Its good. But White Christmas will always be their most kinoest episode

Its good.
But White Christmas will always be their most kinoest episode

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  1. 12 months ago

    black mirror was never good

    • 12 months ago

      None of their episodes are good. They are all angsty try-hard bawww-sad-ending girly trash.

      This. All British sci-fi are garbage. Including Dr Who.

      • 12 months ago

        >unhappy endings make me cry baby tears
        you're the only girly trash here m8

    • 12 months ago

      None of their episodes are good. They are all angsty try-hard bawww-sad-ending girly trash.

      This. All British sci-fi are garbage. Including Dr Who.

      this are trannies

      • 12 months ago

        Only queers (like you) enjoy watching angsty garbage, queer.

        • 12 months ago


        • 12 months ago

          You sound afraid, almost frightened

    • 12 months ago

      season 1 to 3 ranged from alright to good, after it became shit

    • 12 months ago


      Most episodes have so far-fetched scenarios that it took me out of it everytime, and on top of that it thinks it's intelligent. I don't care if it's science fiction or """"speculative"""" fiction, a lot of premises are severely flawed and make no sense

  2. 12 months ago

    good ending but you have to sit through an hour and 15 minutes of goddamn drek to get there.

    • 12 months ago

      >good ending
      Call me brainlet but I swear I didn't get it

      • 12 months ago

        You are not a brainlet. The ending is stupid.

      • 12 months ago

        You are not a brainlet. The ending is stupid.

        You're both brainlets

        • 12 months ago

          You are stupid.

          • 12 months ago

            I understood the ending and you didn't. That makes you the stupid one. Instead of being angry about it, try to learn. And respect your betters, like me.

      • 12 months ago

        Big guy killed small guy's wife (kid is likely just collateral lol) because if he can't have them, the small guy can't either. Now they're in the same situation and you could argue that for the sake of the mission they can share the robot now.

        • 12 months ago

          No, its because he was trapped with the only person who could help him, but who clearly didn't understand his dilemma, now they are on equal ground and there was no real other way to achieve equality.

          • 12 months ago

            >there was no real other way to achieve equality
            He could've just let him frick his wife!

          • 12 months ago

            have a nice day

            • 12 months ago

              You do realize that word has other meanings outside of woke politics? Your brain has been completely destroyed by le culture wars

          • 12 months ago

            The was, why couldn’t the guy with the dead family just get in his car and frick other women in the next town over.
            It’s not like Aaron Paul would be committing infidelity if it wasn’t his consciousness piloting the replica.
            He was moronic to let a clearly unstable man mourning the death of his family play house with his hot wife lel

            • 12 months ago

              Ok, but that isn't a critique of traditional family, you are just saying you shouldn't trust people at all, especially those outside of your family.

      • 12 months ago

        The 'blood' was just paint. The other dude was trying to scare the guy with a wife. Let him know he could have killed them but didn't, show him how it feels for a moment. He was desperate to have someone to relate with him

        • 12 months ago

          You're an idiot

  3. 12 months ago

    Why wouldn’t the replicas be sent into space if they have this near fricking magic link to earth?

    • 12 months ago

      because replicas require maintenance and are not completely reliable over long distances, this is what was said by Brooker in an ar ecent interview. I don't know why it wasn't included in the final cut

      • 12 months ago

        >I don't know why it wasn't included in the final cut
        Because he just made it up when his stupidity was exposed. He's a hack.

        • 12 months ago

          The story is way more interesting with the real people in space and the replicas on earth. Only plothole autists looking for things to make youtube essays about would say otherwise.

          • 12 months ago

            No it's not they could've removed the spaceship shit it would've been more interesting but it would be too similar to Possessor if they're moronic writers.

            • 12 months ago

              >I'll just namedrop this completely unrelated movie about bodyhopping assassins in the hopes that no one has seen it and therefore can't call me on my bullshit
              I have seen it and you are full of shit.

              The entire story is about loneliness, the kind of extreme loneliness that could only be a thing if they were in space, on a deep sea research station, or in Antarctica.

        • 12 months ago

          it's in the original script which is from 2020

      • 12 months ago

        >replicas require maintenance
        Seems nearly impossible for them to require more maintenance than people and like it would break immersion for the family to constantly maintain their family member.

    • 12 months ago

      >every fricking thread
      Dumb frick

  4. 12 months ago

    Thought aaron paul was acting awful until he had to act like the other guy, which was somehow more convincing.

  5. 12 months ago

    What was the reason for this to take place in 1969? Why couldn't they just put it into the future?

    • 12 months ago

      To make it different from the rest of the series, and because it's largely an exploration of the culture of the time. The way men were, particularly in high stress jobs and environments, the way they thought of family, etc. That's why this board is split on it, the /misc/ interlopers hate how much it exposes traditionalism as a crock of shit

      • 12 months ago

        >it exposes traditionalism as a crock of shit
        How so?

        • 12 months ago

          First of all, the way of life David cultivated didn't protect him from what happened to him. If anything it made him a target. Second, as justified as Cliff is to be disturbed and upset by David courting his wife and drawing pictures of her, his reaction is SO extreme that it's clear there's something else behind it. An insecurity that was already there. He knew his wife wasn't happy and wanted a different life. I mean, come on, David had his entire life destroyed and it's understandable that having an experience walking around in paradise in another man's skin would make him confused. Not to mention, Cliff walked right into it. He even goes out into space without considering for a moment that David might take advantage of it, and it's because he's this really old fashioned traditional man's man to the point where such a thing would never even occur to him.

          Oh, and the episode is not particularly subtle about the fact that Cliff is gay.

          • 12 months ago

            >Oh, and the episode is not particularly subtle about the fact that Cliff is gay.
            Gaycrackers from Outer Space?

          • 12 months ago

            >If anything it made him a target.
            He was a target because of the use of advanced technology, not the traditional life he cultivated outside of his high tech job.

            >He knew his wife wasn't happy and wanted a different life
            Because he left her alone with a robot simulacrum that couldn't even be intimate.

            >He even goes out into space
            Spacewalks are related to tradlife how?

            > a thing would never even occur to him.
            No, he didn't consider it because if something happened to him the other guy would be fricked since its a two man mission and both men are critical.

            • 12 months ago

              >not the traditional life he cultivated outside of his high tech job.
              It's both. What you think it was just a coincidence that the killers bore a striking resemblance to the Manson family? You need to read between the lines, bud.
              >Because he left her alone with a robot simulacrum that couldn't even be intimate.
              No. They make it very clear that his wife was a social butterfly who would have hated living in such seclusion even if you eliminate the replica thing from the equation entirely. And replicas CAN be intimate. David was intimate with his own wife. Just because they can't frick (and it's not clear they can't - Cliff's replica could produce tears, it's feasible he could also ejaculate) doesn't mean that's an excuse for Cliff to not even touch her.
              >Spacewalks are related to tradlife how?
              I didn't say they were. Don't be obtuse. My point is that he still trusted David with his life even though David had violated his trust repeatedly, and that's because he's naive, he assumes that everyone around him is part of the same worldview he is and will adhere to the same rules. And it fricks him over, royally. Think Barry Lyndon.
              >No, he didn't consider it because if something happened to him the other guy would be fricked since its a two man mission and both men are critical.
              David did take advantage of it. He murdered Cliff's entire family. You seem like one of those autists who takes every statement 100% literally and has no comprehension of subtext.

              • 12 months ago

                >to the Manson family?
                They didn't target tradfams, they targeted rich urban Hollywood insiders who were probably swingers, what does the Manson Family have to do with traditional families what between lines am I missing?

                Not really a tradfam thing, if they were really tradfam, they would have several kids instead of 1.

                > My point is that he still trusted David with his life
                He had to and he was mostly pushed to trust, its not like he came up with the idea to share the robot on his own, they were the only two men on a two man mission where both men were critical.

                >everyone around him is part of the same worldview he is and will adhere to the same rules
                The only person around him is the second man in a two man mission who is critical to his survival from before the film even started.

                >David did take advantage of it.
                Yea and it really fricked the mission, the implication that they will both die as the movie ends because the trust between the critical members of the mission had been severed.

              • 12 months ago

                So you asked me to elaborate purely for the purpose of hairsplitting my point to hell and back. Should have let me know that from the start, I wouldn't have bothered.

                >what does the Manson Family have to do with traditional families what between lines am I missing
                If you seriously have no idea how the Manson murders affected society and culture at the time or violated the trust/belief in institutions, traditions or views of the world at the time, I cannot help you. Read a book or some shit.
                >Not really a tradfam thing, if they were really tradfam, they would have several kids instead of 1.
                That is an extremely stupid thing to say.
                >its not like he came up with the idea to share the robot on his own
                It was literally Cliff's idea.
                >The only person around him is the second man in a two man mission who is critical to his survival from before the film even started.
                Yeah. I'll just let him have time alone with my lonely wife with absolutely no supervision, then. Makes sense.
                >Yea and it really fricked the mission
                Beside the point. I don't think either of them gave a frick about the mission by the end.

              • 12 months ago

                >the story should have been way less interesting because that way it would make more sense to my boring logical plothole obsessed autism
                Don't ever write.

                shut up homosexual shills, I see you.

              • 12 months ago

                Make me.

              • 12 months ago

                >hair splitting
                Nothing you have said is related to the traditional family unit, though.

                >how the Manson murders affected society
                See not related to traditional family unit.

                >That is an extremely stupid thing to say.
                No, traditional families aren't made of a single mom raising one son while the husband is off in space. I don't understand how any of your critiques are related to exposing traditionalism as a crock of shit.

                >It was literally Cliff's idea.
                It was literally his wife's idea.

                >I'll just let him have time alone with my lonely wife
                So you are saying he wasn't actually trad since he was breaking the Pence rule and letting his wife be alone with another man?

                >Beside the point.
                No, its exactly why he was forced to trust the other guy, they were trapped in the mission, if they didn't work together they both die.

              • 12 months ago

                I'm not talking to you anymore. You're either trolling or you have a legitimate mental disability of some kind.

              • 12 months ago

                No, you literally haven't exposed anything about traditionalism, you have only pointed out that it is bad to be victimized by a cult or leave your wife with other men or run off to space leaving only a robot behind.

              • 12 months ago

                I've explained it with more than enough detail. You are incapable of understanding subtext on a fundamental, conceptual level. Your brain is broken and I can't explain things to someone with a broken brain.

              • 12 months ago

                No, you haven't, you talked about completely different things than traditionalism.

                You say Manson family has something to do with traditional family unit because they are completely the opposite and scared tradfams with their murder spree, you are not making any sense and haven't pointed out any way that the episode was suppose to be some major critique against traditional families.

              • 12 months ago

                >scared tradfams with their murder spree

              • 12 months ago

                No because trad families weren't the only type of person that got scared by the antics of the Manson Family, it was mostly urban swingers who invited people like that to their swinging hollywood parties.

              • 12 months ago

                Manson did it as a statement against the traditional, conservative, fundamentalist views of the time. He did it to get back at a society that he felt had marginalized, dismissed and mistreated him. Read a fricking book or something, jesus.

              • 12 months ago

                No he did it to stoke a race war because he hated the legal system and none of that goes anyway to proving that the episode is approving of the cult's actions and inferring the traditional family is a crock of shit because they were stupid enough to be killed by a cult of tards.

              • 12 months ago

                >you have to approve of a murderous cult in order to expose flaws in traditional family values, it can't be one or the other
                more hot takes at 11

              • 12 months ago

                Its your argument get mad at yourself if you think its as stupid as the rest of us do.

              • 12 months ago

                My argument is not that you have to condone murder in order to think that traditional family values have some issues, and you only thought it was because you're breathtakingly stupid.

              • 12 months ago

                So then how do people who murdered traditional families and scared other families prove that traditional families are a crock of shit because they can be murdered and scared?

              • 12 months ago

                Because refusing to believe what people are capable of means you aren't prepared when they show you. Cliff's family would still be alive if he decided not to trust David after David proved himself to be completely untrustworthy. That is only one of the many ways that the episode deals in the values and conceptions of the time, particularly the traditional ones oriented around nuclear families.

              • 12 months ago

                That has nothing to do with traditional family or the manson family, it has to do with being forced into a working relationship where trust is tantamount.

              • 12 months ago

                >That has nothing to do with traditional family or the manson family
                The traditional families in the episode have to do with traditional families. The murderous cult in the episode that is practically identical to the Manson family has to do with the Manson family. Cliff's family is destroyed directly as a result of him thinking that David's perspective is like his, since they are both traditionalist family patriarchs. He misjudges David as a result. Additionally, his family is strained and already at risk of fracturing apart before David even uses his link because of his traditional family perspective, i.e. moving his wife into the wilderness without any regard for how she feels about it, raising his son in a staunch and authoritarian way that makes him misbehave and further strains his relationship with his wife, never touching his wife or showing her any affection because lantern-jawed men from the 50's and 60's never show emotion particularly around the ladyfolk, etc. etc. etc. This is all in the episode. Just because you didn't notice any of it doesn't mean it isn't there. As I said, it's not just about a guy who has a robot. There are themes, ideas. There's subtext. Like in any good story. Just like The Terminator is not just about a girl who is running away from a robot, because there are cold war themes, reliance on technology themes, etc. etc. etc. There are only so many different ways I can explain the same obvious shit to you without you understanding it before I give up and acquiesce to it being pointless. As I said, I hope for your sake that this is just an elaborate troll. In which case, well done.

