It's actually incredible how all hype for this completely died out like a fart in the wind.

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  1. 5 months ago

    nothing obliterates audience goodwill like a '''''mid-season break'''''

    • 5 months ago

      that and literally nothing happened

      • 5 months ago

        Ya the first half was 3.5 episodes of nothing happening and a short fight at the end. I binged them all and once it was done I literally struggled to remember what happened.

      • 5 months ago

        Because the start of any season is always the slow buildup.

        As a refresher: Robot and Technically not a e-girl went out on supercute date, and Eve killed an entire neighbourhood worth of joggers by building on a israelite Hole, I mean sinkhole.

        • 5 months ago

          Half the entire season is the 'slow buildup'?

          • 5 months ago

            The comic it is based on has some slow entries, and a lot of random, meaningless conflicts. Nowhere nearly as bad as a long anime series.
            Even the first season has as much or more slice-of-superhero-life than Ebin Battles.

            • 5 months ago

              So the question is- they are changing parts of it, why don`t just change the bad ones? It seems that they only add more filler stuff.

              • 5 months ago

                They are getting rid of some of the juvenile stuff, to expand a few important character relationships, to make people care about more characters.
                And they clearly aren't in a hurry to rush through the comics.

    • 5 months ago

      "mid-season break" with no word on when the "second half" of the season is even expected to drop

    • 5 months ago

      Yea was really fricking stupid cutting it off right when shit starts happening. Now more people will just read the books where there's less black women

    • 5 months ago

      This. Either dump a whole season or go episode per week. Mid season break just kills all momentum.

      • 5 months ago

        I can`t even remember anything besides last episode and Allen being . That`s how good first 3 where.

    • 5 months ago

      Not to mention the long ass wait for season 2.

  2. 5 months ago

    It was very clever satire how the MCU and DCEU both crashed and burned due to multiverse bullshit nobody cares about so now Invincible is also about multiverse bullshit nobody cares about

    • 5 months ago

      I haven't seen episode past that multiverse guy.

      I hate multiverse shit.

      • 5 months ago

        >I hate multiverse shi-ACK!

        • 5 months ago

          Yeah, but this movie did an interesting thing with it.

    • 5 months ago

      Invincible always had a bout of Multiverseshit before the real conflict gets rolling. It basically serves to show that 99% of the time Viltrumites are Bad End.
      MCU wanted the Multiverse simply to fold in all the Fox stuff without it seeming abrupt and stupid. DCEU did it because Marvel did it, which has always been reason enough.

  3. 5 months ago

    Don't know why production on this show is so slow. There's not very much complex animation or anything. Sometimes it's basically a slideshow.

    • 5 months ago

      This. But i guess they made a heavily cgi version first and then scrapped it, that`s why. Also that`s why animation in S2 is not good so far, they had no time.

      • 5 months ago

        they had 2 years with a super simplistic style

        • 5 months ago

          I already said- they probably tried to frick with cgi(Teaser on yt and news show it) but something went wrong, so they didn`t had 2 years, especially with this animation level. Im guessing they winged it in less than a year.

        • 5 months ago

          dude proper animation like that takes a long time, get over it or watch something else

          • 5 months ago

            Not that anon but the budget for the show is fricking INSANE for how simple the art style is. Even with the dosh they pay celeb VAs they should have enough left over for better animation.

            • 5 months ago

              Yet again, pay animators more than voice actors. As good JK is i`d prefer better animation over his voice. And Glenn doesn`t even sound like Glenn so why?

              • 5 months ago

                All I'm saying is that someone shat the bed when it came to time/budget management. I've seen anime with 30k budget per episode mog Invincible's animation.

                Yeah but it’s particularly bad when they’re kids. I guess they’re teenagers but it’s still wicked creepy to have to listen to them talk about that kind of stuff. It’s one thing if a guy and a girl like each other because aww one day they’ll get married and have a family but meanwhile these gay cave diving buddies are using each others asses to jerk each other off. Like who thinks of this shit and decides to put it in a superhero cartoon.
                It really just rubbed me the wrong way how the writers wrote the dialogue as “we lost our virginity to each other.”
                Do writers realize sex is veganal penetration? You and your bro jerking off isn’t sex at all.

                have a nice day moron, it's not for kids.

            • 5 months ago

              Yet again, pay animators more than voice actors. As good JK is i`d prefer better animation over his voice. And Glenn doesn`t even sound like Glenn so why?

              It doesn't matter about budget, it may seem simplistic compared to other animation but its not. But I suppose it could've been quicker, something else is afoot. Writers strike have an impact maybe?

              • 5 months ago

                >It doesn't matter about budget
                It absolutely does when each episode has close to a million dollars in budget. I don't mind bad animation but when the budget is that high it's egregious, there's no excuse.

              • 5 months ago

                >It absolutely does when each episode has close to a million dollars in budget
                And some madlads on YT do better animations than those studios for fricking free. Yes, budget sure would matter if they woud stop stealing it.

              • 5 months ago

                YouTube animators will work for months/years on 5-10 minutes of high quality animation. When you're paying an entire team of experienced animators to work 40+ hours a week I expect the animation to be better.

              • 5 months ago

                >When you're paying an entire team of experienced animators to work 40+ hours a week I expect the animation to be better.
                That`s what im saying.

  4. 5 months ago

    I got tired of waiting and just read the entire comic run. It's good but the TV series will likely be ending in 2050 at this current rate of producing episodes

  5. 5 months ago

    >WHOA! Mustache Superman brutally slaughtering the rest of the justice league! I’m gonna onions!
    I tried to give S1 a shot but completely checked out when the gay kids were talking to each other about how they “made love” and “lost their virginity” to each other. The frick? Using each others crusty asses to jerk off isn’t “making love” or “losing your virginity” lmfao. Just creepy really.

    • 5 months ago

      Why is your butthole so crusty? Do you not wipe after taking a shit?

      • 5 months ago

        I’m not constantly shoving things into my ass thus it doesn’t leak…

        • 5 months ago

          Wow you've really thought this through, seems like more than just something you're academically interested in....

        • 5 months ago

          >WHOA! Mustache Superman brutally slaughtering the rest of the justice league! I’m gonna onions!
          I tried to give S1 a shot but completely checked out when the gay kids were talking to each other about how they “made love” and “lost their virginity” to each other. The frick? Using each others crusty asses to jerk off isn’t “making love” or “losing your virginity” lmfao. Just creepy really.

          Why are /misc/tards suddenly so obsessed with crusty, leaking, gay buttholes? They shove this topic into literally any and every conversation

          • 5 months ago

            To remind everyone that the entire LGBTQ movement is nothing but forcing gross non-procreative sex onto chilren. Go crust up some other website.

            2 trannies ruined this /thread /thread

            What did you want the thread to be about? The show is about gay kids so that’s what the thread is about.

            >if I keep saying my opponents castrate children enough it will come true
            Genuinely what is the point? Who do you actually think you’re convincing besides other Misc schizos? Do you actually think normal people with jobs and families etc are going to fall for your hysterical moronation of

            I shouldn’t have to say it at all. Imagine telling a child he is a woman and cutting his balls off. What the FRICK. Enough. Frick you. You flailing and calling me a schitzo isn’t a ringing endorsement for you.

            • 5 months ago

              This guy is OBSESSED with crusty male buttholes

              • 5 months ago

                And so you are judging by your engagement with him.

                Better a gay nazi then a homosexual child predator.

                How much tb of cp do you have?

                Im on your side moron, kek what a thread.

              • 5 months ago

                Hey you know what FRICK YOU DOUCHE
                I am doing this for the cause and it's not like I enjoy spending my evenings researching countless hours of gay porn, but here I am suffering through all this and it pains me but I am doing it for the cause and to spread awareness of the evils of this world. FRICK. YOU. I am not gay

          • 5 months ago

            /misc/ has basically been the Closeted Homosexual Board for the past 4-5 years

            • 5 months ago

              Been Open Pedo board since- ever.

            • 5 months ago

              >you want to frick spiders
              this argument has never worked, pedo

          • 5 months ago

            Why are gays so obsessed with grooming kids? They shove it into every media content

            • 5 months ago

              >so depictions of straight romance is grooming kids into being straight right? Dumb frick

              >right wing slogan
              “Men aren’t women.” ?

              No what I was replying to

              • 5 months ago

                It’s biological predisposition to want to breed. It’s the opposite gaslighting children into sodomy. Regardless, there is no “straight” propaganda in school unless you’re talking about biology class. But we need to blast kids with sodomite propaganda though, why? You don’t think 12 y/o’s are the target audience for Invincible?

              • 5 months ago

                By your own logic depicting straight people or talking about them is grooming kids into being straight. Fricking disgusting groomer like STAY AWAY FROM OUR KIDS hahaha

                No one is repressing trannies you dumb homosexual. Name one fortune 500 company with a specific anti LGBT agenda. Name one gov entity with an anti lgbt agenda.
                You can't.

                You can't be groomed into something natural. homosexuals aren't natural. Kys

                uh yes people are repressing us

              • 5 months ago

                If stating the truth is repression then you are the problem. Now kys and stay away from other people's kids.

                You have no right or business to them.

              • 5 months ago

                You can't groom someone into their natural behavior. Additionally name one main stream school with straight pride day or straight education.

                homosexualry is not natural. Now go suck off a shotgun

              • 5 months ago

                Following your biological programming isn't grooming, moron.

              • 5 months ago

                >hurr durr appeal to nature fallacy
                You are low IQ and probably brown.
                Also being gay IS NATURAL YOU moronS lmao chuds have nothing going on

              • 5 months ago

                You just agreed that being a homosexual is unnatural.
                I'll accept your concession. Just try to repress your urges about defiling little kids to recover your lost innocense. Thanks.

              • 5 months ago

                No I said being gay is natural can you not read or something? Also appeal to nature is a low Iq fallacy from a low Iq person

                >they’re different
                Nope. Your insane pedo cult has no basis in reality. Didn’t read that whole pedo rant justifying child castsration either.

                >kids aren’t getting castrated
                >pedos have nothing to do with it
                Weak sauce. Who do you think you’re convincing by repeating the same easily-debunked lies over and over? Genuinely?

              • 5 months ago

                The fact that you are inconsistent with your own words doesn't dismiss the fact that you claimed that humans following their biological programming is an appeal to nature.
                If humans following their biological programming is an appeal to nature, it means that homosexuality doesn't appeal to nature.
                Whatever you said afterwards is just a contradiction, which doesn't matter because your first claim already agrees with the premise that homosexuality is unnatural.
                Again, thanks for playing, deranged lunatic.

              • 5 months ago

                >being a genetic dead-end is natural

                Kys. You won't be missed.

