Is Rami Malek's Elliot Alderson the best on-screen depiction of loneliness and mental illness?

Is Rami Malek's Elliot Alderson the best on-screen depiction of loneliness and mental illness?

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  1. 12 months ago

    Was pretty good

  2. 12 months ago

    Yes, Mr.Robit is schizo kino

  3. 12 months ago

    >has sex in the first episode
    >good looking
    >six figure job
    >extremely smart
    No. It's a power fantasy. Anime-tier.

    • 12 months ago

      He's how most anons see themselves

    • 12 months ago

      yup pounds prime pussy and has a senior cybersecurity engineer job in Manhattan so he would be bringing in 300k+

      • 12 months ago

        this is supposed to be some relatable loner? can't believe people even watched this trash.

      • 12 months ago

        >yup pounds prime pussy
        She was a druggie getting schtupped by the likes of this guy

        • 12 months ago

          >his password? eatadick6969

        • 12 months ago

          nice digits, satan

        • 12 months ago

          goddamn I wanted him so much to be one of elliots split personalities

      • 12 months ago

        he fricked his busted mentally ill drug dealer while he was high on morphine and ecstasy
        she also looked like she had necrotizing fasciitis

      • 12 months ago

        Black person, your memory is dementia tier.

        He's a hakkker, his hot blonde school friend gets him an entry level job as a "script kiddy" what the Elliot character calls it.
        The only odd but about this part of the plot is that all the code monkies are only 90% paki, where as when this was set and now in am*rikkkan tech companies entry level jobs are given to H1B visa slaves.

        • 12 months ago

          It would have been fun to see Elliot lose his head in front of the indians

          >please do the needful
          >voice-over "please shut up"
          >please sir why don't you expedite my request
          >voice-over: "please shut your mouth"
          >sir I understand you can close mah ticket please expedite

          Then Elliot is sent to HR.

          • 12 months ago

            lol I honestly wanted Darlene to tell off the brown dude at the FBI calling her an enemy of the people. Like dude the organization you're working for tried to blackmail MLK jr into suicide

    • 12 months ago

      >having sex fixes your social moronation
      I honestly and wholeheartedly wish this was true

      • 12 months ago

        If you can have sex with women you're not nearly as socially moronic as you think you are you faking homosexual god damn what is wrong with normalhomosexuals and victimsignalling?
        It's like saying you're so out of shape while being a professional athlete.
        t. incel

        • 12 months ago

          >It's like saying you're so out of shape while being a professional athlete.
          your black and white thinking it's simply showing your bpd and narcissism

          • 12 months ago

            >noooo you can't call me out I'm such a weird loser that fricks his gf xD
            Stop posting and have sex normalhomosexual.

          • 12 months ago

            Learn how to speak english before replying to someone, moron.

            • 12 months ago

              >s-speak english!!

            • 12 months ago

              frick you

      • 12 months ago

        In any other time period you could get laid with a mild mental illness. In the modern age of gynocentric hypergamy and open eugenics a women wouldn't touch an autist with a 30 foot pole. Much less someone with real issues.

      • 12 months ago

        nutting a lot could help. the problem elliot has is that he was raped as a kid by his father and has deep rooted trust issues. its hinted at in the very first scene

    • 12 months ago

      >>good looking
      what show did you watched?

      >six figure job
      this part I'm not sure

      • 12 months ago

        >what show did you watched?

        • 12 months ago

          I look like that and never been called fit in my life, I'm just a somewhat skinny guy trying to build some muscle

          • 12 months ago

            anon-chan you're more fit than 95% of Americans at least

          • 12 months ago

            >somewhat skinny
            frick you

  4. 12 months ago

    so lonely he has sex with his hot drug dealing next door neighbor in the first episode

  5. 12 months ago

    no because he had sex in the first episode, instantly unrelatable

  6. 12 months ago

    best bi character

  7. 12 months ago

    doesn't this character literally have sex with some model? sounds worse than travis bickle or arthur fleck.

  8. 12 months ago

    >oh nooo not the sexerino now i can't riddly diddly relaterino!!

    • 12 months ago

      yeah. that's usually how it works.

  9. 12 months ago

    >tilts head right back
    >bulges eyes
    I don't know how he does it

  10. 12 months ago

    >3 episodes in

    • 12 months ago

      It's a power move, you wouldn't get it

  11. 12 months ago

    I never watched this gay shit and there's no way it tops Travis Bickle.

