Is it me or weed makes movie watching more pleasant? Usually when I watch movies, I listen to music, read tweets and chat

Is it me or weed makes movie watching more pleasant?
Usually when I watch movies, I listen to music, read tweets and chat
But with weed I can marathone the whole movie
>who else?

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  1. 3 months ago

    yeah it's supposed to do that
    it also makes you act moronic

    • 3 months ago

      It only makes you act moronic if you're already moronic. Or if you're a complete lightweight. Or both.

      • 3 months ago

        it kinda makes you moronic anyway, I mean it's admittedly good for my hypertension but I try to avoid it as much as possible just because I spend the next 2 days after waiting to have a normal thought about anything.
        One of the benefits obviously is having abnormal thoughts, but it's important to challenge that as well because too much weed and you wind up being someone with no identity swimming in a sea of bullshit and when there's no identity there's nothing to reach for, but not all of life should be reaching and climbing so whatever

        • 3 months ago

          >I spend the next 2 days after waiting to have a normal thought
          that is not normal at all
          definitely avoid

          • 3 months ago

            D U D E

      • 3 months ago

        Weed makes you stupid
        it's true. Your brain doesn't work properly. You cannot even remember basic shit. Your reflexes become shit and you make a bunch of mistakes like dropping shit

        • 3 months ago

          Copium. You were too much of a pussy to ever experiment with drugs, casual sex or anything remotely cool so you hide behind a false sense of superiority.

          I smoked metric tons of weed for years and it never did anything negative to my memory or my reflexes. One day I decided I was bored of it and I stopped. Never experienced any consequences whatsoever. You're just mad that you were never popular.

          • 3 months ago

            Oh, so what great and legendary deeds have you achieved with your incredible powers of being not relaxed? I'm expecting greatness here not a job at wendys

            Drug addicts are so emotional when you point out the obvious negative side effects of weed.
            just an hero already

          • 3 months ago

            Not that anon but I'm in my thirties now and thought like you in my 20s. Wake and bake was no problem and I spent a small fortune every week to get blazed. That being said in hindsight I was and acted like the biggest moron without even realizing. I didn't realize it because of the weed of course which makes you an apathetic smartass. It's literally cope in herbal form and you realize that once you quit

          • 3 months ago

            I smoked metric tons of weed for years and you're a frickin moron. If you abstain all your power seems to come back but I've probably worn off some of my brainpower like slightly used sandpaper

          • 3 months ago

            Drug addicts are so emotional when you point out the obvious negative side effects of weed.
            just an hero already

            Fricking btfo anti-drug losers.
            It is not the drug, it is you; you are the moron.

        • 3 months ago

          Watching movies/TV is one time when I don't want to do weed. It's good for music and video games and shit where I can let my mind wander, but if I get too high and watch a movie I get sidetracked by my own thoughts and end up missing important dialog.
          LSD, however, makes literally any movie into the most fascinating artistic experience of your life.

          I've smoked weed for almost daily for 20 years at this point and my reflexes and memory are fine.

          Drink coffee and water.
          Drink decaff then.

          All day long

          Was weed turn anyone else into a moron scitzo? It doesn’t relax me at all

          It makes me more energetic/awake than relaxed, no matter the strain. THC in general affects people differently. I never understood what people meant about being "glued to the couch." It always makes me want to get up and do shit.

          >former friend smoked too much and became a schizo
          >He called me after 2 years of no contact
          >Threaten to kill me if I climb on the window trying to call him down
          >He lives on the first story of a 3 story apartment
          >He tells me I am the one stalking him on Twitch stream calling him a schizo
          >He doesn't even have a Twitch account.
          >He complains that his neighbours are scummy because he can't do his own thing at 3 am ie smoke weed and listen to music
          >He is currently on Steam playing 5 minutes of Forza or Runescape

          Was this withdrawal or too much weed?

          Sounds like pre-existing mental shit exaccerbated by weed. THC won't do that on it's own, but it sure won't help if you're already schizo.

          You do realize that the effects of drugs are different when you've built a tolerance to them right? Smoking a joint for a mild high when you have tolerance built up is much more enjoyable than smoking one with no tolerance and getting so high high you feel like you have downs syndrome

          I miss getting so high I felt like a moron 🙁

          It certainly can be. But actually getting it to the point it is worse than THC takes much more effort and time. You can also get a frick ton more done as a drunk than a stoner. If you want to compare end-stage addictions naturally nothing it worse than booze but you do realize that takes YEARS and thousands of dollars in shit liquor to achieve. You can become a useless no-good bum in the span of 5~ months with THC. Just because the hole you dug isn't as ugly doesn't mean it isn't a hole.
          Amphetamine. Preferably non-brand, especially stay away from extended release formulas. If you can only get extended release, pop open the pill and crush the smaller little pellets inside then snort the dust they turn into. Stay away from downers and don't bother with psycho-actives, it's a noobtrap to think you can trip your way into doing ANYTHING better.

