Is this film Blasphemous?

Is this film Blasphemous?

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  1. 1 month ago

    Its portrayal of Jesus' character goes against what's in the gospels, so I guess it is.

    • 1 month ago

      literally half the gospels contradict each other, is The Bible (tm) blasphemous?

      • 1 month ago


        • 1 month ago

          >Matthew: On X day Jesus literally said "A and B"
          >John: On X day Jesus literally said "C and D"
          also some gospels describe him as being more of a badass, and other describe him as more of a gentle cheek-turner.

          • 1 month ago

            >2000 years of explaining the same thing
            >I DID A GOOGLE SEARCH
            >AETHISM YASSSS

            • 1 month ago

              Actually, I use Brave Search.
              They do use different words in each retelling of the gospel though, which depicts Jesus differently, even if only slightly. So a flick portraying him at all is always going to be slightly different to what each gospel says.
              It is impossible to portray Jesus in any way that 100% lines up with what he actually did, and acted like, even the gospels are fallible in this regard.

    • 1 month ago

      Technically, yes.

      Very openly frames itself as a mental exercise imagining Christ as more mortal than divine - specifically that he's still the savior of the world, but doesn't know about his mission entirely and has to learn about it as if he were you or me hearing about it for the first time.
      Whether or not it's blasphemous comes down to if you think non-biblical depictions are ok if the author acknowledges that they're non-biblical.

      sure but dabbing on christers is fun

      Well the first words Jesus says is "I want God to hate me."

      Blasphemy is spoken. This movie would be considered sacrilege.

      • 1 month ago
        • 1 month ago

          Zoomzooms scared of knowledge again

      • 1 month ago

        But you're gay for believing either have any importance. You're following fake rules that don't matter and aren't real!

  2. 1 month ago

    Technically, yes.

  3. 1 month ago

    Haven't seen it, but want to
    I like any kino that leads people towards God
    Can you give a qrd on the blasphemy?

    • 1 month ago

      Very openly frames itself as a mental exercise imagining Christ as more mortal than divine - specifically that he's still the savior of the world, but doesn't know about his mission entirely and has to learn about it as if he were you or me hearing about it for the first time.
      Whether or not it's blasphemous comes down to if you think non-biblical depictions are ok if the author acknowledges that they're non-biblical.

      • 1 month ago

        Full man and full God, above my pay grade but doesn't seem bad surface level
        I'll try and watch it this year
        Praised be Jesus Christ now and forever

    • 1 month ago

      Well the first words Jesus says is "I want God to hate me."

      • 1 month ago

        It’s “the feeling begins”

    • 1 month ago

      It’s based on a novel by Nikos Kazantzakis, a 20th century Greek philosopher who like Nietzsche and Lenin. He was fascinated by Buddha and Christ and wrote a lot of books on spirituality. The film opens with an acknowledgment that it’s not based on the Gospels, and has a quote of Kazantzakis on the dual nature of Christ.
      Run down:
      >Jesus is in rebellion against God in the beginning of the book, and is the only carpenter willing to build crosses for the Romans, which they use to crucify messiahs and revolutionaries
      >Judas in particular is disgusted with him, viewing him as a traitor to the cause of israeli freedom
      >its established that Mary Magdalene and Jesus had a relationship before the events of the story which ended in disaster when Jesus left her to pursue a holy life. Despondent, she becomes a prostitute
      >Jesus enters the desert to fast and find God. As in the Bible, Satan appears and tempts him, with Jesus rejecting each temptation. Satan leaves, yet promises they will meet again
      >Jesus leaves the desert and starts his own movement, preaching as he does in the gospels. He gets a following of disciples, with the twelve apostles forming his inner circle
      >miracles are downplayed or skipped, and the preaching is portrayed as more rough and unpolished.
      >In the book, but not in the movie, Matthew begins to write his gospel. When Jesus finds it, he calls it lies, and specifically that he had never been to Bethlehem nor was he born of a virgin. He relents when Matthew tells him the text was revealed to him by an angel. The story of Jesus walking on water is a dream Peter has, which Matthew includes after Peter tells him about it
      >Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead, but unlike the Bible story, he is undead like a zombie, rotting and disgusting
      >eventually, Judas betrays him. Jesus is crucified by the israelites demanding his head and the Romans not wanting a rebellion

      • 1 month ago

        >while on the cross, an angel appears to him as a little girl, who tells him God is satisfied with him, and he can now live a normal life. Jesus comes down and walks away, seeing the crowd still jeering and shouting at the cross like he is still up there
        >Jesus gets married to Mary Magdalene, and when she dies he marries the sisters Mary and Martha. He lives to an old age
        >While walking, Jesus hears the testimony of Paul the Apostle, who proclaims the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ, and his appearance to him on the road to Damascus. Jesus confronts him and says none of this is true. Paul says that he doesn’t care, and will continue to preach Christianity regardless of the truth
        >while dying of old age, Jesus is visited on his death bed by the twelve apostles. Outside, the Romans are sacking and burning Jerusalem. Judas chastises Jesus for being a coward and a traitor, and reveals that Jesus had specifically asked him (begged him) to betray him so he could be crucified as the messiah. As Judas yells at him, bloody stigmata wounds appear on Jesus
        >Jesus says he had been told to come down by an angel. Judas says to take another look at the angel, who turns into the devil from the desert. Satan says “I told you we would meet again.”
        >the elderly Jesus crawls on his stomach across the sacked Jerusalem, reaches Golgotha, and begs God to allow him to be crucified and become the messiah
        >in a sudden flash, Jesus suddenly is back on the cross, youthful, looking down at the taunting crowd of Pharisees and israelites
        >he yells “it is accomplished, and the film ends

    • 1 month ago

      It's blasphemous because it portrays Jesus as a a pathetic lunatic without any heroic or noble qualities and who's no better than every other pathetic loser and so every pathetic loser at home can watch it and feel like they're just as good as Jesus and engage in a sappy, homosexualy feel good pseudo-religion of loving people. Jesus is not just fully mortal in the movie, he's the most pathetic mortal you could imagine, a coward, lascivious, neurotic, obsessive, etc.

  4. 1 month ago

    sure but dabbing on christers is fun

  5. 1 month ago

    What a homosexualy word to use! Are you Ned Flanders? The Church Lady? You'd better steer clear of anything "the church" would look down upon. Wouldn't wanna disappoint baby jesus!

    Fricking homosexual.

    • 1 month ago

      >doesn't understand the distinction between dogma for dogma's sake and dogma as the representation of ideals and one's respect for them

  6. 1 month ago


  7. 1 month ago

    A brainlet sees the movie and take it literally as Christ failing and falling to temptation.
    However it was merely a vision of what would happen if he did, so the viewer can understand his struggle (as he is both man and god for his sacrifice and resistance to sin to make sense)
    So if you're a brainlet, yes the movie is blasphemous.

  8. 1 month ago

    >archive shows that barely anybody was posting "christ is king" on Cinemaphile prior to 2016

    • 1 month ago
  9. 1 month ago

    In spirit, reality, technicality, intention, in every possible sense, yes.

  10. 1 month ago

    I haven't watched it but let me guess the main plot point: Jesus was a gay?

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