it's anti-female, and not anti-male

and I can prove it using the script.
debate me if you want, but keep your feelings to yourself, I'm only interested in facts.

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  1. 10 months ago

    >I'm only interested in facts.
    No you aren't.
    This has nothing to do with your take on the film (we probably agree on most things), you are just full of shit.

    • 10 months ago

      Whatever you say, sister.
      Exhibit A:
      Barbie’s introduction to the real world:

      - Barbie: I love women, I want to help women.

      - Sasha (America Fererra’s daughter): Oh come off it, everybody hates women: women hate women, and men hate women, it’s the one thing we can all agree on.

      -Barbie: Is that true?

      -America Fererra: It’s complicated. “Hate” is a strong word.

      -Sasha: WAKE UP, MOM!

    • 10 months ago

      >>I'm only interested in facts.
      >No you aren't.

  2. 10 months ago

    Take your L and shut the frick up.

    • 10 months ago

      Be quiet please, Karen.

      • 10 months ago

        so the left's biggest victory is a mass media production made by a multi-billion dollar conglomerate?
        lol. lmao.

        no one gives a frick, we are here to shit post, make fun of the jannies, dunk on the trannies, and occasionally talk about real movies, but meme shit like barbie or oppenheimer are just memes and nothing else.

        • 10 months ago

          >real movies
          lmao. le enlightened 4chins user.

    • 10 months ago

      so the left's biggest victory is a mass media production made by a multi-billion dollar conglomerate?
      lol. lmao.

      • 10 months ago

        I'd say their biggest victory is controlling the entirety of the music, film, video game, and entertainment industry broadly. As well as sports, education, technology, law, business. They essentially control everything and you have to keep your mouth shut in any space that isn't Cinemaphile basically. They probably think that's a W.

  3. 10 months ago

    It was intended to be pro female and anti-male but modern women are so horrible that they are almost impossible to portray positively and the male becomes the most sympathetic character.

  4. 10 months ago

    America Fererra’s monologue lists all those grievances, but most either apply to men AND women (“acknowledge the system is rigged but be grateful, never be rude or show off or be selfish or fall down or fail or show fear never get out of line; you have to have money but you can’t ask for money”)
    are things women do to each other
    are things women demand of themselves.

    This is a call for women to stop playing victim and to take responsibility for their own lives.
    Almost nothing in the list can become part if a woman’s life unless she CHOOSES it to be.

    Does society, in 2023, FORCE women to be skinny?
    It doesn’t, at least in the USA, even suggest women be healthy any more.
    Obesity is promoted as ‘just a different size’, ‘you be you’, etc.

    The monologue is about reclaiming responsibility instead of blaming external forces for your woes.

  5. 10 months ago

    And the final line of the movie is an absolute TERF declaration:
    >"without a real vegana you are not a real woman"

    couldn't be more clear

  6. 10 months ago

    >film made by woman is full of confusing, vacillating, and contradictory self-important but ultimately substance free messages that say a lot and nothing at all at the same time
    Wow. Who'd have thought.

    • 10 months ago

      This. The movie has no real message because it is contradictory nonsense just like third-wave feminism.
      >Women can be leaders too!
      >Also, the Barbies cannot give Kens real power until first the men in the real world give women power.

  7. 10 months ago

    I’d like to see this in writing because i felt it too. The movie kinda felt like it made women look bad, especially since they manipulated the kens and turned them against each other leading to war despite their constitution being changed by a fair democratic vote.

    • 10 months ago

      >especially since they manipulated the kens and turned them against each other leading to war despite their constitution being changed by a fair democratic vote.
      They prrevented the men from voting in a democratic election in order to reinstate a President who came to power in an apartied state.
      And the first thing said President does after regaining power, is to call Ken a motherfricker.

      The manipulation of the Kens takes place as they song a song to the Barbies ---- the song is about a manipulative and emotionally abusive girlfriend.

      This is, obviously, to make a point.