              • 5 months ago

                >being a genetic dead-end

              • 5 months ago

                Just like snake venom and polio, right?. There's no such thing as a gay gene, moron. Children can have abnormal hormones if their mothers had fricked up wombs during childbirth but even then an abnormal sexuality still needs to imprinted.

    • 5 months ago

      israelite goyslop

      go leave

      • 5 months ago

        >if you won’t consume a show about gay kids making love to each others asses you’re /misc/
        Leap off a cliff you diseased pedophile.

        • 5 months ago


      • 5 months ago

        You habe to go back. Men are talking here

    • 5 months ago

      Anything with homosexual propaganda in it should be banned, frankly speaking.

      • 5 months ago

        Yeah but it’s particularly bad when they’re kids. I guess they’re teenagers but it’s still wicked creepy to have to listen to them talk about that kind of stuff. It’s one thing if a guy and a girl like each other because aww one day they’ll get married and have a family but meanwhile these gay cave diving buddies are using each others asses to jerk each other off. Like who thinks of this shit and decides to put it in a superhero cartoon.
        It really just rubbed me the wrong way how the writers wrote the dialogue as “we lost our virginity to each other.”
        Do writers realize sex is veganal penetration? You and your bro jerking off isn’t sex at all.

        • 5 months ago

          Frick off leave, election nigher

          • 5 months ago

            Make me you fricking troony.
            >noooo you can’t just discuss the series!
            Complain to the writers about inserting creepy politics into media instead of complaining to me about talking about it. F U.

            • 5 months ago

              >Make me your fricking troony.
              Case in point

              • 5 months ago

                Shut the frick up no one wants to listen to your scared boomer ass crying about gay people

                >Then why do we as adults have to watch the gay kids talk about losing their virginity
                It's a 30 second segment out of a 45+ minute episode. It's a symptom of autism to obsess of minutiae that normal people don't care about.

                She was stronger than Nolan btw anyone who disagrees is a fanboy

                >stay the frick away from children
                Happy to see how triggered you are by gay representation. I LOVE how scared and alone chuds are.

                seethe, pedos
                not watching your gay child sodomy israelite show

              • 5 months ago

                Anon you’re confused. I’m not a republican politician.

              • 5 months ago

                I don’t get what you mean are you saying the LGBTQ/trans kids movement is perpetuated by republican politicians? Hang ALL politicians tbqh.

              • 5 months ago

                >equating lgbt kids with pedo shit
                Lmao this moron

              • 5 months ago

                >equating sexual abuse to sexual abuse
                Um yeah. What is the point you’re trying to make here? Gaslighting children to believe they’re women if they castrate themselves and that men are women and some men take it in the ass, etc. etc. No child should be subjected to this demented fricking madness. They should be making friends and playing fricking tag and going fishing or whatever, not be blasted with disgusting pedo propaganda across all public institutions and media. Literally frick you.
                I even gave Invincible and honest watch. You freaks hate films with white people or families or Christians or whatever and I hate movies with creepy gay sex aimed at kids. Why are you blaming me for not wanting to watch this? I’m not forcing you to watch, whatever, 300 or something.

              • 5 months ago

                >I even gave Invincible and honest watch. You freaks hate films with white people or families or Christians or whatever and I hate movies with creepy gay sex aimed at kids. Why are you blaming me for not wanting to watch this? I’m not forcing you to watch, whatever, 300 or something.
                You aren`t wrong but why are you in this thread? Just read comics(if you wan`t to)- it has none of this sjw bullshit.

              • 5 months ago

                >schizo rambling
                None of that is what happens you pathetic low Iq propaganda victim. “Let kids grow up” yeah we did and they figured out they’re trans or gay and they all wished they had more support growing up you dumb frick. Keep crying and see how far it gets you as if trans kids are going anywhere (pro tip: they’re not)
                >you hate white people Wahh
                Yeah because you’re a reasonable person anyone should be listening to lmao

              • 5 months ago

                >I will continue to troon out children, it’s a good thing.
                So you’re an insane, moronic child predator maniac. Thanks for cementing what we already knew.

              • 5 months ago

                >kids decide they’re non gender conforming and we support them unlike R parents who tell them they’re demented freaks and make them hate themselves. You are evil.

              • 5 months ago

                >we gaslight children into believing they can sterilize themselves and they’ll totally be a woman
                >we support them
                Yeah because you’re a demented pedophile demon. Imagine showing support and positivity to sodomy and castration. Genuine insanity.

              • 5 months ago

                Not what happens or what I said. Meds.
                >hurr force your kid to live in a way that makes them depressed and miserable forever like me hurr durr
                There’s a reason you lost the culture war

              • 5 months ago

                >would you rather have a trans kid or dead kid
                >41% and climbing of total troony death because it turns out castrating yourself doesn't solve your problems.

                The most sickening part is how eager you homosexuals are to suicide bait until you get what you want. Just have a nice day already

              • 5 months ago

                41 is a fake stat and transitioning helps people feel better every time. Repressing them is what makes them kill themslevs dummy. Oh did you get owned again? Damn so weird how that keeps happening you know how every talking point chuds make about trannies turns out to be a complete lie ;/

              • 5 months ago

                You mean chemical lobotomization and castration? You’re mentally ill. KYS.

              • 5 months ago

                No one is repressing trannies you dumb homosexual. Name one fortune 500 company with a specific anti LGBT agenda. Name one gov entity with an anti lgbt agenda.
                You can't.

                >so depictions of straight romance is grooming kids into being straight right? Dumb frick

                No what I was replying to

                You can't be groomed into something natural. homosexuals aren't natural. Kys

              • 5 months ago

                >you can’t be groomed into something natural because I, chudjak, decide what is natural and what is morally good
                There’s a reason we won’t base society on your autistic values lol

                Newsflash. Is not my family problem to validate your homosexual lifestyle.

                Now get the frick away from other people's kids you degenerate freak.

                Newsflash: your fragile feelings aren’t a good cause to prevent education which PROVABLY lowers depression rates

                That’s the thing you dumb fricks always ignore lol- implement your ideas in reality and your kids end up hating you but it’s been proven that acceptance leads to lower depression rates and higher happiness so why tf should anyone even consider what you’re saying

              • 5 months ago

                israeli castration cult aimed at kids isn’t natural, kys you fricking whacko

              • 5 months ago

                >ITS THE israeliteS NOW!
                you get less coherent and lucid with every post. I implore you to take your medication.

              • 5 months ago

                No they exist because THEY say so and we are capable of listening unlike republicans who would just repress and abuse their lgbt kids
                >they’re not actually lgbt you just groomed them
                Sorry but facts actually don’t care about your feelings

                Male children aren’t women.

                You know what else lowers depression rates. Not being groomed by a pedo into cutting off your dick.

                It's amazing that the raise of depression correlated with the raise of lgbt acceptance but your dumb ass homosexual self is still screeching reeeeeeeeeeeepression

                Stay the frick away from other progress kids you fricking freak.

                >You know what else lowers depression rates. Not being groomed by a pedo into cutting off your dick.
                kek that’s another thing imagine depressed children, WHY is this fricking 7 year old depressed? what kind of Hell does this child live in at home? then the solution of doctors and parents is to chemically lobotomize and castrate the child
                diseased madness

              • 5 months ago

                Yes they are.
                >chud doesn’t understand the difference between gender and sex
                What a shocker

                No child has been castrated, pathetic lying homosexual. Imagine harming your cause so badly by doing nothing but lying hysterically! No wonder trans acceptance is up even among republicans 🙂

              • 5 months ago

                >telling kids they don’t need to hate themselves if they turn out gay or trans is grooming
                Wanna know how you’re an emotional dumb-dumb?

                We just don’t want your kids to end up hating themselves when you abuse them. What part of
                >acceptance has been proven to lower depression rates
                Are you struggling with, champ?

                welcome to Post-2016 Cinemaphile, good luck having a legitimate conversation about Television & Film

                >gender and sex are different
                No. They’re not. That’s just some demented belief your cult holds so they can rape kids in school. No reason for anus and castration flags to be all over a school. Please fricking leap off a cliff. Kids won’t hate themselves unless adults tell them to, or that they’re women.
                Just lying to children in general is fricking disgusting. They don’t know any better but you’re telling them men are women or they can become women and ass sex is good and natural? Just literally frick all you people this shouldn’t even be a discussion. Keep your pedo sex cult away from kids.
                ok, diseased insane freak thanks for solidifying our justified hate

              • 5 months ago

                The dude that coined gender as a different term from sex was a pedophile that experimented on twins forcing them to make sexual acts between each other while he watched.
                In fact, every aspect of "queer theory" is rooted in pedophilia. The first president of New York's gay association was a founding member of NAMBLA.

              • 5 months ago

                >one dude proves a whole institution was corrupt
                Welp better shut down the hospital next time they catch a doctor being a molester or something. Great logic you have there

                No. Stay the frick away from other people's kids you fricking degen. What the frick makes you know better then their actual parent. Why would you think you know better then the parents when you admitted you are all depressed shits who know nothing about kids

                If you want to do something useful then join an actual charity to help. I know you won't because it won't have kids to groom.

                Fricking tard. No one abuses kids more than parents especially conservative chuds

              • 5 months ago

                >one dude
                Literally every figure that promoted queer theory used it to advocate in favor of pedophilia.
                Every single one.

              • 5 months ago

                No frick tard. It's teachers that have higher rates of abusing kids. Same group that helps push homosexuals in school.

                Good job believing all the lies they fed you. You still haven't given a good reason why others peoples kids are your business.

              • 5 months ago

                You’re the only one swallowing lies about lgbt people lmao

                >why are others your business
                Already said we want kids to not hate themselves and spreading awareness is the best way to l

              • 5 months ago

                Then go to an actual charity that helps unfortunate youths with food, money, toys, etc. Instead you force yourself on people who don't want your help.

                What makes you think you know so much more then the family that gives you the rich to butt in?

                We all know why. Because you are looking for new targets to groom so you have to get close.

              • 5 months ago

                I already explained but since you’re clearly very slow and stupid
                >we grew up with no acceptance
                >it was horrible
                >we want kids today to grow up with acceptance
                You are a cis straight chud so the capacity to understand and empathise with what we go through is not within you however
                >le parents know best!
                No they don’t actually and they abuse kids more than anyone so frick parents

                I accept your concession of being a homosexual failure at life :^)

                Feel better now, champ?

              • 5 months ago

                If you would take the wiener out of eyes for two seconds and comprehend what is being said.