  12. 12 months ago

    Rami Malek didn't create this character.

    • 12 months ago

      Sure. He just made it.

  13. 12 months ago

    It was absolute horse shit.

  14. 12 months ago

    It does take an out of nowhere pivot to Chyna being the bad guy around season 2 and 3. Esmail almost comes off as a closet neocon

    An army of faceless, nameless yellow men running around NYC in leather biker suits and killing Americans with impunity is Breitbart-esque yellow panic. The worst part is that you wouldn't even need Chinese operatives doing wet work. Truth is, after something as big as the collapse of New York financing, hundreds of F Society copycats and even hard militias would pop up like weeds in the aftermath. All China would have to do is give them guns and money. Basically China giving America a taste of it's own Century of Humiliation suffered from 1839-1949.

    What we got was an infantile take that has as much nuance as Red Dawn. Esmail should've just stuck to 'billionaires bad' because he clearly has no idea how geopolitics, espionage, diplomacy, etc work. Shit, the PRC 'annexes the Congo' in the show... whatever the frick that is supposed to mean. But then again, maybe it was all a dream so that's why it's all so moronic ahhh!!!

    • 12 months ago

      Do you people that spam posts like this have a folder of every subject you have a pasta and image for? It'd be one thing if you could just find a pasta but the fact you have the same image every time is just autistic.

      • 12 months ago

        No, I just for Mr. Robot. I miss Trenton so much.

        • 12 months ago

          I found it really jarring how her trying to escape from the black dude in the car is played as comic relief and then she and the fat guy have to watch each other be executed in like the same or next episode.

          • 12 months ago

            that was kino though
            it tricked you into thinking that they were gonna get out alive
            captcha: KKKSR4

            • 12 months ago

              My perfect Trenton & Mobley arc is both of them returning to the states with the cavalry to destroy the Whiterose machine: An army of grey hat mexican mercenaries.

              • 12 months ago

                yeah RIP T&M
                their deaths fricked me up

      • 12 months ago

        And China literally won in Mr. Robot. Think about it. That's why I use the Xad Jinpin everytime

        >threat known as The Aldersons
        >destroy the U.S. economy three fricking times
        >spreading ransomware in one of the most important companies for the north atlantic order
        >kid alderson executes a terrorist attack comparable only to 9/11
        >his sister injects bitcoin into every digital wallet in the country, effectively devaluing the US dollar

        At the end of the show is Total USA Death and the country is ready to be raped by China and other non-aligned countries. The series ends at a time when things would get even more interesting with the right showrunner.

        • 12 months ago

          thats just your headcanon
          they injected ecoin into everyones wallet, which is just a straight up moronic plot point on rami's part since it was established in S2 that ecoin is fully centralized and owned/operated by e corp and the us gov so the stimulus will be revoked or nullified
          also china's chief of the MSS openly commits a massive terrorist attack on american soil and the machine is exposed to the world
          america hasn't won, but in the mr robot universe WW3 probably starts after the end of the finale lmao

          • 12 months ago

            *moronic plot point on esmail's part

          • 12 months ago

            >but in the mr robot universe WW3 probably starts after the end of the finale
            That's what I'm talking about.

            • 12 months ago

              well in that case its not Total USA Death its just Total Global Death

    • 12 months ago

      Frick off Xiao your shit don't work here.
      Every other movie is yt panic these days why would it.

    • 12 months ago

      It still blows my mind a bit that some anon took my post from iirc December 2019 and made it into a Xi-pasta
      i still stand by this despite not thinking about this show in over 3 years
      Keep on keeping on you mr roboutists

  15. 12 months ago

    are we ready to admit that everything after season 1 was total dogshit

    • 12 months ago

      no way chang

    • 12 months ago

      Season 2 was peak
      2 > 1 > 3 > 4

      • 12 months ago

        For me the nosedive occurred after the "big" revelation. Mr. Robot should have always been a real person.

        >It is thanks to Elliot Alderson's father that we were able to build this machine.
        >minister Zhang

        Are you going to tell me you don't want to see how that story unfolded?