  8. 10 months ago

    reminder that women could demolish the capitalist rat race if they stopped judging men based on their income

    • 10 months ago

      Women have the ability to change the world in any way conceivable because, yes, men rule the world, but men are also horny and desperate as frick. A couple of nudes and feet pics could dismantle the military industrial complex and bring peace to the Middle East.

      If the modern world has taught me anything it's that every man can be turned into a pathetic simp.

      • 10 months ago

        If that were true, it would've happened already 10x over. But it hasn't. Because it's not.

  9. 10 months ago
  10. 10 months ago

    >women only dominate in a literal fantasy mirror universe
    >it's completely vapid and fake
    >movie is still a literal toy commercial
    >oh wow this movie is anti-female
    Yeah duh moron.

  11. 10 months ago

    >the chuds are still trying to do mental gymnastics and interpret the feminist propaganda barbie film as some kind of male affirming triumph
    powerfully moronic

    • 10 months ago

      Please, show us how this is a feminist film.
      HARD MODE: women complaining == feminism

      Just use the script and events in the film and prove it to be feminist.
      Go ahead…

      • 10 months ago

        Why would I waste my time explaining to you how the feminist director didn't intend for the film to be seen the way you saw it? You'll just claim your own delusional headcanon is correct despite the fact that anyone with an IQ over 100 knows you're delusional.

        The film was never intended to be sympathetic towards men or paint women in a negative light and nobody who saw the film saw it that way except the lowest IQ chuds trying to do mental gymnastics so they don't have to admit their "Go Woke Go Broke" slogan is bullshit. Barbie is just a dumb, hamfisted feminist propaganda film and that's it. There's no deeper meaning.

        • 10 months ago

          >Why would I waste my time explaining to you how the feminist director didn't intend for the film to be seen the way you saw it?
          Use the scriopt and the events in the film, nothing more.
          What directors claim latter is often irrelevant, especially if the director made a film the doubles as an ad for an extremely powerful toy company.
          A toy company with 30+ more films coming down the pike.
          They're a major film industry player now and a director, especially a young director, isn't going to go beyond Mattel's talking points.

          Also, she has zero feminist film legacy, so....
          Baumbach has no feminist legacy, either.

          • 10 months ago

            You're an idiot. The parts of the script you quoted you also horribly misinterpreted to fit your own headcanon. You literally used the daughter's opening rant against Barbie and completely ignored the context or purpose of it in establishing her character's redemption arc and later softening. The entire point of her hostile attitude towards Barbie is so she can see how she was wrong later. So citing it literally is autistic and fricking stupid. Then you went on to say that America's speech about women being uniquely victimized and having expectations heaped upon them was actually aimed at both genders even though it quite deliberately was not.

            I could write a fricking thesis explaining the film and it's deliberate feminist messaging but what is the point in doing that when it's going to fly over your moron chud head anyways? It's funnier to me anyways if you unironically shill this film and defend it as some kind of attempt to "claim" it as your own.

            • 10 months ago

              >her character's redemption arc
              Oh child, her "redemption arc"?
              It is literally her plan that the Barbies follow.
              She lays it out:
              lie to the men
              manipulate the men
              pretend you like them
              pretend you like their song*
              and I'm quoting the script here"

              So they manipulate what was supposed to be a democratic election, in order to reinstate the President who came to power as the leader of an apartied state, and keep it an apartied state.

              And the very first thing she does after she's seized power is call Ken a "motherfricker".

              There's nothing there that jibes with Gerwig's defition of feminism:
              >“It most certainly is a feminist film,” said Gerwig. ”But it’s feminist in a way that includes everyone; it’s a ‘rising tide lifts all boats’ version of it.”

              The whole point of that scene is to show the Barbies as manipulative and exclusive, and not at all inclusive.
              She's showing how absolute power corrupts absolutely, there's nothing feminist about absolute power. Her point is that power must be shared by all. The Barbies did the opposite.

              *the song, in case you still haven't got it, is a song about ...a manipulative and abusive girlfriend, and how she abuses her boyfriend.
              Why would a feminist put that song into a scene about Barbies gaining power manipulating an election by abusing an entire gender?

              • 10 months ago

                I can't tell whether this poster has schizophrenia or autism or both.

