It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia

The biggest change in recent seasons is they've tried to make the show slightly less accessible&funny to the people that weren't actually getting the jokes before. There's a nonzero percentage of IASIP fans who genuinely appreciate offensive jokes simply for the sake of being offensive and those people are having a tough time adjusting.

"I miss classic Sunny" is usually just code for "I miss being able to laugh with them instead of at them" which has and always will be a cringe take.

A good example is the character evolution of Mac and how he's cited in 99% of these rants. He's still the same ol bundle of idiocy, hypocrisy, and Dennis obsession that he's always been resulting in an identical intended archetype, you just can't also laugh at him for being closeted anymore.

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  1. 8 months ago

    what's this, your blog? who gives a frick dude it's a comedy show for teenagers

    frick you

    • 8 months ago

      Starting an important discussion for the Its Always Sunny fans. That's all. No need to be so rude about it.

      Exactly which part of my opinion is explicitly a blogpost?

      • 8 months ago

        This is clearly the "cringe approach" and way to think in this 4chen blog post.

        Clearly the OP can't stand the old episodes and must simp for the new ones and shame others who liked the original programming.

        His continued hypocritical approach to a show literally meant for drunk teens and 20somethings isn't the way to go and clearly the old episodes went over his head since he "couldn't laugh WITH the characters".

        For instance OP is the same homosexual as ever but the whole appreciating one era over the other, shaming, and gas lighting others for liking one era over the other truly goes above and beyond the necessary requirements for being a homosexual.

        >did you see what I did there
        >blog post over

        • 8 months ago


          • 8 months ago

            It's okay the next anon might not be so spot on
            Don't lose hope!

  2. 8 months ago

    >I miss being able to laugh with them instead of at them
    >you just can't also laugh at him for being closeted anymore
    These are conflicting theses
    have a nice day

    • 8 months ago

      How? I dont understand what you mean. Also, I will not kill myself. Rude.

  3. 8 months ago

    shut up, bird

    • 8 months ago

      first good response all day

  4. 8 months ago

    Sunny has been on an uninterrupted downward trajectory since season 7
    Adding so many women writers killed the show

    • 8 months ago

      >uninterrupted downward
      End of last season, Dennis mental health was good

      • 8 months ago

        Ignoring the trolls.

        Exactly. If that isn't evidence they haven't lost it, I don't know what is.

        • 8 months ago

          But having one gem in a sea of turds does not mean what they still have is worth keeping

        • 8 months ago

          >Ignoring the trolls.
          no u didn

          • 8 months ago

            Check my digits then. I won this thread. Trolls aint got nothing to say.

    • 8 months ago

      Funny women are few and far between so, logically, this makes sense. Good insight.

      • 8 months ago

        Terrible insight, actually. Sexism doesn't automatically make for a good opinion. Although, I guess if you're an incel it does. What does someone's gender have to do with their ability to write for a show? If any of the writers come in and are lacking they'd either be brought up by the talented heads of the show or they'd most likely be let go. So, being a woman wouldnt be ABLE to influence the quality of the show. Take your awful opinions somewhere else.

        • 8 months ago

          There's nothing sexist about female writers being less funny on average than male writers. Does reality bother you?

          • 8 months ago

            Denial of reality 100% bothers me. You need to open your eyes if you're going to spend time telling other people about "reality".

            • 8 months ago

              But you're the one claiming female writers are just as good at writing comedy as compared to male writers, while reality shows otherwise. You're intellectually dishonest to yourself to
              >own the chuds
              What a joke.

              • 8 months ago

                You bringing up chuds for absolutely no reason indicates to me that you self-identify with chuds. Which is hilarious LOL. Anyways, I obviously said that the show is ran by such a talented group that it wouldn't matter who was writing for the show. They either have the stuff or they don't. You applying this stupid idea of percentages to the skill value of women is insane behavior that has no place in reality. Go be a chud somewhere if that is what you are.

              • 8 months ago

                >You bringing up chuds for absolutely no reason
                No reason? OP has been screeching about invisible chuds the entire thread. Next time I'm going to need you to read the threads you're investing time into. Really weak, man.

              • 8 months ago

                Why dont you format your posts properly so it doesnt seem like one insane rambling bunched together then? You did this to yourself.

              • 8 months ago

                check'd and
                >whining about formatting
                You're cooked.