              • 12 months ago

                >Show about the distopian use of technology
                >Hey how about we make a critique of the 60s family stereotype for the nth time in modern drama series instead
                Its shit.

              • 12 months ago

                >this episode doesn't fit into my neatly labelled box even though numerous episodes since the start of the show, including the very first episode, don't fit into that box at all
                You should stop punching above your weight.

              • 12 months ago

                mentally moronic, probably

                >the astronauts mind-link with robotic replicas who assume their family duties while they're away in outer space
                yeah not science fiction at all

                There's nothing distopian about it. Its just a means to an end. But if you can't read what I posted you probably can't understand a 55 minute episode.

              • 12 months ago

                >There's nothing distopian about it. Its just a means to an end.
                As is true about literally every Black Mirror episode ever. Fifty Million Merits is about reality television, celebrity and oligarchy. Entire History Of You is about relationships and trust. White Bear is about vigilante justice. Etc.

              • 12 months ago

                >the astronauts mind-link with robotic replicas who assume their family duties while they're away in outer space
                yeah not science fiction at all

              • 12 months ago

                >The traditional families in the episode have to do with traditional families. The murderous cult in the episode that is practically identical to the Manson family has to do with the Manson family.
                ok, so no critique yet.

                >Cliff's family is destroyed directly as a result of him thinking that David's perspective is like his... He misjudges David as a result.
                That is not a failure of traditional family, it is a failure of him to empathize with someone whose life was destroyed, if the guy was in a hippie cult and some traditional family came to murder his entire cult while he was in space, he would have behaved very similarly and it would have been equally hard to predict his behavior because its a story about grief not tradition.

                >moving his wife into the wilderness without any regard for how she feels about it, raising his son
                If they actually had a trad senpai with dozens of kids, she wouldn't be isolated and alone and it was more the leaving her alone with a robot that really fractured the relationship and no amount of trying to change the subject to a different movie or different themes will change any of that.

              • 12 months ago

                >ok, so no critique yet.
                No, just the previous fifty attempts in this thread that failed to penetrate your void-like cranium.
                >it is a failure of him to empathize with someone whose life was destroyed
                The way the patriarch of a traditional family would. Because they aren't into touchy feely stuff like empathy, emotion, therapy, trauma, etc.
                >if the guy was in a hippie cult and some traditional family came to murder his entire cult while he was in space
                Yes, the episode would be different if it was different. Very good.
                >its a story about grief not tradition
                It's so weird that you think it can't be both. It's about a lot of things. It's also about loneliness.
                >If they actually had a trad senpai with dozens of kids, she wouldn't be isolated and alone
                Actually a person can feel alone even when surrounded by family. She literally says she feels more alone when he's there than when he's gone IN the fricking episode. You just didn't get it, admit it to yourself if not to me.
                >the leaving her alone with a robot that really fractured the relationship
                It was fractured before the stuff with the robots. She says so. She says moving out there in the first place wasn't what she wanted.
                >no amount of trying to change the subject to a different movie
                You really think I brought up The Terminator because I was hoping we'd start talking about The Terminator and forget all about Black Mirror? That's idiotic. It was an ANALOGY. Look up what that word means. Referencing something else to make a point is not against the rules, you fricking weirdo.

              • 12 months ago

                > the previous fifty attempts
                No you have attempted to side step and change the subject every time because you can't actually blame any of the events on traditional family.

                >The way the patriarch of a traditional family would.
                If they were both cult leaders in a two man mission and one lost the cult while the other didn't, it would play out the exact same way.

                >if it was different
                I said the outcome would be the same, though, because it is not a critique of traditional family, it is a story of grief.

                which is a type of grief

                >She says moving out there
                The house was brand new, they didn't move there before the robot.

              • 12 months ago

                >No you have attempted to side step and change the subject every time because you can't actually blame any of the events on traditional family.
                No, I've explained what should be a pretty simple concept to you approximately a dozen different ways and you refuse to understand it. You're such a weird brain damaged autist that you don't even know how analogies work and somehow think that using an analogy in a discussion is "changing the subject".
                >If they were both cult leaders in a two man mission and one lost the cult while the other didn't, it would play out the exact same way.
                No it wouldn't. It would be a completely different story.
                >I said the outcome would be the same, though, because it is not a critique of traditional family, it is a story of grief.
                No, if you change major components of a story it does not stay the same. That's what "change" means.
                >which is a type of grief
                Not necessarily, no. Are you seriously arguing a story can only be about one thing at a time?
                >The house was brand new, they didn't move there before the robot.
                There is clear evidence of wear and tear on the roof that David incorporates into his painting.

          • 12 months ago

            >not the traditional life he cultivated outside of his high tech job.
            It's both. What you think it was just a coincidence that the killers bore a striking resemblance to the Manson family? You need to read between the lines, bud.
            >Because he left her alone with a robot simulacrum that couldn't even be intimate.
            No. They make it very clear that his wife was a social butterfly who would have hated living in such seclusion even if you eliminate the replica thing from the equation entirely. And replicas CAN be intimate. David was intimate with his own wife. Just because they can't frick (and it's not clear they can't - Cliff's replica could produce tears, it's feasible he could also ejaculate) doesn't mean that's an excuse for Cliff to not even touch her.
            >Spacewalks are related to tradlife how?
            I didn't say they were. Don't be obtuse. My point is that he still trusted David with his life even though David had violated his trust repeatedly, and that's because he's naive, he assumes that everyone around him is part of the same worldview he is and will adhere to the same rules. And it fricks him over, royally. Think Barry Lyndon.
            >No, he didn't consider it because if something happened to him the other guy would be fricked since its a two man mission and both men are critical.
            David did take advantage of it. He murdered Cliff's entire family. You seem like one of those autists who takes every statement 100% literally and has no comprehension of subtext.

            >I'll just namedrop this completely unrelated movie about bodyhopping assassins in the hopes that no one has seen it and therefore can't call me on my bullshit
            I have seen it and you are full of shit.

            The entire story is about loneliness, the kind of extreme loneliness that could only be a thing if they were in space, on a deep sea research station, or in Antarctica.

            shut up b***h, the replicas should be in space instead, but you can't do your ebin shill analysis if that was the case now would it?

            • 12 months ago

              >DUMB GUY SMASH

              • 12 months ago

                ya seething.

                the replicas should've been in space instead, period. i refuse to further discuss anything else you fricking shill.

              • 12 months ago

                >the story should have been way less interesting because that way it would make more sense to my boring logical plothole obsessed autism
                Don't ever write.

              • 12 months ago

                You sound like you like new star wars

              • 12 months ago

                I don't like any Star Wars because I'm not a child.

          • 12 months ago

            >He’s gay because it feels weird to frick his wife with a weird synthetic body
            Why are you c**ts like this?

            • 12 months ago

              They obviously were having marital problems before the replicas were a thing. His wife would be a lot more understanding if he didn't touch her purely when he was away on a mission. He doesn't touch her at all, probably never did other than to conceive their son.

            • 12 months ago

              dude, I don't agree with his full analysis, but at the end David invites Cliff to sit next to him, and then you hear the song you saw him listen when touching his wife AND cliff's wife before
              what do you want? Gay sex right in front of you, HBO style?

          • 12 months ago


            Beyond the sea:
            I love this episode and the fact you can interpret it in so many ways shows how good it was. I think in the writer's mind the story was about male egos. They clearly show that both men don't give a shit about their wives but only use them to feed their ego. The stoic guy doesn't give a frick about his wife's desires and need for affection because he can't have sex himself without his genitals. The romantic guy does the literally same program for both females with the same song and fingering session, showing it's just what he does to feed his ego as a man who knows how to please a woman. Both wives don't like to live with a robot, but had no saying in it. The romantic guy was like a snake and wanted to proof to himself he could get the other guy's wife to love him. When the stoic hears how miserable he made his own wife his ego is demolished. And what does he do? He uses his wife to hurt and demolish the romantic guy's ego to the ground pretending she said those things, which she clearly did not and bragging about how he can frick her any time and any way he wants. Her wife is just an object to hurt the other guy. And in the end the romantic guy goes as far as kill 2 innocent people just for rebuilding his ego and getting back at the stoic guy without giving one frick about the wife and kid.
            But I think the episode is all about balance in my personal opinion.

            you are a moron. it's not about being closet gay you fricking queer, it's about male egos. go eat a dick, you groomer

            • 12 months ago

              Why don't you ask that guy if he thinks my interpretation is wrong, or idiotic. My guess is he's going to say no, since he went out of the way to state that the episode is open to interpretation and that his is just one of many valid interpretations. This is because he is reasonable, and smart, whereas you are not.

              • 12 months ago

                jokes on you, pal. that post was mine to begin with. you have every right to interpret this episode as you please. But trying to convince others or even calling them dumb for not sharing your view is just low. I don't get why EVERYTHING these days has to be about modern politics. Just let this story stand on its own. The only puzzling thing for me is the inclusion of the cult and tbh I'm quite sure they only did that for the trailer because americans fricking love him for some reason. You could argue it's about god in space and humans on earth, you can argue it's about how humans evolve and for some this evolution goes way too fast and they are scared by it. But making traditional families look bad? I really never saw that for one minute. The only thing you could argue is the time it's set in and that wives didn't really have a say in anything. But nowhere did this episode say "traditional family values bad" or that one of the men is gay. That is really projection.

              • 12 months ago

                I apologize, it seems I drastically overestimated your intelligence.

              • 12 months ago

                why are you so mindbroken? why do you hate families and straight people? you should seek help

              • 12 months ago

                I never called anyone stupid for not agreeing with me. They attacked my position, I defended it. End of story.

                My interpretation is that the character was gay, but I don't think it's the only interpretation and I didn't find anything "political" about it. The traditional nuclear family values stuff is absolutely in the episode though, there is no other reason to set it in 1969. You're the one who assumes those themes cannot be present unless they are there as some kind of liberal agenda, and that's because YOU'RE mindbroken, not me.

              • 12 months ago

                out of curiosity why should he be gay? because he listens to french music? because he is an artist? prejudice much.
                if that's what the episode was about for you, then be it. the best thing about shows like black mirror is the discussion about it afterwards anyway. But I really cannot follow your conclusions on this one. But I'll say on a side note that everyone not getting the ending or calling it bad was truly filtered. it was one of the best endings in a movie or show ever for me.

              • 12 months ago

                >out of curiosity why should he be gay? because he listens to french music? because he is an artist? prejudice much.
                Wow, so you don't even know which character I'm talking about. That's DAVID. CLIFF is (debatably) gay.
                >if that's what the episode was about for you
                The episode is not ABOUT his gayness, I never said such a thing.
                >But I'll say on a side note that everyone not getting the ending or calling it bad was truly filtered. it was one of the best endings in a movie or show ever for me.
                Glad we have some common ground I guess. It's the best thing I've seen in some time.

              • 12 months ago

                if every man who didn't touch his wife or knew how to please her was gay, damn. 80% of men would be gay then. joking

                yes, this episode was incredibly good and everyone coming up with "why didn't they send the androids to space" and "that ending sucked" are either too young or lack abstract thinking that's for sure. They should watch "easier" shows instead.

      • 12 months ago

        First of all, the way of life David cultivated didn't protect him from what happened to him. If anything it made him a target. Second, as justified as Cliff is to be disturbed and upset by David courting his wife and drawing pictures of her, his reaction is SO extreme that it's clear there's something else behind it. An insecurity that was already there. He knew his wife wasn't happy and wanted a different life. I mean, come on, David had his entire life destroyed and it's understandable that having an experience walking around in paradise in another man's skin would make him confused. Not to mention, Cliff walked right into it. He even goes out into space without considering for a moment that David might take advantage of it, and it's because he's this really old fashioned traditional man's man to the point where such a thing would never even occur to him.

        Oh, and the episode is not particularly subtle about the fact that Cliff is gay.

        Indeed. See for reference this guy:

        You're so fricking stupid, anon, holy shit. But the worst part is you think you're smarter than anyone on this board. A little humility would go a long way, you know?

        • 12 months ago

          I'm the smartest when I'm in a room full of dumbasses, that's for sure.

          • 12 months ago

            At least you admit you are a dumbass who only fits in a room full of them, you aren't completely lacking self awareness, so that is a plus.

            • 12 months ago

              Wow, you have such poor reading comprehension that you couldn't even follow that statement, huh? That's really sad. Yes, it's not remotely egotistical for me to say I'm smarter than you. It's like saying a mailman is smarter than a sea sponge.

              • 12 months ago

                I saw you bragging that you could only find people dumber than you in an entire room full of dumbasses.

              • 12 months ago

                Which means I *don't* fit in a room full of them. You know, the exact opposite of what you said.

              • 12 months ago


                I'm the smartest when I'm in a room full of dumbasses, that's for sure.

                No, its still here for everyone to see, there was no don't, you said that there are rooms full of dumbasses and you are in that room as the top dumbass.