                You have no rights to other people's kids
                You have no idea of the family situation
                You have no understanding of the kid themselves

                There's no counter to that. You are just butting yourself into a situation you know nothing about. You homosexuals don't have this same desire for any other charity but when kids get involved you suddenly think its your right to get involved. No. . Now frick off into a noose you fricking waste of space. It's the only way to make your parents happy about you if you finally have a nice day off.

                Everything else you try to say is just a child molester explaining why he should be allowed to hang out at the playground.

              • 5 months ago

                Once you realize that their only goal is to corrupt children so they can frick them / turn out to be as miserable and misguided as them you'll realize that there's no sense in arguing with them.
                They will keep dancing with words and ignore the points given because they only want you to let them be alone with your children to corrupt them.
                That's literally it.

              • 5 months ago

                We literally want kids to be less miserable by educating them which probably leads to more happiness. What reason does society have to believe you and your worldview exactly? All you do is call us groomers, get dunked and then repeat. You don’t have a platform or ideology. Thats why you lost the culture war to trannies. You failed to convince moderates and the general public that there is anything wrong with us and now we aren’t going anywhere

              • 5 months ago

                Then why don't you homosexuals actually work with charities that provide opputunity, food and resources for kids? You never fricking do. The only time you get involved is when you think you get free access to kids.

              • 5 months ago

                Except to hell you mean. You're going straight to hell.

              • 5 months ago

                Based post

                I used to be a lgbt ally on the "homie I don't care where you stick your dick" but once you realize they are all hypersexualized degens who can't stop thinking about how to be a degen in addition to being narrassistic selfish crybabies you get sick of their shit and realize so much said about them was right.

                Amazing that monkey pox and aids had such an impact only because they couldn't stop fricking each other. Even in the face of horrible afflictions that could be easily avoided they just can't stop themselves

              • 5 months ago

                Why would trannies want to corrupt children? Seems more likely to me they just want to teach that they’re normal and that if a kid turns out trans they shouldn’t hate themselves but hey don’t let me get in the way of your frothing and seething

              • 5 months ago

                >we grew up with no acceptance
                Okay, so now you're straight up lying. Everyone accepted you when you were cis and straight. It was only when you started having unhealthy deviant thoughts di they unthinkable sin of offering you any support in getting rid of them.

              • 5 months ago

                Nobody abuses children more than STEP-parents. Actual parents are biologically hardwired to protect them.

                Step-parents first, teachers second, random gay men third.

              • 5 months ago

                Not just talking about sex abuse

                Behavior is also passed down, usually from families and enviroment.
                Which is why you want to make the enviroment of unsuspecting kids fully sexualized. So you can prey on them.
                Not a hard concept really. Again, just control your urges to corrupt kids and you'll be fine. Although considering how deranged you get at the idea of not being able to share your deranged fetiches with kids, it's an impossible task to ask you

                Half a century of homosexual acceptance is getting erased within less than a decade because you deranged eunuchs can't stop preying on kids. It's fricking hilarious you think trannies won the culture wars.
                Not even the most hedonistic of homos want to be associated with trannies anymore. It's hilarious.

                Again, your attempt into corrupting children into being part of your fetiches in a zealot like manner has destroyed any support you've formerly had. Not even the left wants you around.
                You literally just had to stop preying on children but you just can't help yourselves.

                >you prey on kids
                Opinion discarded. If you’re just going to lie, get dubunked and then just repeat the same lie then why should I engage with you,schizo?

                >you corrupt children
                No we just tell them they’re cool if they end up gay or trans that’s it and if you wanna show me some proof of the contrary feel free but you don’t have any

                Then why don't you homosexuals actually work with charities that provide opputunity, food and resources for kids? You never fricking do. The only time you get involved is when you think you get free access to kids.

                They do. We just want to normalise societal acceptance since it’s what actually helps lgbt kids instead of them growing up thinking they’re freaks as Chuds would prefer

              • 5 months ago

                You really don't get it so you? Has too many dicks scrambled your brain?

                I have worked many charities, never seen homosexuals there. They only get involved when they think they get access to kids.
                You have no rights to other people kids. You know nothing of their life and situation. No one wants you around them hence why you have to do it by forced via insistutions.

                The sooner you have a nice day, the better

              • 5 months ago

                Shut the frick up, third world monkey. I mindbroke you so hard you are literally just repeating yourself

                >we grew up with no acceptance
                Okay, so now you're straight up lying. Everyone accepted you when you were cis and straight. It was only when you started having unhealthy deviant thoughts di they unthinkable sin of offering you any support in getting rid of them.

                Nothing unhealthy about it

                >you're using my exact tactics and words against me!
                >now it's suddenly bad because it's not what I want.

                Thank you for proving my point. You aren't interested in helping kids. You just want access to them. If a kid was removed from a homosexual family and placed in a normal family and became happier for it you would REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE how is gay genocide.

                Stay the frick away from our kids.

                You’re losing your composure due to how emotional you are right now. You aren’t using my tactics and no child has ever “become happier” by being put in a straight family because it turns out, surprise surprise, that we aren’t actually grooming kids into being gay. Guess what though thousands of kids have run away from home from conservative parents because conservatives ACTUALLY DO groom their kids and repress them. You continue to expose yourself for the schizophrenic brown moron that you are

              • 5 months ago

                >getting this upset because he can't groom kids and told to stay away

                I accept your concession and I'm glad you agree we should start removing lgbt kids from homosexual homes and placed in normal families. It's for their benefits and wellbeing. Of course as a homosexual you wouldn't understand.

              • 5 months ago

                >N-no you groom kids! I said so!’

              • 5 months ago

                >we know better about the child then the parents!
                Ok so let's investigate gay families and get their kids set straight

                shit goes both ways homosexual. You show me a troony or homosexual kid and I can show you a kid who is being abused at home

              • 5 months ago

                Love how this stupid Black person is all "we know better then the parents so let us have access to your kids!" And as soon as it's turned around on him he melts down like a hysterical homosexual.

                Every gay home should be investigated for chuld abuse. If you have a problem with that then you hate kids

              • 5 months ago

                Where did I melt down? You guys have been calling us groomers with zero proof for 200 replies and it goes the same way every time
                >lie about gays
                >get debunked
                >cry about grooming and israelites and give up trying to even be content
                I see this over and over again when polturds leave containment

                Nope. That's a myth. Putting the cart before the horse. Without mental illness caused by molestation you don't have poverty either.
                >Wow it’s almost like whatever makes us gay doesn’t need to be directly passed down genetically.
                Yes, it is like it's environmental. Like being molested is the primary influence, and being groomed by school is the secondary one.

                >And yet trans and gay people existed all through history despite zero education about it.
                Source: Gay historians with political agendas posthumously deciding that historical figures must have been trans because they once wore pink.

                Source? Because you’re doing that thing where you confuse your incel headcannon for reality again

                Except to hell you mean. You're going straight to hell.

                >if you want to stop kids hating themselves then you’re going to hell
                The rational and reasonable side, ladies and gents. Also hell isn’t real you schizophrenic

              • 5 months ago

                homie. We are going to take every gay kid and send them to straight camp and there's nothing you can do about it but cry. You created this idea when you claimed you know better then the parents.

              • 5 months ago

                >set them straight
                You’re literally just exposing why you’re an abuser who shouldn’t have control over kids. Thank you for helping my point for me

                Nothing is “sexualised” that is just your projection because chuds are only capable of seeing us as sexual objects

                >listen you’re all pedos because I said so and you want to corrupt kids bc I said so and you want to create an environment where all kids are pushed into castration bc I said so and where kids are told that sex with adults is cool in elementary schools bc I said so!
                Uh yeah. You’re not doing a very good job of presenting your argument but that’s excepted since your argument is possibly the most schizophrenic thing anyone has ever believed

                It's a fact that molesting children will give them extremely high probabilities of turning out homosexual. It's also a fact that suffering from any kind of abuse as a children increases the chances of turning out homsexual.
                You just want to satisfy your loss of innocense preying on kids. Again, you just needed to keep your deranged fetiches to yourself but you demanded parents to allow you to be alone with their children.
                Now you reap what you sow. You simply needed to stop trying to frick children and turning them homosexual to satisfy your deranged fetiches. It's honestly incredible how hard the pendulum can swing when the accepted ideology turns out to be filled with covert pedos lmao

              • 5 months ago

                >kids don’t hate themselves unless adults tell them to
                Holy shit guys is the Chudjak going to become self-aware?

                Oh and being trans has nothin to do with sex but because chuds only do projection they make it that way because THEY are only capable of seeing trans people as sexual objects. It’s so pathetic.

              • 5 months ago

                You know what else lowers depression rates. Not being groomed by a pedo into cutting off your dick.

                It's amazing that the raise of depression correlated with the raise of lgbt acceptance but your dumb ass homosexual self is still screeching reeeeeeeeeeeepression

                Stay the frick away from other progress kids you fricking freak.

              • 5 months ago

                No one was groomed and acceptance makes them less depressed. This is a fact. Your feelings on the matter are irrelevant

              • 5 months ago

                >no one was groomed
                >but the fact we groom kids in school is a good thing and we have to make time for important “social issues” like castration and sodomy
                kys disingenuous creep

              • 5 months ago

                >telling kids they don’t need to hate themselves if they turn out gay or trans is grooming
                Wanna know how you’re an emotional dumb-dumb?

                >we always existed!
                >now if you don't let have access to your kids is like it's killing us
                >Literally genocide!

                No. Jump off a cliff you fricking homosexual.

                We just don’t want your kids to end up hating themselves when you abuse them. What part of
                >acceptance has been proven to lower depression rates
                Are you struggling with, champ?

              • 5 months ago

                >depression rates increase when lgbt acceptance become more common place
                >can't see the connection because it would upset the narrative

                Why don't you homosexuals ever help out at soap kitchens and other charities if you want to help do much. Why do all you do is focus on other people's kids?

                Kys already.

              • 5 months ago

                Except they don’t LOL. They go down. People are depressed before and lgbt education has zero affect on increasing it

                >why focus on kids
                Because we know from our own experience that we wished we had more support and being made to feel normal from society growing up and we don’t want kids to go through the same misery growing up we did. It’s very simple.

              • 5 months ago

                No. Stay the frick away from other people's kids you fricking degen. What the frick makes you know better then their actual parent. Why would you think you know better then the parents when you admitted you are all depressed shits who know nothing about kids

                If you want to do something useful then join an actual charity to help. I know you won't because it won't have kids to groom.

              • 5 months ago

                Because we're dealing with the roots of the problem rather than its later symptoms. Less grooming children leads to less mental illness leads to struggling adults.

              • 5 months ago

                The root of the problem is poverty, and lack of access to social mobility you fricking homo. Not trying to tell kids that it's OK if an older man proposition you to suck his dick.

