Is the 1996 run of Teen Titans by Dan Jurgens worth reading?

Is the 1996 run of Teen Titans by Dan Jurgens worth reading?

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  1. 4 weeks ago

    Yes but i'm a freak dan Jurgens fan

    • 4 weeks ago

      There must be a few of those

      • 4 weeks ago

        Jurgens is Nicieza tier: solid hand mid-level guy who will usually write a decent if unspectacular comic, occasionally a very good one, and rarely a shit one unless he's absolutely phoning it in.

        Argent was a hottie

        Prysm had a great, if simple, design and a cute personality.

        • 4 weeks ago

          So what do you think of this Titans run of his?

          • 4 weeks ago

            It's a decent book. Boilerplate superhero stuff which isn't really a bad thing but it's not terrible or anything and was kind of needed considering how bad the Titans were in the later years of Wolfman's run.

            Johns TT really dragged Risk through the mud. He was never a favorite of mine but idk what that was about, they did him dirty

            It's not that it happened, it's that Johns then made it a joke. Because pain pill addiction is fricking hilarious.

            • 4 weeks ago

              As someone who read through Teen Titans starting with NTT a few years ago I just want to say that the later Wolfman stuff is absolutely insufferable. There are still some characters or moments that I like but it's just an absolute slog to read through. Jurgens Titans was a breath of fresh air honestly

        • 4 weeks ago

          That’s…actually a perfect description of Jurgens.

  2. 4 weeks ago

    Argent was a hottie

  3. 4 weeks ago

    Imagine being a character and the only thing you're known for is getting both of your arms ripped off at different times.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Johns TT really dragged Risk through the mud. He was never a favorite of mine but idk what that was about, they did him dirty

    • 4 weeks ago

      I thought it was good, but the characters weren't that well developed.
      Like, they teased a relationship between Prysm and Risk but never actually do much with it until the very end where she confesses before fricking off into space, I would've liked to see that developed more and better.

      In the book, Risk actually makes 2 separate references to arm-ripping, so I wonder if Johns got the idea to do that to him while reading it.

      Johns TT really dragged Risk through the mud. He was never a favorite of mine but idk what that was about, they did him dirty

      Risk absolutely did not deserve what they did to him, the book ends with him saying he wants to go home and take care of his mom, just for his next appearance say that he's now a petty criminal on the run, pure bullshit.
      Then Johns ripped off his arm, made him a drug addict, villainized him even further, and ripped off his other arm, Risk did not deserve all that hell.
      And most recently, Taylor brought him back, solely to kill him off.
      Special mention to Hot Spot, who King brought back in Heroes in Crisis, just to write him out of character, with a made up catchphrase, and then also killed him off.
      It's clear that no one at DC cares about these characters, and only bring them up to use as cannon fodder, and that makes me sad.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >Risk absolutely did not deserve what they did to him, the book ends with him saying he wants to go home and take care of his mom, just for his next appearance say that he's now a petty criminal on the run, pure bullshit.
        >Then Johns ripped off his arm, made him a drug addict, villainized him even further, and ripped off his other arm, Risk did not deserve all that hell.
        >And most recently, Taylor brought him back, solely to kill him off.
        Johns even made him racist which you know is 100% intended as character assassination

        • 4 weeks ago

          I really hated that
          Risk didn't deserve that

          • 4 weeks ago

            It was really uncalled for

            • 4 weeks ago

              Indeed I liked risks
              Sure he was basically low rent Robin with his abilities but he wasnt this awful character that needed to be crapped on
              None of the jurgens characters deserved that

  4. 4 weeks ago

    It looked nice and didn't read like shit.

  5. 4 weeks ago

    I need Argent on top of my dick, NOW

    • 4 weeks ago

      She'd so fricking hot. I love her

      • 4 weeks ago

        loose Italian daddy's girl who idolozed Starfire and wanted to be a bawd like her. Argent is basically perfect.

        • 4 weeks ago

          The comic where she's a kid and sees the Titans in action and gets inspired by Starfire's costume is honestly heartwarming

          • 4 weeks ago

            She knows exactly what she wants. It's cute that Jurgens came back years after his run ended to do this little two-parter.

            • 4 weeks ago

              Donna is so damn fine

            • 4 weeks ago

              Jurgens did the linear for this? I thought he was just a writer, huh

              • 4 weeks ago

                Maybe it's not as remembered today but Jurgens made his name as a writer-artist. He was famous enough to be handed several vanity projects. He wrote and drew Superman during the Death of Superman saga.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Huh. I did not know that

              • 4 weeks ago

                What's some other good stuff that he wrote?

