Is this the average?

>either too chubby or too skinny
>a host of mental afflictions
>no social life
>no friends or girlfriend ever
>his entire life is watching movies and daydreaming
>he has his own imaginary actress waifu
>his family has given up hope for him
>works as a dead-end wagie

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Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

  1. 4 weeks ago

    Bold assumption.

    • 4 weeks ago

      i hate being a wagie but being a NEET is comprised of a honeymoon period and the inevitable reality setting in. the moment it came down to me having to go and pick up a welfare check I knew i couldn't take it anymore. i wagecuck because of my stupid pride of not just going to that fricking welfare center and getting a measley check. i don't even eat a lot and am damn near anorexic so my costs are very low but it's too embarassing.

      • 4 weeks ago


      • 4 weeks ago

        homie the West is in its looting phase and you feel guilty about collecting a paltry welfare check?

      • 4 weeks ago

        Drink electrolytes. Grow some dandelion they're good for tea + salad.

      • 4 weeks ago

        sounds like a (You) issue
        I have plenty of pride and there are things which I wouldn't do
        but taking gibs from the israelites is something I gladly do
        In fact, I'll grab any and all gibs when ever there is a chance, like buying a $1500 GPU from Amazon prime, and sending back a brick stone

        • 4 weeks ago

          >like buying a $1500 GPU from amazon prime, and sending back a brick stone

          • 4 weeks ago

            Black person, there is nothing to elaborate
            you go on amazon, look for a GPU that is sold directly by amazon
            once it arrives, you weight the box, take out the GPU and get a brick which roughly weights the same (cut off pieces so it fits/weight matches)
            then you refund the GPU with reason: whatever
            and the israelites will even pay for the return transport

            • 4 weeks ago

              Wait wut

              So, you can return a fricking brick and they'll just be like, "oh, a brick... yeah, close enough".

  2. 4 weeks ago

    Damn I'm doing better than all of you and I'm not even trying

  3. 4 weeks ago

    All correct except I'm unemployed and get NEETbux for being autistic

  4. 4 weeks ago

    This is the average Cinemaphile user
    >I was only pretending to be moronic

  5. 4 weeks ago

    Typed this out but the janny deleted the thread and I dont want to post on LULZ:

    I literally wasted the last 10 years of my life.

    I might as well have been in a coma.

    Prisoners actually have more to show for than me. At least they have stories to tell, had some kind of job, talked to people, worked out, practiced their attention span with lack of stimulation... I just sat in my room, went outside only for groceries, only read short shitposts and watched youtube videos and movies. Didn't read any books. Didn't put in any consistent effort to learn a skill. Didn't meet anyone. Didn't face and overcome challenges. Made no life experiences. 10 years gone just like that.

    I feel so horrible about it. I get how it happened: I had constant wake up calls but couldn't bear the discomfort of change to establish any positive routines so I went back to internet, tv and video games. With no friends I had no one to remind me how abnormal my life was. I just don't understand how I didn't get bored of it sooner or REALLY thought about where my future will go this way. I always had an interest into art but never pursued it and instead kept myself distracted with instant gratification pleasures.

    I am 30 but I feel like I'm 18 still... except now that my body hurts and I feel tired all the time.

    I want to do so many things, travel, meet people, create something but I just have 0 confidence in myself anymore after 10 years of 0 progress and feel like I am a failure at my core and if I feel like I am going to change things I am just lying to myself again.

    • 4 weeks ago

      protip: the first step is to stop feeling sorry for yourself

      • 4 weeks ago

        im more dumbfounded

        >At some point it just becomes too late to change

        its not that its late its that you got stuck in your routine and have no confidence you can get out

    • 4 weeks ago
    • 4 weeks ago

      >typed this out
      >copied it
      >pastied it here
      >now feel sorry for me everyone please
      you are a woman. not a man.

      • 4 weeks ago

        I dont get anything from pity. I was hoping for encouraging stories of other people turning their life around late in life or advice on how to improve my mindset. But in classic imageboard fashion people just assume the worst.

        • 4 weeks ago

          this is a meme site to blow off steam, don't derive anything else from it.

        • 4 weeks ago

          consider that your life might not have a turn around if you don't act on it. even if you do,
          things won't ever be as good and you won't be as happy as you were as a kid/ teenager. find your pleasures and work towards them. i enjoy working on my physique and banging prostitutes. there's no deeper meaning to it. i've had my realizations and took conclusions. don't take life too seriously.
          perhaps you're too weak to desire things and if you have no will, then you really have no reason to exist.

    • 4 weeks ago

      I mean, there doesnt seem to be a ton out there.