              • 12 months ago


                Wow, you have such poor reading comprehension that you couldn't even follow that statement, huh? That's really sad. Yes, it's not remotely egotistical for me to say I'm smarter than you. It's like saying a mailman is smarter than a sea sponge.

                It IS there for everyone to see, so everyone can see how you hilariously somehow completely misinterpreted something so boneheadedly simple.

              • 12 months ago

                I didn't misinterpret anything, you lied about not fitting in, there was no don't, you specifically said that you belonged in a room full of dumbasses since that is the only place you would ever look smart.

              • 12 months ago

                I said I didn't belong in a room full of dumbasses because I'm not a dumbass. You are really fricking bad at this.

              • 12 months ago

                No you didn't, the post is still there

                I'm the smartest when I'm in a room full of dumbasses, that's for sure.

                >I'm the smartest when I'm in a room full of dumbasses, that's for sure
                The only way you can be the smartest is to go back into your dumbasses room, so feel free to go back since that is where you are the smartest.

              • 12 months ago

                The post is indeed there. So anyone who is inclined can see that I am right and you are wrong. I said I'm the smartest when I'm in a room full of dumbasses, not that I'm ONLY the smartest when I'm in a room full of dumbasses. Again, reading comprehension is important.

              • 12 months ago

                Which post, the post were you said there is a room of dumbasses somewhere and you are in it?

              • 12 months ago

                You mean the one where I said I was the smartest in a room full of dumbasses?

              • 12 months ago

                Yes where you admitted that is the room you belong in and like everyone else in it, you think you are the smartest.

              • 12 months ago

                I said nothing about belonging in it, you pulled that out of your ass. Yes, everyone thinks they're the smartest, but I happen to be right.

              • 12 months ago

                You specifically said you were in it and bragged about your rank in it, how can you be in it and have a rank, if you don't belong.

              • 12 months ago

                No, I didn't. All I said was that I was smartest in a room full of dumbasses. You interpreted a very general statement in an extremely specific, and incorrect, way.

              • 12 months ago

                >I was smartest in a room full of dumbasses.
                Yes exactly, you said you were in it and you gave your exact rank.

              • 12 months ago

                >you said you were in it
                which doesn't mean I belong there
                >you gave your exact rank
                Which is #1. Which says nothing about what my rank would be in a different room of different intelligence. You are so bad at this that I'm beginning to think you're that other autistic person in the thread who can't grasp basic themes and story and has been trying to get me to explain subtext to him for the past two hours

              • 12 months ago

                >which doesn't mean I belong there
                You definitively belong if you are ranked.

                >Which is #1.
                How did you get that rank, did all the dumbasses get together and decide you were the best dumbass or were you just the first person to see the room labeled, dumbasses go in this room and went in and stayed?

              • 12 months ago

                >You definitively belong if you are ranked.
                That makes absolutely no sense. If you have a list of shitty movies and one good movie and you rank the good movie as #1 qualitatively that doesn't mean that it is also shitty. That means that it is the least shitty.
                >How did you get that rank
                Because I'm the only one in the room who is not a dumbass.

              • 12 months ago

                So in addition to being the #1 dumbass, you are also the #1 shitty person in the room?

                Its a room full of dumbasses, you are obviously a dumbass if they let you into the room let alone ranked you as the #1 dumbass.

              • 12 months ago

                >So in addition to being the #1 dumbass, you are also the #1 shitty person in the room?
                Jesus, you just keep lowering the bar on reading comprehension, don't you?
                >Its a room full of dumbasses, you are obviously a dumbass if they let you into the room let alone ranked you as the #1 dumbass.
                Hmmm I didn't realize that Cinemaphile had a bouncer who would turn away anyone who wasn't a dumbass. I wonder how I managed to sneak in? It's almost like anyone can post here, and in a room full of dumbasses, I would be the most intelligent by virtue of not being a dumbass?

              • 12 months ago

                I never saw any plaque declaring this board for dumbasses either, you are the one that informed us there is some room for dumbasses and made sure everyone knows you belong there as their #1 leader, so feel free to go back and make sure that when people are making a list of dumbasses, they put your name at the top to acknowledge you are #1 long time.

              • 12 months ago

                I made sure everyone knew I didn't belong there because I'm not a dumbass. That's why I would be ranked smartest in a room full of dumbasses.

              • 12 months ago

                >I didn't belong there even though I was definitely there and they ranked me quite highly

              • 12 months ago

                >saying that you are smartest in a room full of dumbasses means that you are a dumbass because there are these rooms that exist and they are labelled "dumbasses" and "smart people" and it's physically impossible for both to occupy the same space at the same time
                Yes I guess by some manner of abstract quantum entanglement I somehow ended up in a room with people who are of an inferior intelligence, which means in a ranking of intellect, I am ranked highest.

              • 12 months ago

                Ok whatever helps you cope with being a dumbass in a room full of them relegated to arguing about how you are #1 dumbass.

              • 12 months ago

                I didn't say I was #1 dumbass, I said I was #1 in terms of intelligence, which is not an impressive feat when you are surrounded by dumbasses. And you have proven my point, seeing as how you're so insanely stupid that you have spent the last two hours failing to grasp a simple statement without resorting to bizarre incoherent leaps of logic to try to make some esoteric nonsensical point about rooms specifically reserved for dumbasses while ignoring the obvious implication that you are also calling yourself a dumbass by implication

              • 12 months ago

                Don't be so hard on yourself I am impressed you made #1 dumbass, I would never have even have known there is a room dedicated for dumbasses like you if you didn't share your story with us, your dumbass containment room would make a better episode of Black Mirror than the one we are suppose to be talking about in my opinion, so thanks for sharing your experience even if it unfolded in possibly the dumbest way possible, that is just par for the course for #1 dumbass.

              • 12 months ago

                I never said I was the #1 dumbass. If there is a #1 dumbass, it is unquestionably you. I'm not aware there is such a thing as a dumbass containment room, but if there was, you would certainly be admitted and I would not.

              • 12 months ago

                >I'm not aware there is such a thing as a dumbass containment room
                You are the one that brought it up and bragged about your #1 rank in the room for hours on end, though.

              • 12 months ago

                No. I did not. I brought up that I was in a room, that the room had dumbasses in it, and that I would be ranked #1 in terms of intelligence, because I am more intelligent than a dumbass. Everything else was shit you made up because you tried to outsmart me while failing to realize you don't possess the required equipment.

              • 12 months ago

                >the room had dumbasses in it,
                It didn't just have them, it was full of them, everyone in it is a dumbass and you announced how proud you are to be their dumbass leader and speak on their behalf, so that we can all learn a bit more about you people.

              • 12 months ago

                While we're making shit up, you told me that you eat your own feces and that it is a sacred delicacy in some cultures.

              • 12 months ago

                Except I can link the post where you explicitly said you hang out in rooms reserved for dumbasses and you have no such evidence for your lies.

              • 12 months ago

                By all means, do so.

              • 12 months ago

                I'm the smartest when I'm in a room full of dumbasses, that's for sure.

                Have it again, I have linked it several times, but it never gets old pointing out that you placed yourself inside a room filled with dumbasses.

                Now you.

              • 12 months ago

                Anon, I'm afraid you seem to be mistaken. You linked to a post in which I said "I'm the smartest when I'm in a room full of dumbasses." There was nothing said about the room having this dumbass exclusivity you speak of, no mention of my belonging there, that I hang out in rooms explicitly reserved for dumbasses (if such things even theoretically exist), or any mention that I'm ranked in terms of my stupidity rather than my intelligence, or anything of the sort. The statement clearly indicated that I'm smartest in a room full of dumbasses by virtue of not being a dumbass, I mean a child could see that. It's as clear as day. So I'm still waiting on the evidence you promised. Do take your time, though. I'm a patient man. It's one of the many perks of a powerful intellect.

              • 12 months ago

                >nothing said about the room having this dumbass exclusivity
                That is exactly what full of means, if you said mostly dumbasses, you might have a leg to stand on, but you specifically said it was full of them.

              • 12 months ago

                No, the word "full of" does not imply exclusivity. If you say "This house is full of mosquitoes!" that does not imply that you are also a mosquito. You can be a person, who is not a mosquito, in a room full of mosquitos. Only some kind of cretin or lunatic would assume that you were self-identifying as a mosquito if you said such a thing, or that you were claiming the room was exclusively a labelled "mosquito room." That would be pure insanity, in fact.

                I understand the problem now, you don't have any ideas what words mean. I see how that could be a big problem for sure, but your first step is to stop taking it out on other people.

              • 12 months ago

                ok #1 dumbass

              • 12 months ago

                The only #1 dumbass here is you. Know how I know? I made a simple, easily understood comment about even a reasonably smart person being top of the pyramid when surrounded by stupid people approximately two hours ago and you were so deeply confused by it that you are still reeling to this very moment, and STILL don't understand it even though it's been explained more times than I care to count. You got BTFO, harder than anyone I've ever seen, and you are clinging on in the desperate hope that you can save face if you hang in there long enough. You won't, and you can't. Cope and seethe.

  6. 12 months ago

    >aaron paul
    fricking dropped

  7. 12 months ago

    Nah, stupid edgy end.

    • 12 months ago

      The end was way less stupid and edgy than act 1.

      • 12 months ago

        No, but they might be equal in stupidity
        >we gotta kill your kids
        >Just because, okay?!

      • 12 months ago

        The whole thing was poorly written

  8. 12 months ago

    It's god awful. Charlie Brooker can't write. The best Black Mirror episode was by Jesse Armstong way back in Season 1. Brooker is a hack.

  9. 12 months ago

    Yet another thread sponsored by Netflix as if this episode, or even any episode in this show is worthy of deep analysis and discussion.

    • 12 months ago

      Yeah the other guy is copy pasting his essays somewhere.

      • 12 months ago

        Want to explain how I'm copy pasting things that specifically reference the posts I'm replying to, you dumb frick?

      • 12 months ago

        He's a reddit Black person who's baiting

    • 12 months ago

      Just because you can't doesn't mean it isn't.

      • 12 months ago

        >ITT brainlets confused by Black Mirror's writing so much they need to discuss amongst themselves to discover the mystical gem of wisdom hidden in the writing.

        • 12 months ago

          Yes, the people discussing the themes are the ones confused by them, not the people who are incapable of having any discussion about them whatsoever. Makes perfect sense.

  10. 12 months ago

    >Its good.
    No, it wasn't.

  11. 12 months ago

    Killing the wife makes no sense honestly. What exactly is David's plan? Finish the mission then his life is forfeit? Should have just killed Cliff and pretended to be him in his replica for however long left he's got. Eitherway his life is over but at least in one scenario he still has a path to earth and could have fricked Cliffs wife.

    • 12 months ago

      Yea, but then that would be too cliched.
      But it probably would have been the better ending.
      None of what he did made any sense.

    • 12 months ago

      His life is already forfeit.
      >Should have just killed Cliff and pretended to be him in his replica
      The far more obvious ending and not nearly as interesting as what they did.

      • 12 months ago

        more obvious.
        But that's so stupid to kill his teammate wife and kids. I don't see what's interesting in that.

        • 12 months ago

          I don't see what's so stupid about it.

          • 12 months ago

            Have you tried thinking?
            Why would you kill his family?

            • 12 months ago

              Have you tried thinking? If you did you might come up with an answer to your question. Unless you're more generally perplexed as to why people would murder other people, in which case get in line I guess.

              • 12 months ago

                >couldn't answer the question
                Exactly. It doesn't fit the character.

              • 12 months ago

                The isolation and grief from being alone in space after having seen his entire family get brutally murdered in front of him pushed him to a point where he did things a normal person would never even think of doing.

                It doesn't fit your perception of the character because your perception of the character is flawed and/or incomplete. The ending makes that quite clear. It's supposed to be surprising, but that by no means makes it "bad writing". You don't understand what good and bad writing are.

              • 12 months ago

                >You don't understand what good and bad writing are.
                But I do. It was an attempt to be an edgy twist.
                Even an insane person would realize he gains nothing by killing the family, only loses.
                You're jumping through hoops to try to justify something that was insanely stupid.

              • 12 months ago

                >Even an insane person would realize he gains nothing by killing the family, only loses.
                Indeed, that's why insane people never kill anyone unless there is insurance fraud involved. You're a fricking moron. The problem ain't the show, it's you.

              • 12 months ago

                Yeah why do people murder people when they don't get anything for it and there's such a huge risk for being caught? Not to mention complete alienation from the rest of society? Man, reality is really poorly written.

                You guys are confusing a mentally ill black man on drugs' behavior vs a normal dude who has been tested.
                Just because there are instances of crazy murders, doesn't mean it can be used in any situation.

                Why did he kill the family?
                because they wanted to be edgy.
                Not because it makes sense or fits the character.

                That's the truth.

              • 12 months ago

                >no white seemingly stable person has ever gone on a random killing spree, only blacks do that
                I knew talking to you was a waste of time

              • 12 months ago

                So you can't argue back so you gotta argue something else?

              • 12 months ago

                >You guys are confusing a mentally ill black man on drugs' behavior vs a normal dude who has been tested.
                I directly responded to a point you made you fricking imbecile, sterilize yourself immediately

              • 12 months ago

                Then why are you missing the point and not addressing that?

              • 12 months ago

                Why are you moving the goalposts whenever I point out how stupid something you said is?

