It really is over...

It really is over...

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  1. 5 months ago

    >They still using mask, capes, alter egos and sidekick
    Go back to 1930s old gay

    • 5 months ago

      >They still using mask, capes, alter egos and sidekick
      I wish

  2. 5 months ago

    Why was 9/11 imagery so prevalent in Phase 1 but gone by Phase 2?

    • 5 months ago

      Post 9/11 themes was over at that point as it had been over ten years since 9/11.

    • 5 months ago

      Man of Steel and it's online backlash.

      • 5 months ago

        Man of Steel was more of "nuclear bomb" imagery, to the point that Godzilla felt less destructive.

        • 5 months ago

          >Avengers damage to Manhattan was $160 Billion
          I've always thought it was kind of fricking absurd how little damage the Battle of New York looked like it actually did. Yes the Avengers and SHIELD were there but by sheer number alone the Chitauri should have done way worse. It's even wilder when later movies confirmed the death toll was less than one hundred. The Netflix shows even managed to make it seem like a bigger threat.

          • 5 months ago

            >The massive alien invasion you fended off, the one that was so bad the government almost nuked New York off the map to stop, resulted in less than a tenth the casualties of 9/11
            >Those deaths are all are your fault by the way, someone should stop you
            Jesus christ the more I think about it the more I hate Civil War.

          • 5 months ago

            Super hero movies usually didn't cause a lot of destruction.

            Man of Steel was the exception causing disaster movie levels.

  3. 5 months ago

    >Comic culture goes back to how it was before bad CGI movies.

    • 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      >Early 2000s cheesy bad cgi everyone wearing leather kino

  4. 5 months ago


  5. 5 months ago

    Marvel worked up to the end pf Phase 3, because a shared universe with 10 years of planned content was new and innovative.

    Then it just turned to slop. DC tried to copy but it was always aimless slop

    • 5 months ago

      The other issue is that there clearly is no plan here any more, it's just design by committee. They've been "sabotaged" a lot with the death of actors and Kang's actor being a bad person, but three movies into phase 1 (hell even one movie) we knew what the plan was: we're making an avengers movie, and the next few films are going to introduce those heroes. Then after Avengers 1 we knew what the plan was: Thanos is coming.

      There is no "we know what the plan is" other than "Oh Kang's kinda scary." There's no heroes to be excited about because we don't know who the Avengers are going to be and Disney doesn't either because they're only going to take the ones that stick to the wall.

      • 5 months ago

        I agree, but I don't think the plan with Thanos started until GotG, at the earliest. Up to Ultron, I feel like the plan was just to go through the motions with Civil War, and when Ultron kind of failed, they moved to a bigger threat and started introducing the infinity stones formally.

        • 5 months ago

          Wasn't Civil War a last minute crap thing? That fricked everything up. Ultron had already continued with the stones plot.

        • 5 months ago

          He literally is the final stinger of Avengers

      • 5 months ago

        Phase 4 should have entirely been an epilogue/wrap up phase IMO. Which I think they tried to do but failed. Give a bunch of farewell movies to various characters (frick the shows) and then the next phase is about introducing the new generation and teasing the next big arc.

      • 5 months ago

        They also introduced WAY too many characters at once in way too many irrelevant ways and we don't know which ones matter or which ones don't, which we're meant to be investing in, which are never appearing again, who are going to be the next Avengers and who aren't.

        It was just a constant onslaught of new characters, a lot of them D-Listers or "This established character but they're black/a woman"

        • 5 months ago

          >It was just a constant onslaught of new characters, a lot of them D-Listers or "This established character but they're black/a woman"
          I think what we learned from the MCU's past success is that listings don't matter dick.

    • 5 months ago

      Imagine if they just ended it there. It'd be one of the most celebrated movie achievements ever. Now they've killed their legacy by milking the cow too dry.

  6. 5 months ago

    MCU wasn't without it flaws, but the original movies were self aware enough to realize they were pushing rejects whose movie rights Marvel couldn't sell in the first place, with only Cap having mainstream recognition (and only as a cheesy element from comics history). Which is why they tried to sell the characters as universally likable, which did carry their mostly mediocre movies.

    Now, MCU writers feel entitled due to working on recognizable brand, and they put no effort into the basics.

    • 5 months ago

      >they were pushing rejects whose movie rights Marvel couldn't sell in the first place
      >Nooooo these characters aren't even meant to be popular, other movie studios didn't buy their rights and their comics don't sell except sometimes they do just ignore that because it doesn't fit the narrative
      We can all smell the eternally seething X-gay on you.

      • 5 months ago

        learn to read

        For sure, the making unrecognizable characters massive hits have given Marvel but particularly the MCU a level of wieneriness. This thought process of "We made Iron Man super popular so we can make Shang Chi super popular!" "Guardians of the Galaxy were literal who's and now they're big stars, so of course we can do the same for Eternals!"

        It's not just that they have moved from characters that were successful enough to have recognition of comics readers to try again with even more obscure ones. It wouldn't made a difference, if not for one massive problem.

        They have forgotten what made Iron Man and the Guardians popular.

    • 5 months ago

      For sure, the making unrecognizable characters massive hits have given Marvel but particularly the MCU a level of wieneriness. This thought process of "We made Iron Man super popular so we can make Shang Chi super popular!" "Guardians of the Galaxy were literal who's and now they're big stars, so of course we can do the same for Eternals!"

  7. 5 months ago

    Gee I guess giving D-lister characters the star treatment wasn't a good idea after all

    Oh well nothing another Batman can't fix

  8. 5 months ago

    opinion discarded

  9. 5 months ago

    Do people honestly think this was going to last forever? Remember the whole zombie craze that started from the late 2000s with Left 4 Dead 2, then the Walking Dead appeared in 2010, in addition to the COD zombie modes? Yeah, no one wants to admit they were a hardcore fan TWD, despite it being extremely popular when the first seasons aired.

    Superhero films can't continue making billions each year on a consecutive basis. Sooner or later, audiences lose interest. Imagine if Hollywood just continued putting out high fantasy films like LOTR. I loved LOTR, but it had it's time and trying to make it a trend for decades would lose its appeal to me.

  10. 5 months ago

    All trends end, maybe more people will turn out for a decent superhero movie once or twice every year, or maybe even every other year, but shit's gotten so oversaturated and tiresome that people are just checking out.

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