                Can't you homosexuals think for two seconds without making your homosexualry the center of all your thoughts

              • 5 months ago

                Nope. That's a myth. Putting the cart before the horse. Without mental illness caused by molestation you don't have poverty either.

                Wow it’s almost like whatever makes us gay doesn’t need to be directly passed down genetically. Why do you have a kojima-tier understanding of genetics? Thank you for conceding homosexuality is natural though

                Citation for your Polturd schizobabble?

                And yet trans and gay people existed all through history despite zero education about it. Sorry gay.

                But there is a counter to it
                “I don’t agree that parents have some sacred right of ownership over their kids”
                Wow that was hard. Parents aren’t magic. They don’t own their childre, and they abuse kids more than anyone you inbred third world frick

                >Wow it’s almost like whatever makes us gay doesn’t need to be directly passed down genetically.
                Yes, it is like it's environmental. Like being molested is the primary influence, and being groomed by school is the secondary one.

                >And yet trans and gay people existed all through history despite zero education about it.
                Source: Gay historians with political agendas posthumously deciding that historical figures must have been trans because they once wore pink.

              • 5 months ago

                It kind of is, yeah. They wouldn't even know what being gay or trans was without pedophile groomers teaching them.

              • 5 months ago

                Crazy that the rise of lgbt acceptance also correlate with higher depression.

                As if they preach a empty and destructive lifestyle and are constantly looking for more people to indoctraine to replace the ones who offer themselves.

              • 5 months ago

                >lgbt acceptance goes up
                >lgbt indoctrination in schools now commonplace
                >sudden raise of depression in mid
                >It's a mystery!

                You homosexuals are just trying to increase your pool of kids to creep on. You don't fricking care about depression or else you wouldn't try to shut down any detransistors

              • 5 months ago

                >the sweeping depression affecting all of society over the last 20 years is caused by pride flags in classrooms and being told they don’t have to hate themselves if they like men
                Just when I thought chuds couldn’t sink any lower…congrats anon you are the stupidest person I’ve interacted with today and that’s saying something!
                Yeah it’s not the economy or the fact no one can afford a house or the planet is dying hahaha

              • 5 months ago

                >too smooth brain to see that damn near every lgbt is on a plate of daily pills

                Wow. Such a healthy and beautiful culture of swallowing pills and ramming shit up your ass. I can imagine why they are all depressed all the time.


              • 5 months ago

                >on a plate or daily pills
                So like the average straight person as well then? Fricking moron
                >hurr why are you depressed when half of society calls you freaks endlessly
                It’s a mystery. Luckily lgbt acceptance is on the rise even among republicans

                >gender and sex are different
                No. They’re not. That’s just some demented belief your cult holds so they can rape kids in school. No reason for anus and castration flags to be all over a school. Please fricking leap off a cliff. Kids won’t hate themselves unless adults tell them to, or that they’re women.
                Just lying to children in general is fricking disgusting. They don’t know any better but you’re telling them men are women or they can become women and ass sex is good and natural? Just literally frick all you people this shouldn’t even be a discussion. Keep your pedo sex cult away from kids.
                ok, diseased insane freak thanks for solidifying our justified hate

                Yes they are. You have a dictionary so no reason to be so ignorant. And nah we just tell kids that we won’t hate them for being who they are which provably leads to higher happiness and lower depression 🙂

              • 5 months ago

                >they’re different
                Nope. Your insane pedo cult has no basis in reality. Didn’t read that whole pedo rant justifying child castsration either.

              • 5 months ago

                Just because you and your homosexuals are a mess it doesn't mean we are as well.

                Straight people don't have to take dilation routines to prevent their wound from closing. Nor do they take prep x to keep getting their pozzed hole pounded. Nor do they have to worry about monkey pox because they know not to frick someone who is diseased.

                So much homosexual problems seem to come back to them being hypersexual monkeys who can't stop themselves from putting their dick in everything.

                You will never be a role model for kids. You will always be a gross degen who needs to swing from a lamppost

              • 5 months ago

                >hyper sexual monkeys
                Yes, straight people are so pure and never engage in degeneracy LOOOL

                >unfrickable chudjak calling other people dysgenic
                You’re a joke.

                The fact that you are inconsistent with your own words doesn't dismiss the fact that you claimed that humans following their biological programming is an appeal to nature.
                If humans following their biological programming is an appeal to nature, it means that homosexuality doesn't appeal to nature.
                Whatever you said afterwards is just a contradiction, which doesn't matter because your first claim already agrees with the premise that homosexuality is unnatural.
                Again, thanks for playing, deranged lunatic.

                No I said you saying being natural equals morally good is an appeal to nature. Something being natural is not reason to believe it’s morally good, and besides being gay IS natural anyway. might want to think a little harder before you embarrass yourself like that. It’s okay though I’m sure you’ll figure it out champ

                >being a genetic dead-end is natural

                Kys. You won't be missed.

                I accept your concession, Chuddy 🙂

                >Keep crying and see how far it gets you as if trans kids are going anywhere (pro tip: they’re not)
                If we start executing the child molesters then yes, a lot fewer kids will troon out, as all their enablers will be hanging from a rope.

                >Incel reports to mastubatory fantasies of mass murder when he gets owned in a debate
                Haha you’re so sad and you don’t even realise how obviously sad you are to other people.

              • 5 months ago

                >being gay is natural
                It literally isn't. Homsexuality in nature is by design being a genetic dead end, which is why you are so fervent in grooming children into being deranged fetichists like yourself.

              • 5 months ago

                It literally is with dozens of animal species doing it. Woops you got owned again doesn’t it ever get boring getting debunked constantly and having to resort to greater and greater leaps of mental gymnastics to justify your pathetic hatred for gay people?

                I accept that you are a disappointment to your family and that you want to be a child groomer

                Thank you for playing I accept your concession.

              • 5 months ago

                I accept your concession of being a homosexual failure at life :^)

              • 5 months ago

                >dozens of animal species doing it
                No, it's less than 0.1% of the individuals in the species you mention and those that partake in homosexuality don't reproduce hence they don't share their homsexuality back to the genetic pool.
                Seems like you have trouble with words, must be the stunted cognitive growth from the trauma of being molested as a child.
                Just don't try to reproduce through reenacting said trauma on innocent children and you'll be fine. Then again, the urges to do so seem to make you irate at the prospect of parents not wanting you around children.

              • 5 months ago

                Wow it’s almost like whatever makes us gay doesn’t need to be directly passed down genetically. Why do you have a kojima-tier understanding of genetics? Thank you for conceding homosexuality is natural though

                Because we're dealing with the roots of the problem rather than its later symptoms. Less grooming children leads to less mental illness leads to struggling adults.

                Citation for your Polturd schizobabble?

                It kind of is, yeah. They wouldn't even know what being gay or trans was without pedophile groomers teaching them.

                And yet trans and gay people existed all through history despite zero education about it. Sorry gay.

                If you would take the wiener out of eyes for two seconds and comprehend what is being said.

                You have no rights to other people's kids
                You have no idea of the family situation
                You have no understanding of the kid themselves

                There's no counter to that. You are just butting yourself into a situation you know nothing about. You homosexuals don't have this same desire for any other charity but when kids get involved you suddenly think its your right to get involved. No. . Now frick off into a noose you fricking waste of space. It's the only way to make your parents happy about you if you finally have a nice day off.

                Everything else you try to say is just a child molester explaining why he should be allowed to hang out at the playground.

                But there is a counter to it
                “I don’t agree that parents have some sacred right of ownership over their kids”
                Wow that was hard. Parents aren’t magic. They don’t own their childre, and they abuse kids more than anyone you inbred third world frick

              • 5 months ago

                >But there is a counter to it
                >“I don’t agree that parents have some sacred right of ownership over their kids”
                Wow that was hard. Parents aren’t magic. They don’t own their childre, and they abuse kids more than anyone you inbred third world frick

                I agree. That's why every homosexual kid should be taken away from their enabling parents and given to a family that will set them straight. Works both ways you stupid fricking homosexual.

                Seriously though. What fuvking divine rights thinks you get more say about a child's upbringing then their parents? Other then your desire to groom.

              • 5 months ago

                >set them straight
                You’re literally just exposing why you’re an abuser who shouldn’t have control over kids. Thank you for helping my point for me

                Behavior is also passed down, usually from families and enviroment.
                Which is why you want to make the enviroment of unsuspecting kids fully sexualized. So you can prey on them.
                Not a hard concept really. Again, just control your urges to corrupt kids and you'll be fine. Although considering how deranged you get at the idea of not being able to share your deranged fetiches with kids, it's an impossible task to ask you

                Half a century of homosexual acceptance is getting erased within less than a decade because you deranged eunuchs can't stop preying on kids. It's fricking hilarious you think trannies won the culture wars.
                Not even the most hedonistic of homos want to be associated with trannies anymore. It's hilarious.

                Again, your attempt into corrupting children into being part of your fetiches in a zealot like manner has destroyed any support you've formerly had. Not even the left wants you around.
                You literally just had to stop preying on children but you just can't help yourselves.

                Nothing is “sexualised” that is just your projection because chuds are only capable of seeing us as sexual objects

                Behavior is also passed down, usually from families and enviroment.
                Which is why you want to make the enviroment of unsuspecting kids fully sexualized. So you can prey on them.
                Not a hard concept really. Again, just control your urges to corrupt kids and you'll be fine. Although considering how deranged you get at the idea of not being able to share your deranged fetiches with kids, it's an impossible task to ask you

                Half a century of homosexual acceptance is getting erased within less than a decade because you deranged eunuchs can't stop preying on kids. It's fricking hilarious you think trannies won the culture wars.
                Not even the most hedonistic of homos want to be associated with trannies anymore. It's hilarious.

                Again, your attempt into corrupting children into being part of your fetiches in a zealot like manner has destroyed any support you've formerly had. Not even the left wants you around.
                You literally just had to stop preying on children but you just can't help yourselves.

                >listen you’re all pedos because I said so and you want to corrupt kids bc I said so and you want to create an environment where all kids are pushed into castration bc I said so and where kids are told that sex with adults is cool in elementary schools bc I said so!
                Uh yeah. You’re not doing a very good job of presenting your argument but that’s excepted since your argument is possibly the most schizophrenic thing anyone has ever believed

              • 5 months ago

                >you're using my exact tactics and words against me!
                >now it's suddenly bad because it's not what I want.

                Thank you for proving my point. You aren't interested in helping kids. You just want access to them. If a kid was removed from a homosexual family and placed in a normal family and became happier for it you would REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE how is gay genocide.

                Stay the frick away from our kids.

