*is wrong about fricking everything*. what was their problem?

*is wrong about fricking everything*

what was their problem?

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  1. 1 month ago

    They're zealots.

  2. 1 month ago

    A millenia of peace left them blind to seeing new threats.

    • 1 month ago

      Yoda and co. Took every single bad decision they could during the prequels, it is not just blindness. Is active incompetence (by Lucas)

      • 1 month ago

        Yoda being incompetent makes sense when you realize he's impatient and an butthole and has to be lectured by Obi Wan to do the right thing in Empire. And then he just fricking dies

    • 1 month ago

      It makes sense that in a universe at peace, someone that's supposed to "bring balance" will actually bring chaos and conflict, because the reigning peace is one of the extremes.
      Why I'm able to see that, and a team of veteran space monks can't, is a good question.

      • 1 month ago

        because you judge from a perspective of hindsight that shows how much worse things can become

      • 1 month ago

        >because the reigning peace is one of the extremes
        You people are so fricking moronic.

  3. 1 month ago


  4. 1 month ago

    leave the underwater jamacian guy alone he's like a substitute teacher who showed up for the last week of class

  5. 1 month ago

    they were poorly written

  6. 1 month ago

    Reminder that the CIS were the good guys. Grievous is a war hero fighting against tyranny.

    • 1 month ago

      >das right! *commits galactic scale war crimes*

  7. 1 month ago

    You can only write a character as smart as yourself. George is a fricking moron.

  8. 1 month ago

    emotional repression

  9. 1 month ago

    I am tired of the Jedi hate. Every single new piece of star wars media can't help but shit all over the Jedi. It's long since been established that they have their issues, but I'm so exhausted of seeing "DUDE, DID YOU KNOW THE JEDI ARE ACTUALLY LE HECKING DOGMATIC AND REPRESSIVE?!" paraded around as if it's a genius original take. It's not, it's literally Luke Skywalker's own beliefs. We've been running around in circles since ROTJ in 1983, unable to move forward and just accept the Jedi as the good guys because every writer has to shit out what they think is a based contrarian hot take. "Jedi+Compassion" is already a thing guys, can we do something else now? You'd think the writers were Sith in disguise.

    • 1 month ago

      The point was that the Prequel Jedi are wrong. They were shown to be completely wrong in RotJ, when Vader became Anakin once more to save his son. He turned back to the light due to love he had for his son. Luke is supposed to bring about a New Jedi Order that won't repeat the same mistakes the Old Order did. They'd be allowed to love and have families.

    • 1 month ago

      The point was that the Prequel Jedi are wrong. They were shown to be completely wrong in RotJ, when Vader became Anakin once more to save his son. He turned back to the light due to love he had for his son. Luke is supposed to bring about a New Jedi Order that won't repeat the same mistakes the Old Order did. They'd be allowed to love and have families.

      For all we know about the Jedi and the sith in the OT they were some kind of almost lost sect of warrior monks and their nemesis.

      Lucas should have keep it this way in the prequels. Just making them some kind of hidden shaolin monks that act from the shadows during the war. The siths were done, and the jedi dissapearing soon too.

      Then you can make another or many trilogies with the jedi's during their apogee like ik KOTOR. And then another one about how the finally ended with the sith and they decided to dissapear from the galaxy after realizing the chaos they were causing.

      So many fricking ideas, and george had to write convoluted shit that breaks his own canon.

      And prophesies are shit writting, and vader was just the muscle of the emperor, nothing more. Him being the father of Luck is already a big deal, no need to make him 'the chosen one'

      • 1 month ago

        >Lucas should have keep it this way in the prequels
        Every time.

      • 1 month ago

        >For all we know about the Jedi and the sith in the OT they were some kind of almost lost sect of warrior monks and their nemesis.
        Sure, but we do NOW know how they were like. Can't fault Lucas for you making assumptions and then getting proven wrong by the actual creator.

        • 1 month ago

          Lucas contradicted his own canon. There are many instances, but the easiest to pick is how fricking no one knows about the force or the jedi, when they were the top dogs not even 20 years prior

          • 1 month ago

            It's just throwaway lines that got retconned. The story itself still works.

          • 1 month ago

            There are though, like Jabba.

            • 1 month ago

              It's mostly ANH that has the problems. ESB and RotJ work fine enough with the prequels.

          • 1 month ago

            They know about the Jedi and the Force they just don't believe it.
            There's a Pope in Vatican yet people don't believe that some israelite walked on water.
            There's only 9000 Jedi in the galaxy. Running into one is rare and actually seeing them levitate stuff even rarer.

    • 1 month ago

      My problems with the jedi are they should have not ties to the republic in the first place
      they should be completely a monastic order removed from secular government
      the phantom menace should have had dooku at the forefront of the CIS forcing the Jedi to get involved into politics, because a former member of theirs is throwing their weight in secular statehood. giving the wedge that sidious needed to then get justification to destroy them later on

      • 1 month ago

        I see your point, but OT obi wan speaks about the jedi protecting the republic for 1000 generations,

        • 1 month ago

          >jedi protecting the republic for 1000 generations
          Which was retconned to 1000 years in TPM. Fun Fact: It was 1000 years in the third draft of ANH.

