. Qualified immunity means that the city won't reprimand the officer and will pay out of the city budget if you prove they acted unlawfully. Rambo is literally about this. In Texas it is now the law to show id if you are driving a car if the police ask.

  32. 4 weeks ago

    It's still somewhat common on the west coast of Canada where native women solicit rides. Probably just a coincidence that lots of native women on the west coast of Canada go missing.

  33. 4 weeks ago

    Couple years back I was out getting some McDonald's at like 3 in the morning and there was this gorgeous, clearly drunk girl fresh from a nightclub just chilling on the corner and it was starting to rain. She was obviously lost so I picked her up and drove her home. She seemed surprised and grateful I didn't try coming on to her (I was in a relationship at the time)

  34. 4 weeks ago

    Maggie is smoking hot and the most unrealistic thing in the entire movie is that anyone would turn her down. How is it that manson would have had her? The most down to earth cult film is martha may with lizzie olsen.

  35. 4 weeks ago

    You do realize she was bait to lure new recruits into the cult and maybe to get cash?

  36. 4 weeks ago

    I picked up a dirty foreign girl at the trailhead of a hike this year, we were both going to the same city an hour away

    i started joking about how she was safe because the price of organs had fallen and she didn't really get it
    she was exhausted from hiking the whole country so we stopped at the lake and i cooked us a curry with coconut cream, potatos, brocolli, chickpeas, turmeric, garlic, ginger, fish sauce, lemon and red pepper paste with bread and gave her a couple beers
    we had a swim and relaxed in the sun
    driving i played loud boom bap which said b***h more than i remembered in the lyrics

    she tried to give me money and i refused but she left $30 in the car sneakily

    • 4 weeks ago

      I once accompanied a girl from the boy scout sort of program I was part of to school, and she begged for me to stay with her while the signal didn't ring for students to go to their classes. This happened for a few weeks, then she made friends with some girls and completely stopped talking to me.
      Cold as frick. Don't trust young women, bros.


      I work in a group home for teens, when they go awol they often hitchhike. Which means when I lose a kid from 13 to 19, apparently, there are people willing to pick this boy up and not even take them to a station.

      And it goes bad. Often they just show up, back at the program, no harm. Sometimes they become a photo on the wall.

      What is this chatgpt samegayging shit?

      • 4 weeks ago

        Frick off, if you can't tell the difference through reading and posts counts, keep your shortcomings to yourself. I'm sure that's what she said too.

  37. 4 weeks ago

    I once accompanied a girl from the boy scout sort of program I was part of to school, and she begged for me to stay with her while the signal didn't ring for students to go to their classes. This happened for a few weeks, then she made friends with some girls and completely stopped talking to me.
    Cold as frick. Don't trust young women, bros.

    • 4 weeks ago

      what a fricking b***h, after all you did for her. she basically owes you sex.

      • 4 weeks ago

        No, no. I didn't want any of that with her. She had the face of a camel and too skinny. I also had lost my virginity the year before and I was still surfing the cool guy wave. It's just the sudden shift in attitude that bothered me.

    • 4 weeks ago

      That is a good trick for anyone. Extroverts want someone to talk to, any one will do. They get to scope out prospective friendships while not being alone. Also, you could have been dull. Not you specifically but everyone gets tired of the same person and the same talking points.

  38. 4 weeks ago


    I work in a group home for teens, when they go awol they often hitchhike. Which means when I lose a kid from 13 to 19, apparently, there are people willing to pick this boy up and not even take them to a station.

    And it goes bad. Often they just show up, back at the program, no harm. Sometimes they become a photo on the wall.

  39. 4 weeks ago

    Someone tried to hitch a ride with me less than a month ago

  40. 4 weeks ago

    My Grandpa famously hitchhiked his way through 3 states after serving in WW2 to propose to my Grandma before Christmas. Cute story.

  41. 4 weeks ago

    Imagine how hairy her pusy is

    • 4 weeks ago

      I don't think she has any cat in the movie.

      • 4 weeks ago

        when he said pusy he meant her vegana pusy is short for pussy which is slang for vegana I'm not sure why you are unaware of this however when that anon posted
        >Imagine how hairy her pusy is
        he was asking you to contemplate how hairy her pussy aka vegana might be, personally I would imagine very

        • 4 weeks ago

          I understand it now. Thank you very much and it must be very hairy indeed. Possibly unwashed too, surrounded by a quivering aroma.

  42. 4 weeks ago

    a few years back when i was working delivery at a chinese food shop an older guy was outside at like 930 saying he had gotten into town with a bus but didnt have any way to get to the hotel where his mom was waiting for him, everyone was ignoring him so I felt bad and told him I'd give him a ride after my shift. My chinese lady boss was telling me to not trust bums and to make sure i pay attention to everything he was doing. Anyway, guy was very chill and super appreciative of me driving him ~10 minutes to a hotel, that's the only experience with any sort i have

  43. 4 weeks ago

    I had two hitchhikers last week, one was a tourist asking for ride from the mountain town (I live in a touristy region) to next town over, because he was tired from hiking all day. The other one was very talkative drunk old lady going back home from her friend in a village in the morning. I always pick up hikers but never hitched a ride myself

  44. 4 weeks ago

    Yeah in the fricking 70's you gimp.

