Its at the window

I know you guys are the most brutal people on the internet so hearing some criticism by you may be helpful.

Here’s the animation, I need criticism that’s all.

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  1. 11 months ago

    There needs to be a scene where the bpy gets attacked while he's taking a poopy in the bathroom, those are always the scawiest scenes.

  2. 11 months ago

    Why should I watch trend-chasing zoomer analog horror shit

    • 11 months ago

      This is not analog horror and idk what “trend” I’m supposed to be chasing.
      Horror is a genre not a trend.

    • 11 months ago

      >Muh analog covid inspired shit

      >Cinemaphile got so mind broken by the photoshop smudge tool that everything is analog horror now

  3. 11 months ago

    There needs to be a scene where he fricks him in the ass and mouth

    • 11 months ago

      The character is a literal child what is the matter with you?

  4. 11 months ago

    >Muh analog covid inspired shit

  5. 11 months ago

    It alright, kinda bland

  6. 11 months ago

    I feel the order of events is wrong. The knocking is supposed to be first, the the kid tells the mother it was knocking and then she delivers the horror punchline about the building height.

    • 11 months ago

      For the order of events I followed the original comic but you are right, it would make more sense thay way.

    • 11 months ago

      Its pretty good, think this anon has it right . Wish we could see a little more of the monster beyond the spidery leg, like the weird face in the thumbnail. Is this a trailer for a comic?

      This is not analog horror and idk what “trend” I’m supposed to be chasing.
      Horror is a genre not a trend.

      >Muh analog covid inspired shit

      Ignore these two morons, they are referring to things like Local 58 and the Mandela Catalogue which is not well liked around here due to most of those things being low quality and oversaturation. This has nothing do with their delusions

      The character is a literal child what is the matter with you?

      Usual Cinemaphile degeneracy.

      You are a complete Godsend compared to that episode of Helluva Boss. In fact, I am taking all the loosh Vivzie attempted to withdraw from that half hearted attempt at a jackoff session and giving it to you. You now hold all the hope and faith of the future of animation in your hands.

      Honestly this, with Helluva Boss slowly sinking and Confinements disastrous suicide web animation is in a bad place. We need people like you

      I'm trans btw if that matters 🙂

      Ok now I fricking hate it

      • 11 months ago

        >slowly sinking
        It's about to implode like the Titan submersible. You don't understand anon. This is gonna be cataclysmic for the animation industry. Vivzie single handedly ruined the buzz. This is gonna be like flounder the animated series all over again. Right at the end of an economic boom too. You know what hurts me the most? Her show at the start had potential... Now I'm just dissapointed. I've relapsed into watching old cartoons. I'm running on ai life support. This is the Happening.

        • 11 months ago

          Helluva Boss's self-destruction is pretty bad but compared to Confinement? Its like a candle to the sun. Im planning on making a thread to showcase good web animation.

          >Fade in, Billy is facing his mother.
          >"It was knocking on my window last night, mom."
          This sentence feels weird. "Something was knocking..." would feel more natural.
          Calling it "it" means that Billy and his mom know who or what he's talking about.

          >Scene switch to the Billy's mother facing Billy.
          It seems to me you haven't really thought out where this conversation is taking place.
          Is it taking place in the middle of the room? Why not with both of them at a table, eating breakfast perhaps?
          This, together with the son talking about "last night" would make logical sense (something happens at night -> son talks about it during breakfast after the night is over).

          >"This is a third-story apartment."
          >The mother grabs her son's shoulder, the background darkens.
          This scene is nonsensical, why is she grabbing her son's shoulder as if he did something wrong?
          Her facial expression isn't telling me this was supposed to be an assuring grab, especially with the background fading away.

          "Billy, who was at your window last night?"
          Why the frick would Billy know? Why does the mother look so scared? Acting this way will only make her son scared, too.
          If the mother is paranoid about something being at Billy's window, why is she allowing him to continue sleeping in his room the following night?
          Besides, people usually wave away the supernatural with quick explanations; "It was probably just the wind, Billy.".


          >Fade to the son being under a cover holding a lightbulb.
          A lightbulb? What? Why not a flashlight?

          >Sudden scene switch to a window, with spider legs appearing.
          Should've added furniture next to the window so it doesn't look so disjointed from the previous scene.