      • 12 months ago

        sam I know you post here but season 2 was not good
        i'm sorry man, elliot is literally me and I love the show, but the reason why no one likes season 2 is because it was not good

        • 12 months ago

          I'm not trying to be contrarian. S2 was when we got the most focused character study of Elliot besides the 2:35:1 aspect ratio episodes. It has my favorite episode (pic related) as well as my favorite scene in the whole show:
          >You'd even be there
          While season 1 is this big heist buildup to revolution, season 2 is a sobering examination of reality, where those with all the power are best placed to maintain it after the fall.
          The prison twist is kino. Angela's relationship with Pryce is kino. Darlene's spiraling is kino. The Tyrell mystery is kino. Joanna Wellick is kino.
          Seasons 3 and 4 have the best shot episodes with the fake 1-take, no dialogue episode, movie episodes, etc, but I prefer the writing and character work of season 1 and 2.
          Dominique also becomes a hugely major character in season 3 and 4, and IMO she's really annoying, so that's another issue with those ones for me. Obvious counterpoint is season 2 introduced her, but I think she's better used here. The ending where she's in a race with dark army hitmen to find Darlene's boyfriend is megakino.
          And I think the reveal of the last episode is a catastrophe of character writing. I don't care that Esmail planned for 'the mastermind' since season 1 and I wasn't convinced by the montage that it was properly foreshadowed. Also makes much of Mr Robot's dialogue much stranger in retrospect since he starts acting like he always knew yet also acted like he's talking to true Elliot the whole time.

          • 12 months ago

            >Darlene's spiraling is kino. The Tyrell mystery is kino. Joanna Wellick is kino.
            I agree with the angela/price and prison twist/elliot in prison stuff being kino, but the rest was all boring bullshit
            I get it sam, S2 is the most experimental of the seasons and it was probably like your baby and you ruminated on all these ideas for years abstractly and finally got to make them real, but a solid 50% of the s2 was just filler

            • 12 months ago

              >a solid 50% of the s2 was just filler
              If that's what you need to call stuff that doesn't directly and immediately advance the dark army plot then okay. I still prefer it to Leon whipping around and shooting every one of White Rose's goons in the room while Grant stares jaw dropped. Or Dominique having some Irish goon become loyal to her offscreen and then him intercepting and killing all of Dark Army's goons about to kill Dominique's family off screen, followed by Dominique gracefully cutting a goon's ankle causing him to perfectly fall so she can perfectly grab his gun and perfectly shoot every other goon in the scene in the head.

              • 12 months ago

                so a few minor scenes in s4 and s3 which are dumb are somehow just as bad as literally half of the goddamn season in s2

          • 12 months ago

            dominique is trash and none of her plots made a fricking lick of sense if you thought about it for more than 2 seconds I agree with that
            hard disagree on the mastermind twist. it was foreshadowed properly. watching s1 again and its very clearly all there. even the incest stuff is clearly foreshadowed.

            • 12 months ago

              >hard disagree on the mastermind twist. it was foreshadowed properly. watching s1 again and its very clearly all there. even the incest stuff is clearly foreshadowed.
              ok let me backtrack, I get that stuff like Angela telling Elliot he's like a different person now makes more sense in context of the mastermind. I don't like the mastermind because it takes this person I've been attached to for 40 hours ("Elliot") and says "actually, he committed a grave sin before the camera started rolling and now the moral thing to do is for him to sequester himself inside a mind theater so the real Elliot, who you've never met, can live his life."
              Like after all this shit Mastermind has been through he has to take the ultimate L one last time. That really rubbed me the wrong way. And don't tell me I'm overstating his fate. He asks Mr Robot if it will be like everything going black and Mr Robot doesn't shoot him down; the scene where he tells Darlene he loves her is clearly staged as a grand sacrifice; and unconsciousness has been what happens whenever Mastermind loses control, including the time Elliot slipped into the real world before.
              It's all filmed like a melancholy or bittersweet resolution and Darlene is so happy now but also this guy who has been so tortured for so long who we know as Elliot, is gone. Yuck.

              so a few minor scenes in s4 and s3 which are dumb are somehow just as bad as literally half of the goddamn season in s2

              For one thing those aren't a few minor scenes, they are the resolution of some of the biggest plot situations in the show. Dominique's family is her entire s4 character. And no they're not as bad as half of season 2, they're way worse, because s2 is kino and much more grounded and less action capeshit.

