Is Incredibles the most wasted universe?

>create a sociopathic, narcissistic superhero with OP microwave powers, that saves people exclusively to get laid and famous, and is only a “hero” because he’s paid to kill the right people
>basically make Homelander before Homelander
>could easily being him back to become the villain of the sequel, bringing the morality of supers into question right after the first movie dealt with the legality


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  1. 11 months ago

    granted, I was high as shit and only saw it the one time in theaters but I kinda dug screenslaver as a villain. Still, this would be a cool place to go in an Incredibles movie.

    • 11 months ago

      Screenslaver was cool until we got the reveal. He shoulda been a fakeout putz villain the corporate guys hired to take a fall against Elastigirl with the real villain being an actual threat none of the "safe" and low collateral heroes the corporation hired could stand against.

      • 11 months ago

        Screensaver was cool.
        It was the person behind Screenslaver that was fricking horrible.

        What’s the problem with the sister being screenslaver?

    • 11 months ago

      Screensaver was cool.
      It was the person behind Screenslaver that was fricking horrible.

  2. 11 months ago

    thing is, he does explicitly not have superhuman durability
    the only one with genuine superhuman toughness is Bob himself

    hell it's pretty likely the government bent over backwards for him because mr Incredible was the "super gone rogue" contingency

    • 11 months ago

      >the only one with genuine superhuman toughness is Bob himself
      Hellen is also pretty tough.

      • 11 months ago

        yes but she still gets hurt if shot with bullets
        generally speaking, pretty much anyone but Bob can get taken out by a sniper

        • 11 months ago

          Plasmabolt and Universal Man are the only ones other that Bob that have any reasonable rating in durability. Universal man because he can make himself into neutron star material and Plasmabolt because ___REDACTED____

          I think the NSA is pretty flawed overlooking Elastigirl and Downburst.

        • 11 months ago

          >yes but she still gets hurt if shot with bullets
          Wouldn't she just stretch to absorb the impact?

          • 11 months ago

            stretching wouldn't stop the bullets from going through her

            • 11 months ago

              A bullet couldn't go through her if she's stretching around the bullet and slowing it down/stopping it in motion.

              • 11 months ago

                A bullet would go through her. You're saying she should stretch herself to the thinness of paper to stop the bullet? Anon, a bullet will cut through paper.
                You want more mass to stop bullets not less.

    • 11 months ago

      I found that to be a pretty cool part of the universe's setting. Unlike DC/Marvel the majority of the characters were glass canons and could easily die. No revivals, magic bullshit, or everyone having "peak human" toughness/strength.

      • 11 months ago

        Frozone is quite tough.

      • 11 months ago

        You're right, it does make the universe a lot more fun. The caped liveleak compilation shows that their heroes are as mortal as normal people are, and that mortality would make them more interesting

    • 11 months ago

      Supers in Incredibles do seem a lot like the mutants in Marvel. Majority of them shoot energy or are psychic. Very few of them have the traditional powers of superstrength and durability. So most of them could be shot or die to accidents.

      • 11 months ago

        In the old JSA days of the 40s only like 2 of them had superstrength. Green Lantern, Starman, Flash, and Dr Fate were powerhouses but not super tough if someone got the drop on them.

  3. 11 months ago

    The third movie should explore the idea of a Super whose powers were so OP that world governments were forced into wiping his existence from history entirely, like a Super who can manipulate time

  4. 11 months ago

    >My dad didn't want to put the superhero phone in the panic room and tried calling the people he knew were retired because it was international news that they literally had to stop answering calls
    As a villain origin story is so stupid that I feel nothing for Pixar's current woes. It's been a long time coming.

    • 11 months ago

      >"woah guys Helen is so smart she's the only one to figure out the bewildered 20 something pizza guy wasn't the hypnosis super villain"
      I mean people were dumb in the 1st movie but it was kind of tongue-in-cheek, like "hahah Americans are so litigious they'd sue superman for saving their lives wrong, in Incredibles 2 everyone is sitting at 50 IQ max.