          >Sudden scene switch to the son sitting up from his bed, facing the window.
          Animation error! He was just under his blankets, why was he suddenly lying down?

          >Scene switch to black with sfx of a window creaking open.
          Amazing sfx, but I would have timed this with the horrified facial expression of Billy:
          >"Oh, it's here again. It didn't bother me last time, so surely it wo- OH GOD IT'S OPENING THE WINDOW"
          Also, make sure you have the rights to use the sfx.

          >Sudden scene switch to the logo of your channel.
          Get rid of this. Seriously. I get that you want to advertise your channel, but it takes away all of the tension you just build up.


          Nice tips but youre overanalyzing and nitpicking what seems to be a comic trailer

          Bruh, this is not me, I’m not trans.

          >new ip
          You're not OP either, pretender.

          Oh now we got an imposter among us, who is the real OP?

          • 11 months ago

            >Nice tips but youre overanalyzing and nitpicking what seems to be a comic trailer
            What? OP asked for honest criticism, I gave him honest criticism. It's as simple as that.

          • 11 months ago

            Severity is not size. Confinement is demographically locked. The scope of what Helluva just did will be astronomical. A consistent shitshow is not as bad as an implosive one. This will be what "Murder On Ice" was to broadway. Short term gain for a massive term loss. I can only manage damage. I can't magically spawn a new wiener. We're fricking boned.

            • 11 months ago

              Here I made this thread


              Post any webshows you like

          • 11 months ago

            It’s me I’m just going to switch back to anonymous because there’s a shit head pretending to be me.

          • 11 months ago

            What happened to confinement is honestly disappointing
            (I decided to switch back to animator)

      • 11 months ago

        It wasn’t me replying, some guy just named themselves animator, you can see the user code being different at the end

        • 11 months ago

          Yeah I am just check the user codes lol

          These are not "user codes" they are Post numbers. If you dont want to be anonymous or want people to recognize you, use a name, tripcode, or secure tripcode. These go in the name field when posting, a name is a name, obviously, check Cinemaphiles FAQ page for info on how to make a tripcode or secure tripcode

  7. 11 months ago

    I'm trans btw if that matters 🙂

    • 11 months ago

      Bruh, this is not me, I’m not trans.

      • 11 months ago

        >new ip
        You're not OP either, pretender.

        • 11 months ago

          Yeah I am just check the user codes lol

          • 11 months ago

            >user codes
            ...lurk two years before posting, newbie.

    • 11 months ago

      Bruh, this is not me, I’m not trans.

      neither of these is me btw

  8. 11 months ago

    You are a complete Godsend compared to that episode of Helluva Boss. In fact, I am taking all the loosh Vivzie attempted to withdraw from that half hearted attempt at a jackoff session and giving it to you. You now hold all the hope and faith of the future of animation in your hands.

  9. 11 months ago

    I think the sway back and forth while talking is stupid tbh

  10. 11 months ago

    >Fade in, Billy is facing his mother.
    >"It was knocking on my window last night, mom."
    This sentence feels weird. "Something was knocking..." would feel more natural.
    Calling it "it" means that Billy and his mom know who or what he's talking about.

    >Scene switch to the Billy's mother facing Billy.
    It seems to me you haven't really thought out where this conversation is taking place.
    Is it taking place in the middle of the room? Why not with both of them at a table, eating breakfast perhaps?
    This, together with the son talking about "last night" would make logical sense (something happens at night -> son talks about it during breakfast after the night is over).

    >"This is a third-story apartment."
    >The mother grabs her son's shoulder, the background darkens.
    This scene is nonsensical, why is she grabbing her son's shoulder as if he did something wrong?
    Her facial expression isn't telling me this was supposed to be an assuring grab, especially with the background fading away.

    "Billy, who was at your window last night?"
    Why the frick would Billy know? Why does the mother look so scared? Acting this way will only make her son scared, too.
    If the mother is paranoid about something being at Billy's window, why is she allowing him to continue sleeping in his room the following night?
    Besides, people usually wave away the supernatural with quick explanations; "It was probably just the wind, Billy.".


    • 11 months ago

      >Fade to the son being under a cover holding a lightbulb.
      A lightbulb? What? Why not a flashlight?

      >Sudden scene switch to a window, with spider legs appearing.
      Should've added furniture next to the window so it doesn't look so disjointed from the previous scene.

