Is it too late for The Simpsons to have a good finale? Would anyone care?

Is it too late for The Simpsons to have a good finale? Would anyone care?

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  1. 7 months ago

    Yes. No.

  2. 7 months ago

    they need to produce a full season of above average episodes to earn back the goodwill of the fans before they can deliver a satisfying ending that anyone would give a crap about.

  3. 7 months ago

    The final season will be Bart wrestling with his bisexuality, and it will be emotionally painful because of Bart's expectations of what he is supposed to be. He's a rebellious bad boy, not a boy who likes both girls and boys.

  4. 7 months ago

    >Is it too late for The Simpsons to have a good finale? Would anyone care?
    Just look at Pokemon. Such a behemoth and it just fizzled out

    • 7 months ago

      Hence why the characters should have themselves challenged at the end, facing their flaws.

    • 7 months ago

      Pokemon is still a behemoth franchise. It's just that the anime has never been good. It's simply a commercial. Look at One Piece whose anime started around the same time as Pokemon's anime. That is long running and it's still got momentum and interest from the fans. When it ends it will be bombastic. It really depends on the kind of story you got going. Pokemon is a soulless commercial so Ash achieved his dream of being a Pokemon Master at the ripe old age of ten years old (well eleven but you and I know he's still "ten" because of the nature of the franchise) while real life fans are close to forty years old about to enter middle age well the first wave of Pokemon fans. Of course they are not going to care how a soulless commercial wraps up a pointless flat story and replaces Ash with a random newbie character who is not even inspired by anything important to the franchise (Ash was inspired by both Satoshi the creator of Pokemon and the design of Pokemon trainer red).

      But back to The Simpsons. Simpsons will never actually end. What will most likely happen is it won't be renewed but never actually ended. Look at Futurama another Groening series it's never actually ended it keeps getting not renewed so that later on whenever executives want they can churn out a special or season.

      • 7 months ago

        >. Of course they are not going to care how a soulless commercial wraps up a pointless flat story and replaces Ash with a random newbie character who is not even inspired by anything important to the franchise (Ash was inspired by both Satoshi the creator of Pokemon and the design of Pokemon trainer red).

        Anon, let it go. Ash Ketchum has been traveling the world for 25 years, fought it about a dozen Pokemon leagues & has caught hundreds of Pokemon. He's World Champion, now. Let him rest.

    • 7 months ago

      Pokemon is still a behemoth franchise. It's just that the anime has never been good. It's simply a commercial. Look at One Piece whose anime started around the same time as Pokemon's anime. That is long running and it's still got momentum and interest from the fans. When it ends it will be bombastic. It really depends on the kind of story you got going. Pokemon is a soulless commercial so Ash achieved his dream of being a Pokemon Master at the ripe old age of ten years old (well eleven but you and I know he's still "ten" because of the nature of the franchise) while real life fans are close to forty years old about to enter middle age well the first wave of Pokemon fans. Of course they are not going to care how a soulless commercial wraps up a pointless flat story and replaces Ash with a random newbie character who is not even inspired by anything important to the franchise (Ash was inspired by both Satoshi the creator of Pokemon and the design of Pokemon trainer red).

      But back to The Simpsons. Simpsons will never actually end. What will most likely happen is it won't be renewed but never actually ended. Look at Futurama another Groening series it's never actually ended it keeps getting not renewed so that later on whenever executives want they can churn out a special or season.

      In Pokemon the anime doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things.

  5. 7 months ago

    Behind the Laughter episode is the real ending of the Simpsons

    • 7 months ago

      I thought Moe Baby Blues was going to be stealth finale when it aired.

  6. 7 months ago

    I feel like if they actually hyped up a finale, a lot of people would probably tune in out of curiosity if nothing else

  7. 7 months ago

    If the Queen can die then the Simpsons can end.