  45. 4 weeks ago


    MFW the hitchhiking lady doesn’t know she is about to be my new basement dungeon wife

  46. 4 weeks ago

    That scene in Poughkeepsie tapes when he gets picked up and then murders the people who picked him up had a profound effect on me. Always said I'd pick up hitchhikers before

  47. 4 weeks ago

    My grandma’s best friend in High School got kidnapped by a deranged rapist while hitchhiking back in the 60s. Dude sliced her ear-to-ear and left her for dead, but she was getting fricked up by insect bites which kept her adrenaline pumping long enough for her to crawl to a dog owned by local hikers.

    Apparently the psycho thought that by raping and killing women they would become his “spirit wives” in Heaven when he died.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Damn he just like me fr

  48. 4 weeks ago

    Margaret Qualley has something to her phenotype that makes her very attractive imo.

  49. 4 weeks ago

    Hitchhiked once ever as a kid, our car got a flat with my mom, brother, and sister and some guy who claimed to be a priest stopped and gave us a ride to town. He had a single cab pickup with a camper top on the back and I remember riding in the back with my sister and there being all kinds of loose tools like hammers, hand saws, screwdrivers, etc just sliding around in the tail bed and us joking that they were weapons he used to kill other hitchhikers.

  50. 4 weeks ago

    Stopped to pick up a guy who flagged me down in the pouring rain one night. He looked in pretty bad shape, and I figured I couldn't take the risk of not stopping in case he'd been in some kind of accident or something.

    Drove him home, but on the way he claimed that a taxi driver had driven him out there, dropped him on the side of the road, and beat the shit out of him when he realised he couldn't pay. Big if true, but sounded like a lot of work and risk to me. This guy did seem like a shitbag who might have deserved it, but also the kind of shitbag you can't believe at face value either. He got entitled and demanding enough about exactly where he wanted to be dropped off, which seemed like it was being made up as he went along too, which made me kinda regret picking him up.

    If the taxi driver story was true, although that would not have been a lawful way for the driver to handle said shitbag, he probably could have benefitted from a long walk in the rain. If he was lying, then I also have trouble caring.

    Regardless there could have been some explanation, even for lying. But I hate playing Good Samaritan because a lot of people's problems are ultimately self-inflicted, drugs, and generally degenerate shitbaggery I normally keep well away from. Someone would have to be literally dying if I had my wife or kids in the car.

    • 4 weeks ago

      My grandfather used to say that it was much easier to be a Good Samaritan when people still feared a beating for bad behavior. He could give someone a ride or a meal or a handout with less risk because people in his day KNEW that if they got entitled or impolite about it, he could easily kick them to the curb. Being a down on your luck, a bum or homeless meant understanding YOU were the vulnerable one in those situations and if you acted up and got your ass beat for it, no one was going to take your side in the matter, especially not the cops. Even if you were a little nutty, people knew how to keep it together long enough to get what they needed from others. All interactions change entirely when violence is no longer expected as an option.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Frick that! There are people that are entitled to obedience simply because they are older.

        • 4 weeks ago

          >T. guy who deserves the occasional slap and he knows it

    • 4 weeks ago

      I picked up a guy in his 20s walking along the highway and he seemed alright so I gave him a lift to the nearest gas station like he said he wanted but when we got there he didn’t want to get out of my car and demanded that I drove him somewhere else and he didn’t get out of my car after I told him to several times so I pulled my .45 and wienered it and suddenly he was very eager to get the frick out of my car

  51. 4 weeks ago

    Here's the actual person she was playing;

  52. 4 weeks ago

    It used to be a normal thing. There's a reason serial killers peaked in the 70's and 80's

  53. 4 weeks ago

    it was extremely common in the 1960's and 1970's. Then media scare tactics made everyone paranoid so eventually the only people still doing it were the weirdos and druggies.

  54. 4 weeks ago

    On a related topic, I'm surprised that murder wasn't far far far FAR more common in the time after invention of personal transport, before cameras everywhere.

    When you have a day off, literally just drive to a different state, drive to some intercity road between towns in the middle of nowhere, see a farmer working in the field or something similar, walk up to him, pretending to be some harmless guy who is lost and gesturing around as if asking for directions, shoot when you approach.

    Now, I understand that not a lot of people have these kinds of urges. Honestly, even I don't (although I guess the fact that it popped into my mind might mean that I'm a little more inclined than average? idk). But USA is a huge country with a lot of population. You're telling me that there wasn't a country-wide "epidemic" of murders in this time frame where it became possible to do it (almost guaranteed) scot-free? And that most of the people who indeed wanted to kill people were dumb fricks who got caught easily because they generally did it in some moronic way with evidence?

    • 4 weeks ago

      There are still plenty of unsolved murders and unexplained disappearances

    • 4 weeks ago

      Because the people who actually have those urges are either criminal gangbangers or severely mentally ill losers who can't survive outside of a dense metropolitan area.

      But also, we sort of did experience an increase, because 1950-90 is when serial killers thrived. There's not a lot of talk about them before or after that time period.

  55. 4 weeks ago

    Geographically spread out, cars became more popular but teens/hippies/bums didn't own cars...

  56. 4 weeks ago

    I've hitchhiked multiple times in many places. the laws vary by state but its legal in places. Last time was in upstate NY, a nice old lady with cancer picked me up as I was on the outskirts of town for a friend's funeral.

  57. 4 weeks ago

    with the amount of immigrants/bipoc in the usa now, it probably is legitimately much more dangerous to hitch hike today just going by poc crime rates

  58. 4 weeks ago

    It used to happen all the time. Not as much anymore.

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