              • 12 months ago

                >certain criteria causes people to be more likely to be murder for no good reason, which doesn't fit this character
                >"oh, but there were white killers you know"
                WHO is moving the goalposts?

              • 12 months ago

                You are. Your point is that "normal" people don't ever commit crimes. I responded by saying yeah, actually they do. Because the really tricky thing is, people who are normal and people who aren't normal often look the same!

              • 12 months ago

                No, anon. No one said that.

              • 12 months ago

                moron, I mention black because they are the most common race in serial killings.
                Why did you skip the mentally ill and drugs part?
                I'm guessing because you were too dumb to understand the POINT of the post.

              • 12 months ago

                Andrei Chikatilo
                Ed Gein
                Jeffrey Dahmer
                John Wayne Gacy
                Ted Bundy
                Gary Ridgway
                Samuel Little
                Richard Kuklinski
                Christopher Duntsch
                Stephen Paddock
                Joseph DeAngelo
                Harold Shipman
                H.H. Holmes

              • 12 months ago

                Kek. Has your brain melted.
                >If I find a white serial killer, it'll mean everything I said was right
                No wonder you liked the ending, you're too dumb.

              • 12 months ago

                Those aren't even all white or black guys, so I don't even understand the point of the post other than listing random serial killers.

              • 12 months ago

                I didn't even bother checking because, as you said, the post made no sense.
                It seems they just googled a list and copypasted

              • 12 months ago

                >blacks are the most common race in serial killings
                >wait how does providing a massive list of every prolific serial killer in history, none of whom are black, relevant?
                Yeah that's a real head scratcher.

                Your point is basically that the ending of the episode is unrealistic because white people never do bad things. It's an incredibly stupid point to make and egg on my face I guess for trying to address it rather than just ignoring it outright like I should have.

              • 12 months ago

                >white people never do bad things.
                No. That isn't the point. If you paid attention to the OTHER factors, you'd realize that. And I even posted an explanation post to clarify.

                Also, post your hand.

                >wait how does providing a massive list of every prolific serial killer in history, none of whom are black, relevant?
                Bro, those aren't the most prolific, just famous ones. You could GOOGLE the most prominent race you know.

              • 12 months ago

                >Also, post your hand.

              • 12 months ago

                Post nose.

              • 12 months ago

                Why are you taking the bait?

          • 12 months ago

            >make the life of your only teammate in space for some year to come miserable by killing his wife and kids yourself
            >making you a killer when you'll eventually return on earth, >because he got upset you tried to fricked his wife, draw her naked and maybe even actually saw her naked, which seems not 100% clear
            >and has the only access to a bit of entertainment still left in the station?
            Maybe try to get in better term with him and get your access for 1 hour back on condition you never talk to his wife again, so you can a bit enjoy life?
            He just chose a path leading to pure chaos, and that doesn't make any sense to me.

            • 12 months ago

              So you think it's bad writing because a character did something that was unwise? Have you ever met humanity?

              • 12 months ago

                The writing is contrived. And contrived writing is bad.

              • 12 months ago

                Writing is not contrived simply because a character did something you wouldn't do.

              • 12 months ago

                Oh I wasn't whoever you were arguing with, I just think the writing is contrived, every scenario in this show is written for no other reason than it wouldn't be a story otherwise. If polished further they'd be great but they're not meant to be great, they're meant to be digested by the lowest common denominator.

              • 12 months ago

                Writing is not contrived simply because a character did something you wouldn't do.

                Oh I wasn't whoever you were arguing with, I just think the writing is contrived, every scenario in this show is written for no other reason than it wouldn't be a story otherwise. If polished further they'd be great but they're not meant to be great, they're meant to be digested by the lowest common denominator.

                NTA but my thoughts exactly, the writing is extremely contrived, they have to come up with these huge things to justify the story they want to tell. first the guy's family is eliminated, then he begins an affair, then a revenge murder. these are all huge, complex cans of worms that even individually would justify an entire book of plot but they're all smooshed together in a plot where they have no business being together just so the writers can get from A to B, as soon as I saw it I thought they'd better have a good reason for having this, because I could see how contrived the writing had gotten, and waddaya know? they didn't, the portrayal of his grief was totally unconvincing, a few scenes of him grieving before they swiftly move on to him being in a clear enough headspace to be making suave moves on the guy's wife.
                This plot of this one relies on there being two psychopaths present to move the story along, because the writing is psychopathic and doesn't understand real human emotions. This episode has nothing to say about grief or relationships, it's just a second rate mystery? thriller? drama? i don't even know, but whatever it is it's crap.

              • 12 months ago

                >because the writing is psychopathic and doesn't understand real human emotions.
                Either that or you don't, that's for sure.

              • 12 months ago

                please tell me how he goes from grieving, thankful to his crewmate to having moved on from the loss in the space of weeks, and then to murderous rage and indignation. how is that not psychopathic? even leaving out the murder he would be a complete sociopath. just not how human beings behave, because this isn't a show that's interested in exploring that, it's just a vehicle to deliver some gimmicky concept and a cheap twist ending

              • 12 months ago

                Gee, I dunno anonn. You think maybe he hadn't actually moved on from the loss?

              • 12 months ago

                how can you say he hasn't moved on when he's pursuing another relationship, not just that but with someone he's got no prior history with, and someone who he is breaking major social codes to pursue, strategically planning it, emphatically defending himself and psychoanalysing the other guy's relationship to attack him back. this is supposedly a guy that's racked with grief, shame and guilt?
                this writing is crap

              • 12 months ago

                >how can you say he hasn't moved on when he's pursuing another relationship
                Well you see, here on planet Earth, it's very commonplace for a person to rush into a new relationship to get over the pain and grief of a previous one even if they aren't entirely ready.
                >someone who he is breaking major social codes to pursue
                Ah yes, because he had so many options.
                >emphatically defending himself and psychoanalysing the other guy's relationship to attack him back. this is supposedly a guy that's racked with grief, shame and guilt?
                I mean, yeah. You think everyone who is racked with shame or guilt immediately admits they're wrong and never acts on their impulses because they know it would be wrong? What kind of fantastical moralist paradise do you think you live in?

              • 12 months ago

                Yes its normal for them to rush into relationships then kill them all when it doesnt work out never mind that he had children and wife of his own killed months ago. You live in clown world, where this is true?? Do you have evidence of this happening anywhere?

              • 12 months ago

                Do I have evidence of a jilted, jealous lover killing the object of their affection? Is that a serious question? Look up this thing called 'stalking'.

              • 12 months ago

                Yes post evidence of a man who has his family all killed, then he goes on to fall in love with another woman with children of her own, who he later murders them all out of some grief. I'm calling out your bullshit where such things are common. And the man has to be normal, show me your writing is not entirely schizo and is rooted in reality.

              • 12 months ago

                You are basically arguing it is completely inconceivable and unrealistic to have any character do something bad unless they are explicitly seen cackling madly and twirling their mustache beforehand. You're an idiot, and the point you are making is appallingly stupid.

              • 12 months ago

                Yes i'm arguing like that because its schizo rambling writing, No apparently normal man behaves like this. And its not just any character, we have a character and we have his history outlined and we have his motivations. The director could have shown him as a psycho but chose to be moronic and show a normal man with a normal family who btw is supposed to pass some sort of psych evaluation before going to space fall in love and murder a woman and her child literally months after his family is killed. Yes this is very believable, continue with your moronic schizo plotlines.

              • 12 months ago

                >The director could have shown him as a psycho
                Confirmed, you think it's bad writing if any character is not seen twirling their mustache before they do a bad thing. Well, I'm afraid we're just going to have to agree to disagree on that, friend.

                Yes, seemingly normal people sometimes do horrible things. That is a part of life that everyone understands and accepts once they are beyond the age of like twelve. Mabye you oughta catch up. Look up Chris Watts.

              • 12 months ago

                I told you i think its bad writing because the director has all the power to show us consistency. If you had chris watts history in a film, it would show his past action and motivations and reveal him to be a psycho way before he did all he did. That's the entire point of making films, showing all angles of a story. And that's the license the director has over his original stories with original characters. Instead he chose to make a normal man do a completely moronic thing and wants us to believe it ,stay quiet and congratulate him for his supposed genius.

              • 12 months ago

                >Well you see, here on planet Earth, it's very commonplace for a person to rush into a new relationship to get over the pain and grief of a previous one even if they aren't entirely ready.
                oh he wasn't entirely ready? why don't you go and show me how that's the case then, because I didn't watch a show about a guy who is an emotional mess, making impulsive decisions and wrestling with his broken heart and neither did you. The show doesn't treat such huge emotional turmoil with any kind of sophistication or depth at all, it's just a story beat that comes and goes with little attempt at justification.
                >I mean, yeah. You think everyone who is racked with shame or guilt immediately admits they're wrong and never acts on their impulses because they know it would be wrong? What kind of fantastical moralist paradise do you think you live in?
                Nobody going through such great and terrible grief would be able to pull off the kind of narcissistic rage that guy pulled off, going through something like that would utterly destroy someone, a broken man like that wouldn't be able to coherently defend himself or dress the guy down for his relationship in such a sly way without being severely emotionally conflicted. it's psychopathic and i return to my previous point about the show needing two psychopaths to justify the direction of the inane plot

              • 12 months ago

                >oh he wasn't entirely ready? why don't you go and show me how that's the case then, because I didn't watch a show about a guy who is an emotional mess
                Yes you did, you were just too stupid to pick up on it despite it being obvious. The show assumed that if it showed him attempting suicide and then fast forwarded a few weeks that you would not assume "Oh, he smiled and they went to a bookstore, he must be all better now." In your case it gave you far too much credit, it seems.
                >The show doesn't treat such huge emotional turmoil with any kind of sophistication or depth at all
                It does, actually. It just doesn't tell you how to feel about it, and you aren't used to that.
                >Nobody going through such great and terrible grief would be able to pull off the kind of narcissistic rage that guy pulled off
                I would argue most people displaying narcissistic rage do so because they are in some kind of terrible pain. Or are you arguing that only someone who is a literal narcissist with no empathy at all could ever hurt another human being? Because that definitely indicates you have never left your house.
                >going through something like that would utterly destroy someone
                Which we are explicitly shown
                >a broken man like that wouldn't be able to coherently defend himself or dress the guy down for his relationship in such a sly way without being severely emotionally conflicted
                First of all, he was very clearly emotionally conflicted about it, and second of all, to allege that everyone who goes through grief or shame reacts identically is just idiotic.

              • 12 months ago

                >Yes you did, you were just too stupid to pick up on it despite it being obvious. The show assumed that if it showed him attempting suicide and then fast forwarded
                no no, you said he wasn't ready for the relationship, that the decision to pursue the wife wasn't calculated but impulsive, he was just rushing in to a relationship to quell his sorrow. where's the evidence of that? I've established that he doesn't act in a way that suggests he feels any of those emotions at all, how he acts in the second act onwards is totally out of step with the first
                >First of all, he was very clearly emotionally conflicted about
                based on what?
                he is filled with righteous indignation, he comes after a guy who has discovered he's tried to screw his wife and starts trying to dress him down for the most pedestrian marital issues. how fricking out of touch can you get? that's not a conflicted person, that's someone who is acting confidently, if he was conflicted and regretful then he wouldn't be so quick to jump on the offensive, retaliating and trying to impeach the other guy in his defense against a guy who has shown nothing but good will towards him shows someone who isn't conflicted, but who is totally self centered and emotionally detached. it's not believable. the story has already employed the random psycho trope, and it's doing it again to move the story along
                >second of all, to allege that everyone who goes through grief or shame reacts identically is just idiotic
                when i'm watching a story I should be shown comprehensible characters that have motivations that are able to be understood

              • 12 months ago

                Give up man this guy is either an inexperienced zoomer or a brainlet that doesn't understand the necessity of consistency of narratives in well written stories. Imagine if a man were to come into your house and kill your entire family, would you chalk it to him being a pyscho or would you want to understand the consistency of motivation. Heck even the police need this so that they can run a successful trial. Its not so much that he is a psycho as much as it is that the director has license to explain it to us but choses not to and gets praised by brainlets of how good the writing is. Its almost like praising god for keeping you ignorant about the character of the people in his universe. Everyone just randomly spergs out with no apparent consistency.

              • 12 months ago

                >would you chalk it to him being a pyscho or would you want to understand the consistency of motivation
                Depends, am I watching a narrative drama about it?

              • 12 months ago

                It doesn't depend on anything. Watching a drama or interacting in life. People watch films because the narratives are consistent with their lives. People read books because they see themselves in the characters. When you present an inconsistent narrative it makes people frustrated and cheated. When you have all the power to create characters with consistent motivations but choose not to, it comes out as bad writing. That's why people hate strong women who beat up guys twice their size, thats why people hate le woke culture and the Black personization of hollywood because its not consistent with reality. When you start making excuses for the director who has infinite power over his film universe then you understand that he made a bad film.

