Is this considered one of the best TV shows ever?

Is this considered one of the best TV shows ever? After season 3 half the characters become useless, it's barely about advertising anymore and it just becomes Don Draper drinking while looking sad

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  1. 2 years ago

    Dont hurt your head on the way out, kid.

    • 2 years ago

      Filtered. It was never about advertising.


      You were filtered twice. It's not really about advertising. It's about the people who sell happiness to everyone via advertising and how they struggle with life despite having everything society tells them they need. Season 3 is also when it gets a lot better, and the first 2 seasons are great.

      I think after season 3 the show became very unfocused and turned full soap opera. The first few seasons they would build up these ad campaigns and it gave every character something to do. After that they just keep introducing shit new characters and the advertising stuff shows up briefly while Don fricks girl #4. Obviously advertising is not the main point of the show but this is an example of a show that ran for too long and they needed to "spice things up" to keep it running

      it gets very repetitive
      its good like a soap opera is good, you grow attached to the characters and the setting, you don't stay for the plot

      it's a good drama with some great moments, but it suffers from having too much filler. if they had removed all the filler and reduced it to a couple of seasons of show, it would have been one of the greatest tv dramas of all time.

      I agree with these

  2. 2 years ago

    Filtered. It was never about advertising.

    • 2 years ago


      Is this considered one of the best TV shows ever? After season 3 half the characters become useless, it's barely about advertising anymore and it just becomes Don Draper drinking while looking sad

      You were filtered twice. It's not really about advertising. It's about the people who sell happiness to everyone via advertising and how they struggle with life despite having everything society tells them they need. Season 3 is also when it gets a lot better, and the first 2 seasons are great.

    • 2 years ago
      Craig T. Nelson


      You were filtered twice. It's not really about advertising. It's about the people who sell happiness to everyone via advertising and how they struggle with life despite having everything society tells them they need. Season 3 is also when it gets a lot better, and the first 2 seasons are great.

      Filtered. It's a badly written show for moronic homosexuals. Only mongoloids disagree.

      • 2 years ago

        >Is this considered one of the best TV shows ever?
        Only by advertisers. To them its the best shit ever because it glorifies them and is nothing but an advertisement. To any normal person its evil shit that shouldn't exist
        have a nice day, shill.

        >a "show" that is all about scumbag asmen and is nothing but a very long advertisement isn't about advertising
        Whatever you say, shill. have a nice day.
        >Season 3 is also when it gets a lot better, and the first 2 seasons are great.
        It never gets better, its never great. Its evil shit ftom beginning to end. Every second of it is the same evil shit
        have a nice day

        >these are the average Mad Men haters

        Your shitposts only make people who have never seen it want to watch it more

        • 2 years ago

          Frick off, nobody wants to watch your advertisement pretending to ve a TV show

          it gets very repetitive
          its good like a soap opera is good, you grow attached to the characters and the setting, you don't stay for the plot

          >you grow attached to the characters
          How? They're all the same and terrible.

    • 2 years ago

      >Is this considered one of the best TV shows ever?
      Only by advertisers. To them its the best shit ever because it glorifies them and is nothing but an advertisement. To any normal person its evil shit that shouldn't exist
      have a nice day, shill.

      >a "show" that is all about scumbag asmen and is nothing but a very long advertisement isn't about advertising
      Whatever you say, shill. have a nice day.


      You were filtered twice. It's not really about advertising. It's about the people who sell happiness to everyone via advertising and how they struggle with life despite having everything society tells them they need. Season 3 is also when it gets a lot better, and the first 2 seasons are great.

      >Season 3 is also when it gets a lot better, and the first 2 seasons are great.
      It never gets better, its never great. Its evil shit ftom beginning to end. Every second of it is the same evil shit
      have a nice day

      • 2 years ago

        Glad you're still with us, but I will continue to tell you anon: pedophilia is worse than smoking.