              • 10 months ago

                then refute what he's saying. thats what they said in the movie and its what happened

              • 10 months ago

                >>Why would a feminist put that song into a scene about Barbies gaining power manipulating an election by abusing an entire gender?
                you have to admit it, if a male director did this SJW shit would hit the fan for sure

            • 10 months ago

              >daughter's redemption arc and later softening.
              yeah that didn't happen. she never softened and she had no arc.
              1. started evil by calling barbie fascist and making her cry
              2. stayed evil by explaining that everyone even women hates women
              3. ended evil by convincing the barbies to frick over the kens and giving them the plan to do it

      • 10 months ago

        There's a difference between whether the film can be 1) a venting of relatable frustrations of women as liberal subjects or 2) a liberatory vision for female equality and emancipation.

        The first one is what it is, and all it can be. To morons (both genders) this might seem like a meaningful feminist text, but that's just because feminism within liberalism is just about personal position of elites. Barbieworld isn't liberatory because the real world isn't liberatory.

  12. 10 months ago

    The only thing it’s “anti” is overcorrection.

    It’s anti-3rd wave feminism countering patriarchy with such a strong GIRL POWER message that rather than thinking that can do anything women are anxious messes who think they need to be doing everything. It’s anti-swinging the pendulum so far from men having too much power that now women have too much power and men feel marginalized.

    It’s only other message is men need to redefine the terms of manhood to not be something that isn’t so reliant on traditional gender roles and subjugation of women. It’s impossible to “feel like a man” via the old rules in a world where women are operating under a totally new set of rules now.

    I do appreciate that the movie leaves it in the hands of Ken (i.e. men, to figure out for ourselves). At least it didn’t go the hypocritical path of having women/feminist try to tell you what a “real man” is supposed to be.

    • 10 months ago

      See, like this complete moron where the film's simple message was so obvious and yet he did did backflips to not understand it and interpret it as some kind of uplifting message for men. You can't reason with this kind of powerful idiocy.

      • 10 months ago

        >interpret it as some kind of uplifting message for men
        The thing that resonates for me the most is the Kens redemption arch and love for the bros. If you don't find it uplifting I don't know what to tell you.

        • 10 months ago

          He doesn't have a redemption arc. He's told by Barbie that she doesn't want him. She then makes a speech metaphorically about how women shouldn't define themselves by needing a man(which you interpreted as meant for you or men in general, which is just hilarious).

          Basically, Barbie doesn't give a shit what Ken does as long as she doesn't have to be with him and she is free to find herself, and then she uses him as a prop to deliver another feminist message and you think that's uplifting? Just top kek.

          The kind of shit you guys say in defense of this film and its portrayals is like hearing "Yeah but Ryan Gosling hitting on the troony Barbie is actually a criticism of how they aren't real women because he doesn't actively hit on any other Barbie's in the film, thus highlighting troony Barbie's "other" status". That is the level of mental gymnastics we're at at this point.

          • 10 months ago

            >and then she uses him as a prop to deliver another feminist message
            which was ...what?

            • 10 months ago

              Women don't need men to validate themselves.

          • 10 months ago

            >He doesn't have a redemption arc.
            Ken learns to let go of his desire for Barbie's admiration and instead seek value internally. How did you miss this dude.

            • 10 months ago

              >Ken learns to let go of his desire for Barbie's admiration and instead seek value internally. How did you miss this dude.
              That is a message for women. Men don't define themselves by the women they date. Nobody is dating women for validation or their status. They date them because they're hot and they want to frick them. The message was meant for women and not men. How did you not understand this?

              There is no message for men in the film. Ken exists to illustrate and make feminist points. At no point is he meant to deliver a message to men or make the viewer sympathize with men. If you took away any message of such a kind, you have an IQ below 100.

      • 10 months ago

        It’s literally what the director says the movie is about. but sure, you know better than her.


        • 10 months ago

          [citation needed]

          • 10 months ago

            “It most certainly is a feminist film,” said Gerwig. ”But it’s feminist in a way that includes everyone; it’s a ‘rising tide lifts all boats’ version of it.”