              • 12 months ago

                I didn't really interpret mr robot ignoring elliot when he asked if it was like everything going black to be a confirmation of that
                Remember, the film that is playing when the camera does the 2001 shot into the projector in the dream theater is elliot's life. The streams to the left and the right are memories from the show. The mastermind, mr robot, the mom, and the child aren't being destroyed, their being fully integrated back into one another and then creating elliot. Elliot wasn't literally sequestered in a dream world and living out a fantasy day by day throughout 2015. That was just another alter that was the part left over from when the mastermind, mr robot, mom, and young elliot were dissociated and split into their own personalities. Them watching elliot's life in the theater at the end isn't them dying, its a visual metaphor of them returning to elliot's unconscious mind where they will observe him as if he is a film
                people who have DID or dissociative disorders often report that when they are dissociated they feel as if they are watching their lives like it is a movie, so its kind of an inversion of that. when elliot finally returns by fully integrating all of his trauma and his personalities his personalities which were controlling him are now watching him like he is a movie.

              • 12 months ago

                >he committed a grave sin before the camera started rolling
                also fake dream krista says that the mastermind actually did everything because he loved elliot so much that he wanted to remake the world to make it less dystopic so that elliot could be happy in it

              • 12 months ago

                >It's all filmed like a melancholy or bittersweet resolution and Darlene is so happy now but also this guy who has been so tortured for so long who we know as Elliot, is gone. Yuck.

                Catharsis: Not Found.

                Even Barry (2018) gave catharsis and closes the story in a fairly functional way, but at the end of Mr. Robot the viewer is locked in a room with a person he doesn't know.

          • 12 months ago

            >S2 was when we got the most focused character study of Elliot
            It's important to develop the characters, but no one was watching Mr. Robot for the characters themselves.

            >season 2 is a sobering examination of reality, where those with all the power are best placed to maintain it after the fall.
            This is the cope of the writers' room. They realized they were inspiring unexpected force to revolutionary ideas when everyone was watching the show. Because they had the world on the edge of their seat for the finale of S1, I'm not going to deny that. They did something no one had ever done before or after: show Red Operations not only in a realistic way, but also sexy as frick. How many teens do you think chose IT-related careers because of the show? My entire class generation had a profile like that.

            Then someone got scared

            >"this is too problematic"
            >"fsociety is basically a domestic terrorist organization"
            >"they are winning"

            So, they started changing details. They shifted gears. They focused more on Elliot and China was the Big Bad, the red wolf at the door that only an alliance as unexpected as it is implausible could defeat. At the end of the day you have strange phenomena in the script, the most exemplary is to have the Wellicks as the remainder for the division of an odd number.

            • 12 months ago

              >the most exemplary is to have the Wellicks as the remainder for the division of an odd number.

              what the frick are you talking about?

              75%5 = 0

              did you mean the remainder of an odd number divided by two?

              • 12 months ago

                >did you mean the remainder of an odd number divided by two?
                You got it.

            • 12 months ago

              >It's important to develop the characters, but no one was watching Mr. Robot for the characters themselves.
              I was. It gets pretty obvious shortly into season 1 that Elliot hacking the cafe owner is a hook and that the show is not actually going to be a vigilante hack-of-the-week thing. Even in season 1 the relationships between characters is the heart of the show. The most exciting and cathartic part of season 1 is not the success of the hack, it is the truth of Mr. Robot's identity and Elliot's breakdown.
              >Then someone got scared
              The show was written by Esmail in advance, S2 stuff was not a betrayal of the ideas of Mr Robot, it was a continuation and the reckoning of its consequences.

              • 12 months ago

                >continuation and reckoning of its consequences.
                But clearly with the idea of reconciling united state ultra-liberalism with the audience by representing it as a necessary evil that we all must endure. A person with Elliot's past would go all the way into the heart of darkness. People like Marvin Heemeyer are the visceral example of how a human being pushed to the limit operates.

                >In the first season it's pretty obvious that Elliot hacking the cafe owner is a hook and that the series isn't going to be a vigilante hack-of-the-week.
                Everyone was expecting some vigilante hack-of-the-week thing. Maybe not the whole show, but more than it was actually given. A costumbrist depiction of crime and machines in the 21st century, since everyone talks about it but not everyone knows it, while people who work in the area only see part of it, but don't get the full picture. The series provided a great opportunity, in my opinion grossly wasted by giving preference to a "character study" that in the end contributes nothing.

                To give an example, a security software engineer is never going to have access to Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity, while someone in Penetration Testing barely interacts with Static Analysts. A threat hunter is never going to interact face to face with the actual threat and programmers only do one thing. Elliot served as the ultimate Jack of Trades that brought together everyone involved in a converged reality, and it was fun to see how those realities intersected in it. If Mr. Robot had been real, it would have been amazing to depict that same environment but from twenty or thirty years ago.