  5. 11 months ago

    Why couldn't we get a tv show or something out of this? Why did Big Hero 6 get spinoffs but not Incredibles?

    • 11 months ago

      We got a video game sequel and a comic series that continued from that, and then Brad Bird threw all that out for his shitty sequel film.

  6. 11 months ago

    not everything needs an expanded universe

  7. 11 months ago

    As much as I was looking forward to more Incredibles the first movie is basically Pixar's take on Watchmen and it's almost hard to picture Disney of today doing those themes justice. So Incredibles 2 feels like one of those straight to VHS sequels that rehashes as many ideas from the original as it can to play things nice and safe.

    • 11 months ago

      >the first movie is basically Pixar's take on Watchmen
      Maybe for like the first 15 minutes, then it becomes a fairly-typical "family is the greatest superpower" aesop.

    • 11 months ago

      >the first movie is basically Pixar's take on Watchmen
      Maybe for like the first 15 minutes, then it becomes a fairly-typical "family is the greatest superpower" aesop.

      Yeah, you have to be moronic to think that Incredibles 1 isn't just more Pixarshit.

    • 11 months ago

      The watchmen is shit though. It's just Moore furiously beating off on to a page about how miserable it is that comic books are about selling comics not high art.

      • 11 months ago

        >popular thing bad

        • 11 months ago

          Eh, leave him alone, anon. I had that phase as a teenager when I hated Watchmen too.

        • 11 months ago

          No, Alan Moore is just bad.

  8. 11 months ago

    The weirdest thing about the Incrediverse is how the movies treat superhero work. Bob’s desire to save others is treated like some obsessive hobby, like football or racecar driving, that is ruining his life and that he needs to step away from it to become a normal everyday dad. The fact that many innocent people would die without his help is completely glossed over.

    Helen gets mad at him for it, which is fine, but he doesn’t even try to defend himself by asking something like “What should I have done, just let them die?” And after the Underminer fight, the government arrests them for property damage, saying that he should’ve just done nothing because “the banks were insured”, as if insurance would make up for the countless casualties that would’ve happened if Underminer’s drill weren’t stopped. Again, governments not caring about the lives of their citizens is realistic, but why didn’t Bob bring it up when trying to defend himself? The world being against him being a superhero is fine, but what bothers me is how easily Bob gives up on his ideals, which seems like the film telling us that he is objectively in the wrong for wanting to save people.

    • 11 months ago

      Feels like a Death thing in a PG movie. PG way to work around "I saved actual lives" would be to focus on the casualties being limited to injury. However Bob is responsible for an in-universe wave of rubbernecking lawsuits against superheroes. The answer retort to "I saved ### from a collapsing building" in-universe is
      >"Did you stop to ask if they even want you to save them?"
      But that's dumb, most people enjoy living and wouldn't facilitate the plot development of "Money to do Supering".

    • 11 months ago

      He was a former celebrity that is undervalued by being in a secret civilian life. That itself is kind of an interesting take that not a lot of comics really tackle, except maybe Spider-Man at times. But he does act almost typically obsessive in his former celebrity glory days stuff, like a has been actor or NFL player turned Best Buy manager.

      The film is very Randian in displaying exceptional people not being allowed to be exceptional due to society stress and the huddles masses of normies requiring everyone be like them. The message it gives is not great really.

    • 11 months ago

      Yes, The Incredibles is trash. Pixar was never good, they were only at the top because they were the first ones to make 3d animation any kind of appealing to the dumb masses.

    • 11 months ago

      > And after the Underminer fight, the government arrests them for property damage, saying that he should’ve just done nothing because “the banks were insured”, as if insurance would make up for the countless casualties that would’ve happened if Underminer’s drill weren’t stopped.

      Forget casualties, what about the actual banks and other properties being destroyed? That would certainly would have had negative ramifications for the people who work at the banks and the bankowners themselves. Yes, money can fix it, but it would still take time for the big guys, and the little guys are giga fricked because now they have to find time for new employment.

      Is the correct answer really "Let the fricker with the big drill have his way"?