              • 8 months ago


          • 8 months ago

            there are many many more bad and mediocre male comedy writer, simply by the fact that there are many many more men in the industry, which is rife with nepotism and old boys club sexism. Those women that are writing comedy are overwhelmingly better than the average male writer because they’ve had to prove themselves over and over again, are objectively successful, and gain the respect and trust of snow runners and executives. If you’ve ever been a writer roon you’ll also know there inevitably the ones that are looking at the clock and schedule and get the guys to man up and stop shooting the shit and get writing. Most male comedy writers hate writing and are in it for something else (networking, their standup, a paycheck, hoping to get a role…); the ones that do take it seriously quickly go on to show running and producing and creating. That the real reason why women are being hired: they don’t act like little boys.

            • 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      i bet women used to be funny before 2008 we just didn’t notice
      why are they just all pozzed israelite shrew hag femcels now inserting the worst takes

  5. 8 months ago

    I think this post is a joke, but just in case it is not; you are a moron.

    • 8 months ago

      Dont be mad that you're just coming around to understanding the show you apparently love so much.

      Sunny has been on an uninterrupted downward trajectory since season 7
      Adding so many women writers killed the show

      That's absurd. Shut up.

      • 8 months ago

        >That's absurd. Shut up.
        its a fact. The show is horribly unfunny and hasnt broken new ground since season 7. Cope and seethe

  6. 8 months ago

    all of the characters are narcissistic morons, that’s why it’s funny. what exactly is there to “get”

    • 8 months ago

      That is absolutely a huge part of why it is funny, although I wouldn't personally use that word. However, there is a lot of original elements of the offensive hijinks they got up to being focused in and more appropriately toned so that the fans dont continue to get the wrong idea. You are NOT supposed to laugh WITH the narcissistic "idiots". You need to laugh at them to fully appreciate and understand what the boys (and girls) are going for here. It's still a great show and so many "fans" are tapping out and complaining about a show they fundamentally misunderstood from the beginning.


      Make me, jabroni!

      • 8 months ago

        >complaining about a show they fundamentally misunderstood from the beginning
        i don’t think they misunderstood it. i think you’re trying to justify, after the fact, why such a large portion of the fan base has turned on the show. have you considered that maybe it’s just not as funny?

        • 8 months ago

          Why are all my friends and I still CRACKING up at the new seasons if they're so unfunny? I don't understand why you're acting like you're miserable experience with good things is the universal end-all-be-all of everyone's enjoyment. There is a reason why the fake fans are seeming more fake as the show continues to blossom into a better and more mature project, that honestly holds up a hell of a lot better than some of those episodes from the earlier seasons. Have you ever considered that?

          • 8 months ago

            >Why are all my friends and I still CRACKING up at the new seasons if they're so unfunny?
            because you and your friends are moronic homosexuals with cum dribbling from your chins. the show used to respect the intelligence of the viewer using the age-old wisdom of 'show, don't tell'. but now the show tells you when to laugh, quite literally pandering to morons who can't think for themselves, and that's where you and your mongoloid friends come in.
            the spiel of 'laughing with them not at them' is completely moronic. you used to laugh at the characters, but now the writers have inserted themselves into the narrative and want to constantly remind you that they don't approve, which is why the characters don't act like real people anymore, and why they open their mouths and megan ganz' terrible writing comes out instead.
            I know you're just baiting because nobody is actually as dumb as you're pretending to be, outside of reddit, but it bears saying anyway. the show is made for a less intelligent breed of viewer with each new season. people who can't think for themselves or grasp nuance or irony. the writers wanted to rid themselves of the dumb fratboy types who they had inadvertently attracted, and they decided to dumb down the show in order to do so, and now ironically, the only people who still enjoy it are the 'just turn your brain off bro' crowd.

  7. 8 months ago


  8. 8 months ago

    >the show became the shows it used to mock
    >the characters all cucked beyond belief
    >every joke is safe now
    >cast does a public apology tour for their earlier episodes

    • 8 months ago

      Tell me you are an incel nerd without telling me you are an incel nerd. Lmao.

      • 8 months ago

        anyone who uses cuck as an insult has something to hide in their browser history

      • 8 months ago

        anyone who uses cuck as an insult has something to hide in their browser history

        leftists can’t frick it’s why incel is their favorite projection next to basement dweller
        you all are fricking exposed losers

  9. 8 months ago

    My favorite from the recent season was The Gang Get Cursed.

    • 8 months ago

      That was a truly hilarious episode. Personally, I heavily enjoyed finally getting a truly Dennis-centric episode with "Dennis Takes a Mental Health Day". Could not stop laughing during that one, especially after he picks up the Tesla.

      • 8 months ago

        That was one of the most meta episodes they've ever done, but it worked by making it so character centric. Cursed did a lot of what Sunny does best by creating running gags out of their lore, like different members of the gang kicking an animal corpse under something in the bar so they wouldn't have to clean it up.