  16. 12 months ago

    >uuuuuuuuuuuuuuh dude he was like uuuuuuuuuh molested and shit!!!!!!
    dumbfrick show for brainlets

  17. 12 months ago

    Vera is literally me

  18. 12 months ago

    >best on-screen depiction of loneliness and mental illness
    The show is okay though.

  19. 12 months ago

    >has friends
    >has multiple girlfriends
    >has sex in the first episode

    mentally ill people tend not to have friends because they are too dysfunctional to socialize with others.

    • 12 months ago

      his only friend is someone who he knew since childhood though
      unless youre counting the friends that he made when he was the mr robot personality but I don't think that counts

      • 12 months ago

        the drug dealer girl who had sex with him in the first episode
        the hacker girl
        his childhood girlfriend

        that is three girlfriends

        • 12 months ago

          oh yeah the black female therapist whom he spies on

          • 12 months ago

            a therapist is not a friend (he was forced to go there by a court order too)
            the hacker girl is his sister who only recently reconnected with him after years of being estranged (which he also forgot due to dissociative amnesia) and she also doesn't like him for most of or half the show
            the drug dealer isnt his friend really until after she gets raped by vera and then she dies instantly

            so we've only got angela as his actual friend

          • 12 months ago

            I don't know what it was but she was so fricking sexy

        • 12 months ago

          >the hacker girl

          His sister?

          • 12 months ago

            oh yeah i forgot. it turns out to be his sister

        • 12 months ago

          His relationship with women always seemed to me tremendously lucky and somewhat stupid. Angela Moss, okay, childhood friend, I give him that one, but Elliot seducing a woman he just met to get information? Get the frick out. what are they portraying, a mentally deranged outcast junkie with socialization issues or a secret agent who can transform into a casanova if the mission needs it? It's too far fetched and playing too much into the plot's favor. A person with Elliot's psychological profile would have better luck obtaining the information by drugging her and then torturing her.

          • 12 months ago

            it was mr robot that seduced her and then elliot followed his lead. this is the same mr robot that was charismatic enough to lead a group of hackers to hack the largest conglomerate on earth. its not surprising he was able to seduce a single mother with daddy issues.

            • 12 months ago

              Again, too convenient.

          • 12 months ago

            this is true
            but it would alienate normies too hard
            a revolutionary like elliot would be a full blown incel IRL

  20. 12 months ago

    if you are a male and you have girlfriends you are by definition not mentally ill

    men with mental illness are anathema to women

  21. 12 months ago



    • 12 months ago

      having the first time I watched this show be in a VR theater was one of the best decisions I ever made
      this scene put me in a trance

    • 12 months ago

      I'm just a brave traveler, who's finally come home.

  22. 12 months ago

    The most accurate representatiosn of mental illness i have seen have been in asian media

    Western media characterizes the mental ill in a unrealistic way

    i think joker is the probably the closest you will get to a realistic portrayal of someone who is mentally ill.

    • 12 months ago

      >The most accurate representatiosn of mental illness i have seen have been in asian media
      name 5

      • 12 months ago

        the female agoraphobe from castaway on the moon

        • 12 months ago

          4 more

      • 12 months ago


    • 12 months ago

      >i think joker is the probably the closest you will get to a realistic portrayal of someone who is mentally ill.
      nice bait

  23. 12 months ago

    >has sex literally every day with a different prostitute
    Dumb narcissist self insert homosexual meme character. Shit show.

  24. 12 months ago

    yeah kind of an underwhelming show. once the big reveal at the end of season 1 happened i knew the rest would be borderline boring. and it was.

  25. 12 months ago

    what was the grave sin?? i forgot

    • 12 months ago

      putting a dickyseur in jail

  26. 12 months ago

    So, what was White Roses machine?
    Time machine? (could explain how burger guy was eating red wheelbarrow in s1 months before it opened)
    Simulated reality engine?
    Alternate Universe teleporter?
    Homage to the briefcase in Pulp Fiction?

    also why are there so many subtle references to aliens in this show?

    is esmail a grey truther?

    • 12 months ago

      >white Roses machine
      I believe the Whiterose Machine was originally "the game space" for the series' definitive Red Operation. The biggest and most kino heist portrayed in the media. However, this idea was cancelled for unknown reasons.

      • 12 months ago

        care to explain?