              • 5 months ago

                Behavior is also passed down, usually from families and enviroment.
                Which is why you want to make the enviroment of unsuspecting kids fully sexualized. So you can prey on them.
                Not a hard concept really. Again, just control your urges to corrupt kids and you'll be fine. Although considering how deranged you get at the idea of not being able to share your deranged fetiches with kids, it's an impossible task to ask you

                We literally want kids to be less miserable by educating them which probably leads to more happiness. What reason does society have to believe you and your worldview exactly? All you do is call us groomers, get dunked and then repeat. You don’t have a platform or ideology. Thats why you lost the culture war to trannies. You failed to convince moderates and the general public that there is anything wrong with us and now we aren’t going anywhere

                Half a century of homosexual acceptance is getting erased within less than a decade because you deranged eunuchs can't stop preying on kids. It's fricking hilarious you think trannies won the culture wars.
                Not even the most hedonistic of homos want to be associated with trannies anymore. It's hilarious.

                Why would trannies want to corrupt children? Seems more likely to me they just want to teach that they’re normal and that if a kid turns out trans they shouldn’t hate themselves but hey don’t let me get in the way of your frothing and seething

                Again, your attempt into corrupting children into being part of your fetiches in a zealot like manner has destroyed any support you've formerly had. Not even the left wants you around.
                You literally just had to stop preying on children but you just can't help yourselves.

              • 5 months ago

                I accept that you are a disappointment to your family and that you want to be a child groomer

              • 5 months ago

                Infact I have many dictionaries, and they all agreed that sex and gender were interchangeable right up until the last five years with pedophiles with agendas deliberately muddied the water with newspeak.

              • 5 months ago

                >our agenda is to create the idea that your social identity doesn’t always match up to your bio sex and we do this in order to be able to molest your children in schools or something!
                You should unironically have a nice day. People like you are too stupid to participate in society.

              • 5 months ago

                >I'm calling you you stupid to distract form the fact that I can't call you wrong.
                Because you know I'm right. Exactly. Every chud has read all the same papers you have, and has a superior right wing brains for processing information on top of it.

              • 5 months ago

                Kids "deciding" they're trannies is like a cat "deciding" it's vegan.

              • 5 months ago

                No it’s not you just repeated a dumb right wing slogan like the fricking bot that you are. Are any of your opinions yours or do you just repeat whatever Tucker Carlson said tonight?

              • 5 months ago

                >right wing slogan
                “Men aren’t women.” ?

              • 5 months ago

                No one is “trooning” out kids that’s just what reactionary Black folk like you imagine when you see a kid come out as trans and get supported instead of shunned
                >kids can’t be le trans
                Yeah they can an no one gives a frick what your opinion on the matter is

              • 5 months ago

                There is no “trans” you’re just molesting children into cosmetic castration. “Trans” is just pedophiles wearing makeup. You’re not a woman. Leave children out of your diseased cult.
                >no I love the castration and sexualization of children
                Ok then we’re gonna have to agree to disagree there.

              • 5 months ago

                Source? Oh you don’t have one and are just rambling like a schizophrenic? Cool. Trans kids are valid btw 🙂
                >MUH CASTRATION!!!
                like 1% of trans people get it done and no one is “encouraged” to, mouth breathing homosexual

              • 5 months ago

                Nta, stop ruining the thread and gtfo to /misc/

              • 5 months ago

                Even 1 kid being castrated by this hideous madness is too much, let alone 1%
                Genuinely: fricking have a nice day.

              • 5 months ago

                No kids are castrated though so oops there goes your little schizophrenic fantasy. Sorry you’re really stupid and fell for propaganda, again :/

              • 5 months ago

                Trannies are monsters and child predators.

              • 5 months ago

                No they’re not

              • 5 months ago

                >None of that is what happens
                So how exactly do grown adults go about advertising the wonders of cosmetic castration and chemical lobotomies to “change” you into a woman? Or literally anything sex related outside of high school anatomy class? You are in a cult that rapes children. Period.

              • 5 months ago

                What are you talking about schizo?
                Also cops and republican politicians are more likely to be pedos than lgbt people but you never mention them because you don’t care about kids. You’re a low information reactionary bigot and everyone knows it. No one believes you care about kids 🙂

              • 5 months ago

                Source? Oh you don’t have one and are just rambling like a schizophrenic? Cool. Trans kids are valid btw 🙂
                >MUH CASTRATION!!!
                like 1% of trans people get it done and no one is “encouraged” to, mouth breathing homosexual

                Not what happens or what I said. Meds.
                >hurr force your kid to live in a way that makes them depressed and miserable forever like me hurr durr
                There’s a reason you lost the culture war

                What the frick are you talking about? All cops are pedophiles because any time there’s a trans kids strip show at the library they show up in SWAT gear to make sure no parents can interfere. Every lefty and public school teacher and cop and government official is a literal blood-sucking cannibal allowing or either outright raping and systematically molesting children.
                Not ass sex and trannies and whatever else leftists love. Frick you and stay away from children.
                And my source for all this: men aren’t women and sexualizing and castrating children is bad. If you think it’s good then we agree to disagree. And all this is why I won’t be watching Incincible S2. Do not want to have to witness gay kids talking about “making love” to sphincters.

              • 5 months ago

                >yet more incoherent rambling from a mouth-breather
                Why do Misc Black folk just vomit up their fever dreams as thought they’re reality? No one cares chud. No amount of crying is going to stop us supporting lgbt youth

              • 5 months ago

                You are /misc/ "chud". Gtfo. Only /misc/ turd would use "chud". Nta btw.

              • 5 months ago

                No kids are castrated though so oops there goes your little schizophrenic fantasy. Sorry you’re really stupid and fell for propaganda, again :/

                You are /misc/ "chud". Gtfo. Only /misc/ turd would use "chud". Nta btw.

                Like I said if you think standing against 1% of children being castrated by troons then we’re just gonna have to agree to disagree, peddie.
                You just said 1% and now you’re backpedaling. Ever hear of Jazz Jennings? have a nice day. Any passerby scroller is looking at your posts and their skin is crawling.

              • 5 months ago

                >if I keep saying my opponents castrate children enough it will come true
                Genuinely what is the point? Who do you actually think you’re convincing besides other Misc schizos? Do you actually think normal people with jobs and families etc are going to fall for your hysterical moronation of

              • 5 months ago

                >Any passerby scroller is looking at your posts and their skin is crawling.
                Well im cringing and fasepalming.

              • 5 months ago

                >none of that happens but the fact it happens is a good thing actually and you're just a chud now give us your children
                Kys, groomer.

              • 5 months ago

                Not what I said. Why are you low IQ?

                To remind everyone that the entire LGBTQ movement is nothing but forcing gross non-procreative sex onto chilren. Go crust up some other website.

                What did you want the thread to be about? The show is about gay kids so that’s what the thread is about.

                I shouldn’t have to say it at all. Imagine telling a child he is a woman and cutting his balls off. What the FRICK. Enough. Frick you. You flailing and calling me a schitzo isn’t a ringing endorsement for you.

                Except no one does that congrats on exposing yourself as a low information victim of propaganda… again

                >if you don't let me listen to homosexual kids talk about fricking each other crusty dicks, then your a pol bigot

                Better a fascist then a homosexual

                Frick off Black person you’re boring and no one is interested in anything you have to say here or in real life

              • 5 months ago

                >no one does that there are no trans kids!
                >trans kids aren’t going away chud get used to it
                >1% of kids are castrated
                >but they’re not but they are and it’s a good thing
                >but it’s not happening
                >but it’s everything that it is

              • 5 months ago

                Holy FRICK you are stupid. Not my fault you’re incapable of understanding that trans kids exist without grooming. Learn that simple concept please because you’re embarrassing yourself
                >1% of kids are castrated
                No they’re not. It’s illegal for minors but that won’t stop you repeating your lies even after getting corrected because you are a drone with no mind

              • 5 months ago

                >trans kids exist
                Because you gaslight them into believing it… how about math and science?
                >nooooo ass sex and castration!
                ok, agree to disagree, whackjob

              • 5 months ago


              • 5 months ago

                >hurr durr never educate kids on social issues just le maths and science!
                There is room for both you realise? Holy frick I am so sick of autistic cis men and their autistic ideas for society

              • 5 months ago

                >trans kids exist
                Because you gaslight them into believing it… how about math and science?
                >nooooo ass sex and castration!
                ok, agree to disagree, whackjob

                Are you samegayging?

              • 5 months ago

                >whaaaaaaaa Why won't they let me groom kids?!

                Cry more homosexual.

                I have never heard a convincing argument on why trannies and homosexuals should be allowed to have access to other people's kids but they insist its their God-given right to groom and indoctrate kids

              • 5 months ago

                Because educating kids about lgbt leads to higher happens and less depression among lgbt people it’s very simple chud and how you feel about it makes really no difference. We want kids to feel supported and right wingers want to bully their gay children into self hatred

                You mean chemical lobotomization and castration? You’re mentally ill. KYS.

                Nope. Bottom surgery is illegal for kids you lying frick

                >trans kids exist
                Because you gaslight them into believing it… how about math and science?
                >nooooo ass sex and castration!
                ok, agree to disagree, whackjob

                >hurr durr they’re trans bc you groomed rn em bc I said so
                Let me know when you come up for a reason we should believe you, champ

              • 5 months ago

                Newsflash. Is not my family problem to validate your homosexual lifestyle.

                Now get the frick away from other people's kids you degenerate freak.

              • 5 months ago

                >hurr durr never educate kids on social issues just le maths and science!
                There is room for both you realise? Holy frick I am so sick of autistic cis men and their autistic ideas for society

                By your own logic depicting straight people or talking about them is grooming kids into being straight. Fricking disgusting groomer like STAY AWAY FROM OUR KIDS hahaha

                uh yes people are repressing us

                >hur they’re trans because you groomed them
                Yes. “Trans” doesn’t exist it’s just and idea or belief with no basis in reality.
                >bottom surgery is illegal for kids
                I sincerely wish that were true, believe me. Either way the real danger is “”””puberty blockers””””” which stunts the mental and physical development of the child to make them more “womanly” (wtf I thought they were women, you chud!). Doctors doing this and mindraping children with drugs and lies is easily the lowest humanity has ever sunk. I hesitate to call the perpetrators of any of this lgbt shit human, but.
                And no, there is no room for troon ass-class for kids. Again; please have a nice day.

              • 5 months ago

                >trans doesn’t exist because I said so
                Opinion discarded. Why do chuds think their feelings = reality?

              • 5 months ago

                >trans exists because I said so
                Nope. You’re just a pedophile in a dress. Male children aren’t women.