        • 8 months ago

          Curse was a truly classic style episode done right. Very funny stuff. Proves they still got it.

  10. 8 months ago

    Early sunny was absolutely not as ironic as they now try and claim, you can tell from the outtakes that they really believed all the racial, homo, and generally ignorant things they were joking about were genuinely hilarious. It's only when cancel culture started to creep into the mainstream they started claiming they were actually making fun of people who find that stuff funny. They say whatever they need to say to keep making money at this point. You don't do blackface unless you really think it will be funny.

    • 8 months ago

      They misguidedly thought it would be a shocking element to add to the show, but the blackface was a TERRIBLE decision in hindsight and they all realize this. That is why they had those episodes removed from all platforms. They aren't worth preserving because it was entirely worthless after they added blackface. Also, what outtakes are you talking about that confirm ANY of what you're talking about? Because I love watching all the bloopers and behind-the-scenes stuff, and they're still the same guys they are today on the podcast. Just a bit younger, of course. Basically, source your shitty claim because I think you were just projecting your own terrible opinions on this show and the people behind it. Believe me, I think I'd know.

      • 8 months ago

        >the blackface was a TERRIBLE decision in hindsight and they all realize this.
        hmm i wonder what led them to this conclusion

  11. 8 months ago

    Dennis > Charlie=Dee=Frank >>>> Mac
    i know its a reddit take but it is what it is

    • 8 months ago

      You can just say youre homophobic sweetie 🙂

      >the blackface was a TERRIBLE decision in hindsight and they all realize this.
      hmm i wonder what led them to this conclusion

      What? Say it. Don't be a coward on an anonymous website. I genuinely want to know. What is your big racist reason why?

      • 8 months ago

        racism and homophobia are funny. it doesn’t matter if you’re laughing with or at it. that’s just fax

      • 8 months ago

        what kinda homosexual are you?

        • 8 months ago

          Great. Another troll. Frick off. Either discuss the show or leave.

  12. 8 months ago

    I will never acknowledge any argument as legitimate if the argumenter refers to opinions or interpretations as "takes".

    • 8 months ago

      You can just say you're scared to defend your own opinions.

      >Why are all my friends and I still CRACKING up at the new seasons if they're so unfunny?
      because you and your friends are moronic homosexuals with cum dribbling from your chins. the show used to respect the intelligence of the viewer using the age-old wisdom of 'show, don't tell'. but now the show tells you when to laugh, quite literally pandering to morons who can't think for themselves, and that's where you and your mongoloid friends come in.
      the spiel of 'laughing with them not at them' is completely moronic. you used to laugh at the characters, but now the writers have inserted themselves into the narrative and want to constantly remind you that they don't approve, which is why the characters don't act like real people anymore, and why they open their mouths and megan ganz' terrible writing comes out instead.
      I know you're just baiting because nobody is actually as dumb as you're pretending to be, outside of reddit, but it bears saying anyway. the show is made for a less intelligent breed of viewer with each new season. people who can't think for themselves or grasp nuance or irony. the writers wanted to rid themselves of the dumb fratboy types who they had inadvertently attracted, and they decided to dumb down the show in order to do so, and now ironically, the only people who still enjoy it are the 'just turn your brain off bro' crowd.

      >cum dribbling from your chins
      Great. Thanks for allowing me to disregard your big block of shit before I started to read it. Ignored.

      racism and homophobia are funny. it doesn’t matter if you’re laughing with or at it. that’s just fax

      Pointing out how stupid the people who believe that stuff is hilarious. Actual real-life styled racism and homophobia is never funny and always in poor choice from a writing perspective. Never ages well.

      I like early sunny because it's offensive and idc about the context

      Kys troony

      You should. Also, stop saying that people. One day you might actually cause something terrible to happen. Also, I am not a troony.

      • 8 months ago

        >You should. Also, stop saying that people. One day you might actually cause something terrible to happen. Also, I am not a troony.

        confirmed troll. sage.

        • 8 months ago

          LOL! Wow. You can't admit youre doing something wrong by using that language, so you attempt to delegitimize my opinions. I do not like this thread so far. Only a few sane posters have shown up.

      • 8 months ago

        what kinda what kinda homosexual are you, really?

      • 8 months ago

        i know this is bait but you should still have a nice day irl

  13. 8 months ago

    they got rid of the original writers
    that's why it went downhill

  14. 8 months ago

    I like early sunny because it's offensive and idc about the context

    Kys troony

  15. 8 months ago

    I know this is a bait post but the most recent season has been a genuine improvement over the last few

    • 8 months ago

      Why is it automatically bait when you have a genuine opinion that apparently everyone on this website disagrees with? I agree though. They're actually hitting a wonderful stride lately.