            • 4 weeks ago

              I want to be Argent's daddy

            • 4 weeks ago

              I fricking love Starfire's big fricking hair

          • 4 weeks ago

            She knows exactly what she wants. It's cute that Jurgens came back years after his run ended to do this little two-parter.

            It's only like 4 years from the start of the NTT to the start of the Jurgens run.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >big navel piercing
        OH BABY

        • 4 weeks ago

          She had it in her OG costume too. Plunging neckline down to her navel so she could show off her navel piercing

  6. 4 weeks ago

    I am waiting for the inevitable Eddie Berganza jokes

  7. 4 weeks ago

    I've always thought it'd be cool if they had some kind of reunion, maybe working for the Atom.
    I know no one at DC cares about them, but after reading their book, I do.

    • 4 weeks ago

      They’re purely fodder for 20 years now.
      It sucks, but that’s what happens when they infringe on the classic Teen Titans name.
      Only Argent barely is used because of waifu factor.

  8. 4 weeks ago

    Argents original costume is so beautiful too. It's one of those George Perez designs that no other artist wants to draw but it's so goddamn nice, especially compared to some of the bland ones she got later.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Did George design her original costume? I didn't know that. I like the colors of it

      • 4 weeks ago

        They were all co-designed by george and Jurgens but George worked more on Argent. The plunging neck is a George trademark as are the streamers that move when she does.

        • 4 weeks ago

          bless George
          rip you legend

    • 4 weeks ago

      I can't ever like these weirdly open costumes, they just look incomplete to me.

    • 4 weeks ago

      I kind of prefer her second costume a bit more but I think the colors added a nice touch

      • 4 weeks ago

        That's fair. I could live without the huge cleavage on the first suit but I think the bare legs and color details make it pop more than the full black suit. They're both good though

        • 4 weeks ago

          I like her bangs in the first costume honestly.

          • 4 weeks ago

            i would also like to bang her in her first costume

            easy access

            • 4 weeks ago

              She must give the most amazing paizuri

              • 4 weeks ago

                sex with argent
                don't even need to pull her costume down
                just slide your dick in between those milky breasts and start thrusting
                spray her in the face and hair repeatedly

              • 4 weeks ago

                Imagine your cum dripping from those plump lips

              • 4 weeks ago

                imagine tugging that scandalous costume down just enough that you can fill her moist slit and get that pent-up catholic bawd energy going

              • 4 weeks ago

                She would definitely call you "daddy" in bed

              • 4 weeks ago

                and say she's been a bad girl again

  9. 4 weeks ago

    Only part of it worth reading is the desperate sales ploy where the original Titans (sans Donna due to Byrne being a c**t) meet the Jurgans Titans and even then, the story is fricked up due to editorial ruining the payoff of who Omen was supposed to be....

    The entire Jurgans run got fricked over six ways to Sunday. And the only reason Argent carried over (and got shoved down everyone's throat even though readers hated her), is due to the fact that she was an editor's waifu.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >due to editorial ruining the payoff of who Omen was supposed to be....
      Do you have details on this? Googling it doesn't show me anything except "Omen is Lilith" which yeah I know that's what we got

      • 4 weeks ago

        >the story is fricked up due to editorial ruining the payoff of who Omen was supposed to be....
        Elaborate? Was it not supposed to be Lilith?

        Omen was supposed to be Raven.

        The original pitch had Raven as the token OG Titan on the team with her in a new body and working with Atom training the team.

        But editorial, influenced hard by the Batman editorial's open hatred for the Titans franchise, gave a blanket ban on any characters from the 80s run showing up. Jurgans barely got Mad Mod and Mr Jupiter by editorial since they were from the 60s run and editorial didn't know anything about them (and Mad Mod was an INO version who was a good guy).

        Adding to this, Jurgans created the whole "Omen" thing (a hooded robe wearing, face forever covered in shadows, gender 100% ambiguous because of the robes being big and bulky benefactor for the team) because he still had hopes he could get Raven on the team.

        The book sold badly, so much so that Jurgans was able to call in several favors from high above to do a team-up story with the previous team, but editorial had a hissy fit. Would NOT allow him to use the 80s Titans, especially after he planned on having Omen unmask as Raven during the arc. Editorial eventually caved to allow Jurgans to use the OG Titans but then Jurgan's editorial team ran to Byrne for help and Byrne (who just yanked Donna from Green Lantern) refused to let Donna be part of the story outside of a flashback sequence at the start of the story.