        • 12 months ago

          For people involved in Information Security, the idea of attacking such a system is a sexual fantasy.
          The perfect treat for a perfect threat.

  27. 12 months ago


  28. 12 months ago

    I thought White Rose's machine was actually gonna create a new reality and that the plot of Mr Robot was literally the same plot as Persona 5 Royal. I was kinda hyped for it actually

  29. 12 months ago

    What was the meaning of the game on the computer in the penultimate episode? Why did White Rose want Elliot to solve it?

    • 12 months ago

      it either represented the voyeurs being left behind when the show ended or the mastermind freeing the original elliot

    • 12 months ago

      It's nothing, it's something they did to move the story forward. That's all. They didn't do anything with the machine at the end.

  30. 12 months ago

    Why did they do him dirty? He showed so much potential in season 1 and was the perfect foil to Elliot.
    He was the best actor and character without a doubt too

    • 12 months ago

      he was sw*dish

    • 12 months ago

      They changed the course of the original story of the series and in the new order of things the Wellick family was superfluous, which explains how they ended up husband and wife. An absurd treatment.

      • 12 months ago

        put down the crack pipe

        • 12 months ago

          Explain the reason why the Wellick's ended up like they did in a way that is rational and self-evident.

          • 12 months ago

            >rational and self evident

            • 12 months ago

              You need logic to properly tell a story. There is no effective communication if there is no understanding.

              • 12 months ago

                tyrell was an insane psychopath homosexual and he deserved to die after he outlived his usefulness

          • 12 months ago

            What do you think is dysfunctional about Tyrrell's role in the story?
            I admit I was disappointed when Joanna's plotline ended, though she did have a very functional purpose of rehabilitating Tyrrell's image, which allows his return to Evilcorp. And I don't think it's necessarily bad for a story to have a side plot that doesn't fully tie back to the main plot. The climax of Joanna's story was the CTO's confrontation with her.

            • 12 months ago

              >and I don't think it's necessarily bad for a story to have a side plot that doesn't fully tie back to the main plot
              Believe it or not, different parts of the audience are invested in different characters ans subplots. For some it's Tyrell, for others, like me, Trenton. When you mistreat one of your characters, you lose trust.

      • 12 months ago

        >continuation and reckoning of its consequences.
        But clearly with the idea of reconciling united state ultra-liberalism with the audience by representing it as a necessary evil that we all must endure. A person with Elliot's past would go all the way into the heart of darkness. People like Marvin Heemeyer are the visceral example of how a human being pushed to the limit operates.

        >In the first season it's pretty obvious that Elliot hacking the cafe owner is a hook and that the series isn't going to be a vigilante hack-of-the-week.
        Everyone was expecting some vigilante hack-of-the-week thing. Maybe not the whole show, but more than it was actually given. A costumbrist depiction of crime and machines in the 21st century, since everyone talks about it but not everyone knows it, while people who work in the area only see part of it, but don't get the full picture. The series provided a great opportunity, in my opinion grossly wasted by giving preference to a "character study" that in the end contributes nothing.

        To give an example, a security software engineer is never going to have access to Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity, while someone in Penetration Testing barely interacts with Static Analysts. A threat hunter is never going to interact face to face with the actual threat and programmers only do one thing. Elliot served as the ultimate Jack of Trades that brought together everyone involved in a converged reality, and it was fun to see how those realities intersected in it. If Mr. Robot had been real, it would have been amazing to depict that same environment but from twenty or thirty years ago.

        >S2 was when we got the most focused character study of Elliot
        It's important to develop the characters, but no one was watching Mr. Robot for the characters themselves.

        >season 2 is a sobering examination of reality, where those with all the power are best placed to maintain it after the fall.
        This is the cope of the writers' room. They realized they were inspiring unexpected force to revolutionary ideas when everyone was watching the show. Because they had the world on the edge of their seat for the finale of S1, I'm not going to deny that. They did something no one had ever done before or after: show Red Operations not only in a realistic way, but also sexy as frick. How many teens do you think chose IT-related careers because of the show? My entire class generation had a profile like that.

        Then someone got scared

        >"this is too problematic"
        >"fsociety is basically a domestic terrorist organization"
        >"they are winning"

        So, they started changing details. They shifted gears. They focused more on Elliot and China was the Big Bad, the red wolf at the door that only an alliance as unexpected as it is implausible could defeat. At the end of the day you have strange phenomena in the script, the most exemplary is to have the Wellicks as the remainder for the division of an odd number.