      • 1 month ago


        they are a monastic order of such power the rulers of the galaxy offer them patronage and ask for advice and in return the jedi do their own fricking thing 100% of the time and ocasionaly litterly strong arm the entire republic

        but everybody puts up with their shit because they are extremely powerful (as individuals let alone an order) and are always just trying to help

        • 1 month ago

          >the jedi do their own fricking thing 100% of the time and ocasionaly litterly strong arm the entire republic
          They absolutely can not. They are very much the government's lap dogs and abide by the whims of the Senate. It's why Qui-Gon was so different from the rest. He did whatever he felt was right, rather than what was right for the Council or the Senate.

          • 1 month ago

            qi-gon followed his moral compass within the confines of the jefi -code and often stretched it beyond its limit defying the council(of jedi) who let him because his core sensibilities were non corrupted

            the jedi are subverted by the sith fellow in times of extreme turmoil where they decide they will personally guard their preferd candidate

            and before you start calling them lapdogs remember they walked a deathsquad into the current sitting galactic rulers personal chambers and exicuted him

            and everybody was just like oo a sith ofcourse mr jedi

        • 1 month ago

          Because a soft association without any real outlined responsibility towards the republic is stupid and senseless position to have
          when where and how much do they and should they get involved especially if they arent supposed to have attachments?
          the republic shouldnt matter
          it has no bearing on their teachings
          they are not mandated by the force to uphold democracy
          its not like they are the catholic church equivalent that christens the chancellor or something and pushes people to have certain views on the force

          • 1 month ago

            they do what they want simple ass
            they are given a temple complex on coruscant access to vast wealth and the ear of anybody they wish

            and they do it for there own reasons what they are is simple harnessing understanding and using the force for good

            keeping the balance as it where is not just figurative that battle plays out inside themselves and is mirrored on a galactic stage

            they send diplomats to resolve wars
            commission vast armies
            fight battles in the shadows and at the head of armadas
            they dictate worlds as off limits and seclude themselves in study

            they seriously do what the frick they want to and everybody is scared shitless/in complete awe of them

            they have a loose connection because they want a loose connection

            they sent a kill team to depose the leader of the senate and when one of their order said he was sith attempted to exicute him

            they are galactic peace keepers that just occasionally decide to allow wars unimpeded they are a reclusive monastic order of force wielders trying to bring hope to the galaxy but not afraid to allow some of it to burn

            • 1 month ago

              this is mirrored in themselves and qi-gon personifies it

              qi-gon gets involved he stops slavery when he sees it but allows it to happen at scale its the duality in ourselfs he allows himself to feel but does not allow his feelings to overcome himself

              that's a plot device a 10 year old would come up with to justify his hack writing

              i have a really old post that explains this in a logical and cool way disney would do well to 4plebs it

            • 1 month ago

              Which is why they end up dropping the spaghetti and getting culled because they have no specific guidelines on their involvement in issues or the role they are supposed to play at large
              they are simply meddlers than never take control thinking that half assed measures mean they are different from the sith

              • 1 month ago

                they know that if they take control it will end poorly they are not rulers and kings they are warriors fighting an endless battle within themselfs played out across all of time and space

                sith do the exact same things but with non of the safty measures

                a jedi cant give in to emotion because it will overtake him and that's why its a rule

                a sith gives into emotion allows it to overtake him and attempts to direct it

                sith manipulate jedi intervene

                they are two sides of the asme coin attempting to harness the force

                all the rules are complete bullshit that just keeps them safe from their true potential
                that is the truth and why sith are so dangerous because they know the truth

                but the reason for it is because it always ends horribly

                balance to the force would mean a jedi can love and not loose their minds be angry and not lashout

                as much as it means that the galaxy could prosper in a unified way

  10. 1 month ago

    Palpatine had a Sith artifact which fricked with the Jedi future perception abilities.

    • 1 month ago

      that's a plot device a 10 year old would come up with to justify his hack writing

      • 1 month ago

        That's Star Wars. I'm trying to remember the name of the object. It was part of the expanded universe lore. I think it was a super special crystal that augmented Palpatine's force abilities which allowed him to frick with Jedi perception, which is why the Jedi couldn't detect him and their predictions kept being off. In the Prequels, Yoda would mention his perception of events being clouded.

        • 1 month ago

          he was bending the force to his will he had such controll over his plans and the people around him that he simpily clouded the force

          what would he do you cannot say because he was creating what he would do

          they could not see the future because he was using the force to bend it to his will
          everybody around him was becoming corrupted they even sensed the courption but had no idea where

          he was like a vortex in the force they could not see what he was doing because of that

          they could see the vortex but could not penetrate it there was nothing to be penertrated they realise that when they find its him

          Hes a Sith Lord thats what sith do

          found mny old post

          my headconnon is objectively better

  11. 1 month ago

    >people still insulting lucas instead of trying to understand the story being told
    every time

    • 1 month ago

      People hate what they don't understand.