  16. 8 months ago

    but the older episodes are funnier so your points are moot

    • 8 months ago

      Says you. I disagree entirely. They have a lack of focus that enables chuds like you to project all your shitty wild opinions on what could've been a pure piece of art.

      • 8 months ago

        yeah you're going to need better bait anon

        • 8 months ago

          Just leave the god damn thread if you dont want to engage with me in good faith. Im tired of you thinking everyone who disagrees with you must be fricking joking. Frick off.

          • 8 months ago


            Says you. I disagree entirely. They have a lack of focus that enables chuds like you to project all your shitty wild opinions on what could've been a pure piece of art.

            >They have a lack of focus that enables chuds like you
            to immediately insult strangers for thinking opposite yourself is childish and not worth my time. better luck next time.

            • 8 months ago

              Okay, so I'm getting a little heated and loose with my language. I dont fricking care at this point. I wanted to discuss one of my favorite shows going through a late-stage renaissance and I'm getting hit with all you dorks. Does the chud shoe fit? Wear it.

              • 8 months ago

                >I dont fricking care at this point.
                neither do I

              • 8 months ago

                Then fricking leave.

                >Does the chud shoe fit? Wear it.
                What kind of drugs are you on, seriously? What are you talking about?

                Bye, chud!

              • 8 months ago

                >Bye, chud!
                You may be having a mental break, anon.

              • 8 months ago

                Why? Because I'm insulting you now instead of attempting a genuine discussion? I tried that, and only like two anons tried to engage. You're all going to try to get under my skin, but I'm telling you, your chuddy reaction images and chudlike behavior does nothing to me. Im just enjoying calling it out at this point. Seems like you love to try and zing me back with these terrible pictures. Go on, keep doing it, chud.

              • 8 months ago
              • 8 months ago

                >Does the chud shoe fit? Wear it.
                What kind of drugs are you on, seriously? What are you talking about?

              • 8 months ago

                they're not on drugs they just haven't had mother's milk

              • 8 months ago


  17. 8 months ago

    >OP is a moronic homosexual with bad opinions and 10 wieners in his ass
    What a shock.

  18. 8 months ago

    Discerning and intelligent take. It always shocked me when anons would write posts where they’re clearly self identifying / self-inserting with the characters when they were so obviously written as horrible and despicable, to be laughed and not with. For example, only dumbfricks would take something like the DENNIS system seriously (and only dumbfricks in the show did). Constantly through the show “regular” characters would show up, react with disgust (and laughter) exactly pointing out that point. The racial swap episode drove it home. It just proves chuds are incapable of viewing any art on more than one level, or thinking or contexualizing it it any way; basically mouth breathers without any internal monologue, they hear a dumb joke and react with a dumb laugh. And then get angry and frustrated (as we see from the posts here) when someone better and more intelligent has to explain it to them.

    • 8 months ago

      My friends and I aren't even that intelligent and this kind of thinking just comes naturally to us. I think these basement dwellers are literally just so stupid they make us seem smart.

    • 8 months ago


      • 8 months ago

        Absolutely not. Stop trying to derail these threads. I didn't even agree that I was particularly intelligent, although I definitely appreciated the compliment. Thank you, anon.

        • 8 months ago

          OP can't go one reply without freaking out at a different opinion kek

          • 8 months ago

            That's a terrible attempt at trolling. I'm obviously disputing the claim that I am replying to myself in my own thread as if I were a different person. That isn't exactly a different opinion. Just a false statement that needed to be disputed. Go troll somewhere else, chud.

            • 8 months ago

              saying a lot of nothing anon

              • 8 months ago

                I'm not longer going to reply to anyone who I think is you. You're terrible at this. Go away. Next!

      • 8 months ago

        he really was lmao
        >when no one agrees with you, agree with yourself

  19. 8 months ago

    >op crying to himself and playing pretend
    this is a good one

  20. 8 months ago

    Oh, is that troll in my thread? Trying to pretend to be someone else? That is rich. Anyways.

    Has anyone felt like Frank has been at less of the forefront lately? I really hope Danny Devito's age isn't starting to affect his ability to partake in the show's high energy antics. He's a trooper for sticking to it so long though.

  21. 8 months ago

    Season 2 is objectively peak sunny, the show started to enter reddit territory slowly starting at season 3 but stayed watchable till 7 or 8. Now its insufferable but it was a good run

    • 8 months ago

      exactly how i feel and i have a big dick

  22. 8 months ago

    >95 posts
    >28 unique IPs
    thread is just OP agreeing with himself and disagreeing with the few that come in and tell him what a homosexual he is. KWAB

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