        Jurgans ended up using the four part story to patch over a major continuity hole by giving Lilith a new origin at last (making her Mr Jupiter's daughter). But Batman editorial didn't know about the story until it got published and were pissed that the higher ups, knowing their hatred of the Titans and vowing to never allow Nightwing to appear in a Titans comic again, weren't consulted for approval for the story since TPTB weren't in the mood to listen to them b***hing and trying to block it. So they got their revenge....

        • 4 weeks ago

          At this point, the Titans team up didn't move the needle and people were actively b***hing that DC had a bunch of teen heroes running around (Superboy, Robin, Impulse, etc) that were not being allowed on the Teen Titans book. Jurgans used this to push his editor to launch a write in contest where the winner of the contest would get made the newest member of the team. Jurgans was hoping for a big name hero, especially Robin, would be picked by fans.

          Robin won the fan poll but Batman editorial threw a huge god-damn temper tantrum and pretty much said, Tim Drake would join the Jurgans Titans over their dead body and threatened a mass walk out if TPTB overruled them and forced them to cede Tim to Jurgans/Teen Titans. And Jurgan's editor took the Batman editorial side, refusing to call their bluff and unilaterally declared "frick the fans, your using Captain Marvel Jr...." to frick over Jurgans. Only for Jurgans to go public in the pages of Wizard, during a Superman interview where he exposed the bullshit being done to him and his Titans run when he moved the conversation of the interview to Titans and why it was so divorced and inferior to the 60s and 80s version.

          By this point sales were shit and fans pretty much despised the book, so they finally killed Teen Titans, not just the Jurgans book but the actual fricking name. By this point, Morrison's JLA was a huge hit and that only made Jurgans' Titans run failing like it did more glaring. Editorial decided that they would give fans what they wanted (IE the big name teen heroes IE Tim, Connor, Bart, plus the newly introduced Cassie) in a book but they had to give Batman editorial veto power over the book (meaning PAD had to send them his scripts and they could demand unlimited rewrites that David had no choice but to do) and the option to yank Tim from the book at any time. And for added shits, Jurgan's editor was the one who told them to retire the Teen Titan name and came up with the name "Young Justice".

          • 4 weeks ago


            Omen was supposed to be Raven.

            The original pitch had Raven as the token OG Titan on the team with her in a new body and working with Atom training the team.

            But editorial, influenced hard by the Batman editorial's open hatred for the Titans franchise, gave a blanket ban on any characters from the 80s run showing up. Jurgans barely got Mad Mod and Mr Jupiter by editorial since they were from the 60s run and editorial didn't know anything about them (and Mad Mod was an INO version who was a good guy).

            Adding to this, Jurgans created the whole "Omen" thing (a hooded robe wearing, face forever covered in shadows, gender 100% ambiguous because of the robes being big and bulky benefactor for the team) because he still had hopes he could get Raven on the team.

            The book sold badly, so much so that Jurgans was able to call in several favors from high above to do a team-up story with the previous team, but editorial had a hissy fit. Would NOT allow him to use the 80s Titans, especially after he planned on having Omen unmask as Raven during the arc. Editorial eventually caved to allow Jurgans to use the OG Titans but then Jurgan's editorial team ran to Byrne for help and Byrne (who just yanked Donna from Green Lantern) refused to let Donna be part of the story outside of a flashback sequence at the start of the story.

            Jurgans ended up using the four part story to patch over a major continuity hole by giving Lilith a new origin at last (making her Mr Jupiter's daughter). But Batman editorial didn't know about the story until it got published and were pissed that the higher ups, knowing their hatred of the Titans and vowing to never allow Nightwing to appear in a Titans comic again, weren't consulted for approval for the story since TPTB weren't in the mood to listen to them b***hing and trying to block it. So they got their revenge....

            Interesting, thank you anon. I will say that the silver lining to this mess is that YJ turned out to be the best Titans book of all time.

          • 4 weeks ago


            Omen was supposed to be Raven.

            The original pitch had Raven as the token OG Titan on the team with her in a new body and working with Atom training the team.

            But editorial, influenced hard by the Batman editorial's open hatred for the Titans franchise, gave a blanket ban on any characters from the 80s run showing up. Jurgans barely got Mad Mod and Mr Jupiter by editorial since they were from the 60s run and editorial didn't know anything about them (and Mad Mod was an INO version who was a good guy).

            Adding to this, Jurgans created the whole "Omen" thing (a hooded robe wearing, face forever covered in shadows, gender 100% ambiguous because of the robes being big and bulky benefactor for the team) because he still had hopes he could get Raven on the team.