              • 12 months ago

                >People watch films because the narratives are consistent with their lives.
                It's literally the exact opposite. They watch films to escape the narrative of their lives and witness other ones that are different, idealistic, disturbing, whatever the case may be.
                >People read books because they see themselves in the characters.
                And a really compelling and interesting tool in the writer's toolbox is allowing people to see themselves in characters who are not like them, whether that be because they come from different backgrounds, make different choices, or even have severe defects. Should you not watch a movie like Slingblade unless you're a mental patient? Should you not watch an action movie unless you're a muscle bound action hero? No, of course not.
                >When you present an inconsistent narrative it makes people frustrated and cheated.
                They also feel that way when a narrative is presented with a measure of nuance and intelligence, and that confuses and irritates them, because they lack those qualities in abundance.
                >That's why people hate strong women who beat up guys twice their size, thats why people hate le woke culture and the Black personization of hollywood
                No actually they hate those things because they have weird bizarre hangups that stem from a deeply unsuccessful sex life.
                >When you start making excuses for the director who has infinite power over his film universe then you understand that he made a bad film.
                And when you start coming up with esoteric nitpickery and pointing out unimportant plot holes in order to dismantle a reasonably solid narrative because it somehow offended you, then you understand that you're the sort of person who is not worth talking to.

              • 12 months ago

                The narratives are not different in any meaninful way. A person who is married watching another character divorcing is not the same as a person who is married watching a character who is portrayed as normal kill another man's family. The former is completely normal because the film has established a consistency that this guy is married therefore this guy can get divorced, vs this guy is normal therefore this guy has killed an entire family. There is a logical inconsistency in the latter and that you can't see it makes me think you are a brainlet. The premises in this show are not enough to make the conclusion that this show makes valid.

              • 12 months ago

                You are drawing lines that seem very arbitrary to me, and when it comes to any artistic medium or expression, rules are made to be broken. I say if The Godfather can make murderous gangsters sympathetic, Black Mirror can have an episode in which an otherwise good man does something truly reprehensible and horrible, something he can never take back, and nothing will ever be the same.
                >this guy is normal therefore this guy has killed an entire family. There is a logical inconsistency in the latter and that you can't see it makes me think you are a brainlet
                The fact that you think that is a "logical inconsistency" rather than a real thing that happens in real life and is therefore fair game to be explored in drama makes me think you are an autist.
                >The premises in this show are not enough to make the conclusion that this show makes valid.
                I mean obviously we don't agree on that. I'm not sure what you want from me at this point. We obviously have very different ideas of what we want from drama and what we watch television for. I would imagine there is programming out there that suits my needs as well as programming that suits yours.

              • 12 months ago

                >Black Mirror can have an episode in which an otherwise good man does something truly reprehensible and horrible, something he can never take back, and nothing will ever be the same
                Yes if there's consistency of narrative. If you can go back and look at his reasons for doing so. Being a depressed normal man is not enough reason to kill an entire family. You have to show more of this and establish some sort of consistent motivation chain. That's what separates good writing from bad writing. Either convince us he was a psycho all along and fill gaps in the chain or have him become a psycho before killing the entire family, that's what consistency is, otherwise you might as well make him a fish at this point because of artistic license, once day he is a man in space, the next he is a fish in someone's dinner table because artistic license is supposed to exist outside the causality consistency chain.

              • 12 months ago

                >Yes if there's consistency of narrative. If you can go back and look at his reasons for doing so.
                And I think there absolutely is, and you absolutely can. At this point I do not believe I can convince you of this, but you can't convince me otherwise.
                >or have him become a psycho before killing the entire family
                And how is that not what happened?
                >once day he is a man in space, the next he is a fish in someone's dinner table
                I dunno, that sounds potentially kind of interesting. David Cronenberg could direct.

              • 12 months ago

                Its not what happened at least not believably so. What we saw before was a depressed normal man, thats what any psychiatrist will tell you. He did not show any signs of psychosis, there are clear signs of psychosis that an investigator can look to to explain someone's behaviour, this episode ignores them all and skips to the murder.

              • 12 months ago

                Not everyone who commits murder can be easily classified as psychotic.

              • 12 months ago

                There are no signs of murderous intent before. Heck there's nothing to go back on that the director who has free reign over the episode can show us.

              • 12 months ago

                We've come back to this again. You need him talking to an imaginary person in the mirror or some shit so you know he's CRAZY otherwise you don't buy that he could kill somebody. That's stupid. You're stupid.

              • 12 months ago

                We can replace the fish with a cultural reference that is not familiar in the west, will you then be able to appreciate the artistic license when consistency is broken to an frustratingly alien degree?

              • 12 months ago

                What snarky point are you even trying to make here?

              • 12 months ago

                Lol you can't tell how the insertion of an alien tangent reference breaks consistency in the same way that a normal man with zero murderous intent murders an entire family

              • 12 months ago

                I think you might genuinely have autism, anon. You should get checked.

              • 12 months ago

                Lol brainlet can't see the similarity in structure of narrative, yea i think you need to read more about film literature

              • 12 months ago

                I genuinely have no idea what the frick you are talking about anymore.

              • 12 months ago

                NTA but you got filtered and should watch other shows

              • 12 months ago

                >where's the evidence of that?
                Where's the evidence that it's calculated in any sense?
                >I've established that he doesn't act in a way that suggests he feels any of those emotions at all
                And I've established that he absolutely does and you'd have to be some kind of moron to not see it.
                >he is filled with righteous indignation, he comes after a guy who has discovered he's tried to screw his wife and starts trying to dress him down for the most pedestrian marital issues
                He gets confronted for his behavior and out of shame and desperation he defends himself with the first thing he can think of. People do that. If you don't think people do that, it's because you don't know people. You are literally coming up with headcanon and then getting upset that it isn't realistic even though it isn't remotely what happened in the show.
                >that's not a conflicted person, that's someone who is acting confidently, if he was conflicted and regretful then he wouldn't be so quick to jump on the offensive
                No, a conflicted person panics and jumps on the offensive rather than admit their wrongdoing unless they're some saintly paragon of virtue.
                >against a guy who has shown nothing but good will towards him
                Good will? Sure. But also horribly misguided. He should have known that letting the guy walk around in his skin in paradise mere days or weeks after he lost his family might cause some complex problems, emotionally and otherwise.
                >when i'm watching a story I should be shown comprehensible characters that have motivations that are able to be understood
                I understood it. What you describe sounds like a personal problem.

              • 12 months ago

                >Where's the evidence that it's calculated in any sense?
                because he explains himself that he made his move based on observing her and figuring out she's lonely and there are issues in the marriage he can exploit
                >He gets confronted for his behavior and out of shame and desperation he defends himself with the first thing he can think of. People do that. If you don't think people do that, it's because you don't know people. You are literally coming up with headcanon and then getting upset that it isn't realistic even though it isn't remotely what happened in the show.
                you say he's *clearly* conflicted, yet where's the evidence of that? all you've pointed to is something that was many scenes ago which seems totally out of step with how he acts later, he doesn't continue in how he acted then, one minute he is despondent, the next minute he's ready to fly in to an expertly reasoned impeachment of a guy who has shown him no ill will, who he has acted in a totally indefensible way towards.
                >a conflicted person panics and jumps on the offensive rather than admit their wrongdoing
                he doesn't seem that panicked, he didn't start tripping over his words or anything, he didn't even show any signs of being conflicted privately either, because he wasn't conflicted, and the show ended with him believing he killed the guy's family because he deserved it, where's the conflict where he drags the chair out for him like a spoiled brat kid?
                >also horribly misguided.
                let him brood alone in a lonely space station, or give him some therapeutic contact with friends. seems like a no-brainer to me

              • 12 months ago

                >because he explains himself that he made his move based on observing her and figuring out she's lonely and there are issues in the marriage he can exploit
                He made his move because he was a broken man consumed by loneliness, and he justified his shameful behavior to himself after the fact because people do that.
                >you say he's *clearly* conflicted, yet where's the evidence of that?
                I dunno, have you tried watching the episode?
                >all you've pointed to is something that was many scenes ago which seems totally out of step with how he acts later
                Yeah except no it doesn't
                >one minute he is despondent, the next minute
                How do you know he is no longer despondent? Is it because he showed a modicum of joy for a split second? Despondent people can do that.
                >expertly reasoned impeachment
                I don't see how that is by any stretch "expertly reasoned". He's grasping at straws and it's obvious.
                >he doesn't seem that panicked, he didn't start tripping over his words or anything
                He literally does, he's trembling as he says it.
                >he didn't even show any signs of being conflicted privately either
                Again, the suicide attempts, the lack of personal hygiene, crying in front of a stranger's wife, these are all red flags
                >the show ended with him believing he killed the guy's family because he deserved it
                Your interpretation, not mine
                >let him brood alone in a lonely space station
                Yeah that was working great.
                >or give him some therapeutic contact with friends
                Not a bad idea. I wouldn't have minded a scene where they try that and it doesn't really work, so they have to attempt something more drastic. That's the first decent idea you've had yet.

              • 12 months ago

                >Again, the suicide attempts, the lack of personal hygiene, crying in front of a stranger's wife, these are all red flags
                He can be depressed without being a murderous psycho. There's nothing shown so far that leads us to believe that he kills people when depressed.

              • 12 months ago

                Some people do, some don't. Some kill for seemingly no reason at all. Chris Watts. He was a happy, successful, productive, normal member of society who murdered his entire family for reasons that still no one can quite discern. But to speculate, or even write a fictional biopic about someone like Chris Watts that tries to explore or even explain his behavior, sounds like fair game to me.

                Comparatively, I better understand the motivations of someone like David to do what he did than I do some mobster who murders people just so he can make a little more money. Crimes of passion aren't a foreign concept to me simply because I don't beleive I'd ever do anything like that.

                The hard truth is that there are people who don't believe they'd ever do anything like that who when do. So none of us really know who we are when the chips are down. That is an unfortunate reality that we all must contend with. I like dramas that try to explore confrontational, difficult subjects like that. If you don't, if you think it's too scary or the characters are meanie heads, fine. But I don't expect every drama I watch to get to the heart of human nature in order to justify the characters doing things that we didn't necessarily think they were capable of at the beginning of the story. Nothing wrong with a story asking questions that it can't answer.

              • 12 months ago

                Psychology is pretty well developed anon that it has good scientific reasons why people behave the way they do. There's tonnes of data to explain people's behaviours, their motivations, etc. It might not be able to cure mental illness but it has a scientific causality relationship btn motivation and action.

              • 12 months ago

                Yeah, I'm going to go out on a limb and suggest that it isn't anywhere remotely near that simple.

              • 12 months ago

                Police do this all the time. They have forensic psychiatrists for a reason.

              • 12 months ago

                Yeah. Police never convict innocent people. It's not like there have been people who were on death row for years or even decades before being exonerated by DNA evidence.

                Oh wait.

              • 12 months ago

                Thats not what i said. There can be evidence collected the jury ultimately has to decide. Its not the same as saying that theres evidence that a person had murderous intent, juries convict people who become repeat offenders all the time, they are not the arbiters of truth

              • 12 months ago

                And in some cases among that evidence is a profile of the defendant by a criminal psychologist that deems said defendant to be dangerously insane. Doesn't mean they're right on the money every time.

              • 12 months ago

                No it does, if the narrative is consistent, the jury ultimately makes the decision despite any evidence. That doesn't prove that the psychiatrist never provided any explanation, it just says that the jury either ignores or accepts it

              • 12 months ago

                >Every psychiatrist is 100% right all the time because they went to big boy school
                That is really, really stupid anon. People like you are a big part of why our society is so fricked up.

              • 12 months ago

                Yea trust le director and not actual scientists who have tonnes of data on human state of mind. Right anon i can see why you don't interact with people in real life

              • 12 months ago

                Science is not a science of always being right. Any scientist worth their salt acknowledges that they have more to learn, that theories are called theories for a reason. Some psychiatrists are quacks, they aren't all created equal. Even the good ones certainly make misdiagnoses from time to time. You have an infantile, simplistic, childlike view of the world.

              • 12 months ago

                Science is predictive. Using knowledge about human state of mind, they can make predictions about whether what they do next is probable.

              • 12 months ago

                And their predictions are never, ever without margins of error.

              • 12 months ago

                This is forensic psychology, it explains what happened, it doesn't diagnose and prescribe. The vast majority of people have some previous incident that can explain escalation to the degree of murder. This episode does not show any such incident, like i repeatedly tell you, there's no murderous intent displayed in the show

              • 12 months ago

                forensic psychology is not without margin of error either, you idiot.
                >there's no murderous intent displayed in the show
                >why is this show not spelling things out for me? my widdle brain is confused

              • 12 months ago

                Margin of error doesn't work without evidence you moronic homosexual. How do you explain murder without evidence of murderous intent and call it margin of error. Who taught you critical thinking you stupid brainlet.

              • 12 months ago

                If murder only was precluded by irrefutable evidence that the person was going to commit murder, we would catch every murderer before they murdered. You live in a fantasy land akin to that of a moronic child.

              • 12 months ago

                Yes we would if we had data on their mental states prior to murder. Forensic psychiatry usually gathers data after you moronic homosexual, how can you not see this?

              • 12 months ago

                >if only we gathered psychological data on people before they committed crimes, then no one would never ever commit crimes ever!!!1
                I refuse to believe anyone is this naive or stupid. This is a troll. You're trolling.