  12. 1 month ago

    >remembering all the garbage that treated the dark and light side like equally good and necessary instead of the dark side as a corrupting perversion as it was in the movies

    • 1 month ago

      The Dark Side's basically heroin.

  13. 1 month ago

    >ruins star wars with grey jedi bullshit
    SAY IT

    • 1 month ago

      >he missed the point
      KOTOR 2 is actively trying to make you pick a side, being a gray Jedi is literally the worst outcome because you need high light or dark side to activate certain features and story beats.

  14. 1 month ago

    It was to show how dogmatic they were in there rules that they couldnt even realize the evil right next to them using there own rules against them. Also showed that age means nothing sometimes it doesnt really mean the person is any smarter than you even if your younger.(Anakin realizing there all dumb years ago)

  15. 1 month ago

    they had the high ground but it came from a high horse

  16. 1 month ago

    mundi, trebor?, windu, yoda, dont know, obi wan, dont know, fisto?

    • 1 month ago

      agen kolar and saesee tiin
      the poor fricks who got one tapped by sidious

  17. 1 month ago

    they were written by a hack who had to figure out a way to go from a stable space democracy to a galactic empire in the span of like 20 years while getting Anakin Skywalker into a robot suit AND making the emperor an evil space wizard in a world full of good space wizards

  18. 1 month ago

    Mace was never wrong no matter how much his portrayal these days is based more on the perception of the fans that think he slighted Anakin than what he actually was in the movies.
    Mace being right
    >Anakin shouldn't have been trained
    >they shouldn't trust Anakin cause he's too close to Palpatine
    >Force is a dangerous thing to wield and creating attachments obviously is like pouring gasoline on a forest fire and if Anakin didn't just have to get his dick wet thousands of generations of Jedi wouldn't collapse in 6 hours
    >Anakin didn't deserve to be master cause he was reckless and moody and has shown little to no wisdom
    >Palpatine's blatant act of nepotism was over the line, like the President of USA appointing some priest from New Jersey he really likes as a cardinal in Vatican
    >Palpatine was too dangerous to be kept alive. They should've just sniped him from across the street.

    • 1 month ago

      Mace was definitely right, but his problem is that he never thought to actually properly mentor Anakin and instead let the devil himself get a hold of the messiah.

      • 1 month ago

        All because he refused to deviate from the Code.

    • 1 month ago

      >Anakin shouldn't have been trained
      He's the Chosen One, their Jesus.
      >they shouldn't trust Anakin cause he's too close to Palpatine
      Which they allowed to happen.
      >Force is a dangerous thing to wield and creating attachments obviously is like pouring gasoline on a forest fire and if Anakin didn't just have to get his dick wet thousands of generations of Jedi wouldn't collapse in 6 hours
      Attachments are fine on their own. The issue is letting go when loved ones leave your life. The Old Order decided to go full moron and ban all of it, thinking that the extreme would take care of the problem completely.
      >Palpatine's blatant act of nepotism was over the line, like the President of USA appointing some priest from New Jersey he really likes as a cardinal in Vatican
      Anakin's the Chosen One, their messiah.

    • 1 month ago

      >Palpatine was too dangerous to be kept alive. They should've just sniped him from across the street.


      Get the picture?

  19. 1 month ago

    Rasta fish on the right
    Old man dick for a head on the left
    Green midge in the middle.

  20. 1 month ago

    I almost forgot how much star wars sucks,thanks for the reminder!

  21. 1 month ago

    "Equality is a lie… A myth to appease the masses. Simply look around and you will see the lie for what it is! There are those with power, those with the strength and will to lead. And there are those meant to follow—those incapable of anything but servitude and a meager, worthless existence.
    "Equality is a perversion of the natural order!… It binds the strong to the weak. They become anchors that drag the exceptional down to mediocrity. Individuals destined and deserving of greatness have it denied them. They suffer for the sake of keeping them even with their inferiors.
    "Equality is a chain, like obedience. Like fear or uncertainty or self doubt."

    The Sith won.

    • 1 month ago

      sith are "eaten"at rates unimaginable

      sith cause such a fricking ruckus there can only ever be two lest they draw devine ire

      and the last known sith army was so shitscared of what they were doing after realising that they were putting giant targets on their backs they sailed the entire civilisation into the unkown regions to face it

      sith are more moronic than jedi they just dont know it because non of them suvive long enough to figure it out

      That is saying alot considering the really powerful ones cant die of natural causes

    • 1 month ago

      sith are "eaten"at rates unimaginable

      sith cause such a fricking ruckus there can only ever be two lest they draw devine ire

      and the last known sith army was so shitscared of what they were doing after realising that they were putting giant targets on their backs they sailed the entire civilisation into the unkown regions to face it

      sith are more moronic than jedi they just dont know it because non of them suvive long enough to figure it out

      That is saying alot considering the really powerful ones cant die of natural causes

      the sith know the truth of the jedi not the truth of the sith

  22. 1 month ago

    sith more like shit heh

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