            The book sold badly, so much so that Jurgans was able to call in several favors from high above to do a team-up story with the previous team, but editorial had a hissy fit. Would NOT allow him to use the 80s Titans, especially after he planned on having Omen unmask as Raven during the arc. Editorial eventually caved to allow Jurgans to use the OG Titans but then Jurgan's editorial team ran to Byrne for help and Byrne (who just yanked Donna from Green Lantern) refused to let Donna be part of the story outside of a flashback sequence at the start of the story.

            Jurgans ended up using the four part story to patch over a major continuity hole by giving Lilith a new origin at last (making her Mr Jupiter's daughter). But Batman editorial didn't know about the story until it got published and were pissed that the higher ups, knowing their hatred of the Titans and vowing to never allow Nightwing to appear in a Titans comic again, weren't consulted for approval for the story since TPTB weren't in the mood to listen to them b***hing and trying to block it. So they got their revenge....

            What an absolute fricking mess

          • 4 weeks ago

            I always suspected there was behind the scenes issues with jurgens run but I had no idea it was this crazy

          • 4 weeks ago

            So years later how did we finally get the Devin Grayson Titans?

        • 4 weeks ago

          At this point, the Titans team up didn't move the needle and people were actively b***hing that DC had a bunch of teen heroes running around (Superboy, Robin, Impulse, etc) that were not being allowed on the Teen Titans book. Jurgans used this to push his editor to launch a write in contest where the winner of the contest would get made the newest member of the team. Jurgans was hoping for a big name hero, especially Robin, would be picked by fans.

          Robin won the fan poll but Batman editorial threw a huge god-damn temper tantrum and pretty much said, Tim Drake would join the Jurgans Titans over their dead body and threatened a mass walk out if TPTB overruled them and forced them to cede Tim to Jurgans/Teen Titans. And Jurgan's editor took the Batman editorial side, refusing to call their bluff and unilaterally declared "frick the fans, your using Captain Marvel Jr...." to frick over Jurgans. Only for Jurgans to go public in the pages of Wizard, during a Superman interview where he exposed the bullshit being done to him and his Titans run when he moved the conversation of the interview to Titans and why it was so divorced and inferior to the 60s and 80s version.

          By this point sales were shit and fans pretty much despised the book, so they finally killed Teen Titans, not just the Jurgans book but the actual fricking name. By this point, Morrison's JLA was a huge hit and that only made Jurgans' Titans run failing like it did more glaring. Editorial decided that they would give fans what they wanted (IE the big name teen heroes IE Tim, Connor, Bart, plus the newly introduced Cassie) in a book but they had to give Batman editorial veto power over the book (meaning PAD had to send them his scripts and they could demand unlimited rewrites that David had no choice but to do) and the option to yank Tim from the book at any time. And for added shits, Jurgan's editor was the one who told them to retire the Teen Titan name and came up with the name "Young Justice".

          Wasn't Denny the one who wanted to get Dick out of the Batman books in the first place? Why was he so angry at the Titans franchise?

    • 4 weeks ago

      >the story is fricked up due to editorial ruining the payoff of who Omen was supposed to be....
      Elaborate? Was it not supposed to be Lilith?

  10. 4 weeks ago

    Jurgens is technically proficient but unimaginative and largely uninteresting. If you don't have to read anything he wrote to understand something you really want to read or are really into, you'll have spared yourself from wasting your time.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Jurgens has one of the best Thor runs of all time.

  11. 4 weeks ago

    I remember reading somewhere that Argent was a a character left over from Morrison's Teen Titans pitch that was reworked for the Jurgens run, but I can't find anything about it online now.

    • 4 weeks ago

      This rings a bell for me too. If I had to guess, Morrison probably said this in the bonus pages of a TPB somewhere.

    • 4 weeks ago

      This rings a bell for me too. If I had to guess, Morrison probably said this in the bonus pages of a TPB somewhere.

      An alt-future version of Argent had an appearance in JLAs Rock of Ages story

  12. 4 weeks ago

    I don't care if she was Berganza's waifu, Argent is cute and sexy.

  13. 4 weeks ago

    It's nice to see some love for Argent
    She deserves it ngl

    • 4 weeks ago

      I don't care if she was Berganza's waifu, Argent is cute and sexy.

      She had it in her OG costume too. Plunging neckline down to her navel so she could show off her navel piercing


      • 4 weeks ago

        Imagine getting to lick down her front all the way to her navel

      • 4 weeks ago
        • 4 weeks ago


    • 4 weeks ago

      In retrospect I honestly find it cool how the cartoon used her and Hotspot despite how weak Season 5 was.