              • 12 months ago

                You are moronic stupid brainlet. There's no way to monitor states of minds of everyone to any accurate degree 24/7. heck its not even legal. Come up with something better or shut your moronic schizo mouth.

              • 12 months ago

                Even if we could it would not be 100% accurate and prevent all crime from occurring because we don't live in fricking Minority Report you childlike lunatic

              • 12 months ago

                Yes thats why we do it after and thats why forensic psychiatry exist in the first place. Now have you understood after 400 replies you schizo brainlet.

              • 12 months ago

                Forensic psychiatry exists to be 100% effective and accurate without any margin of error? No, sorry, we live in reality and that's not feasible or possible. You'll understand when you're older.

              • 12 months ago

                >The vast majority of people have some previous incident that can explain escalation
                seeing your whole family getting murdered by a cult while bein in space and not being able to do anything to stop it

                you MUST be joking

              • 12 months ago

                This is forensic psychology, it explains what happened, it doesn't diagnose and prescribe. The vast majority of people have some previous incident that can explain escalation to the degree of murder. This episode does not show any such incident, like i repeatedly tell you, there's no murderous intent displayed in the show

                You're both fricking moronic Black folk for pretending that Netflix BLack Mirror is anything more than pseudo intellectual circlejirking.

              • 12 months ago

                at least I didn't get filtered, moron

              • 12 months ago

                anything written with even a modicum of intelligence seems "pseudo-intellectual" to abject morons

              • 12 months ago

                That's not murderous intent you homosexual. That's loss and usually leads to suicide not murder. Suicidal tendency is not murderous intent.

              • 12 months ago

                okay, it's not worth it. your brain is clearly not capable lol lmao even
                have fun in your imaginary black and white world where everything "makes sense"

              • 12 months ago

                >people are ONLY suicidal or they are HOMICIDAL and there is NO OVERLAP EVER because life is a VIDEO GAME
                You have definitely never been outside in your life.

              • 12 months ago

                There's no attempt to distinguish either. Like i said those are two different motivations that never overlap without a clear explanation. A person experiencing loss can have murderous intent against the people that caused said loss. Normal people don't sperg out and lose the ability to tell the difference. Otherwise every person who ever lost a loved one would end up in jail for killing the person next to them, we never see this happen with normal well adjusted people.

              • 12 months ago

                >Like i said those are two different motivations that never overlap without a clear explanation.
                That is moronic. You are entirely beyond hope.
                >we never see this happen with normal well adjusted people.
                Yeah except crazy people and normal well adjusted people look the same until they kill somebody, that's why it's such a societal problem you FRICKING sweet summer child

              • 12 months ago

                Crazy people aren't the same as normal does crazy. A crazy person is a psychotic person and doesn't plan or do this like this guy planned and did.

              • 12 months ago

                chris watts is a family annihilator and there are different types of them but all have one thing in common: they are all narcissists. many find his case extremely puzzling and I don't think he would have killed anyone in his life time if 1. he had married another women and 2. didn't have the affair. he was always standing out and clearly autistic or lacked empathy in general. he married the first woman who took him and their marriage was absolute hell. I don't want to victim blame here, but chris was a shy and private person who could not express himself well and his wife was as plastic and fake as you can imagine, always bossing him around and making everything in their life public. she was condescending and all his anger, which he clearly had bottled up, as he is an introvert and that's how they work. then he met this girl who fits him way better, likes what he does and is just easy to be around for him and the only thing he could think about was getting out of his life which was hell to him. he could have just left, but in his narcissistic mind he wanted total freedom an to truly start anew without anything holding him back. only a pschopath can do what he did. but there are many psychopaths who never kill anybody. So it was the perfect storm in this case. the case is not a puzzle anymore.
                never marry someone too soon.

              • 12 months ago

                this is why films that have little substance like hereditary and the lighthouse are so well liked, because they're so devoid of substance people project their own thoughts in to them, and they like the sound of their own voices. if this was about any of what you said there would at least be some kind of acknowledgement that it's part of the theme of the episode, but it isn't. it's just a lame, poorly written story that follows a formula, he doesn't kill the guys family to make a big statement about human nature and how we can't understand killers motivations, he did it because he was written to deploy the formulaic twist ending where we think he's going to kill the other guy. that's all there is to it.

              • 12 months ago

                Hereditary and The Lighthouse are both really great movies anon and they have substance to spare. I wonder if you have ever considered that maybe the problem is you.

              • 12 months ago

                hereditary had a truly genius concept and theme but was ruined by the ending and having to be a horror movie. the director clearly didn't want to make it a horror movie originally and the ending felt tacked on for everybody because of this.

              • 12 months ago

                >He made his move because he was a broken man consumed by loneliness, and he justified his shameful behavior to himself after the fact because people do that.
                you don't just move on weeks after your family gets annihilated in front of your eyes while you scream and start rizzing your friend's wife

                he justified it because the writing sucks and apparently charlie brooker thinks that's normal
                >I dunno, have you tried watching the episode?
                so that's a no then
                >How do you know he is no longer despondent? Is it because he showed a modicum of joy for a split second? Despondent people can do that.
                more like he continued to act like he was entitled to sleep with that guys wife, pursuing her and killed her when he couldn't have her
                >Again, the suicide attempts, the lack of personal hygiene, crying in front of a stranger's wife, these are all red flags
                >he's clearly feeling guilty for pursuing a married woman and talk her in to cheating because he tried to kill himself and didn't shower before he even laid eyes on her or spoke to her
                >Your interpretation, not mine
                pretty obvious that he pulls up a chair to say welcome to my world
                >Not a bad idea. I wouldn't have minded a scene where they try that and it doesn't really work, so they have to attempt something more drastic. That's the first decent idea you've had yet.
                i'm talking about having him chill with the wife you moronic sassy homosexual

              • 12 months ago

                >you don't just move on weeks after your family gets annihilated in front of your eyes while you scream and start rizzing your friend's wife
                And he didn't. That's WHY he was coming onto his friend's wife. If he hadn't lost his family, he wouldn't have been so desperate for human connection that he'd do such a thing.
                >apparently charlie brooker thinks that's normal
                Really? You think he intended for you to think family slayings were normal? That his intention was that by the end of the episode you'd be like "Yeah, that seems like a totally reasonable and normal thing for a person to do. I like the cut of this David guy's jib. Wish I could invite him to dinner." I somehow doubt that was the intention.
                >so that's a no then
                You haven't watched the episode? I dunno, maybe you should before you start forming opinions about it.
                >more like he continued to act like he was entitled to sleep with that guys wife, pursuing her and killed her when he couldn't have her
                Your interpretation. Not mine.
                >he can't show signs of conflict before he talks to his wife, because if it's BEFORE he talks to her, the only assumption I can make is that he's totally fine now because he talked to her!
                >pretty obvious that he pulls up a chair to say welcome to my world
                He pulls up a chair to say "Okay, let's get to work. I've had to do this job while dealing with the weight of what happened to my family, now let's see you do the same." Seem like a guy who really has his shit together to you? He seems totally irrevocably broken to me. Ah, but he had a mean attitude, that probably means he's an emotionless psychopath
                >i'm talking about having him chill with the wife you moronic sassy homosexual
                Oh, well that's what they did. It didn't go great, as I recall.

              • 12 months ago

                nta, but I think you are too invested in your own head canon of the characters. There is a story here about a narcissist with the perfect life who loses everything and starts going after the one remaining women in his life who is married to the only guy he has contact with. Things happen.

              • 12 months ago

                No that is clearly completely unrealistic because we live in a utopian paradise where everyone acts completely rationally and reasonably to any given situation and there is never any violence whatsoever.

              • 12 months ago

                >There is a story here about a narcissist with the perfect life who loses everything and starts going after the one remaining women in his life who is married to the only guy he has contact with.
                the story isn't supposed to have him be a narcissist, it's just poorly written so he ends up acting like one. if there was a story to tell about him being a narcissist then it would affect the way he handles and deals with the grief.

              • 12 months ago

                >This episode has nothing to say about grief or relationships

                Really? Nothing at all? I think it was quiet a cute story about affection and love between a wife and husband, who despite having problems with affection and intimacy find their way back together and see each other as humans. This is one of the few episodes I wish the show didn't have to have a shock ending, at least not one as brutal as this one.

              • 12 months ago

                Writing has the fit the character. Also, Nasa totally would vet people psychologically as well

              • 12 months ago

                Except when it comes to female astronauts who piss in the open and poke holes in the walls with screwdrivers or drive cross country in a diaper to stalk an ex.

              • 12 months ago

                >murdering a family which only causes harm, even to yourself
                It was a stupid attempt as a twist for no good reason.

              • 12 months ago

                Yeah why do people murder people when they don't get anything for it and there's such a huge risk for being caught? Not to mention complete alienation from the rest of society? Man, reality is really poorly written.

              • 12 months ago

                calling that unwise is quite an euphemism.
                They are astronauts, they are not some random Black person from the hood.

                Wanting to frick your friend's wife is quite normal, and unwise, so far, I bought that. I did not saw him falling into madness, that would explain what he did.
                Sadness, depression, envy and resentment, ok I saw it. Trauma, not much actually, but I can admit it. Now, was his facial hair and goatee supposed to convey madness? What a good writing that would be...
                I simply can't buy an astronaut making such harm to his only teammate, and himself once the mission will be over, only from his trauma and resentment.
                If you can enjoy what I would call badly written story because "hell, humanity!", good for you, but I need more

        • 12 months ago

          >team mate can't understand the depths of horror of position when you try to explain
          >put them in your position so that they can understand from experience instead of explanation
          What is so hard to understand about that?

          • 12 months ago

            A lot of people on this board are really, really stupid.

            • 12 months ago

              Also lacking empathy or future forecasting, the type of people that might be able to write coherent sentences all day, but can't explain what it would feel like if they didn't eat breakfast this morning.

              • 12 months ago

                Indeed. See for reference this guy:

                >If anything it made him a target.
                He was a target because of the use of advanced technology, not the traditional life he cultivated outside of his high tech job.

                >He knew his wife wasn't happy and wanted a different life
                Because he left her alone with a robot simulacrum that couldn't even be intimate.

                >He even goes out into space
                Spacewalks are related to tradlife how?

                > a thing would never even occur to him.
                No, he didn't consider it because if something happened to him the other guy would be fricked since its a two man mission and both men are critical.

                >to the Manson family?
                They didn't target tradfams, they targeted rich urban hollywood insiders who were probably swingers, what does the Manson Family have to do with traditional families what between lines am I missing?

                Not really a tradfam thing, if they were really tradfam, they would have several kids instead of 1.

                > My point is that he still trusted David with his life
                He had to and he was mostly pushed to trust, its not like he came up with the idea to share the robot on his own, they were the only two men on a two man mission where both men were critical.

                >everyone around him is part of the same worldview he is and will adhere to the same rules
                The only person around him is the second man in a two man mission who is critical to his survival from before the film even started.

                >David did take advantage of it.
                Yea and it really fricked the mission, the implication that they will both die as the movie ends because the trust between the critical members of the mission had been severed.

                >hair splitting
                Nothing you have said is related to the traditional family unit, though.

                >how the Manson murders affected society
                See not related to traditional family unit.

                >That is an extremely stupid thing to say.
                No, traditional families aren't made of a single mom raising one son while the husband is off in space. I don't understand how any of your critiques are related to exposing traditionalism as a crock of shit.

                >It was literally Cliff's idea.
                It was literally his wife's idea.

                >I'll just let him have time alone with my lonely wife
                So you are saying he wasn't actually trad since he was breaking the Pence rule and letting his wife be alone with another man?

                >Beside the point.
                No, its exactly why he was forced to trust the other guy, they were trapped in the mission, if they didn't work together they both die.

                No, you literally haven't exposed anything about traditionalism, you have only pointed out that it is bad to be victimized by a cult or leave your wife with other men or run off to space leaving only a robot behind.

              • 12 months ago

                Seems like he was able to empathize with a lady being stuck with a robot just fine, it was the other side of the argument that can't actually make any points against traditional families that were brought up in the episode.

              • 12 months ago

                Yes, also The Terminator is about a nice lady being chased by an evil robot and there is absolutely no subtext, symbolism or social commentary of any kind. You daft c**t.

              • 12 months ago

                Changing the subject doesn't change the fact that you failed to provide any evidence that there was any attempt to make traditional family unit look like a crock of shit.

              • 12 months ago

                You don't understand how analogies work either? Exactly how far along the spectrum are you? You're on very thin ice, I'm about to just assume for your sake that this is an elaborate troll.

              • 12 months ago

                You are right, I don't understand how The Terminator is an analogy to prove that the traditional family unit is a crock of shit either or why changing the subject to terminator would make this episode more of a critique against traditional families.

              • 12 months ago

                That's on you. I've been more than patient with you and I've provided far more thorough explanation than is necessary. I can't explain subtext to someone for whom subtext is clearly a completely foreign concept, and THAT was the point of my Terminator comment by the way. The amount of potent autism it takes to respond to someone bringing up another film to make a point by saying "But that's a completely different movie!" is actually kind of hilarious.

          • 12 months ago

            bro, I think most people can imagine how it is to lose your family without losing them. That's why they let him use the body in the first place.
            Your explanation is stupid as frick. Did you write this episode?