    • 4 weeks ago

      exactly the same for me
      except I don't feel sorry for it
      I'm looking forward to the day I get away with murder
      I know that day will come

    • 4 weeks ago

      you know what's worse than your situation? Being in the same situation but instead being in your 40s.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Pretty much me but with a few extra years
      >I am 30 but I feel like I'm 18 still... except now that my body hurts and I feel tired all the time.
      Especially this. Every day passes in the blink of an eye and the gap grows larger.

    • 4 weeks ago

      I wasted about 8 years of my 20's similarly, but mostly recovered once I started using self-help to improve my mental health.

      • 4 weeks ago

        any recommendations?

    • 4 weeks ago

      Pretty much me but with a few extra years
      >I am 30 but I feel like I'm 18 still... except now that my body hurts and I feel tired all the time.
      Especially this. Every day passes in the blink of an eye and the gap grows larger.

      I was in EXACTLY the same situation. I thought the whole thing about how being in prison would be less embarrassing too.

      My advice: go to university as an undergrad. Either go back or go for the first time. You'll be around a bunch of kids but they won't judge you nearly as much as you think. I didn't talk to anyone my first year back because I was so afraid of being judged, but by the end of my second year I was in a research group making friends with other older students and having beers with professors. School can open so many doors so quickly.

      • 4 weeks ago

        what did you talk about?
        how did you dodge questions about your past?

        • 4 weeks ago

          >how did you dodge questions about your past?
          To be honest I still try not to put myself in situations where that's possible. If someone brings up their age or what they were doing before college I tend to keep my mouth shut. If the conversation does turn to me and I don't feel comfortable I shrug and say "It's a long story." I've done this a few times and no one has ever pressed after.

          Sometimes you do need to grit your teeth and tell the truth though. The professor who heads my research group asked me when we met why I'd been out of school so long. I said I had mental health issues but I was trying to get back on my feet. Even though I hate telling people about my problems, it just felt like the right thing to say. Now we have a great relationship and he even personally helped me get my first internship.

          It's weird. My whole life has been complete shit but after I started putting myself out there things just kind of fell into place. People are a lot nicer than Cinemaphile had led me to believe.

  6. 4 weeks ago

    Yes but I don't watch movies

  7. 4 weeks ago

    I watched a small streamer earlier. Super chill guy. He's in his living room playing a game I like and having fun, but then the door rings, he says sadly he's gonna have to end the stream. He goes and opens and it's his girlfriend. They hug, they're a nice couple, he's tall and chill and she's the petite athletic type. She sits down on the sofa while he comes back to the camera and cracks a joke about her being on camera which makes her laugh and hide in embarrassment while he teases her for being shy. He then says goodbye and ends the stream.

    They probably had a great evening together and had sex. My high point was watching this dude play a game I already played until he stopped because he could spend his time in a much better way.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Women are not the answer to your problems. They will serve as just a slightly more potent distraction. Do not be a feminized cuckold who's entire life's meaning is derived from a girl. For your own fricking sake, do not devolve to this.

  8. 4 weeks ago

    It's what happens to people when they get stuck, At some point it just becomes too late to change, so they escape into a fantasy dreamworld like that old boomer janitor did.

  9. 4 weeks ago

    I break into computers for sport in watch dogs.

  10. 4 weeks ago

    >he has his own imaginary actress waifu
    >works as a dead-end wagie
    and thats me!

  11. 4 weeks ago

    >20's/30's V
    >autistic X
    >either too chubby or too skinny V
    >a host of mental afflictions V
    >no social life X
    >no friends or girlfriend ever X
    >his entire life is watching movies and daydreaming X
    >he has his own imaginary actress waifu X
    >his family has given up hope for him X
    >works as a dead-end wagie X

    • 4 weeks ago

      do you want a medal for that, frickhead?

      • 4 weeks ago

        No, but I do feel bad for the Anons that fall into all these categories. Dont give up and keep pushing yourself to be better.

  12. 4 weeks ago

    just say non-chad, it is shorter

  13. 4 weeks ago

    I am in the process of moving out at 30 and it's getting to me. Only a week left of my long stint in this situation and then I will have to shop groceries, cook, and generally undergo many changes. Part of me wants to cancel everything, go back to my old dead end but comfortable job, keep living at home being fed and clothed while I spend my free time watching youtube. It's perverse.

    • 4 weeks ago

      It's not perverse. You just have to do it and don't think too much about it. Time moves fast when you let it.

  14. 4 weeks ago

    this movie fricked me up, i'm terrified i might become like him.

    • 4 weeks ago

      if you're worried about this, you are already him.

  15. 4 weeks ago

    The most unrealistic part is that his imaginary perfect gf was a 6/10 art hoe and not a yandere vampire or a 10,000 year old dragon who looks like an eight year old girl or his mom with a fourteen inch wiener or Gadget from Rescue Rangers

    Totally ruined my immersion

  16. 4 weeks ago

    i've got tinnitus and ptsd
    how do i get welfare

  17. 4 weeks ago

    >imaginary actress waifu
    Define “imaginary.”