              • 5 months ago

                No they exist because THEY say so and we are capable of listening unlike republicans who would just repress and abuse their lgbt kids
                >they’re not actually lgbt you just groomed them
                Sorry but facts actually don’t care about your feelings

              • 5 months ago

                >we always existed!
                >now if you don't let have access to your kids is like it's killing us
                >Literally genocide!

                No. Jump off a cliff you fricking homosexual.

              • 5 months ago

                >Keep crying and see how far it gets you as if trans kids are going anywhere (pro tip: they’re not)
                If we start executing the child molesters then yes, a lot fewer kids will troon out, as all their enablers will be hanging from a rope.

              • 5 months ago

                It's the audacity that they think they have a rights to other people's kids that gets me the most.

                They never lift a finger to help any inner city youth charity for kids but somehow they think it's their right to force themselves in other people who don't want anything to do with them.

              • 5 months ago

                >gay child sodomy israelite show
                Read the comics then, it has none of it.
                >gay child sodomy israelite show
                Only forced on animatied version.

            • 5 months ago

              Shut the frick up no one wants to listen to your scared boomer ass crying about gay people

              • 5 months ago

                >getting this mad because people don't want to listen to your homosexual kids talking point

          • 5 months ago

            >if you don't let me listen to homosexual kids talk about fricking each other crusty dicks, then your a pol bigot

            Better a fascist then a homosexual

            • 5 months ago

              >if I keep saying my opponents castrate children enough it will come true
              Genuinely what is the point? Who do you actually think you’re convincing besides other Misc schizos? Do you actually think normal people with jobs and families etc are going to fall for your hysterical moronation of

              You both are gay nazi`s now kiss and gtfo to /misc/.

              • 5 months ago

                Better a gay nazi then a homosexual child predator.

                How much tb of cp do you have?

    • 5 months ago

      Stop trying to make crusty a thing, it's forced and lame.

      • 5 months ago

        >stop making fun of me 🙁
        Not until you stay the frick away from children.

        All I'm saying is that someone shat the bed when it came to time/budget management. I've seen anime with 30k budget per episode mog Invincible's animation.

        have a nice day moron, it's not for kids.

        >it’s not for kids
        Then why do we as adults have to watch the gay kids talk about losing their “virginity” to each others poop chutes.

        • 5 months ago

          >Then why do we as adults have to watch the gay kids talk about losing their virginity
          It's a 30 second segment out of a 45+ minute episode. It's a symptom of autism to obsess of minutiae that normal people don't care about.

          >NO! NO! DON'T SIT ON MY wiener! DON'T SIT ON MY wiener! NOOOOOOO!

          She was stronger than Nolan btw anyone who disagrees is a fanboy

        • 5 months ago

          >stay the frick away from children
          Happy to see how triggered you are by gay representation. I LOVE how scared and alone chuds are.

        • 5 months ago

          Maybe if no time and money would be spent on those scenes overall animation would be better, yep.

    • 5 months ago

      Anything to sell your meme.

  6. 5 months ago

    israelite goyslop

    • 5 months ago

      >WHOA! Mustache Superman brutally slaughtering the rest of the justice league! I’m gonna onions!
      I tried to give S1 a shot but completely checked out when the gay kids were talking to each other about how they “made love” and “lost their virginity” to each other. The frick? Using each others crusty asses to jerk off isn’t “making love” or “losing your virginity” lmfao. Just creepy really.

      Comics has none of that btw. So yeah.

  7. 5 months ago

    I don't even remember much about S1, only that this guy's girlfriend is a c**t, his best friend is a gay, and that the Bobby Hill-looking guy was the best character

  8. 5 months ago

    More le edgy subversive totally-not-capeshit-this-one-is-actually-good-trust-me-bro?

    • 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      >WHOA! Mustache Superman brutally slaughtering the rest of the justice league! I’m gonna onions!
      I tried to give S1 a shot but completely checked out when the gay kids were talking to each other about how they “made love” and “lost their virginity” to each other. The frick? Using each others crusty asses to jerk off isn’t “making love” or “losing your virginity” lmfao. Just creepy really.

      Revealing Superman is a psycho murderer and then revealing he became a psycho murderer in desperate 4D chess plot to actually try to save the earth from destruction is sorta novel

    • 5 months ago

      I don`t get it, if you don`t like capeshit why are you posting in those threads? Both(at least comics originals) better than Marvel slop since 2010.

      • 5 months ago

        My opinion is extremely valuable and you need to hear it, moron.

  9. 5 months ago

    Because the comic itself was already overrated by hipsters

  10. 5 months ago

    >shitty gorefest show
    Yawn. israeliteflixvania again

    • 5 months ago

      True suffering is being a comic fan and knowing that if the show ever reaches the later arcs they're going to frick it up with shitty animation and celebrity VAs. I hope they at least do the Invincible War justice.

      Since when is gore israelitery?

  11. 5 months ago

    The idea of Superman killing the Justice League for some hidden goal tickles the imagination of normalgays like crazy but not only did the story never deliver and instead degenerated to standard capeshit in record time, but I don't think it was ever possible to deliver, the idea can only exist as a vignette, thinking you can expand on it and define it is fundamentally flawed

    • 5 months ago

      >The idea of Superman killing the Justice League for some hidden goal tickles the imagination of normalgays like crazy but not only did the story never deliver and instead degenerated to standard capeshit in record time, but I don't think it was ever possible to deliver, the idea can only exist as a vignette, thinking you can expand on it and define it is fundamentally flawed
      Cringe, back to /lit you ngmi.

    • 5 months ago

      This tbh
      "Superhero but evil" is like catnip to a specific brand of normie but that sentence really encapsulates the whole idea, it has nowhere to go that isn't horribly obvious and banal

  12. 5 months ago

    I could forgive every issue with this show if it was animated well. It's very disappointing how static and lifeless it is. I shan't be watching season 2.

  13. 5 months ago

    >have a series where you cut between many things happening so it takes a while for the story to actually get going
    >cut your already short season in half
    We just dont know.gif

  14. 5 months ago

    Well isn't the best character(evil superman) dead now?

  15. 5 months ago

    the "meme" was a hilarious attempt at shilling this piece of shit show

  16. 5 months ago

    >NO! NO! DON'T SIT ON MY wiener! DON'T SIT ON MY wiener! NOOOOOOO!

    • 5 months ago

      Do they have a super baby afterward?

      • 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      Oh god, this is abhorrent sexual assault. Just imagine if this happened to you or your loved ones. How can they even show something like that?
      Just imagine being overpowered by beautiful master race tomboy with huge breasts, perfect abs and extremely tight pussy. Having her bounce up and down on your wiener for hours until she drained every drop of your cum. Mark is a true survivor. This would have mentally and emotionally devastated most men.

    • 5 months ago

      She didn't even jerk him off. He was hard from get go. His mind might have said no, but his body was all for it.

  17. 5 months ago

    >people like S1
    >S2 takes forever to release
    >it's split into two parts
    Animators are the laziest sacks of shit, its not like the animation is even that good for the show. Its carried by celeb voice acting for the most part.

  18. 5 months ago

    I read the comics because I saw that one panel where the MC gets raped by evil supergirl.
    It honestly wasn't worth it

    • 5 months ago

      Says about you, not about the comics.

      • 5 months ago

        Hey, at least I read the whole thing.
        If you want a half-decent "What if superman knock-off was baad?"-story just read "Irredeemable". If you are over the age of 16 just drop capeshit altogether, it isn't for you anymore and the french have better comics anyway.

        • 5 months ago

          >the french have better comics anyway.
          Name 10
          I only know about- The last man. That`s a cool one.

          • 5 months ago

            Literally all of them. They are all better than capeshit

            • 5 months ago

              Ok, name one.

              Cry about it pussy

              Nta but you are the one crying.

              • 5 months ago

                Every single Asterix and Obelix comic (yes, even those shitty new ones).

              • 5 months ago

                Zamn, i liked the cartoons back in the day and the first movie. Didn`t even knew there where comic books about them.

              • 5 months ago

                >he didn't know about the comic books
                You are not European, are you? Those things are the shit.

  19. 5 months ago

    To everyone talking about the season releases, you idiots think artists are working around the clock to make this stupid shit and they just keep getting bamboozled?
    It’s all beurocracy and red tape and bullshit and schedules and regulations and you name it. They choose when to make the show. They could make a 30-episode season a year like any other normal cartoon used to be. They’re choosing to create and release it this way. Maybe they just make a season whenever they need money for child orgy so obtaining, laundering and spending the budget and making the series coincide with each other. Who knows.

    • 5 months ago

      >Calls people idiots
      >Grand conclusion of his post is that he has no clue either
      Kek moron

    • 5 months ago
      • 5 months ago

        >movie producers and politicians are the good guys!
        profound mental illness on your part

        • 5 months ago

          i never said that, further proving my point that you need medication:you are seeing things that aren't real

  20. 5 months ago

    There's no substance in the show. Just pointless edgy gore laced in between social politics mantras.

  21. 5 months ago

    Are they still doubling down on the b***hy black girlfriend with no redeeming qualities?

    • 5 months ago

      They "redeemed" her. Hahaha

      • 5 months ago

        By writing her as a completely different character with no explanation for the change.

        • 5 months ago

          Yeah, hehe. Well, they think that`s how you redeem a character.

  22. 5 months ago

    them only showing like 4 episodes is moronic. why not just wait till they have all of them. frickers acting like they're making game of thrones tier content needing breaks all the tike which got never did lol.

    • 5 months ago


  23. 5 months ago

    Why did they age up Thula from the comics and at the same time make her weaker than Mark? If they wanted to give Mark a pity win they should have made him fight the other dude who wasn't even in the comics while Thula fought Nolan.

    • 5 months ago

      For the same reason they made the Black person viltrumite fat when in the comics he's ripped as frick. It's fake representation.

  24. 5 months ago

    >le evil superman
    Never seen any of this, but it seems super gay

    • 5 months ago

      It was a cool, edgy gimmick when the comic started over two decades ago. Now it's a tired trope

      • 5 months ago

        So overused i can name 4 examples. So overused... Really?

        • 5 months ago

          >live action Teen Titans
          >Suicide Squad
          >Harley Quinn

          • 5 months ago

            Might as well throw Velma in there

          • 5 months ago

            >live action Teen Titans
            You watched this shit?
            >Suicide Squad

            >Harley Quinn
            As vague as it gets. Those are serialized and have decades of variations.



          • 5 months ago

            Forgot about Injustice

    • 5 months ago

      Takes one to see one.

  25. 5 months ago

    Why the hell did they decide to split the second season? Stupid, moronic move.

    Why does everything good get ruined these days? This is the most frustrating shit.