    • 7 months ago

      On a sunny spring day Homer is driving home from work when he notices a Fun-Size Butterfinger sliding around the passenger seat floor. While attempting to reach it he crashes the car.
      He immediately wakes up in bed, but not the bed he's used to. He's in an apartment in Capitol City all by himself. Searching the apartment he realizes he's now a divorcee having split from his wienertail waitress wife Amber. Most surprising is that he is 10 years younger and still has hair. Homer apparently now works in an office for Burns Media (and is just as incompetent at computer work).
      Although it's winter he walks through the neighborhood finding familiar people (Moe runs a bar with a false hipster facade where all the craft beer is Duff, Apu runs an Indian food truck).
      Finally, he runs into Marge, who has never met him before but is happy to go out to lunch with him. Homer learns Marge is also a divorcee from her husband Arthur who left her for a another woman leaving her with their three kids who happen to be Bart, Lisa and Maggie.
      Exhausted, Homer goes back to his apartment and falls asleep. He wakes up in the hospital after his car accident, wondering if it was all a dream. He mistakes the morphine for the call button and knocks himself out again.
      This time he wakes up on a couch in an office full of writers workshopping a pitch. They're rebooting The Simpsons to work in modern times. Homer and Marge can't be married, so let's make Homer divorced and Marge a single mother. Homer freaks out and runs away but rams into a pillar, blacking out.
      Homer wakes up in his apartment, upset at all the revelations. Which world is real? Is HE real? Does he have to choose between these two realities? Does he even have a choice?
      He walks towards Moe's hipster bar but finds Marge and her children struggling to get a taxi. Homer helps out and Marge invites him along. They're going to a school Christmas pageant.

      I feel like the only way it could work is if there was a character or party whose presence caused Springfield to turn "normal". The only believable and plausible way to end it would be to go the Pleasantville route

  8. 7 months ago

    It's too late for the Simpsons to be anything but an unfeeling, shambling husk of a show kept alive by merchandising, inertia and foreigners who don't have anything better to watch.

  9. 7 months ago

    On a sunny spring day Homer is driving home from work when he notices a Fun-Size Butterfinger sliding around the passenger seat floor. While attempting to reach it he crashes the car.
    He immediately wakes up in bed, but not the bed he's used to. He's in an apartment in Capitol City all by himself. Searching the apartment he realizes he's now a divorcee having split from his wienertail waitress wife Amber. Most surprising is that he is 10 years younger and still has hair. Homer apparently now works in an office for Burns Media (and is just as incompetent at computer work).
    Although it's winter he walks through the neighborhood finding familiar people (Moe runs a bar with a false hipster facade where all the craft beer is Duff, Apu runs an Indian food truck).
    Finally, he runs into Marge, who has never met him before but is happy to go out to lunch with him. Homer learns Marge is also a divorcee from her husband Arthur who left her for a another woman leaving her with their three kids who happen to be Bart, Lisa and Maggie.
    Exhausted, Homer goes back to his apartment and falls asleep. He wakes up in the hospital after his car accident, wondering if it was all a dream. He mistakes the morphine for the call button and knocks himself out again.
    This time he wakes up on a couch in an office full of writers workshopping a pitch. They're rebooting The Simpsons to work in modern times. Homer and Marge can't be married, so let's make Homer divorced and Marge a single mother. Homer freaks out and runs away but rams into a pillar, blacking out.
    Homer wakes up in his apartment, upset at all the revelations. Which world is real? Is HE real? Does he have to choose between these two realities? Does he even have a choice?
    He walks towards Moe's hipster bar but finds Marge and her children struggling to get a taxi. Homer helps out and Marge invites him along. They're going to a school Christmas pageant.

  10. 7 months ago

    and then Homer crashes the car and dies.

  11. 7 months ago

    >Would anyone care?
    isn't it the most viewed show on disney+? some people would care

    • 7 months ago

      Which episodes are being watched? Something tells me the numbers are heavily in pre season 10 episodes

      I feel like if they actually hyped up a finale, a lot of people would probably tune in out of curiosity if nothing else

      Of course and then everyone would complain it didn’t live up to the hype. But no doubt everyone would be talking about it.

  12. 7 months ago

    The final episode will be an hour long, and it'll be full of outrageous shit. Marge will be cuckolding Homer with every single celebrity guest that's ever been on the show (even the dead ones) with the entire episode just being Marge getting fricked one by one while Homer just sits in the corner, crying as he jerks off and eats a sandwich.
    The B-plot will be Lisa becoming transgender, then kicking Bart in the balls nonstop. No cutaways or anything, it's literally just Lester (FtM Lisa) kicking Bart in the balls while screaming about he needs to check his cis white male privilege. Every single person in Springfield will take her side, especially the celebrity guests who are fricking Marge.

    It ends with the Simpsons insulting the viewers for being such fricking idiots for continuing to keep them on the air, then they all have an incestuous orgy right in the middle of the living room before vomiting all over each other and slicing their throats. Dr Nick pokes his head in and says "BYE EVERYBODY!", because "LOL REMEMBER WHEN THAT JOKE WAS RELEVANT? XD". Also, he's getting raped by Moe right outside the Simpsons house. Then the Chinese baby walks on screen, waves her hands, and says "That's all, folks!"