            • 12 months ago

              Maybe most people can, but the guy in the episode clearly didn't get it.

              • 12 months ago

                Clearly he did.
                Just accept that the ending was stupid.

              • 12 months ago

                Except he clearly didn't since he was so mad that making a painting didn't magically fix everything.

              • 12 months ago

                Think you misunderstood the situation.

          • 12 months ago

            what about not harming other for the simple purpose of having him understanding how you feel when you know how it fricking hurts to lose your family, and it makes you a felon on top of all of that, when he did nothing wrong and had nothing to do with your pain to begin with, and he even was nice to you and you simply tried to frick his wife when he did...
            but yeah, only "he wants him to understand how it felt" he's a good idea. You should write for netflix, I bet you're full of good ideas.

            • 12 months ago

              I never said it was a good idea, I sad that was his obvious motive, he repeatedly lamented about how the other guy didn't understand his situation.

              • 12 months ago

                No you see characters can't ever do things that are a bad idea! It's unrealistic!

  12. 12 months ago

    Is this season better than Season 4 and 5? They were fricking TERRIBLE

    • 12 months ago

      no this season is not even Black Mirror. Netflix diversity hires just stole the name to get their short films made.

      • 12 months ago

        This season is boring as frick except this one episode because Aaron Paul is in it.


        Seriously, this guy is probably right.

        Fricking sucks man the first 2 and some of 3 were so fricking good frick Netflix

    • 12 months ago

      This season is boring as frick except this one episode because Aaron Paul is in it.

      • 12 months ago

        Fat jesse was a mistake

      • 12 months ago

        Mazey Day > Demon 79 > Loch Henry > Joan > Beyond the Sea

        This is the definitive ranking, there's no point in replying and refuting because I'm right.

        • 12 months ago

          How are you even able to compare them? They're all pretty bad.
          But you might be right, Mazey Day might have been the least harmful though it's shocking how unlikable everyone was in that episode. I know they try to paint the brown girl as likable for giving up her job (only to immediately do it again) but it failed.
          Mazey despite being a murderer was the most likable.

        • 12 months ago

          If you're going to troll, don't just take the most popular obvious ranking and turn it around backwards. Way too obvious.

        • 12 months ago

          >Take the real ranking
          >Flip it round

          Bravo, btw

          Season 5 > Season 6 > Season 4 > Bandersnatch > Season 3 >> Season 2 > Season 1 = White Christmas

    • 12 months ago


      no this season is not even Black Mirror. Netflix diversity hires just stole the name to get their short films made.

      Seriously, this guy is probably right.

  13. 12 months ago

    Oi! Wot if ye toaster was ye Nan? Mental in it?

  14. 12 months ago

    Sneed (Frick jannies, frick captchas)

  15. 12 months ago

    i haven't seen a single episode of black mirror. are there episodes that aren't trooned out and are worth watching?

    • 12 months ago

      Not a single one.

  16. 12 months ago

    Just send the robots to space instead, could have saved a lot of drama.

    • 12 months ago

      Dumb frick

  17. 12 months ago

    Why does black mirror have so much cuck shit?
    >Wot if women were prostitutes?

    • 12 months ago


  18. 12 months ago

    I was expecting USS Callister 2.0, I was way off.

  19. 12 months ago

    >mission continues without problems or interruptions after the family of the copilot gets murdered
    >mission continues without problems or interruptions after the family of the pilot gets murdered
    The script is shit, stfu. Terrible use of aaron paul's acting skills.

    • 12 months ago

      >mission continues without problems or interruptions after the family of the pilot gets murdered
      Says who? How do you know what happened after the episode ended?

      • 12 months ago

        >they look at each other in a tense way
        >no rage, no call to base
        >david pushes a chair towards cliff suggesting the he takes a seat
        >the ship silently drifts away
        If you can't read between the lines thats on you. If the writers didn't care to fill this holes in anyway thats either because a) they are cheap diversity hires b) AI.

        • 12 months ago

          >the writers didn't fill this hole
          >so I will fill it with shit that pisses me off so I can complain about it

          • 12 months ago

            I forgot I was arguing with the low IQ kind of people who think this show is deep and thought provoking. You probably thought Dark was good.

            • 12 months ago

              >when in doubt, fling poo

            • 12 months ago

              >he was filtered by Dark too
              like poetry, what with the rhyming and such

  20. 12 months ago

    Black Mirror is the modern Jersey Shore

  21. 12 months ago

    >ragebait the episode

    • 12 months ago

      nah, its just marketing, its why it keeps being put up every day.

  22. 12 months ago

    I'm done arguing with either morons or shills, bye

    • 12 months ago

      Concession Status:

    • 12 months ago

      good night

  23. 12 months ago

    It would have been more entertaining if the guy killed his partner and took his wife without him escalating through all that drama. Then they would reveal that he was dead all along. How are we supposed to believe that they will live peacefully with each other. The writing has really fallen off.

    • 12 months ago

      >It would have been more entertaining if the guy killed his partner and took his wife without him escalating through all that drama. Then they would reveal that he was dead all along
      That would have been way too obvious.
      >How are we supposed to believe that they will live peacefully with each other.
      Uh, we aren't.

      • 12 months ago

        That's the point, they would have revealed that the guy was dead all along, the twist would have worked by revealing the original dead guys body floating away in space at the final scene. No need to show us the transitioning of characters or who argues with whom. It would have been like they did with david and his brother in alien covenant. Plus the story is rife with plot holes, if he can enter the android of his partner why not develop one based on that model. No company makes one model and then thats it, they usually have blueprints that can replicate manufacturing.

        • 12 months ago

          >No company makes one model and then thats it, they usually have blueprints that can replicate manufacturing.
          I thought this was crappy too. They really needed that to fit their script.

        • 12 months ago

          >That's the point, they would have revealed that the guy was dead all along, the twist would have worked by revealing the original dead guys body floating away in space at the final scene.
          That would have been eyerollingly obvious.
          >It would have been like they did with david and his brother in alien covenant.
          A glaringly obvious twist in a terrible, terrible movie.
          >Plus the story is rife with plot holes, if he can enter the android of his partner why not develop one based on that model. No company makes one model and then thats it, they usually have blueprints that can replicate manufacturing.
          Autistic ramblings worthy of a Youtube essay. The story is not meant to be taken literally, it is obviously allegorical.

          • 12 months ago

            Its only obvious because i mentioned it to you. The ending is moronic, there's no precedent set for the guy being a murderous butthole, first they have him try to kill himself then he turns into a murderous butthole because he forgot his wife and is now in love with the other woman all in a couple of months? Really juvenile tier quality of writing.

            • 12 months ago

              >Its only obvious because i mentioned it to you.
              No, while I was watching the episode I though to myself "That would be way too obvious, I hope they aren't going to do that," and then I was pleased that they didn't and opted instead for something far more interesting.
              >he forgot his wife and is now in love with the other woman all in a couple of months
              Okay yeah it is definitely you who doesn't understand human emotions.

              • 12 months ago

                Lol so everyone who is jealous becomes a murderer in your experience, you live in such a world where all men deprived of women murder the women and their children. I'm starting to think i'm arguing with a moronic zoomer who has no experience interacting with people.

              • 12 months ago

                It's almost like you can't tell who is capable of murder and who isn't, huh? Like there isn't a little blue dot on everyone's forehead and it turns red when they are murderers? Boy, that sure would make them a lot easier to catch, wouldn't it?

              • 12 months ago

                There is no reason to think he would be a murderer moron.. The shows job is to show this to us. You might as well argue that jesse pinkman actor is a murderer or anyone else in the show for that matter. He was a grieving guy, that is no reason to kill an entire family, that's not how humans behave. They only included that for shock value and its not very believable because it conveys no meaningful message. You might as well start the show skip to the middle and then watch the end without understanding the motivations of the guy murdering the family were. Its that bad, there's no continuity of narrative, no consistency of motivation no realistic exectution.

              • 12 months ago

                >There is no reason to think he would be a murderer moron
                There's no reason to think he wouldn't either.
                >The shows job is to show this to us
                The entire episode shows his progression from normal seeming every day guy to lonely, devastated wreck until eventually he's pushed to the point where he does something unthinkable.
                >that's not how humans behave
                Yes indeed no human has ever murdered other humans in the real world. Very unrealistic.
                >it conveys no meaningful message
                Saying that doesn't make it so.
                >You might as well start the show skip to the middle and then watch the end without understanding the motivations of the guy murdering the family were
                Except if you watch the episode from start to finish you do understand the motivations of the guy murdering the family, assuming you aren't an idiot.

              • 12 months ago

                He is not pushed by anyone. Nobody has a gun to his head telling him to kill. The film does not show this. If anything the other guy has more reason to kill him because of touching his wife than the other guy does of killing his entire family. No you dont assuming you arent a moronic zoomer who has watched 20 films his entire life and doesn't understand how films convey the consistency of motivations.

              • 12 months ago

                >Nobody has a gun to his head telling him to kill.
                Indeed, no one has ever committed murder unless they were forced to at gunpoint. Very unrealistic.
                >how films convey the consistency of motivations
                I've seen enough films to know that never having characters do anything that surprises you isn't how they do it.

              • 12 months ago

                >There's no reason to think he wouldn't either.
                yes there is because regular people aren't murderers that would annihilate another man's family, especially not someone who has shown them kindness and tried to get them through a tough time
                >The entire episode shows his progression
                the episode has a plot that makes no sense, no justification for any of these emotions, he goes from being an emotional wreck to being suave and pursuing companionship in the space of weeks without even considering to justify how he's able to move on so fast and put all of what happened behind him

              • 12 months ago

                >yes there is because regular people aren't murderers that would annihilate another man's family
                again it's almost like you can't tell who the murderers are just by looking at them, crazy I know
                >he goes from being an emotional wreck to being suave and pursuing companionship in the space of weeks
                he goes from being an emotional wreck to being a desperately needy emotional wreck who is so lonely and desperate that he comes onto another person's wife, and he's able to justify it to himself because said person's wife is clearly very unhappy.

              • 12 months ago

                >again it's almost like you can't tell who the murderers are just by looking at them, crazy I know
                the show has already made me suspend my disbelief by having one random murderer show up. do it again and I'm not watching a story about how a psychopath deals with grief after an encounter with another psychopath, i'm just watching a poorly written story that makes use of contrivances.
                >clearly very unhappy
                because of normal marital issues that are none of his business? stick your nose in to anybody's marriage and you'll find pedestrian issues like intimacy problems, you would be fooling yourself to justify cheating with that, you would be sociopathic to justify cheating when you're friends with the woman's husband, and you'd be an inhuman psycho to murder over it, it's a completely incomprehensible action
                >desperately needy emotional wreck who is so lonely and desperate that he comes onto another person's wife
                he doesn't act like a desperate person and there's no conflict at all within him

              • 12 months ago

                >the show has already made me suspend my disbelief by having one random murderer show up
                I know! More than one murderer?! In the WORLD? This really is science fiction!!!
                >you would be fooling yourself
                Yeah, no shit. The guy was fooling himself.
                >you would be sociopathic to justify cheating when you're friends with the woman's husband, and you'd be an inhuman psycho to murder over it, it's a completely incomprehensible action
                That seems like a very convenient, infantile view of humanity. Or to put it another way, since people do incomprehensibly horrible things every day, it's simply incorrect to say it's unrealistic.
                >he doesn't act like a desperate person and there's no conflict at all within him
                Yeah him trying to kill himself is just another Tuesday, clearly. And all the characters around him talking about how hopeless, lost and destroyed he is? Way too subtle, I can definitely understand how you didn't pick up on it at all.

              • 12 months ago

                >I know! More than one murderer?! In the WORLD? This really is science fiction!!!
                when they keep showing up and their actions are indicative that they're there just to serve some kind of plot point, it comes off as bad writing instead of some kind of american psycho-esque insight in to the psychopathic mind.
                >That seems like a very convenient, infantile view of humanity. Or to put it another way, since people do incomprehensibly horrible things every day, it's simply incorrect to say it's unrealistic.
                the word i used is incomprehensible, not unrealistic. my point being that in a psychodrama like this I expect to be able to understand why people do what they do
                >And all the characters around him talking about how hopeless, lost and destroyed he is?
                until he stops acting like that, does a total 180 and starts romancing the housewife of his crewmate and acting like an unconflicted, entitled jerk

              • 12 months ago

                >when they keep showing up and their actions are indicative that they're there just to serve some kind of plot point, it comes off as bad writing
                It's a good thing that didn't happen in the episode then.
                >the word i used is incomprehensible, not unrealistic. my point being that in a psychodrama like this I expect to be able to understand why people do what they do
                I think it is extremely limiting to drama to make any rules, really, but particularly the rule that you can only depict characters who are "normal" and who "only do normal things".
                >until he stops acting like that, does a total 180 and starts romancing the housewife of his crewmate and acting like an unconflicted, entitled jerk
                That's not what happens. That's headcanon. He gets a *little* better, or appears to, and then reveals he's still extremely damaged and that this little experiment with him walking around in Cliff's replica has only made the problem worse. You assumed he was fine because the episode was not pausing to show you how sad he was every five seconds, because it gave you the credit that you would still understand what was happening, and in your case, it gravely overestimated you.