  26. 5 months ago

    classic example of a nothing burger season 2. I watched like 3 or so episodes and nothing happened. Probably won't watch the rest.

  27. 5 months ago

    >make a half decent show
    >ruin it with LGBT shit, multiple Mary Sue women who are perfect and smart and can do no wrong whatsoever, and other homosexual shit for "modern audiences"
    >make the protagonist a gay who only exists as a punching bag for the entire show
    >make a spin off show about the red headed b***h that nobody gives a frick about and make her more badass than the main character of the fricking original show (because modern audiences need a Mary Sue)

    It's like making a delicious meal and then the chef walks out of the kitchen, takes a big piss all over it after you've taken a bite, and says bon appetit

    • 5 months ago

      Cry about it pussy

    • 5 months ago

      >ruin it with LGBT shit
      Mark's homosexual friend is a very small part of the show.
      >multiple Mary Sue women
      The only Mary Sue was War Woman and she died in the first episode.
      >make the protagonist a gay who only exists as a punching bag
      This is a fair criticism honestly, but in the comics he's involved in some of the greatest slugfests in any fictional media. Unfortunately he won't become a badass until season 3 or 4.
      >last point
      Eve was fighting jobbers, Mark can only lose to the strongest race in the universe.

      • 5 months ago

        >I even gave Invincible and honest watch. You freaks hate films with white people or families or Christians or whatever and I hate movies with creepy gay sex aimed at kids. Why are you blaming me for not wanting to watch this? I’m not forcing you to watch, whatever, 300 or something.
        You aren`t wrong but why are you in this thread? Just read comics(if you wan`t to)- it has none of this sjw bullshit.

        I can see that you’re a bookgay trying to defend thing you like ruined by israelites so I see you. Maybe I’ll read.

        • 5 months ago

          Well either they paid Kirkman to put this in or they would simply not made it in the first place without it. Sad thing is that he let them do this.

      • 5 months ago

        >marks homosexual friend is only part of the show
        >just ignore how he's in multiple episodes and even has an entire episode dedicated to him and showing that gays are normal loving people and not the hedonistic moronic STD riddled community that they actually are

        >only war woman
        >let's just ignore the she-boon that is perfect and smart in every way, and the red headed b***h that is perfect and smart in every way, or Mark's mom who is perfect and smart in every way, just look a the flawed women in the show like... uh the Asian b***h who has 3 lines of dialog and fricked the mentally moronic explosion guy

        >the main character is simply a limp wristed homosexual, deal with it and let the strong capable women handle everything

        • 5 months ago

          Mark's friend literally disappears in the comics. He doesn't show up for like 12 years worth of volumes and gets a small cameo near the end. Nobody likes Mark's Black person gf (even normies) so I don't know what point you're trying to make. Mark isn't a limp wristed homosexual but it's gonna take a while for him to get going. I've read the comics so I know what's in store although I bet Amazon will frick it up somehow.

        • 5 months ago

          Amazon will probably change it but William and Mark's gf literally just stop showing up in the comics lol

    • 5 months ago

      I liked the Atom Eve movie, I enjoyed it far more than expected. She's a teen with superpowers and she actually enjoys having them instead of being a whiny b***h about it like Marvel superheroes always do.

  28. 5 months ago

    Omni Man just becomes basically a good guy again and a side character as the series goes on. This is one of those comic series where nothing happens

  29. 5 months ago

    >people are actually defending this shit
    The animation is trash. The story is trash. Why bother?

    • 5 months ago

      They’re not defending the show. They probably haven’t even watched it. They’re here defending it for political reasons.

    • 5 months ago

      They’re not defending the show. They probably haven’t even watched it. They’re here defending it for political reasons.

      Some of us are comic readers who know how kino the later fights/plot lines are. But Amazon has unfortunately shit the bed so I doubt the show will live up to my expectations.

      • 5 months ago

        >the later fights and plot lines
        I think you might have some serious brain damage.

        • 5 months ago

          > Invincible War
          > Mark vs. Conquest
          > Viltrumite War
          > Dinosaurus autism
          > Mark and Thragg fighting to the death in the sun
          >not kino
          I know you hipsters hated how the comic turned out, but you can't deny it had some good moments.

    • 5 months ago

      Plot and characters are unique and JK Simmons.
      inb4- Le unique

      They’re not defending the show. They probably haven’t even watched it. They’re here defending it for political reasons.

      No, weak bait. I see everyone who watched it shitting on ALL sjw parts of it.

      • 5 months ago

        >Plot and characters are unique

        • 5 months ago

          >inb4- Le unique

      • 5 months ago

        They are about as derivative as anime characters.
        >dude what if she's a little girl but acts like a grown up (she can also change into a green monster like the Hulk!)
        >dude what if this guy who's totally not an Iron man knock off is also like Batman
        None of these characters are interesting

        • 5 months ago

          Named 2 boring ones.
          Every single time.

  30. 5 months ago

    >4 episodes full of filler except for the last 30 mins
    >~~*((mid-season break*~~*~~) despite season 2 already taking 2 years to release 4 episodes
    >months pass and still no word on the second half of season 2

  31. 5 months ago

    I mean what the frick season 1 was 3 years ago just fricking wait for the season is finished to release it. How hard is that?

    And I think the larger issue is that Invincible looks like a low budget cartoon network show and not worth the literal millions amazon is spending on it. I'm pretty sure they spend more on the voice actors than they do the animators. I don't think they realize they're competing with anime studios now, all of which blow Invincible's animation out of the water.

  32. 5 months ago

    2 trannies ruined this /thread /thread

  33. 5 months ago

    Why are you all talking about gay shit?

    • 5 months ago

      Nta but i think they are roleplaying, sexually...
      Wanna talk about S2?

      • 5 months ago

        Nothing happened in S2 to talk about though. Would you frick one of those ant babes? Also, if you read the comics, are you as mad about chapter 102 as me?

        We’re literally just talking about the show.

        I dont remember the show being obsessed with gay anuses.

        • 5 months ago

          >Would you frick one of those ant babes?
          No? Like i would need to see it in person at least to make a decision.
          >chapter 102
          Didn`t read much past S2 first part. Idk tempting but i like to see the differences from both versions. So far the comics is actually more lighthearted(funny) and less gay fs.

          • 5 months ago

            >Didn`t read much past S2 first part
            Alright, no spoilers then.
            >Like i would need to see it in person at least to make a decision.
            I meant the aliens from S2.

            • 5 months ago

              >I meant the aliens from S2.
              They would look different irl. I`d say- no.

              >Alright, no spoilers then.
              Is that... A Battle Beast? Heh...

              • 5 months ago

                The tiger cape? I think so. That doesnt count, its a minor character at best. Frick, I failed there. Didnt even notice it.

                >They would look different irl. I`d say- no.
                Not necessarily. Its not like they would suddenly have bug carapaces instead of smooth blue skin.

    • 5 months ago

      We’re literally just talking about the show.

  34. 5 months ago

    I remember listening to like an hour long video on youtube that tells the whole story of the comics and since then I didn’t really care about the show anymore.

  35. 5 months ago

    Why do chuds have to rely on the lie that being trans means you have to get bottom surgery as soon as you turn 14? It’s almost like their narrative doesn’t hold up to truth so they have to fear monger and lie or something…

    • 5 months ago

      What the frick is your problem with Balto-Finnic people that you use that disgusting slur?

    • 5 months ago

      Why do trannies have to rely on the lie that puberty blockers are reversible when they aren't and are associated with long term health effects like cancer and weak bones?

  36. 5 months ago

    It's funny to think that the show died for the same reason marvel did; it assumed the capeshit train would last forever.
    You can hardly deconstruct a trend that's dying unless you're doing a post mortem

    • 5 months ago

      Multiverse bullshit in the first episode really pulled me out of it. I mean it can work but does anyone trust those writers?

      • 5 months ago

        multiverse is like time travel or relativity; if you haven't built your show around it it will kill it if you're not incredibly careful.

  37. 5 months ago

    what's with seth rogan and superheroes
    did the israelites have some thing where the kids weren't allowed to watch spiderman and now he has to take revenge?

  38. 5 months ago

    >superhero is... le psychopath?!
    it's just played out at this point

    • 5 months ago

      It seems so because there isn`t many examples and those that there do stand out.

  39. 5 months ago

    I liked S1 but S2 took too long to come out and I still haven't brought myself to see it. Same with the Boys past S2.

    • 5 months ago

      the boys just gets repetitive and the plot is moving at a snail's pace because they don't want to kill anyone off yet.

  40. 5 months ago

    Im astounded at how poorly animated it is

  41. 5 months ago

    Get woke, go broke.

  42. 5 months ago

    50 minutes later and the Schizo CrustPoster is still at it

    • 5 months ago

      welcome to Post-2016 Cinemaphile, good luck having a legitimate conversation about Television & Film

      • 5 months ago

        50 minutes later and the Schizo CrustPoster is still at it

        If the show wasn’t about gay kids we wouldn’t be talking about gay kids, moron.

        • 5 months ago

          50 minutes later and the Schizo CrustPoster is still at it

          Why are those 2 arguing here and not in /misc/. Are they bots? Jannies?

        • 5 months ago

          If you actually watched the show and your honest takeaway is that "it's about gay kids", then I've got some news for you, bud

        • 5 months ago

          >one of the side characters is gay and barely has any screen time
          >the entire show is about gay kids!!
          What does this say about you?

          • 5 months ago

            That while im taking a shit at work I’ll shitpost about gross propaganda TV shows aimed at kids.

            • 5 months ago

              >obsessively posts about crusty buttholes and gay sex every time he takes a shit

              • 5 months ago

                Frick you, just because I fantasize about gay sex every minute of the day doesn't mean I am gay

          • 5 months ago

            >one of the side characters is gay and barely has any screen time
            Side characters that do not move a story should not be in it in the first place- writing 101.
            inb4 you won`t understand what "move a story" even applies to.
            Oh i have an idea! Let`s have an episode about shitting dog on the streets, like it shits for 20 minutes and that`s it- the whole thing. And then show just continues.

            • 5 months ago

              >Oh i have an idea! Let`s have an episode about shitting dog on the streets
              Why does your mind always and instantly wander back to shit coming out of buttholes?

              • 5 months ago

                He lives that CrustLife

              • 5 months ago

                Nta you clown. And this example is about irrelevance of such thing to the story and it progress. You must be Le trolling or you are really that stupid.

              • 5 months ago

                The shit fetish makes a lot more sense now, thank you for clearing that up anon

              • 5 months ago

                You are that dog /thread. Learn to read btw.

              • 5 months ago

                Go to bed sar

              • 5 months ago

                >And this example is about irrelevance of such thing to the story and it progress.
                Read that sentence outloud sir. There is nothing wrong with being ESL, you know more languages than I do

  43. 5 months ago

    They didn't have anything to back it up with. The book is not that good.

