Is this show well written?

Characters keep making stupid decisions and half the deductions are ass-pulls. Like Walter has no reason to assume Gus has taken out the cartel.

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  1. 12 months ago

    I just watched it for the first time about a month ago and just about every episode I couldn't believe how fricking stupid every character is. Walt is maybe the dumbest character ever written.

    • 12 months ago

      My favorite is Gus just accepting Walter replacing Gale (who he has been training for years) with methhead, because bullshit reason.

      Fine, take Jesse, but why would he agree to kick Gale out? Gale would have agreed to work with Jesse, even with reduced pay.

      • 12 months ago

        My favorite part is when they were having dinner at Hank's and his moron son brings up the Heisenberg case and Hank says he's not looking into it anymore, so Walt chimes in and says Heisenberg is a genius he's definitely still out there, which causes Hank to look into him again. Then, he finds a book Gale gave Walt that he just keeps out in the open in his bathroom incase anyone needs any reading material while they're taking a shit, knowing full well that his DEA brother in law visits often.

        I've never seen so many morons and asspulls than this show.

        • 12 months ago

          I love Breaking Bad but Hank finding that book in the shitter was the dumbest way they could have had him find out about Walt.

  2. 12 months ago

    It's the best show ever written, along with Better Call Saul.
    I know it's the meem to say otherwise, but they are the only two shows out of all the hugely praised dramas, Sopranos, Wire, Mad Men, Succession, where shit actually happened in every episode and when looking back on it all, I can actually see a progression from Point A to Point B and easily see the point of it all. The Sopranos comes close.

    • 12 months ago

      >actually happened
      Go watch the whole thing again and time how many minutes per ep that is spent just staring. Just staring and being le epic reddit tense scene. My guess is 10 min per episode.

    • 12 months ago


      It's obviously fantastic writing, especially the dialogue.

    • 12 months ago

      Never see Lost before

  3. 12 months ago

    What do you mean by that? Why would he need to assume that Gus has taken out the cartel? Also didn't Jesse tell him?

    • 12 months ago

      He literally says to Gus:
      >So, because Hank was attacked, it probably means you have taken out the competition

      • 12 months ago

        I'll rewatch the scene.

        Alright, I watched it. Walt has good reason to think that the competition is out because the DEA and Mexican government was all over the cartel after they shot a DEA agent. Therefore not a plothole

  4. 12 months ago

    Breaking bad and better call saul are fricking dogshit

  5. 12 months ago

    Frick now. way too many plotholes.

    • 12 months ago

      Pointing out plot holes is literally the lowest level of art criticism.

      • 12 months ago

        How is pointing out that your script is poorly written a bad criticism?

        • 12 months ago

          >your script
          I know Vince is retired but I highly doubt he browses this board

          • 12 months ago

            Learn English

        • 12 months ago

          Nice digits. Because when shows go for more and more seasons and are highly rated a larger segment of people feel it's a slight against them to point out the weak points of it. The show was comfy but also overrated.

  6. 12 months ago

    no, but it gets the people going

  7. 12 months ago

    It's plebbit tier writing in many cases.
    If not for Cranston and Paul nobody would give a frick about this show. At least that's why I watched the whole show.
    One of the worst examples for me is the chicken dude and the bomb, what the frick was this scene supposed to convey? Humor? Shock? Total bullshit and completely destroyed my suspense of disbelief.

    • 12 months ago

      Breaking bad was loaded with shock factor. Like that scene when that body melts through the bath tub. The only shock factor on better call saul was Howard's death.

      • 12 months ago

        I don't really remember it so I gues that it was well done or at least not complete shit. The scene with Fring was just downright insulting to me.
        Not the way he died but the plebbit
        >muh fix my tie because I'm compulsive
        was atrocious and ruined the scene for me.
        This dissonance between scenes is the reason why I don't think both are anywhere near close other shows like The Wire, Mad Men etc. Some scenes in the later seasons were really great and then you have some shitty marvel humor and atrocious supporting actors (or roles if you're feeeling generous) that completely ruin the tone.

        • 12 months ago

          It was purely shock factor the tie fix was to freak the audience out

          • 12 months ago

            As I said before, the thing with his head blown off wasn't bad but why the frick add this
            >le quirky fix my tie bullshit?

            He was barely compulsive in BB. They turned it up to 11 in BCS.

            Yeah maybe because they thought they had to come up with a reason for their shitty scene in BB.

        • 12 months ago

          He was barely compulsive in BB. They turned it up to 11 in BCS.

    • 12 months ago

      >what the frick was this scene supposed to convey? Humor? Shock?
      Both. It's a dark comedy. It's also a slightly meta joke about how difficult it is to take out Gus with him seemingly surviving at first.

    • 12 months ago

      >what the frick was this scene supposed to convey
      Actual npc detected.

      • 12 months ago

        Go fricking back redditscum

        • 12 months ago


        • 12 months ago

          All of the popular shows from Sopranos to Twin Peaks to True Detective have all had dramatic irony. Why are you just now complaining about it? The Fatty Part of the Thigh? Presbelewski losing his gun and a whole episode dedicated to hiding that? I think the most serious show is Boardwalk Empire and maybe Mad Men.