        Mr Robot does not conclude by asking the audience to just endure neoliberalism like a necessary evil. Elliot has a whole monologue about holding corporations and the government accountable for what they've all done, and Esmail spends minutes on footage of Trump.

        The one talk show guy starts supporting Trump at the direction of White Rose because Zhang is the one who actually calls the shots of politics. If the writers were scared of glamorizing or encouraging domestic terrorism then they wouldn't have fricking dared to name politicians, news organizations or real corporations. That's exactly what mainstream liberals in the US despise the most-- breaking decorum --even more than conservatism.
        The final hack in the show is to not just steal the wealth of the world's illuminati but to expose their location to a fricking horde of riled up New Yorkers.
        Dominique is the show's representation of accepting neoliberalism and her life is a fricking void for it. She watches the biggest redistribution of wealth in history happen before her eyes and she whines that it's not legal. Darlene's unchallenged enthusiasm is the show nodding that Darlene is right about this and Dominique is a tool. She is only able to save her family by performing her own version of a hack-- a hack of the US justice system by converting the Irishman into her employee in exchange for freedom.

        • 12 months ago

          >denouncing Trump
          Are we going there? Ok.

          Denouncing Trump is not brave, it's just attacking the weakest link in the chain. Like a disabled virus to make a vaccine work. The same with the talk show host supporting him, which is not even a pastiche, it's just a direct reflection of Alex Jones. Same principle. Clearly, there was someone who was very angry about attacking those who "played God without permission." Trump was the perfect scapegoat. The only thing I got from his use was we were in some camp trip about "my first incompetent and evidently corrupt president." and the writers didn't know how to do anything smart with it. For me, the series final fate expresses itself perfectly in that scene where Irving takes Mr. Robot to a party on a balcony after the 5/9. The true power that the series originally wanted to denounce is and will always be enjoying a good ride in the presidential suite. At that point the series is already toothless dog.

          From the dark, ominous figures from the first trailer to a fat man more blackmailed than a name in Epstein's little black book, there is an abysmal difference.

    • 12 months ago

      >He was the best actor
      I thought he was kinda hammy, or whatever the word is. Though I do think that energy was intentional.
      I somehow didn't see that this was gonna be a death episode when in hindsight there's a million red flags.
      Looking back he was always fricking crazy though. Weird ass power marriage, gay sex to advance his career, beats the shit out of homeless people in exchange for money, accidentally strangled a woman to death and then reflected back on it as a moment close to God. The actor performance is one constantly on the verge of a total mental breakdown which is basically what happens at the end of season 2.
      I got kinda wrapped up in him too because his performance really does have an air of divine providence to it. But the only reason to believe Elliot could really work with him was that scene at the end of S1 where Tyrrell has Elliot show him the hacking arcade under duress and he says "and now I'm your partner :)"
      Otherwise he is a walking time bomb and his desire to serve Elliot is clearly not rational.

      • 12 months ago

        also Mr robot buttfricked tyrell

  31. 12 months ago

    why is nobody talking about the greatest character in any TV show ever made?

    • 12 months ago

      >New York's last wise guy
      >enforcer for the chinese (weird flex but ok)
      >do nothing with him
      I will never be not angry about this

    • 12 months ago

      He was always comic relief. Killing the mole was the one impactful thing he did and then he basically turned to the camera and said "I will not be present in season 4"

  32. 12 months ago

    Most interesting character that barely spoke if he even did, deserved an spinoff

    • 12 months ago

      >survives a complete campaign on enemy soil in the front lines
      >survives a suicidal unstable mentally deranged management
      >all of this while enjoys the local food

      Total hamburger victory

  33. 12 months ago

    everyone shits on the last season but i thought it was alright
    the episode where Elliott was running through the streets from the cops was kino

    • 12 months ago

      The gimmick episodes are alright. A couple of montages and scenes are alright. The problem is everything else.

  34. 12 months ago

    S2 = S3 > S1 >> S4

    Ray plotline was kino. The S3 chop chop barn ending was the best, with the prison homie shooting the chinks.

  35. 12 months ago

    i think we would need a movie that has the character be incapable of even walking up to cashiers, then it's applicable

  36. 12 months ago

    What's your favorite episode?

  37. 12 months ago

    I've never watched this show but a girl in my class told me that I remind her of the main character.

  38. 12 months ago

    Fight Club does it well and Season 1 is and the show as a whole are obviously inspired by it

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