            “I think some people hear the word ‘feminist’ and think that means it doesn't mean men…And I’m like, anyone who believes that men and women should be equal is feminist,” Robbie seconded, noting that the power between the Barbies and the Kens is certainly not equal at the beginning of the film.

            “If you look at ‘Barbie Land’ from the beginning…the Barbies are on top and the Kens are kinda disregarded…that’s not equal. So, whatever the opposite of misogynist is actually what Barbie is.”

            • 10 months ago

              >“If you look at ‘Barbie Land’ from the beginning…the Barbies are on top and the Kens are kinda disregarded…that’s not equal. So, whatever the opposite of misogynist is actually what Barbie is.”
              And that's how it was at the end, too, so what changed?

              >"It's feminist"
              and then adding
              >"but I have my own definition of "feminism""
              does not make it feminist, it only means it aligns YOUR OWN PERSONAL DEFINITION OF "FEMINIST"

              "I bake chocolate chip cookies."
              -"But there's no chocolate in these cookies."
              "That's because my definition of "chocolote chip cookies" allows for chocolate chip cookies that don't contain chocolate."

            • 10 months ago

              So basically, it's feminist in a way that is palatable to men who are already feminists and tries to soften and ease other men into feminist ideals by using a soft rise approach. Exactly what I said. None of those messages are meant for men, but if men happen to rise in the process of feminism? Eh, fine. That's essentially what she's saying.

              Is it not telling to you that this woman doesn't even fricking know the word that is opposite of "misogynist"? It's misandrist. If she'd even considered for 5 seconds in her life any actual shit men deal with, she would have known that term. That's because Barbieland in her film is just a cheap swap for how she thinks men in the real world dominate everything.

        • 10 months ago

          Very often film makers set out intending to say one thing but the final art doesn’t turn out how they thought it would. What matters if the film itself and what it says not whatever the director wanted it to say.

  13. 10 months ago

    >Cinemaphile unironically trying to decipher femslop instead of just posting tons of Ken memes to co-opt the movie's popularity
    Even Twitter is handling this movie better than you guys are.

    • 10 months ago

      >i'll pwn the feminists by posting memes from their propaganda film
      chuddies are so funny

      • 10 months ago

        Yes, that works because leftists get angry that their feminist propaganda just becomes an outlet for synthwave Gosling memes about how awesome men are.

        It would work even better if you guys weren't such consooomers who go out and see stupid shit like this instead of making fun of it.

  14. 10 months ago

    OP is a gay is the only indisputable fact here.

  15. 10 months ago

    This movie has broken incels.

    • 10 months ago

      it really has
      they have no response to it

  16. 10 months ago

    >message of the movie going over everyone’s head
    You need kenergy my dudes

    • 10 months ago

      enlighten us what you learned from the woke feminist film

      • 10 months ago

        I’m kenough

  17. 10 months ago

    It celebrates and lampoons both men and women by weaving gender roles around eachother to ultimately promote individual identities rather than ideological ones.

    • 10 months ago

      this. The patriarchy hurts both men and women.

      • 10 months ago

        The "Patriarchy" is the Illuminati for bitter dried up cat hags.

    • 10 months ago

      Barbieland is the representation of patriarchy in the movie, a point that a lot of people miss somehow.

  18. 10 months ago

    The greatest achievement of this movie is that it can convince anyone to pay to watch it and have enough contradictory political statements and subtext throughout that anyone can do the mental gymnastics necessary to leave the theater thinking the movie actually has the viewer's political intentions in mind. The actual political intentions of the movie? Pissing culture war morons off and selling tickets and dolls and mojo dojo casa houses, which it completely succeeded in. Based Barbie.

  19. 10 months ago

    Let me get a stream no gf to go to the movies with

  20. 10 months ago
    Craig T. Nelson

    Gerwig l!!!!
    Frick yeah, baby!..

    I love you.

    • 10 months ago
      Craig T. Nelson

      See here, the real cool Cinemaphileners like Gerwigs growth.

      • 10 months ago

        Go jerk yourself off somewhere else homosexual.

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