  8. 12 months ago

    There are two kinds of drama shows, liked by two different kinds of people. You have the plot-heavy, constantly changing show (Breaking Bad, Fargo, Mr. Robot) and you have the character-heavy show where things don't change as much (Sopranos, The Wire). The character driven show is perhaps more thematically rich and realistic, but you also have to stretch your imagination at times to see the importance of what's going on, pacing and filler can become problems.

  9. 12 months ago

    It's a well written drama but it doesn't have the "soul" that shows like the Wire and Sopranos had.
    What I mean is despite those shows having unbelievable and insane bullshit you could tell there were stories and emotions that were rooted in reality
    BB is separated because it's obvious that none of the people writing have ever been near any of these situations either with the DEA, Cartels etc. The closest we get is early Jessie which doesn't last long and ends with a fricking plane exploding
    Take Better Call Saul, where Nacho and Lalo are fricking phenomenal and character driven. Same with Saul and Kim, BCS had the soul that BB didn't have.
    BB isn't as well written but I hold it in the same regard as the Good the Bad and the Ugly as a trailblazer

  10. 12 months ago

    I hate talking about TV shows with "BB is just muh explosions" people. They can never engage honestly about the merits of any show other than their personal favorite

  11. 12 months ago

    Breaking Bad is not well written. It's writing staff worked "by the seat of their pants," and it shows. There are several really dumb ass-pulls, that make no fricking sense in context.
    Better Call Saul fixed this by having it's writing staff work on a season-by-season basis. It's a better show overall. Frick anyone who disagrees.

    But Sopranos has better writing than both of them.

    • 12 months ago

      >There are several really dumb ass-pulls
      Like how in the beginning of season 3, when Walt is ultra mean to Jesse for no reason-
      He tells him he can't make his meth, and he is a loser.
      Then, an episode later he gets beaten by Hank, and gets him a job. His attitude is never spoken again.
      That'st just a huge shift, if was just to make him drop the lawsuit, was it really the only way? Couldn't Walter have asked Mike to deal with it?

  12. 12 months ago

    you ever watch Death Note? If not don't because you would hate it based off of this OP

  13. 12 months ago

    Walter White: "Jesse, it's time to 'break bad', just as surely as the sun rises."

    Jesse Pinkman: "'Break bad', They? You mean, like, when Hulk goes all smashy in the Avengers?"

    Walter White: "In a manner of speaking, Jesse. But remember, it's 'They', not 'Mr'. We're going to 'break bad', and it's going to be bigger than when Reddit crashed Wall Street."

    Jesse Pinkman: "'They'? Like, the She-Hulk kind of 'They'? And what's this about Reddit and Wall Street?"

    Walter White: "Not exactly, Jesse. 'They' is just my preferred pronoun. And the Reddit thing... it's an example of the power of the masses, like us 'breaking bad'."

    Jesse Pinkman: "Alright, alright. So we're 'breaking bad', like a Reddit revolution. I got it, They."

    Walter White: "Good, Jesse. And you know, 'breaking bad' is symbolic of a greater movement, the pronoun revolution. It's as important as when She-Hulk joined the Avengers."

    Jesse Pinkman: "Wait, what? So we're 'breaking bad', and we're part of a grammar revolution too? That's wilder than a Thor and Loki reunion!"

    Walter White: "Jesse, it's all connected. 'Breaking bad' is our way of representing the fight for pronoun respect. It's about breaking norms, just like She-Hulk did."

    Jesse Pinkman: "So we can't just 'break bad' without being grammar warriors too? That's crazier than a Deadpool monologue, They."

    Walter White: "No, Jesse. This is about more than us. It's about embracing every identity, every pronoun! We're making a statement, just like when Reddit users rallied together."

    Jesse Pinkman: "So we're like, the Avengers for the pronoun revolution while we 'break bad'? That's wild, They."

    Walter White: "Exactly, Jesse. It's a revolution of acceptance. And while we 'break bad', we'll also break the barriers of singular pronoun norms."

    Jesse Pinkman: "Whatever you say, They. Let's just 'break bad' for these modern audiences then. And for the pronouns too, I guess!"

  14. 12 months ago

    jesse we need to wiener

  15. 12 months ago

    >My brother-in-law, moments before he was attacked, someone called to warn him. I believe that same person was protecting me. Those two men - the assassins - I believe I was their prime target, but that somehow they were steered away from me to my brother-in-law.
    >He made that phone call because he wanted a shootout, not a silent assassination. In one stroke, he bloodied both sides, set the American and Mexican governments against the cartel, and cut off the supply of methamphetamine to the Southwest. If this man had his own source of product on this side of the border, he would have the market to himself. The rewards would be... enormous.
    >We're both adults. I can't pretend I don't know that person is you.
    >I want there to be no confusion. I know I owe you my life. And more than that... I respect the strategy. In your position, I would have done the same.

  16. 12 months ago

    If they were smart the show would resolve itself.
    >Go Canada for free chemotherapy
    >Call FBI and send the glowies to take care of Gus &others
    >Divorce shit wife and use newfound moxy to bang 18yos

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