          Getting killed by a drunk driver while you yourself are sober is infinitely more lethal than any form of THC as it is. Overdosing on alcohol is infinitley more possible than overdosing on THC. Weed may make you a bit loopy, but how many people have ruined relationships by acting out while intoxicated?

      • 3 months ago

        >Or if you're a complete lightweight
        Alcohol and drugs can be very fun on occasion but I never understood tards who take pride in having built up a tolerance to them. No, being an alcohol or a junkie with a high tolerance doesn't make you any more manly than people with a low tolerance

        • 3 months ago

          You do realize that the effects of drugs are different when you've built a tolerance to them right? Smoking a joint for a mild high when you have tolerance built up is much more enjoyable than smoking one with no tolerance and getting so high high you feel like you have downs syndrome

          • 3 months ago

            this kinda sucks about weed
            I enjoy the effect of smoking with a tolerance but if I smoke a little bit after being sober for a while it's a less enjoyable effect
            most drugs don't work that way and you can just take less and being tolerant to them sucks ass

  2. 3 months ago


  3. 3 months ago


  4. 3 months ago

    Vape instead

  5. 3 months ago

    >Weed LMAO XD
    Drugs always gonna be moronic. And so are you for using it

  6. 3 months ago

    Nice b8 m8 I r8 4/8 (the listening to music during a movie part made it a little too obvious).

  7. 3 months ago

    Drink coffee and water.
    Drink decaff then.

    • 3 months ago

      Lol were you the kid who was picked last playing sports?

      • 3 months ago

        I refuse to accept this meme about there always being the 1 kid picked last is real. Doesn't even make sense. What 5 kid village did you live in were there was consistently 1 child left out of team picks? Once sure, but so often that's what the kid was known for? Frick off.

  8. 3 months ago

    >mfw eating an edible and seeing godzilla minus one in relax seats

  9. 3 months ago

    Yeah, weed removes motivation and just makes you 'comfy.' It's the ultimate relaxation drug that doesn't frick you up long term.

    but that's the catch. It makes you so relaxed that you achieve nothing. Days turn to weeks turn into months and you realize you've done nothing but watch movies and waste time. Weed is so benign that it's so easy to abuse, and you wind up with 35 year olds that are some how OK with making $12 an hour as long as they can hit that vape pen during their breaks. Weed, like most things, require moderation. I only smoke once every 2 weeks, and it's great for taking a vacation from the stresses of life, but the DUDE WEED people are just gonna die unfulfilled and alone. But I guess they were comfy the whole time, so what do I know.

    I had to wait 2 minutes to post this shit. The new captcha shit sucks.

    • 3 months ago

      That's a good post. I took the advice

    • 3 months ago

      Oh, so what great and legendary deeds have you achieved with your incredible powers of being not relaxed? I'm expecting greatness here not a job at wendys

      • 3 months ago

        I am relaxed. I toke up sometimes and have no tolerance so I enjoy it more than when I was in a haze all the time and uncomfortable going more than a few hours without a drug. I got my life together which never would have happened if I was getting high all the time.
        I am a different poster btw

  10. 3 months ago


  11. 3 months ago

    I can't follow the plot or truly appreciate the cinematography when I'm high so I hate smoking before watching a movie

  12. 3 months ago

    Was weed turn anyone else into a moron scitzo? It doesn’t relax me at all

    • 3 months ago

      Your weed is probably laced bro

  13. 3 months ago

    You pull your phone out when watching a movie and are incapable of not doing so unless you take a drug? You are a fricking loser kek

  14. 3 months ago

    >former friend smoked too much and became a schizo
    >He called me after 2 years of no contact
    >Threaten to kill me if I climb on the window trying to call him down
    >He lives on the first story of a 3 story apartment
    >He tells me I am the one stalking him on Twitch stream calling him a schizo
    >He doesn't even have a Twitch account.
    >He complains that his neighbours are scummy because he can't do his own thing at 3 am ie smoke weed and listen to music
    >He is currently on Steam playing 5 minutes of Forza or Runescape

    Was this withdrawal or too much weed?

  15. 3 months ago

    D U U U U U U U U D E

  16. 3 months ago

    It’s losercore. If your mind can’t naturally tap into archetypal or esoteric meaning when engaging with art there is something wrong with you.