    The next 40 minutes are just the writers giving up: videos of them shitting on each other, having a huge orgy while covered in shit, footage of people getting shot in the head, footage of babies being skinned alive and fricked, etc. You name it, they have it all. The final 10 minutes are just Matt Groening high as balls on every drug imaginable, screaming into the camera about how much he hates his life before pulling out a shotgun and blowing his fricking brains out all over the wall.
    It'll end up being so viewed and talked about, that it renews the Simpsons for another 10 seasons.

    • 7 months ago

      What an amazing ending, Bravo Matt

  13. 7 months ago

    It would probably hour long compilation of them parodying famous tv show endings until they reach their own and the conflict is they don’t know how to end it.

    • 7 months ago

      that'd be to smart, it would just be one of the future episodes where maggie is president or something.

    • 7 months ago

      that'd be to smart, it would just be one of the future episodes where maggie is president or something.

      >It's like Always Sunny's recap episode where reality begins collapsing due to them confusing events and starting to make things up

  14. 7 months ago

    Homer dies from Cirrhosis of the Liver after years of Alcohol abuse, which results in the Simpson Clan falling apart in epic fashion. Marge shaves her hair and now sounds like RFK Jr, Lisa becomes a Twitter artist specialising in Adventure Time porn, Maggie becomes a Chronic Alcoholic like her dad, and Bart becomes a cast member on the Jersey Shore.

    It will then have a 5 minute special of Matt Groening singing "Boogie Wonderland" while fapping

  15. 7 months ago

    >do not reply to non meme posts
    >hide all non meme posts

  16. 7 months ago

    The idea that there are actually real people in a real animation studio keeping this zombie of a show alive is unbelievable to me

    • 7 months ago

      Disney paying people to make slop is unbelievable to you?

  17. 7 months ago

    someone post the copypasta about AI generated Simpsons outliving humanity, and when aliens find it it's deteriorated to the point it's a constant yellow frame with white noise broken by the occasional d'oh!

  18. 7 months ago

    The last episode should be set today, but with characters appropriately aged for the year since the show started, and Homer should have been in a coma since like season 4ish, and grown adult Bart and Lisa should be there when he wakes up after like 25 years and the tone should be totally and completely normal and sincere and have no celebrity cameos

  19. 7 months ago

    No finales, just replace the actors when they die, keep it running forever

    We've long passed "frick it mode"

    • 7 months ago

      >No finales, just replace the actors when they die, keep it running forever
      Generous of you to assume they wouldn't stick a cheap-ass AI to continue replicating marge's dying voice forever.

      • 7 months ago

        What would a finale even be about?

        Maybe then Marge will sounds fine.

        • 7 months ago

          At least it wouldn't count as elderly abuse to voice Marge

  20. 7 months ago

    Ironically for sneedfriends like myself, season 11's last episode clip show is the best point to consider the series finale.
    Hartman is still alive and Springfield is revealed to be in the state of "Northern Kentucky".

  21. 7 months ago

    It's not gonna end. They're on the icon status of Bugs Bunny or Mickey Mouse. if Hank Azaria died I bet they would consider rebooting it a decade later.

    • 7 months ago

      How do you even reboot The Simpsons? The show has been retconned to hell and back multiple times.

      • 7 months ago


        I feel like the only way it could work is if there was a character or party whose presence caused Springfield to turn "normal". The only believable and plausible way to end it would be to go the Pleasantville route

  22. 7 months ago

    Frank Grimes is the finale
    The Simpsons themselves was the last thing they could satirize and when they did it was just rehashing at that point
    They aired it 25 years ago

    • 7 months ago

      Based season 8 cutoff appreciator.

    • 7 months ago

      Based season 8 cutoff appreciator.

      cringe, smoothbrain zoomer "gotcha" take

      • 7 months ago

        >zoomer buzzwords

        • 7 months ago

          >anything I'm not aware of must be zoomer

  23. 7 months ago

    it should end like this

  24. 7 months ago

    >episode starts
    >homer walks on screen only in his underwear
    >he turns around
    >drops the underwear
    >spreads his cheeks
    >45 minutes of up close homer butthole
    >occasionally he farts
    >episode ends with a turd coming out directly into the viewer's mouth in a pov like view

  25. 7 months ago

    Simpsons has had like 20 fricking possible finales. Nothing they do now will feel original or satisfying.

  26. 7 months ago

    I don't know why it added "hispanic"

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