    • 11 months ago

      Yes, it's an objectivist inspired movie. Bob saving people is a choice, not a right

    • 11 months ago

      You have no obligation to save the life of others with your power. It is their fate to die. Live in your lane and stop being a Hero. It's a mental illness. Stop fighting the despair.

      • 11 months ago


        • 11 months ago

          You can't become a hero of justice.

      • 11 months ago

        Must be 18 to post here, anon.

    • 11 months ago

      What started this "stop caring, it's insured" attitude?

      • 11 months ago

        People realized that things are, in fact, insured. FDIC's got my back.

        • 11 months ago

          Unironically? The scripts bank robbers run when they rob banks.
          "All of your money is insured by the bank and federal government. Don't play hero and get yourself killed."
          And extending to that, big box stores policy about finding people stealing stuff, report it after the fact, don't try to stop the thief and get yourself hurt.

          The problem is that people don't realize that insurance isn't this endless pit of money, and once a certain area keeps getting hit with the same problem over and over, insurers stop covering it.

          • 11 months ago

            Yeah but that's long term. We as a species suck at long term thinking.
            In that moment the guy in the clown mask says you'll be risking your irreplaceable life for something that's replaceable, hence you do as he says, live another day and see about moving your reimbursed money to a bank that's less prone to getting held up.

            • 11 months ago

              Another question, then, why aren't private entities not only allowed, but encouraged to kill off the criminal element? I swear things would improve overnight.

              • 11 months ago

                That sounds like the beginnings of corporate death squads. We already live in a dystopia, lets not rush it any further.

              • 11 months ago

                There are countries where they are! They mostly kill street children. The overall effect on crime is debatable.

      • 11 months ago

        It's hard to care about the assets of big business after realizing they don't care about you

      • 11 months ago

        Unironically? The scripts bank robbers run when they rob banks.
        "All of your money is insured by the bank and federal government. Don't play hero and get yourself killed."
        And extending to that, big box stores policy about finding people stealing stuff, report it after the fact, don't try to stop the thief and get yourself hurt.

        • 11 months ago

          Most big box chains started that policy as a "we'd rather not get sued cause Johnny was stabbed by a Black person" prevention, though not like it helps

        • 11 months ago

          That's money, though. If the Underminer came to rob a bank, maybe the most responsible choice really is "let him go, he has a giant drill".

          If his plan is "I will now destroy multiple buildings, ruin many lives and businesses because I can", we really ought to stop that guy. And what the frick is a cop going to do to stop him? What's the entire US military going to do to stop him?

          • 11 months ago

            The 70s Avengers run was calling Bank robberies cliche. It was the Living Lazer issue, can't find the panel right now.

            Capes are best used to battle either some kind of big existential threat or a smaller personal threat.

      • 11 months ago

        Financially illiterate children without insurance so they don't understand that insurance companies are out to frick you despite Incredibles 1 having an entire scene where Bob gets chewed out for helping his clients get payouts

        • 11 months ago

          >don't understand that insurance companies are out to frick you
          Yup that's true
          >be in hurricane lane
          >get hurricane insurance for home
          >hurricane comes and home takes damage
          >sorry this is actually caused by the wind so it's not covered
          They will bullshit their way out of paying you for what you signed up for

        • 11 months ago

          Insurance is out to frick _us_. Corporations, who retain the service of lawyers, tend to actually get what they want.

      • 11 months ago

        I got big when a bunch of people, for no reason what so ever, started trashing public property back in 2020.

    • 11 months ago

      >The fact that many innocent people would die without his help is completely glossed over.
      That's a good point even if I think a lot of his superheroics were motivated by his ego. I think the rebuttal would be that saving others isn't his job and he has a responsibility to his family first.

    • 11 months ago

      There's definitely an element of obsessive hobby in there, surely. Part of it is because generally the crimes being committed are about money, not lives. Like Frozone and Bob foiling a bank robbery is absolutely not about saving people, it's about them getting their fix being heroes. Objectively their presence is only making things more dangerous for people. People have done the maths on this and its better to just let the robbers take whatever and have insurance. The police will probably catch them fleeing anyway and medical costs are forever.