      >Sudden scene switch to the son sitting up from his bed, facing the window.
      Animation error! He was just under his blankets, why was he suddenly lying down?

      >Scene switch to black with sfx of a window creaking open.
      Amazing sfx, but I would have timed this with the horrified facial expression of Billy:
      >"Oh, it's here again. It didn't bother me last time, so surely it wo- OH GOD IT'S OPENING THE WINDOW"
      Also, make sure you have the rights to use the sfx.

      >Sudden scene switch to the logo of your channel.
      Get rid of this. Seriously. I get that you want to advertise your channel, but it takes away all of the tension you just build up.


      • 11 months ago

        It’s a nightlight, you can see the wire, I understand the confusion tho because it’s a nightlight I had when I was 7 or 8 and it’s not shaped like a normal night light.

        I wanted the window to be devoid of all furniture to feel big yet claustrophobic because the only thing you can see is the window.

        This was more of a shortcut because I didn’t have the time to show him getting out of the covers so I just showed him pushing the blanket away.

        This one is a complete hit, yes I should’ve totally done that.
        The sfx is royalty free don’t worry.

        This is an outro, it was an animated 3d intro before (you can check other videos to see it, not every video has one tho), it’s there to both let people know I made it and so people don’t steal the animation.
        Also I made a community pool to decide where the intro should be and if there should be one at all and people chose for it to be at the end.

        • 11 months ago

          >I made a community pool to decide
          Rookie mistake. No worries, you'll eventually learn to not listen to your audience (they literally don't know what they're talking about, it's the age-old producer vs consumer conflict).

    • 11 months ago

      Billy says “there was knocking on my window last night mom”

      The conversation takes place right out of Billy’s room as you can see the toys the carpet and the wardrobe that appear again in the window scene, he just came out of the room and started talking to his mom.

      She is grabbing Billy because she’s worried, she asks “who” because she doesn’t want to belive it was “something” instead.
      The background fades away because of composition making the mom stand out more and making it clear she’s worried.

      This one I thought was clear enough but apparently it isn’t, the last scenes show what happened during the “last night” Billy refers to.

      • 11 months ago

        >as you can see the toys the carpet and the wardrobe that appear again in the window scene, he just came out of the room and started talking to his mom.
        These are things that happened in your head (as an animator), but aren't clear to the viewer.

        >she asks “who” because she doesn’t want to belive it was “something” instead.
        But she just told Billy that they live on the third floor, how could it have been a person?

        >the last scenes show what happened during the “last night” Billy refers to.
        ...yeah that isn't clear at all. How come Billy wasn't talking about it opening the window? Or was the sfx the bedroom door opening?

        • 11 months ago

          You can see the room behind him and Billy is still in his pijama.

          She wants to belive it’s someone and not something, people get delusional when they are scared.

          The voice lines are from a video by another creator, I couldn’t change them sadly.

  11. 11 months ago

    Hey op I think this is a neat little animation I expect big things from you and most importantly the monster reveal better be scary

    • 11 months ago

      Thank you!
      I’m actually working on a longer animation in the back more about classic horror and body horror.
      And especially a clear montster.

  12. 11 months ago

    It's shit
    but it's good enough to catch young people if you put it in front of them
    each component is lackluster, (animation, voice acting, background music)
    but put together they are indistinguishable from mainstream youtube horror aimed at teens

    I think if you marketed well, you would do really well and go ahead in time as you polish your skills (which are already good enough to succeed)

    • 11 months ago

      Im Not a mainstream channel, I just animate stuff for fun, it’s one person (me) animating all the videos and occasionally someone helping with audio design (most voice acting is either by ai or from videos).

      • 11 months ago

        SOVL!!! TRUE INDIE!!!
        Also I just realized the voice was from Gearisko I was wondering where I heard that voice from

        • 11 months ago

          Yooo someone else who knows the king, this is the third animation I make from his audio.

          • 11 months ago

            His videos are a mixed bag, some of the "scary" stuff he shows is not scary at all, but he introduced me to a lot of underrated things. I liked his June Archive vid a lot

  13. 11 months ago

    the youtube kids horror monster in the thumbnail makes me want to not watch it, sorry anon

    • 11 months ago

      I actually designed a monster but didn’t include it in the animation because I tought it didn’t fit in.
      It was an old man with no eyes and quite putrified and then from his throat a massive animal skull came out with red eyes.

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