  18. 4 weeks ago

    I wasn't lucky enough to be born in Japan or the States or any country with a devoted media or arts culture or industry and as such I could never be what I know in my heart I'd excel at and love each and every day which is to create cool stories for others, to explore characters and worlds beyond my own and endow others with the gifts and fruits of my heart and soul. I am a comic artist and have found very moderate success in my country but this being a backwards shithole it never lasts. i got published in magazines and have been trying to uphold this monthly comic magazine me and other few artists have been working on and the sales aren't groundbreaking but manageable. we have set up social media and everything and it was all going well but some dumbass from our group of artists had a mental breakdown and didn't chime in with his work and now we're fricked since it's supposed to be out in a week. I achieved my dream but not in the form I wanted and I know eventually I'll have to accept it's not doable anymore or go into books which is only slightly better but I don't know how to write prose. I'm stuck between my dreams and the reality which posits them as impossible to achieve.

  19. 4 weeks ago

    >either too chubby or too skinny
    Yes. Used to look great though. Gained 60 lbs during the lockdowns and I am not planning to lose them
    >a host of mental afflictions
    >no social life
    >no friends or girlfriend ever
    Had a bunch of girlfriends before sumomaxxing and some people I used to hang out with. Not anymore
    >his entire life is watching movies and daydreaming
    I also read and write
    >he has his own imaginary actress waifu
    >his family has given up hope for him
    >works as a dead-end wagie
    No. Neet.

  20. 4 weeks ago

    maybe i dunno
    >either too chubby or too skinny
    too chubby
    >a host of mental afflictions
    >no social life
    does people on the internet count?
    >no friends or girlfriend ever
    had friends
    >his entire life is watching movies and daydreaming
    >he has his own imaginary actress waifu
    >his family has given up hope for him
    >works as a dead-end wagie
    been unemployed for 9 years

  21. 4 weeks ago

    a little true
    >either too chubby or too skinny
    >a host of mental afflictions
    >no social life
    almost true
    >no friends or girlfriend ever
    almost true
    >his entire life is watching movies and daydreaming
    partially true
    >he has his own imaginary actress waifu
    >his family has given up hope for him
    >works as a dead-end wagie

  22. 4 weeks ago

    >either too chubby or too skinny
    used to be too skinny, but i've become a borderline gymcel
    >a host of mental afflictions
    >no social life
    >no friends or girlfriend ever
    had friends, none currently
    >his entire life is watching movies and daydreaming
    a little more than that
    >he has his own imaginary actress waifu
    she's not an actress
    >his family has given up hope for him
    no, they still believe in me
    >works as a dead-end wagie
    currently unemployed

  23. 4 weeks ago

    I really feel like imageboards is what put me into this uniquely fricked up position. For a loner with ADD they are like a drug. I realized that when I spent a day here after being so bored by the repetetive shit threads I couldn't imagine coming back. But I wanted to do something while having breakfast and I was hooked again. A light came on when Iistened to a guy talk about how he wasted his 20s with drugs. We need to get away from imageboards and any infinite content type sites and go back to content with a beginning and end.

  24. 4 weeks ago

    maybe you guys should fill out job applications instead of internet surveys

  25. 4 weeks ago

    >Y (fat)

  26. 4 weeks ago

    Are redditors superior specimen?

  27. 4 weeks ago

    I'm at an okay weight and spend most days reading but yeah.
    >he has his own imaginary actress waifu
    Sort of. I've spent thousands of dollars on erotica commissions depicting me and Hailee Steinfeld in a loving relationship because I'm in love with her. I've fantasized about her every day for the past 7 years. I think it's my brain coping with my being a wizard but I can't stop myself. I make alt accounts on reddit where I shit talk Buffalo Bills fans when their team loses. I don't even care about NFL, it just makes me feel better about my life.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Forgot pic. If the bills ever win the championship I'm gonna blow my brains out.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Forgot pic. If the bills ever win the championship I'm gonna blow my brains out.

      >Hailee Steinfeld
      I genuinely feel bad for you because she ugly

  28. 4 weeks ago

    yeah right. This is the second oldest board behind /misc/ cause they have actual baby boomers.

  29. 4 weeks ago

    After thinking about it I think the key is to stop seeing your life as a sort of movie with a narrative structure and a story that makes sense. Or maybe see it more as an arthouse movie. Our lives are not crowd pleasers but kino that filters most people. The protagonist wastes years sitting at his computer without a goal? That's boring for you? Well you got filtered. Back to capeshit with you where the protagonist finishes college in time and gets a good job and family and all that...

  30. 4 weeks ago

    maybe if goose was in the role

  31. 4 weeks ago

    me except I watch youtube videos and don't have a job

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