      Most crimes a superhero would deal with are still financially motivated, and maybe in the old days stopping a mom and pop store or a small town bank from being robbed was seen as worth Batman breaking some guy's spine over. But nowadays 99% of the time they're just going to be robbing from a massive corporation who are not going to even notice the loss and are probably a greater source of evil than the guy Batman just paralysed ever will be. Should Batman frick a guy up because he dared to mess with Goldman Sachs bottom line? Most sane people would say no, Batman should probably be beating up the people who are making a thousand times an hour what our thug will ever make from his crimes sucking the world dry to feed their ever increasing greed.

      And sure, there are going to be crazies too - or times when a hero *is* helpful - but in formulating a policy across a nation you are going to be dealing mostly with practical crimes, where superheroes complicate police work and cause various issues and damages. And that's not even getting into the 'create your own villain' thing that's so common. Maybe the hobby is seen so negatively because they realized heroes prompted villains to show up and play king of the hill with them? Maybe the hope was that sending all the heroes away would make the villains hang up their own capes too?

  9. 11 months ago

    >could easily bring him back
    I didnt' know the ParrAss universe had the DragonBalls???

  10. 11 months ago

    You are only a hero in a war if you kill the right people and paid doing it. I don't see a difference.

  11. 11 months ago

    Didn't Gamma Jack get wasted by the Omnidroid?

    • 11 months ago

      You can fix that by saying "We thought he died, but he didn't".

      • 11 months ago

        Yeah. The only people who can’t be retconned into life again are Gazerbeam and Stratogale. Metaman could theoretically possess a delayed healing factor and emerge from his grave one day

  12. 11 months ago

    My head canon is him being a "picky eater" is him para oid about being poisoned by opponents of super supremacy.

    • 11 months ago

      My headcanon is him loathing broccolis

      • 11 months ago

        My headcanon is that he only ate brussel sprouts.

    • 11 months ago

      The way his powers are discribed sound like he would couse more damage than help. Imagine getting 3rd degree burns because you just happen to be near a criminal.

    • 11 months ago

      Why didn't the sequel DVD/Bluray have all the fun extra stuff like this? I loved all the extra added stuff the old Incredibles DVD had on it.

  13. 11 months ago

    In an alternate timeline Incredibles 2 would be a story about a resurrected Gamma Jack voiced by Chris Evans coming in all flashy to publicly save the day numerous times while secretly gathering super followers to his super supremacist ideology.

    • 11 months ago

      I want an older character actor, preferably with some kind of southern accent.

  14. 11 months ago

    Can non-supers bang supers and have super babies? If so, why wouldn't you want to frick a super? From Bob and Helen's kids you seem to get random powers so it doesn't even matter if you banged Invinciguy or Pukeman because the powers your children get are random anyways.

    • 11 months ago

      Superpowered babies would be a nightmare.

  15. 11 months ago

    you've missed the point that the movies are about

    hero scene is a backdrop and a theme, not a universe to bounce around star wars style where dozens of frickers are main characters

  16. 11 months ago

    I love the concepts of the Fairly Odd Parents universe, but it's builded so badly that make me sad

    • 11 months ago

      Cosmo and Wanda both have a very strong design.
      "Buisness casual faries"

  17. 11 months ago

    It was a great movie, not everything needs to be a massive franchise, you know.

  18. 11 months ago

    Not everything needs to be a universe. In fact most things don't. Incredibles didn't need any sequels at all.

  19. 11 months ago

    Yeah the Super profiles are interesting, but they exist to give the movie's world building depth, not necessarily set up sequels. That was how things used to be done. Not everything needs to be bled dry on "cinematic universes".
    >could easily being him back to become the villain of the sequel, bringing the morality of supers into question right after the first movie dealt with the legality
    This would've been lame, Jack is more interesting as an anti-hero. And he's dead.

  20. 11 months ago

    The Incredibles 2 only exists because Tomorrowland bombed and Brad Bird needed a safe bet

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