  17. 3 months ago

    >he doesn't drop acid along with ketamine while popping an extended release amphetamine and drinking a Red Bull every hour in order to watch all 9 and a half hours of The Human Condition in one sitting
    Fricking casual

    • 3 months ago

      But on that subject no, I have to say that THC is probably the worst drug to do while watching something, or doing anything other than learning. Even then, the new neurological connections you may make while learning something don't make the struggle of trying to work high always worth it.
      I'd say THC is the worst recreational drug around. There is something better to take no matter what you are personally trying to get out of the THC. Just my experience though, along with plenty of people i've talked with about it.

      Just dry fast 12 hours prior, no drugs required, dumdum.

      • 3 months ago

        alcohol is way worse

        • 3 months ago

          It certainly can be. But actually getting it to the point it is worse than THC takes much more effort and time. You can also get a frick ton more done as a drunk than a stoner. If you want to compare end-stage addictions naturally nothing it worse than booze but you do realize that takes YEARS and thousands of dollars in shit liquor to achieve. You can become a useless no-good bum in the span of 5~ months with THC. Just because the hole you dug isn't as ugly doesn't mean it isn't a hole.

          Teevee drug masters, what drug do I take that allows me to learn how to code faster.

          Amphetamine. Preferably non-brand, especially stay away from extended release formulas. If you can only get extended release, pop open the pill and crush the smaller little pellets inside then snort the dust they turn into. Stay away from downers and don't bother with psycho-actives, it's a noobtrap to think you can trip your way into doing ANYTHING better.

          • 3 months ago

            I'm a complete dumbass but not that dumb but I want to code games but I lack the speed and motivation. What drug cheif

            • 3 months ago

              read this

              • 3 months ago

                In English doc

            • 3 months ago

              Determination, will power, lack of any distraction, 15-25mg of amphetamine salt and 7 hours with nothing else to do. You have to actually want to do that shit first. Taking drugs won't make it magically be appealing to you.
              Do you WANT to code or do you want to be responsible for an awesome video game? Cuz those are two very different things and you may be better off making a lot of money and just paying someone else to make the video game for you. Stay away from tripping, regardless.
              Also pick up smoking, cancer is really IN these days. Great for coding and having a huge dick, trust me.

  18. 3 months ago

    No it fricking numbs me and makes it all the more obvious you’re watching dress up with bad actors, like when I watched Dune 2 while high last week. Would’ve rather been sober for that shit

    • 3 months ago

      >makes it all the more obvious you’re watching dress up with bad actors
      this, weed makes it impossible for me to buy into movies. It makes them unbearably cringey

  19. 3 months ago

    gah i frickin enjoy weed my dudes!

  20. 3 months ago

    In my experience it greatly enhances movies from the 2000s and earlier but it makes modern movies look and feel even more artificial. I recommend watching classics from the 30s personally.

  21. 3 months ago

    Teevee drug masters, what drug do I take that allows me to learn how to code faster.

    • 3 months ago

      Modafinil or Buproprion maybe. Caffeine + L-Theanine (Tea) is probably the simplest option.

  22. 3 months ago

    >ohhh noooo i'm relaxing
    >fuuuckk im eating pizza help meeee
    >oh god no not the peaceful sleep anything but that
    how about you homosexuals mind your own business?

    • 3 months ago

      Nobody was talking to you stranger.

  23. 3 months ago

    I rest my case.

  24. 3 months ago

    ITT: gays seething over weed

    • 3 months ago

      It's so over for drukbros.. weedgays got their own threads now to seethe

  25. 3 months ago

    >toke up
    >make popcorn
    >fire up TV

  26. 3 months ago

    how the frick am I supposed to get weed if its illegal and I have no friends

    from aberdeen scotland if that matters

  27. 3 months ago

    what's funny is weed literally makes me concentrate
    which is the opposite effect for everyone else
    weed makes me zone in on what I am doing and focus on nothing else, like horse blinders

    love watching visually intense (but not CGI slop) films when high, like stop motion or old 35mm/IMAX films (also makes Lawrence of Arabia feel like a day or only an hour depending on your reaction to weed)


  28. 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      it really does lol. i used to drink every night, get terrible sleep, make bad decisions. stopped drinking and started smoking. now i'm eating better, in bed by 10, awake at 5 with no hangovers and much more focused on improving myself daily.

      • 3 months ago

        and then theres the money saved. at least $100 a week on alcohol, not including gambling losses as a result of drinking. now i get an ounce for $120 and it lasts me anywhere from 1 1/2 to 2 months.

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