    • 5 months ago

      So that`s why they pushed fillers tha`t wasn`t in the comics in the first place, right? I don`t think so. Well source is better then whatever they are doing.

      • 5 months ago

        IDK I did not even watch season 2.

        • 5 months ago

          You can watch last episode, that one was decent.

  44. 5 months ago

    I fricking despise capeshit and their stupid quips but this shit show takes itself too serious and unironically needs some humour. Other than gore and blood it doesn't offer anything that hasn't been seen before.

    • 5 months ago

      I started reading the comic and it's better paced and has more humor. They shouldn't have dragged out the Viltrumite reveal all the way to the finale, it should've been like the 3rd or 4th episode.

      • 5 months ago

        It has faster pacing in the start, then bogs down in the middle, and really does not build anyone's character except Mark and Eve's.
        The show does a lot better job valuing the rest of the cast.

  45. 5 months ago

    The second season sucked. Everything other than the Mark/Omni Man storyline is boring.

    • 5 months ago

      This. They could have expanded story on those 2(Mark and Nolan) but they waste it on the likes of this 2 homosexuals "arguing" itt.

      • 5 months ago

        To be fair it would suck if there was no time between Nolan leaving and Mark going to Thraxa. Unfortunately there wasnt really anything too interesting to show in the meanwhile.

        • 5 months ago

          They could have made a whole episode on Nolan wandering i`d say.
          Hmm, the fish episode was changed but still was a filler, something with this one too.
          And all other stuff besides alien "incident" is irrelevant at all. So 2/4 episodes could be anything else.

        • 5 months ago

          They needed a good villain for Mark to go against. I thought the multiverse monster guy would be the main bad guy for the whole season and he did frickall.

          • 5 months ago

            True. The black guy could have been a villain between episode 1 and 3 before Mark wen to Thraxa. I dont know why they didnt move the plot forward.

            • 5 months ago

              It's just not going to be paced like episodes of the Justice League animated series.
              It's not the same beast. Just accept it or stop sitting through it.

              • 5 months ago

                I went ahead and read the entire comics, so it no longer matters to me. Its still a valid criticism of the pacing.

              • 5 months ago

                Over the last 30 years I have enjoyed a lot of stuff with slow pacing/release dates. A lot of it Japanese. I just don't have this need for stories to unravel at a fast pace anymore. I go read/watch something else while I'm waiting.
                I still hold out hope that Vagabond will one day wrap up.

              • 5 months ago

                I went ahead and read the entire comics, so it no longer matters to me. Its still a valid criticism of the pacing.

                I applaud you two for soldiering through the /misc/tards schizobabble

              • 5 months ago

                The screeching of childless boys "thinking of the childrens" is just a background noise on Cinemaphile anymore.

              • 5 months ago

                I do it for her.

                Over the last 30 years I have enjoyed a lot of stuff with slow pacing/release dates. A lot of it Japanese. I just don't have this need for stories to unravel at a fast pace anymore. I go read/watch something else while I'm waiting.
                I still hold out hope that Vagabond will one day wrap up.

                Its cool, but the comics have better pace. The show has much better dialogue and deeper character development, but the overall story is going too slow.

              • 5 months ago

                There's only 3 big arcs in the comics. Viltrumite War, Levy's interdimensional Plot, and I, Emperor Robot.
                All the rest of it is either (badly written in the comic) relationship stuff, or random villain of the week.
                I'm happy they are doing the character stuff better.

              • 5 months ago

                Oh and I guess Cecil turning against Mark. Dinosaurus is really pretty brief.

              • 5 months ago

                So am I, but they arent moving these plots anywhere and instead they are adapting the petty villains of the week.

                Also, there are way more big plots than that. But those cant start before the three plots progress.

              • 5 months ago

                Are we talking sub-plots like Bulletproof? Or Fat Eve? All that stuff is soap opera too, and Robot/Monster Girl in another dimension would probably be seen as filler.

  46. 5 months ago

    *radiohead starts to play*
    It's a fricking cartoon, don't ruin a great song for your "ebin dramatic moment"

  47. 5 months ago

    Is this level of soihomosexualry obtainable nattie?

    • 5 months ago

      I mean she's kind've a psycho b***h for little reason, Nolan is trying to reconquer the galaxy for his ruler as he was raised to.

    • 5 months ago

      I legit dont understand how any man could not like Anissa.
      Especially after she casually asks Eve where Mark is.
      She is dangerously based.

    • 5 months ago

      Larger budget than demon slayer
      Looks like fricking ass because most of that budget went to paying Seth Rogan, JK Simmons, and other voice actors instead of paying for decent animation. Even french cartoons mog Invincible.

      >white woman rapes asian man
      At least the shitposting will be fun, can't imagine them raceswapping her because she's so evil.

      • 5 months ago

        Demon Slayer is a mess of cheap animation shortcuts, flashing lights and CGI sped up.
        Why do animetards think this is fantastic stuff?
        You can play a 6 frame loop over and over again with obnoxious light effects and they will clap like seals.

        • 5 months ago

          ok fine, would you be happier if I said Katanagatari or any other ufotable show?

          The point stands that they still look better than Invincible

          • 5 months ago

            I have a substantial Anime collection, and yes there are MOVIES that look better than invincible, but the number of long-running shows with better animation are rare as hell.

    • 5 months ago

      You don't understand...people don't seem to comprehend this but men CAN get heckin r*ped, okay? Just wanna let you all know that:
      1. You are effin loved
      2. You are effin cherished
      3. Your head space effin matters

  48. 5 months ago

    Most people's complaints about the series are that "it's already been done before so many times" and forget that the source material is 20 years old

    • 5 months ago

      Then why take so long to make it and pretend the mid break is something special or deserved.

  49. 5 months ago

    imagine if Chuds actually listened to themselves occasionally

    • 5 months ago

      What do tunnel israelites have to do with it?

  50. 5 months ago

    Quality fell off massively between S1 and 2

  51. 5 months ago

    I do alot of charities and I hardly ever see homosexuals there to help out. The only time they seem interested in helping is when they are allowed to have direct access to children.

    Why is that?

  52. 5 months ago

    Best moment from the comic.

    • 5 months ago

      By the way, why are you all talking about kids as if you give a shit?

      Not the rape?

      • 5 months ago

        When you have your own kids, you protect them with your life. Something homosexuals wouldn't understand since they just want to hurt them.

        • 5 months ago

          You are on Cinemaphilei, in a comic book TV show adaptation thread arguing with a troony. Or you are the troony arguing, I wasnt really paying attention. Either way, you arent protecting anyone, you are shitting up the thread.

          Are we talking sub-plots like Bulletproof? Or Fat Eve? All that stuff is soap opera too, and Robot/Monster Girl in another dimension would probably be seen as filler.

          Yes, not sure why you are calling those "sub-plots" and "big plots". Its all arbitrary. There is the feud with Cecil, the Invincible Inc, the coalition of planet, the triads, Oliver, Talescria, the super hero teams, Thragg, the dinosaur, robot cuckoldry and whatnot.
          The point is that the show is adapting the stuff that is meaningless instead of moving forward.

          • 5 months ago

            I feel they are THAT confident in their continuation that they will slow the whole thing down to half the progression of the comics, turning this into 10 seasons or more.

          • 5 months ago

            Oh? Are you a janny or just a janny bootlicker? How fricking pathetic do you have to be to be a lickspittle to fricking jannies and to do it for free.

            >my capeshit! Pwease talk about it.
            No. Capeshit is for austistics and homosexuals. Go to co if you really need to get your manchild cartoon fix

            • 5 months ago

              That an idea, but why dont you go to /misc/ if you really need to get your troony fix instead?

              • 5 months ago

                Why don't you goto co if you need your capeshit fix? And you aren't a janny, you fricking loser. Ywnbaj

  53. 5 months ago

    I'm not usually an advocate for perma-bans, but in this case a few of them would really be a quality-of-life improvement for the entire board.

  54. 5 months ago

    The gorehounds responsible for this satan worship know we're coming for their families.

  55. 5 months ago

    Anissa and Conquest are objectively worse than Nolan (or even Thragg).
    They have no ideology, they are just sadistic anarchists out to enjoy themselves with basically no loyalty to anything but themselves.

    • 5 months ago

      Anissa and Conquest is objectively the exact same as Nolan before Earth. Thats kind of the point.

      Thragg is the only one who was more interested in saving his people than fricking up everything. He was a top tier leader.

      I feel they are THAT confident in their continuation that they will slow the whole thing down to half the progression of the comics, turning this into 10 seasons or more.

      I would like that, but I am not nearly as optimistic as they are then. They are losing normies real fast here and I cant imagine this going past season 3 at this rate.

      • 5 months ago

        Anissa is nothing like Nolan. Nolan works to assimilate Earth in a pretty low-key way, and feels remorse for some of the stuff he is obligated to do. But he has some ideals.

        Anissa's loyalties are proven fluid, and she seems to enjoy the unnecessary carnage. I don't thing she has an ideology besides "do what the people who can beat me up demand, otherwise enjoy self".
        She's just a creep.

        • 5 months ago

          You are comparing post Earth Nolan with pre Earth Anissa. Either compare them both pre Earth of both post Earth. Pre Earth Nolan was the same supremacist as Anissa. Post Earth Anissa deeply regretted the pain she caused and even gave her life to protect others.

          >N-no you groom kids! I said so!’

          Why don't you goto pol if you need your troony fix? And you aren't a woman, you fricking loser. Ywnbaw

          • 5 months ago

            You are wasting your time, he's actually right in that you should have went to Cinemaphile.
            Cinemaphile is a poorly moderated "kiddie /misc/" anymore.

          • 5 months ago

            Why do people who can’t even get a girl to frick them think their opinion on whether I’m a woman or not matters to them?

            >we know better about the child then the parents!
            Ok so let's investigate gay families and get their kids set straight

            shit goes both ways homosexual. You show me a troony or homosexual kid and I can show you a kid who is being abused at home

            No you can’t. You’re lying again 🙂 literally all polcels do is lie and lie and lie

            homie. We are going to take every gay kid and send them to straight camp and there's nothing you can do about it but cry. You created this idea when you claimed you know better then the parents.


      • 5 months ago

        Also, Kirkman and Amazon can run this thing for ages as a vanity project, it's not a movie in theaters, it can attract new audience/pull old audience back again.

  56. 5 months ago

    i liked season 1 but i watched like 2 episodes of season 2 and it just seems so boring as frick and low quality and awkward. im actually struggling to believe its the same show that i enjoyed.

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