  3. 2 years ago

    >it's barely about advertising anymore
    It was never about advertising lmao, are you for real right now. You got filtered hard

  4. 2 years ago

    what a 100 IQ moron

  5. 2 years ago

    your taste is like watching the titanic not liking it because the ship sinks at the end

  6. 2 years ago

    1. Six Feet Under
    2. The Shield
    3. Mad Men
    4. Better Call Saul
    5. The Sopranos
    6. Breaking Bad
    7. Fringe
    8. Stargate SG1
    9. The Wire
    10. Deadwood

    Now call me based

    • 2 years ago

      >Six Feet Under
      based indeed, i don't see people talk about that on here even though it's obviously relatively well known

    • 2 years ago

      I never saw Six Feet Under, but you're based for recognizing the Shield's greatness, that Mad Men > Sopranos, and that BCS > Breaking Bad. All great shows

    • 2 years ago

      Mad Men is a vastly better show than Six Feet Under and Stargate is silly. Put The Shield at 10, replace Deadwood with Season 1 of Stranger Things or Battlestar Galactica and you've got a list...

    • 2 years ago

      No Knightrider.

      • 2 years ago

        gay detected!
        Thanks Kit...

  7. 2 years ago

    I forced myself to watch it and would fast forward every solo Joan scene worst character.
    It's watchable but you're not missing out
    Just watch YouTube clips of the best scenes, that's all the show is

  8. 2 years ago

    it's a good drama with some great moments, but it suffers from having too much filler. if they had removed all the filler and reduced it to a couple of seasons of show, it would have been one of the greatest tv dramas of all time.

  9. 2 years ago

    it gets very repetitive
    its good like a soap opera is good, you grow attached to the characters and the setting, you don't stay for the plot

  10. 2 years ago

    MM defines television kino more so than any other show. It ruined other TV shows for a while for me because I couldn't get over how bad the acting, characters, and sets were compared to mad men.

    Just know going in that it doesn't have deaths, fights or explosions. It's much more like real life than even something like Better Call Saul

    • 2 years ago

      >how bad the acting, characters, and sets were
      But this trash has the worst of all those things of almost anything ever. You moronic or something? You must be joking


      I think after season 3 the show became very unfocused and turned full soap opera. The first few seasons they would build up these ad campaigns and it gave every character something to do. After that they just keep introducing shit new characters and the advertising stuff shows up briefly while Don fricks girl #4. Obviously advertising is not the main point of the show but this is an example of a show that ran for too long and they needed to "spice things up" to keep it running


      I agree with these

      >Obviously advertising is not the main point of the show
      Yes, it is. Its the only reason it exists. The entire "show" is just an advertisement.

      • 2 years ago

        I'm definitely going to give it a try. If this spastic hates it so much it must have something going for it

        • 2 years ago

          >it must have something going for it
          All it has going for it is that it is an advertisement for smoking. Do you want a 90 hour ad for smoking? Then this "show" is it. If you want anything else it doesn't have it.

          Glad you're still with us, but I will continue to tell you anon: pedophilia is worse than smoking.

          Wrong, you evil piece of shit. Smoking is bad, child abuse which you support is bad. Sex is good and cute girls are good. have a nice day, you evil scum.

          • 2 years ago

            you shouldn't exist

          • 2 years ago

            You will never be a woman. Your throbbing Adam's Apple gives you away. Now go try to get attention from the feral cat you befriend in the alley outside your sad little flat.

  11. 2 years ago

    >Is this considered one of the best TV shows ever?
    Yes. By people who have watched about 5 or 6 shows total. Shit like:
    Breaking Bad
    Mad Men
    Stranger Things
    and Friends

  12. 2 years ago

    I find it’s a surprisingly rewatchable show. Lots of subtle stuff to be noticed and it feels very comfy on rewatches, esp the episodes between after Don and Betty divorce and before Don marries Megan.

    • 2 years ago

      Agreed. Seasons 4 and 5 were clearly the best. In fact, I usually go straight to the new office on rewatches and skip Sterling Cooper entirely

      • 2 years ago

        New office is definitely when it takes off, but there are too many good moments in the early seasons. I don't want to miss Don telling Duck he doesn't have a contract, or when Don visits Anna in California

  13. 2 years ago

    Absolutely filtered. Mad Men. The cure for the common TV show

  14. 2 years ago

    Seasons 1 through 5 are kino (except for the flashback scenes to Don's youth, those always felt kinda hokey), after that it starts catering to woke viewers. If it had ended on You Only Live Twice as Don walks away from Meghan MM would have been up there with The Sopranos.

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