      • 4 weeks ago

        By making a her a character who so little resembed the comics version that her powers weren't even the right color which is where her name came from?

        • 4 weeks ago

          I love the 2003 Teen Titans cartoon. It's what made me a fan of the Titans and comics in general. But I don't really get their adaptation of Argent.
          In the comics she's a kinda ditzy and spoiled fashionista mob princess learning to be a hero with silver(argent) powers. Then in the cartoon she's like a goth witch with red powers and a New Zealand accent? They just did whatever with her I guess. Like you said they didn't even get her color right.
          I think most of the TT character designs carry the spirit of their comic versions but this one just seems nonsensical

          • 4 weeks ago

            It's weird bcause the Inazuman looking version of Kilowatt was a good design while still being recognizable as to who the character is intended to be.

            • 4 weeks ago

              He even has a good story in the TTG comics

            • 4 weeks ago

              Seriously that inazuman look works so damn well

              • 4 weeks ago

                Compare that to his original comic look

              • 4 weeks ago

                Todd Nauck was really the perfect artist for this comic

          • 4 weeks ago

            The further out you get from "iconic" characters the looser the adaptions in TT become. Look at the HIVE team. The more well-known members get to look like adaptations of their comics selves (Mammoth, Gizmo) and then Jinx who is an unknown gets totally changed. The Titans are all visually based on the comics version for the core team but then you get to characters like Pantha and Argent and they're just totally reinvented for the show. I guess they reasoned nobody would really care about fidelity.

            • 4 weeks ago

              That's fair

            • 4 weeks ago

              Even the main cast got loose adaptations. Dick was obsessed with Slade instead of the fight against crime and corruption. Raven was more hot topic emo than new age spiritual. Beast Boy didn't sexually harass a single woman in the entire show.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >Beast Boy didn't sexually harass a single woman in the entire show.

        • 4 weeks ago

          You could say the same about most of that show.

          I love the 2003 Teen Titans cartoon. It's what made me a fan of the Titans and comics in general. But I don't really get their adaptation of Argent.
          In the comics she's a kinda ditzy and spoiled fashionista mob princess learning to be a hero with silver(argent) powers. Then in the cartoon she's like a goth witch with red powers and a New Zealand accent? They just did whatever with her I guess. Like you said they didn't even get her color right.
          I think most of the TT character designs carry the spirit of their comic versions but this one just seems nonsensical

          >But I don't really get their adaptation of Argent.
          If it wasn't obvious, they liked goth girls lol, and since Argent already has very white skin, which is usually a common trait of goth girls, they just made her like that.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >If it wasn't obvious, they liked goth girls lol, and since Argent already has very white skin, which is usually a common trait of goth girls, they just made her like that
            It can't be as simple as that

  14. 4 weeks ago

    Sad that Argent wasn't able to frick Dick like she wanted

    • 4 weeks ago

      Dick really gets all the babes, huh
      God I wish I could get raped by Mirage

  15. 4 weeks ago

    the robin/argent comic is pretty good

  16. 4 weeks ago

    Should I storytime this?

    • 4 weeks ago

      Sure why not? That one group needs a name by the way. The one with Sweet Sixteen.

  17. 4 weeks ago

    threads like this are comfy
    I read a lot of old comic runs and it's just nice to see what other people think about them

  18. 4 weeks ago

    I bought these issues two months ago from a bookstore in Japan, about 100 yen each. It's okay, I probably wouldn't have bought it if I were in the US but I'll take what I can get. Titans isn't a great title in general and a bunch of OC characters are boring - but I suppose it's worth it for Perez/Jurgens art.

    I think the next run by Grayson was more enjoyable.

  19. 4 weeks ago

    The hsan natall where interesting

  20. 4 weeks ago

    I'm going to let this thread dir but it was fun while it lasted

  21. 4 weeks ago

    Probably not.

  22. 4 weeks ago

    Would it be possible to breed her?

    • 4 weeks ago

      It's worth trying

    • 4 weeks ago

      It's worth trying

      Imagine cumming inside her and seeing i spurt inside her translucent body

  23. 4 weeks ago
  24. 4 weeks ago

    I thinks it's funny how on the DC comics reading app the thumbnails for this Titans run just uses Dick and the classic Titans

  25. 4 weeks ago

    Who is Dan Jurgens?

    • 4 weeks ago

      The guy who killed Superman and ruined superhero death for eternity. We still live in the hellscape he wrought in 1992.

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