              • 12 months ago

                >I think it is extremely limiting to drama to make any rules, really, but particularly the rule that you can only depict characters who are "normal" and who "only do normal things".
                it's what I expect because if you're showing me a drama about characters then the story lies within their motivation and sussing out what people are doing any why they do it. that doesn't preclude going against that and introduce erratic people or people who are mentally ill, I'm just stating that's what I expect from a drama, if you subvert it there should be a reason

              • 12 months ago

                There was a reason, and it wasn't "shock value". It was to show what loneliness can bring people to, or what it can turn them into, even.

              • 12 months ago

                >That's not what happens. That's headcanon. He gets a *little* better, or appears to, and then reveals he's still extremely damaged and that this little experiment with him walking around in Cliff's replica has only made the problem worse.
                what problem? the problem of being depressed? He was moping around and crying before, that didn't get worse, it didn't really happen again at all

              • 12 months ago

                Do you really have such a childlike view of human psychology that in your mind people are either "happy" or they're "sad"?

              • 12 months ago

                can you stop this weird angry b***hing? he's clearly not depressed later on, what do you want me to say? he doesn't return to those easily identified depressive behaviours

              • 12 months ago

                >can you stop this weird angry b***hing?
                This has been going on for fricking hours, anon. It's a little frustrating that you're this dense and obtuse. In other words, no. frick you.
                >he doesn't return to those easily identified depressive behaviours
                What do you want ME to say? You're talking like a complete autist. Why do you think a person needs to have a frowny face in order for you to know that they're unhappy? What kind of weird childlike moronation is that? I don't want my narrative dramas to be like that, if you want ones like that, go find them and stop watching mine.

              • 12 months ago

                >Why do you think a person needs to have a frowny face in order for you to know that they're unhappy? What kind of weird childlike moronation is that? I don't want my narrative dramas to be like that, if you want ones like that, go find them and stop watching mine.

                so if a guy stops acting depressed, and starts acting like he has a new lease on life I can't assume he's not depressed anymore because uh... that's completely autistic and childish and nobody would ever think that

              • 12 months ago

                Yes. Correct.

              • 12 months ago

                before the thread dies i just want you to know you have really really terrible taste. go eat shit pig
                frick you

              • 12 months ago

                Back at you, slugger.

  24. 12 months ago

    >Kate Mara

  25. 12 months ago

    >technology to create fully functional androids remote controlled by humans a couple of FRICKING SOLAR SYSTEMS AWAY
    Stellar writting.

    You know there was a point when science fiction was bordering with the directly plausible reality which still required from the viewers to suspend their disbelief enough to make believe WITHOUT having to lobotomise themselves in the process to achieve that.
    I don't know where and when that went out the window but it clearly has and i don't think we're going back if this shit is what passes for ''kinoest'' at this point.

  26. 12 months ago

    Beyond the sea:
    I love this episode and the fact you can interpret it in so many ways shows how good it was. I think in the writer's mind the story was about male egos. They clearly show that both men don't give a shit about their wives but only use them to feed their ego. The stoic guy doesn't give a frick about his wife's desires and need for affection because he can't have sex himself without his genitals. The romantic guy does the literally same program for both females with the same song and fingering session, showing it's just what he does to feed his ego as a man who knows how to please a woman. Both wives don't like to live with a robot, but had no saying in it. The romantic guy was like a snake and wanted to proof to himself he could get the other guy's wife to love him. When the stoic hears how miserable he made his own wife his ego is demolished. And what does he do? He uses his wife to hurt and demolish the romantic guy's ego to the ground pretending she said those things, which she clearly did not and bragging about how he can frick her any time and any way he wants. Her wife is just an object to hurt the other guy. And in the end the romantic guy goes as far as kill 2 innocent people just for rebuilding his ego and getting back at the stoic guy without giving one frick about the wife and kid.
    But I think the episode is all about balance in my personal opinion.

  27. 12 months ago

    Is this one of those shows that goes from 100% kino to 100% unwatchable dreck from one episode to the next?

    • 12 months ago

      Kinda, yeah. And it's all written by the same guy, so it's extra weird. But the kino is worth it.

    • 12 months ago

      No, its one of those shows that went to drek when it got picked up by netflix.

  28. 12 months ago


    *vile Brit exhaling noise*


  29. 12 months ago

    They could've explored the same themes without the moronic plothole, but that would be too generic now. So classic charlie brooker sprinkled it with w0t If ur EmAiL wOs a rOwCiSt

  30. 12 months ago

    how was this even remotely related to black mirror?

    • 12 months ago

      Let me play one of the morons itt
      >You don't understand, the cameras are technology, ite related!

    • 12 months ago

      or this, for that matter
      there's literally no scifi in both of them

    • 12 months ago

      or this, for that matter
      there's literally no scifi in both of them

      Both were more Black Mirror than Loch Henry. Those two at least had supernatural elements, but that one was literally just a murder mystery.

      • 12 months ago

        yeah that too

      • 12 months ago

        >supernatural elements
        Its not about the supernatural elements. Its about new technologies' negatives effects on society

      • 12 months ago

        They were making a movie back to cameras are tech.

    • 12 months ago

      My wife Clara was in this episode.

      or this, for that matter
      there's literally no scifi in both of them

      qt pajeeta when she got that red jacket

  31. 12 months ago

    they filmed loch henry down the road from me and i had no idea

  32. 12 months ago

    I only like the episode where cute Angry Rice appears. Watching her dance in her room is all I need.

  33. 12 months ago

    >And he didn't.
    he did
    >he can't show signs of conflict before he talks to his wife
    how the frick is he going to be feeling guilty about trying to cheat with his friends wife before he's clapped eyes on her
    >Ah, but he had a mean attitude, that probably means he's an emotionless psychopath
    what is wrong with you for real

    • 12 months ago

      Gee, I dunno anon. Can he be conflicted about something else? Like having to work a high stress round the clock job while dealing with the wholesale massacre of his entire family, or having to endure Cliff getting to spend long periods of idyllic paradise with his own family while he eats gray paste in a metal can by himself and wants to die? You think maybe taking a guy who is going through all that and letting him walk around in someone else's skin unsupervised around someone else's smoking hot wife who is into all the same things he is might end up being a bit problematic? That the guy might have more of a screw loose than we realize as a result of what he's been through? I'm just spitballing here, you know.

      • 12 months ago

        The director has license to make him depressed he can as well show some clear murderous intent that doesn't force people like you to make excuses for him. Being a bit problematic is not a prelude for murder.

        • 12 months ago

          >The director has license to make what's happening really obvious so the dummies don't get confused
          Yes, but I like when they don't.

          • 12 months ago

            You are a brainlet schizo who imagines scenarios that are not there because of le director's poor writing

            • 12 months ago

              The director didn't write the episode. Do you even know the difference?

              • 12 months ago

                He allowed it to air with the embarassing plotholes, there's no difference.

              • 12 months ago

                Oh, there is. That's like saying the architect has the same job as the landscaper. Just another way in which you show you have no ideas what you're talking about.
                >embarrassing plotholes
                Oh go write a youtube essay about it you colossal homosexual

      • 12 months ago

        >Can he be conflicted about something else?
        you said he was conflicted about cheating with the wife, now he's conflicted about eating paste. so he's fine now with cheating on the wife? which one is it?
        >smoking hot wife
        smoking hot skeleton

        • 12 months ago

          You're being autistic again. Or you're a weak troll.

          • 12 months ago

            you can't keep your fricking hour long argument straight you trog motherfricker. stop shitting yourself and go take out the garbage. you said he's so guilty and conflicted about cheating on the guys wife, and all you can support that with is saying the guy was fricking depressed before he even clapped eyes on the guys wife
            you are a fricking loser for real. log off

            • 12 months ago

              You're so moronic that you can't even follow what I'm arguing and that's why you keep finding inconsistencies that aren't there. Did it ever occur to you that his mental state before meeting her might affect how he feels about her? Nothing about my argument is inconsistent, it's just that your moronation is even more consistent.

              • 12 months ago

                you know full well that's what you said and you can't defend it because you're a fricking idiot. he can't be feeling guilty about something he hasn't done yet. that's the only thing you pointed to to show his guilty feelings you moronic little worm, go eat shit

              • 12 months ago

                I did defend it, you just didn't accept my defense because of weird autistic ramblings about how a person can't possibly be feeling more than one thing at a time. You're a total dumbass, I just can't manage to dumb down what I'm saying to enough of a degree that you can follow it. Simple as.

              • 12 months ago

                hey moron, go ahead and explain how he's feeling guilty for cheating on the fricking guy's wife. oh wait all you've said so far is that he was already depressed in the first place. the fact is he wasn't guilty at all, because he ended up murdering her right after, because the fricking story sucks. suck my dick

              • 12 months ago

                The writer of the episode is on the forum defending their shitty episode because they have an ego because their father was ashamed of them for being a homosexual who preferred to write queer little stories instead of being an actual man.
                YWNBAW. I'll kill you with a brick.

              • 12 months ago

                >pure headcanon
                Or maybe I just liked the episode, schizo.

              • 12 months ago

                Thanks for admitting you have shit taste for liking BLMirror. Do you also kneel for your national anthem and clap when your wife is plowed by the heckin wholesome black man?
                God I want to kill you.

              • 12 months ago

                >Thanks for admitting you have shit taste for liking BLMirror.
                Oh and here I thought that was obvious since I've been defending the episode for three hours now. Dumbass.

                I'm really, really glad you hate me. I consider it such a point of pride. It makes this whole ordeal worth it, it really does. I know I am doing something right because of how angry I make you. It brings me such joy, I can't even put it into words.

              • 12 months ago

                >Defending Netflix slop for 3 hours
                >Doing it for free
                The episode was dogshit, the season was pathetic, and you're subhuman trash for believing it has any merit. Your opinion is negated because you're defending the latest season of a Netflix show. have a nice day, Black person.

              • 12 months ago

                I don't know, the way he stammers and his lip quivers while he tries to defend himself? The way he doesn't hit Cliff back after Cliff hauls off and punches him in the face? Basically every look on his face from that point forward? He doesn't at any point say "I AM FEELING VERY BAD ABOUT WHAT I DID" so it just sailed right over your head, eh? Not my problem. I tried to make a point about how a morbidly depressed guy in that situation is different from someone who goes into it happy as a clam but you went into your idiotic BUT THAT HAPPENED EARLIER SO IT DO NOT COMPUTE ramblings and cannot be stopped.

              • 12 months ago

                >The way he doesn't hit Cliff back after Cliff hauls off and punches him in the face?
                because he's a pathetic little weasel like you who can't match up to his opponent face to face, so he scurries away and hatches a plot to kill his children instead, nothing guilty about him you fricking IDIOT

              • 12 months ago

                It's a perfectly valid point and you're a FRICKING M O R O N

              • 12 months ago

                >cope sneed
                you can't feel guilty for something before you've even thought about doing it, sorry to break it to you anon but here in reality events happen in a sequential order

              • 12 months ago

                you can feel guilty for your entire family dying while you sat by and did nothing and that guilt can overlap with lusting after a guy's wife you moronic idiot piece of shit, go outside and talk to a human being and then maybe you'll have some idea how feelings work

              • 12 months ago

                >he didn't feel guilty about cheating
                >he didn't exhibit any signs of guilt

              • 12 months ago

                >Ah shit, I've been arguing something that's wrong and moronic. I know! I'll just argue the other side of the argument! I'm sure no one will notice!
                This is unprecedented levels of cope. I mean I've seen some crazy shit on this board, but this is a doozy.

              • 12 months ago

                you can try and own it but you're not making it look any less moronic

              • 12 months ago

                >You're so moronic
                >Defending the Netflix show about homosexuals in space
                I would cave your head in with a brick if I saw you in real life. You're defending media like it matters you fricking homosexual. I would repeatedly smash your teeth in with a brick in front of your parents while they watch in horror. Once the shock dies out they probably will thank me.
                I want to kill you. I will kill you.

              • 12 months ago

                I'll have you know I'm a Navy Seal with over two hundred confirmed kills.

  34. 12 months ago

    >Slow for the sake of being slow
    >Breaking Bad guy is fricking stupid for letting the unhinged wife fricker into his life
    >Motivations came from nowhere
    >Manson murder happened way too early for us to give a shit.
    >They want that Emmy so bad they had to remove all colourd people from the episode to appeal to the voters (nobody outside of Twitter actually gives a shit about representation)
    >The premise was interesting but the delivery was awful
    >Black Mirror is more about generic horror than a commentary on the technology we use.
    Frick this season and frick Netflix for killing a goof show. There are now more bad episodes than good.

  35. 12 months ago

    >tfw sharing a Cinemaphile board with absolute midwits who got mindbroken by a genius episode
    it's a weird feeling and kinda sad. zoomers were a mistake

  36. 12 months ago

    i hate this fricking show, i hate the anti white bullshit. two deperate scenes of white pipo don season dey food. and a whole episode about muh racism (ignore pakistani grooming gangs) frick anyone that watches this trash

  37. 12 months ago

    I'm glad we established that this is a great episode and anyone who disagrees simply didn't understand it. It took an awfully long time but I'm happy we finally got there.

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